Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1907

The Oconto County Reporter 
Jan 3, 1907
contributed by "Greg"

CUT FOOTWITH AX - Irvin Pagel of Spruce Injured near Mountain. Irvin Pagel of Spruce 
cut his foot very badly last Friday morning in one of the camps about 7 miles out from 
Mountain. He had been working for about a month at the camp for Christ Rasmussen 
but on Friday morning the first swing of the axe missed the tree and landed on his
foot, the entire width of the blade entering the top and passing nearly
through his foot. He was brought into Mountain where his wound was dressed
by Dr. Conrad. This was Mr. Pagel's third winter in the woods and he has
been unfortunate each winter in having his work stopped. The first year he
had pneumonia soon after he started work, the second a felon and the third
this accident.

Oconto County Reporter
March 14, 1907
researched by Richard LaBrosse

John Vaes purchased Anthony Meyers 80 acre farm north of the city usually known as the “old county farm” Tuesday.  The farm is one of the best in the county and in excellent condition.  The consideration was $ 6000 which included all personal property.

Lakewood—Martin Olson sold out his hotel and saloon to Wm. King, who will take possession the first of April.

Oconto County Reporter
April 11, 1907
Contributed by Ron Renquin

Personal and Local

Mrs. Mary Grunert is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Hall, at Kelly
Brook, this week.

Miss Addie Pocan who has been employed as milliner in Milwaukee, came
home Tuesday for a few days visit with friends in the city.

Mrs. D. G. Classon returned to her home in Appleton Friday, after a few
days visit in the city with Mrs. R. H. English.

Mrs. P. F. Gaunt and two children returned home Saturday from Milwaukee
where they have been visiting the former's parents.

Edmund Classon  left Tuesday for Iron River, Mich., where he has
accepted a position with W. F. Moody as barber.

Mrs. Abe Vye and Mrs. Len Hogan left Tuesday for their future home at
Tacoma, Wash.

Earl Whitney, who is employed in the office of Vice President Kirkman of
the Northwestern road at Chicago, came home Saturday
night to spend Sunday with his parents.


The death of Hattie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gohr, occurred
Thursday.  The little girl was recovering from an attack of
measles when she took cold which developed into pneumonia.  She will be
greatly missed by her parents and playmates.  The death is
peculiarly sad one because of the severe illness of two of her brothers
at the present time.

The death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters occurred
Saturday.  The mother's life is despaired of.

The wedding of Louis Erdman and Miss Hilda Utech was quietly solemnized
at the brides home Wednesday.  The marriage ceremony
was witnessed by relatives and intimate friends only.  They have the
sincere good wishes of hosts of friends.

L. K. Tuttle has sold his home to J. Helman.  We are glad to welcome him
as a neighbor.


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banta of Walker, Minn., are guests at the home of Mrs.
Banta's sister, Mrs. J. R. Orr.

Edmund Classon who has had charge of the barber shop here for some time
past, has gone to Iron River, Mich.  He will be succeeded by John Noel
of Oconto who will be the tonsorial artist here in the future.

Mrs. Wakeman of Chicago was the guest of her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Roseltha Wakeman, over Sunday.

Oconto County Reporter
April 25, 1907

Oconto—Last week Francis Richardson, while playing with a pin, in some manner got it into his throat and it was taken out only after a great deal of difficulty.

The Enquirer
Friday May 10, 1907
contributed by Richard LaBrosse

Exiled His Wife

Evening Wisconsin - Wilber F. Goddard sent his wife, Hulda, to Minnesota, to be rid of her according to her complaint for divorce which was granted by Judge Ludwig today. When she was there she could not return for lack of money, though her child was in Monroe, Wisconsin. She alleged that her husband, a young dentist,  who lives in Oconto Falls, declared his greater admiration for another woman and told her that he and the other woman would become man and wife.

Oconto County Reporter
June 20, 1907

On June the 13th, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mineau celebrated their China wedding.

