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Flash From The Past - 1895
Oconto County Reporter
January 5, 1895
researched by Cathe Ziereis
transcribed by Ron Renquin

Little Guy Branshaw Falls Beneath a Freight Train
Remarkable Nerve Exhibited While Amputation Was in Progress.
Helpless For Life

A pitiable accident occurred in Frenchtown last Saturday which will render almost helpless through life the bright little 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Branshaw. He, with young companions, was practicing the dangerous pastime of jumping on and off the cars, but his last attempt was not successful and he fell upon the rail near a cattle guard, the wheels passing over the tender and quivering flesh, crushing his limbs in a horrible manner. His playmates immediately ran for assistance, and the little fellow was taken to a house near by and later to his home, where Drs. O’Keef and Stoelting afterward amputated the left leg above the knee and the right foot at the ankle. Before the operation had ended the boy recovered from the effects of the drug but endured the pain and shock with the courage of a martyr. He is rapidly recovering from the effects of the terrible accident.

The Check Forgers Go Behind the Bars for a Twelvemonth

At the adjourned term of the circuit court, Wednesday, Joseph Lettkovski and Antoine Klaus appeared before Judge Hastings, pleaded guilty to forgery and were sentenced to one year each in state prison.

The particulars of the crime are as follows: Lettkovski stole a blank check upon the Oconto National Bank, induced Klaus to fill it out for $30.50 and attach Foley and Reilly’s signature, presenting him five dollars for perpetrating the deed, and Lettkovski induced John Duncan to cash the check. The parties were arrested, bound over, and upon receiving sentence by Judge Hastings, on Thursday were taken to Waupun by Sheriff Quirt.

In County Court

Wednesday was county court day, but one matter coming before Judge Classon - the petition of Mrs. Cecelia Surprise as guardian of the minor heirs of John Baptist Surprise, for license to sell real estate of the wards.

Sold His Farm

Martin Diffendal, of Ohio, has sold his farm of 120 acres in the town of Pensaukee to Jennie L. Warner for $1,700.00.  He also sold to Charles L. Warner the acres in the same town for $850.


Thomas Goodwin says the account in the recent number of the REPORTER that a son was born to them on Thanksgiving morning happened to be a beautiful girl baby.


Miss Emilie Schwelbert has returned home after a two weeks visit at Suamico, accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. M. Pagel.


The little son of James Piper, living north of Kelly Brook, had the misfortune to fall and break a leg not long since. He is doing well as could be expected at last accounts.

A serious accident happened to Mrs. Lessor of "Bordentown" one day last week. While nailing up a window curtain she thrust an arm through a pane of glass, receiving very dangerous wounds in the wrist and forearm.

Oconto County Reporter
12 January 1895

Narrow Escape From Burning 
Mrs. Ballard’s Presence of Mind.

Saturday last, while a domestic in the family of Henry Cole was taking up ashes from the coal stove, her clothes caught fire, and when Mrs. Ballard, a guest, responded to the terrified girl’s call for help, the back of her dress was a mass of flames. Mrs. Ballard caught up a blanket from a closet and succeeded in smothering the flames, but with difficulty, as the girl in her fright endeavored to enter the closet, which was filled with clothing. One hand was considerably burned. She is a daughter of Albert Giese.

Dr. G. A. Doran, of Menominee, visited at the home of his parents in this city, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Nelson have removed to the Nelligan farm, which Mr. Nelson will run next year.

A. H. Griffith’s mother and sister have arrived from southern Wisconsin to spend the winter in Oconto.

Quarantine has been removed from the Norton household and Charlie once more mingles among men.

Southward Ho!

FARMERS who are seeking to better themselves should go south! The Queen and Crescent Route offers a million acres of farms at $3.00 and $5.00 an acre, (on easy terms); and monthly half rate excursions to go and see for yourself. No blizzards. No cold waves.
Fine schools and churches. Hospitable people. Send for books and information to W. A. BECKLER, No’s Pass’r Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, or to W.C. RINEARSON, G.P.A., Cincinnati, O.
Oconto County Reporter
19 January 1895

Kelly Brook

Miss E. Sheridan of Ft. Howard has returned after a vacation of two weeks to continue her work at school which is progressing rapidly.

Miss Amanda Peterson has gone to visit relatives at Two Rivers.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leisch have arrived here to reside and make it their home at present.

Personal and General

E. Green, charged with burglary at Green Bay, escaped from Sheriff J. P. Delaney while undergoing examination in a justice court.

Oconto Falls

Mr. Kelly is dangerously ill and Mrs. Witham is on the sick list.


Frank O’Neil has gone to Sagolia to work for Jonnie Porterfield.
Oconto County Reporter
26 January 1895

Town Treasurer Leigh Falls From a Moving Milwaukee & Northern Train.

Thomas Leigh, while alighting from an M. and N. train at Stiles junction last Saturday night, fell upon the rails of the Lake Shore track and sustained a serious scalp wound and other injuries. He had been at Ontonagon and was returning, accompanied by J. H. Comstock, superintendent of the Diamond Match Company, and they were riding in the sleeper. When the junction was called Mr. Leigh went toward the rear of the car to get off, but was called by the porter to come to the forward end of the car. When he arrived there the train was again in motion in jumping he fell headlong upon the track. The result of his injuries has not been learned.

Mr. Leigh is one of the best saw mill men in the state and he had been offered $100 a month to run a mill for the match company in Ontonagon. He has been town treasurer of his town since 1874 and is altogether too valuable a man to drop out of life’s harness in the
full prime of life.


Rapid Journey of a Legal Document in Transfer of Property.

A transfer of 1,720 acres of land lying in towns 29-17, 31-16, 31-17, 30-18, of Oconto country, from E. L. Corning and wife to the Shawano Abstract, Land & Loan company, was recently made; consideration $500.

The instrument contained two acknowledgements, one being before E. B. Young, of St. Paul, where Mr. Corning was then residing and the other before Benjamin H. Ridgely, United States consul at Geneva, Switzerland, where Mrs. Corning was sojourning at the time the acknowledgement was taken. The date of the letter was Jan. 3, 1895

Bitten by a Bull Dog.

A lad of 8 or 9 years of age, son of Charles Heller, of the North Ward, was bitten by a bull dog while passing William Smith’s livery stable on Superior street, Monday. His right hand was quite badly scratched by the dog’s teeth, but no serious damage is likely to result. The hand was dressed by a physician.
Mrs. Joseph Wilson is quite ill, and owning to her advanced age, her recovery is rather doubtful.

The old store building owned by G. W. DeLano, formerly occupied by Russell & North, has been purchased by O. A. Gunwald, who will fit if up for a hardware store and will take possession the first of March.

Hon. G. W. DeLano has bought a lot in San Diego, Cal. He and Mrs. DeLano will return here in June and leave again in September. This will be their last trip back here as Mr. DeLano will have a house built and fitted up, which will be in readiness upon their return. Both Mr. and Mrs. DeLano will be greatly missed by a host of loving friends who will unite in wishing them many happy years in their new home to be under the balmy skies of southern California.

Kelly Brook.

The little son of George Piper, who recently broke his limb, is improving slowly.

Mrs. Phillips of Shawano is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kesler.

Lake Of The Woods.

We have had cold weather up her since Christmas - 10 to 33 degrees below zero. The lake froze over November 16. - We get our mail twice a month, it being hauled by dogs - three or four on a toboggan.
Dr. Briggs and wife have just returned from their holiday trip to Berlin. The doctor passed successfully his examination in dentistry at Milwaukee.


