Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 2, 1908 Charles McGee of Houghton, Mich. made his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGee, a short visit the first of the week. Mrs. Smith returned Monday to her home in Milwaukee, after a visit here with her mother Mrs. Z. Pulford. Dentist in Trouble Dr. Goddard Leaves Oconto Falls to Avoid Arrest – Goods Attached Dr. W. P. Goddard, who has been practicing dentistry in Oconto Falls, has gone missing, without leaving his address but has left behind him a rather unsavory record and numerous debts. In an effort to satisfy the latter, Sheriff Degan went to the Falls Monday and attached all the property he could find including his horse and buggy, dental instruments and furniture. A warrant has also been issued for his arrest on the charge of bastardy on compliant of a young lady who had previously borne a good reputation but who gave birth to a child about the time Dr. Goddard left. SERIOUSLY ILL Clarence Norton Brought Home from Suring – May Not Recover Last Friday evening W. J. Thielke and Hans Oatzen brought
Clarence Norton home from Suring where he had been taken seriously ill
and he was taken to the house of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norton
in the South Ward. Since that time he has been unconscious and delirious
much of the time and great fears are entertained for his recovery.
Oconto County Reporter
January 9, 1908 Crushed by Charging Machine at Casino Beach L. I. Died on way to Hospital Lived here until about seven years ago. Brougfht here last Saturday for burial. Fred Krueger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krueger of
the South ward was killed
In the Ritter-Connoly Manufacturing Company at Casino Beach during the early morning hours of this Tuesday morning, Frederick Krueger, thirty three years of age, of 896 Eleventh Ave., Long Island City, was crushed beneath the wheels of a heavy charging machine, and received injuries that proved fatal. Krueger was a machinist and was at work in the yard. A charging machine, a large contrivance that is operated on tracks, was riding along when, according to the police, Krueger’s body was seen lying on the tracks ahead. Before the machine could be stopped the front flat wheels passed over his body almost cutting him in two. He was severely injured internally. Ambulance Surgeon Betowski was called from St. John’s
hospital to attend the man for it was a case of life or death. Dr.
Betowski gave orders to the ambulance driver to return to the hospital
as quickly as possible. While the vehicle tore along the roadways to the
hospital, Dr. Betowski was bent over the machinist administering stimulants.
But the effort to save Krueger’s live proved fruitless. He died I the ambulance
shortly after leaving the scene of the accident.
Deceased was born in Germany, Oct. 23, 1875 and came here when 8 or 10 years old and lived her until about 7 years ago when he went to Milwaukee, where he worked until 3 years ago when he came home for a visit and afterward went to New York to work at his trade as a machinist. He was to come home for Christmas for a visit but on account of work to be finished waited to get that off and was expected in about 3 weeks. He is survived by his parents, four brothers, Carl,
William, Albert and Otto and two sisters, Lena and Gertrude.
Personal and Local Roy and Serl Van Able of Pequaming, Mich., are visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. George Jones. William Boudan, while at work at the Oconto Company’s sawmill last Thursday, was quite badly injured by a plank which fell on his head. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hollopeter returned Monday from a month’s visit with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Fehr, at Ironwood, Mich. Mrs. Shannon and daughter, Mrs. Victor Brazeau, were called to Marinette Tuesday by the serious illness of Gladys Bennyoff. Morris and Joseph Baughn have returned from Bruce Crossing, Mich., to pay pay a short visit to their parents on Franklin Ave. William Wagner and Robert Heath left recently for Hamilton, Ohio where they have obtained employment. The Misses Stella of Oshkosh and Zoella Peerigo of Breed, who have been visiting relatives and friends in the village, left Saturday for Oshkosh where they will attend the Normal. Mrs. E. H. Mayberry entertained a number of friends last evening in honor of her sister, Mrs. Farrell and niece, Miss Bessie, of Lake Geneva, Ill. Abrams—Miss Ava Wilson has returned to Manitowoc where she will again teach in one of the public schools of that city following a holiday visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Morgan—On Saturday last, while Wm. Murphy, Sr., and
daughter, Maggie, and Maggie Pealow were driving home from Oconto Falls,
their horse became frightened while turning a corner. The people
were thrown from the carriage and escaped with slight injuries.
Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 16, 1908 KILLED NEAR LAKEWOOD Isaac Bowies Run Over by Train Saturday Night. Found Next Morning 300 feet from Camp - Refused to Ride from Lakewood to Camp with Companions on Hand Car Lakewood, Wis. – Jan. 14. – Isaac Bowies was run over and instantly killed by a train on the C & N. W. railroad Saturday night, within three hundred feet of his camp, where he was employed by the Bates & Rogers Construction Co. Mr. Bowies was at Lakewood Saturday evening, in company with several of his fellow workmen, and refused to return with them on the handcar, saying he would walk, but that was the last seen of him until 7:00 the next morning, when he was discovered by his fellow workman with his body laying on the outside of the tracks and his two feet inside, laying severed from the body about at the knees and his head being badly crushed on stone piled near the track. The authorities at Lakewood being notified an inquest was held with Justice A Rugg, presiding. The body was moved to Lakewood, where it was interred in the Lakewood cemetery, today at 2:30 p.m. Deceased was a single man about 52 years of age and has a father living in Cleveland, Minn., who was not able to attend the funeral on account of old age. Undertaker, B. A. Mott of Moeling was called to take charge of the body. FOOT SMASHED Thomas Budik Caught by Falling Tree Near Lakewood Thomas Budik was caught by a falling tree while at
work in the Holt Lumber Company’s camp near Lakewood, Tuesday and his left
foot was crushed. He was brought here last week Wednesday night and taken
to the National hotel where Drs. Atwood and Gaunt attended to his injuries
and found it necessary to amputate four of his toes.
Bessie Smith, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Smith, was badly scalded about the neck and chest last Saturday
by pulling a basin of hot water over unto herself. Although the burns are
very painful, she is getting along nicely.
Oconto County Reporter
January 23, 1908 Died of Scarlet Fever
Carl the three year old son of
Mr. & Mrs. H. F. Becker, died at their home this morning at 12:30,
after an illness of only four days of scarlet fever.
The funeral will be held the home at 9:00 tomorrow afternoon. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community not only in their loss of their little one which has been taken away but also on account of the illness of another son, Leslie, with the same dread disease. In Same Casket
Mrs. Anna, wife of Reinhold Haas
died at her home on Superior Street at 4:00 Saturday afternoon of anemia
following a severe hemorrhage during childbirth, contributory to the grip,
her infant boy born Tuesday afternoon having proceeded her Thursday evening.
Mrs. Haas was a conscientious member of the German Lutheran church of a kind and sympathizing disposition which won her the esteem and friendship of all who knew her. She was conscious until the last, praying and singing hymns just before the end came. She also was a member of the ladies Society of her church the members of which attended the funeral in a body. The funeral was held from the
German Lutheran church at 2:00 Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Eisenbach officiating
and mother and babe laid at rest in the same casket in Evergreen cemetery.
A profusion of beautiful flowers were received from Loving friends.
P. T. Williams Killed
P.T. Williams, a well known pioneer resident of Oconto was called to his last rest very suddenly Tuesday morning, the result of a runaway, in which he was thrown to the ground, the wheel of the wagon running over him and crushing his spine. He was out in the morning about 7:30 to hitch up his team to haul a load of manure to his farm, about two miles south of the city, and as the horses were very spirited he had Roy Archibald, the delivery boy at the store accompany to assist him. After the team was hitched to the wagon, Roy stood in front of the team and Mr. Wiliams started to get it in the wagon when a dog ran through the alley startling the team which started to run. The boy either fell or was knocked to one side out of the way and the team ran down the alley to Oconto street, then east to Norton Street to Main, at the corner of which by the MacDonald corner, the wagon box was left. The horses then continued their run west on Main street to Huron, then south to Oregon and west on that street to the new Kerow residence, where they were caught and tied to a post. It is not known exactly how the
accident happened, although George Jones little daughter who was upstairs
ran down screeming and said Mr. Williams was caught I the wheel. At any
rate he fell or was thrown from the wagon just as the team turned east
on Oconto street, to the curb nearly in front of George Jones’ residence,
one wheel of the heavy wagon passing over him. Mr. Jones heard the noise
and ran out and picked Mr. Williams up and carried him into his home. He
was badly bruised about the face and his spine crushed. Although when Mr.
Jones ran to him he was groaning terribly and cried “Oh God, my back.”
He never spoke again, was apparently hardly conscious at the time and died
in about an hour.
All the above and Mrs. Williams sister, Mrs. F. Hannon, of DePere were present for the funeral which was held at 9:00 this morning from St. Joseph’s church, Rev. Selbach officiating with internment in Catholic cemetery. Mr. Williams was one of the pioneer business men of this city, having been in business here for 40 years and has held numerous offices of public trust, the last being that of city assessor from 1902 to 1904. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The new Lincoln school building is practically completed and will be occupied for the first time next Monday morning. Morgan—The following pupils were awarded perfect attendance certificates in school district no. 5; Earl and Leonard Belanger, Simon, John, Agnes, Eddie, Eugene and Eva Carroll, Henry Moes, Gladys and Wilmer Riordan, Prof. W. Henry, Teacher. At the regual meeting of the
Farmers Advance club of the town of Oconto which was held in the town hall
on Saturday evening last, the following officers were elected; Wm. Whiting,
president; John Swantz, vice president; Harry O’Neill, secretary; John
Mareks, treasurer; C.P. Murphy, corresponding secretary.
Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 30, 1908 Henry Zelgers and sister, Mrs. Wood of Escanaba, were called here Sunday by the illness of their mother, who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mulvaney, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Mach and two children returned to their home at Stangleville Monday, after two weeks visit with Mrs. Mach’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Felix. Edward Boch, past bookkeeper of the Union Manufacturing Co. left Monday to make a short visit with his parents in Menasha, before leaving for Seattle, Washington, where he will reside in the future. Charles Barrett of Morgan met with an accident while returning to his home Saturday afternoon. The horse got frightened at a train which was switching in the yards of the Manufacturing Co. The buggy was tipped over and Charles was dragged for a number of feet. His many friends are pleased to hear he escaped without serious injury. Fred Fisher’s three children, who have diphtheria while at the home of their grandmother at Greenwood, are recovering under the care of Dr. Campbell. A Historic Bible Found Among the Indians, in Oconto County Marshfield, Wis. – Jan. 28 – Rev. Joseph Brown, a Sunday School missionary, has found among the Indians in Oconto county, Wisconsin, a bible given to the Oneida tribe in 1754 by the secretary of the Prince of Wales. The present was made in behalf of the Church of England. At that time the tribe was living in Massachusetts. The historical Bible is in two volumes, each weighing twenty pounds. Herbert Porter vs. Helena Porter. Judgement of Divorce Fred LaClair has returned from Pennsylvania, where he had been cooking in one of E. H. Gilkey’s camps since last fall. Chris Peterson, engineer of Holt’s logging engine,
who was badly injured in the accident which occurred at Holt’s Spur Sunday
afternoon, is getting along as well as can be expected.
Oconto County Reporter
February 6, 1908 Suring Destroyed By Fire Soon after last week's Reporter was printed, word was received here that a bad fire was in progress in the village of Suring and before it was extinguished six buildings in the business portion of the city were entirely destroyed. In Serious Condition
The following article taken from Iron Mountain Press
will read with regret by many of our citizens. Mr. Campbell was a frequent
visitor here a few years ago and was married in the city to Miss Mary Hanson,
who resided on Oconto Street.
Mrs. A. J. Ransom of Waukesha arrived in this city last Friday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. M. Comstock.
Oconto County Reporter
February 13, 1908 Pleaded Guilty
Henry Noel, who was arrested for stealing a horse of John Wranovsky at Gillett, January 18, was taken to Green Bay Monday, where he pleaded guilty before Judge Hartings and was given a sentence of two years in the reformatory at Green Bay. When he reached that institution with Sheriff Degan he advised the superintendent that he would like to be assigned the duty of driving horses as he always liked those animals, but that official informed him that they might seem it advisable to prove him first and become convinced that he would return the horses before giving him that pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. LeQue of Sturgeon Bay, who have been the guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs. St. John left Monday for Antigo, accompanied by Mrs. St. John where they will visit at the home of their father, Mr. Carpenter, for a few days. Breed The roads are open again after the storm of the 5th and 6th. One of our settlers had to shovel his way out of a big drift. It was so deep that he made a tunnel under it and drove through it with his team. Wm. Kuehl has opened up our blacksmith shop and is prepared to do all kinds of work, horse shoeing etc. Linzy Brook Misses Eva and Dimple Gonlon of Menasha are visiting at the home of their uncle, Leonard Gonlon. Linzy Brook—The children who received perfect attendance certificates for the month of January were: Lydia Koeppen, Edward Holl, Claudie Tyrell and Walter Giese. Miss Margaret Prell will leave Saturday for Chicago
to study the spring styles in millinery before taking up her position in
Alpena, Mich.
Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 20, 1908 Not Guilty
August A Vogt known as “Buckskin August”, was tried by a jury in Justice DonLevy court, Tuesday morning, charged with having dogs on his premises during the hunting season, the date set being Nov. 21, 1907, and was discharged by the jury after a short deliberation. On being questioned, Mr. Vogt admitted having dogs on his premises, and said that they were still pups, and that they had never been used for hunting purpose. It was shown in the evidence that Mr. Vogt’s residence at that time was at Wauby Lake, and that it was not, according to the construction of the law, a temporary “hunting camp”, and that he was raising dogs for sale. J.J. Porter, a resident of this city for a number of years but now of Milwaukee, was among old acquaintances here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaMay have returned to Phlox, after a three weeks visit at home. J. H. Herriman returned to his home at Smethport, Pa., Monday, after a months visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Herriman. Arrested for Non-Support Desire Carriveau, who was arrested last Friday at the camp near Lake Nocquebay, charged with non-support, was brought to this city and taken before Judge Jones Saturday. The case was continued and will come up again next Tuesday. |
Oconto County Reporter
February 27, 1908 Mr. and Mrs. George Dudas and two children arrived from Mount Olive, Ill., last week and are staying with Mrs. Dudas parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Manick. Mr. Dudas owns land in this vicinity and will at once begin to get it ready for occupancy. At Oshkosh Hospital
Joseph Valitchka went to Oshkosh Monday, accompanied by Dr. Watkins, and was operated upon at the hospital there Tuesday morning for pelvic adhesions. He passed through the operation well and when last heard from was doing as well as can be expected. Locates at Spokane Harry L. Tibbetts, a son of H. L. Tibbetts, formerly of Oconto, who has been stationed at Portland, Oregon, for the last two years as soliciting agent for the Wisconsin Central Ry., has been made traveling freight and passenger agent for the C.M. & St. P. Ry., with headquarters at Spokane, Wash. Frederick LeVeque Injured Frederick LeVeque, 68 years of age, of Frenchtown had his right leg broken between the knee and ankle last Friday afternoon at Joseph Dahuts camp near Lakewood and was brought here the same evening. The fracture was reduced and he is getting along as well as can be expected. Case Dismissed G. Faig, C. R. Brickner and James Neddo went to Minneapolis Saturday where they will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Al Christian and children, who have made their home at Hunt’s Spur for the past two years, have returned and expect to reside here permanently. Claudine Armstrong, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C.E. Armstrong,
entertained about fifteen of her little girl friends Saturday afternoon
in honor of her twelfth birthday.
