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Flash From The Past - 1906
Oconto County Reporter
April 26, 1906

B.F. Coen, superintendent and principal of the city schools, has tendered his resignation to the school board, to take effect at the end of this school year.

Cook Brothers have contracted to raise 100 acres of flax for the International Harvester company to be manufactured into binding twine at Chicago.

The Eldred farm dam and Tar dam on the North Branch of the Oconto went out Monday, the effect of the melting of the large body of snow along the head waters.

J.W. Reynolds and H.A. Baldwin spent Saturday and Sunday at Timme, Kelly Brook and Oconto Falls.  While at Timme they had the pleasure of attending an entertainment which they pronounced very good.  The music being excellent.

Gillett—A.J. Stuelke has resumed his duties at the Stuelke drug store after an absence of several months pent at the Milwaukee Medical College.

Mr. Ed. MacAllister purchased an Indian pony at Shawano, Saturday.

Iron Mountain Press 
Thurs 15 Mar 1906 
Death notice from the Michigan paper
contributed by: Mary DeGayner

Joseph Therien, father of Mrs William White of this city and Rev Father Therien, of Niagara, died recently at Oconto at the advanced age of seventy-five years. Mr. Therien was born in Montreal, Canada, and lived there with his parents until about 19 years of age. He then went west, where he spent 15 years as interpreter among the Indians, in the Rocky Mountains. He had been ill for several years.

Oconto Falls Herald
December 20, 1906
contributed by Richard La Brosse

Lena—Mrs. Peter Ladro went to Oconto Falls Monday to attend the wedding of her brother.

Miss Irene Aprille, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Pete Ladro, left Sunday for her home at Oconto Fall.

Dr. and Mrs. Elliott are preparing to move to Milwaukee.

Mrs. Mike Slattery is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.C. Grant.

Mr. Pecard, of Menominee, is visiting his son, Phil. Pecard.


The following account of the death of Emil Jensen, Sr., father of our townsmen, Walter and Emil Jensen, Jr., is taken from the Chilton Times.

It is the sad duty of the Times this week to chronicle the death of one of our respected citizens who will not only be mourned by his family and relatives, but by people in general throughout county.  At the noon hour on Thursday December 13, 1906, Emil Jensen, who was stricken with apoplesy early on Saturday morning last, passed away the age of 58 years, 8 months and 25 days.

On Saturday last when it became known that Mr. Jensen had a stroke of apoplexy his relatives and friends had grave fears of the result, but the following day he seemed to rally and the family were greatly encouraged until Wednesday night, when he began to sink and finally entered that long sleep that knows no waking.

Emil P. Jensen was the son of the late H.P. Jensen and was born in Schleswig, Holstein, Germany, March 8, 1848.  At the age of five years he came to America with his parents who located in the town of New Holstein.  There he spent his early days and attended the common schools, aiding his father on the farm.  In 1869 he was married to Mina Jachmann and remained in New Holstein where he followed farming and conducted a livery barn until the fall of 1878, when he was elected sheriff of Calumet county and moved to Chilton and has since made his home there.  Shortly after coming to this place he engaged in buying stock with the late Maj. R. Schlichting and for the past 24 years has followed the same line of business with Peter Petersen as a partner.  He was re-elected to the office of sheriff in 1882 and again in 1894.  He also held the position of alderman of this city for two terms.  For a number of years he acted as interpreter for the circuit court.  He was a man whose honor was unimpeachable and during his long and active business and official career was never known to do a dishonorable act.  He was steadfast to his friends and would put himself out to perform a favor for anyone whom he considered deserving.  In the death of Mr. Jensen a wife loses a kind and loving husband, his family a devoted and indulgent father and the community a useful and honest citizen and neighbor.

He leaves a widow, five sons, Adolph, Dr. A.B., Walter, Emil, Gerhard, and three daughters, Mmes. H.A. Kroll, C.W. Schnelland and C.H. Schwalbe, a brother, Chas. Jensen and sister, Mrs. Wm. Paulson, and seven grandchildren.

The funeral will be held from the family residence tomorrow, Sunday afternoon at one thirty with interment in the Breed cemetery.


After being out three and a half hours Wednesday afternoon of last week, the jury in the case against William Flynn of Breed, Wis., charged by the United States government with selling liquor to Menominee Indians, brought in a verdict of not guilty and the prisoner was discharged.  This is the second trial given Flynn on that charge, the first being at Green Bay, where the jury disagreed.  The testimony of the witnesses was conflicting.

Probate Notices

State of Wisconsin, County Court, Oconto County

Notice is hereby given that at a regular term of said court, to be held at the court house, in the city of Oconto, Wisconsin, on the first day of January, 1907, the following matter will be heard and considered:

The petition of August Meyer for the proof, allowance and admission to probate of the late will of Elizabeth Meier, deceased, late of the Village of Oconto Falls, in Oconto County, Wisconsin

Dated this 30th day of November, 1906.  H.F. Jones, county judge.

State of Wisconsin, County Court, Oconto County

Notice is hereby given that a regular term of said court, to be held at the court house in the city of Oconto, Wisconsin, on the first day of January, 1907, the following matter will be heard and considered.

The petition of Eva Konitzer, of the town of Oconto Falls, in said county, for the proof, allowance and admission to probate of the last will of August Konitzer, deceased, late of said county, and for issuance of letters testamentary to petitioner.

Dated at Oconto, Wis. This 15th day of November, 1906.  H.F. Jones, county judge.