May 8, 1903

Mr. & Mrs. ERICKSON who have lived in Suring have moved to Hayes and are occupying the used-to-be GILKEY house and store.

William STRIP is very busy farming for Mrs. SASSE. Mr. STRIP has not farmed in some years and this being a rather new job we wish him success.

June 5, 1903

Hayes will have one more saloon after the first of July.

Mike EHLINGER, Jr. is repairing the RAPPOLD house where he intends to live in the near future. He has rented it from Wm. STREHLOW, the owner.

Otto SCHOSS sold his farm and implements to Ferd. PETHKE last Monday for $2,400.00. Otto has left for Underhill.

Masons are working at the cellar and foundations of William BARTZ's new house. It is to be an upright 22x34 and addition l8x26 ft. Albert RACKOW is building an addition to his new house. Gust HEIN is doing the carpenter work.

July 3, 1903

Levi SCOTT of Suring is carrying the U.S. Mail from Suring to Hayes and back every day except Sunday.

George BURGER will open his saloon July Ist in one of John HOLL's buildings. Nine saloon licenses were issued last Monday in the town of How, three for Hayes and nine for Suring.

Fred LUEBECK raised his upright two story frame house 22x34 with a good stone cellar. The kitchen part was built several years ago.

July 17, 1903

Fred SASSE returned home last week from a trip to the State of Washington. He reports very favorable and saw a good many Wisconsin people there and several from this county. He intends to go back this fall.

Chris MADISON finished painting Joe MESSER's saloon and hotel. The interior is very fancy.

August 7, 1903

Mrs. J.R. LAWE is bending her energy to recover her fifteen year old son, Mike DAVID, who she alleges was kidnapped by a negra show concern which recently showed at Suring.

August 28, 1903

William SASSE has returned from the State of Washington to get his son, Harry. He is going to leave in a few days, the climate being more healthful than in Wisconsin.

Some of our good citizens are teaching Indians to target shoot.