Miss Annie Johnson, of New London, attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Laura Larson.
Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 23, 1895
Report of Attendance and Non-Attendance
Of Members of Co. M.
Those Who Have Not Kept Account
Will Probably Be Surprised at
the Result.
Company M, in which Oconto takes pardonable pride and whose military record at encampments is far ahead of many other companies, is told in the following table, the tale of punctuality. The first column denotes the number of meetings attended between June 6 and December 28, 1894, and the second column the number that should have been attended:
Captain, W. M. Lee 24 32
First Lieutenant, W. G. Links 7 32
Second Lieutenant, G. E. Bond 15 32
First Sergeant, A. J. Cummings 27 32
Quarter Master Sergeant, James Gerhard 28 31

W. B. Hall 29 32
B. D. Brophy 12 31
E. Caldie 25 31
E. J. Delaney 11 31

J. Follett Jr. 9 17
C. McFadden 28 31
F. W. Bloch 21 32

Ansorge, O. 16 20
Aagaard, C. 30 32
Aagaard, W. 16 32
Butterfield, W. 20 31
Burkhart, W. 16 32
Beck, Arthur 11 25
Bryant, T. 17 20
Clark, H. W. 15 32
Cota, L. N. 9 12
Crane, J. S. 11 20
Crane, R. E. 13 20
Danzer, F. 8 32
Davis, Peter 14 32
Danzel, Fred 12 16
Fumell, Wm. 4 17
Flies, John 5 31
Flanders, R. G. 13 31
Gonyou, Wm 4 17
Hall, E. J. 10 19
Hall, R. T. 25 30
Hall, W. E. 20 32
Harris, Edwin 27 31
Harris, W. G. 17 28
Haskins, H. 14 16
Herald, J. M. 16 20
Haines, G. H. 18 24Houser, Ed 13 17
Ingram, W. A. 13 20
Johnson, Otto 29 32
Jensen, James 7 13
Jones, R. W. 9 19Koket, Antone 13 19
Krueger, Carl 26 32
Lord, E. H. 12 32
Lesperance, Joe 18 32

Maigray, P. 16 28
Mineau, F. X. 17 28
Peterson, P. 18 32
Pecor, E. 6 25
Peinorsch, J. 24 32
Runkel, G. A. 4 17
Rhode, C.A. 7 24
Rice, Frank E. 12 31
Stewart, H. 10 24
Simpson, H. 13 24
Soukup, J. 19 20
Skochpol, J. 22 32
Slattery, H. J. 20 32
Sulivan, G. 7 24
Talmadge, G. R. 26 32
Wright, G. G. 8 28
Whitney, R. R. 4 17
Young, Amos 15 17


Caused By Alleged Illegal Assessment
of Taxes in Armstrong
Wisconsin Tax Payers’ Association
Embraces Numerous Corporations
in This and Other Cities.
The case of the Wisconsin Tax-Payers’ association - which comprises a large percentage of the lumber manufacturers of Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, and a number of Chicago parties who own land in this and adjoining counties - against the officers of the town of Armstrong, has reached this climax: Orders of arrest were issued by Circuit Court Commissioner O. F. Trudell upon application of plaintiffs’ attorneys, placed in the hands of the sheriff, and on Monday, 29th inst., he returned with H. M. Baldwin, clerk, John P. Herning and Thomas McAllen, supervisors, when they were held to the spring term of circuit court - Mr. Baldwin furnishing bail in the amount of $800, each of the other two, $500, Willard P. Cook and Gregor Roth, bondsmen.

Charlie’s New Job

Ex-County Clerk Charles Norton has accepted the position of bookkeeper and collector for the Oconto Brewing association and begins his duties next Monday Morning.

Dr. Coleman Very Much Alive.

Marinette papers this week reported the death of Dr. Coleman, formerly of this city, while at Cleveland, Ohio. A letter from Mrs. Coleman to relatives here announces that the doctor is very much alive at their home in Norfolk, Va.

To Be Organized - Petition Has Been Sent
to Assemblyman Frost

Alans C. Law, Niels Christian, Anderson Habert, Holm Christine, A. Hanson, Neils Madsen and Peter I. Hanson, residents of the towns of How and Maple Valley, have organized a reformatory social colony of the purpose of farming, lumbering, manufacturing and carrying on mechanical, industrial and educational work and maintain itself and members by the culture of the soil. All real estate acquired will be held absolutely free and clear of all mortgage or lien encumbrances and improvements to be made or work done is for the material, social and educational welfare of its members. Any person of adult age who will submit to the provisions of its constitution and by-laws and will abstain from alcoholic drink and the use of vulgar, profane and scandalous language, and will work in peace and with the members of the colony for six months, shall be accepted as a qualified member. 

The object and aim of the organization is to enhance the prosperity of the colony and advance the value of all real estate that may come into its possession, by manual labor - not speculative.
There is a provision in the constitution to the effect that should an opportunity arise whereby the sale of any property owned by the colony can be effected for the general betterment of the members, such sale or exchange shall be made.

The name of the corporation is "The Sunrise Social Colony." The capital stock of $3,500, divided into 350 shares of $10 each. Hans Law is president and Habert Holm secretary.
In there prayer to the legislature they ask for a state grant, a donation of all or part of state lands located in town 30, range 18. A petition is being prepared which will be sent to Assemblyman Frost at Madison and a bill will be introduced authorizing the above act.


A daughter of Constantine Noel, of the West ward, aged 11 years, fell upon the ice while skating, and fractured her right arm. It is the second time that arm has received a similar shock.

Dr. Peche is now located at Menominee, having moved to that place Friday.

Mrs. B. J. Brown, of Menominee, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart.

John Hull, postmaster of Hayes, town of How, was doing business, Wednesday, at Oconto County’s capital.

Dr. O’Keef to Move Away

Next spring it is the intention of Dr. and Mrs. O’Keef to leave Oconto for a permanent residence in Milwaukee. The doctor has been offered the position of assistant surgeon in the Passavant hospital, and besides he will open an office for the general practice of his profession.

Oconto will miss them greatly - in society, in which both are prominent, and the doctor from a professional standpoint.

Purchased a Farm.

Theodore Hanson of Green Bay, brother of Dr. Hanson, of Abrams, purchased, on Monday last, the farm owned by George Laughlin, in Pensaukee, for $500. He contemplates moving his family there soon.

Oconto County Reporter
9 February 1895
And George Beyer and Charles Quirt Go
Their Security.

On Monday, Sheriff Whitcomb returned from the town of Armstrong accompanied by Charles Duell and Vernon E. Cole, supervisors, who were under arrest caused by the alleged illegal assessment of taxes in that town. They each furnished a bond in the sum of $500, with George Beyer and Charles Quirt as sureties. Tuesday they returned home.

Matters Disposed of Before Judge Classon 
on Tuesday Last.

Claims were examined in the estate of Frank Van Laanen. 

Will of Fred Schroeder opened and read and ordered proved March 5. Notice given to creditors against estate of Wilhelmina Kimpal to file claims. A. Reinhard is attorney in each matter.

The will of Berzelus O’Hara was opened and read and order proved on the 5th day of next month. F. X. Morrow, attorney.

Patient Over His Misfortune

Little Guy Branshaw, so cruelly maimed by being thrown under a freight train a few weeks ago, suffering the loss of his left leg above the knee and the amputation of the right foot, with the exception of the heal, is dressed in the morning at as early an hour as other members of the family and is apparently as healthy in body as before the terrible accident. The loss of blood has left him with but little color, however, but he sits in his chair all day long and seems as cheerful as his young companions who drop in to amuse him.

Burned Out.

Monday morning, about 3 o’clock, fire destroyed a house near the brewery owned by Gregor Roth and occupied by Carl Vogel. The goods were fully insured but the house was not. There had been a party there the night before, Mr. and Mrs. Vogel accompanying some of the friend’s home. After their departure the fire broke out.

Dan Mulhaney Paralyzed

While at work in one of Cook Bros.’ camps, Dan Mulhaney, of Brillion, Wis., was struck over the right temple by the limb of a tree, resulting in the entire left side of his body becoming paralyzed. He now lies at the City Hotel under the care of two physicians. His father and mother are both with him.


