Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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1855 Census Index P - S

Packard, JohnTown Sheboygan
Paddleford, M.Town Sheboygan
Paddock, Edward R.Lyndon
Pagen, AugustSheboygan City
Paine, JohnLyndon
Paine, StephenLyndon
Paingle, JacobTown Sheboygan
Palian, JohnSheboygan City
Palmer, EdwardHolland
Palmer, ElroyLima
Palmer, Irah P.Mitchell
Palmer, JohnHolland
Palmer, JosephHolland
Palmer, PeterLima
Palmer, SilasHolland
Palmster, AbnerTown Sheboygan
Pand, Hermann
Pangbur, J. P.Holland
Pape, CharlesLyndon
Pape, ConradSheboygan City
Pappenheim, JohnSheboygan City
Parish, John D.Lima
Parker, JohnScott
Parker, JohnTown Sheboygan
Parkinson, WatsonSheboygan City
Parmenter, Emond G.Greenbush
Parmenter, JoelGreenbush
Parmer, WilliamSheboygan Falls
Parsons, RandallGreenbush
Partzen, PeterSheboygan City
Patten, S.Sheboygan Falls
Patterson, GeorgeLima
Paulmann, ChristSheboygan City
Paxley, CorneliusSheboygan City
Payne, Sheboygan Falls
Payne, AndrewSheboygan City
Payne, R.Sheboygan Falls
Payne, W. B.Sheboygan Falls
Peacock, A.Sheboygan Falls
Pease, SiloSheboygan Falls
Peatenpol, WilliamLima
Pebton, SethLyndon
Peck, George W.Lyndon
Peck, James R.Lyndon
Peck, PeneliceLyndon
Pederes, PeteTown Sheboygan
Peiger, JohnTown Sheboygan
Pelcher, WilliamMitchell
Pelton, RutselLyndon
Penetz, CharlesAbbott
Penslin, FredMosel
Penzig, M.Mosel
Peredise, NicholasHolland
Perkins, George W.Mitchell
Perry, DavidGreenbush
Perse, George W.Mitchell
Peter, A.Plymouth
Peter, W.Wilson
Petermann, Hermann
Peters, A.Scott
Peterson, James W.Lyndon
Peterson, JohnSheboygan City
Peterson, N.Sheboygan City
Peterson, NathanLyndon
Pettes, OziasGreenbush
Pettis, MatthewLyndon
Pew, HenryLima
Pfaefer, JohnMosel
Pfaff, WilliamSheboygan City
Pfau, G.Town Sheboygan
Pfeil, ValentinRhine
Pfeiler, JohnSheboygan City
Pfifer, CarlPlymouth
Pfister, JosephSheboygan City
Pfister, KasparSheboygan City
Phalen, RichardMitchell
Phalen, ThomasLima
Phelps, JonahLyndon
Philbrick, HisSheboygan Falls
Philips, C.Scott
Philips, R.Sheboygan Falls
Phrasler, HalsenGreenbush
Pichlmann, R.Plymouth
Pickler, JacobPlymouth
Piderit, H. F.Sheboygan City
Pienian, Mrs.Town Sheboygan
Pieper, AugustHermann
Pieper, AugustSheboygan City
Pieper, FredMosel
Pieper, GeorgeHermann
Pierce, HarmonLima
Pierce, HenryLima
Pierce, JamesLima
Pierce, JamesLyndon
Pierce, William T.Lima
Pinney, MarySheboygan City
Pipelo, CharlesHermann
Piper, DanielLyndon
Piper, J.Sheboygan Falls
Pippert, Hermann
Pittle, A.Greenbush
Plantt, JohnLima
Plheasant, FrederickTown Sheboygan
Plitzkie, WilliamPlymouth
Ploedel, HenryHermann
Ploedel, JohnHermann
Plopper, BenjaminWilson
