Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1924
Oconto County Reporter 
January 10, 1924 
researched by Richard LaBrosse

Norman Hoppe, the sixteen year old son of Mrs. Margaret Hoppe, First Street, had his arm badly torn Tuesday afternoon when a rifle shell with which he was playing exploded. 

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Hasseler returned Friday from a visit in Clinton, Iowa. 

Mrs. Ed. Groll of the bay shore broke her right wrist Monday when she slipped on the ice on the Park Avenue bridge. 

Gerald Riley left Thursday for New York to resume his duties at the University of New York. 

Oconto County Reporter
February 14, 1924

Announcement has been received in the city of the engagement of Miss Georgiana Mineau, formerly of this city to Alois Michael Onkeis of New Westminster, British Columbia.  The wedding will take place June 1.

J. Heisinger, local insurance agent, purchased the John Massard Insurance Agency at Suring Thursday.  He will conduct this added agency together with his work here.  Both companies dealing with Travelers Life Insurance.

About thirty friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson Sunday afternoon to help Mrs. Johnson celebrate her sixty third birthday.

Oconto County Reporter
February 28, 1924
submitted by Richard La Brosse

Medore Porior, Klondike, won first prize with a sow at the Little Internationl Livestock show at Madison, according to information received here by County Agent Sheldon.

Hector LeBouef returned to his home in Canada Tuesday after an extended visit with his aunt, Mrs. Fred Rocque, of Oconto, and a visit with relatives in Racine.

Oconto County Reporter
March 13, 1924
submitted by Richard La Brosse

A farewell party was held on Geo. Prausa at his home on Collins Ave. Monday night.  Cards and dancing were the diversions of the evening.  Mr. Prausa left Tuesday for Seymour where he will open a new business.

Mrs. Robert Koch, 417 Madison St., entertained about forty friends at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Lester Westcott, formerly Miss Agatha Lacourciere, Thursday afternoon.

Carl Riggins, Frank Schneider, Arno Maigatter, Chas. Tisher, A. G. Brunner, Fred Christenson, Jake Kehl, Ed. MacAllister, Dave Hackett, Sigmund Lingelbach, T.J. Gallagher and Martin VanGaal attended the annual Elks bowling tournament at Manitowoc Sunday.

The Klass restaurant will close in the near future owing to the fact that Mr. Klass has accepted a position in Goodman, Wis., as manager of the Community House.  The Community House is owned by the Goodman Lumber company.  Mr. Klass and family will move to Goodman March 24.

Oconto County Reporter 
March 20, 1924 
researched by Richard LaBrosse 

Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werrebroeck on the Catholic cemetery road Sunday noon. 

Oconto County Reporter
August 21, 1924
researched by Richard LaBrosse

Mr. and Mrs. William Colden and Mr. and Mrs. Beebo of Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting at the Petri Barlament and Dory homes in this city.

Oconto County Reporter
August 28, 1924

A farewell party was given in honor of Miss Ruby Belongia Monday night at her home on Main Street.  Miss Belongia will leave Friday for St. Joseph’s academy to prepare for entrance into a sisterhood.

Oconto County Reporter
September 18, 1924

Gagged, masked and tied, and rolling down a slope to a body of water is not the most pleasant sensation in the world says Gerald Riley, who has just returned from a northern trip and furthermore, the unpleasant feeling is all the more acute when the one rolling realizes that he has just been relieved of $ 180 of hard earned samolians.

Mr. and Mrs. V.J. O’Kelliher returned Saturday from Canada.  Mrs. O’Kelliher has been touring in Canada for the past two months.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Heisinger left Friday on a motor trip to Quebec and Montreal, Canada, Boston, Mass., Hartford, Conn., New York and Niagara.  The trip is a reward for services rendered the Travelers Insurance Company.

Oconto County Reporter
October 23, 1924

Evans Carr left Wednesday for Bakersfield, Calif., after a months visit at his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Hasseler left Saturday for Lyons, Iowa, to visit relatives.

Sobieski—The first radio in town has been installed at the Joseph Golonka home.

Miss Phyllis Hass left for her home in Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, after an extended visit here.  She was accompanied as far as Chicago by her aunt, Mrs. William Pry.

Oconto County Reporter
October 30, 1924

An electrical service and supply shop will be maintained in this city under the direction of Bert Fulton, former manager of the Oconto Electric Company.

Town Line Cheese Factory is credited with having the most pleasing surroundings of any cheese factory in Oconto County.  This decision was made by the judges of the 1924 Wisconsin cheese factory grounds beautifying contest.  E. B. Whiting of Gillett is the cheesemaker in the prize winning factory.

Oconto County Reporter
November 13, 1924

Alberta, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin of this city narrowly escaped death by drowning Wednesday when she fell into the Oconto River, near Brazeau Avenue.

Oconto County Reporter
November 20, 1924

The passing of a new milestone to the way of important civic improvements was fittingly celebrated in Oconto last night with the opening of the new Superior Avenue pavement.

Mrs. LaVern Brown, formerly Miss Ann Karbon of this city, has been re-elected superintendent of schools in Billings County, North Dakota.

Edmund Werth and Jake Kehl, who were hunting near Alvin last week, brought back a deer and a timber wolf.  Mr. Werth shot the deer and Mr. Kehl the wolf.

Oconto County Reporter
November 27. 1924

Frank Schauer returned Sunday from a weeks trip to West Virginia, where he inspected the coal mines.

Kenneth Carr entertained about twenty men friends at a venison roast at his home Wednesday night.  “Tracy” shot a 212 pound deer at Tipler last week.

Miss Helen McDonald of this city, who attends Ripon College, was pledged to Kappa Sigma Phi, local sorority, at the recent pledgings at Ripon College.

Marjory Crawford, who was operated upon for appendicitis, is getting along nicely.

A piece of wood penetrated the outer angle of the right eye of Victor Nelson last week while he was chopping wood.  The fact that the wood went in just beneath the eyeball, probably saved the man’s  eyesight.

December, 1924 
Shawano Leader

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heyerdahl of Oconto Falls are held in Oconto on the charge of  shooting with intent to kill Marshall Frank Noel, who attempting to arrest them on a moon-shining charge.

The officer says that he was shot at twice by the woman and that the second shot penetrated his hat. This is the most desperate moonshine effort that has been made in this section.