Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Herman Herbst

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Page 339

Herman A. Herbst is a representative of one of the pioneer families of this county, his father having located in the town of Wilson in 1847. Henry and Dorothea (Bandmann) Herbst, the parents of our subject, were born in Hanover, Germany, the former in Lamberg, and the latter in Uslar. In his native land, the father was a coachman, and was also connected with the hotel business. In 1847 he sailed for Baltimore, arriving in Sheboygan the same year. Having located in Wilson Township, he became a well-to-do farmer. His first Presidential vote was cast for a Democratic candidate, but ever after he voted the Republican ticket. The mother's death occurred in 1876, and ten years later the father joined her in the spirit world. Their family consisted of six sons, but only four are now living. August farms the old homestead; William is an extensive grocer of Waseca, Minn.; Henry is a cattle buyer of Minneapolis; and Herman A. is the youngest.

Until fourteen years of age, Mr. Herbst spent his time on a farm and in acquiring an education in the district schools. Coming to the Chair City at that time, he learned the shoemaker's trade in the same building in which he now conducts a European hotel and saloon. On coming of age, he spent a year in the Northwestern University of Watertown, Wis. Returning to Sheboygan, he worked at his trade and clerked by turns. In May, 1877, he started in the grocery business, continuing until February 1, 1888. The year prior to the closing out of his mercantile interests he helped to start the American Manufacturing Company, which was capitalized at $15,000. The first officers were: F. F. Koehn, Jr., President; H. A. Herbst, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer; and W. Bendler, Superintendent. Two years later, Mr. Herbst became President, which position he held until he sold his stock in the concern. From time to time the capital stock was increased until it reached $60,000. On the 2d of December, 1892, he severed his connection with the company, having begun his present business on the 7th of January, 1891. In addition to his other business he is agent for the Pabst Brewing Company, of Milwaukee.

The marriage of Mr. Herbst and Miss Matilda Rietow was celebrated June 28, 1876, in Sheboygan. Mrs. Herbst was born in the house which is now her home. Mr. Herbst is a native of Wilson Township, born in 1853.

The subject of this article was honored by the Republican party with the nomination for County Treasurer in 1890, and again in 1892. The societies with which he affiliates are numerous, he belonging to Lodge No. 13 and Evergreen Encampment No. 41, I. O. O. F., and to the Royal Arcanum, National Union, and the Patriarchal Circle.

Mr. Herbst has been quite successful in business, for which he has no one to thank but himself. When he started in the grocery business his capital did not exceed $400; now he is accounted a man in good circumstances.

This Biography was contributed by Jerry Head

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