Plopper, CharlesLima
Plopper, JohnLima
Plumbe, OliverLima
Polth, W.Wilson
Pond, P.Scott
Pond, S.Scott
Pond, W.Plymouth
Poole, WilliamGreenbush
Popenhair, JohnTown Sheboygan
Poppe, AdolphMosel
Port, CorneliusLima
Porter, DavidGreenbush
Porter, G.Sheboygan Falls
Porter, L. D. Mrs.Sheboygan City
Post, A.Plymouth
Poth, AugustWilson
Poth, JohnWilson
Pott, AugustSheboygan City
Pott, G.Hermann
Potter, WilliamLyndon
Pottner, George H.Sheboygan City
Powers, GeorgeGreenbush
Powers, JohnSheboygan City
Powers, MarySheboygan City
Prabant, FraneSheboygan City
Praet, CharlesRhine
Pranger, Holland
Pranger, A.Hermann
Prasher, GustavLima
Prass, Hermann
Pray, JohnMosel
Pray, SheldonMosel
Prentice, W. H.Sheboygan Falls
Preseler, E.Plymouth
Preston, B.Greenbush
Preston, DavidSheboygan Falls
Preston, JamesLyndon
Preston, JeremiahLyndon
Preston, JohnLyndon
Preston, MicklyLima
Preston, Peter H.Mitchell
Preston, RufusMitchell
Prewton, HenryLima
Price, J. W.Scott
Prichard, Mrs.Sheboygan City
Prichard, N.Plymouth
Prigge, FranzHermann
Prikard, JohnSheboygan City
Prinkman, Mrs.Sheboygan City
Printer, WilliamSheboygan City
Prinz, CarlMosel
Prnage, WilliamSheboygan Falls
Probst, ObediahLima
Propste, JohnWilson
Prorinski, JohnSheboygan City
Puche, WilliamWilson
Pulbright, CharlesTown Sheboygan
Pulling, AlbfredGreenbush
Purkiss, JosephMitchell
Purple, H. E.Sheboygan Falls
Pyerline, CharlesTown Sheboygan
Quasins, FredSheboygan Falls
Quasius, C.Sheboygan Falls
Quinters, D.Sheboygan City
Quintus, JacobSheboygan City
Raab, ChristSheboygan City
Rabe, AlbertSheboygan City
Radcliffe, CharlesSheboygan City
Radslinski, EllenSheboygan City
Raeder, JacobRhine
Raeder, PhilipRhine
Ragan, ThomasSheboygan City
Rahn, F.Sheboygan Falls
Raik, GottliebSheboygan City
Raming, JohnMosel
Ramly, JosephGreenbush
Ramminger, AndreasRhine
Randall, StSheboygan Falls
Rankin, EstherSheboygan City
Ranverdink, Gerret T.Lima
Rapmaker, J.Holland
Rath, M.Scott
Rathbone, MorganHolland
Rathbone, S.Holland
Rathbone, Samuel D.Greenbush
Rathbun, E.Sheboygan City
Rauchschwalbe, HenrySheboygan City
Rauk, Hermann
Raushe, FredSheboygan City
Rauth, CharlesSheboygan City
Rautmann, Sheboygan Falls
Rave, Sheboygan Falls
Rawling, DavisGreenbush
Raymond, RufusGreenbush
Rbitten, MichelMosel
Rboderick, MichaelTown Sheboygan
Reache, C.Plymouth
Reache, R.Plymouth
Reader, JohnRhine
Reanteaff, JohnTown Sheboygan
Reath, S. S.Lima
Recekee, C.Town Sheboygan
Rech, CarolineTown Sheboygan
Redington, PatrickMitchell
Reed, BernardMosel
Reed, DanielPlymouth
Reed, ErastusSheboygan City
Reed, Ersamus O.Mitchell
Reed, SamuelLyndon
Reed, William W.Lyndon
Reekler, AlexanderLyndon
Reeman, CastonWilson
