September 3, 1887


As our last communication did not knock the bottom from the waste basket, we venture to again approach the throne of the mighty scissor slinger.

The long-winded steam thresher is in our midst and our farmers are forgetting election matters to shake hands over a very bountiful harvest .

Mr. Ben ARMSTRONG is suffering with a bad gash from an axe which accidentially fouled with his shin bone last week. Chris WEINHOLT, not to be outdone, nearly unjointed his knee with a butcher knife while killing a sheep. A few applications of Or. BROWNELL's salve would probably help him out in a few days. (Magic Salve)

Mr. BROWNELL has gone to Shawano on a visit to Mr. VAUHN before his return. That the "old man" may have abundant success is the wish of all, for he is recognized as an honest, upright, God-fearing man, worthy of all success and meriting more than he receives.

Mrs. Robert YAKEL is visiting friends at Embarrass.

Messrs. Frank DOWEN and William WILTON went down to Menasha last Wednesday to 'prove up' on their homesteads. They took in the sights at the wicked city of Oshkosh Thursday, leaving for home in the evening.

C.E. WRIGHT of Hayes, Oconto, Harmony, Peshtigo, etc. is visiting Omro.

E.M. STANTON, district Lecturer,I.O.G.T. delivered a temperance lecture to a large and attentive audience in the School-house Friday evening.

A pleasant dancing party was given at the residence of Frank OOWEN. T. G. PRICKETT furnished the music and things went off swimmingly.


April 17, 1888

Town of How News

About one week ago a person of the masculine gender came to the home of our worthy postmaster, Mr. WEINHOLT, and being naked and hungry applied to them to be provided for, and not in vain,they being kind hearted,have concluded to adopt and bring up the young man. H. HANKWITZ has purchased the PRICKETT & GRIGNON mill and moved it down to a place an Hayes brook, near his place, and it is now all ready to manufacture lumber, etc.

The ice is out of the river and the musical note of the log driver t#-'N and the sharp clang of the peavy are again in the land, and, allow me to say, that a more generous and kind hearted set of men than the river drivers cannot be found.