Celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of wedded life is the rare distinction accorded to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Ogle,
one of Sheboygan county's pioneer couples. who live on a farm near Waldo. The unusual event took place Friday, December
27, and was participated in by the sons, daughters and thirteen of the fifteen grand-children. Those present are as
follows: Rev. Father William S. Ogle, Findlay, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Ogle with four children of Waldo; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank A. Ogle and daughter of Sheboygan Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shumaker and six children of Milwaukee; Mrs. Margaret F.
Long and two children of Plymouth.
Samuel J. Ogle was born at Frederick, Md., May 18, 1836. He is a descendant of the noted Ogle family of Maryland who
furnished governors for that commonwealth. Samuel Ogle, who came from England in the interests of Lord Baltimore was
Proprietary Governor in 1737 and his descendants were chosen to the same honorable positions in later years and
participated in the war of Independence. He moved with his parents to Tiflin, Ohio, about 1846 and in 1855 came to Cascade.
Esther A. Kennedy, daughter of George and Margaret Kennedy, was born May 2, 1840, in Skowhegan, Maine. She came with her
parents to Wisconsin in 1855 and resided in the Town of Lima, where she was married to Samuel L. Ogle, December 27, 1858,
the Rev. Father P. DeBirge of Holy Name church, Sheboygan, officiating. Eight children, five sons and three daughters,
were born to them, all living except Adelbert C. who died January 30, 1899, in early manhood.
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