Reemers, CatharineHolland
Reese, JohnRhine
Rehfus, CasperSheboygan City
Reich, CharlesWilson
Reich, ChrisSheboygan City
Reich, PeterWilson
Reichart, HenryRhine
Reichert, ValentinRhine
Reifer, AnthonyLima
Reighter, AugustMosel
Reinardt, HenryRhine
Reinart, HenryRhine
Reindel, WenzelSheboygan Falls
Reineking, FredHermann
Reineking, SimonHermann
Reineking, WilliamHermann
Reiner, MatthewHolland
Reinhold, G.Plymouth
Reinolds, WilliamLyndon
Reinwand, CasperSheboygan City
Reinwand, GeorgeMosel
Reisner, GottfriedSheboygan City
Relfe, FredSheboygan Falls
Reman, HenryGreenbush
Renewand, LarranceMosel
Renhardt, GeorgeRhine
Renhardt, HenryRhine
Renselink, G. J.Lima
Renselink, H. S.Lima
Renselink, John H.Lima
Renyon, ThomasMitchell
Requr, J. D.Sheboygan City
Rerton, JohnTown Sheboygan
Ress, AndrewSheboygan City
Retzlan, WilliamMosel
Reynolds, E. W.Sheboygan Falls
Rhodes, HenryHolland
Rhorebe, F.Scott
Rhorerebeier, MelahScott
Rice, JacobScott
Rich, JohnMosel
Rich, MichaelTown Sheboygan
Richardson, Franklin D.Lyndon
Richardson, JesSheboygan Falls
Richardson, JosephSheboygan Falls
Richardson, Lucien L.Lyndon
Richter, AugustusSheboygan City
Richwine, ConradMosel
Rickard, AsaSheboygan Falls
Rickemeier, S.Sheboygan Falls
Rickmeier, C.Plymouth
Riebold, ChristSheboygan City
Riebold, JohnSheboygan City
Riebrock, H.Sheboygan Falls
Riechel, WilliamSheboygan City
Rieser, FabianRhine
Riley, CharlesGreenbush
Riley, LawrenceMitchell
Riley, MathewMitchell
Riley, MichaelAbbott
Riley, WilliamMitchell
Rinewand, CasparMosel
Ringel, NicholasRhine
Rinses, J.Sheboygan Falls
Rippon, GeorgeSheboygan City
Risler, CharlesTown Sheboygan
Rissy, HenryAbbott
Ritow, ErnstWilson
Ritz, S. H.Scott
Ro, JosephSheboygan City
Robberts, D. PiperGreenbush
Robbins, E.Scott
Rober, JurgenSheboygan City
Roberts, A. E.Sheboygan Falls
Roberts, Charles H.Lima
Roberts, Hiram S.Lima
Roberts, J.Sheboygan Falls
Roberts, S.Lima
Roberts, Sess B.Greenbush
Robey, IsaacLyndon
Robez, HenryLyndon
Robinsn, NoahAbbott
Robinson, BradPlymouth
Robinson, Charles H.Greenbush
Robinson, E.Sheboygan Falls
Robinson, EdmundMosel
Robinson, FreMosel
Robinson, JamesLima
Robinson, SamuelLyndon
Rockwell, ChesterHolland
Rodden, ThomasMitchell
Rodgers, Benjamin Sr.Greenbush
Rodgers, Daniel E.Greenbush
Rodgers, G.Sheboygan Falls
Rodgrs, PeterGreenbush
Roeber, GirtSheboygan City
Roelse, JacobWilson
Roenitz, CharlesSheboygan City
Rogar, OranLyndon
Rogers, DanPlymouth
Rogers, J.Sheboygan Falls
Rogers, JamesSheboygan City
Rogers, JohnPlymouth
Rogers, L. N.Lyndon
Rogers, W.Sheboygan Falls
Roggen, JohnRhine
Roggensack, JohnMosel
Rohlrs, FredSheboygan City
Rohrborn, ChristophWilson
