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Flash From The Past - 1899

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 6, 1899


On Monday, J. O'Brien of Oshkosh, while decking logs on the high rollway, was thrown to the ground, a distance of 30 feet, and received a terrible shock. He went to Oshkosh for treatment. On Wednesday, three men at work on the same rollway were pretty badly mixed up with rolling logs, but no one was dangerously injured - John Bartz receiving the most bruises, from effects of which he is laid up with swollen limbs.


Joseph Bloneck is visiting his parents at Algoma.


Grandma Bird is quite seriously ill, and is confined to her bed.

The Livermore family have received news of the death of their Uncle, Dr. Dwight, of New York. He was president of the medical college at Albany for forty years.


Ed Cota of Oconto has been here for the past few days buying and shipping potatoes.


Amiel Lambrecht, who died very suddenly while in Minnesota, the other day, was buried here last Sunday.

The undersigned wish to make this public acknowledgment of their gratitude for the kindness and sympathy of their neighbors and friends during the illness and in death and burial of their infant daughter, Josephine Esther Badore. 
Mr. and Mrs. James Badore.


Miss Mary C. Johnson has been on the sick list.

Louis Breed of Oconto was up here looking for fish piles. A. Gale of Gillett has charge of getting out the piles for Mr. Breed.

Mrs. G. M. Breed visited Mrs. White at Logan on New Years Day.

J. E. Johnson has been visiting his parents at Linwood.


Mrs. Charles Hayford, formerly Miss Alice Birr, and now a resident of Oshkosh, spent the holidays with her relatives here.

Oconto County Reporter
23 February 1899 
contributed by Ron Renquin

      Mrs. Carrie Urwan, aged 22 years, wife of Frank A. Urwan of Oconto and 
daughter of ex-sheriff and Mrs. H. D. Whitcomb of Little Suamico, died 
yesterday morning of uremic poison, after a brief illness. 

      Mr. and Mrs. Urwan took dinner with a neighbor, Mrs. Trepanier, on 
Wednesday, and Mrs. Urwan remained to spend the afternoon.  At about 5 
o'clock she was seized with a spasm, from which however, she speedily 
rallied.  But this was soon followed by convulsions and she survived in great 
distress, till Thursday morning, but unconscious of her surroundings. 
Physicians were promptly summoned, but her delicate condition precluded the 
possibility of recovery.  Her sad death is deeply mourned by a loving husband 
and affectionate parents and other relatives, who have the kindest sympathy 
of a large circle of friends. 

Funeral services will be held in St. Joseph's Church tomorrow morning, 
at 10 o'clock. 

NOTE:  Her delicate condition noted above refers to a pregnancy.  Death 
records of Oconto County Register of Deeds shows a death record for Infant 
Son of Frank Urwin with a birth and death date of 22 February 1899.  Cause of 
death, "Uranarie Poisoning/Stillbirth".  Vol. 2, Page 39, Record 02181 

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 25, 1899


Charles Goods' family is preparing to move to Crooked Lake.

J. A. Glynn, while getting out of his buggy one evening last week, fell and hurt himself quite badly. he is improving.


Miss Jennie Major of Valparaiso, Ind., visited her sister, Mrs. Olive Harteau, at Oconto Falls, over Sunday.


Dr. and Mrs. Grant have gone to New York to visit the doctor's parents. They will remain several weeks and before they return will visit Brooklyn, New York City, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Niagara falls and other places.

Rev. Fr. Leccia has moved here from Bear Creek. He will have supervision of the new church-building. Until the church is ready for use it is expected that meetings will resume in Schoenebeck's hall.


Miss Minnie Radke has returned from Oconto, Ill, and is stopping with her sister, Mrs. August Blume.

Mr. and Mrs. Pomp attended the funeral of her uncle at Grosse last Saturday.

Mrs. Cannon and family are visiting Mrs. C's mother, Mrs. Goddard.


John Johnson accidentally caught his arm between the frame and reel of the paper machine, recently, receiving injuries.


The father of Christ Raditz returned to Racine, after visiting his son here for two months.

A three year old girl was scalded last Saturday by falling into a dish pan of boiling water. She died the next day and was buried on Tuesday.


J. J. Falque attended the funeral of his mother in Oconto on Tuesday.


Freman Kilmer is entertaining his mother, from Michigan.


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Anderson are entertaining a sister of the latter, form Milwaukee.


