Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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Flash From The Past - 1971
Oconto County Reporter
November 11, 1971
Contributed by Dave Cisler from the scrapbook of Miriam C. Barribeau CISLER
Transcribed and posted by Rita

Thursday, May 29, 1919
World War I

Headquarters 32nd Division
American Expeditionary Force

Major W.C. Watkins          Private James Faulds           Sergeant John Marek          Private Louis LeFave

Corporal August C. Meyer   Cook Robert R. Morris         Sergt. Floyd F. Brown      Sergt. Joseph Witeck

  Colonel William B. Hall                         Colonel Wilber M. Lee
                                                                                       (Later Brigader General)


MAY 1910 - The Oconto Rural Telephone Company held its first annual meeting and declared a good dividend. The enterprise was formed to provide a convenience and communication between farmers of the town of Oconto and the city, beginning with six strings of wires. Fifty miles of wires are now in service. The officers are G, A. Glynn, president; Yarwood Matravers, vice president; H. L. Reeves, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors includes Ed Couillard, W. F. Whiting, Sam McDowell, J. D. McKeever, John Lindgren and Donald MacQueen.

OCTOBER 6, 1910 - Among those who went to Menominee last night to hear Madame Schumann-Heink were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Best and daughter, Marjorie; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holt, Mrs. J. A. Ramsey, the Misses Klass, Tallett, Denison, Bradley and Schuh, and E. A. Watterich.

DECEMBER 15, 1910 - The Will of Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer and founder of the Christian Science religion, has been filed. Most of her estate of one and a half million dollars is left to the church. Among those of her household who received modest bequests was Mrs. Laura Sargent, formerly of Oconto, who is bequeathed $3,000 on condition that she continue in the work until her death.

MARCH 2, 1911-Sheriff Burns made a trip through Little Suamico, Pensaukee and Chase last week, serving notice on parents who failed to send their children to school regularly. Family after family in Oconto county, living within two miles of the schoolhouses, are keeping children out on one pretext or another.

APRIL 6, 1911 - W. A. Holt received yesterday his fine new Waverly electric auto ordered at the recent auto show in Chicago.

APRIL 13, 1911 - As the result of a general order, the Oconto post office will be closed for the first time on Sunday.

JUNE 8, 1911 - School ended with the class play, "The Rose of Eden", on Thursday, the Junior Prom on Friday with music by Klaepfel's Harp orchestra, and the following day the Oconto baseball team lost two games at Rhinelander because of too much prom the night before.

AUGUST 31, 1911 - Hunter Orr today completed the purchase of the Jimmy Johnston bus business and had previously bought out the W. H. Button business, barns and residence property. He now has exclusive control of the bus business in this city. (In 1913, Orr sold out to M. C. Langlois, who ran a four-wheel-drive auto bus, seating 20, to meet all trains, including the 1:20 a.m.)

SEPTEMBER 14, 1911 - The Oconto public high school began the year's work Monday with the largest enrollment it has ever known - 208 pupils were present, 15 more than could be seated. On account of the Mountain school course having been made to conform to the first two years of the high school, pupils of that school enter as juniors.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1911 - The Oconto Falls first state fair, for which the village has been making extensive preparations, was held Tuesday and pronounced a decided success. The largest crowd ever in the village turned out, many of the farmers bringing animals for sale or articles they had raised which they entered for prizes. The display of potatoes and other root crops was up to the city's high standard, and the mammoth watermelons and pumpkins looked like tropical products, the biggest pumpkin weighing 66 pounds.

The Oconto Canning Company has made a change in its former policy of canning green peas exclusively and is branching out into corned beef and cabbage, beets, pork and beans, etc.

NOVEMBER 2, 1911 - To the people of Oconto: During my day's soliciting of laundry I have been asked several times if I was going to close the five-cent shows on Sunday. To settle all doubts about it, I will say I have nothing to do with that line of business. If the city officials intend to do so, please cut "Foxy" out, for I intend to be everyone's friend and an enemy to none. W. S. Roy

NOVEMBER 16, 1911 - The 25th anniversary of the organization of the Ladies Society of the German Lutheran church was celebrated in a very enjoyable manner Sunday afternoon. After an excellent sermon by Rev. Eisenbach. the ladies and their husbands repaired to the schoolhouse for a delicious repast. Each member was presented with a silver spoon as a souvenir.