James Clark, who died at DePere last week, at one time carried on a logging business along the Oconto river.

Miss Jennie Arnold is a guest of Mrs. George Scofield.

Mrs. West, of Appleton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Keith.

Joseph Pocain returned to his home in Marinette after a brief visit with friends and relatives.

On the Ice in a Blizzard - a Chilly

One day last week, William Lucia and the Cota brothers crossed Green Bay on the ice, driving ten head of cattle from Brussels, Door county, to Oconto. It was one of the coldest days of winter and at times snow blinded them so that they could not see ahead the length of the team. Many people watched their arrival from shore. The "tourists" were nearly frozen and it is a wonder that they did not perish. There were on the ice from 11 a.m. until 5 in the afternoon.

Honorably Discharged.

Sergeants B. D. Brophy and E. J. Delaney, and Musician George Runkel, all members of Co. M, have received their honorable discharge for five years’ service, the first two, continuous. Mr. Runkel was one of the company when it was mustered in 1889. 

Justice Sol. G. Pelkey.

The name of Sol G. Pelkey is mentioned in connection with the office of Justice of the Peace next spring.

Wildcats and Wildcats

O. W. Bloch, county clerk, received five wildcat scalps from town of Spruce on Tuesday and four from Gillett, Wednesday. These varmints seem to be quite numerous in the county this winter, as Mr. Bloch is the recipient of from one to five almost every day. Perhaps some one has started a ranch in some backwoods place for the cultivation of the wildcat industry. If so it would pay the county board to do a little detective work and look the matter up.

Card of Thanks.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Grunert and family desire, through the REPORTER to extend heartfelt thanks to kind friends who assisted them during the last illness of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Minnie Cool, and the sad event which followed.

Near the Century Mark.

Old Mr. McDowell, over in the town of Grover, is nearing death’s portal. About two weeks ago he suffered a paralytic stroke, which, combined with extreme old age, he is 91 - may result fatally.

Maple Valley

Fred Christenson is clearing ten acres of land for C. D. Post, back of the mill.


The result of the fisticuff between William Murphy and John Sargent, jr. was a sentence for the latter of fine and costs or ten days in jail. He now behind the bars. 

Miss Lizzie Jennings, daughter of Hon. D. J. Jennings, of New London, is visiting her cousin Mrs. A. M. Martineau.

Mrs. W. J. McGee left Thursday morning for Madison, where she will reside in the future. Her departure is regretted by her many friends.

Miss Birdie Frank is visiting in Milwaukee. At the end of another week she goes to Chicago to visit relatives during the remainder of February.

Miss Allie May, who for some time past has been visiting in Chicago, returned home last week. Her sister, Mrs. Elliott, of Milwaukee, is also in the city, visiting her parents.

W. Greene, of Marinette, ex-clerk of the court, was in Oconto Saturday last looking up old records affecting territory now embraced in Oconto County that was once upon a time a part of Menominee county.

Oconto County Reporter
23 February 1895


Dr. J. E. Piche, of Frenchtown, has located at Marinette. He succeeds Dr. Fortin at that place.

Frank LeRoy, of Little River, had business at the court house this week. He left for Norway, Mich., Tuesday.

Enlarging Its Plant - Jacob Spies and Son
Now Sole Owners.

Since Jacob Spies and Son came into full possession of the Oconto brewery, improvements have been in progress, and will continue on an extensive scale. A new iron steep tank has been put in, the finest separator extant, and the interior of the building is being overhauled and made more substantial and convenient for increased trade.

They have in contemplation another story to the brewery, and addition to the malt house and the enlargement of the dry kiln. One new ice house has just been built and another much larger begun, which will give them three ice houses with a capacity of 800 cords - 100 greater than last year. 

Jacob Spies, jr., will soon begin the erections of a residence on the premises fronting Superior street, and give his personal attention to the business. Charles Norton is bookkeeper, collector and general solicitor, and Ernst Siebert, brewer.

They are preparing to manufacture an article equal to any in the United States, and every retail dealer in Oconto should have it on tap. There is no occasion whatever to send to Green Bay or Milwaukee for beer. Patronize home industry.

Dan Mulhaney Goes Home.

A hard cold, resulting in the bursting of a blood vessel, caused paralysis along Dan Mulhaney’s entire left side. He was taken to his home in Brillion, Wis. by his father and mother last week. He had been stopping at the City Hotel since coming down from the woods.

Oconto Falls.

Joseph Volk is making preparations to go to California last fall writes back that he is in love with the country and advises everybody to go out there.

Maple Valley

Our telephone offices at Hickory, Maple and Holt’s farm are now fitted with long distance transmitters so we can talk to Milwaukee or Chicago as well as to Oconto.


F. F. Norbury and family have taken their departure for St. Charles, Ill., where they intend making their home.

Adjudged Insane.

Christopher Weinhold was brought in from the town of How by Sheriff Whitcomb and medical experts adjudged him insane in the presence of Judge Classon. He was taken to Oshkosh. His last insane act was to try to freeze his wife to death. 
Oconto County Reporter
6 April 1895
All seems Bright on the Morn of the 
Marriage Day.

J.J. Hof of Milwaukee and Mrs. J. A. Burtis of Okauchee, Wis., were married at Washington D. C. Mr. Hof is president of J. J. Hof Land Company of Milwaukee which owns about 60,000 acres of land in central and eastern Wisconsin, including a large acreage in Oconto county upon a portion of which is located the village of Sobieski. Mrs. Burtis is well known all over the United States as the successful and genial proprietress of that beautiful summer resort, Spring Bank, along the shore of Oconomowoc lake.


Mrs. Mary Grunert has returned from a visit with friends at Marinette; Nahma and Garden, Mich.
J. H. Butterfield has gone to Columbia, Ill., to work a farm owned jointly by his wife and a sister of the latter.

Thomas Leigh of Stiles, whose services as clerk of that town date back a quarter of a century, was one of the REPORTER’s welcome callers this week. 

C. A. Mack has returned from his winter’s sojourn in New York and once more entered upon his missionary work in Oconto and neighboring counties.

J. B. Grunert has returned from his trip south. After Mr. Beyer left him at New Orleans he went to Mobile and ten days later started for home. "Fine country, but to a northern man uncomfortably warm," said J. B.

G. T. Porter received a telegram from Chicago, Sunday, announcing the sudden death of his wife’s cousin, A. Jamison. Mr. Jamison was on the police force at the time of the Haymarket Tragedy and received wounds from which he never recovered, but for eight years past had been on the retired list. He had numerous friends in Oconto.

Geo. M. Breed, postmaster at Breed, and chairman-elect of the new town of Waupee, was one of the first settlers in that part of Oconto county. With his wife and two babies he moved to his present home eleven years ago, and had to cut seven miles of  road to get there. He also carried the mail without charge for one year, to get a post office established. Now he has many good neighbors and rejoices in a town organization and the success of the republican ticket.

Two Footpads Make a Successful Demand
for Money.

Wednesday night, just before 8 o’clock, as Gilbert Schemehorn, a woodsman, was on his way to the Northwestern depot to take the train for Marinette, he was held up by two men and relieved of $44.75 and a ticket on the Marinette-Menominee hospital. Thursday morning Officer George Jones arrested two fellows on suspicion who, however, proved themselves innocent of the charge.

Another Physician for Oconto.

Dr. J. B. Atwood of Stoughton, Dane county, has located in Oconto for the practice of his profession and associated himself with Dr. Lawrence, who, since coming here, has been a successful practicianer. Dr. Atwood is a skilled physician, a brother of District Attorney G. T. Atwood, and Oconto gives him a hearty welcome.

County News....

Ward and Earl McAllister brought home a new buggy from Lena last week. Some of the young ladies of Kelly Brook will get rides now. Won’t they Earl?