Rolfs, FredSheboygan City
Romanowsky, EdwardAbbott
Rombeck, FredAbbott
Romuks, J.Holland
Ronly, AbyramAbbott
Ronneberger, Fred A.Sheboygan City
Rood, LeonardLyndon
Rooney, MaryMitchell
Roony, JohnMitchell
Root, A.Plymouth
Root, W. R.Plymouth
Root, W. S.Plymouth
Rosche, ThomasSheboygan City
Rosenburgh, MartinLyndon
Rosenfeld, H.Plymouth
Rosenthal, AdolphSheboygan City
Rosenthal, FredSheboygan City
Ross, H. N.Sheboygan City
Ross, JohnSheboygan City
Ross, Milo H.Lima
Ross, RalphSheboygan City
Rossbach, FredSheboygan City
Rossberg, HenrySheboygan City
Roth, Hermann
Roth, C. P.Holland
Roth, ChristSheboygan City
Roth, HenrySheboygan City
Rothier, KendrikHolland
Rothmann, JohnSheboygan City
Rothser, NicholsHolland
Rots, Benjamin W.Lima
Rotterk, JohnHolland
Rottmann, MichaelSheboygan Falls
Rottstock, AlbertSheboygan City
Rounsville, AlbertMitchell
Rounsville, William E.Lyndon
Rourk, OwenMosel
Row, G.Scott
Rowland, CharlesLyndon
Rowman, G. M.Plymouth
Rubrecht, Hermann
Rudeleusch, Hermann
Ruden, J.Sheboygan Falls
Rudolph, HermanSheboygan City
Ruger, ChristSheboygan City
Ruhmund, BennoniLyndon
Ruly, MichaelAbbott
Runolds, PatrickLyndon
Rupp, MatthisWilson
Rurk, Michael A.Lyndon
Rusam, HeinrichWilson
Russel, JohnGreenbush
Russell, PeterHolland
Russell, William M.Sheboygan City
Russell, WilliamSheboygan City
Rwolfer, ColegiusWilson
Ryan, PatrickSheboygan City
Sacket, DavidMitchell
Sackson, ThomasLyndon
Sahle, JosephSheboygan City
Salm, MaltersMosel
Salzmann, ChristianMosel
Sampson, Charles W.Greenbush
Sampson, Henry F.Lima
Sampson, Oliver P.Greenbush
Sanborn, HarveyGreenbush
Sander, AdamRhine
Sander, MathewWilson
Sandermann, AntonHermann
Sandermann, F.Sheboygan Falls
Sanders, A. JohnTown Sheboygan
Sandmann, F.Sheboygan Falls
Sandrach, JohnSheboygan City
Sandy, PeterLima
Sanford, B. E.Sheboygan Falls
Sanford, BenjaminPlymouth
Sanford, WilliamPlymouth
Sanning, SamuelGreenbush
Sargent, E. L.Sheboygan Falls
Sargent, JohnSheboygan City
Sarner, WilliamGreenbush
Sautensetleger, TrangottMosel
Savan, JohnSheboygan City
Sawyer, George W.Greenbush
Scamateal, JacobTown Sheboygan
Scanlon, PatrickAbbott
Schaefer, Hermann
Schaefer, FranzHermann
Schakel, CharlesSheboygan Falls
Scharp, FrancisGreenbush
Schatchgee, PhilipRhine
Schatz, GeorgeRhine
Schauler, ElihuSheboygan City
Scheber, HermanRhine
Scheele, AdolphSheboygan City
Scheele, HenrySheboygan City
Scheer, ChristSheboygan City
Schefer, HeinrichHermann
Scheibe, GeorgeSheboygan City
Scheibele, FredSheboygan City
Scheibinger, LionSheboygan City
Schembera, JosephSheboygan City
Schemer, MatthiasSheboygan City
Schemerborn, JacobGreenbush
Schenard, WilliamRhine
Schener, AntonSheboygan City