A GRAND THANKSGIVING BALL AT TURNER OPERA HOUSE - The committee in charge has arranged with the Schedler and J. W. Classon barns to take care of all out-of-town rigs hereafter for all dances and shows. The famous Becker full orchestra will furnish a special program. Mr. Roy will manage the floor and introduce all strangers. If you miss this grand affair, you will regret it.

NOVEMBER 30, 1911 - The Farmers Bank of Oconto will open for business next Monday in its building diagonally opposite from the Oconto National Bank. Its officers and directors are businessmen of the city and county. A. M. Martineau is president; Ed Millidge, vice president, and Ray Whitney, cashier. Among the directors are George Beyer, Phil Ungelbach, R. H. English, H. M. Baldwin of Mountain ana Cornelius Serier of Underbill.

DECEMBER 28, 1911 - The Elks made glad the hearts of about 150 children at their lodge room last Sunday afternoon with a beautiful tree and presents for each guest. The party was for those whose Christmas was not likely to be well remembered. Each guest received a cap knit in Elks' colors; the boys were presented with mouth organs and the girls with dolls.
NOVEMBER 4, 1912 - Frank Fisher, who has won a considerable reputation as a chef through his Company M feeds, will prepare one of the famous chicken chowders which will be served to the public in the armory at 25 cents each, the proceeds to be used to assist in building the Presbyterian gym. He will be assisted at the pot by Mose Pocquette, D. T. Keefe, William Rosenfeldt and Henry Merline.

MARCH 1913 - One of the last Congressional appropriations to be signed by President Taft was $60,000 for a new Oconto post office and $5,000 for a pier lighthouse.

JULY 1913 - The Royce family heirlooms, dating back 163 years, were found buried in Peshtigo by a farmer clearing his land. The Royce home was burglarized in 1903.

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The Booster Club and the Oconto Advancement Association have joined to form the Chamber of Commerce. One of their first acts will be to originate a city stockyard at the CMStP&P railroad station with cattle yards and chute.

NOVEMBER 1913 - Miss Dora Heyman, daughter of one of the city's former merchants, invites Oconto residents to attend the piano recital she will give at the Whitney Opera House in Oconto. Chicago critics have called her playing "brilliant".

NOVEMBER 27, 1913 - There has been the largest run of herring in Green bay in over 20 years. Our local fishermen lifted 22,000 pounds in one day last week. Over 20 boats from other ports were in the Oconto harbor.

A big oyster feast was held in the new Presbyterian gym. Six thousand oysters in shells were served, and $18 raised.

APRIL 1914 _ The town of Armstrong has passed a bachelor tax of $5 for all those 21 and upwards to be used for the maintenance of sick babies and their mothers, and old maids who are not able to work and earn a living. Constable William Carlson will collect the tax.

APRIL 23, 1914 - The land at Pecor's Point has been plotted and will be hereafter known as Oak Ridge Summer Resort. Two hundred fifty lots have been laid out, 100 feet square, and all streets running along the four sides of the block lead to the water. One of the blocks has been reserved for a tourist hotel and the others are open for sale.

JANUARY 1915 - Fred Wvight has built a garage for him and his son, Earl, agent for automobiles, in the Beyer and Fink block.

NOVEMBER 16, 1915 - Oconto has a good representation in Carroll College this year in'Joseph Fisher, Arther Bond and John MacMillan. It is hoped that Mr. Bond may develop into good basketball material.

NOVEMBER   30,    1915   -  Lauerman Bros. Company, Marinette's big department store, is the first concern of its kind in the U. S. to purchase a motion picture camera to be used exclusively for advertising their business.


MARCH 1916 - An Oconto man, Rev. H. C. Noonan, now president of Marquette University,  is sparking a campaign to raise $500,000 for  a building program. Paul Schedler, Who was born and grew to manhood in Oconto, is organizing the Schedler Investment Company in Spokane, a $50,000 concern.


JUNE 8, 1916 - The traffic pedestals ordered by the common council were this week placed in the center of the street crossings over Main street. The purpose of these signs which bear the legend, "Turn to the Right", is to prevent automobile accidents and, if all drivers will obey the injunctions, they will accomplish their purpose. If every auto driver will pass to the right of these pedestals at the corners, there will be ample opportunity to observe the approach of other cars and avoid collision.

JUNE 15, 1916 - The marriage of Miss Faye Duncan of Oconto and Dr. E. A. Linger of Rockland, Mich., was solemnized at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Alan V. Classon, Monday. The bride is a popular Oconto young lady and a graduate of St. Luke's School for Nurses In Chicago, since which time she has been a surgical nurse at that hospital. The groom was an intern at St. Luke's when the bride was there. At present he is the physician for the mining company at Rockland.