Oconto County Reporter
March 5, 1908 Personal and Local Mrs. Mary DonLevy, who came home to see her father, Homer DonLevy who has been quite sick with rheumatism, returned to Menasha, Monday. Mrs. Charles McGregor has returned from a visit with her brother, Archie and family at Madison. Mrs. Edward Bond and little son arrived in the city Saturday from Milwaukee for a visit with Mrs. Bond’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Reiley. Oconto Falls Miss Bloedorn of Brillion, Wis., is visiting relatives in this village. Miss Lillian Hoar, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Aniwa, returned recently from her visit. Miss Iona Lane left Friday for Green Bay, where she will visit with relatives. Miss Sue and Mabel Closser of Spruce visited relatives in town Friday and Saturday. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wagner and little son of Marinette are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wagner’s father, Jos. Leigeois. Henry Peske has sold his home and other property here and will soon leave for Fish Creek where he has purchased a far. Warning Bound Over for Trial Thomas Goodwin of Chase, who was arrested some time ago for refusing to send his children to school in accordance with the state law, had his preliminary examination before Judge Jones last Friday and was bound over for trial at circuit court, his bonds being fixed at $150., which he refused to make any effort to obtain and he spent Friday night in jail. Saturday morning Albert Hidde signed his bond for appearance for trial and he was released. According to the story that has come out so far Goodwin started his two children to school two or three years ago with books entirely to far advanced for them and after sending word by the children several times that they should have lower grade books the teacher told them they might as well stay home as to come to school without books they could use. Goodwin then kept his children at home and has since refused to send them, claiming he should have $4,000. Damages from the school authorities and that he would not send them to school again until it was paid. He was given an opportunity to pay the cost of the action and send his children to school and if this was done the action would be dismissed but he refused. The state now proposes to see that his stubbornness does not stand in the way of his children’s obtaining what they were entitled to – an education. Pensaukee Phil McGovern of Florence visited his parents recently Spruce Mrs. John Gudever and daughter, Anna, were gone for a few days to attend the funeral of her father. Researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse W. A. Smith, who is employed by the Girard Lumber Company at Dunbar, has been spending a few days at home. Little Suamico-A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frand Papenfus Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Papenfus' sister, who is visiting there. Walter Rasmussen, who is attending Green Bay business college, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Clara Routheau, who is teaching at Carter,. Made a short visit Friday evening until Saturday morning at her home in the south ward. City politics are remarkably quiet so far this year
and the whole campaign promises to remain so except in the case of a few
offices. So far A.J. Caldwell is the only one who is known to be a candidate
for mayor.
Oconto County Reporter
March 12, 1908 Breed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lemke of Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. Natzke and Mr. and Mrs. Koeppen of Underhill attended the Lemke-Way wedding Tuesday. Marinette Eagle-Star Miss Alvina Peterson went to Oconto to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lingenajo, who resides near that city. Angus McAllister, who came from Oconto to attend the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. McMillian, returned home Thursday evening. Oconto Falls Miss Anna Bach left Monday for Wrightstown, where she will visit with her son a short time before departing for Milwaukee to study Millenary. Chase Morgan R. F. D. No. 2 Personal and Local Mrs. Wm. Barlow, who spent a few days of last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Flanders, returned Saturday to her home in Nahma, Mich. James Riley returned last Thursday from Minnesota for a visit home. Charles Muehroke of Cobalt, Ontario, visited at the home of his brother, Hugo, last Saturday. Mrs. J. W. McKenna joined her husband Tuesday at Trout Creek, Mich; where he is employed as filer in a mill. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan, who have been making an extended visit here with their daughter, Mrs. J.W. McCanna, went to Menominee, Mich. Tuesday, where they will make their home. Mrs. George Pecor of Menominee, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Britt, on the South side. Charles Adams has returned from Montana. Mrs. G. S. Elliott, who has been in the city with her mother, Mrs. S.W. Ford, Sr., for several weeks, will return to her home in Racine tomorrow. Linzy Brook From Another Correspondent Frank Moody of Wells, Mich., spent a few days of last week with relatives here. Eye Removed Blackwell Liniment Sample Fatal
Mary Loretta O’Donnell, the fourteen months old daughter old Mr. and Mrs. Martin O’Donnell of the West ward died at 2:00 this morning as the result of swallowing about half a sample bottle of Rheumatism Oil Liniment made by H. W. Marshall of Fond du Lac. Sample bottles of the medicine have been distributed
throughout the city during the last few days and Tuesday the man who was
distributing them gave one of the sample bottles to Genevieve, the little
three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O’Donnell, who was playing outdoors.
She took it into the house where it received little attention the wrapper
not being taken off. The next morning, Genevieve was tending the baby and
gave her the bottle to play with. Naturally the little one put this bottle
in its mouth and when the cork came out about half the contents went into
its mouth terribly burning its mouth and throat.
The liniment which is apparently of a strong alkaline
nature seemed to sear and harden the tissues of the throat so that it was
hard to pass the tubes that were inserted in an effort to assist the little
sufferer and Dr. Elwood stated that if they had succeeded in saving her
life she undoubtedly have been speechless.
Mrs. Nelligan’s Condition
Mrs. John Nelligan, who has been ill for several weeks,
was taken to the hospital in Menominee for the second time a few days ago,
and is stated to be in a precarious condition. Dr. Minnehan of Green Bay
was called in consultation Saturday by the attending physicians. Mrs. Nelligan
is a sister of Mrs. Henry Bornheimer of this city. Marinette Eagle-Star.
Oconto County Reporter
March 19, 1908 Linzy Brook Suring
He was taken to the train and to Suring where he was
met by Dr. Conrad who telephoned to Dr. Gomber of Gillett to assist him
and the foot was amputated about 10:00 that night at Dr. Conrad’s hospital
where he now is. His father is with him, assisting in caring for him.
Mrs. Nelligan’s Condition Personal and Local W. C. Duncan, who is employed at Nahma, Mich., spent Sunday at home with his family. George Wright has returned home from his winter’s work at Wausaukee. Mountain Anderson & Lundquest have broken camp at Townsend and have brought their outfit to Mountain. W. D. Stewart is employed at the Mountain Hotel. William King left for Wallace, Mich., Monday. Mrs. Matt Savage is visiting relatives in Manitowoc. Breed Mrs. Jas. Flynn of Lakewood attended the funeral of her niece, little Florence Greeley, Wednesday. Miss Cramer, one of the Oshkosh Insane asylum nurses, came up Saturday to take charge of Mrs. Elkey, resident of the Indian Reservation, but as the case was beyond expatiations, she failed in the attempt. Mrs. Schultz is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Eichhorn, this week. Mrs. Aug Kuehl, who has been ill for sometime is yet
in critical condition.
Oconto County Reporter
March 26, 1908 Scandal At Gillett
The Times declines to be sensational in reference to the local scandal, which has been the talk of the town since Thursday morning. It deplores the occurrence of the affair and regrets the necessity of paying some attention there to. Early in the week Attorney B. M. Goldberg came into possession of information, which convinced him that immoral relations had for some time existed between his wife and Attorney George Crawford. Mr. Goldberg further claims that the other persons named had planned to live together in Chicago and to institute legal proceedings in their interests and opposed to his own. He proceeded as quietly as possible to protect himself from financial ruin which threatened as one feature of the alleged plot, and it was not until Thursday forenoon that the situation became public. Since that time the town has talked of nothing else. One report is that a week ago Mr. Goldberg was suffering from arsenic poisoning; and the fact that he carried $14,000 life insurance in the name of his wife is mentioned in that connection. Mrs. Goldberg left the village Thursday noon. Mr. Crawford absented himself from town the same day. It goes without saying that the overwhelming sentiment of the community is one of sympathy of Mr. Goldberg, and such sympathy has been expressed to him personally by some who have never posed as his friends. Gillett Times. Barn Burned L. Bluteau’s barn in Frenchtown was discovered to be on fire about 10:00 last night and before the flames could be extinguished about all the upper story of the barn was destroyed. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss is estimated at from $150 to $200, covered by insurance in the Urwan agency. Barn Burned
Frank Messenger’s barn in the Southward was entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday morning, together with the contents consisting of about 4 tons of hay, sleigh, plow, harrow, horse blankets, etc. The strong wind which was blowing from the northwest caused the house to catch fire also and this was considerable damaged before the fire was extinguished. One account of some miscreant having thrown stones into the hydrant which partially clogged The outlet a good stream of water could not be got
on the flames until the stones were removed which caused a delay in getting
the full effect of the work at the start.
Most of the contents of the house were removed in good condition. The loss which was covered by Insurance in the A.J. Caldwell agency was adjusted this morning at $740. Stiles Wilfred Maloney left Monday for South Dakota. Sorry to see you go, Wilfred. Breed Mike and Charles Ziereis returned home last week. Miss Clara Wise and brother Ed, left Friday for a few days visit with relatives at North Crandon and Armstrong Creek. Many wishes for an enjoyable trip “traveler’s”. Mrs. Eichhorn and children Nora and Ernest spent Sunday morning at Suring. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Deering spent the fore-part of last week with relatives in Seymour and Bonduel. Town of Oconto Blackwell Walter Emmerman had the misfortune of having one of his legs smashed last Friday while working on the F. F. S. L. Co.’s logging train. Walter had been over worked and went to sleep on the back end of the tender and the engine was backed up against some cars and smashed his leg. He was taken to the hospital by James Begh. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Landreth returned Monday night from
their winter’s adjourn in Colorado and California and along the southern
borders of the country. Mr. Landreth says that our climate seemed quite
a change from a temperature of 98 degrees which they experienced at New
Orleans a day or so before they left for home.
Oconto County Reporter
April 2, 1908 Stabbing At Suring
T. E. Mills, who was in the city yesterday, gives us the following account of a stabbing affray that took place in one of the saloons at Suring last Saturday evening so far as he had been able to learn the particulars. It seems James Aldrich and Mr. Munson had a little controversy over some matter personal to themselves but when their dispute had practically subsided a young man who had recently returned from the west and where it is reported he served time for some violation of the law, “butted in” and without apparent provocation whipped out a knife and jammed it into Aldrich’s right side above the groin, but it failed to penetrate quite far enough to reach the intestines so that it is not likely to have serious results. Hanson struck a second time but Aldrich jumped back and Hanson then went after him with knife upraised above his head but some of the bystanders knocked him down and disarmed him. Hanson got away and at last reports had not been arrested. Bound Over
Elmer England was examined before Judge Jones on a charge of assault with intent to commit rape on the fifteen-year-old daughter of Charles Lindgren of Little River while they were attending a party last week. He was held for trial at the circuit court and bond fixed at $1,000, which was furnished yesterday and he was released from jail. Personal and Locals Mrs. Sarah High who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Daniel Calkins, Eau Claire arrived in the city Tuesday for a few days visit before returning to her home in Munising, Mich. Mr. Bishman has gone to Minnesota, where he expects to reside. His wife and family will go later. Miss Alma Kelly of Munising, Mich., has been visiting her mother for the last two weeks. The many friends of W. F. Starkey of Marinette, a former Oconto boy, will be pleased to know he has accepted a position as manager of the jewelry department in Laureman’s Br.’s store. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Starkey spent Friday at Marinette and while there attended the funeral of Mrs. W. F. Starkey’s aged grandmother. Charles Ledvina, Martin VanGaal, John Viestenz, Charles Buettner and Emma Fitzgerakd returned home last Friday from Lord’s Valley, Pa. Where they had been employed for the last four months. Miss Ellen Papineau of Niagra is visiting her sister, Mrs. Belongia, in the West ward. Mrs. Alex Davis has been spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Anderson, returned home Thursday of last week. Your presence is quite a treat grandma. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Musho of Milwaukee are expected this week for a visit with Mr. Musho’s mother. Zeal Van Hefty has purchased the Pry farm in the town of Oconto, which contains 120 acres. Deputy State Treasurer Henry Johnson was in the city Tuesday on his way back to Madison after a visit at his old home in Suring. Mrs. Johnson, who accompanied him home, remained at Suring for a longer visit with her daughter, Mrs. Marion Burger, and other friends. Mrs. Ward Wescott, who had been the guest of her mother, Mrs. T. H. Phelps, for sometime, returned to her home in Crandon last Friday. James Blahnik of Whitelaw is the guest of relatives in Spruce this week. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Kadlec of Kadlec spent Sunday with
Mrs. Kadlec’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teteak.
Mrs. L. W. Peterson of Denmark, Wis., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Peterson. Mrs. Adolph Teschke and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Teschke of Oconto attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Teschke’s child Monday. H. F. Larson has sold his farm to G. Miller of Cota, Manitowoc Co. Consideration $6,500. Russian/Poland Spice and grandson Arvot have returned home from Marinette where he has been spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. F.L. Folfrack. Chas. Pott has returned to Michigan where he was employed for the past winter. Linzy Brook Bound Over At the examination before Justice DonLevy Saturday, Truman Sharpley was held for trial for burglary in the circuit court and his bail fixed at $500. Which he was unable to furnish and he was remanded to jail. Oconto Falls Ephraim Johnson of Green Bay is visiting his parents a few miles from the village. Miss Alma Kelley, who has been visiting relatives in town, left last Monday for Munising, Mich., where she has charge of a millinery establishment. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zern and family, who moved to Hermansville, Mich., a few weeks ago, have returned and are living in Chas. Sagles house. Gillett Miss Nina Reynolds of Crystal Falls, Mich., is visiting her cousin, Miss Kathryn Herald. Miss Anna Nelson left for Superior last week, where she will be married to Oscar Anderson of that place. Abrams Henry Peske and family left here Thursday on the 3:30 train for Fish Creek, where they expect to reside in the future. Mr. Wolfer and family have taken possession of the Peske homestead and has the most market well stocked with a fine supply of meat. Miss Viola Albright went to Channing last week, where she will make an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Peske. Maple Valley Peter John returned from North Dakota last Tuesday.
He has taken a homestead and expects to move his family out there.
Oconto County Reporter
April 9, 1908 Oconto Mrs. PA Burbey is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Valley. Very little hopes are entertained for her recovery. Her children have all been summoned to her bedside. Will McGee who has been in the northern part of the state for the past four years, returned home Monday. Little Suamico Mrs. A. Christiansen visited her daughter, Mrs. Alex Detiege at Green Bay last Saturday. Mrs. Herman Papenfus left for Marinette last Saturday for a visit with relatives. Blackwell Miss Axel Forest, who is sewing at Mrs. Will Larson’s, visited her parents at Padus Saturday and Sunday. Harold Larsen visited his grandparents at Padus over Sunday. Kelley Brook John Manik, who has spent the last four months at Pueblo, Colo., returned home Friday. Oconto Falls Ray Dorn of Menominee, Mich., visiting relatives here lately. George Quinn, who has been employed at Hamilton, Ohio, during the winter, is home visiting relatives on the West side. Miss Carthon Beaver, who has been visiting relatives at Milwaukee and other southern points of the state, returned to her home Wednesday. Barney Flatley left for Merrill where he will work during the coming summer. Harvey Quinn returned from Hamilton, Ohio last week.
Morgan John Van Ark of Green Bay is visiting his sister Mrs. J. H. Moes this week. Miss Evalyn Shahen of Rantoul is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Chase Word was received here Thursday of the death of Mrs. Pott’s sister, who resided at Green Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Pott left the following day to attend the funeral. Mrs. S. Rosenberg, who has been ill all winter, was taken to St. Vincent’s hospital in Green Bay, where she will receive treatment. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schultz went to Green Bay Monday where they will visit relatives for a few days. Our town was visited Monday by a conflagration. J. D. Moody’s beautilful home and store were burnt to the ground, also the Modern Woodman hall and Joe Liegeols’ saloon. Mr. Moody has the sympathy of the community and we all hope he will rebuild as we can not afford to lose our general store keeper and his family from our community. Mr. McFarlane and family, who have been in Duluth for some time, returned home Tuesday and will resume housekeeping in their home at Brookside. Stiles Mrs. J. Birkenmeier spent Sunday with relatives in Green Bay. Will McGuire and son, Reginald, spent a few days visiting relatives at Green Bay. Gillett Otto Bocher, of Crandon, who has been visiting his parents here, returned to his home Monday. Morris Baer left for Duluth Wednesday, where he will be employed. Mrs. N. Heuter is visiting her parents in Brillion. Miss Margaret Kitzinger of Marinette is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. B. Stuelke. Linzy Brook Joseph Holl of Hayes spent a couple of days of last week visiting relatives here. Personal and Local Mrs. William Guthrie visited her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Boyd, in Marinette, the first of the week. J. Livingston Reeve of Chicago spent Sunday in the city at the home of Mrs. Reeve’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. G. Pelkey. Mrs. Louis Delaporte went to Green Bay Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Hille. Mrs. Michael Durben and Mrs. Sam Young went to Green Bay Tuesday, called there by the serious illness of their mother. Mrs. H. Mulvaney and Mrs. John Hayes visited relatives in Marion and Clintonville this week. Martin Olson of Mountain was in the city Sunday. He expects to leave next month for a visit to his old home in Europe. H. D. Perry returned Saturday from Columbus, where he attended the funeral of his wife’s mother, Mrs. Whitcomb. Mrs. Perry returned home today. Joseph Neubauer of Chicago visited relatives and friends
in the city this week.