Schener, MagdaleneSheboygan City
Scherer, PeterHermann
Scherer, PeterRhine
Schetter, JosephHermann
Schirmark, JohnSheboygan City
Schirmer, A.Sheboygan Falls
Schirmer, E.Sheboygan Falls
Schlaich, JuliusPlymouth
Schlichting, ErnstHermann
Schlichting, R.Sheboygan Falls
Schmahl, JohnRhine
Schmidt, A.Sheboygan Falls
Schmidt, GottfriedSheboygan City
Schmidt, GottlobWilson
Schmidt, JohnRhine
Schmidt, JosephSheboygan City
Schmidt, LambertusSheboygan City
Schmidt, WilliamSheboygan City
Schmith, ChristianRhine
Schmith, JohnWilson
Schmith, SamuelWilson
Schmohl, Sheboygan Falls
Schmutz, HubertRussell
Schnak, AugustWilson
Schnart, Hermann
Schneider, AntonSheboygan City
Schneider, D.Hermann
Schneider, JacobSheboygan City
Schneider, JohnSheboygan City
Schneider, LudwigWilson
Schneider, MichaleSheboygan City
Schneider, PeterSheboygan City
Schneider, PhilipSheboygan City
Schnell, FredSheboygan City
Schnetter, ChristSheboygan City
Schnuelle, ConradHermann
Schnuelle, FranzHermann
Schoenin, HenrySheboygan Falls
Schof, ErnstMosel
Scholtz, AugustAbbott
Scholtz, JohnAbbott
Scholz, FerdinandAbbott
Schonley, GustavPlymouth
Schonrock, J.Sheboygan Falls
Schote, HenryMosel
Schrader, ChristSheboygan City
Schrader, ErastusSheboygan City
Schrader, JosephTown Sheboygan
Schrader, WilliamTown Sheboygan
Schradre, WilliamSheboygan City
Schrage, JosephSheboygan City
Schrage, PeterSheboygan City
Schramm, ErnstSheboygan City
Schrander, CopsHolland
Schrauth, AdamSheboygan City
Schrauth, GeorgeSheboygan City
Schreiber, GottliebMosel
Schreiber, HensHermann
Schreiner, JamesHermann
Schrocihofen, P.Hermann
Schroeder, J.Sheboygan Falls
Schroedr, FranzHermann
Schroedr, FredSheboygan City
Schroff, JohnRhine
Schrontz, MartinAbbott
Schronz, JohnAbbott
Schronz, MatthewAbbott
Schronz, NicolasAbbott
Schstadt, JosephPlymouth
Schubert, JohnSheboygan City
Schubert, JosephSheboygan City
Schufeld, JosephSheboygan Falls
Schugard, ConstanzWilson
Schulenberg, Hermann
Schuler, PhilipSheboygan Falls
Schultheiss, CharlesSheboygan City
Schultz, CharlesSheboygan City
Schultz, ChristianRhine
Schulz, FranzMosel
Schulz, GottliebMosel
Schulze, Hermann
Schumacher, JohnSheboygan Falls
Schumacher, WilliamSheboygan City
Schumann, F.Sheboygan Falls
Schuster, LorenzWilson
Schutt, Sheboygan Falls
Schutz, Sheboygan Falls
Schwanekamp, HenrySheboygan City
Schwartenkamp, JohnSheboygan City
Schwartz, WilliamPlymouth
Schwarz, C.Sheboygan Falls
Schwarz, ChristianMosel
Schwarz, FrankSheboygan City
Schwarz, J. M.Sheboygan Falls
Schwarz, K.Sheboygan Falls
Schwarzbeck, AntonSheboygan City
Schwatenberg, HermanRussell
Schwatenberg, JohnRussell
Schwatz, JohnPlymouth
Schweitzer, JosephSheboygan City
