JANUARY 25, 1890


Robert YAKEL and Wm. BURNETT bought a well-drilling machine about two months ago and commenced operating it at the residence of Herman YAKEL with the expectation of striking a flowing well, but after about two months work have abandoned the undertaking without having struck a vein of water.

The sawmill of H. HANKWITZ is running every day now manufacturing shingles and doing good work.

John HOEFFS and Albert GUERTSIare doing good work logging. They are banking about 10,000 feet of hemlock daily. Fred LUEBECK and WM. SASSE have the job of cutting logs.

Farmers from the Town of Hartland (Shawano County) buy logs here and take them to the mill of H. HANKWITZ to have them cut, and affirm that they obtain lumber cheaper by this means than by buying it in Hartland.

M. ELLINGER took a job of putting in ties and posts for John HOEFFS and Albert GUERTS1 on a four mile haul.

Henry STREHLOW, our blacksmith, is kept busy working almost night and day. He has found it necessary to secure the temporary services of Henry BITTERS of Maple Valley to help him in the rush of work. Fred GUELKER, our new stage driver, met with an accident the other day which was fortunately without serious results. Just as he was going down the hill from HANKWITZts store the wagon upset and Fred was pinned to the ground by the wagon box where he was compelled to remain until released by two Indians who happened along. A few scratches and a little delay were the only injury.

Henry JOHNSON is getting to the front as a lumberman. He was the first in town to commence and is doing good work.

C. WEINHOLOT has taken a job of cutting logs for T.W. BROWNELL.

Mrs. William SASSE returned from Belle Plaine with a little daughter and the parents feel considerably elated over the event.

T.W. BROWNELL is clerking at ARVESON's store in Maple Valley this winter at which establishment the bulk of the trade is with Menominee Indians. It is to be hoped that Mr. ARVESON will be more fortunate in his dealings with the red men than with Mr. HANKWITZ last year who lost about $1,800.00. This loss was a serious drawback to him and greatly crippled his business, but he is gradually picking up and expects to stock up next spring.


1. This is the spelling that appears in the REPORTER, but the possibility exists that it could be GERNOT.