Vina Hodgins went to Oconto last Thursday and came back Friday. Some attraction down that way. Eh, Vina?


P. Curley has opened a meat market in connection with his saloon. 
Oconto County Reporter
20 April 1895

Wife-Murderer Rosin of Shawano
County Given Time for Reflection. 
Divorce Case Tumbled Out of Court.
Other Circuit Court Proceedings. 

The trial of Albert Rosin of Hartland, Shawano county, on change of venue, charged with killing his wife, in August, 1893, was begun at the opening of circuit court on Tuesday. Ex-District Attorney Phillips and District Attorney Cady prosecuted and Attorney Wallrich, all of Shawano, defended. The trial was concluded Wednesday evening, and the jury, out one hour, returned a verdict of murder in the second degree, which carried a penalty of not less than fourteen nor more than twenty-five years in state prison. A son, 19 years old, a daughter of 16 years, and two women-neighbors were witnesses for the state and only Rosin himself was sworn for the defense. A rude ball-bat was used for the killing, with which the victim’s right arm was broken, a severe gash cut in her head, and her body severely bruised. Medical testimony showed that death would result from the wound in her head. She survived two days after the assault, but had no medical attention. A priest ministered to her spiritual welfare. Rosin confessed his guild to Judge Naber, who served as interpreter at the trial, at the time of his arrest, but at the trial characterized his confession as false.

Upon announcement of the jury’s verdict, Attorney Wallrich moved for a new trial, and next morning submitted the fact that the records of the Shawano circuit court did not show that Rosin had been arraigned or entered a plea. Sentence was withheld till Mr. Cady could repair to Shawano and have the record perfected. Returning, on Friday, with the perfected record, Judge Hastings pronounced sentence of eighteen years. The condemned man is stout of frame, but ignorant. He manifested neither emotion or sensibility of his crime. His victim had been an invalid for a dozen years, which marks the crime as uncommonly brutal. The Rosins were of a neighborhood known as Pummer Dutch. 


Mary Brehmer vs. Carl Brehmer resulted in favor of defendant. It was proved that the plaintiff had a husband living at the time she married Brehmer.


J. Hemmingsen vs. Andrew Dillon, debt, held under advisement by court. 


Mrs. Orr Very Ill

Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Knapp returned Monday from Indianapolis, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Orr, who is lying dangerously ill at her home.

Mrs. Valecka Insane

Yesterday, Sheriff H. D. Whitcomb took Mrs. Annie Valecka to the hospital for the insane at Winnebago.


Is hereby given that my wife, Leah C. Moore, has left her bed and board without any just cause and that I will not pay any bill which she may contract. ROBT. J. MOORE, Claywood, Wis., April 17, 1895
Mrs. Preston of Milwaukee was the guest of her son and Mrs. Sargent.

George Hubbard of Crivitz was sunning himself on our front street last week. He had been outside to attend a wedding. We think it is about time he attended his own.

Miss Lina White, one of our teachers, will spend her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Austin of Port Washington.

Frank Porter is home on a visit. Glad to see you Frank. 

Oconto County Reporter.
by J. H. Waggoner.

The sudden death of Col. C. K. Pier, a prominent figure in Grand Army circles, will be lamented by the veterans in the state. He was born in Fond du Lac in 1841 and was probably the youngest field officer in the Union army from Wisconsin, at 23. He has resided in Milwaukee the past seven years His family is much distinguished - his wife and two daughters being lawyers.

The woman voter is probably coming to stay. She voted for the first time in Ohio, at the late election, for members of school boards, and voted early, furnishing a large proportion of the total vote. An incident of note at the polls in Cleveland was the appearance of a woman on a bicycle, smoking a cigarette, and in bloomer attire. It is not believed that the votes of the women materially changed results.


Frank Wheeler, Jr., operated upon for appendicitis, one week ago by Drs. O’Keef, Lawrence, and Stoelting, is gradually improving. 

A couple on their marriage morn in Oconto drove their conveyance into a ditch, breaking the pole of the carriage. Noting their dilemma, a gentleman attending a funeral loaned them his carriage and their joy was complete.

Judge L. B. Noyes, founder of the Marinette Eagle, died on Thursday morning, aged 64 years. A suitable obituary will appear in THE REPORTER next week. 

Oconto County Reporter
27 April 1895

Guardian’s Sale
State of Wisconsin, County Court for Oconto County.

In the matter of the estate of the minor heirs of John Baptist Surprise, deceased. In Probate. 
Notice is hereby given that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of Reense made in said matter on the 5th day of Feb. A. D. 1895 the undersigned guardian of the said minor heirs will on the 20th day of May, 1895, at ten o’clock a.m. at the south door of the court house in the city of Oconto, in Oconto County, offer for sale at public auction the following described land situated in the County of Oconto, to wit: Lot thirteen (13) in Block eight (8), in Pecore’s Addition to the village of Oconto, as recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for said county. The terms of sale will be cash.

Dated April 25, 1895 CECELIA SURPRISE.
Guardian of the minor heirs of John Baptist Surprise, deceased
[First Publication April 27, last May 11.]


Mrs. R. P. Smith and little Mabel left for Oshkosh, Tuesday to visit Mrs. Smith’s sisters. Today Mr. Smith will join them.

Dr. Albert Dufresne of Montreal has located in Oconto for the practice of his profession. The Doctor was graduated from the university of Lavel, in medicine and surgery. He has opened an office opposite St. Peter’s Church. Dr. Dufresne is accompanied by his wife and they expect to make their permanent home in Oconto.

Miss Birdie Frank had returned from a ten weeks visit in Milwaukee and Chicago - in the former city the guest of her cousin and in the latter of her sister.

Wm. E. Digan has decided to return to Ellis Junction, where he is with Mr. Dunn and offers his farm, near Oconto Falls, for sale. See ad.

George W. DeLano has returned from San Diego, Cal., and is again at his home in Abrams.


Mrs. Julia O. Queen nee Julie O’Leary is very ill with consumption. 

Thomas Rymer sold a pair of nice horses to Ben Wilson a few days ago. Mr. Rymer is one of the best sugar and maple syrup makers in Morgan.

Charles Blaser had the misfortune to have his fore-finger cut off while engaged in knot sawing. 

Miss Nellie E. Slattery finished the school term of seven months voted for in District No. 6, and is now engaged to teach the spring term of three months at this place. 

Miss Hattie Rifenberg began her spring term of school, Monday.

Mr. Brownson has rented his store to a Jew who is going to stock it up with all kinds of dry goods.


All furniture in the court house is being branded with a red hot iron with the word "COUNTY."

The Oconto high school has adopted for its color, light pink and dregs of wine.

Albert Topel is building a large barn, 20x80, in connection with his hotel at Pensaukee.

Guilty Parties Discovered

Jacob Spies owns several forties of timber land in the town of How, which last winter were trespassed upon and, as has since been ascertained, relieved of about 56,000 feet of pine and hemlock. The trespassers are known - five in all - some of them have settled and the others have promised to do so. One or two thought it railroad land. The logs had been sold.

Inventor Noonan

Six weeks ago John Noonan, master mechanic for the Oconto Company, applied for a patent on an automatic wing attachment to saw mill head block carriages for holding the last cut of a log rigid and straight. Heretofore it has been almost impossible to make the last board of a uniform thickness, as it could not be held firm, but with the new device every board is perfect.

There are two sets in operation at the Oconto Company’s mill and another set ready for shipment to the mill at Bay de Noquet. Its success is assured and in it lies a small fortune for the inventor.

It Had Sheltered Many a Weary Wanderer.
A Home for Everybody.