Schweitzer, UnSheboygan City
Scolton, HenryHolland
Scott, D.Sheboygan Falls
Scott, PatrickMitchell
Scott, WilliamSheboygan Falls
Screwers, John H.Holland
Scribner, Silas B.Lima
Scribner, Warner G.Lima
Scunings, DanielGreenbush
Seamer, C.Scott
Sears, RobertGreenbush
Seaver, Mr.Sheboygan City
Sebald, Sheboygan Falls
Sebastian, Wilson
Sedgewick, ChettisPlymouth
Sedgwick, Adam H.Greenbush
Seegrist, JohnWilson
Seegrist, SamuelWilson
Seeley, S. F.Town Sheboygan
Segior, C.Plymouth
Sehlichting, J.Sheboygan Falls
Seibel, W.Hermann
Seidel, Charles T.Sheboygan City
Seidler, Hermann
Seifert, CarlMosel
Seifert, ErnstMosel
Seifert, FriedrichWilson
Seifert, ThomasSheboygan City
Selbernagel, JamesHermann
Selbernagel, JohnSheboygan City
Selier, AndrewTown Sheboygan
Selimiot, DanielSheboygan City
Sellberg, CordHermann
Selle, C.Sheboygan Falls
Selleur, Sheboygan Falls
Selsemeier, A.Sheboygan Falls
Senger, CasparSheboygan City
Sensemeyer, M.Hermann
Serer, HemanHolland
Sergent, NathanielSheboygan Falls
Serkins, JeromeGreenbush
Serrier, WilliamHolland
Sesson, DavidLima
Setz, AdSheboygan Falls
Severt, ThomasGreenbush
Seveton, J. N.Holland
Sevier, MichaelTown Sheboygan
Sewett, Glanville S.Lyndon
Sexton, John L.Russell
Shadboldt, D.Sheboygan Falls
Shadbolt, J.Sheboygan Falls
Shadbolt, SemanMitchell
Shafer, P.Scott
Shafflebotham, Sheboygan Falls
Shaffner, P.Scott
Shafland, C. F.Sheboygan Falls
Shaft, WilliamSheboygan Falls
Shafter, James Mcm.Sheboygan City
Shafter, William N.Sheboygan City
Shamberg, SamSheboygan Falls
Shanger, P.Plymouth
Shanger, W.Plymouth
Shanks, N.Sheboygan Falls
Shar, PeterSheboygan City
Shaver, JamesHolland
Shaver, John Jr.Holland
Shaver, John Sr.Holland
Shaw, AbelLyndon
Shaw, AlbertLyndon
Shaw, J.Plymouth
Shaw, JonathanHolland
Shaw, JosephPlymouth
Shawks, ThomasLyndon
Shawner, C.Plymouth
Shay, A.Plymouth
Shcolz, GottlobAbbott
Shedy, GottfriedAbbott
Shelby, JosephTown Sheboygan
Sheldon, Isaiah S.Lyndon
Shelton, ThomasHolland
Sheppard, Holland
Sheppard, G.Sheboygan Falls
Sherdan, JohnAbbott
Sherdan, MartinAbbott
Shican, ThomasMitchell
Shielk, ChristophMosel
Shilling, FrancisMosel
Shinstadt, G.Plymouth
Shively, C.Scott
Shoukee, GeorgeGreenbush
Shufflebottom, JamesRussell
Shukers, J.Sheboygan Falls
Shulmer, JohnHolland
Shumer, JohnHolland
Sibby, Mary A.Lyndon
Sibley, Jonathan O.Lyndon
Sibrasse, HenrySheboygan City
Siede, Sheboygan Falls
Siedler, J.Sheboygan Falls
Siegmund, JacobRhine
Siegwarth, CornadWilson
Siegwarth, S.Town Sheboygan
Sieloff, MichaelMosel
Siemer, CasparSheboygan City
Siepert, FredAbbott
Siepert, John G.Abbott
Silbernagel, PeterHermann
Siles, J.Scott
Sill, Sheboygan Falls
Sill, FredAbbott