Oconto County Reporter
April 16, 1908 Adjudged Insane
Charles Dagen was examined before Judge Jones Monday morning, was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane, where he was taken Monday afternoon by Sheriff Dagan. The complaint upon which he was brought up for examination followed several of his recent demands on Mayor Holt for money in settlement of alleged wrongs against him, the threats made upon its refusal. Our local physicians desired to confer before rendering their final opinions on the case and Dr. Becker, one of the leading doctors of Milwaukee on these cases and Dr. Dewey now of Waupun, but for years in charge of the Kankakee, Ill., asylum, and one of the leading alienists in the country, were called here and spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Dagen. They pronounced him insane and on their findings he was committed. Goodwin Case Is Settled
The case against Thomas Goodwin of the town of Chase
for refusing to send his children to school according to law has been settled.
It is understood that his wife is now in Iowa where the children are being
sent to school and on his signing the agreement below the case was dismissed.
Baby Dies The little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Yudes passed away Tuesday aged fifteen months. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from St. Paul’s Evangelical church, Rev. Schuh officiating, with internment in Evergreen cemetery. Fire In Spruce
Two barns on the farm of Patrick Parker, in the town of Spruce, were entirely destroyed by fire last Friday afternoon, together with their contents, including a considerable amount of hay, three horses and three calf’s. Two of the horses were valuable once owned by C. D. Post of this city and had been sent to Mr. Parker’s to board. Nothing is known of the origin of the fire and in the strong wind at the time, it was considerable difficulty that the buildings of a near-by neighbor were saved on account of the flying sparks and brands. Issue of the Law Bertha Tiegs vs. William Tiegs, Divorce granted
Christian Gotthold Gerlach admitted as a citizen. The jury has just brought in a verdict of simple assault in the England case. Little Suamico The eleven year old son of Frank Borzc was seriously injured in a runaway Friday. Brookside Mrs. Bigalow of whiting, Iowa, arrived Wednesday for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Truman Parkinson, Jr. Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cootware of Wauceda, Mich., visited relatives here Sunday. They were on their way home from a visit in Chicago. Mrs. W. P. Belanger and two children of Escanaba came Monday for a visit with Mrs. Belanger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall. James Schambrue, and sister Mary, were summoned here the first of the week from New York city, by the serious illness of their sister, Mrs. William Bostedt. Mrs. Cleveland R. Keith and mother, Mrs. Carlisle, went to Fond du Lac Tuesday for a few days visit. Mrs. Carlisle, who has been visiting here several months, is on her way to her home in New York. Mrs. Charles Aarseth, who was called her by the death of her mother, Mrs. Guenell Johnson, five weeks ago, returned to her home in Oak Park, Ill., today. William Pettigrew returned home this morning, after a seven month stay at Rockland, Mich., where he had been employed for the Holt Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bardon, who have been visiting relatives here the last three weeks, have returned to their home in Tacoma, Wash. O. Martineau and son Maxime, of Montreal, Can., are visiting relatives and friends here this week. Will Simons of Tower, Minn., is home for a visit with friends and relatives. Ed Richards of Channing, Mich., visited relatives here Monday. Joseph Cota of Marek sold his farm in the town of Oconto, while in this city Friday. Mrs. L. C. Harvey accompanied by her son, Robert, left Monday for Waterloo to visit her sister who is ill. She is expected home the last of the week. W. H. Phillips returned Monday night from Ohio, where
he had been to see his brother who is very ill.
Abrams Mrs. Feldt and children arrived here Saturday from Pentoga and are guests at the home of Mrs. Fieldt’s mother, Mrs. Helman. Glenora Brewer went to Sampson Thursday and spent part of her vacation with her sister, Miss Nellie. Breed Eugene Davis of Blackwell spent a few days of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis. Mrs. Anna Quandt and son Christ witnessed a confirmation exercise at Underhill Sunday. Ernest Eichhorn of Logan spent Sunday afternoon with Robert Lemke. Charles Ziereis is employed at Mr. Hamberg’s. Mrs. F. Dowen was called to Suring Saturday by the
illness of her grand daughter, Iva Dieck.
Oconto County Reporter
April 23, 1908 Charged by J. E. Daily With Assault With Intent to do Bodily Harm William O’Grady, proprietor of the saloon at School Section was arrested on the charge of assault with intent to do bodily harm last Thursday night on complaint of J. E. Daily of Stiles who claimed that as he was passing O’Grady’s place on his way home with a load of pea ensilage he was attacked by O’Grady who sought to get even with an old grudge. Daily was I bad condition being cut and bruised about the head, face and body and his collarbone broken. O’Grady remained in jail until Friday morning when he secured bail and was released. The case has been adjourned until May 1. O’Grady denies the assault entirely and says that Daily passed his place on his way home Thursday evening very drunk and was found later lying in the road about a mile beyond his place and believes he fell off his load and was run over or otherwise injured. O’Grady says he will have Daily arrested for false imprisonment when this case is ended. Body Found in Water
The remains of a man were found floating in the water near Peshtigo Point late Saturday afternoon by Albert Opeahl, a fisherman. He was working on the beach gathering drift wood when he saw a dark object about a hundred feet out in the water. He thought it might be a log and he went out after it. His surprise can be better imagined then described when he saw it was a human body. He pulled it ashore and made it fast and then notified Coroner Tweedle. Accompanied by Undertaker J. R. McLain, the coroner proceeded to Peshtigo Point and the body was brought back here late Saturday night. The body was in such a badly decomposed condition that is was practically impossible to attempt identification by this means. On the body was found a watch with a private mark of Christopherson & Amunden of Menominee. This was taken to the latters jewlery store and there it was found the watch was sold to Peter Peterson, a First ward resident, who disappeared the latter part of last November. Ole Mickleson, a neighbor of Peterson, also identified the body by teeth, which he recognized as Peterson’s. Peterson was a man about 60 years of age and lived alone in Squatterstown. Last November his shanty was found vacant with the door a-jar one morning and since that time he has not been seen. It is thought that he fell into the river and drowned and his body was carried out and lay under the ice all winter until it drifted ashore near Peshtigo Point. His body will be held awaiting advises from relatives who reside near Oconto. Marinette Eagle Star For Grand Larceny
Martin Farrell was arrested and brought here Monday from Seymour on complaint of W. H. Phillips charged with grand larceny. It is claimed that he gave Mr. Phillips an endorsed note to pay half the amount of a saloon license, city and government amounting to $225 but later, one pretence of examining the note substituted therefor an unendorsed note. He was arraigned before Judge DonLevy Monday when an affidavit of prejudice was filed and the case removed to Court Commissioner Reinhart and adjourned for ten days. Deputy Game Warden M. J. Fumelle, who recently passed a civil service examination and was appointed deputy game warden, has received his commission and entered upon his new duties. Mr. Fumelle says he will be thankful for any information that will assist to a better fulfillment of his office. Personal and Local Elmer England, who was found guilty of simple assault just as we went to press last week, was sentenced to 90 days in jail. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boyd and three children left Monday morning for their hoe in Marinette after a few days visit with Mrs. Boyd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney and son John visited relatives in Green Bay Sunday. W. H. Small returned Tuesday from Canada, where he has been employed for several months, for a weeks visit with his family. Mrs. F. P. Garrish, who has been spending a week here with her husband, returned to her home in Sault Ste. Marie. Joseph LeBreck was called to Green Bay last Friday by the death of a nephew. H. G. O’Keef returned Monday to Ishpeming, after spending Easter here with his wife and little son, who are visiting here. Lloyd Burke was called home Monday from Milwaukee, on account of the serious illness of his sister, Miss Elsie Burke. Rev. Tollefson officiated at the funeral of the late Mr. Wellington Thursday at Brookside. Herman Wise, who is blacksmithing at North Crandon, came down last Thursday to spend Easter with his parents. Joe and Irving Gokey, George Bauman and Albert Lade left last Friday morning for Foster city, where they will be employed as river drivers. Breed Wm. Flynn, proprietor of the North Star Hotel, who has been ill with lung trouble for the last few weeks, was taken to Clintonville Tuesday to receive treatment, as his case is very serious. His many friends extend their heartiest wishes for a speedy recovery. Henry Kebel, who is employed at L. Buchmann’s was the guest of his Aunt, Mrs. J. Quandt, Wednesday evening. Gerhart Kebel, who has been suffering with a sore eye, is slowly recovering. He spent the week with his sister, Mrs. Quandt, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lemke spent Easter and the former part
of this week with relatives at Cecil, Belle Plaine, Bonduel and Hartland.
O.B. Parisey received a rather rare relic last week
from James Roddy in the shape of an envelope recovered from the bottom
of the Pacific Ocean with the mail that went down in the ill fated Pomona
which was wrecked off the coast of California about six o'clock on March
17, 1908.
Oconto County Reporter
April 30, 1908 Case Dismissed
The case against Martin Farrell, who was arrested at Seymour and brought back here last week Monday on the charge of grand larceny on complaint of Wife, Head, Phillips and which wa adjourned for ten days, was dismissed on motion of the district attorney. Personal and Local Frank Cootware and son went to Waucedah yesterday where they will be employed. Mrs. Chas. Johnson went to the state hospital at Oshkosh this morning to visit her husband, who was taken there a short time ago. Nels Christenson went to the state hospital at Oshkosh Sunday to call on Charles Johnson. Mrs. Fred L. Berner of Antigo, formerly Miss Margaret Edwards of this city, is visiting Oconto friends. Fred Grifith, a former Oconto boy, visited friends in the city over Sunday and returned to his home in Ashland the following day. Henry Sharkey, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pike for the last month, left Tuesday night for Duluth and from there will return to his home in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Misses Louise and Pearl Morrow, accompanied by little Francis Morrow, son of Gilbert Morrow of Sonora, Cal., who has been here several months, and Allie Brazeau and Wilbrod St. Marie left last evening for Newport, Wash. After a visit with the family of Alex Brazeau Miss Louise Morrow and little Francis will continue their journey to Stockton. Mrs. William Gibson and daughter, Miss Julia McCafferty, of Green Bay attended the funeral of Mrs. Catherine Couillard, which was held here last Thursday. Miss Mary Strack of Kauakuna visited relatives here in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chosa were called to Milwaukee Sunday by the death of Mr. Chosa’s brother-in-law. Wausaukee Independent Eric Vockrodt was called to Anora, Ill., Friday on account of the serious illness of his father. Mrs. Vockrodt and daughter accompanied him as far as Oconto Falls where they will be the guests of relatives for a few days. Marinette Eagle-Star Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roe went to Oconto to attend the funeral of Charles Morse. Hugh E. Davis visited his former home in Oconto Wednesday. The Lena News Milton Pelkey who is serving in the US army is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pelkey of the town of Oconto. He is stationed at a fort near Minneapolis and is enjoying a ten days furlough. Laona Chief Mrs. John Motis of Oconto arrived Monday and will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Fabry. Breed Herman Wise returned to North Crandon Tuesday, after spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. L. Buckman, who was called to Elkart on account of the death of her father, returned Saturday. Accept our sympathies in your sad bereavement Mrs. Buchman. Mrs. Rickert and daughter, Mrs. Ed Quandt, were called to Cecil Wednesday on account of the serious illness of the former’s sister. They returned Saturday. Eugene Davis of Blackwell is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis. Angelica Mrs. Wm. Stanton visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Black, at Shawano, who is seriously ill. Louis Olson of Crandon has been visiting with his uncles, Christ and Lewis Johnson, the past week. John Ketch has sold his saloon to Frank Phillips. Miss Annie Johnson left Monday for Crandon, where she will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Elsie Olson. Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Peterson and son Chester returned Tuesday, after a weeks visit with relatives and friends at Clintonville and Petume. Will Larsen and family moved to Dunbar one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Lorge and family visited with friends and relatives at New London a few days last week. Abrams Hunter Orr and sister, Miss Frances attended the funeral of the late Miss Pillsbury, at Brookside, last Wednesday. Elmer Schultz and wife of Green Bay, who were recently married in Menominee, spent last week visiting relatives here. Peshtigo Brook John Friebel and family will move to Freedom soon. April 30, 1908 Researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse Oconto Falls—The RNA ladies gave a farewell party Wednesday
evening in honor of Mrs. John Volk, who is about to depart for her
new home in the west.
Oconto County Reporter
May 7, 1908 Discharged – Re-arrested When August Topel was brought before Justice Don Levy, Monday on a charge of fishing with nets in Green Bay waters last month he was discharged on motion of Attorney Gill acting for the district attorney and prompting rearrested on the same charge and taken before Justice Jones who continued the case for ten days. Dug Burns Better Today Yesterday a message was received here announcing that Douglas Burns, who recently underwent an operation at Oshkosh for appendicitis, was dying and asking that his children come to him, but today word has been received that he had rallied and is a little better today. Will Plead Guilty Charles Yance, charged with larceny from the person of Otto Zingler was examined Saturday afternoon and held for trial. He has since expressed a desire to appear before Judge Jones plead guilty and receive his sentence, which will be done next week. Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch returned Monday to their home in Manitowoc after a weeks visit here with the former's brother, Robert Koch, and sister Mrs. A.W. Bentrock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ullman left last night for Milwaukee. Mrs. Ullman will visit relatives there and Mr. Ullman will go to Minnesota where he will purchase horses. W. H. McCheeney and Erve Hamilton left Wednesday for Hamilton, Ohio, where they will be employed in a paper mill. Mrs. Rivers and daughter, Bessie, left for Oshkosh Tuesday, where they intend to make their future home. Mrs. Jas. D. Harper of Syracuse, N.Y. is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antone Mach. Andrew Anderson is making extensive improvements on the Swedish church near Hart’s switch. Mrs. N. Trudeau went to Chicago Saturday for two weeks’ visit with relatives. Miss Mary Dunn of Portage is visiting her cousin, Miss Katherine Walsh, this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Longhurst and little daughter visited relatives in Menominee Friday. Miss Laura Goodchild visited relatives in Daggett, Mich., Sunday. Mrs. R. H. English and little daughter, Charlotte, visited relatives in Menominee this week. Chas. Sedmihradsky returned Monday evening from a week’s visit with relatives and friends in Milwaukee and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fruend are entertaining the former's sister, Miss Fruend, of Appleton, this week. Mrs. Jennings, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Martineau, returned Tuesday to her home in Milwaukee. Miss Margaret Mott, who has been making an extended visit with relatives in Madison, returned home Tuesday evening. Chase Miss Bessie Guerber of Ewen, Mich., is visiting friends and relatives in Chase. Gus Fisher of Green Bay has moved into the house recently vacated by Emil Drews. South Chase Our cheese factory was opened Monday morning with George Baken as cheese maker. Mrs. W. D. Baar has returned home, after visiting her son, Carl, at Milwaukee and daughter, Mrs. M. Harris, at Chicago. She was accompanied home by her little granddaughter, Helen Harris. Breed Wm. Flynn, who has been at Clintonville for the past three weeks receiving treatments for lung trouble, came home Friday to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKeague and Mrs. Farrar, Sr., drove to South Dakota ( in Waushara County, Wisconsin) Sunday morning and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Edna Flynn and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Herbert returned Monday, after a two weeks visit with friends and relatives at Shiocton. Messrs. James Johnson and John Porter left Monday evening for the “Golden West”. May success be your lot boys. Mrs. Stone of Maple Valley was the guest of Mrs. Ziereis Sunday. Miss Emma Ziereis was the guest of Misses Bertha and Martha Harkey Sunday. Hickory Mrs. John Trecartin of Ladysmith is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Smith. Albert Therio is visiting his home in eastern Canada. Abrams Mrs. J. D. Moody spent several days here this week disposing of her stock of dry goods and groceries which were saved from the fire when her store was burned. Gillett Miss Mary Finnegan returned Monday from Appleton, where she attended the funeral of Charles Newman. August John of Minneapolis is visiting his brother, F. W. John. Edward Scofield, A. McAllister and George Beyer of Oconto came up to Gillett Sunday in an automobile to attend the funeral of Mrs. F. W. John. Mr. and Mrs. Zipple will leave shortly for a trip to Germany. Pensaukee John Breed returned from Notre Dame, Holland, May 1,
after a four months visit with his parents. He remembered some of his friends
by bringing Holland souvenirs to them.
