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This Anniversary was contributed by: Kay Reitberger

Sheboygan Press - April 19, 1911

Wedded For Half A Century

Yesterday marked the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Truttschel of this city who for many years were residents of the Town of Mosel.

The children of the aged couple had planned a large surprise for their parents.

Late yesterday afternoon Mrs. Hanf, a sister of Mrs. Truttschel, informed them to prepare for an auto ride and when the auto arrived they were driven to Turner hall where 200 relatives and friends had assembled to celebrate the event.

At 8 o'clock an elaborate supper prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Themar, was served. The Misses Lena Eggert, Ella Koehler, Frieda and Meta Heermann, Emma and Lydia Nitsche assisted in serving. At the place of each guest a souvenir in the form of a goldenleaf was found. Mrs. Truttschel was adorned with a golden crown which she wore during the evening. After supper dancing was enjoyed. The Sheboygan Quartet furnished the music.

Mr. and Mrs. Truttschel were married in the Town of Mosel fifty years ago yesterday by Justice of the Peace A. C. Festerling, father of Mrs. Truttschel. They lived in the town of Mosel up to seven years ago, when they retired from the old farm and moved to this city.

Mr. Truttschel who is 79 years of age was born in Saxony, Germany, and migrated to this country with his parents when 16 years of age and settled in the wilderness now the Town of Mosel, where they endured many hardships during their early life. Mr. Truttschel is a member of the G. A. R. and served for nine months during the time of Lee's surrender.

Mrs. Truttschel is 71 years old and was born in Ver Nigerobe, Russia.

They have six children living, Albert and Gustave, twins, Albert residing in this city and Gustave on the old homestead in the Town of Mosel, Mrs. Henry Korman, city, Mrs. Fred Sommersberg, Town of Mosel, Richard, Town of Mosel, George, Milwaukee. All were present at the celebration.

They have fifteen grandchildren and two great grand children.

Those from out of town that attended the celebration were as follows:

Mrs. Louisa Rossberg and son, Raymond, Mrs. Clara Schultz and daughter, Ada and Miss Harriet Koepke of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Schlick, Miss Dorothy Schlick, Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Schlick, Mrs. Frank Schlick, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Ruddle, Mrs. Charles W. Fischer of Milwaukee; Mrs. Anna Kunz, Milwaukee, wife of the late Wenzel Kunz, former postmaster of this city; George Hirschman and family of Manitowoc county, Charles Truttschel and family, town of Lima, Herman Truttschel and family, town of Lima; William Schroeder and family, town of Plymouth; Charles Truttschel and family, town of Mosel; Ferdinand Truttschel, Arthur Truttschel, August Glatz, Emil and Theodore Truttschel of town Mosel; Henry Moreing and family, town of Sheboygan, William Branstadt and family, town of Herman; Gothold Sommer, town of Mosel; Gustave Albrecht and family of Plymouth.

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