Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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W. F. Stumma

History of Buchanan County, Iowa, and its people Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1914. History of Buchanan County, Iowa Chappell, Harry Church pages 387 - 388

W. F. Stumma is a prosperous farmer of Westburg township living on section 34. He dates his residence in Iowa from 1867, arriving here when a lad of but eleven years, his birth having occurred in Wisconsin in 1856. His parents were Frederick W. and Ernestina Stumma. The father, who was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1820, spent the period of his minority in that country and in 1844 crossed the Atlantic to the United States, making his way to Wisconsin. In 1846 he enlisted for service as a private in the Mexican war, becoming a member of Company K of the Wisconsin Infantry. When the city of Mexico was captured he climbed the wall and was one of the first men to get inside the city. He served under General Winfield Scott. When the war was over he returned to Wisconsin and the government in recognition of his service gave him a land warrant for one hundred and sixty acres, which he located in Sheboygan. He at once began to improve the tract and lived thereon until 1867, when he sold that property and came to Buchanan county, settling in Jefferson township, where he purchased ninety acres of land. He was thereafter engaged in the further development of that place until his death, which occurred when he was sixty-six years of age. The community found him a worthy and representative citizen and reliable business man. His political faith was that of the republican party and his religious belief that of the German Lutheran church.

Mrs. F. W. Stumma was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1832, and in 1840 was brought to America by her parents, who settled in Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, where they purchased land. She there resided up to the time of her marriage and afterward accompanied her husband to this state. She survives and is now living in Jefferson township. Her parents both passed away in Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, her father in 1860 and her mother in 1892 at the advanced aged of ninety-two years.

W. F. Stumma was largely reared on the old homestead farm on which his parents took up their abode on coming to Iowa. His education, begun in the public schools of Wisconsin, was continued in the public schools of this state, and when not busy with his text-books his attention was mainly given to the farm work, so that broad practical experience qualified him for carrying on farming on his own account when he started out in life independently.

It was in 1886 that Mr. Stumma was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Schulte, a daughter of Arndt and Augusta (Gosse) Schulte, of Jefferson township. Following his marriage Mr. Stumma purchased a tract of land of eighty acres in Westburg township whereon he has since made his home. He has brought his fields to a high state of cultivation and has added many modern equipments to his farm. He has good buildings upon the place, his barns furnishing ample shelter for grain and stock, and his land divided into fields of convenient size by well kept fences. As the years went by a daughter came to bless their home, Eva May, now Mrs. Nevin Shane, of Jesup.

In his political views Mr. Stumma is an earnest republican, doing all in his power to promote the growth and insure the success of the party, which has called him to various local offices. He was township trustee for four years, was road supervisor for four years and for fourteen years has served as school director, the cause of education finding him a stalwart champion. He belongs to the German Lutheran church and his aid and influence are always given on the side of progress, reform, justice and truth. The spirit of advancement has ever actuated him and he was the first farmer to own an automobile in Buchanan county and also among the first to secure certain kinds of improved machinery. As the years have gone by his business affairs have been conducted so carefully and wisely that he now not only owns a good farm in Westburg township but also attractive residence property in Independence and in Jesup.

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