The old building standing between the Schedler House and C. Bentz’s residence and owned by Ernst Funke is being razed. Thirty-seven years ago it was built and for sixteen years was conducted as a tavern by Mr. and Mrs. Funke. "When the railroad ended at Green Bay forty or fifty teams might be seen wending their way into Oconto in a single day, remain over night and continue their journey toward the Lake Superior country," said Mr. Funke. "We would give them the best accommodations possible, but many a night we would have our beds filled and those who came afterward would be obliged to ‘turn in’ on the floor. ‘Twas a hard life, but it was there and I made my first start in life."
Oconto County Reporter
4 May 1895
John Stadl of Frenchtown Finds a
Watery Grave in the Oconto River.
While Returning from a Day of Pleasure
with Companions at the Bay Shore.
It seems almost incredible that a human life could go down into a watery grave with no hand stretched out to save, in full light of day and within the very heart of a city, yet such was the fatality on Wednesday.

How It Occurred.

In the early morning John Stadl, a Bohemian resident of the West ward, unmarried and about 27 years of age, accompanied by several acquaintances walked to the Bay Shore to pass the day in fishing. Later in the morning Andrew Valitchka, whose home is also in the western portion of the city, arrived upon the scene in a row boat and tied up to the pier on the opposite side of the river. About 2:30 p.m., while Valitchka was making preparations to return home, Stadl called to him, asking permission to ride back with him, which request was granted, and together they proceeded homeward, with no mishap until the swift current beneath Section street bridge was reached, when suddenly the boat careened and the men were thrown into the water, Valitchka succeeding in reaching the boom, but his companion was less fortunate and was carried down stream - unable, in his fright and inability to swim, to grasp the boom sticks almost within his reach. About 15 rods below the bridge he sank to rise no more.

No Succor Near.

Valitchka, as soon as he had regained the land, called for help, which, however, did not come. When he saw his companion disappear for the last time he started for home to notify Stadl’s brother, who was at work in the saw mill of the Oconto Company.

A crowd soon lined both banks of the river and covered the bridge, and boats filled with searchers for the body floated in the vicinity of the spot where he was supposed to have disappeared. Ordinary means failing, dynamite was resorted to, and three cartridges were exploded in mid-stream, the concussion bringing the body to the surface.

Coroner’s Jury Summoned.

Later, a coroner’s jury was subpoenaed by Sheriff H. D. Whitcomb and an inquest held before Coroner Carl Bentz at Hausner Hall. The jury consisted of Dr. C. W. Stoelting, Daniel O’Keef, Casper Merline, Otto Bloch, A. H. Luckenbach and L. J. Pingel, Andrew Valitchka appearing as witness; the verdict, accidental drowning.

Saw the Men Struggling.

Harry Femell, a lad engaged in shoving shingle bolts upon the slide at the Holt shingle mill, saw the boat capsize and the drowning man occasionally come to the surface as he was carried by the rushing waters, but could give no aid.

Mrs. Henry LeClaire, whose home is on the south bank of the river, heard a distressing cry and saw a man with head and shoulders visible, holding fast to an oar, he be immediately sand beneath the waves. 

Albert Whittaker, engaged in hauling fuel for the electric light plant along the road skirting the bank of the river, as he emerged from behind the round house, saw one side of the man’s face and arms extended as he went down for the last time.

Tilbert Morrow, Jr., and Dick Follett reached the spot after he went down, jumped into the same boat which had overturned with the unfortunate partner, and in a twinkling they, too, were floundering about in the water, the frail craft having again overturned, and they waded about for a half hour in a vain search for the drowned man.

Adam Stadl of this city, another brother in Shawano and a sister at Spruce are the only known relatives of deceased in this country. 

The funeral was held Thursday.

Profound Sorrow Expressed Throughout
The City. - A Patient Sufferer.

The death of Mrs. Ida H. Orr, which took place at the home of her stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Knapp, on Tuesday night, has caused profound sorrow in the city, which has been her life-long home.

Eight weeks ago she went to Indianapolis to submit to a delicate operation by Dr. Eastman, of a renowned surgical institute. The operation was successful and she promptly rallied; but a relapse followed during the third week, and Mr. and Mrs. Knapp repaired to her bedside.

A week later it became apparent that her recovery was more than doubtful, and she was brought home. Here she received most loving care and skillful attention, and she struggled with uncommon power against fate; but death was the victor at last.

Funeral services were held at the Knapp residence on Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Bossard, of the Presbyterian Church. A large concourse of friends testified to their esteem for the deceased and their sympathy for the bereaved family by their presence at the home and on the burial ground.

Mrs. Orr was born in Pensaukee on January 4, 1857, and in 1874 was married to Samuel C. Orr, whose untimely death, by drowning, occurred five years ago. Two daughters survive their parents - Myrtle and Edna, the former a pupil in the Commercial College at Appleton, and the latter a pupil in the Oconto high school. Pupils of the high school expressed their sympathy by the contribution of a beautiful floral anchor, procured from Fond du Lac. The floral tributes at the funeral were numerous and suggestive of the love of friends and neighbors. 

The singing was exceptionally fine and consisted of two numbers - "Only waiting till the shadows have a little longer grown," and "Rest in Heaven." Those who took part in this service were Mrs. S. W. Ford, Mrs. C. S. Hart, Dr. C. E. Armstrong and Ralph Flanders; Mrs. Wolcox, accompanist.
The pall bearers were Messrs. Frank W. Heath, W. A. Hold, Edward Millidge, W. G. Links, Fred W. Wright and Edward Links. Relatives present from other localities were Judge G. N. Orr of St. Paul and Ross Orr from Pensaukee.


The wife and mother of Charles L. Perry are seriously ill.

George High and Dan McDonald were in town from Gillett, Wednesday.

David Turner was in Marinette, Monday, attending the funeral of George Gagnon.

Mrs. C. M. Boss and son are visiting the family of Mayor J. W. Wells at Menominee.

Miss Agnes Burnside returned to her school at Bear Creek on Saturday, after a vacation
of four weeks. 

T. A. Pamerin is ever a busy man. He returned from Chicago on Thursday morning and went back again on Thursday night, on business.

Judge Grier N. Orr of St. Paul, brother of the late S. C. Orr, was present at Mrs. Orr’s funeral. The Judge was one of the boys of Oconto 20 years ago and has resided in St. Paul ten years. A year ago he was elected one of the three municipal judges of St. Paul; salary $4,000 a year. 

Fred. Klass, of Norway, Mich., who has been in Milwaukee for some time receiving instructions in engraving, arrived here Thursday night, and will visit his parents for a week or ten days.

Jesse Birmingham of Abrams did business in Oconto this week. Mr. B.’s wife is a daughter of the late Hon. Joseph Harris of Sturgeon Bay, who was for many years the private secretary of Ex-Senator Sawyer; and by way of closer relationship, the second wife of Mr. Harris was a sister of Mr. Birmingham. She died last November. Mr. B. came from Door county to Abrams in the early 60s.

Gone to Sweden.

Peter Nisson and family left the city on Wednesday for New York to take passage for Sweden. Mr. Nisson has been a resident of Oconto for nearly twenty years and during the past six years has conducted the boarding house for the Holt Lumber Company. His surplus earnings he sent to the old country where they were invested in property, and now he goes back to engage in the bakery business in the land of his nativity. 

Postponed the Ball.

Owing to the death of Mrs. Orr on Wednesday, the K. P. party announced for the following evening was postponed for one week, out of respect to one of the members of that order - F. A. Knapp

Sold His Farm.

Cyrus Isabell of Brookside has sold his farm to Louis Peters. Mr. Isabell will remove with his family to Dakota.
Disposition of Cases During the Closing
Hours of the Term.
Last Friday afternoon Judge Hastings terminated the May term of the court for Oconto County.
The case of Frank Carlson vs. William Underhill and William Franks, supervisors of the town of Underhill, and Robert Hintz, was settled.

John Krammer vs. William Sloan. Action for damages, assault and battery. Not tried.