Charles Teske of Kewaunee spent several days with his brother William in this place.

Oconto County Reporter
Sep. 8, 1899


Maude Glynn of Milwaukee, who was visiting Mrs. Wm. Young, has returned to Logan to teach another year.

Mr. Grotelueschen of Milwaukee, who was visiting his son and daughter.

Miss Etta Bowen has returned to Chicago. She had been visiting her parents and friends.


C. A. Johnson and William Strusberg have gone to Minnesota.

J. E. Johnson spent Sunday with his parents, at Mosiling.

Mrs. Esther Culver of Lakewood has come to live with her father, Ira Moody, since her husband went to Washington.

Louis Peterson has rented the Breed farm for two years. 

Henry Netzer had three horses killed by the train last week.


James Newell of Durand, Pepin county, is visiting Mrs. J. C. Marsh, his sister. It is seven years since they met before. He is a prosperous farmer and says that this locality suits him very well. He thinks more stock and more corn would benefit the Oconto county farmer. He keeps 9 to 10 cows and 50 to 100 hogs, besides a fine flock of sheep and then is able to raise more grain than he would if he was running the farm to grain.

Percy Daily is very sick from being overheated a couple of weeks ago.

The little Sagle boy is on the gain. The little girl is now very sick. The neighbors are responding to their needs, for which the afflicted are very thankful.


Miss Ethel Whitney has a position as a nurse in the general hospital at Green Bay.

L. C. DeLano lost a valuable colt. A pitchfork handle was run through it's flank.

Mrs. D. D. Barker is very ill at the home of her son, Dr. A. Radcliffe, in Waukegan, Ill.


The Rev. John D. Larsen, to whom Miss Ida A. Mosling of this town was married, by the Rev. Upplegar, on Wednesday of last week, was ordained pastor of the Stockbridge mission church last Sunday. The ordination services were held in the government school building and were conducted by the Rev. Nichol of Shawano, assisted by the Revs. Dieke, and Hudtloff and Applegar.


John Anderson, who has been very ill, is improving.

John Erickson of Chicago was here to attend the marriage of his sister. His little daughter Hattie, who visited the past month, returned home with him.


School began Tuesday with Miss Rose Taylor of Oshkosh as teacher. Anette Phelan is teaching at Claywood, Lovetta McDonald at Suamico and T. A. Couillard at Greenwood.

Mrs. James Johnston of Oconto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McAllister.


Quite a number of families have gone to Marinette, where husbands will work in the paper mill, among them being Levi Harvey and family, Joseph Pocquette and family and J. Service and family.

G. Walker, manager of the Falls boarding house, has moved to Marinette, where he has employment.

The Falls will soon have another paper, the Herald having moved from Oconto last Saturday. Editor Smith is well known and popular here and will be joined by his family as soon as he can get a house for them to live in. He has his office in one of Brownson's buildings, John Corboy is helping to get things in order and Miss Osca Soyer will remain in the office as typesetter.

Editor Perkins, who started the Oconto Falls Leader something more than a year ago and discontinued it last February or March, is now housekeeping in Milwaukee. He is employed in a large job printing office.

Miss Ella Flatley is seriously ill.

Camila Coushuth met with an accident recently by running a rusty nail into his foot.

Miss Maggie Morgenson, who has been living at the Falls, is visiting at Mr. George Young's. She expects to go to Canada soon.


The ten year old girl of A. B. Chapman died yesterday morning, of diphtheria. Funeral this afternoon. Another case being reported, the school board in District No. 1 has closed the school for two weeks. The school was opened only two days, which makes it bad now for teachers and children.

Carl Hall and wife, Carl Foth and wife from town of Washington and Louis Studier from Cecil, attended the funeral of Fred Scheer's child yesterday afternoon.


Mrs. Andrew O'Connell, who was visiting her brother, M. Hollihan, has returned to her home in Kaukauna.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer attended the funeral of their grandchild, Johnnie Hollihan, last Sunday; also Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon, from Oconto, and Mr. and Mrs. Moses Williams and Mr. and Mrs. M. Nickhe from Oak Orchard.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 15, 1899

Louis Peterson and Effie Breed announce that their wedding will take place on next Saturday.

Knud Hanson has sold his farm here and is going to move to his farm near Frostville.


