Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1916

Oconto County Reporter
March 16, 1922
researched by Richard LaBrosse

Rev. E. P. Sabin of Chicago, who officiated at St. Mark’s church last Sunday, has accepted the call extended by the local church and will take charge of the church here on April 1.

The town of Doty is now an established fact.  Circuit Judge Quilan on Saturday signed the final orders in the matter and Doty residents may now look forward to the spring election for the selection of their own officials.

Mrs. John Follett and daughter, Lucille, left Saturday for Chicago, where Mrs. Follett will be employed as floor lady at the branch of the Marinette Knitting Mills recently opened there.

April 27, 1916
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Last Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sorenson were tendered a surprise party in the Danish hall by one hundred and fifty of their friends, the occasion being their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

May 4, 1916
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

George Lock, who had a crew of men on the Peshtigo brook driving logs for Holt & Balcom, has finished the work, having got all the logs into the main river the first of the week.

Ron Requin

Oconto County Reporter
18 May 1916

Judge Classon's Candidacy

 Judge David Clason of Oconto arrived here this noon to look over the
political field.  He is a candidate for the republican
nomination for congress from this district, having announced his
intention of being a candidate sometime ago.  No other candidate
has thus far been mentioned.  He was a candidate two years ago and made
a very strong run.
 Mr. Classon is one of the leading lawyers of the district and is an
orator of exceptional ability.  He has for a number of years taken an
active part in politics, but has always directed his efforts to promote
the interests of the party rather than his own interests.  -  Antigo

Oconto County Reporter
June 1, 1916
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse 

Miss Elsie Burke spent Friday and Saturday in Green Bay where she attended a chief operators meeting of the Wisconsin Telephone Company.

Miss Ella Palm was agreeably surprised Monday evening at her home on McDonald street by the pupils of the seventh grade of the Lincoln school where she teaches.  The party was in the nature of a farewell for Miss Palm as she will not teach here next year, having accepted a position in Oak Park, Ill.

July 13, 1916
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Mr. Lingelbach has purchased the Oconto Garage, formerly belonging to Sophus Nelson, Tuesday and immediately took possession.  Mr. Lingelbach has had the agency for the Jeffery cars here for almost a year and as this was an entirely new field for the Jeffery, he has been very successful.  He will continue to handle the Jeffery cars and will also have the agency for the Overland.

James Johnston purchased the taxi service from W.J. Munsert Wednesday, which service he intends to run in connection with his bus line and livery service.

George D. Peerenboom will permanently close up his business, the Toggery, Saturday evening, and as soon as possible with his family will move to his former home in Appleton.  Mr. Peerenboom has been in business here for almost two years.

August 3, 1916
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

The W. E. Williams company of Traverse city, Michigan has filed the necessary papers in Madison and received its authorization to do business in this state, and last Friday the contract for moving its plant to this city was closed and one copy left with the secretary of the Oconto Chamber of Commerce.  W. E. Williams, the president of the company, and his wife, and W.L. DeWitt, who is to be manager of the company here, and his wife, were in the city Friday to meet representatives of the railway companies and consult them regarding the laying of proper tracks to their buildings which will be located just west of the canning factory and creamery.  Mr. DeWitt expects to move here August 20 and construction work will begin as shortly after that date as possible.

Probably the largest single field of potatoes ever in this county is being raised on the Cook place, west of the catholic cemetery, under the supervision of O.B. George of the Northern Potatoe Company.  The field in which these potatoes were planted contains 30 acres.

Oconto County Reporter
17 August 1916
contributed by Ron Renquin


Mrs. L. S. Whitcomb, Formerly of Abrams, Died at Antigo Friday

Mrs. L. S. Whitcomb, formerly Miss Lolly Moody, daughter of J. D.
Moody of Brookside, passed away at the Antigo Hospital Friday, after a
two weeks illness with blood poisoning, to remedy which she had been
operated upon a couple of weeks previous to her death.

 Lolly Moody was born in Brookside in 1883 and in 1890 was married
to L. S. Whitcomb.  She had always made her home in or about Abrams until
this spring when she move to Vilas county.

Deceased is survived by her husband, L. S. Whitcomb, five sons,
Russell, Crosby, Robert, Harry, and John and one daughter, Beatrice, all
of Abrams; one sister, Mrs. Earl Knowles, of Butte, Montana, and four brothers,
William Moody of Kimberly, Gilbert of South Africa, George of Weyawega and
Dode of Brookside.

The funeral was held Monday morning at Abrams, the priest of
Stiles officiating with interment in Brookside cemetery.

Those from out of town who attended the funeral were, Mrs. W. J.
Classon, Jr. of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bent and Children of Cisco, A. V.
Classon, Mrs. W. J. Classon, Sr., Mrs. F. W. Gardner and Art Whitcomb of
Oconto and E. W. Classon of Kewaunee.

NOTE:  Laura Moody was actually born 16 June 1881 not 1883 and married
Lester S. Whitcomb on 21 September 1899 not 1890.  Son listed as Robert is
actually Lester Jr.  Submitted by Ron Renquin, great grandson.

Oconto County Reporter
August 24, 1916

A special train on the Northwestern will run Wednesday, leaving Townsend at 8:15 a.m.; Lakewood, 8:27; Mountain, 8:32; Kingston, 8:38; Breed, 9:00; Suring, 9:15; Gillett, 9:40; Oconto Falls, 10:00; Stiles Junction, 10:10; and arriving at Oconto at 10:30 a.m., to carry passenger who wish to attend the Oconto county fair.