AUGUST 3, 1916 - Complaints having been made of men and boys bathing in the Oconto river in a naked condition, notice is hereby given that in the future all persons found so bathing in the Oconto river any place within the city will be arrested. L. G. Smith, Chief of Police

NOVEMBER 1916 - Mrs. Eda Nemoede Casterton, Oconto native, has been awarded the highest possible award, the silver medal, for her miniature painting on ivory at the Panama Exposition.

DECEMBER 28, 1916 - The plans of a project to drain the large area of marshlands in the towns of Lena and Stiles are practically completed. This project, which will be carried out in an area of approximately 7,000 acres, win be one of the largest and most beneficial of anything of Its kind ever carried out in the state.

JULY 1917 - The Gagnon & Pollock Show is coming to town for a week's engagement, bringing the "theatre" to Oconto under canvas.

OCTOBER 18, 1917 - The Oconto County hospital, the management of which Dr. C. W. Stoelting recently assumed, is closed. Says Dr. Stoelting: "The hospital is not a paying proposition. For the past two weeks we have had only five patients. It is a gamble to depend on the increased business of the winter months to pay the deficit now piling up. If conditions warrant, the hospital will again open up."


JUNE 1917 - Some miscreant wen into Henry Frewerd's potato plot in the south ward soon after he had planted and dug up the seed, supposedly to plant his own ground, thus not only robbing Mr. Freward of his seed but his labor as well.

JUNE 7, 1917 - Mitchell Pecor was called to Suring Saturday by the serious illness of his father, Peter Pecor, who is 97 years old. He is one of the oldest settlers in Oconto, coming to this city in 1845.

MAY 25, 1918 - Oconto's draft quota of 107 men marched away Saturday evening with flags flying and amid the cheers of thousands of people. The men were escorted to the depot by the Home Guards, 
Gillett Band and Oconto band, and a human flag made up of 279 children.

DECEMBER 5, 1918 - The Oconto Brewery is being shut down under the decree of the U. S. Food Administration that all beer making cease. The plant will be kept in operation until the last minute in order to have enough beer on hand to last until July 1, when prohibition will go into effect

JANUARY 9, 1919 - The trunk line road between Oconto and Oconto Falls, the biggest two towns in the county, will be made the best stretch of road in the county rii.iring the present year, $20.000 has been set aside for use this year on the four and one-half piece running west of Stiles Junction. The bad turn at the town line between Stiles and Oconto Falls will be eliminated by cutting through from that point, straight west to the center of Section 24, to the Lena-Oconto Falls state aid highway. The new grade will be surfaced with gravel nine inches thick.

MARCH 27, 1919 - The 'daylight saving" bill adopted by Congress last year is still a law and will go into effect commencing Sunday. Some little opposition to it developed from gardners, but it was smothered by the avalanche of demands from the general public who appreciate the extra hour of daylight for recreation each evening. So satisfactory has it become that it is likely to remain on the federal statute books indefinitely.

APRI 17, 1919 - One of the most interesting exhibits of captured German war trophies ever gathered together was in Oconto Wednesday on a special train consisting of flat cars loaded with captured cannons, airplanes, machine guns, trench mortars and thousands of other interesting trophies.

JULY 31, 1919 - The Oconto Milling Company became fully organized Tuesday evening when the directors met and elected the following officers: W. J. Hinker, president; Peter Larson, vice president;
W. M. Comstock secretary, and E. A. Watterich, treasurer.

AUGUST 28, 1919 - The ice business of the Draeger brothers has been purchased by Herbert Telford, the latter having sold his farm at Couillardville and bought a home on Main street.

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"Dauber" Drafz is becoming known locally as "the wizard of the mound".

SEPTEMBER 4, 1919 - The question of bonding the city for $40,000 for the erection of a new school building to replace the Jefferson school, recently condemned, was approved at an election Tuesday The plans are to construct a single eight-room building to replace the present Jefferson and Pecor schools.


SEPTEMBER 18, 1919 - A special meeting of the board of education was held Monday night to conform with the law requiring continuation schools to be held in all cities of more than 5,000 population. The following board was elected: W. A. Holt and R. G. Flanders to represent employers and Anton Beekman and John Noonan, Jr. to represent the employes. Children between 14 and 17 years not in school regularly must attend eight hours a week. The instruction will be divided between vocational and academic work.