Oconto County Reporter
May 14, 1908 Wife Goes Insane
John Christofferson living about two miles north of the city, received word from White Oak, North Dakota ( in LaFayette County, Wisconsin near New Diggings) that his wife had gone insane and that he should come at once and take her home. Mrs. Christofferson left for Dakota about two months ago to visit relatives and was apparently in good health and took her baby with her. Mr. Christofferson left here Tuesday for White Oaks. Breaks His Leg
Paul Meegan met with a painful accident while riding his wheel (bicycle with tall front wheel) on the sidewalk between St. Peter’s convent and the Noel residence Tuesday evening about 7:00, breaking his right leg about three inches above the knee. He states he does not know just how it happened but while riding along he in some way rode off the sidewalk, a drop of about 4 feet, resulting in his injury as above. He was taken to his home and the fracture reduced by Dr. Watkins. He is getting along nicely. Charles Yance pleaded guilty to larceny from the person of Otto Zingler yesterday and paid a fine and costs amounting to 99.37 and was released. Personal and Local Charles Lingelbach returned Monday to Sheboygan, after a week’s visit at home. Miss Addie and Harry and Will Burns returned Monday from Oshkosh, where they were called by the serious illness of their father. Mr. and Mrs. Seward Haskins went to Hilbert Junction for a visit with relatives Monday. Mrs. Ida Buxton returned to Chippewa Falls, having been called here a short time ago by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Harriett Jones. Mrs. Frank Richardson, who has been visiting her daughter, at Waukegan for the passed four weeks, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Michael Burke, who was called home by the serious illness of her daughter, Miss Elsie, a few weeks ago, returned Tuesday to Oshkosh. Miss May Dunn, who has been spending a week with her cousin, Miss Katherine Walsh, returned Saturday to her home in Portage. Ervin Walsh left Monday for Raton New Mexico, where he will remain until his health improves. Miss Augusta Labuda of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. sand Mrs. Albert Labuda. John Hoeffs and John Holl left for Seneca last week on business. Mrs. Van Houst of DePere has returned to her home, after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Tony DaClene. Breed Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Eichhorn drove to Oconto Monday, where they expect to remain a few days the guests of the latter’s brother. Messrs. Charles and Edwin Griebeler and Miss Anna Koplic attended the funeral of the formers niece, Oral Anderson, at Lakewood, Saturday. Miss Lou Beckman, who has been staying with Mrs. Geo. Smith, was called home on account of the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. Alex Davis was called to Lakewood Friday on account of the serious illness of her granddaughter, Oral Anderson, who passed away ere the anxious relatives reached her destination. Blackwell Mrs. Gerzeski and family moved to Stevens Point Tuesday. Mr. Gerzeski accompanied his family to their new home but will come back to resume his duties here as head sawyer. We are sorry to lose such good neighbors. Miss Mathilda Guyette, who has been visiting her sister here for the past two months, returned to her home in New London last Tuesday. Suring Mr. and Mrs. Ben Armstrong who recently moved here from Ladysmith have been visiting among their many friends. Mrs. Isaac Serier and children of Neopit are guests at the home of Harry Serier. Mr. Abrams has leased his restaurant property to Levi Scott and will move his family to their former home at Gresham. Everyone is sorry to see Mr. Abrams the family leave town. Mrs. Henry Johnson of Madison and sister, Mrs. Henry Holler, of Marion, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Levi Holmes is spending a few days with relatives in Marinette. Mrs. Del Leeman went to Shawano Wednesday to visit her parents. Gillett Arthur Stuelke is visiting his parents in Oshkosh. Mrs. A. Burke of Chicago is visiting her brother, M. Finnegan. Mrs. A. E. Ewart was called to Delvan Monday night,
by the serious illness of her father.
Oconto County Reporter
May 21, 1908 Held for Trial Delmer Rowell of Abrams who was arrested and brought here last Friday on a charge of adultery was discharged and immediately arrested on a charge of incest, the complaining witness being his 15 year old niece, Alma McClure, Monday a.m. and held for trial, bail being fixed at $2,000 which he was unable to furnish and is in the county jail. Charles Dagen Sane
After calling in twenty men a jury of six was secured to sit in the re-examination as to the sanity of Charles Dagen in Judge Jones’ court Tuesday afternoon and yesterday forenoon. The jury found him sane and he was dismissed. He was arrested this morning by Marshall Smith on complaint made by W. A. Holt, arraigned before Judge Jones, waived examination and placed under bonds of $500 to keep the peace. Arrested at Gillett Walter Lang, a young man about 18 years old, of Gillett, was arrested in that village, charged with having carnal knowledge of Emma Strommer, an imbecile and his examination set for the 28th. Pleaded Guilty “Dr.” G. A. Smith of Mountain, who was arrested for illegally practicing medicine and pleaded not guilty when the case was adjourned until today, changed his plea when the case came up before Justice DonLevy this morning, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of $50, in default of which he is spending three months in the county jail. Serious Charge Joseph Ledvina is under arrest on a charge of fornication with a female under the age of 17, of previous chaste character and his examination before Judge Jones set for May 27. Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Russell are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Frank Brown, at Marquette, Mich. Mrs. Frank E. Beecher of Chihuahus, Mexico, arrived in the city Wednesday and will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hart. Miss Etta Johnson went to Menominee Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDowell of Menominee were guests of relatives in the city from Sunday until Tuesday evening. E. R. Baldwin of Eau Claire is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baldwin, this week. Joseph Neubauer of Chicago visited relatives and friends in the city Monday. Ed O’Keefe visited Marinette relatives Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. D. Ackrill went to Green Bay for two weeks visit with her son, W. T. Ackrill. Fred Forbes left Thursday for Chicago where he will join his family and visit for sometime with relatives and friends. Breed Miss Emma Ziereis, who has been on the sick list, is again at school. John Cross and Ormer Raymond Hiemerl called at the Ziereis home Sunday. Louis Kebel of Mosiling was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Quandt, Sr., Sunday and Monday. Brookside Mrs. M. Leonard attended the golden wedding anniversary of her brother John Geiter, of Milwaukee last week. Court Makes Fatal Error
Wausau, Wis., May 18 – In a fit of insanity Albert
Milbauer tried to kill everybody within his view, and then ended his life.
His victims are: Mrs. Honah Milbauer, his wife, shot through the right
lung, will die; Mrs. Lottie Odell, shot in the forehead, will die; Mrs.
Fred Burnett, middle finger of right hand shot off, will recover. Milbauer
fired at Richard Odell, aged twenty, a son of Mrs. Odell, but the bullet
only grazed his neck.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Armstrong were called to Glenmore, Wis. the first of the week by the death of a niece. Miss Freda Miller was called to Gresham recently by the serious illness of her sister Mrs. Harry Pricket. Abrams Quite a number of friends assembled at the St. Paul (railroad) depot Wednesday, to bid goodbye to Mrs. Tollefsen and family, who left for Chicago, where they will join Mr. Tollefsen, who left for that city some weeks ago. Mrs. Tollefsen, though only here a few months, made many warm friends and it was with regret that they saw here leave and good wishes for herself and family follow her to her home in the city. Hickory Art Perkins has gone to Baraboo to work on a farm. Mrs. T. E. Smith went to Shawano Saturday to visit her son Harry. From there she will visit with her daughters at Milwaukee and Ladysmith. Pensaukee Olaf Moe, who is bookkeeping at Wausaukee, spent Saturday evening and Sunday morning at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Moe Ragenville Mrs. P. B. Murphy has been called to Ironwood, Mich., by the serious illness of a sister. Mrs. McCarty and son, of Peshtigo, visited one day last week with her sister Mrs. O. Ragen Kelly Brook Miss Ruth Hall made her usual Saturday call at the Closser home at Spruce. Gillett Arthur Stuelke returned from Oshkosh Wednesday where he spent a week with his parents. Miss Elda Lange returned to Laona Wednesday, having spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lange. Peshtigo Brook John Friebel and family have moved to Freedom. John Braun has gone to Indiana, where he will be employed for sometime. Miss Rose Gehling went to St. Paul Friday, to visit
her brother.
Kelley Brook—The following pupils will receive diplomas of award from the county superintendent this week; Claudine St. Louis and Erna Kieffer. Gile Megan, the fast pitcher for the Oconto High School
ball club is evidently getting a wide reputation according to an article
clipped from the Pittsburg, Pa., Sun of the 16th and enclosed is
a letter from one of the Holt Lumber Company's business correspondents
at Pittsburgh with the notation "Nothing in the Grandest base ball town
of the country can touch this."
Oconto County Reporter
May 28, 1908 W. Hooton Is Killed
Started to Drive to Oconto Falls with John Semrad and George Schroeder
William Hooton, who had been a resident of Oconto for fifty years was almost instantly killed about 7:00 Tuesday evening by being thrown from buggy at the west end of Leighton bridge. He had been in charge of William Guthrie’s barn and Tuesday afternoon he refused John Semrad and George Schroeder have a rig to drive to Oconto Falls but consented to drive them over himself and the three left the barn about 5:00 in a single buggy drawn by a spirited horse, Hooton sitting on the other two men’s knees to drive. On the way out they stopped for a short time at O’Grady’s at the Fabry Corners and then drove on. When the horse came to the Leighton bridge witnesses say that it cleared it in about two jumps and as the buggy was leaving the west end of the bridge one wheel struck a stone and Hooton was pitched out onto head and shoulders and almost instantly killed, the coroner’s jury rendering it’s verdict that he came to his death on a runaway accident, from the fracture of the skull and concussion of the brain and his neck was broken. As he was thrown Semrad grabbed at him with one hand and one of the lines with the other but only got a slight hold on Hooton and was unable to help him. With his other hand he reined the horse into a wire fence at the side of the row and when they ran back to Hooton almost immediately he was but gasping his last. Deceased was born in Cambridgeshire, England, in 1845, and when 2 years old came to the state of New York. In 1857 he came west to DePere and in 1858 to Oconto and has lived here continually since that time. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. A. P. Call, of this city. The funeral was held at 2:00 this afternoon from the home of his sister, Mrs. Call, Rev. Hopkins officiating with internment in Evergreen cemetery. Commits Suicide
Charles Cornelius well known in Oconto, whose first wife was Miss Mamie Lippert, committed suicide at Menominee, last Sunday morning, about 7:00. Cornelius formerly kept a saloon in Menominee, but recently sold out his stock and last week Tuesday drew $500 of his money from the bank and started for his old home in Germany. He returned from New York Sunday morning and shot himself a short time after leaving the train at Marinette. Only $27 of the $500 was found on his person after death, and it is supposed he lost most of his money in some way in New York and then returned to Menominee. He stopped off here last week, on his way east, to visit his Oconto friends. One stepdaughter, Miss Mary Seidle, an employee of the Lauerman Bros. Co., is the only surviving member of the family. Injured By Dynamite
Sam Henderson of Stiles, who is well known here, was
badly injured while blowing out stumps with dynamite on his farm last Saturday.
Paint Poison’s Foot
While painting the roof of James Johnson’s new livery stable last week, George Barlement dropped some of the paint, which it penetrated, poisoning the foot. He paid no attention to it at first but the swelling increased until he was unable to stand on the foot. Dr. Watkins was called and said it was undoubtedly from the poisonous matter put in the paint, which was a cheap grade. Mr. Barlament expects to take the matter up with the paint company. At his examination yesterday Jos. Ledvina was bound over for trial in circuit court, his bond being raised to $900. Operated on Sunday Mrs. Charles Wright underwent an operation at the hospital Sunday and a piece of bone about two inches long, which was in a decayed condition, was removed from her arm. She broke her arm about three years ago and has been troubled with it ever since. Dr. Watkins performed the operation. Walter Gary is now at home, after spending seven months in St. Mary’s Hospital, at Green Bay, receiving treatment for his eyes. About a month ago it was found necessary to remove one of his eyes, in order to save the sight of the other. Sam Wiseman Injured Sam Wiseman was injured while loading a wagon with lumber in the Oconto Company’s lumberyard Monday afternoon. He was standing on the load and was attempting to draw a plank up when his hands slipped and he fell between the horses striking the wagon tongue. He was taken to the office of Dr. Atwood where it was discovered he had sustained a bad scalp wound on top of the head, which required several stitches, and was bruised about the body. He is getting along nicely. For False Imprisonment
Martin Farrell, who was recently arrested on complaint of W. H. Phillips and discharged, has now sued Mr. Phillips for false imprisonment and damage to his reputation. Personal and Local Mrs. Calista Nelson, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Comstock, left today for a visit with relatives in Milwaukee and Waukesha. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thielke were callers to Bear Creek last week by the illness of Mr. Thielke’s mother. Mr. Monson and son Henry returned Friday from Oshkosh where they had taken Mrs. Monson to the State Hospital the previous day. Mrs. T. E. Smith of Hickory, mother of H. B. Smith and his three sisters, Mrs. Huntington of Milwaukee, Mrs. Trecordean of Ladysmith and Miss Ruby Smith of Oconto Falls, visited in Shawano over Sunday. Miss Nettie Nerenhauson went to Iron Mountain, Mich. , Saturday for a two weeks visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaufman and children, Allen and Wilford, left Wednesday for Hardwood Mich., to make a short visit with relatives. Mrs. Clara Halstead of Milwaukee is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. L. Fyax of Escanaba, Formerly Miss Arlene Donnell, of this place, is visiting friends and relatives in town. Mrs. Douglas Burns returned Monday evening from a short visit with her husband, who she says is getting along as well as can be expected. W. H. Small, who has been spending a few weeks with his family, left last Thursday for Ignace, British Columbia. C. J. Fitzgerald of Daggett, Mich., spent Sunday in the city with friends. He was on his way to Denver, Colorado. Peter Shufelt will leave next Tuesday for Montana to visit his sons Ellias and Carl. S. J. Doyle of New York spent Sunday in this city with his aunt, Mrs. John Herald. Mrs. William Wittman returned last week from a short visit with relatives in Antigo. Miss Lillian Kilmer of Grand Rapids is visiting her brothers Clarence and Freeman, of this place. Mrs. J. P. Baldwin returned home Friday from Oshkosh,
where she had been visiting her parents
Oconto County Reporter
June 4, 1908 In a Runaway Accident at Lena Yesterday Carl Schoenebeck, the well-known resident of Lena, was injured yesterday afternoon about 2:00 by being thrown from his buggy, his horse having become frightened at an engine, and his right knee was dislocated. Dr. Atwood of this city was sent for to attend his injuries and went to his residence with an auto. Mrs. G. A. Baldwin went to Duluth Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Porter. E. R. Baldwin returned Saturday to his home in Eau Claire. Mrs. H. F. Bornheimer and children of Marinette visited relatives in the city from Saturday until Monday. W. C. Duncan, who is employed at Nahma, Mich., has been home for a visit with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Showers and children went to Clintonville Wednesday to visit relatives. Angus McAllister who has been spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, left Monday to resume his work as operator at Spokane, Wash. John Calhoun returned to Marion, Iowa, a few days ago where he will resume his work as operator. Let. Dayne and Ed Wescott were called to Mountain recently by the illness of their mother, Mrs. Helen Grimmer. Mrs. Eugene Campbell and children who have been visiting relatives here for sometime, returned to their home at Kewaunee, Friday. W. A. Smith came down from Dunbar to spend Sunday at home previous to Mrs. Smith’s departure Tuesday for North Yakima, Wash., to visit her sister, Mrs. C. H. Royce. W. G. Sullivan returned Tuesday, after a few weeks’ visit with his parents at Escanaba, Mich. Mrs. Antone DeClene left Thursday for a few weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. VanHoust, at DePere. Mrs. Allen of Wausaukee, Wis., is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Minnie Johnson.
