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Flash From The Past - 1931
Oconto County Reporter
May 7, 1931

Carl W. Riggins was re-elected chairman of the Oconto county board of supervisors at the organization meeting of the new board at the court house here Wednesday afternoon.  Riggins, who is also mayor of Oconto, has completed eight consecutive terms as head of the county board.

The county motorcycle patrol, consisting of Lee Sargent, Abrams, Harry Predith, Mountain, and Seeley Davis, Oconto, was returned to active duty by the highway committee at a meeting Tuesday morning in the county commissioners office in the court house.  The motorcycle cops are under the supervision of Sheriff Adolph Duescher.

L.C. Harvey of this city, has just received from the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, a “long service” gold watch fob, the official decoration of the companys “Old Guard” in recognition of his connection with the company for the past 32 years.

The proximity of Prom night was realized during the past week, when John Youngs, who is Prom King, revealed the identity of his queen for the social event of the year.  He has chosen as his partner Miss Elizabeth Watterich.  The efforts of these two people to make the Junior Prom a success have been outstanding during the weeks of preparation.

Suring—Sparks from the chimney of the home, carried by the high winds of Friday, was believed the cause of the fire which totally destroyed a large frame barn measuring 54 by 60 feet, built on a stone foundation, on the Edward Larsen farm, 3 ½ miles southwest of Suring on highway 32.

 Oconto County Reporter
June 4, 1931
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Harry Hall, surveyor and newly appointed city engineer, moved his equipment from the court house this week into the Classon building on Main street.  He occupies the two rooms on the first floor in the northeast corner.

A plant exchange will be held all day Friday of this week at the home of Mrs. W.C. Hansen, chairman of the Civic committee of the City Womans club.

Mrs. Stanley Crooks and son returned to Milwaukee Friday after making an extended visit with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Porter, Mrs. Porter accompanied them to Milwaukee, returning to Oconto Sunday morning.

 Oconto County Reporter
July 16, 1931
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeWitt, Miss Jeannette Holt and Clinton DeWitt left Wednesday morning aboard the former’s yacht, Valiant 11, for a two weeks cruise.  They will visit Georgian Bay, in Canada, before returning.  The yacht measures 43 feet and was launched at Sturgeon Bay this spring.

Installation of traffic stop and go lights was begun this week at the intersection of highways 41 and 22 in the western part of the city.  At the request of the commission, that part of highway 41 blocked to motorists was opened Tuesday.

Oconto residents were in the grip of another heat wave today with no relief promised before Saturday.  The official government reading at 2 pm was 96 with prospects of a further increase before the day had ended.  The highest reading, an all time record was established two weeks ago when the mercury mounted to 102 degrees one afternoon.

The new barn which was raised on the Tomas Gallagher farm near Oconto Falls last week, measuring 38 by 74 feet, was put up with the aid of 80 men, requiring but six and one half hours for its complete erection.

Oconto County Reporter
August 27, 1931

Placing of the corner stone for the new Zion Evangelical Lutheran church building at Madison street and Percy avenue will be marked with an appropriate ceremony Sunday afternoon at two thirty.  According to the student pastor, the Rev. R. Borth, will be in charge of the services.

Lena—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schuessler of Sheboygan spent the weekend with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schuessler.

Lena—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bast and daughter, Deloris, spent last week visiting friends and relatives in Minnesota.

Oconto Falls
November 26, 1931
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

—R.P. Smith, veteran newspaperman and one of Oconto County’s prominent citizens, passed away peacefully at his home Nov. 21 at the age of 82, after a lingering ailment caused by infirmities of old age.  He established The Herald at Oconto in the spring of 1898 and in 1900 moved the printing plant to Oconto Falls, then a small place of less than 400 inhabitants.  On his 80th birthday he eulminated 65 years of journalistic activities.

The Gillett Times:
December 17, 1931
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Ad from the Sorenson Store---Coffee – 3 lbs. – 50c;  Brown sugar 4 lbs. 22c; flour 49 lbs. 99c.

Atty. Adolph Lehner’s book “The Moose Call” has been accepted by the Meadow Printing Co., Boston.  “The Moose Call” is listed by the New York Library Association as one of the three best books for November.

John Klassen, aged 52, of Coleman, passed away suddenly Sunday morning in the M & M Hospital, Marinette.

Mrs. W. W. Detert entertained the American Legion Auxillary at her home on Monday evening.

Mrs. John Anderson celebrated her 75th birthday on Sunday afternoon.