Oconto County Reporter
July 9, 1914 Researched and contributed by: Richard Labrosse Arrangements were completed yesterday by and between Leon Friedman, representing the Auto Polodrome Co. of San Francisco, and Secretary Chase of the Oconto County Fair Association, for the staging of an automobile, motocycle and aerplane race meeting at the Oconto Fair grounds on Wednesday, July 22. Mrs. Christ Pietersen was very pleasantly surprised Tuesday afternoon by ten of her lady friends, the occasion being her 45th birthday anniversary. Mort Morrison, an employee of the Holt Lumber company was badly injured while working on the landing last Friday. The large Riprap of the U.S. engineering department
arrived in the harbor last Friday with a large load of stone to be used
in the construction of the new light house.
Oconto County Reporter
August 13, 1914 Researched and contributed by: Richard Labrosse H.G. McFarlan has purchased the coal, lime, cement and brick business of the late W.M. Underhill and rented the site. Federal officers again swooped down upon Oconto Monday
night and officially visited several soft drink parlors in this city.
However it is reported no intoxicating liquors were found and no arrests
were made.
Oconto County Reporter
September 3, 1914 Miss Gladys Vye of Madison was guest of honor at a 500 party given by Miss Kathryn Beeson Thursday evening. Miss Claudine Armstrong won the head prize. Lena—The barn and sheds on the farm belonging to Joseph
Nellis near Lena were totally destroyed by fire which originated from a
bolt of lightning Monday evening between the hours of seven and nine.