Oconto County Reporter
June 11, 1908 James Holm who with Arthur Dufano was arrested for arson waived examination before Judge Jones Tuesday and was bound over for trial at the circuit court. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schultz of Cecil are visiting the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Eichhorn and family. Mort Williams of Milwaukee is the guest of relatives in the city. Joseph Ryan, who was called home Friday from Nahma, Mich., by the serious illness of his son. Will Ryan, who passed away the following day, will return to his work Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Giguere returned Monday to Timme having been called here by the death of the formers father. Rev. and Mrs. Gerlach left Wednesday for an extended visit with relatives in Port Washington, Watertown and Dubuque, Iowa. Mrs. James Golden and children Esther and Sherman, of Green Bay, made a brief visit over Sunday with relatives in town. Miss Marjorie Hubbel of Minneapolis, Minn., is the quest of her sister, Mrs. S. Flowers. August McAllister and Pat Maloney Jr., left last Monday for Washington. Mrs. William Miencke and children of Peshtigo spent a few days with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Colburn, recently. Mrs. Charles A. Best and daughter Marjorie left Monday for a visit with relatives and friends in Chicago and Freeport, Ill. Frank W. Calligan or Norway, Mich., returned home Tuesday evening, having been called here by the death of his cousin, William Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nineway and Lousie Nineway, mother of the former, of Green Bay, returned home last evening, having been called here by the death of William Ryan, who was a brother of Mrs. Henry Nineway. A.J. Hutton, superintendent of the Industrial school at Waukesha, was in the city Tuesday after Arthur Duffano, who was returned to that institution after having been home on parole. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bachand, George Pelkey Sr., Sammuel King, Fred Rosera and Miss Jane Pelkey of Lena attended the funeral of Louis Giguere which was held Saturday morning. Walter Emmerman, who has been confined in the Marinette hospital with a broken leg for the past three months, arrived in town Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Forbes and children, Mildred and Kenneth, returned Wednesday after a two month’s visit with relatives and friends at Waukesha and Chicago. Joseph Wilbur and family moved into their new house Tuesday and Joseph Guelker and family moved into the house formerly occupied by the Wilbur family. William Meles was called to Cecil the latter part of last week by the illness and death of his mother. Mrs. Halstead, who has been visiting relatives in the village for sometime past, returned to her home in Milwaukee during the week. Miss Libbie LeClair left Saturday for Menominee for
a few days visit with relatives.
Mrs. Geo. Pankratz spent a few days in Green Bay last week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Will Gordon. Mrs. Mary Dutten went to Amberg Friday, called there by the death of her sister, Mrs. Chase. Mrs. William Murphy and son Henry left Saturday to make an extended visit with relatives in Chicago. Pat Riordan returned to his home in Rantoui on Friday of last week after visiting relatives here for a short time. Miss Mildred Bolen is visiting relatives at Marinette. Miss Alvina Nischke of Two Rivers is spending the summer with her brother, Rudolph, in Little River. Wm. Duame came very near losing three children Sunday. They were in the woods after the cows, when the windstorm struck a large tree which fell and the top surrounded them. It left marks on one but they escaped without being seriously hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Alberts and son Peter are visiting relatives in Kewaunee this week. Gerte, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ebert, while playing with matches last Thursday set fire to her clothes and burnt herself quite badly. She is at present in critical condition. Dave Lemere of Detour, Michigan, visited with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Laplant, a few days last week. Marinette Eagle-Star Charles Lynes, chief of the Oconto fire department, was in the city Wednesday, a guest of his brother, George Lynes. Mrs. William Guthrie, who had been a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Boyd, returned to Oconto Thursday afternoon. Peshtigo Times Miss Mary McDowell of Oconto is visiting here at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Drees.
Oconto County Reporter
June 18, 1908 Personal and Local Frank Ramsey of green Bay spent Sunday in the city with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Ramsey. Ben Richter is home from Antigo for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richter. Mrs. S. J. Ford returned Monday to her home in Chicago after a few weeks visit in the city. Mrs. Curtis Simpsen of Racine is visiting relatives in the city. Frank Ramsey of green Bay spent Sunday in the city with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Ramsey. Ben Richter is home from Antigo for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richter. Mrs. S. J. Ford returned Monday to her home in Chicago after a few weeks visit in the city. Mrs. Curtis Simpsen of Racine is visiting relatives in the city. Kent Farrar of “South Dakota” was the guest of his brother, James, and family the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zahn and children of Gillett were the guests of the latter’s father, John Quandt, and family Sunday and Monday. Many of the patrons, learned with regret the death of Frank Starkey. His parents at one time resided in Little River. Miss Emma Hintz of Scofield is visiting her aunt here, Mrs. Charles Lawerence. Mrs. A. E. Dunlap of Ripon arrived in this city last Friday and is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. F. Loomis. Eugene Gauthier left Monday evening for Shawano to be present at the wedding of his brother, Dennis, at that place Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Sanderson of Marinette called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gauthier and children attended the wedding of their son Dennis at Shawano last Tuesday. Mrs. William Flatley and children, Sadie and Gregory, left Sunday for a week’s visit with relatives in Marinette. Mrs. Joseph Kaufmann and children, Allen and Wilfred, returned during the week from a few weeks visit with relatives in Hardwood, Mich. Frank Bartlett has purchased the place known as “Black Hawk” and formerly owned by Mike McGuire of Lena. Mr. Bartlett has now one of the best driving outfits in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mineau of Timme returned Sunday from Oconto having been called there to attend the funeral of her uncle, Louis Giguere, which took place Saturday at 8:30 from St. Peter’s church. Fred Tisher, who has been in Merrimac for sometime,
is home for a few days visit.
J. Maloney, Robert Koch and H. E. Gudden captured a big snapping turtle on the Oconto Companys landing yesterday morning weighing 105 pounds. Charles Carr was burned about the face and hands Tuesday
morning while extinguishing a blaze underneath a gasoline stove in his
fathers store.
Oconto County Reporter
June 25, 1908 Puppy Saves Life
Gust LeComte relates an incident which happened last week and which he thinks that shows that the paying of a dog license is sometimes a good investment and calls to mind how little we sometimes appreciate our canine friends. As his little 18 month old child was playing about the home it wandered along the street and fell in a ditch face downward in the mud. No one saw it fall and it could not cry out, but Schroeder’s little dog, a mere puppy, jumped back and forth across the ditch where the child lay and by it’s barking attracted the attention of a Bohemian lady, who was passing and who while she could understand little English understood by the dog’s actions that something was wrong and went to look when she grabbed up the child just in time probably to save it from smothering in the mud. About two last Friday afternoon fire started in the Pendleton and Gilkey cedar yard at the old Spies mill and one of the hottest and most destructive fires in the history of Oconto continued until about nine in the evening before it was finally subdued. Mrs. R.G. Flanders very pleasantly entertained a number of the married graduates of the Oconto High school at a thimble party at her home last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Whitney received the first prize and Mrs. Beecher the consolation trophy. The guests from out of the city were: Mrs. Dr. McKee of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Fred Fehr of Ironwood, Mich., and Mrs. Beecher of Chihuahua, Mexico. Miss Anna Foffz returned Monday from Maple Valley where she has been teaching school the past year. The Misses Dora Denison and Emily Kehl went to Menominee
yesterday where they took one of the Hart line boats for Harbor Springs,
Mich., on beautiful Little Traverse bay, where they will spend the remainder
of their summer vacation.
Oconto County Reporter
July 2, 1908 Six Young Men of Frenchtown Arrested Last Friday David Remington, Louis LaMountain, Louis Mercier, Peter Belland, John Caine and Ed Poirer of Frenchtown were arrested last Friday on a charge of larceny. It is said that it has been a practice several years for young men to steal hay and grain from the Oconto Company which they would afterward sell at different barns and it was for one of these offenses that the charge was made. When taken before Justice DonLevy Mercier pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs. The examination of the others was set for tomorrow, July 3, and bail fixed at $200, Belland, Poirer and Caine furnished bond for their appearance and were released but Remington and LaMountain are in jail awaiting examination. Frank Longley was arrested last night on Main St. for being drunk and disorderly and was taken before Justice Don Levy this morning, when he pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs or ten days in jail. He took the ten days. Personal and Local M. G. Minzgohr of Houghton, Mich., was in the city Monday, a guest of his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Keene. Mrs. Walter Eckhardt of Green Bay and mother, Mrs.
Murphy, of St. Joe, Mo., arrived
Mrs. Sol. Hirsch returned Saturday from a visit with relatives and friends in Milwaukee. W. J. McGee went to Milwaukee Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Klaus arrived here Wednesday evening from their wedding trip and will make their home here in the future. Mrs. Dorin returned home Saturday, after and extended visit with friends and relatives at New London. Mrs.Grenvell and daughter Miss Melva, arrived Saturday from their home in Byron, Ill., and are the guests at the home of the formers mother, Mrs. J. Peters Sr. Walter Lear and Ed Christian left Monday for Crystal Falls, where they will be employed. A number of members of the G.A.R. attended the funeral of Mr. Partlow at Brookside Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Cooley started on their return to Oregon Wednesday evening where they have a beautiful home. They were called here about 3 weeks ago on account of the serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Louis Bowman of Grover. While here Mr. and Mrs. visited their son at Hickory, Oconto Co. Mrs. Thomas McDowell returned last Thursday from a
week’s visit with relatives at Wild Rose, Wis. She was accompanied home
by her sister, Mrs. E. M. Lansing of Portland, Oregon, and niece, Leiah
Larson, of Wild Rose.
Oconto County Reporter
July 9, 1908 Killed By Lightening
John Golder, the sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Goulder of Carney, Mich., was struck by lightening and instantly
killed at 5:00 Sunday afternoon. He in company with several boys, took
shelter in an ice house during the sever storm, about two miles from his
home. He was standing in the doorway when the lightening struck the building.
One of the other boys had an arm and leg badly torn and is in critical
condition. If he lives he will be insane. The other boys were stunned and
one thrown the entire length of the building.
Examination Continued
The examination of B. M. Goldberg and E.M. Newald of Green Bay, charged with setting fire to the Gillett Opera House, was continued by mutual consent, to Thursday, July 16, at 9:00 a.m. Four Are Convicted
Four out of five young men brought before Justice DonLevy Last Friday, charged with stealing hay and oats from the Oconto Company’s barn, were convicted. Two were given jail sentences and two were fined. David Remington and Louis LaMountain were given thirty and ninety days respectively and Ed. Poirer and Peter Belland were each fined five dollars and costs. John Kain was continued to July 14. Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. William Guthrie spent Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Lesilie Boyd, in Marinette. Joe and Jack Nathan returned to their home in Alfred, Mich., Monday, after a few days visit with relatives and friends in this city. Mrs. Chas. Nagelstock, who has been making an extended visit here with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Heller, returned Monday to her home in Iron Wood, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson of Marshalltown, Iowa, are guests at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson. Miss Anna Harmnich of Milwaukee spent the fourth with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.Geo. A. Baldwin returned Saturday from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. H. H. Porter, in Duluth. Mrs. Frank E. Bescher, who has been spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hart, left Thursday morning for her home in Chihuahue, Mexico. James G. Valitchka of Rhinelander came Friday to spend the fourth with his mother. He returned Tuesday. Eustice O’Keef is home from Bourbonnias for the summer vacation. Miss Julia Herald has returned from a three-month’s visit with her brother, John in Duluth. Henry Rassmussen, who is employed in Racine, spent the fourth at home. Mrs. Will Ross and children and children of Escanaba came last Thursday for a few days visit with relatives. Mrs. J. W. Hall is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Villeneuve at East junction. Mrs. William Zeftier and little daughter have joined Mr. Zeftier at Trout Lake, Mich., where he holds a position as railroad agent. Bird. Martineau of Marinette visited relatives in the
city the first of the week.
Oconto County Reporter
July 16, 1908 Who is Mrs. Perkins?
City Marshal L. G. Smith is in receipt of the following
letter from under sheriff at Ladysmith, asking him to locate Mrs. Fred
Perkins, which he has been unable to do up to the present time.
Yours truly, Wm. Dodson, Under Sheriff In Justice Court Joseph Courtoise, charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, was arrested Tuesday and taken before Justice Don Levy, who continued his case for ten days. Alfred Morris was the complaining witness. Bail was fixed at $300, which was furnished. Charles Collins, charged with assault and battery, was taken before Justice DonLevy Tuesday, on complaint of Andrew Nelson, and discharged. Oconto Falls Jerome Graney and Ear Hoar left Monday for the “Golden West”. Mrs. J. Reynolds and children, Arlene and Wayne, left Wednesday for Shawano, where Mr. Reynolds is employed and will make their future home in the quaint Indian town. Miss Helen Hurley left Thursday for an extended visit with relatives in Milwaukee. Miss Bertha Wittmann, who has spent the past winter with relatives in Milwaukee, returned home Friday. Miss Helen Putman of DePere is visiting relatives here during this week. Dennis Gauthier of Shawano made a brief call on relatives last Thursday. Hickory Mrs. Geo. And daughter, Fern, of Green Bay spent several days with Mrs. Russell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Coy. Eugene Chamberlin came down from the reservation to spend the fourth with his family. Harry Smith came down from Shawano Saturday returning Monday with his family, who had spent the past week at the home of T. E. Smith. Mrs. Belle Heath and children of Pennsylvania arrived
Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Hattie Orendorf, at Kelly Lake.
Oconto County Reporter
July 23, 1908 Personal and Local Mrs. William Guthrie went to Marinette Monday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Boyd. Miss Aurelia Jennings of Milwaukee is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. M. Martineau. P. A. Badour went to Milwaukee Monday and met his brother J. P. Badour of Allegan, Mich., who came here for a few day’s visit. The two brothers with Mose Pocquette spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Buckskin August’s ranch after trout. Mrs. Nick Strack and Mrs. George Ansorge and little daughter, Eunice, are visiting friends in Milwaukee, Elkhart Lake and Green Bay. Lewis West of Charles City, Iowa, is in the city, the quest of his niece, Miss Maud West. Mrs. Jas. Farrar and daughter, Mrs. Ed McKeague, drove to South Dakota Sunday and spent the day with the formers son, Wm. Merryfield and family. Miss Helen Segebart is very busy sewing and seems to like it very much. She will make her home with her sister, Mrs. John Powers, at Oshkosh after spending a few weeks at home. Miss Eva Rothlesberg of Merrill is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baldwin. Misses Elsie and Laura Grosse returned home Sunday
from Chicago where they spent a few weeks with friends and relatives.
Oconto County Reporter
July 30, 1908 Personal and Local Edwin Delaporte of Berlin is visiting his parents in this city week. Miss Martha Schedler left Monday for a extended visit with her brothers, Paul, in Spokane, Wash., and other western cities. E. J. Walsh returned home yesterday from New Mexico where he had been for some time for the benefit of his health. His many friends will be grieved to learn that his health has not improved much. Mrs. Ceila Telford will leave the latter part of the week for Missoula, Mont., to join her husband, having spent some time with her mother, Mrs. Charles Quirt in Little River. Mrs. W. A. Smith returned yesterday from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Royce, at North Yakima, Wash. George Burns Hurley, who was drowned at Townsend last week, was buried in Forest Home cemetery Thursday. Women Killed in a Runaway Shawano, Wis., July 29. – Mrs. Charles Hoeff’s and
Fred Krause were killed in a runaway accident at Hartland, ten miles from
here. A team of horses attached to a gravel wagon ran away, causing the
heavy wagon to crash into the carriage in which the women were riding.
