Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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John J. Hayden

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Page 239

John J. Hayden, chairman of the town board of Butternut, and a druggist by profession, is a native of Wisconsin, whither his parents went among the pioneers. He was born in Sheboygan county in 1866, son of Sylvester and Mary (White) Hayden, who settled there before the railroads were put through. They now reside in Butternut.

John Hayden was educated in the public schools of Sheboygan county, and when in 1881 his parents moved to Price county, then just being opened up. He began teaching in the latter county, though only fifteen years of age. For eight years he continued in that work and built up quite a reputation as a teacher. At length he gave up teaching and went to Valparaiso, Ind., where he entered the Pharmaceutical department of the Northern Indiana State Normal School, and was graduated in 1891. the following year he settled in Butternut and established himself in the drug business as the successor of J. McDonald. Since then he has given practically his entire attention to his business.

Mr. Hayden has been active in politics for some years and is a strong Republican. In 1896 he was elected town chairman for four successive years, and at the expiration of the first term was re-elected. He has also served as delegate to both county and State conventions. In fraternal circles Mr. Hayden is prominent, and belongs to the A. F. & A. M., as well as to the Woodmen and the I. O. O. F., butternut Lodge, No. 372.

In 1896 Mr. Hayden was married to Margaret Miers, and they have two children, Arthur and Marjorie.

Mr. Hayden has the best stocked and best conducted pharmacy between Medford and Ashland, and is himself a fine pharmacist, a perfect master of his business. Well educated and of pleasing personality. He is admirably adapted for both business and social life, and is very generally popular.

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