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Flash From The Past - 1897

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 15, 1897

Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Burdick are at Mont Blanc, Mich., whence Mrs. Burdick was summond by telegram announcing the death of her only brother.

Mrs. Dodge on the Town

Mrs. Samuel Dodge, wife of the man sentenced to Waupun for eighteen years, is still at the Roth House and will be supported by the town of Underhill. She recently received an order from that town for $6, which the Oconto Company cashed, and Mrs. Roth has agreed to keep her one-year for $75.

Oconto County Reporter
April 11, 1897

Rowell's little girl is very low with peritonitis.

H. Hankwitz and wife left on Tuesday for Merrill to attend the wedding of Mary Hankwitz, a niece.

Edwin Grignon, a brother of Robert Grignon, has visited friends here and will leave today for Iowa.

Frank Breed has moved from Mountain.

Frank Moody, jr., has the frame up for a barber shop.

Oconto County Reporter
June, 1897


August Brasch and daughter Mrs. Eliza Schwedler, were called to Kewaunee on last Sunday, by the sudden death of Mrs. Schwedler's father-in-law, Louis Schwedler. Deceased was 78 years of age. A wife and seven children survive him.

Mrs. James Cook, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Jackson of Little River, died at her home in Nahma, Mich., on Monday, May 31, of pneumonia. She leaves a husband and four children, the youngest but a few days old. The remains were brought to this city on Tuesday evening, over the Milwaukee & St. Paul road, accompanied by Mr. Cook and children and Miss Lizzie Jackson, sister of the deceased, and conveyed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Duncan, in the North ward.

Mrs. Cook was born in Oconto in 1861, and this city has been her home until seven years ago, when she went to Nahma to reside. She was the first to be called of a family of six sisters and five brothers, but the bright christian life she led while among them is a great comfort to them in their sorrow. She always lent a helping hand and had words of cheer for those in trouble, was a faithful wife and loving mother. She was a member of the Presbyterian church of this city, having joined that denomination during Re. C. R. Burdick's pastorate several years ago.

Funeral services were held from the Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon, Revs. Robert S. Ingraham and C. R. Burdick conducting them. The Lady Maccabees of Nahma (of which society deceased was a member) also held services at that place before their departure to Oconto. The pallbeares were her brothers, James, Robert, William, Benjamin and George Jackson. The grave was lined with evergreens and flowers and the loved one, who was held in high esteem by all her acquaintances, was laid to rest. The bereaved husband, mother and other relatives have the deepest sympathy of the community, in this great affliction.

The following relatives from out of town attended the funeral: Mrs. Margaret Robert, William and George Jackson of Little River; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Thomas of Peshtigo; Mrs. Mary McIver and daughters, Jenny and Tot, of Stiles; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Russell and Miss Gertrude Russell of  Couillardville.

Mr. Cook desires to thank the friends in Nahma and Oconto, and the Knights and Lady Maccabees of the former place, for the kindness and courtesies extended to him and his family during the sickness and death of his beloved wife.

Oconto County Reporter
July 9, 1897

Miss Mamie Bransfield of Beaver, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nelligan of this city, was married to H. G. Laun, of Laun Bros., Wausaukee, on Wednesday of this week. Both of the contracting parties have friends in Oconto county who wish them much joy.

Boy Drowned

Walter Tunneson Lost His Life Within Thirty Feet of Onlookers

Last Saturday afternoon Walter Tunneson, 14 years of age, second son of Wm. Tunneson, was drowned in the Oconto River, about 100 feet below the Superior-street bridge, and within about 30 feet of two men who were working on the boom of the Holt Lumber Company. The lad had been piling slabs on the south bank, and became warm, went to the river to cool off, and in his overheated condition was seized with cramps, and soon sank. Other boys on the shore noticed his condition and shouted loudly for help, but before aid arrived the unfortunate boy was dead. John Kehl ran from a saloon about 200 yards distant, and, plunging into the river, brought the body ashore, where restoratives were applied without avail.

Coroner Bentz had the body removed to W. B. Mitchell's undertaking rooms where an inquest was held and a verdict of accidental drowning rendered.

The burial occurred on Monday morning, funeral services being conducted by Rev. Fr. Lochman at St. Joseph's Church.

Oconto County Reporter
August 9, 1879
Researched and contributed by: Richard LaBrosse

One of the wants of our city is a good tannery.  The location is all that is needed and the shipping facilities are excellent.

A hunting party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Scripture of Oconto Falls and Augustus Cole of this city, while out hunting on Saturday last, a deer started up some 20 rods in advance of them.  Mrs. Scripture, who is a lady something over 60 years of age, jumped from the wagon and took deliberate aim at the deer and brought it down at the first shot.

That genial granger from the town of Little River, T.C. Tully, cast his shadow over our sanctum on Thursday.