Publication unknown
August 1, 1908 - photo (date of article unknown) ![]() contributed by Scott A. Vander Sande Your Mail Sir Art Thiele stepped out of his store on Main Street, the present offices of Dr. James Janda, to have his picture taken for posterity as he accepted his mail on the occasion of the city's first free mail delivery. The date was August 1, 1908, and the overburdened young mailman was Charles Vogel, 101 Cross St., Oconto. Preparations for mail service began one year previous when city fathers changed the street names and numbering system to help the postmen in their daily rounds. It was decided then that the streets north of the river, running east and west, were to be named after Presidents in their order, Oconto Street being changed to Washington, First Street to Adams, etc. It was also deceed that north and south numbers would begin at the Oconto River and that these street would be termed avenues. In January 1908, Mayor William A. Holt stopped off in Marinette on his way back from the lumbering camps to talk with Senator Stevenson of Marinette about introducing a bill in Senate to appropriate $50,000 for a government building in Oconto to be used as a post office. Then in March George Beyer signed a contract with the government to erect and rent to them for 10 years, a post office building. It was built next to the old Oconto National Bank and in July the new post office was in business in what is now the Oconto Elks Lodge Hall. The next order of business was to line up mail carriers. Civil Service exams were given to 31 applicants and the high scorers Charles Vogel, George Perdzock, Ray Klass and Peter Heller. Carriers drew lots for the districts they were to cover and on August 1 they started out. Perdzock remembers that it was a pretty hectic time as there was no city directory out and nothing to go by. There was no separate parcel post delivery in those times, and besides the sack of letters, the mailmen were festooned with packages dangling from straps about their person. They not only had to deliver the mail, but they also had to act as collectors. Things were especially rough in winter as the mailman was usually the first one out and had to break his way through the snowdrifts. Each man made two deliveries a day through his district and when the four o'clock train came in a third delivery was made to the business district. At seven o'clock in the evening they took turns making a last collection trip downtown. A memorable time for Charles Vogel was the flood of 1922 that inundated the center of town and much of Frenchtown. For ten days he had to make his deliveries by boat. Besides Perdzock and Vogel, a third surviving member of the post office crew is Dr. Byron Holyoke who, with George Hall and Grace Classon (Gardner) acted as postal clerks. George Hall was postmaster when carrier service was initiated, and Arthur Davis his assistant. The rural carriers were Lucius Clarke, Timothy Couillard, and Joe Neuville. (Note: Lucius Clark is the great
great-grandfather of Scott Vander Sande)
Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 6, 1908 Injured Saturday
While at work at the Oconto canning factory Saturday John McGovern had his right leg quite badly injured. In attempting to climb upon a wagon his foot slipped and his leg came in contact with a sharp piece of iron on the wagon tongue, inflicting a deep and ugly gash in the limb. It necessitated nineteen stitches to close the wound. As a consequence Mr. McGovern will be laid up for several weeks. Ed Ledvina Injured
Ed Ledvina was severely injured last Thursday evening and had a narrow escape from death by coming in contact with a live wire of the Oconto Electric Company. He climbed the telephone pole at the corner near the Methodist church to put on a molding to prevent the electric light and telephone wires from coming in contact which had been causing them trouble. In some manner one hand came in contact with one of the electric light wires and he was thrown to the ground, striking on his feet on the cement walk. The bone of his right heel was split and the muscles and ligaments of and about both ankles were severely strained so that he will probably be confined to his bed for several weeks. The climbers which he wore May have saved him from further injury about the ankles by transferring part of the strain to the calves of the legs. Miss Christine Kaufmann of New York is visiting her brother, J. A. Kaufmann. Peter Shufelt returned Friday from an extended visit with his sons, Ellis and Carl, in Montana. Mrs. Ed Belongia and three children, Marion, Miles and Ralph, left last Friday evening for LaCrosse, where they will join Mr. Belongia, who is employed there. Mrs. H. H. Porter of Duluth is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Baldwin, in the West ward. Mrs. B. Breakstone and son Seymore and sister, Miss Libbie Blumenthal, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Breakstone, left Friday morning for a two weeks visit with relatives in Crandon before returning to their home in Chicago. Miss Jessie Delware gave a party to about 15 of her young friends yesterday afternoon from 4 to 7 in honor of her fourteenth birthday. Morgan—William Murphy left Thursday for the "golden west." Bound Over For Trial Albert and Tilmer Nelson and Otto Langner were examined
before Judge Jones Monday on a charge of assault with intent to do great
bodily harm and were bound over for trial at the circuit court, each furnished
a bond of $200 for his appearance in court.
Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 13, 1908 Daniel Knedlhaus, a young man of Brazeau, was brought to the city, examined and adjudged insane by Judge Jones Tuesday and the same afternoon was taken to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh by Sheriff Degan and Under sheriff Burns. Oconto Boys Enlist Alphonse Desjarlis, Edmond E. Racine, Oliver Barribeau and Clarence Smith went to Green Bay Monday where they applied for enlistment in the United States Cavalry. Mr. Desjarlis has just returned from three years’ service in the cavalry and has decided to re-enlist. They expect to be stationed at Columbus, Ohio. Personal and Local Miss Ruby Giguere returned to her home in Wausaukee today after a few days visit with her aunt, Mrs. Sophia Schauers. Mrs. Lawrence Bell returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Saukville. She was accompanied home by her mother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Harris and daughter Thelma of Soperton are in the city today visiting relatives. Mrs. I. H. Isaackson is seriously ill at her home here with consumption. No hopes are entertained for her recovery. A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. Herman Halverson at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clewly, Monday evening. Mrs. Halverson returned to her home in Swanson, Mich., Tuesday. Fred Ramsey of Fond Du Lac spent a few hours last Friday
and Saturday here with his mother, Mrs. M. Ramsey.
About thirty friends gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Mineau on McDonald street last evening to help them celebrate
their fifth wedding anniversary.
Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 20, 1908 Came Near Drowning
Miss Emma Ledvina of 221 Erie street and Miss Pearl LaBelle of No. 1515 Carney Avenue, Marinette, came very near losing their lives by drowning about 4:30 last Friday afternoon near the shore end of the south government pier. They had been rowing on the river with Myrtle Burke and Gertie Paenfus and rowed over to the bank near Coney Island to change to a smaller boat. When they got into the smaller boat it appears they got on one side of the boat when it tipped throwing them out and they came up under the boat. Bobby Watson, who was playing an engagement in vaudeville at the Turner Opera House, was near and ran to their assistance and first got Miss Ledvina to the boat where she could hang on and then went to the assistance of Miss LaBelle who was just going down the third time and by throwing himself over the bank with his arms and part of his face under water he managed to catch her by the hair and pulled her head above water. With the assistance of Earl Wright the girls then got ashore. William Parker Is Killed
William Parker of Spruce was instantly killed about 11:30 last Saturday forenoon while on his way home from Lena with a load of lime. When about a mile and a half north of the Spruce post office the front wheel struck a stone throwing him to the ground in such a manner that the wheels passed over his neck and head breaking and crushing them. A man walking about 50 feet behind the team ran to him when he saw him fall but Mr. Parker was dead when he reached him. Deceased was born in Mitchell, Ontario about 32 years
ago but for the past 21 years has lived in Oconto County. He is survived
by his wife and a little daughter six months old, four brothers, Patrick,
John, Thomas and Hugh and two sisters Mrs. George Cabas and Mrs. William
Personal and Local Mrs. Charles Hall of Lamar, Mo., joined her husband here Saturday evening for a visit with old-time friends and relatives. Mrs. C. H. Nelson, Mrs. M. Carrell, David Pecor and
daughters, Freda and Stella, and Miss Edith McDowell attended the Pecor-Bridger
wedding at Nahma, Mich., Tuesday.
Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 27, 1908 Personal and Local Mrs. Gottschalk, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Ullman, for the last weeks, returned yesterday to her home in Milwaukee. Mrs. E. H. Gilkey and daughters, Edna and Lucille, returned Monday from a visit with Mrs. Gilkey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trecartin, at Hickory. They will leave Saturday for Shohola, Pa., where they will join Mr. Gilkey’s and make their future home. Asa M. Royce and family, who had been visiting Mr. Royce’s mother and other Oconto friends, returned to their home at Superior Tuesday night. Miss Emma Rathka returned Monday from Omaha, Neb., for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathka. Z. P. Rouselle of Iron Mountain, Mich. is expected here Sunday to join Mrs. Rouselle and little son who have been visiting here for the last two weeks and will accompany them home Monday. Miss Margaret Riley is enjoying a three weeks vacation with relatives and friends in Green Bay and Benderville. Mrs. C. J. McGregor returned Monday from a few days visit with her husband at Watersmeet. H. E. Gudden and son, Herman, are visiting relatives
in Chicago.
Oconto County Reporter
Sep. 3, 1908 Fractured Collar Bone
Kenneth Ward had the misfortune to break his right collar bone yesterday afternoon. He had been using a horse belonging to the Hilt Lumber Co. and after taking it to the barn about 6:00 the horse, which was a very heavy animal jammed him up against the side of the barn, causing the painful injury. The three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dehut burned his left hand quite badly Friday by taking hold of a rope, which was in use on a hay pulley hoisting hay. Dr. Atwood dresses the wound hand. Finger Amputated T. Porier, Who has been employed at Kimberly Clark Company’s mill at Niagara, had his left hand quite badly cut by a saw last week. He returned home Saturday and it was necessary t have the third finger amputated. Personal and Local William Edwards is home from Chicago for a visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson and family of Sagola, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Olson’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Forestal. Gulle Classon returned Saturday from a visit with Manitowoc relatives. Mrs. M. G. Minzgohr and daughter Norma of Houghton, Mich., are visiting at the home of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Keene. Mrs. R. B. Ellis and son Asher of Wausaukee are spending the week with Mrs. Ellis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Runkle Sr. Miss Essie Iliff of Green Bay is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Ansorge. Ed Jennings of Milwaukee is visiting relatives in the
Oconto County Reporter
Sep. 10, 1908 Paul F. Tieg Killed
A telegram was received here Monday by Mrs. William F. Johnson announcing that her brother, Paul F. Tieg, had been killed by a freight train at Mora, Minn., Sunday. No further particulars are known here except those furnished by the certificate accompanying his remains which arrived here on the 10:52 train this forenoon and were taken to the home of his sister. This certificate gives the cause of his death as hemorrhage and the shock. He left here about seven years ago and had been employed in a mill at Worthington, Minn., but about a month ago he wrote Mrs. Johnson that he was about the leave there and go to Mora and requested her to write so he would receive her letter before he left. This she did and it is supposed he had her letter in his pocket which served to identify him and apprised the authorities whom to notify. More particulars are expected each mail. Deceased who was unmarried was about 35 years old and is survived by his mother, Mrs. Charles Prochnow, of this city, three brothers, Labert of Arbor Vitae; Otto, Superior; and William, Lena and three sisters, Mrs. W. F. Johnson, Oconto; Mrs. Missing, Oshkosh; and Mrs. Ernest Bartols, Marinette. On their arrival here his remains were taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Johnson, where the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:00, Rev. Eisenbach officiating, with internment in Evergreen cemetery. Sailed for Manila Henry Mehlberg who recently entered the hospital service for the United States Marines sailed from Mare’s Island Cal. Navy yard last Saturday for Manila. Antoine Sharrow left Sunday evening for a visit with relatives and friends in Hebron, Ill. Paul Meuleman of Milwaukee spent Sunday and Monday here with his wife and children, who are visiting Mrs. Meuleman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bluteau. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olson of Mountain were in the city Monday on their way home from a three month’s visit to the old country. Mrs. W. H. Small left Sunday evening for a visit with her husband in Fort William, Canada. She will visit her brother, John Herald, at Duluth, before her return. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richard of Channing, Mich., are visiting relatives here. They have disposed of their hotel interests there and expect to leave for the west in the near future. Mrs. William Burnet Sr., returned Monday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. C.P. Clark, in Chicago. Mrs. Charles Johnson of Menominee is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, on the South side. George Lince Jr., who has spent the summer months at Watersmeet, Mich., arrived home last week for a short visit with his parents. Mrs. Agnes Robinson and daughter Gertrude are visiting relatives in Milwaukee this week and taking in the state fair. Dr. and Mrs. W.C. Watkins went to Milwaukee Tuesday afternoon where they were to meet Mrs. Watkin’s brother Walter Harvey and wife of Galena, Ill. And enjoy a few days together at the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. M. Barrett left Saturday for Chilton to attend the funeral of the latter’s mother, who died Saturday at Appleton. Mrs. Robert Riordan and Mrs. Byron McDougald left Sunday night for Chilton at attend the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. H. Skahen. Mrs. John Quinlan and family left for their home in Chicago Saturday, after making an extended visit at the Murphy residence. Clarence McHugh was quite badly injured Sunday morning from a kick by a horse. Mr. and Mrs. Rathke will leave Monday for Marinette
where they will reside on Garfield avenue.
Oconto County Reporter
Sep. 17, 1908 A Floater in River
Considerable excitement was caused in the city Saturday evening and Sunday morning by the report that the body of a women had been seen in the river by Leo Beebe, the 15 yr. old nephew of Douglas Burns, who was here from Chicago for a visit. He was rowing a boat on the middle slip a short distance above Spies’ mill about 5 or 6:00 Saturday evening when his oar struck what he at first thought was a snag but which on giving it closer attention, he discovered it to be the remains of a women. He was so shocked and unnerved by what he had seen that he immediately rowed to shore and came up to town and reported what he had seen. Parties of men went down to the vicinity the same evening and again Sunday morning and searched for the body but it could not be found. At first it was thought by some that the boy might be mistaken and that his imagination might have lent to some deadhead that he had stirred up and which was draped with grass and weeds the appearance of a human body but the boy told such a straight, positive story about her long black hair, glassy eyes that appeared to stare at him and the appearance of her face that had turned purple that those who had heard him became convinced that he had seen just what he described. This was in a measure corroborated by the report of Robert Spice who with his brother Sam was fishing for bullheads near Coney Island and about 11:00 Saturday night saw a queer looking object that might have been the body in question floating down the river past them. Not having heard of the discovery of the boy however he paid no attention to it further then to call his brother’s attention to it’s looking queer. The report of the boy’s discovery having reached Alphonse Rundon of Green Bay whose wife has been missing since September 2, he came here yesterday to interview the boy and see what he could learn. The boy had gone to Gillett but from what he learned he thought it possible that it might be his wife the black hair especially conforming to her description. He stated that she had not appeared just right mentally at times. She left home August 31 but he had succeeded in tracing her movements until September when she took a north bound electric car at Little Chute. As she had relatives at Oconto Falls it is reasoned that she may have started for there and got this far on the night train and then fallen or jumped into the river. This would give about the required time for the body to rise to the surface at the time the boy made his discovery near Spies’ mill. Mr. Rondou offers a reward of $25 for information as to her where abouts or for the recovery of her body if dead. Fined Fifty Dollars
Wilfred Roy was arrested last Saturday by Sheriff Dagen charged with having stolen the horse, saddle and bridal belonging to A.F. Esson the week before. He at first denied the theft but later admitted committing it while intoxicated. He was taken before Judge Jones yesterday afternoon and pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny and was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs amounting in all to about $88 or in default of payment to be confined to the county jail for six months. The fine and costs have been paid and Roy discharged. Sheriff Dagen went to Flintville Monday and recovered the horse where Roy had traded it to Phillip Tolyst for another old horse, receiving $10 to boot. The horse had changed hands four times and it was evident there was knowledge of his having being stolen and an effort to keep him under cover so that the sheriff had hard work to locate him. The horse was finally found locked in a box stall in a neighbor’s barn about a quarter of a mile away from Tolyst’s. With the aid of an axe the staple was drawn from the door and the horse taken to J. B. Wensing’s stable at Little Suamico and later brought here. Spark From Cigarette Falls Into Pan of Powder Fred Oshinsky, his five year old daughter and John Oshinsky of the town of Brazeau were badly burned about the head, face and arms last Saturday. The gentlemen were preparing to go hunting and were reloading some cartridges, the little girl watching the proceedings. Fred was smoking a cigarette at the time and a spark from it dropped into the pan of powder, which he had on his knees, causing it to instantly flame up which resulted in the three being badly burned. Dr. Rose of Lena was called to administer to their wants and states that the burns are serious and may result in some of the parties losing their eyesight. Later – John Magee of the town of Brazeau, who is in the city today to attend the meeting of the Republican county committee, informs us that before he left home he heard the little girl had since died from her injuries. A Narrow Escape
About 11:00 last Sunday forenoon a shot was fired through one of the south window in Frank DonLevy’s residence which narrowly escaped striking his daughter Helen. Mr. DonLevy immediately ran toward the round house of the C.M. & St. Paul railroad thinking that whoever had done the shooting might be hiding in there, but failed to find anyone. Some of the opinion that so long as they hold a hunting license that they are privileged to shoot wherever they like, which however, it is not the case and it may cost them dear if they do not use more discretion in the future. First Visit Since ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease, who have been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reed at
the Bay Shore, returned Tuesday to their home in Rockford, Ill. They were
residents of this city from 1865 – 1877 and this was Mr. Pease’s first
visit since he left Oconto. He is a member of Company E 141, Ill. Reg.
And was looking up some of his old comrades, but said he found more in
the cemeteries than in the city. They noted a great many changes and were
much pleased with their visit.