Silsemeier, A.Sheboygan Falls
Simon, AugustWilson
Simon, HenryHermann
Simon, HenrySheboygan City
Simpson, AbramSheboygan City
Simpson, RobertLima
Sindenfall, DoomukTown Sheboygan
Sinner, ChristHermann
Sinner, HenryHermann
Sinz, Peter Jr.Russell
Sites, W.Scott
Sixel, ChristianMosel
Skelton, HenryLyndon
Skilman, A.Holland
Skinner, A.Sheboygan Falls
Slasenprever, AntonieTown Sheboygan
Sleckhan, HenrySheboygan City
Slever, ZacheusLyndon
Smaley, Sheboygan Falls
Smally, H. A.Plymouth
Smart, J. H.Plymouth
Smidley, JacobHolland
Smit, MattiasHolland
Smith, AlbertSheboygan City
Smith, AlexanderPlymouth
Smith, BrazilleHolland
Smith, C.Scott
Smith, DaneHolland
Smith, EnosScott
Smith, FredMosel
Smith, GeorgeTown Sheboygan
Smith, GilbertHolland
Smith, H. M.Greenbush
Smith, H. N.Plymouth
Smith, HiramSheboygan Falls
Smith, Horace T.Lyndon
Smith, Isaac N.Lyndon
Smith, J. J.Sheboygan Falls
Smith, J. R.Greenbush
Smith, J.Holland
Smith, JohnHolland
Smith, JohnMosel
Smith, JohnSheboygan City
Smith, JonasSheboygan Falls
Smith, Josiah B.Town Sheboygan
Smith, MartinAbbott
Smith, MatthewHolland
Smith, PeterAbbott
Smith, PeterRussell
Smith, S. J.Scott
Smith, S. S.Plymouth
Smith, ThomasLyndon
Smith, TobeAbbott
Smith, TuckerTown Sheboygan
Smith, W.Holland
Smith, W.Scott
Smith, WarrenLyndon
Smith, WarrenSheboygan City
Sneaber, NicholasTown Sheboygan
Sneider, AdamHolland
Sneider, MatthewHolland
Snider, JosephTown Sheboygan
Snoyenbosh, H.Holland
Snveyenbosh, C.Holland
Snyder, CharlesLima
Snyder, JohnHolland
Snyder, MichaelHolland
Soaper, OrangeLima
Sock, JosephSheboygan City
Sommer, C.Sheboygan Falls
Sommer, ChristSheboygan City
Sommerhein, CharlesSheboygan City
Sonntag, E.Sheboygan City
Sontor, T.Scott
Souffrouw, PeterSheboygan City
Souls, CalebHolland
Sounesmaun, ChristophSheboygan City
Spann, Sheboygan Falls
Spann, CharlesSheboygan Falls
Sparks, HoratioGreenbush
Spaudling, AugustusRhine
Spaulding, A. G.Rhine
Specht, C.Sheboygan Falls
Speckmann, AdolphSheboygan City
Speckmann, John PhilipSheboygan City
Speikel, LeonSheboygan City
Speleig, JohnTown Sheboygan
Spendeer, JacobsRhine
Sperling, GottfriedWilson
Sperlinger, AndrewHermann
Spettel, JacobSheboygan City
Spindler, HenryRhine
Spindler, JamesHermann
Spindler, LewisHermann
Spindler, Mrs.Hermann
Spitzer, PeterHermann
Sprague, NelsonLyndon
Spranger, JohnWilson
Sprangers, MathewHolland
Sprath, LukLyndon
Spreen, HenryWilson
Sprey, MatthewLima
Spring, LymanHolland
Springborn, WilliamWilson
Springer, ChristianRhine
Springer, WilliamSheboygan City
Squire, JosephTown Sheboygan
Squires, Ephraim H.Town Sheboygan
Srigter, L.Plymouth
Stacker, P.Holland
Staeben, FredSheboygan Falls