Dr. O’Keefe and wife started for Canada on Sunday evening to visit their old home.  May they have an enjoyable time.

Ed. Davis is building a wing on the south side of his residence on Section St., which will improve its appearance greatly.

This city is at present infested with an overdose of beggars.

Oconto County Reporter
September 17, 1897

Last Saturday evening friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland R. Keith helped them celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary.

Oconto County Reporter
October 1. 1897

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ellis have been enjoying something of a family reunion the past ten days. Judge Farnsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farnsworth of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hay of New York
(Mrs. Hay a sister of Mrs. Ellis), Mr. and Mrs. George I. Scofield of Marinette, and Fred Ellis, home from Madison for a few days, have been entertained under their hospitable roof.

Mr. and Mrs. George Jones will make their home in Green Bay for a time, Mr. Jones being employed by the Diamond Match Company in place of James Robinson, as barn boss.

Miss Carrie Jackson, who had been visiting relatives here for some time, has returned to her home in Chicago.

Madison, Sept. 29, - Word has be received that Paul Schofield, executive clerk, who has been at Pike's peak for the last three weeks, is much improved in health. He is now in Denver with his mother.

researched by Richard LaBrosse

Fred Ellman has resumed his studies in Chicago Pharmaceutical school.

Shawano Newspaper
Thursday, Oct. 7, 1897


Joseph A. Carroll, who has made Shawano his home for the past
12 or 15 years, was found dead in bed at Mountain, in Oconto county, on
Sunday morning of this week. The news came by telegraph and because of
the lack of particulars it was at first thought that Mr. Carroll had met
his death by foul means. The telegram was addressed to Landlord
Garfield, of the Murdock House, with whom Mr. Carroll boarded during his
residence in Shawano. Mr. Garfield immediately started for Mountain with
Dr. Partlow and Undertaker Bauerfeind, and on the return of the party
Monday afternoon the full particulars of Mr. Carroll's death were

It seems that Mr. Carroll arrived at Mountain Saturday night
from a piece of homestead land 8 or 9 miles distant, upon which he filed
a couple of years ago at the time of the building of the Gillett branch,
and to which he occasionally made visits of several weeks or months
duration. When in Mountain he usually stopped at the home of A. Saffern
a blacksmith.

On the night in question he stopped as usual at Mr.
Saffern's and retired to rest at the usual hour, apparently in the best
of health and spirits sleeping with a boy, a son of the hosts. At 5:00
the boy arose, but at that time noticed nothing wrong with Mr. Carroll,
who appeared to be sleeping. Two hours later he was called for
breakfast, but failing to respond to calls his room was entered and the
fact of his death discovered. 

On the arrival of the Shawano party Sunday afternoon an inquest was held, at which the jury rendered a verdict of death due to natural causes, in accordance with the hypothesis of heart
failure advanced by Dr. Partlow. The remains were then placed in charge
of Undertaker Bauerfeind, and on Monday afternoon were brought to this
city, where they were met by Mr. Charles Scott, a well-known citizen of
Neenah who has been a close friend of the deceased for years. 

Mr. Scott had just completed arrangements for a week's outing with Mr. Carroll at
Mountain, and the news of his friend's sudden death was a great shock to
him. During Monday afternoon and evening the remains lay in state at the
Murdock House, where they were viewed by many friends who had known the
deceased in life.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Neenah,
those accompanying the remains from this city, in addition to Mr. Scott,
being Dr. and Mrs. Williams and Mr. & Mrs. Garfield. 

Mr. Carroll was in his 52nd year. He was born at Keene, N. H., and after serving
in the War of the Rebellion, in which he made an honorable record as a soldier,
came west and located at New London, whence he came to Shawano about 15
years ago. He was a good citizen, and among those who knew him best was
well liked, many instances being cited of his generosity toward others,
particularly those in distress. For some years Mr. Carroll has been
engaged in no business ventures. He was never married and his only
surviving relatives are 3 sisters, Mrs. George Kellogg, Mrs. Nellie
Graves and Miss Annie Carroll, who reside at Oakland, Calif.

Oconto county Reporter
October 15, 1897

Miss Carrie Trepanier of Oconto has been appointed assistant teacher of the Stiles public school for a term of four months.

John McDonough of Oconto has leased the Exchange hotel at Wausaukee.

Billy Phillips went to Waupun on Tuesday to enter upon the duties of a prison guard, to which he was recently appointed by Gov. Scofield.

John Venzke of Hayes had one finger nearly smashed by getting his hand between the wagon box and front wheel.

G. M. Breed is hauling cord wood and tan bark.

Several gentlemen are disposing of their farms with the intention of going north to engage in cattle-raising, on the plains. the company is headed by Wilbur Moody.

A. W. Breed is building a spacious addition to his residence.

Tim Moynihan left on Wednesday for Hoyoke, Mass. If the old saying "Marriage makes man and women one" bears out in this case, he will gain at least 100 pounds in weight before his return home.

