Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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August Rieboldt

History of Door County, Wisconsin : The county beautiful Chicago: by Holand, Hjalmar Rued; S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1917, Page 32 - 36

Page 33 has a picture of August Rieboldt

No record of industrial development and activity in Sturgeon Bay would be complete without extended reference to August Rieboldt, who since 1890 has been actively associated with the interests of Sturgeon Bay as a shipbuilder. There is in his life history much that is commendable for the story shows what can be accomplished when there is a will to dare and to do, giving proof of the fact in America "labor is king." Mr. Rieboldt is a native of Prussia. He was born in Falkenwald, in the province of Brandenburg, January 23, 1849, but was only about two years old when brought by his parents to the new world. Reared in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, he spent a few terms as a student in the Lutheran parochial school and when a youth of thirteen was confirmed in that church. The following year he made his initial step in the business world by entering upon an apprenticeship at furniture making at a period when practically all furniture was made by hand. He did not get along well with his first employer and at the end of a year left, but soon afterward entered upon another apprenticeship under a Herman Wolter, under whose direction he acquired a competent knowledge of the trade. Although the money received was very small it was better than some apprentices, for at the time it was not unusual for a youth to pay for the privilege of learning rather than to receive any wage. After working at furniture making for a short time Mr. Rieboldt in 1866 changed his occupation somewhat by accepting a position in the shipyards at Sheboygan and while thus employed he also sailed at various times on the brig Sailorboy and other vessels, for from early youth he had practical knowledge of sailing. At one time he was also a member of the volunteer life saving crew and many rescues have been reported to his credit. Hardships came to him in connection with his experience as a sailor but all these things called forth in him the qualities of manhood and courage and also developed quickness of thought in emergencies.

In the fall of 1869 Mr. Rieboldt went south to spend some time at Memphis, Tennessee. Important events often come in the guise of commonplaces. It seemed no particular event in the life of Mr. Rieboldt when in 1870 he entered the employ of the Wolf & Davidson Company of Milwaukee at their shipyard, yet it was this step which led him into his present important field of labor. He not only worked in the yards but also as master commanded a sailing vessel for that firm during two seasons, and in 1883 and 1884 he had charge of the wrecking tugboat Leviathan. In 1885 he entered into partnership with Joseph Wolter, who was then foreman of the Wolf & Davidson Company, to establish a shipyard building yard at Sheboygan. Their first boat was the tug Sheboygan, and from that time on they have been kept constantly busy in the construction of boats, some large, some small, until the number now reaches about sixty. They were the builders of the Helena, which at one time was the largest sailing vessel on the lakes. They were also the builders of the Marion, the John Schroeder, the E. E. Shores and many others. The firm has ever maintained an unusual reputation for the integrity of its methods as well as the thoroughness of its work, and the growth of the business leads to the employment of two hundred and forty workmen at the present time, most of whom are skilled in this particular line of labor. They have built over 60 vessels of various kinds. Mr. Rieboldt is also one of the stock holders of the Wisconsin Dredge & Dock Company which has executed very important government and other contracts along the line indicated, and he also owns stock in the Bank of Sturgeon Bay.

On the 5th of October, 1876, Mr. Rieboldt was united in marriage to Miss Maria Davidson, a native of Milwaukee where her father settled in pioneer times. She passed away November 16, 1905, her death being deeply regretted by many friends as well as her immediate family because of the nobility of her character, her social charms and her many kindnesses of those who needed assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Rieboldt were the parents of six sons and a daughter. Edward, Henry L., William A., Frederick H., Arthur D., Mabel and Clarence E.

Mr. Rieboldt is independent in politics. It is characteristic of him that he does not hesitate to express his honest convictions nor support those principles in which he believes. He is well known in masonic circles, holding membership in lodge, chapter and counsel at Sturgeon Bay and he also belongs to the Knights of Pythias. He is likewise a member of the Twenty Club composed of Sturgeon Bay's most prominent citizens, and of this he has been vice president. He stands for all that is most progressive in the public life of the community and his influence is always given on the side of those activities which are a matter of civic virtue and civic pride.

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