Personal and Local Robert and Leonard Bauers of Kolze, Ill., are spending a few days at their home here, after which they will again resume their duties at Kolze as machinist for the Wisconsin Central Ry. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Parmeter and granddaughter, Doris Pennel, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Williams, returned last Thursday to their home in Concord. Mich. Mrs. Rexford and family of Shiocton are quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Porter. Misses Edna and Lena Greeton returned last Thursday to Channing, Mich., to spend the winter with their father, J. J. Greeton. Mrs. James Urquhart and daughter Mabel and son Grant returned Saturday from a two month’s visit in Nelson, Can. Miss Alice Burke, accompanied by her niece, Miss Margaret Finnegan, left Thursday for a visit among relatives at Green Bay and Wayside. They have been guests at the home of their brother and uncle, M. Finnegan. O. A. LaBudde visited with his at Elkhart Lake Sunday. Mrs. Charles Farrell and baby of Fond du Lac are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. John Runkle, Sr. went to Oshkosh Tuesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Ryan. Miss Margaret Riley returned Monday from a three weeks visit with relatives and friends in Benderville and Green Bay. Herbert Laurie returned Monday to his home in Soperton, after a weeks visit here with relatives. Robert Richer will return Saturday from a few days visit with his brother Ben in Antigo. Mrs. Emil Messing returned Saturday to her home in Oshkosh after attending the funeral of her brother, Paul Tiegs. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Williams and two daughters have returned to their home in Milwaukee after a visit with Mrs. Williams’ mother, Mrs. T. H. Phelps. Miss Laura Laferriere returned Sunday to her home in Chicago, after a months visit in the city with relatives. Joseph Bereau was in the city Saturday on his way home to Menominee from Wabeno, having been called here by the serious illness of his sister. Mrs. J. W. Cota and little daughter who have been visiting Mrs. Cota’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lee, the past two weeks, returned Monday evening to their home in Appleton. Mr. Cota joined them here Sunday morning and accompanied them home. Mrs. Chas. J. McGregor joined her husband in Ashland Tuesday where they expect to reside for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holt and children and Mrs. Holt’s
father, I. P. Ramsey, of Lake Forest, returned Saturday from the Holt summer
cottage near Lakewood.
Oconto County Reporter
Sep. 24, 1908 Fatally Shot
Dick Doyle, one of the best known camp bosses in this section of country, and who runs camps for the Fence River Logging company for a number of years, was fatally shot near Tacoma. The following account of his death, which appeared in Friday’s Marinette Eagle-Star, will be read with regret by many of our citizens. It is reported that friends in Marinette this week received the sad intelligence of the death of Dick Doyle in the west. It was stated that a letter from an undertaker in Tacoma contained this information that Mr. Doyle had been fatally shot in a melee in a small town near Tacoma. There were no details of the crime. Dick was one of the old time loggers of the Menominee River region. For years he was one of the bosses for the Fence River Co. He was a bachelor and made his home in Marinette. He was a man about 50 years of age. About four years ago he went west to engage in the logging business. Not Guilty Alexander Lesperance, who was arraigned before Judge DonLevy’s court Monday afternoon, on the charge of assault and battery, was discharged. The complaining witness was Willard C. Ehardt of Clintonville, a brakeman on the C. & N. W. Ry. Released Saturday James Noonan of Oconto Falls, who was charged with pointing a revolver at and threatening to shoot his wife was released Saturday from the county jail on the payment of $17.50. Personal and Local Albert Vendt returned last Wednesday, after a pleasant visit with his sons, Albert and Karl, at Milwaukee. He also attended the state fair while there. J. F. Fitzwilliams of Valparalso, Ind., Arrived in the city Monday morning to assume the position of city editor and solicitor for the Enterprise. Mr. Fitswilliams is a pleasant gentleman to meet and will no doubt prove an agreeable addition to the newspaper force of the city. Mrs. Mary O’Keef visited relatives in Marinette the first of the week. Mrs. S. L. Heyman and little son Leo went to Chicago today for a visit with her parents and to spend the Jewish New Year. Mrs. F. Gerrish of Sault St. Marie is spending a couple of weeks here with her husband. H. A. Baldwin, who has been employed for the Enterprise the past year, resigned his position Saturday. Rev. Father Gunu of Atlanta, Ga., was the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Mary O’Keef Sunday. He went to Marinette and Menominee Monday for a few days visit with relatives. Orville Felfarek of Marinette is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spice. Gus Meyers, who had been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. Smith the last four weeks, left last Thursday for a visit
with his son in Iowa before returning to his home Havana.
Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 1, 1908 Child Scalded Little Ralph Sharpley scalded his right side and arm quite badly Monday by upsetting a kettle of boiling water on him. Dr. Hopkins was called and dressed the little fellows burns. He is resting easily at present. Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Armstrong have returned from Reedsburg, where they were called by the serious illness of the formers brother-in-law, Henry Maynard, who is still in critical condition. Mrs. Chas. Pendleton of Everett, Wash., and Mrs. Phine Stewart of San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Milliage and Mrs. Chas. Hall of Lamar, Mo., were a recent Marinette visitor. Mrs. A. Payant returned Monday to Wausaukee after a week’s visit here with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schumacher and daughter Hannah attended the funeral of the formers mother, Mrs. Peter Schumacher, at Green Bay, last Thursday. Mrs. George Modrow and children of Green Bay came Monday for a visit with Mrs. Modrow’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harmon. Paul Brandemuhl of New York City is visiting his parents and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Legeois of Abrams and Mr. and Mrs. David Bedore of Green Bay attended the funeral of John Bedore Friday. Mrs. Calista Nelson who has been visiting relatives in Waukesha and Milwaukee for about three months returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgson of Buffalo, N. Y., spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday visiting at the home of their niece, Mrs. C. A. Best. They had just spent a few days with Mrs. Best’s brother, Mr. Forbes, at Blackwell. Mrs. Sarah High of Munsing, Mich. was a guest of Mrs. Mary Calligan yesterday and part of today. She was on her way home from Lansing, Mich., where she had been spending a few days with her son Charles and family who recently moved there from Norway, Mich. Miss Julia Lacourt of Menominee, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Ed Matravers, for the past week, returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. Matravers accompanied her as far as Oconto.
Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 8, 1908 Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baldwin visited relatives at Rose Lawn over Sunday. Erick Coleman and Christ Jensen have returned from North Dakota. Mrs. Charles Vandenburg and children are visiting relatives in Green Bay. Homer Schultz came Saturday from Watersmeet, Michigan,
where he has been employed for the past month.
Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 15, 1908 To Visit Holland
Miss Anna Nan, for the past several years the efficient housekeeper at St. Joseph’s parsonage, this city, left this morning for a three months trip to Holland and Belgium. She will sail from New York October 24th on the steamer Krownland and will probably be accompanied by her brother, Rev. Aloysis Nan. Until the time for sailing Miss Nan will visit at DePere, Chicago, Fort Wayne, Ind., and Halle, Penn. At Chicago she will be the guest of William Orth, nephew of the Rev. J. A. Selbach of this city and at Fort Wayne, she will visit his sister, Mrs. Orth. While at Halle, Pennsylvania, she will pay a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nan, and will arrive in Needembleck, Holland, in time to celebrate with her sister, a nun, the 25th Anniversary of her sisterhood. In bidding her many friends farewell she states that
should she fail to return they may take it for granted that she has been
swallowed by a whale.
Curious Bridge
Frank Smith, who with his brother, William, returned Tuesday from a visit to his old home in Lewiston, Ill., has shown us a souvenir postal card picture of a wooden bridge built by his father in 1846 at Bernadotte, Ill., over the Spoon River. Besides its age the bridge is remarkable because of having been built without the use of a spike, bolt or anything of a metallic nature. The timbers, the boarding to guard the sides and the planking for the driveway are all fastened with wooden pins. An old resident informed Mr. Smith that when it was built the pins were boiled in oil and driven in hot. The bridge is still in use and was ridden over by him while there. While there Mr. Smith met old friends he had not seen in 42 years. Shot While Hunting
John Hansen, who is employed in the Lundquist-Anderson logging camp near Lakewood, was shot Monday by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of a companion, and is now in the hospital in Green Bay. He, in company with Charles Lunquist, were out hunting, the latter mounting a windfall which gave way under his weight, causing him to fall when the gun was discharged and the entire contents entered Hansen’s left side and hip. (See article on Oct. 22, name of man shot is Edward Weise) Personal and Local Mr. Lundquist left last week for Mountain where he has started camp. C. G. Wilcox has sold his farm, the Freible place,
to a family in DePere.
Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 22, 1908 Back Broken In Accident
Limbs Terribly Mangled
Frank Jacoback, a brother-in-law of James Janovsky, arrived on the 10:52 train Tuesday from Sven, Minnesota, where he has been in critical condition for two weeks as a result of an accident while working on a threshing machine. He was driving a team which was moving a threshing machine when the front axle broke throwing the whole weight upon him. He was badly injured, having his back broken, a great hole tore in the lower part of his back and his limbs were terribly mangled. Although the accident occurred two weeks ago he is still in a very critical state. Doctor Gaunt is in charge of the patient who at first was taken to his brother-in-laws residence in the West ward, but is now being cared for at the Oconto County hospital. LATER: Since the above was in type Mr. Jacoback has died from the effects of his injuries. He passed away about 2:00 this morning at the hospital. He was born in Harovice, Bohemia about 35 years ago, of parents who still live in that place. He came to this country about 8 years ago and has since worked for the lumber companies until he went to Minnesota where he was working for about a month before the accident. He leaves a wife and four children ranging from 8 to 10 years of age, a sister Mrs. James Janovsky, of this city, and his parents and relatives in Bohemia to mourn his loss. The funeral will be held from St. Joseph’s church Saturday morning at 9:00 with internment in the Catholic cemetery. He was a member of the Z. C. B. J. of Northwestern Brotherhood, a Bohemian society which will turn out for the funeral. Fires Were Bad
Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday the forest fires were the worst through this part of the country of anytime this season, from every part of the western and northern part of the country coming stories of hard fights to save homes and farm buildings which some failed to do. John LeFave and James Moore of Lena, Route 2 lost their barns, hay and machinery Friday, the village of Packard was fully destroyed and several losses at Pound but the greatest loss is probably to standing timber not alone because of that destroyed but also because of compelling the lumbermen to cut large quantities of timber this winter to save it, thus throwing it at a time when the prices are already depressed thus further pounding down the price. The Oconto Company and Holt Lumber Company have sustained losses of camps and supplies but their greatest losses can not be ascertained until the fires are out so cruisers can go over the ground. Mr. Holt is now up the Laona line looking over the situation. Last Saturday a large number of the lumbermen came
home from the camps after thrilling experiences in the woods and about
60 women and children left Soperton and Wabeno for Oconto, Marinette and
Menominee for fear they would be caught by the fires. The danger is now
largely passed and many have returned.
Hunters Wound Ends Life
In Last week’s issue we chronicled the accidental shooting of Edward Weise of Breed, which accured the preceding Monday, while he was out hunting with Charles Lundquist near Mountain. The young man died early last Thursday morning from his injuries at St. Vincent’s hospital, Green Bay, where he had been taken for medical attention, but he gradually weakened until the end came. Mr. Lundquist, who was a close friend of deceased, is nearly crazed with grief over the fatal accident. As we stated before Mr. Lundquist was mounting a windfall when the trigger of his gun became caught in some manner and the gun was discharged blowing off his companion’s hip and entering his intestines. Deceased was 28 years of age and is survived by his parents and other near relatives. The funeral was held at 2:00 Friday afternoon at Breed. Personal and Local Miss Hattie Jensen who has been spending a week with her sister, returned Saturday night to Two Rivers, Michigan. Mrs. John Farrell is visiting her son in Fond du Lac. Mesdames John Dagan and Joseph Sedminradaky and son attended the Jonda -Sedminradaky wedding at Marinette Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson left Wednesday for Stevens Point where they will visit the formers brother, James Johnson, and family for a few weeks. The Stiles hose cart and employees were called out to the residence of Emil Louis a mile and a half from town Saturday afternoon to give aid toward the protection of forest fires, which were raging around their home. The men fought fire till 11:00 before they got it under control. No damage was done of any kind. The fire around Lakewood last Monday, came very near
sweeping the town and when the fire jumped the fire line everyone of the
business men flew for their wagons and loaded their cash registers
and bed clothes and started the women and children out of town. As soon
as the women and children were out of danger every man jumped to his post
and began back firing as a last resort to save the buildings. Friday night
it broke out again nearly burning Anderson & Mosiling’s camps. It burned
Oconto Companies camps No.’s 2 & 3, the loss being about 3,000.
There is about ten miles of fire patrol at the present writing. It is said
that last Monday the rabbits literally warned the town trying to get away
from the fire.
Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 29, 1908 Indian Killed
District Attorney Chase was called to Breed this morning by a telegram stating that an Indian had been struck and killed by William Flynn of that place. He left on the 10:13 train to investigate. No further reliable information can be received until the arrival of tonight’s train, as there are no telephone connections to that point. Charles Lischke Seriously Hurt
Charles Lischke was seriously hurt Saturday afternoon while at work in the Oconto Company’s lumber yard bordering Chicago street. He was working on the cars, which haul the lumber from the mill out into the yard for piling with his partner, Herman Meyers. They had on a load of two by eight’s, fourteen feet long, which like all the loads, is held on by a chain passing entirely over the load. The track is rather rough, having quite a number of crossings and the outside tier of lumber worked loose, so that is was held only by the chain. Upon reaching the pile at which they were to unload, Meyers being on the side where the chain was fastened, jumped off and began to unfasten it, as at the same time calling, “Look out Charley.” Lischke, however thinking that the tier was perfectly solid did not take particular pains to stand aside and as the chain was loosened the whole tier toppled over upon him, throwing him against the pile. His head struck the top cross piece, it being very low pile, with great force, producing a compound fracture of the skull. The heavy plank literally buried him there being thirteen or fourteen of the heavy sticks across his body. He was not rendered unconscious, however, but called to Meyers to take the beasts off. When asked by Mr. Kern if he was badly hurt or not he answered he was not. It was evident he was in a serious condition and he was taken to the hospital, where an operation was performed which relieved the brain of the pressure exerted by the splinters of bone which was driven inward by the terrible blow. Something of the force of the blow can be realized when it is remembered that the top plank was between five and six feet from the ground when it fell. The operation was performed by Dr.’s Guant and Stolting, assisted by Dr. Armstrong. The young man is resting easily and unless some complication sets in he will recover. Taken to Waupun Sheriff Seibel was in the city Saturday on his way from Marinette to Waupun with Alvin Call, Howard Keaf and Constanine Haupt, sentenced for two, five and two years respectfully. Abducted September 2
Mrs. Rondou, whose mysterious disappearance on September 2 from her home in Green Bay was mentioned in our paper at one time, has returned home greatly shattered in health. At the time of her disappearance Mr. Rondou feared she had been lost or foully dealt with and offered a reward of $25 for any information of her where abouts. She tells a startling story of abduction in an automobile by two men, while waiting for an interurban car at Kaukauna. She was picked up by them, put into their auto, bound and gagged, and in the darkness of night taken to a house which she thinks is in the Menominee forest. She states that no harm was done her and she was given a certain measure of liberty, though a close watch was kept on her. She was made to do kitchen work and other menial labors. Six other women were captive in the house including a young girl who had been taken there the night before. A few days ago she was told she would be given her freedom if she would make oath not to tell the circumstances of her capture or the place where she had been held in captivity. This she readily assented to and that night was again taken in an auto and dropped off at Appleton. The police believe from the description given by Mrs. Rondou that the house she was kept a prisoner in is that of “Jack Diamonds.” Fractured Leg
Louis Ruege, a young man employed by the Holt Lumber Company at it’s camp No. 7 at Bruce Crossing, was brought here Monday morning and taken to the hospital with a fractured leg. He sustained the fracture from a kick of a horse which, although inflicting a very painful injury, is nothing serious. Bound Over
Thomas Prue, charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm to the person of Miss Barbara Golen, was arraigned in Justice DonLevy’s court Monday afternoon. Atty. J. J. Gill represented the state and Atty. J. H. McGillian of Green Bay appeared for the defense. Sufficient evidence was found to bound Prue over to the November term of circuit court under $500 bonds. Fire Tuesday Morning
The fire department was called out about 3:00 Tuesday morning to extinguish the blaze which destroyed the house occupied by Oliver Cassey and family in Frenchtown. Practically all the contents were destroyed. The building was insured for $450. And the furniture for $400. In the Brazeau and Pelkey agency. Personal and Local Ellis Shufelt left Saturday for a visit in Duluth,
after a visit here with his father, P. S. Shufelt, before returning to
Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 5, 1908 Question Of Jurisdiction
There is some question as to the jurisdiction of the state and the United State over the Indian named Worden who was struck in a fight at Breed by William Flynn and Gus Johnson and later died of his injuries of which we made mention last week and the matter has been referred by District Attorney Chase to the United States District Attorney Butterfield. The Indian agent claims the United States should conduct the inquest as the deceased was a ward of the government and it has also not been determined just where the death occurred. It may have been in the town of Breed and it may have been on the reservation. According to the best reports that can be secured Worden who was a half-breed, was a “bad man” fond of fighting and has been trying to run Johnson who is a “squaw man” off the reservation. On Monday it was said, Worden kicked Johnson in Buchman’s saloon on the chin cutting him about his mouth and loosening some teeth. Johnson to avoid him left Buchman’s and went to Flynn’s where Worden followed him and resumed his attack. Johnson got him down and choked him but let him up on promises to let him alone but after he got up he started again and Johnson struck him with a club and he was finally struck by Flynn and out of the room. He then waited for Johnson outside and attacked him when he went out when Johnson again got him down and choked and kicked him on the head. Worden soon after went to Buchman’s saloon and laid
around on the floor until closing time, they supposing he was drunk. When
it was time to close, his brother helped him out and he then went to a
shed and slept till the next day when some of his friends loaded him into
a rig to take him home. When they got home and started to get him out of
the rig it was found he was dead.
