Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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William Roehrborn

Source: "History of Sheboygan County Wisconsin, Vol II, Carl Zillier, Editor S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, 1912" Page 286

William Roehrborn, who owns and cultivates one hundred and thirty-eight acres of land on section 17, Wilson township, is one of the capable and prosperous agriculturists of Sheboygan county, of which he is a native, his birth having occurred there on the 23rd of September, 1871. His father, William Roehrborn, Sr., was born in Germany and there passed the first twelve years of his life. He was a son of Christ Roehrborn with whom he emigrated to the United States, coming direct to Sheboygan county. Here the elder Roehrborn, who was an agriculturist, bought some land located in Wilson township, which he diligently cultivated during the remainder of his active life, passing away on his farm – a venerable man of eighty-three yyears. He had sold his homestead to his son William, who engaged in its further cultivation and improvement until he passed away in October, 1903. William Roehrborn, Sr., married Miss Hannah Doeberd, who is still living at the age of sixty-five years and makes her home on the old homestead, which is now owned by her son Henry. The family of Mr. and Mrs. William Roehrborn, Sr., numbered eight, our subject being the second in order of birth and the eldest son. The others are as follows: Minnie, who married Frank Bock; Christ, who is mentioned at greater length elsewhere in this work; Ida, the wife of Henry Rammer; Mary, who married Albert Miller and is living in Wilson township on the Sauk trail road; Anna, the wife of William Jangkey, of Sheboygan; Henry, who owns the old homestead; and Helen, the wife of Ferdinand Reyer, of Wilson. The entire family, with the exception of Mrs. Jangkey, live in Wilson township.

The boyhood and youth of William Roehrborn were spent on the farm where he was born, his early years being passed very similarly to those of other lads who were reared in the country at that period. In the acquirement of his education he attended the district schools of Wilson township, and at the same time laid the foundation for a successful agricultural career by assisting his father with the work of the fields and care of the stock. He continued to work for his father until he was thirty years of age, after which they cultivated the farm on shares. They discontinued this at the end of three years and our subject and his brother Henry took the home place and engaged in cooperative farming. They followed this plan for seven years but at the expiration of that time Mr. Roehrborn bought twenty acres from his brother, that he has ever since cultivated together with the one hundred and eighteen acres he inherited from his father’s estate. He devotes his fields to diversified farming but makes a specialty of dairying, and is meeting with a goodly measure of success in both.

On the 17th of September, 1910, Mr. Roehrborn was married to Miss Lucy Hahn, a daughter of William Hahn, a well known agriculturist of Lima township, where their marriage occurred. They are both members of the German Lutheran church of Wilson township and Mr. Roehrborn votes the republican ticket. He is diligent and enterprising and is highly esteemed in his community where he is well known, having passed his entire life in that immediate neighborhood.

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