Moses Forcier was probably fatally injured in the Eldred mill, on Tuesday afternoon. He rolled logs unto a carriage and was endeavoring to move an unusual heavy log with a cant hook when he slipped and fell in front of the fast moving carriage, from the end of which projected a ten-inch cant. The timber caught him under the arm, dragging him some distance and lacerating his head, shoulder and abdomen in a fearful manner. He was taken to the Stiles House and medical aid was summoned.

Later - Mr. Forcier died at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. He was 30 years old and unmarried.

Ella Flatley is still on the sick ;list.

B. Flatley, who has been sick for a long time, will leave this week for Oshkosh to have a surgical operation performed. 

Twenty-five of the paper company's men employed in the wood room, quit work and struck for higher wages.

The Flatley home has been rented for a time. Mrs. Flatley will stay with her son William and Miss Ella and Barney will try to recover their health. Mr. Marek's family have moved into the Flatley place. Mr. Marek will continue his business at the usual place.

Mrs. Jake Maurer, accompanied by her sister, Miss Ella Flatley, have returned to Menasha.

Martin Nelson is still low with typhoid fever.

Mrs. M. Gardner was called to Appleton on Wednesday by the sudden death of her mother.


Mrs. William Sasse and Mrs. Albert Gernt went to Belle Plain last week Friday, to see their sick mother.

T. W. Brownwell of Appleton is visiting old friends. He lived here for nearly twenty years.

Miss Minnie Lange, from Fon du Lac, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Louis Suring. She will remain several weeks.

The Oconto County Reporter                                                        contributed by "Greg"
Sep. 22, 1899.

Samuel Dodge, 66 years old, who was committed to the state prison at Waupun
from the town of Underhill, this county, about three years ago, died in
prison last Saturday from an injury received by the falling of a stone from
a wall, which struck him on the head. The body was brought to Oconto and the
funeral services were held in the dwelling in the East ward occupied Mrs.
Dodge, the Rev. J. Robertson Macartney conducting the service.

Albert Gename, aged 22 years, died last Saturday at the Menominee River
Hospital, of typhoid fever. He was taken there from a railroad train, as
then related in the Reporter, about three weeks ago, in a delirious
condition. He was recently from the northern part of Oconto county and has
relatives in Door county

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 22, 1899


Mrs. Charles Knowles and three small children have gone to Dexter, Me., to visit her mother and other relatives, whom she has not seen for eighteen years. She expects to remain until Christmas.

Mrs. Hamilton of Belfast, Ireland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Annie DeLano.

Mrs. Frank Foster (nee Emma Poppey) is spending a few days at Hilbert Junction.

The following of local interest is from Waukegan, Ill., Sun. of Sept. 7; "Yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, at the home of her son, Dr. A. Radcliffe, occurred the death of Mrs. Frances E. Barker. The deceased had been a resident of Waukegan about four years. She was born in Portland, Me., May 10, 1827. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral will be from the house on Friday at 2 p.m. The internment at Oakwood will be private."

A. D. Peters, while taking a spin to Oconto Junction on his bicycle, recently also took a header. He says he struck on every part of his body and his head was a firmament of shooting stars.


Louis Peterson and Mrs. Ella Breed met with a serious accident last Tuesday while driving the stage from here to Logan. They came in contact with a number of cattle which were fighting, knocking the buggy over and breaking the thills, and landing the occupants in the ditch. Mr. Peterson had his ankle quite badly injured, while Mrs. Breed escaped with fright.

Mrs. Ella Breed went to Bear Creek, Waupaca county, last Wednesday morning to visit relatives.


Dell Barker and family of Oconto Falls have moved here.


J. McDougal was rendered unconscious on Sunday evening by being thrown from his buggy by collision with another conveyance while driving to his home in the country.


S. S. Adams and family are moving to Marysville, Tennessee, transported by his team, and expects to make the journey in six or eight weeks. Joseph Peck has charge of his summer's crop and will sell the same. He also has charge of Mr. Adam's new farm.


Bart Kelley of Indiana is visiting his parents.

William Birr and Miss Maggie Apfel, who were married last Wednesday, will live in the Myers building at the Falls, in the near future.

The statement in the Reporter, week before last, in regard to a child born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry, Jr., should have read James Barry, sr.

The strike at the paper mill, briefly referred to last week, was of almost as brief duration as the mention of it.