J. Hemmingsen vs. A. Dillon. Debt: judgment for the plaintiff for about $350.

A. C. Frost vs. J. A. Van Cleve. Action for damages for breaking into the post office at Mountain. Removed to Marinette county.

Mary A. Dillon vs. A. Dillon. Divorce: granted

Clarrisa Wilson vs. Henry Wilson. Divorce: granted.

Ferdinand Radke Will Have Another Trial
Before Justice H. F. Jones.

Recently, Ferdinand Radke, charged with willfully aiming a Winchester rifle at, and threatening the life of, John Anderson of Underhill, was before Justice Jones for trial. Messrs. James Devereaux, Douglas Burns, George Dagen, George Roth, Casper Merline and Gilbert Morrow, jr., the jury in the case, after four hours of deliberation pronounced him guilty - five for conviction and one against. He was remanded for a new trial and gave a bond for $100.
 Oconto County Reporter
10 May 1895

Two Men Riding Along the Highway Near
Pensaukee Are Thrown Into the Ditch
and Their Carriages Overturned - Trees
Snapped Off Like Pipe-Stems.

The terrific storm of last Friday, which left death and destruction in its wake throughout certain portions of the country, did not entirely ignore Oconto county.

Following the hail storm came a heavy rain and high winds. John Quimby’s residence, five miles this side of Pensaukee, was blown down and his wife and two children considerably injured - the oldest one escaping unhurt. They were upstairs at the time.

Mrs. Quimby was quite seriously injured by bricks falling from the chimney and stricking upon her head, and her limbs were badly bruised.

Two men, each occupying a carriage by himself, were riding along the road about four miles from Pensaukee, when the hail-storm overtook them. The man in the front conveyance had turned around in his seat and was conversing with the gentleman in the rear, when the carriage of the latter was suddenly overturned by the wind and the occupant thrown into the ditch. No sooner had he landed than he was joined by his companion, for the same gust of wind had overturned both vehicles, no serious injury resulting to man or beast. 

Trees in that vicinity, six inches in diameter, were snapped off as though they had been pipe-stems.


John Paul has built a new house and is now putting up a building for a saloon, about one mile out, on the Peshtigo road.

THE REPORTER thermometer registered 82 degrees above zero yesterday noon, and 70 degrees above today at noon. It hangs at the front door, where it may be conveniently inspected by the passing throngs.


Thomas Feeney of Hurley is visiting his mother in this city.

D. G. Classon was in Marinette on Monday, before the circuit court.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Spencer of Fond du Lac are visiting their daughters, Mrs. H. J. Germond and Mrs. J. G. Campbell.

Mrs. W. H. Young, Mrs. H. M. Royce and Mrs. J. H. Kerr and children recently drove out to Holt’s farm near Peshtigo Brook and were absent from the city two days.

W. E. Congdon has "packed up" for Chicago. He has obtained a beautiful location, 3239 Michigan ave. The office of the Congdon Lumber Co. is No. 529 Marquette building, corner of Adams and Dearborn streets.

Albert Thario, one of the enterprising farmers of Maple Valley, did business in Oconto last week. He had not been in the city for five years. He has cleared up sixty five acres of a 120 acre farm in fourteen years, and counts himself fortunate in having exchanged the life of a carpenter for that of a farmer.

New Photographer.

R. D. Perkins has arrived in the city from the Gogebic range and fitted up a photographic studio over Goodrich and Martineau Company’s grocery store. There is also a large reception room and everything as neat and cozy as one could desire. He has had long experience and is up-to-date in all branches of photographic area. Read his ad in this week’s REPORTER and visit his gallery. 

Oscar Butler Insane.

Sheriff H. D. Whitcomb, on Saturday last, took Oscar Butler to the insane asylum at Oshkosh. The young man is 21 years of age and resided in Maple Valley. He has a brother in the same institution.


A new sign has been placed at either end of the town of Oconto bridge - a warning to fast drivers; $5 the penalty.

Joseph Kampfer dislocated his right shoulder joint by falling from a pile of lumber in the Holt yard. Dr. Armstrong, assisted by Dr. Atwood, replaced the truant joint.


Mrs. Bellingham arrived here last Thursday, being called by the serious illness of her husband who is now staying at the home of his son Henry. Mr. Bellingham’s condition at present writing is about the same as it has been for the past two weeks. His friends think he is gradually growing weaker and entertain but slight hopes of his recovery.

Our young people and a few older ones are busy preparing their parts for the negro minstrels, which will take place soon. We expect to be treated to something unusually fine in this. The date and a fuller account will be given soon.


Mrs. H. F. Oshwaldt and children will leave for a month’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Perry.


Frank Palmer bought a nice team of horses from the Jews last week.

Reny Kesler has been quite ill for the past week with Pneumonia and is recovering slowly.

Mrs. Reny Kesler returned from Shawano the first of the week.

Gus Wollenberg was injured quite badly by his oxen running away.


Oscar Butler, whose mind has not been right for some months, was suddenly taken to the hospital last week. The examiner spoke hopefully of his recovery.

Joseph McMahon has bought the M. E. parsonage.


Mr. Schnyder of Green Bay is having a gallery erected on Mr. Halsted’s empty lot and will be prepared to take photo’s in the near future. He comes highly recommended as an artist and gentleman.

On Wednesday morning Bart Kelly had the sad misfortune to get both hands caught in the calendars of the paper machine, and the right hand was severely crushed. He will only loose the end of the little finger on the left hand, but the right hand is so badly crushed the he will probably be maimed in it for life. He has the sympathy of a large number of friends. Drs. Oshwaldt and Berry attended him.

Oconto County Reporter
17 May 1895

Late Snow-Fall.

Rain began to fall last Saturday evening, followed by snow, at about 9 o’clock. Early risers on Monday morning were furnished a beautiful picture of snow covered ground, surmounted by trees and foliage bedecked with "the beautiful."

The snow fall was about six inches and was of vast benefit to small grains and for corn and potatoes to be planted, but more or less damaging to small fruits and vines. Mercury remained above freezing point most of the day, yet, from the warmth of the earth, the snow was nearly out of sight by evening.

L. C. Warner of Brookside recalls a fall of twelve inches of snow on the 12th of May, 1878 - seventeen years ago.


We are glad to note that the accident to Bart Kelly will not prove as serious as at first supposed. He will only lose a part of one finger on each hand. 
Oconto County Reporter
24 May 1895


Rev. S. E. Very is moving his household goods to Oshkosh this week.

Mrs. Mary Kane and granddaughter May Kinney are visiting relatives in Bessemer.

Mrs. Frank Pendleton and children arrived from Janesville, Saturday evening to spend the summer.

Miss Gertie Smith of Maple Valley has been visiting her cousin, Miss Ida Porter, the past week.

Mrs. John Coughell and son from Embarrass were visiting relatives in Oconto from Friday until Monday.

Thomas Hodgins from Kelly Brook was in the city on Wednesday. He came to look up the ownership of a piece of land.

W. H. Orensdorf and wife, of Canton, Ill., the latter a daughter of G. T. Porter, have come up for a visit in Oconto, which will include also a stay at Kelly Lake.

Mrs. Zillioux of Marinette, well known in Oconto, where she has many friends will locate permanently in Kewaunee, where she has a large class in instrumental music.

The Fire Quenched.

The fire department turned out on Tuesday evening to quench a blaze in the dressmaking rooms of Miss Nelson on Main street. The fire ran up the studding into the room above, with slight damage. Origin not known.
Herman Peters Ripped Up the Back by a
Circular Saw.
Word comes from Little Suamico of a narrow escape from death at Petersville, three miles west of the station, at the saw mill of William Peters. Shortly after the mill was started up, Herman Peters was standing near the bolter, when the saw flew off and struck him in the back, cutting a gash eight inches in length and a depth of two inches. Dr. Hansen of Abrams was called and the wound sewed up. Mr. Peters will recover.
Two Men Charged With Holding Up James
Hines Last March.
Wilbur Moody and Alex. Davis, charged with assaulting and robbing Treasurer James Hines in March last, were before Judge Jones this morning and their examination adjourned on week. They were held to bail in the sum of $1,000, in default of which they were committed to jail.


