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Flash From The Past - 1950
Oconto County Reporter
May 18, 1950 Miss Marilyn Matravers nas been named Valedictorian of the 1950 graduating class at Ocoonto High School. Miss Virginia MacFarlane and Donald Holt are Salutatorians, each having and average of 93.47. Atty. James A Martineau, Oconto, was named ninth district
commander of the American Legion at a district meeting held in Little Chute.
Oconto County Reporter
May 25, 1950 Robert Yakel has been selected by the Suring village board to be Suring's new marshall. George Anker of Suring has sold his tavern to Louis
Strehlow of Hayes.
Special to Press-Gazette
June 30, 1950 Couple at Gillett Married 55 Years GILLETT, Wis. – With their children and grandchildren
and Mrs. A 12 o’clock wedding dinner and a 6 o’clock buffet
supper were
They were married at the Holy Trinity church at Kewaskum
The couple are the parents of seven children. |
Oconto County Reporter
August 10, 1950 Jack and Myron Elliot of Grand Haven, Mich. have purchased
the factory of the E.M. Smith Glove Company here and will take over the
plant October 15.
Oconto County Reporter
August 17, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Querine Routheau, 229 Second St, Oconto,
observed their golden wedding anniversary Sunday. The event was held at
the Veterans of Foreign Wars clubhouse
Oconto County Reporter
August 24, 1950 The fears of worried parents were confirmed Monday
when Mr and Mrs Jake Libassi, Suring, received word that their son, S/Sgt
Vincent, (Jimmy) Libassi had been killed in Korea.
Oconto County Reporter
August 31, 1950 Old times were recalled at the William Stewart home at 239 Madison at over the weekend when his brother, Frank and wife, arrived from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. It was their first time together in 53 years. An eight o'clock mass in the St Charles Church in Lena
Sunday morning will begin the day of the golden wedding anniversary for
Mr and Mrs James Alsteen.
Oconto County Reporter
September 14, 1950 Mrs. Myrtle Goddard, 63, a widow, was severely burned
last Wednesday when her home in the town of Breed was destroyed by fire.
Oconto County Reporter
September 28, 1950 PFC Ruth H. Hischke of Suring, is attending an aviation
specialist course in the Technical Training Center, Chanute Air Force Base,