Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Pliny H. Peacock

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 691 - 692

Pliny H. Peacock, wholesale dealer in cheese, butter and dairy supplies at Sheboygan, was born near Sheboygan Falls, January 27, 1861. His father, Albin C. Peacock, a native of New York State, came to Sheboygan County in 1847, when Wisconsin was still a territory. Having secured a tract of land, he devoted himself to developing a farm, and until within the last ten years followed agricultural pursuits. After living in this county a short time, he returned to the State of New York and married Hulda A. Smith, a native of that State. Bringing his young wife to his Western home, they passed through the hardships and experiences common to the early settlers. On the 15th of November, 1881, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, and some two years later he returned to New York, where he is now living, retired from business. Politically, he has always been identified with the Republican party, but never an aspirant for official distinction. His family, consisting of three children, resides in this county. Julien A. resides in Sheboygan; Edgar C. is a dealer in cheese in this city; and Pliny H. is the youngest.

The last-named was reared on a farm and became familiar with that calling in all of its details. During the winter season he attended the district schools, thus securing education sufficient for the practical duties of life. For some two years he was engaged in manufacturing cheese, and then for about the same length of time carried on the grocery business in Sheboygan Falls. His experience in the manufacture of cheese gave him a knowledge of that product that was to be of great value to him in his future business career. In 1887 he came to Sheboygan, and established himself in his present business. In 1891, A. H. Barber, of Chicago, became associated with him in business, the firm taking the title of the Sheboygan Cheese Company. They handle yearly from thirty-five thousand to fifty thousand boxes of cheese, besides other dairy products, thus giving the farmers in this section a close and ready market.

Mr. Peacock assisted in establishing the Sheboygan Cold Storage Company, of which he is Vice-President and Secretary. He is also Vice- President of the Sheboygan Land Company.

On the 23d of June, 1887, were married in Sheboygan Falls Mr. Peacock and Miss Mary, daughter of Stephen L. Crosby, an early settler of this county, of which the lady is a native.

Socially, Mr. Peacock is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Royal Arcanum. In his political views, he is a Republican, but not a rank partisan.

Mr. Peacock is a product of Sheboygan County, and whatever success he has achieved has been mainly through his own efforts.

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