Oconto County Reporter
July 11, 1907

Peter Vullings has removed his tailor shop from his residence to the rooms over Classon’s store on Superior Street.

Oconto County Reporter
July 18, 1907

Milton, the twelve year old son of John Kane, while playing near the cog wheel at Oconto Company’s foundry Monday had his arm caught in the wheel and badly bruised.

Oconto County Reporter
July 25, 1907
researched by Richard LaBrosse

Chodes Bros. Of Chicago will open a new electric theatre in the bulding formerly occupied by the Idea Moving Picture company opposite Barlament’s hardware store.  The first performance will be given Wednesday evening, August 1.

Herman Werth returned last Thursday with an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army after three years service most of which was spent in the forts in the southwest.

Olive Claire Mlnarik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlnarik entertained a number of little folks at a birthday party Saturday afternoon.  The occasion was the seventh anniversary of her birth.

Miss Bernice Roy, Eunice and Evelyn Ansorge and Beatrice Cote left last Sunday for Green Bay for a two weeks camping trip at Bay Beach.  Misses Elizabeth Lee and Barbara Keefe left the next day to chaperone the party.

Abrams—Misses Blanche Swoboda, Ella Baudhuin, Aileen Scott and a couple of girl friends are camping at Kelly lake this week.

Francis Maloney returned Tuesday from Milwaukee.  Last week he successfully passed the examination for assistant pharmacist at Madison and is now ready to accept a position.

Mrs. Harriet Porter Orendorff of New York, a native of Oconto and a soprano of national fame, will be the soloist at the Oconto county Music Festival in Martineau’s grove August 20.

OcontoCounty Reporter
August 15, 1907
Researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Peter Schufelt arrived home Tuesday from a visit with his sons, Ellis and Carl, in Montana.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Watterich and daughters, Elenore and Eva, left Monday night for a trip to Washington, D.C., Norfolk, Jamestown and other places in the east.  Mr. Watterichs son Oscar, of Green Bay, will have charge of the store during their absence.

West Allis Press (WI)
August 23, 1907
contributed by Lila

Boy's Head is Pulled Off

   Oconto Falls, Wis. Aug. 19-- Fred Schiller, the son of Gottried Schiller, a 
farmer, while leading a horse was dragged by the animal for many rods. The 
chain which held the horse wound around the lad's head and tore it from the 

Oconto County Reporter
September 18, 1907
researched by Richard LaBrosse

R. A. Miniely, secretary of the Oconto County Fair Association, and the other members of the committee having in charge the county exhibit at the state fair, have returned home and brought with them the red ribbon as evidence of Oconto County’s having won the second prize.

Miss Agnes DonLevy, bookkeeper at the Hotel Pfister, Milwaukee, came Monday for a weeks visit at home.

Louis St. Peter, who has been manager of the Oconto baseball team and who taught in the public schools here last year, left for Madison yesterday to finish his course at the University.

Oconto County Reporter
November 21, 1907

The new electric theatre which will be run under the management of Otto Hass, expects to be ready to give its first performance next Monday evening.  It is located on Superior Street opposite Goodrich and Martineau Company’s store.  The admission will be five cents.

Lena—A surprise party was given at the home of Arnold Herman Tuesday evening, it being his birthday.

Oconto County Repoter 
December 19, 1907
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

N. C. Strack and Dave Williams will open a fish market about the first of the year.  They have rented the room in the Watterich building, recently vacated by J.S. Veuville, which is being fitted up for them.

Gordon Links of Jackson, Mich. A former Oconto boy, is expected here tomorrow to spend the holiday vacation.

H.M. Lord, who went out west last spring, has engaged in the grocery business in Seattle.

Peter Skog arrived in the city Monday from British Columbia where he has been the last two years or more.  He left here about four years ago to visit his old home in Norway, where he remained about a year and a half.

Erwin Bitters, graduate of the Oconto high school, has won a place in the hearts of the people of Titusville, Pa., as coach of High school athletics there.  It was fully demonstrated Wednesday evening when he was presented with a purse of $ 175 in gold.