Mrs. Lincoln Leigh and family are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Doney.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leigh and daughters Ruby and Pearl and son Arthur have returned form Milwaukee where they visited relatives and took in the state fair.


W. S. Hagar was called to Appleton last Wednesday by the sudden death of his mother.

Card of Thanks

We return out heartfelt thanks to the many friends at Hickory for the kindness and sympathy shown us at the death of our loved husband, son and brother.
Mrs. Myrtle Coy
David Coy and family.


The Mountain boys gave a dance in honor of the newly wedded pair, Herbert Baldwin and wife, last Saturday night, in which the twain made one did not participate, much to the disappointment of the company. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have gone into housekeeping in their new home near his brother's store.

Mrs. Ernest Cole is in Waupun visiting her parents.

Cecil Hoffman, since leaving Lakewood, is stopping with his grandparents at Mountain. He went to his home in Marinette last Tuesday.


Diphtheria made a bad visit in this vicinity. Several families are laid with the disease, among whom are Mrs. Robert Grignon and her youngest son, seven years old. John Stengel's family have recovered. A twelve year old girl of Albert Rockow died of diphtheria on Tuesday night, and was buried the next morning.

All the schools are closed in the town of How, on account of diphtheria. Six families are quarantined by reason of it.


George Page, 75 years old, while going through a rear doorway at his home last Sunday, fell and severely injured his right side. Mr. Page is an old resident of this county and a veteran of the war for the Union. He went out with Company A, 52nd Wisconsin. He was sick in a St. Louis hospital when President Lincoln was assassinated. His first information about the tragedy was when he saw people drape their houses in black. James McCure was a member of the same company.


Mrs. Frank Hickory is visiting friends and relatives in Oconto. She will also visit her parents at Abrams.

J. Anderson is entertaining his mother, from Linwood.


Homer Rymer burned his right hand badly while fighting the fire at Herman Blaser's.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 29, 1899


While Albert Erickson was handling a gun last Sunday the cartridge exploded and hurt him quiet badly in the face.


Mrs. Crawford is visiting here and is going to ship her household goods to Iron Mountain where she is going to locate.  She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. T. Cone of Menominee.


Miss Theresa McIver has returned from two-months' visit with relatives in St. Paul.

J. W. Whipple attended the funeral of his father at Albany, Green county, in this state, last Sunday. Deceased was 82 years old.


Mrs. G. M. Breed has gone to Clintonville to spend the winter with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Coleman and Andrew Olson of Mountain called on J. E. Johnson last Friday.

Charles Dowen's baby is critically ill.


The four month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeRush died last Monday.


Roudolph Birr and wife of Oconto attended the funeral of their niece, in Morgan.


Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Peterson's infant daughter died one day last week, after a brief illness, and the body was interred in the cemetery east of Oconto Falls.


Ed Koch met with an accident while operating a paper machine last Tuesday evening. Three fingers of his left hand were cut off. It came near being his entire hand. He had insured in an accident company only an hour before.


Joseph Blowich has gone to Algoma to get married. He is of the firm of Sorenson & Blowich.

The young son of F. J. Link is ill with pneumonia.


Last Monday, when Mr. Wahl was unhitching his horse from a buggy, one horse, being unhitched, walked into the barn; the other having a tug unfastened, began to run, causing Mr. Wahl to fall to the ground - the horse stepping on his chest and leg, rendering him unconscious about 30 minutes. His injuries are serious and it will be some time before he will be able to work.


William Tripp has gone to Spaulding, Mich. where he has secured employment.

William Dody, living near Suamico, is critically ill with rheumatism of the stomach.


Adolph Zimmerman of Peshtigo shot the first white coon ever seen in that region, the other day. Its fur was of creamy whiteness and the rings on it's tail of a pale yellow.

A committee of the Marinette county board is visiting different parts of the county in quest of a location for a county poor house. Two hundred acres of land are wanted.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 6, 1899


Mrs. Hamilton, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George DeLano, for some time, has gone to Nebraska to visit a brother.

G. H. Russell, formerly of this place but more recently of Corrine, Mich., has been assigned to a position as manager in a large store at Whitedale, and will remove to that place.

Mrs. Frank foster left for Hilbert Junction Tuesday to reside permanently.


Mr. Brownell has returned to his home in Appleton, after an extended visit with his daughter, Mrs. Peter Jamieson.

George and Charles Elliott are here from Canada, visiting their brother, Miller Elliott.