On last Monday, as Fred Andres was putting on a belt, in the wood room at the pulp mill, his foot was caught in a belt and wound around the shafting and pulley. He undoubtedly saved his life by his presence of mind and his pluck, for he grasped a board on the studding and held on until the machinery could be stopped. He was carried to his home and Drs. Oshwaldt and Edmonds attended him. His leg was fractured above the knee and badly bruised below the knee, and considering the dangerous position he was in, he came out very lucky. Fred was married not long ago, and had only been at work a short time when the accident occurred. 

Caleb Thompson left on Monday morning for Kentucky, where he will make his home with his son.

J. C. Volk’s new residence will soon be ready for occupancy. It is a commodious three story building and will add greatly to the appearance of the town.

The Falls Manufacturing Co., has purchased a new engine of 125 horse power, and it will be here in a few days. It is for the purpose of running the paper machine, as the power from the water wheel is not steady enough, and causes the paper to break frequently. It will be placed in the basement of the mill.

Miss Edith Campbell of Marinette has opened a millinery store with her sister, Mrs. Gove, and is prepared for all kinds of work that falls in her line.


E. T. Griffin closed a successful term as teacher of the Leighton school last week. He left Monday for his home at Troy Center, Wis.


J. Hemmingsen has an immense line of dry goods this spring which he is selling very cheap.
Oconto County Reporter
31 May 1895


Cal North has purchased the rink of G. W. DeLano and will convert it into a dwelling house. He will then become a prominent resident of our village.

John Peters, Jr., has fitted up a store room and will run a first class grocery store in connection with his jewelry store. 

The entertainment given by a representative darkey troupe, Saturday evening, for the purpose of raising money to move the Methodist church to the village, was a grand success. People came from Stiles, Little Suamico, Morgan, and Brookside. Sheriff Whitcomb, from Oconto also attended. The rink was crowded, and all seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. The proceeds amounted to about $56. Who doesn’t want the church moved? Those who discountenance the movement should stand from under the horoscope of public opinion and not trouble our good citizens who desire to make Abrams a thoroughly representative village. A nonsensical petition was passed around among our citizens Saturday, and many signed it before they were aware of the injustice. People should be a little careful about signing such papers until they have fully informed themselves of their genuine beneficence. 

Adjourned Till June 12.

The examination of Wilbur Moody and Alex. Davis, of Maple Valley, for assaulting and robbing Town Treasurer Hines, of Armstrong, has been adjourned till June 12th.

Herman Peters Out Again.

‘Twas a close call for Heman Peters in the sawmill owned by himself and brother John, at Petersville, last week. The saw struck him on the hip, tore a hole in his back four inches in length, flew to the ceiling and dropped at his feet. Eight stitches were taken in the wound. He is now stopping with his parents at Abrams and recovering from his experience, although very lame and walks about with the aid of a cane.


Chris Olsen, who had the fingers of his left hand badly injured in a machine at the Falls paper mill, expects to save the fingers. One was badly mangled. 

Sheriff Whitcomb arrested a Bohemian at Little Suamico for using abusive language at a dance. Justice George Kelly imposed fine and costs.

William Matheson, while adjusting sewer pipe at the bottom of a seven foot ditch on lower Main street, was buried by a cave in up to his neck. Companions dug him out, but he was considerably bruised and necessarily limps in his perambulations.


Andrew McFadden, quartermaster of Ramsey post, was temporarily overcome by the heat during the exercises at the Catholic cemetery. Mercury registered at 84 degrees above zero, but the atmosphere was burdened with the threatening rain.

The teams of Dr. Stoelting and another person stampeded. The occupants of their carriages were thrown out, one horse released himself from his harness, and a wheel of Dr. Stoelting’s carriage was demolished by the collision. No other material damage was done. Mrs. Stoelting almost miraculously escaped injury. 

Oconto County Reporter
5 July 1895

Facts Pertaining to Mr. Baumgaertner’s 
Business Affairs Made Public for the
First Time - Friends Claim That He
Must Have Had Money.

 In the Baumgaertner murder mystery, the fact that the safe had not been opened for a long time, as stated by Expert Bertles, and that it contained no valuables of any kind, not even one dollar in money, and that Mr. Baumgaertner’s license became due twenty three days after the tragedy, is suggestive that there must have been enough money elsewhere to pay for the license and to meet the ordinary expenses connected with the business.
 It is learned that the Citizens’ National bank, the Kellogg National band and McCartney’s bank, all of Green Bay, had no money on deposit belonging to Michael Baumgaertner, and have never done any business with him, whatever.
 It is the opinion of neighbors that there is a large sum of money deposited in some banking institution, or in the hands of private parties.

Paid His Bills Monthly.

 The Sunday before the shooting, as stated in a previous issue of THE REPORTER, F. X. Morrow is positive that Mr. Baumgaertner had a large sum in his pocketbook - the same pocketbook found in the wardrobe after the shooting.  Mr. Baumgaertner had bought beer from a Green Bay brewery ever since the death of Louis Pahl, and receipts in the possession of Mrs. Baumgaertner show that he had always paid his beer bills at the end of each month, and a few days before his death he had made a final settlement with the brewery.
 A shipping bill that has recently come to light shows that Mr. Baumgaertner received of a Milwaukee liquor house a barrel of whisky valued at $125, and no vouchers can be found to show that it has ever been paid for.
 The murdered man has always had a reputation for industry and the saving of money, and he could not be considered a hard drinker nor extravagant in the spending of money, yet he had been liberal in making large and frequent contributions for charitable and religious purposes.

Must Have Had Money.

 Two years ago last winter a Chicago ice company built three large ice houses at the mouth of the Pensaukee river, and during the ice season had a large amount of business.  A few months later, in conversation with Mr. Baumgaertner, a friend learned that he had cleared about $500 that winter.  This, in connection with other circumstances, would indicate that at the time of his death he should have had in the neighborhood of $1,000 at least.
 He was known, by the people of Pensaukee, to always carry upon his person money sufficient to change any amount from twenty to one hundred dollars.
 One day last winter two gentlemen from Oconto called at his place and in payment for refreshments tendered a hundred dollar bill, which Mr. B. changed without hesitation.

A Prophecy That Came True.

 The safe which has figured so conspicuously in the case was purchased of a dealer in Oconto, manufactured by Alpine Safe Company of Ohio, and upon its arrival, placed in the saloon.  Shortly after its purchase a Pensaukee friend remarked to Mr. Baumgaertner, in the presence of the latter’s wife, that some day that safe would be the cause of his death.  A few days later it was removed to the sitting room where it remained up to the time of the murder.
 A petition will be filed for letters of administration in the Baumgaertner estate, since no will has been found, which filing must be made within thirty days of the decease.  Morrow and Lynch have been retained to look after matters requiring legal attention.



Herman Baumgaertner Falls From a Scow 
While Returning From Zipple’s Grove-
Body Lies in the Water From Sunday
Night Until Tuesday Afternoon


 An accident which ended a human life, with wife and children helpless witnessess, and brought consternation to a boat-load of excursionists returning from a Sunday school picic, was the lamentable termination of the German Lutheran outing at Zipple’s grove, near the bay shore, last Sunday.

How the Accident Occurred.
 To lend novelty to the trip, the tug O.A. Ellis and large scow had been chartered by the church people, for a ride upon the water to the pleasant grove upon the shore of the bay.  After a most enjoyable day at the park a late start was made for home, it being after 8 o’clock when they pulled out from the shore, and all went well until the turn was made at the government piers.  The tug had rounded the end of the south pier and slowed up for the scow to swing clear, that the journey might be continued up the channel to Spies dock.  When the slack in the long rope tightened, the scow lurched, throwing Herman Baumgaertner into the water.

