March 8, 1906

Mike EHLINGER, Jr. is hauling lumber for his mill for a new house which he will erect next summer.

Gust BARTZ, the cheesemaker, is having brick and lumber hauled for a new factory which he will begin as soon as the weather permits.

March 15, 1906
page I

The saloon of William STREHLOW at Hayes was raided last Thursday morning, the raiders breaking in at the back door. The contents of every package of liquor was run out on the floor and a match was touched to the liquor, the heat of the flames breaking the windows, but somehow the fire was extinguished.

March 22, 1906

The burglary of the saloon in Hayes still remains a mystery. Who the perpetrators were, what there object, is a question. Many think the parties were familiar with the place which was plundered for the work could not have been so thoroughly and quietly accomplished. Whoever the felon is he should be brought to justice. The saloons are licensed to sell liquor six days out of the week and no one, however much they might dislike the business has any right to molest them. But they have no license to sell on the Sabbath nor to minors, and since we believe in abiding by the law we think it would be a great blessing to Hayes to see that the law was enforced.*

Charles GAUTHIER and Joe PHILIPPI have finished work with Jerome PECORE an the Reservation where they have been teaming timber through the winter. Mr. PECORE has cut over two million feet of timber and would have cut more had the season for hauling been longer. Both speak in high terms of the Indian camps. Charlie has gone to Suring to work with his team for ERICKSON and Joe has been cutting ice for his own use.

Friday the 16th was the coldest day this season, being 10 below zero at 8 a.m.

T. JANSEN went to Gillett Monday and bought a load of flour. He reported the traveling very good the greater part of the distance.

Mrs. Robert GRIGNON is giving her house a thorough renovating this week. She has had a part of the house used for a camp the last three months and now the campers are gone, she is reinstating home life. On Sunday a party of friends called on Mrs. GRIGNON and were pleasantly entertained with music, vocal and instrumental. Robert SRIGNON has killed two wild cats this winter.

May 3, 1906

John HOEFFS began the construction of a new barn last Friday by a raising. It will be a good one when completed, 36x88 ft.

Sunday morning at the Lutheran Church, Franz Carl August JANSEN, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Theodore JANSEN, was christened.

* The following appeared in another column:

"Boys! When you are dry and also broke
there is no need for you to choke,
When beer and wine flow by galore,
down on William STREHLOW's floor. "