Oconto County Reporter
October 8, 1897

Joseph A. Carroll was found dead in his bed last Sunday morning, at the residence of Mr. A. Saffron, where he was stopping. The doctors pronounced heart failure the cause of death. His body was taken to Shawano and thence to Neenah for burial. He was 54 years old, and unmarried. His nearest relatives live in California. He was at one time a saloon-keeper at Shawano, and was well to do.

Our Neighbors.

Peter Bons, the fiendish murderer of Pearl Morrison, at Crystal Falls, has been sentenced to imprisonment for life in the branch state prison at Marquette. He pleaded guilty.

Diphtheria has become almost epidemic in Bessemer. There are funerals nearly every day, more then 100 cases having been reported.

researched by Richard LaBrosse 

Honorable and Mrs. E. Funke attended the wedding of Mrs. Funkes’ daughter, Miss Emeline Whitney to S.A. Bell, teller in the Kellogg National bank at Green Bay, on Wednesday. 

Dr. Stoelting during the week presented to the high school caluable electric storage jar for use in the laboratory. 

Mrs. McArthey has gone to Chicago to get her stock of millinery for the fall. 

Heren, aged 7 years, son of Edwin Caldie of this city, had his left arm broken at the elbow one day last week while playing on his grandfather’s farm near Columbus, where Mrs. Caldie and children are visiting. 

John Mills of Maple Valley met with quite a painful accident last Saturday.  While throwing a shell from the magazine of his rifle into the barrel it got caught and exploded.  Part of the shell coming back and striking him on the chin causing a painful though not a serious wound. 

Oconto County Reporter
October 15, 1897

Miss Carrie Trepanier of Oconto has been appointed assistant teacher of the Stiles public school for a term of four months.

John McDonough of Oconto has leased the Exchange hotel at Wausaukee.

Billy Phillips went to Waupun on Tuesday to enter upon the duties of a prison guard, to which he was recently appointed by Gov. Scofield.

John Venzke of Hayes had one finger nearly smashed by getting his hand between the wagon box and front wheel.

Oconto County Reporter
October 22, 1897


The oldest daughter of Gustav Otto died last Wednesday, Oct. 13, aged 7 years. The burial took place on Saturday at the German Evangelical Association cemetery; Rev. K. Bonduel conducted the funeral service. There was a large offering of flowers. Miss Cora Raymon, her teacher, and all the school children sang an anthem at the close of the service.

Mrs. Matz, mother of Mrs. Otto, and Caroline Matz, a sister, from New London were present at the funeral of Gust Otto's child.

Father Hoeffs and wife from Belle Plain are here visiting their children John Hoeffs and Mesdames Mary Sassa, Fred Lubeck, Albert Gernt and Julius Suring.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 5, 1897

Andrew Hall of deadwood S.D. pleasantly surprised his son Robert by arriving unannounced on Wednesday evening. He will remain a week and then extend his visit into Michigan. 

Henry Newton and Mrs. Mary Schrader of Ocontomowac are visiting Oconto friends, after an absence of 21 years. They are son and daughter of O. Newton, an Oconto pioneer, who moved to Ocontomowac 21 years ago.

G. M. Breed's hotel is nearing completion.

Mrs. G. M. Breed was on the sick list last week, and is slowly convalescing.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 12, 1897


Sim Parkinson and Charlie Peters returned from Dakota, where they found lots of work.


John Corboy has returned from Dakota.

Miss Edna Orr is visiting relatives in St. Paul.

A. J. MacDonald did business in Chicago this week.

Miss Mamie O’Connor of this city is teaching school in Wilson, Mich.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 19, 1897


Mrs. Byron Kelsey of this place, who accompanied her mother to her home in the town of Merrill, Lincoln county, with the anticipation of regaining her health, departed this life on the 12th instant. Her disease, from which she had suffered more than a year, and was the cause of her demise, was cancer of the breast. She left a husband and eight small children, the youngest about one year old. Surely "in life we are in the midst of death."


We are very sorry to note the untimely death of Miss Ida Goddard, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goddard. Miss Goddard was taken ill about two weeks ago with inflammation of the bowels, which suddenly terminated in peritonitis. Miss Goddard was highly esteemed. The funeral was held at the school house in Brookside and was very largely attended. The relatives have the sympathy of the entire community.


Several months ago Miss Segeret Moberg, stenographer for ex-justice Humphreville, left Marinette, presumably for school, but, instead, she and Mr. Humphreville went to Green Bay and there were united in matrimony. They spent their honeymoon in Frankfort, Mich., across the lake. Last Friday morning a baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Humphreville.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 10, 1897


A Romantic Maden brings Grief to her Family.