John Johnson was arraigned before Judge Jones in Oconto for selling mortgaged cattle to Antoine Westby and Joseph Valitchka. The case was settled by defendant paying $17 - the amount he received for the cattle - and costs.


Mr. and Mrs. Noel and Mrs. Ladro attended the funeral of a niece at Marinette last Thursday.

News has reached here that Mrs. Joseph Lado of Green bay, formerly of this place, is very sick with Typhoid fever. Her husband, who is employed at Nahma, was called to her bedside.


Miss Minnie Lange from Fon du Lac went home last Friday, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Louis Suring, for three weeks.


Mrs. M. Bunn is making preparations to go to her old home in New Jersey.

Mrs. Ruth Perry was summoned to the death bed of her only sister in Chicago last Tuesday.

Messrs. Redmond and James Barry and their families have moved to Wausau where they will be employed in the new paper mill.

George Bonner and wife have returned from Maine and he is employed at his old place as machine tender.

Tony Salchert spent Sunday with his parents here. He has gone to Chicago to attend a college of pharmacy.


Henry and Abe Freidenberg were called to Green bay on Monday on account of the sickness of their father.

William I. Zingler was at Shawano visiting his parents a couple of days last week.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 27, 1899


Most of the Falls business places are being lighted with the new gasolene lamps.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collier attended the funeral of Mrs. George of Chase.

P. Henry, from Mexico, visited with his brother, Hugh Henry, this week.

Barney Flatley will not be allowed to leave the hospital at Oshkosh for four weeks.


W. Huettl, who sold his butcher shop here to J. Simpson, has moved to Seymour, where he will embark in the same business.

Mrs. K. Hendricks has returned to her home in Canada.

Mrs. G. Booker left Tuesday morning for Lewiston, Idaho, to make am extended visit with her son and daughter.

The Wisconsin telephone Company expect to have Gillett connected with the main line this week. from here they will work towards Hickory.


Robert Telford is cook in a pulp wood camp at St. Ignace, Mich.


Mrs. John Slusher goes to the state of Washington this week, where her husband is at work, with the intention of making a permanent home there.

The many friends of Mr. Wade were pained to hear of his sudden death.

Gas lights has been placed in H. M. Baldwin's store.


Announcements are out for the wedding of Miss Jenny Burto to Andrew Konister. We wish them long and happy lives.


John Lefevre gave a wedding dance Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Z. Chase, who were visiting with relatives here, have returned to their home, Lynn, Mass.

The stone lately removed from the bladder of Jacob Minnick, the veteran of the Union army who had long suffered from it, was the largest of which there is medical record, being 2 1/2 inches long, 1 3/8 inches in thickness, 2 inches in width, and weighing 3 1/4 ounces. The substance was a formation of uric acid, and was very hard.


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suring were called to Belle Plain last Friday on account of the death of the latter's step-father.


Messrs and Mesdames William Sassa, Albert Gerndt and Joseph Suring attended the funeral of Mr. Hoeffs at Bonduel last Saturday. The ladies are daughters of Mr. Hoeffs. Mrs. Hankwitz and oldest daughter also attended.

Richard Ropitch, who intended to build a saloon in our town, has given it up and sold the uncompleted building to John Holl.

Oconto County Reporter
December 1, 1899

Mrs. Jacob Spies sustained a broken wrist in a runaway last week.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 15, 1899


J. Lynch and family left Oconto Falls in the night. They will locate in DePere.

Miss Meta Schrubee is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Wake.


Dr. F. A. Hanson died of quick consumption last Monday. He was born in McKeesport, Pa., in 1862 - one of eight children of Grunder and Dora Wieman Hanson. The father died last June; the mother and two sons are all that now survive of a family of ten. Dr. Hanson was 9 years old when his parents came to Green Bay and acquired the rudiments of his education in the public schools. In 1887 he graduated from a Chicago medical college and practiced elsewhere until January, 1892, when he located in Abrams, where he has had a large practice and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the people.

Dr. Hanson was married in 1886, at Oconomowac, to Miss Mary Moon. Two children were born to them, Ben C. and Ethel L.

The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon under the aupices of the M. W. A. and R. N. A. The Rev. Gray preached the funeral sermon. Floral offerings were presented by the R. N. A. and the Ladies' Aid society. His remains were interred in Pensaukee cemetery.