Personal and Local A brother and two sisters came from Chicago last Friday to visit Mike Ehlinger Sr. They returned home again Monday. A husking bee was given by Joe Phillippi last Monday evening and was well attended. James Ryan came home from Nahma, Mich., Monday, to cast his vote on election day and returned to his duties today. Mr. Richard McDowell of Little River has moved his
family into his fine new residence on Maple Ave., Marinette which he just
recently purchased.
Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 12, 1908 Issues of Fact For Court
John Gustav Krause, Falton Fisher, Jacob Neuman, Henry Rohlofsky, Peter Schneider, Samuel Neuman, Adolph Neuman, Henry Ludwig Marks, Jacob Reinert, Phillip Reinert, Thomas Bellemore. The matter of admitting the following to citizenship was continued to the April term. Carl Wilheim Schreber, Adolph Domies, Wdward Konstanky Grenke, Gottlieb Kirsch, Peter Drolet, James Craig, John Wesley Hamilton Craig, Joseph Bellmore. Joseph LaCourt of Little River was a victim of a corn shredder accident last Saturday at the farm of Rolla Schufelt, losing three finders of his right hand. He was brought to the hospital here where his wounds were dressed. Personal and Local Miss Helen Neubauer of this city and Ephie Pelkey of Lena and Miss Anna Karshar and John Vondross of this city received their first call for marriage at St. Joseph’s church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moak were called to Tustin by the death of Mrs. Moak’s mother, who died Sunday. Henry Tate moved his family back from Breed for the winter. Sue Greely of Breed who has purchased a place here from Harry Serier of Suring has started to move. Joe Clark and family who purchased the Frebel place
from Mr. Wilcox of DePere have moved.
Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 19, 1908 Attempted Suicide
Girl Wanted To Wait
Victor Hanson of Green Valley (Shawano County) attempted to commit suicide near the home of a young lady, whom he desired to marry, on the west side of Oconto Falls, Sunday night between 6 and 7:00 by shooting himself through the left breast and is now at the hospital in this city where his condition is as favorable as could be expected. If the bullet had gone three or four inches lower it would have passed through the heart and death been instantaneous. He had been keeping company with the young lady, Miss Mary Quinn for some time and desired to marry her at once but while her family and the young lady thought well of him and she had not refused to marry him, it was thought she was too young for immediate marriage. He had called upon her earlier in the day and urged marriage and had previously threatened to kill himself if she would not consent but it was not thought he would carry out his threat. During the afternoon he left her home and it is said went to a saloon and as he was not in the habit of drinking to any extent it is thought he went there for the purpose of nerving himself up to the deed. Later he went back and bid her goodbye then took his wheel and went a few rods when he pulled out his revolver and fired into his breast. He was taken into the house and Dr. Ohswaldt hastily summoned and his father at Green Valley notified. As it was thought he could have better attention at the hospital he was brought here Monday. The bullet has not been probed for and will not be for several days yet on account of his condition but it is believed he has a good show for recovery. Personal and Local Joe Ederer had a narrow escape from injury while fixing up his residence recently. The top of an old porch gave way on which he was standing. A nail or spike just escaped penetrating his head. A bunch of hair was cut off as neat as if it had been cut with a razor. Mr. and Mrs. James Ridrdan returned home from Rantoul
Thursday, after attending two funerals of relatives.
Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 26, 1908 Inquest Being Held
District Attorney Chase returned Wednesday evening from Suring where he had a coroner’s jury impaneled to inquire into the cause of the death of the half-breed indian, Moses Worden, who died about three weeks ago on his way home from Breed where he had received injuries in a fight or a series of fights. The jury was taken to the reservation where the body was exhumed and examined. The inquest has been adjourned on account of Thanksgiving and will be resumed tomorrow, Friday. Prue Gets Eighteen Months in Pen
Thomas Prue, the stone thrower, convicted of assault with intent to do great bodily harm, was sentenced Saturday afternoon by Judge Hastings to eighteen months in the state prison at Waupun. Attorney McGillian’s written motion for a new trail of which he gave verbal notice was not filed but instead he sent a written plea for clemency for Prue on account of his dependent family. Prue and Ignace Maraschowski, the firebug, who pleaded guilty to arson early in the term, were taken to Waupun by Sheriff Dagen Monday. Personal and Local R. F. Zuelke’s brother was accidentally killed at Cecil while operating a wood sawing machine last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Zuelke attended the funeral. Miss Anna Peterson of Nahma, Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Writz. Albert Rusch of Milwaukee is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rusch, this week. Mrs. J. B. Moes left Monday for Duck Creek where she will attend the wedding of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kusson attended the funeral of Mr. Kusson’s father at DePere Saturday. Mrs. M. A. Heath returned Saturday from a visit with her daughter in Merril. Mrs. Chauncey Wright and Miss Elsie Reilley of Milwaukee
and Alban Reilley, who is employed at Wabeno, were called home Friday by
the serious illness of their brother, James Reilley.
Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 3, 1908 Coroner’s Inquest Finds Indian’s Death Result of Blows by William Flynn
The corner’s jury impaneled at Suring to inquire into the cause of the death of the Indian, Mose Kakwitch, familiarly known as Worden, who died from the effects of blows received in a drunken row at Breed a few weeks ago closed its work Saturday. They went to the cemetery at Keshena where the body was exhumed and examined Wednesday the doctor finding that there was no fracture, probably on account of the skull being abnormally thick, but a large blood clot was found on the brain caused by blows on the head apparently struck by a club or some long flat surface. The inquiry was then adjourned until Friday afternoon when the testimony of numerous witnesses was taken after which the jury rendered the following verdict: State of Wisconsin
In testimony Whereof, the said justice of the peace and the jurors of this inquisition, have hereunto set their hands this 28th day of November, A.D. 1908. W.J. Thielke Justice of the Peace H.L. Scott John Hoeffs Chris J. Thompson George Hay Nels Sorenson Ben B. Armstrong Jurors No arrests have as yet been made but it is probable they will follow later. There was evidence tending to implicate Gus Johnson in the affair as well as Flynn and this may also be investigated further.
Arrests Made
Henry Predith, proprietor of the Lakewood hotel and saloon, was arrested and brought here Monday charged with resisting an officer when Deputy Sheriff August Schoenebeck attempted to stop a row in his saloon about two weeks ago at the time one of the Anderson boys of Spruce was badly pounded up. Predith swore the case away from Judge Jones before whom it was brought and it was taken to Circuit Court Commissioner Trudell and adjourned until Dec. 9. On complaint of Deputy Game Warden, A. G. Russell of
Forest County, John and Ed Quandt and Henry Ricker of Breed were arrested
on a charge of dynamiting fish in the South Branch near that station and
will have their trail before Justice Don Levy in the city December 15.
Personal and Local Wm. Dudy is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Jack Simons at Loretto, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Musho returned to Milwaukee Saturday evening, after having spent the past seven months in Little Suamico. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gaffney and children of Green Bay spent Thursday with Mr. Gaffney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Wedgwood. George Wilsie is back among old friends again, after
an absence of a couple of years.
Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 10, 1908 Committed Suicide
William C. Jackson committed suicide by shooting himself through the head last Sunday morning, the act resulting in his death about 3:00 Monday afternoon at the Oconto County Hospital where he was taken immediately after the arrival of the physician who was summoned as soon as his act was discovered. Sunday morning his father desired William to accompany his sister to church but he did not want to go and about 10:20 went out to the barn. This was the last seen of him until about 1:00 when he walked back to the house and up the front stairs to where his sister was. She saw the blood on his face and asked him what was the matter when he replied, “look in my overcoat pocket.” The pocket contained a 32-caliber revolver with which he had committed the deed. He desired his sister to not call his father and when she ran down the front stairs to do so he walked down the back way. When they got back to where he was, he was standing by the stove warming himself. With some assistance he walked back upstairs and Dr. Gaunt was summoned and after his arrival and a very hasty examination it was deemed advisable to remove the young man to the hospital. He remained conscious until the anesthetic was administered to make a more thorough examination of the wound but never regained consciousness afterward. The examination revealed the fact that the bullet had taken a slightly downward course from where it entered the right side of the head a little way behind the ear and had passed along the base of the brain and from what the wound revealed it is suspected that the shot may have been fired soon after he went to the barn and that he was unconscious for a time but later regained consciousness and walked to the house. While he would say very little as to the cause of his rash act he apparently had the idea that he was a burden upon his father and when questioned as to why he did it he gave the answer that he desired to relieve his father of this burden. He had frequently been despondent and it is thought now that he had contemplated his act for some time. Deceased was born in Oconto, Dec. 15, 1890 and had lived here all his life. His mother died about 14 years ago. He survived by his father, James K. Jackson, one brother, Robert, and one sister, Ella. The brother Robert who was employed at Nahma, Mich., was notified but did not reach here until the 11:58 train Monday night. The funeral was held at 3:30 this afternoon, Rev. McLandress officiating. The following members of his Sunday school class acted as pallbearers in conveying him to his last resting place in Evergreen cemetery. Bound Over
The case against Henry Perdith of Lakewood charged on complaint of August Schoenebeck, with resisting or interfering with an officer, of which we mentioned last week, was dismissed before Circuit Court Commissioner Trudell and he was rearrested before Justice DonLevy yesterday and held for trail in circuit court. Bonds were fixed at $500, which were furnished. Notice My wife, Ida, has left my bed and board without just
cause or provocation and I will pay no bills of her contracting after this
Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 13, 1908 Charge Manslaughter for Killing Indian, Mose Kakwitch The preliminary hearing of William Flynn charged with manslaughter in striking the blow by which the Indian Mose Kakwitch came to his death was held Tuesday before Judge Jones and Flynn was held for trial at the circuit court, bonds being fixed at $2000 which he furnished. Among those present as witness were Gus Johnson, Peter Lundquist, August Kuehl, George Smith, Fred Jacobson and A. Ames of Breed and Dr. White of Keshena. A.D. Larson, district attorney of Shawano county was here to assist V. J. O’Kelliner defending Flynn. See Apr 15, 1909 for conclusion of this case. To South Carolina
Jim Young left for Spartenburg, South Carolina, Sunday, where he will be employed as superintendent in the bridge and building department on the new extension of the southern railroad. He took with him Jos. Young, Ed Willame, Ed Carey, Ed Bolen and George Corrane, who will be employed by him. D. H. Mooney, agent of the C & N Wife Ry. Sold them through tickets and checked their baggage through to their destination. At Menominee Hospital
Ed Bigelow of Stiles is a patient at the Menominee River hospital suffering from a poisonous infection in his right hand. The case is a serious one and May require amputation. The infection was contracted while Bigelow was employed in a logging camp near Laona, Wis. -–Peshtigo Times Personal and Local Auhust Noffz of Chicago is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Noffz. Will Boutotte of Green Bay spent Christmas with his mother and other relatives in the city. Charles Muehroke of South Berry, Can., is spending
the holidays with his brother, Hugo Muehroke and family.
Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 17, 1908 William Flynn of Breed is Arrested Monday For Killing Indian Mose Kakwitch During Row at Breed Oct. 26
William Flynn of Breed was arrested and taken before Judge Jones Tuesday on a charge of manslaughter on complaint of the district attorney following a verdict of the coroners jury which found the the Indian, Mose Kakwitch, came to his death by a blow or blows struck by Flynn during or following a row between the Indian and Gus Johnson at Breed October 26. The hearing was adjourned until Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1908 at 9:00. Bail for his appearance on this date was fixed at $2000, which he furnished and was released. Attorney O’Keilher appeared for Flynn Tuesday but it
is understood that Attorney Larson of Shawano will assist in the defense.
Apr 15, 1909 In Conclusion to Flynn Case Flynn Case Is Dismissed
The trial of William Flynn of
Breed charged with manslaughter for killing the Indian Kakwich, occupied
the entire attention of the circuit court this week until just before noon
today when Judge Hastings made a very important and probably far reaching
decision dismissing the case and discharging Flynn on the grounds that
a jurisdictional defect exists in the state courts. The jury was sent out
about 4:00 yesterday afternoon and the question of jurisdiction was argued
the rest of the afternoon and most of this morning session. The jury is
now being drawn in the Dufresne case.
Suicide at Peshtigo? John Fritz Head Blown Off With Shot Gun
G. C. Morrow who was in Peshtigo on business yesterday afternoon informs us of what was probably a shocking case of suicide committed about 6:30 shortly before he left for home. He had just finished eating supper with Randall McDonald, deputy sheriff, when the latter was sent for on account of the supposed suicide of John Fritz who was found lying in a big pool of his own blood. The top of his head was torn off and his brains exposed by the charge from a shotgun, which is thought he had discharged with his foot. Death must have been instantaneous. At this time little has been learned of the exact manner or cause of the act but there were rumors that there may have been family trouble which caused him to take this rash method of ending his existence. He leaves a wife and four or five children.
Accident In Dunbar Mill
Dunbar, Wis. Dec. 10 – Sigworth Houg, and everybody knows Sig, was the victim of a most distressing accident Monday. While oiling some piece of machinery in the mill his foot became caught in the gearing and it was nearly strung to pieces before the mill could be stopped. The dr. hopes to save the major portion of the foot but it will be “the good old summer time” before Sig does the two step act. Wife Desertion the Charge Peter Benson, a fisherman, formerly of Menominee and more recently of Oconto, was brought up before Judge Bird this forenoon charged with wife desertion. The man entered a plea of not guilty, saying that the fishing business had been poor and he had been unable to give his wife any money. His formal hearing was set for Wednesday of next week. Marinette Eagle Star Personal and Local Mrs. William Paya of Cloquette, Minn., is making an extended visit here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Frank Grobowski and little daughter of Ingalls, Mich., spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. William Kleba of Menominee spent Sunday in the city with the latter’s mother, Mrs. August Rusch. Mrs. Antone Peterson was taken to the Northern Hospital for the insane last week and word has been received this week that she is in a very low condition. It is thought that she can not long survive. Mrs. Alex Davis received the sad news of her sister’s death, Mrs. Morton, of Milwaukee. Deceased was apparently a strong healthy person and death came very much unexpected. Mrs. Davis and her daughter, Miss Clara Griebler, left on the 5:25 train for Milwaukee to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilorace and Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Benning were called to Suamico last week by the death of Mrs. Gilmore’s sister, Mrs. Anderson. Will Lowell and Howard Winans have gone to Chicago,
where they will be employed.
Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 24, 1908 First Visit in Fifty Years Simon Payawaunkee, an Indian, who lives on the South Branch, was in the city last Saturday, for the first time in fifty years. He was very much surprised at the progress of the city and astonished to find that many of his old acquaintances had passed away. He claims to be the first settler on the South branch. Not True I wish to state that the story that has been recently circulated about me is absolutely false and unless those who have been circulating it stop at once I shall have to take steps to compel them to do so. Mary Francart. Accidents Andrew Frost had his left foot nearly severed while chopping frozen sawdust at the railroad crossing at Mountain recently. Eddie Geschke had the misfortune to receive a bad injury
to his left knee while out cutting Christmas trees with his brother, Walter.
The knee cap was cut open and he will be laid up for sometime.
Personal and Local Mr. and Mrs. John Holland left Saturday for a visit with relatives in Savannah, Ill. M.C. Thompson and daughter, Miss Mae, left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ullman and family were in Milwaukee the latter part of last week visiting relatives. James H. Elliot arrived here Wednesday from Sholola, Pa., to spend Christmas with his family. Charles Chosa was called to Milwaukee Tuesday by the serious illness of his father. Mrs. Anna Roberts went to Sparta Saturday to spend the holiday’s with her son, Louis Roberts. J. Young and daughter of Gladstone, Mich., are visiting
relatives in town.