As Reporter by the Green Bay Advocate of Dec. 9 says: "Gertrude Prince, the pretty 19 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Prince of the town of How has eloped with a Negro named William Smith, and the ill-mated pair were married on Tuesday by a justice of the peace at Mountain, Wis.

"The father of the girl and the entire family were frantic with rage and shame yesterday when fair Gertrude, the pet of the family, returned to her folks as the wife of the African who had been employed as a laborer on her father's farm.

"The Prince family, which is a wealthy and prominent one in the town of How and is the most highly respected in the community, is well known in this city. John Prince, the father, swears vengeance on Smith and his disowned and disinherited his daughter, insisting she can never be forgiven.

Personal and Social

Earl Heath of Oshkosh is visiting his aunt, Mrs. I. S. P. Hoeffel.

Mrs. Paul McDonald of Maple Valley visited friends in this city on Wednesday.

Frank Mott has been entertaining his father, John Mott of Dakota, who lived in Oconto county a few years ago.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 17, 1897


William Terwillegar is improving in health. He has been very ill for sometime and it was feared that he would not recover. Mr. Terwillegar is one of the oldest residents in the town of Chase.


Mrs. John Holl received treatment for her eyes at Green Bay last week. She returned much improved.

The elopement of Gertrude, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Prince of this town, with Willaim Smith, a Stockbridge Indian, has caused considerable excitement here, and aroused much sympathy for the parents. The parents did all in their power to prevent the infatuated girl from taking the step but without avail. At first it was supposed parental opposition had caused her to commit suicide, and the neighbors turned out in enmasse to help Mr. Prince find his missing daughter, searching the woods and lake. Later she went home during her father's absence and announced that a justice of the peace at Mountain had married her and Smith. The couple now live on the Indian reservation.

Fredrick Firgens of Fon du lac county, brother of Charles and August Firgens, has arrived here with his family and settled on a farm which he bought a year ago.

The Oconto Lumberman
Dec. 18, 1897

He is still at hospital
Treatments of his eyes proves successful
Lynch Relates the History of his Trouble with Mrs. Sharp, Who is Charged
with Throwing the Acid at Him.

The following is Mr. Lynch’s story of the assault as told to a Milwaukee
Journal reporter.

An Anonymous Warning

About Nov. 10, I received a letter from some unknown person, mailed at
Chicago, warning me that I had a bitter enemy in Oconto and that the
person would seek to do me a great injury also that the plot was about
and that if one means failed others would be found. The writer urged me
to be on my guard in order to save myself from any unpleasant
consequences of that kind.  I gave little heed to the letter thinking
that it had no foundation yet I mentally summed up my personal relations
in an effort to discover who would be my enemy to such an extent that
there might be personal danger to me. The first person I thought of in
that category was Mrs. sharp, publisher of the Oconto Enquirer, for I
knew she was not friendly to me, but I had no idea that she could be
meditating any scheme that might result in anything more than an
unpleasant situation. I thought of other people who have been in
litigation in some closely contested cases that I had won. In such
reason I knew of no one who would in their anger take such measures as
my correspondent suggested. The conclusion I came to was that somebody
was trying to have fun with me and I dropped the matter entirely from my

Red Pepper on Nov. 16

A few days later, I think it was November 16, I was walking in the
evening toward one of the stores of the city to see a clerk that works
there, when I met Mrs. Sharp on the corner, accompanied by one of her
little boys. As she passed me she threw red pepper in my face, and a
little of it went in one of my eyes. I turned about and asked her what
she meant by such an act, but she made no answer, and the boy, who was
almost crying, took hold of her dress and said: “Come along, do not stop
any longer” or something to that effect. I did not know what the
substance was that had been thrown in my face but as my eye felt the
effects of it. I went into the drug store and showed the druggist some
of the powder on my coat. He said at once that it was red pepper and
washed my eyes so as to remove it from them.

Throwing of the Acid

After that, whenever I passed her place of business, she looked very
ugly at me and I kept a proper distance, I can assure you. Matters ran
along until the evening of Dec. 1, when I was walking along the street,
thinking of a business matter and almost oblivious of everything else. I
saw a women accompanied by a small boy, coming along the cross street at
the corner and a short distance away. I simply noted that she had head
muffled in some thing that made me think it was one of the Sisters of
Charity, and the boy had a parcel in his hand. I gave them no further
attention, but just before they reached the corner, I heard the women
say something in a low tone to the boy. Almost on the instant they were
about to pass behind me, the women turned and threw something in my face
that blinded me and made me cry out with agony. She then started away,
but in what direction I do not know, as I could not see. A friend who
was attracted to my call for help came and led me to the doctor’s
office, where I had what attention could be given to me at that time and
then I took the first train to Milwaukee to have treatment for my

Mr. lynch is perfectly satisfied in his own mind, he says as to the
identity of the women who committed the assault upon him and he has
little doubt of his ability to prove the case against her.