Stamm, GodfreySheboygan City
Stan, EphraimGreenbush
Stanard, E.Plymouth
Stanard, Henry R.Lyndon
Stanley, HarrisScott
Stanley, J. B.Scott
Stanley, JoelScott
Stanley, WillisScott
Stanly, D.Scott
Stanly, R.Scott
Stanton, Scott
Stanton, G. S.Scott
Starling, PhiloSheboygan Falls
Staus, AndrewRhine
Steadman, S.Sheboygan Falls
Stearns, Ebenezer B.Greenbush
Stecker, CharlesTown Sheboygan
Sted, CasparWilson
Steel, ThomasPlymouth
Steel, WilliamPlymouth
Steffen, FranzHermann
Steffen, SimonHermann
Steffin, JohnGreenbush
Steilting, ChristianTown Sheboygan
Stein, PeterSheboygan City
Steinbach, F.Sheboygan City
Steinbock, HenrySheboygan City
Steinhouser, FriedrichMosel
Steinvert, JohnLima
Stemper, JacobAbbott
Stephen, JosephSheboygan City
Stephen, WilliamSheboygan City
Stephens, J. H.Sheboygan Falls
Steutner, Hermann
Stevens, ClaytonScott
Stevens, JamesScott
Steward, William J.Lima
Stewart, PhineasLima
Stickles, NelsonSheboygan City
Still, NelsonLima
Stiller, AntonSheboygan City
Stippig, C.Sheboygan Falls
Stoake, A. C.Sheboygan City
Stock, FranzHermann
Stock, LewisHermann
Stockdyk, AdolphHolland
Stoddard, Alonzo E.Greenbush
Stoddard, JonathanGreenbush
Stoddard, Milo D.Greenbush
Stoelting, Hermann
Stoever, HenrySheboygan City
Stoffreger, AugustSheboygan City
Stokum, EbenezerLyndon
Stoll, FranzHermann
Stolzenburg, G.Sheboygan Falls
Stone, H.Sheboygan Falls
Stone, JamesLyndon
Stone, WilsonGreenbush
Stonly, JesseMosel
Storer, MerrickAbbott
Stores, JaocbLima
Stove, JacobPlymouth
Strassbarger, FranzHermann
Strassburger, ChristianMosel
Strassburger, ErntHermann
Stratton, William C.Greenbush
Strauss, MortizHermann
Streader, WilliamAbbott
Streber, AugustRhine
Streiden, GoregatWilson
Stresser, A.Scott
Stresser, J.Scott
Strody, CharlesAbbott
Stroeder, Hermann
Strohwig, WilliamHermann
Strong, IraSheboygan Falls
Strong, TrumanLyndon
Strongs, WilliamHolland
Stroud, D.Plymouth
Stroud, JosephPlymouth
Stroup, AdamLima
Strove, JohnPlymouth
Strup, JacobRhine
Stuckmann, Hermann
Stuffel, Holland
Stuhl, FredSheboygan City
Stuker, JosephTown Sheboygan
Sturm, A.Sheboygan Falls
Stuzing, FredSheboygan City
Sulivan, JeremiahLyndon
Sullivan, JeremiahLima
Sullivan, PatrickHolland
Sully, J.Sheboygan Falls
Sully, WilliamTown Sheboygan
Sultz, JohanHolland
Summersberg, JosephTown Sheboygan
Sundermann, ConradHermann
Sure, Dr. L.Sheboygan City
Swalby, SimonLima
Swarts, JamesPlymouth
Swats, JamesPlymouth
Sweem, JohnHolland
Sweeney, PatrickLyndon
Swether, PeterAbbott
Swett, John W.Lima
Swon, RobertAbbott
Swygher, JohnAbbott
Sydel, GotliebMosel
Symerk, PeterAbbott
Syron, JosephGreenbush

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All Rights reserved