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Flash From The Past - 1912
Oconto County Reporter
January 18, 1912
contributor: Richard La Brosse

The cozy corner club met Wednesday evening with Miss Mae Ahlborg and the following officers were elected; Norma Zutter, president; Mae Ahlborg, secretary; Elsie Koeppen, treasurer; and Elsie Bartel and Nellie Koeppen, managers.

Oconto County Reporter
March 14, 1912

Frank Pocan, who has conducted a grocery store at the corner of Scherer avenue and McDonald street, has disposed of his business to Alex Olson, who took possession last Saturday.

Howard Mayberry, who is employed in Chicago, visited at his home in the city over Sunday.

Lena—N.C. Netzer was the lowest bidder and received the contract for the work on the school house in District No. 3, Town of Stiles.

Miss Jeannette Holt suffered an injury while coasting at Mountain last Friday.  Miss Ethel Cecil and Miss Jeannette were visiting Miss Fanny Cecil, who is teaching at Mountain.

Ervin Stroud of Mountain received a bounty on three wildcats from county clerk Chas. Norton this week.

Oconto County Reporter
April 11, 1912
contributor: Richard La Brosse

Miss Minnie Vendt entertained the members of the Luther League at her home Tuesday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary.

Stiles—Eldred Klauser and a gentleman friend from Madison spent a few days in Stiles recently.

Jake Kehl entertained a few of his friends Friday evening in honor of George Evans of Lake Forest Illinois.  Music and singing were indulged in during the evening.

Hayes—Frank Tusche, who was accidentally shot in the leg two weeks ago by Barney Schuettpelz, while on a squirrel hunt, went to Green Bay to a hospital, but have not heard from him since.

Frank Vanderheyden and Maynard Keefe, who are attending St. Norbert’s Academy at DePere, spent their Easter vacation with their parents in the city.

Miss Eleanor Lee had a delicate operation performed on her hand Monday.

Oconto County Reporter
April 18, 1912

J.H. Goddards barn, a short distance west of Brookside, was entirely destroyed by fire last Friday together with its contents in the way of feed, implements and stock.

Henry Pettigrew has resigned his position as bookkeeper and stenographer for the Oconto Canning Company and accepted a position as timekeeper with the Oconto Company.

Frank and Giles Megan returned Sunday to Marquette to resume their studies at the university, after a weeks visit at their home in the city.

The Misses Josephine Blucher and Ella Roewe went to Appleton where they will be employed.

Oconto County Reporter
June 13, 1912
contributor: Richard La Brosse

Mrs. Nellie Grant, Melba Caldwell, Arnold Pamperin and Frank Bardon were Escanaba visitors Thursday in the formers car.

Lena—Mrs. B. Bartleme was operated on at St. Vincent’s hospital in Green Bay last Thursday for appendicitis and gallstones.  Mr. Bartleme returned home Monday and stated that she was getting along nicely.

Louis Bohmrich, Hugo and Chas. Lingelbach, Peter Nerenhausen and Hugo Muehrcke left yesterday for North Branch on a fishing trip.

Oconto County Reporter
October 3, 1912

Some person entered the home of Thomas Bourassa last Saturday morning and stole a pocketbook containing a five dollar bill and a fifteen dollar check from a vest lying on a chair.

Ragen’s Crossing—Zavier Surprise and John LaCombe, Oconto, visited at the home of Wm. Murphy Sunday.

Lena—Miss Eva Gardner was tendered a farewell surprise party Monday evening at the Teteak home by about twenty five of her young lady and gentlemen friends.  Miss Gardner left for Two Rivers to reside permanently.

Oconto County Reporter
October 10, 1912

About twenty five ladies tendered Mrs. J. H. Jackson a surprise party at her home on Scherer Avenue Tuesday evening the occasion being the twenty eighth anniversary of her marriage.

Percy Williams and Rudolph Schultz went to Milwaukee last Friday to attend the races.

Morgan—Mrs. W.J. Wilson and son, William, of Byron, Ill., who have been visiting the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Barrett, returned to their home Wednesday of last week.

The Steeple on St. Peters church is being repaired.  It was recently struck by lightning.

Abrams - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lear were called to Milwaukee Monday morning on account of their daughter, Hannah, who is seriously ill with typhoid fever.

Mrs. Dora Rogers, who has been making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. W.A. Harvery, left last Wednesday for a few days visit in Green Bay before returned to Lake City, Minn.

Chester, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Wilcox, was operated on this morning at St. Josephs hospital Marinette, for adenoids and tonsils.

Oconto County Reporter
October 31, 1912

Miss Rose Milnarik entertained a number of her young lady friends at her home Sunday evening at a marshmallow roast.

Lena - Miss Christine Mieziva entertained a number of her lady friends at her home Sunday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary.

About forty five of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seibert’s friends tendered them a surprise at their home on Gale street Saturday night.

Mrs. Louis Youngs was able to leave the Oconto hospital Wednesday, where she was recently operated upon.

Miss Elsie Reilley, who is employed in Marinette, is spending a few days at home this week.

Oconto County Reporter
November 14, 1912
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Mrs. L.N. Jensen and two children of Pine Grove came Monday for a visit with the formers mother, Mrs. Mary Pettigrew, and family.