August 23, 1901, continued

Three of our business men tried to have some fun with a woodchuck last Monday. They went for the animal which was under a small lumber pile. They took the lumber away and when they nearly got to the woodchuck --which they expected to be one -- they found it different as very soon a dose of perfume came to the woodchuck hunters and they found that it was a skunk.The hunters dropped everything and ran as fast as they could except the one who finished the skunk which was great fun.

John HOEFFS is repairing the Pecor bridge by Wm. SOMMERS.

Mr. STRIP went to Pulcifer on business last week.

Frank SCHUETTPELZ is going to build a new house, veneered on the outside with brick. Ed. RAYMOND is going to build a new veneer brick house for which he let the contract for $800.00, the contractor furnishes all the material for said building. the upright will be 2Ox3C and the kitchen 16xl6.

November 22, 1901

Hayes has two sawmills, as Michael EHLINGER has bought a sawmill plant from Louis SURING. He has it nearly completed and ready to saw. The mill is near U S. MORTON's sawmill.

August & Julius GARDEBRECHT came home last Saturday from their work in Dodge County.

John HOEFFS, with his circular sawing outfit, is sawing wood from hardwood poles for August RAOLOFF.

Edwin STREHLOW of Fond du Lac is visiting with H. HANKWITZ & family. He is a nephew of Fred SASSE, Fred SCHUETTPELZ has taken a job of lumbering in Section 20, range 17, of about five million feet. Frank and Ernest SCHUETTPELZ took the job to saw it by the thousand.

December 27, 1901

TOWN OF HOW Last week our quiet little burg received a shock. One might have thought to see the little bunches of people that were gathered here and there engaged in close conversation that there might have been an earthquake or another national disaster, but upon inquiry it turned out that a poor fellow's household belongings, even to bedding and provisions had been seized and held to pay a small debt, and the poor family left without even a blanket to cover them until a kind friend came to their assistance.


Charles FIRGENS is making arrangements to build a new dwelling.

A Christmas entertainment was given Christmas Eve in the German Lutheran Church.