September 4, 1947
Kelly Brook— Mrs. Robert Hall celebrated her seventy-eighth birthday
anniversary on Sunday at her cottage home at Kelly Brook, with a family
reunion. Two sons, Herbert and Ralph, three daughters, Lulu, Ruth
and Winifred, six grandchildren, and three great grandchildren were present.
Three other grandchildren and five other great grandchildren were unable
to attend. Dinner and supper were served and the time was spent in
visiting and enjoying the music furnished by members of this musical family
and of course all sang “Happy Birthday.” Those present were, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Hall of Green Bay, Mrs. Philip Amond, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hall and three children of Clintonville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schoenebeck
of Bagley, mar. and Mrs. Herman Schoenebeck of Newald, Owen and Eugene
Schoenebeck of Green Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schoenebeck and Allan of
Suring, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Christensen and three children of Spruce, Mr.
and Mrs. D.R. Wedgwood of Oconto and Miss Margaret Wedgwood of Green Bay.
October 7, 1935
Oconto Falls— The National Youth administration has allotted 68 out of the 4100 grants given the state of Wisconsin to Oconto County for the relief of needy high school students, 24 of which will to Oconto Falls students. The allotments of $ 6 per month for nine months, to defray the expense of high school education, are given to students between the ages of 16 and 25, whose parents are on relief. Lena has been allotted six grants, Suring six, Mountain four, Gillett eight, and Oconto ten. |
October 9, 1947
Oconto Falls — Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert Sr. celebrated their forty-third wedding anniversary on Saturday October 25th. Nearly all of their children were present. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed and tasty refreshments served, after which the children presented their parents with a purse. The many friends of this couple join the children in wishing them many more happy celebrations. |