Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1926
Oconto County Reporter
January 7, 1926

Roy Valitchka, boy scout, who for sometime has been making a collection of various kinds of wood, received a large parcel from Boy Scout Donald McCune, of Lake Worth, Fla., a grandson of Hans Hansen, of this city. Last week containing twenty-one specimens of wood.

Oconto County Reporter
February 11, 1926

John Ankerson, treasurer of the town of Spruce, was the first town treasurer to turn over the town’s share of state taxes.  He reported to county treasurer Asa Couillard on February 2.

Oconto County Reporter
February 25, 1926
researched by Richard LaBrosse

Miss Bernice Porterfield, a senior at Lawrence college, Appleton, has been elected one of the four best loved girls on the campus.  Announcement to that effect was made at the annual YWCA colonial banquet held Monday night.

Mrs. William Richter left for Kearney, Wyo. Thursday to visit her mother.

Valley Line School—Reinhold Wesner, a second grader, is taking reading with the third and fourth graders.

Norman Walsk, who resides north of the village of Abrams, shot a wolf Monday.

Oconto County Reporte
March 4, 1926
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Miss Clymene Parisey of Oconto, a graduate of the Oconto High school with the class of “25”, had the honor of winning first place in the sixth annual freshman oratorical contest presented at the College of St. Theresa, Winona, Minn., Feb. 27.

Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Witeck, entertained fifteen of his little friends Wednesday afternoon, it being his fourth birthday.

Oconto County Reporter
March 11, 1926

The Elm Grove School in the town of Oconto was completely destroyed by fire early Sunday morning.  The flames were discovered by Eugene Marek about three thirty but by the time the neighborhood was aroused the building was beyond all help.  The fire was so intense that the cement block walls crumbled to the ground.

Oconto County Reporter
April 22, 1926

John Greene left Friday for Milwaukee where he will be employed.  His family will join him in June.

Oconto County Reporter
May 1, 1926

Peter Nerenhausen, local freight agent of the C. & N. W. Ry., left Tuesday for Europe.  His brother Frank, joined him at Chicago.  They will be gone three months.

Melvin O’Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil and Miss Violet Plump of the town of Little River, were quietly married at Menominee on March 1.

Oconto County Reporter
November 18, 1926
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

The golden wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. H. Eisenbach was fittingly celebrated Sunday at the Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran church of which Rev. Eisenbach has been pastor for thirty four years.