Helpless to Save.

 A cry of “Man overboard” sent a thrill of horror through the crowd, caused a commotion and retarded the efforts of the more cool headed to save the drowning man.
 The accident happened about 10 o’clock, and in the semi-darkness he was seen to swim toward the scow and suddenly disappear beneath it, the scow passing over him, when he was again visable at the rear end.  Ropes and planks were thrown to him, but to no avail, and he disappeared from view.

The Scow Was Unsafe.

 Rev. E. Eisenbach, pastor of the German Lutheran church, and who arranged the excursion, said:
 “Our understanding with the managers of the boat was that the scow should be surrounded by a high railing and a canvas arranged for shelter, similar to the way it was fixed for the Catholics last summer, but after we had sold our tickets and the people had arrived at the dock we discovered that the equipment consisted solely of board seats, with a space of about five feet between the ends of the boards and the edge of the scow, and with not the slightest protection to passengers from falling into the water.  With the tickets sold and the people there, and no other provisions for getting to the picnic grounds, we embarked and used caution, the down trip resulting in safety.
 Besides adults, there were about 100 children on board on the return trip.  Had the man struck out for the pier, which could not have been over twenty feet away, he would undoubtedly have been saved.”
The Captain’s Statement.
 Capt. Foss Page, of the tug O.A. Ellis, has since made the following official report to the government:
 “On our return trip with consort, and while between the government piers, June 30, about 10 o’clock at night, the accident happened.  As soon as I heard the cry of “Man overboard” I immediately stopped the tug and got alongside of the pier, got on the consort and was told by one of the band men that he had just sunk.  I waited about half an hour, took lanterns and walked along the piers, but no trace of him could be found.  I then came to our dock and landed the passengers.”

A Persevering Search.

 All day Monday and Tuesday forenoon searchers dragged for the body and exploded dynamite beneath the waves.  After dinner, on Tuesday, well-neigh discouraged with the fruitless endeavor, the search was about abandoned, when a party comprising Chas. Schultz,  Ed. Sutton, John Dagen, Louis Schmidt, Carl Schultz and a gentlemen named Sasmarske succeeded in bringing the body to the surface with a grappling hook.  The man’s hat was gone and one shoe nearly torn away.  The body was towed to the east end of the government pier and an inquest held before Coroner Bentz, the following jury being summoned:  Chas. Hall, Thos. McGoff, T.P. Gilkey, Alex. Caldwell, Albert Rusch and John LeClaire.  Then the body was brought up the river to the city and taken to Delmer’s undertaking establishment and prepared for burial, and later removed to the saddened home on East Main street, and the funeral held from the Lutheran church Wednesday afternoon.

Frugal and Industrious.

 The unfortunate man was about 53 years of age, industrious, and had been employed by Jacob Spies around the mill and in the woods for the past thirteen years.  His family consists of six children, four of whom, with his wife, were on the scow when the accident took place.  In his younger days, and before coming to America, he and Michael Baumgaertner, who was shot at Pensaukee on the 7th of June, were schoolmates; but, although of the same name, did not bear family relationship.

Eloped With His Pupil.

 William H. Dale, of Oshkosh, a piano tuner and teacher of music, well known in Oconto, was recently married to Miss Grace Stiver of Chicago, to whom he had given music lessons while boarding with the family in the latter city.  It is a case of elopement, and the father of the girl is said to be furious, but now reconciled.  The young lady is but 14 years of age. 

Prospective Postmaster.

 J. Tracy at Spruce has sold his farm and stock to C. A. Wilson and A. Peterson, from Angelica, Shawano county.  Mr. Tracy, who has been postmaster at that point for the past six years, will go to Texas, and Mr. Wilson has made application to the department to be appointed postmaster in his stead. 

Fined Ten Dollars Each.

 Curley Cronan, Mickey Riley and Peter Ugen, for disorderly conduct, were brought before Judge Jones and fined.  It cost them $10 each.  They were laborers on the city sewers, and gave an entertainment in front of the Beyer House last Saturday, into which more distinguished persons were inveigled.  It is said that a revolver was displayed by one of the latter.

Somewhat Better.
Mrs. Snover’s condition is somewhat improved and greater hopes entertained for her recovery.

 Wm. Stephani spent a few days last week with his parents at Manitowoc.

Oconto County Reporter
12 July 1895


Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Classon of Oconto
Were Married in 1857.

 What a happy moment it is for parents, when, after their children have grown up and departed from the them to seek their own livelihood, to have them again assembled at home and to recall the happy events which took place in their younger days.
 Such a gathering occurred last Sunday afternoon at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Classon on Superior Street, it being the occasion of Mr. Classon’s sixty-second birthday and the thirty-eighth anniversary of their marriage.  The entire family of six children being present, made fit a most enjoyable occasion. 
 Those present were:  Their only daughter, now Mrs. John (Abigail) Moody, and her husband, of Brookside; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Classon of Couillardville; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Classon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Classon, Jr., Judge D. G. Classon and a number of intimate friends of the family.
 Mr. and Mrs. Classon were married thirty-eight years ago at Manitowoc, and though they have labored hard during all these years, yet they are hale and hearty and all predict for them many happy returns of the anniversary of their marriage.
(NOTE:  Article says “The entire family of six children being present”, however, it only lists five.  Missing child is Alan V. Classon.) 


M. G. Murphy of Chicago is Greeting 
Old-Time Friends Here.

 Not since 1864 has M. G. Murphy, now a resident of Chicago, visited Oconto until this week, having arrived in the city on Wednesday morning.
 He first saw Oconto in 1854, when 18 years of age, cooked for mill crews and in the woods and in 1859 went to Chicago by foot. 
 Oconto had no streets then, and there were few settlers here.  Among the latter were Edwin Hart, James Don Levy, Huff and Robert Jones, G. T. Porter,  the Lindseys and a few others.
 He is a brother of Maurice J. Murphy, foreman on the river for the Oconto Company and served in the Civil War five years.



Nothing to Identify Him Except the Letters
“E.D.” Pegged in the Soles of His
Shoes - Case as Mysterious As the
Baumgartner Tradedy at Pensaukee.

 Monday afternoon, about 4 o’clock, the body of a man was found in the underbrush near the Northwestern depot at Peshtigo by Mrs. John Bringleson and daughter, under circumstances pointing to the commission of murder.
 The man was clothed in a woodman’s garb, a blue mackinaw and shoes with calks.  Very little flesh could be seen on the bones, his skull was fractured in several places and his position showed that he had been dragged to his resting place by one of his arms.  His driving shoes had the letters “E.D.” pegged in the soles and are the only marks that might lead to his identification.  His pockets were turned inside out and a pair of cotton socks wrapped in brown paper was found by is side, which had evidently dropped from his pocket.  His height was about 5 feet 10 inches and the hair was light brown.
 An undertaker took charge of the remains which have since been interred. 

 Later - 

The murdered man is supposed to be one Sullivan, who, when last seen alive about three months ago, had $95 on his person, after paying $10 on a suit of clothes which were made for him. A woman with whom Sullivan used to board is quite sure that the murdered man is he.

Conveyed to the Hospital at Menominee
For Treatment, That Her Life Might Be
Prolonged, Her Condition Suddenly
Changes and Death Comes to Her Relief.

 No similar event ever came to the people of Oconto with keener sorrow than the death of Mrs. H. U. Cole at the hospital in Menominee on last Monday evening, where she had arrived for treatment but a few days before.  Friends knew of her illness, but were not prepared for the sad news which has cast so universal gloom over the community.
 Mrs. Cole was born at Green Bay, December 23, 1859, and when but a child, came with her parents to Oconto.  In the autumn of 1881 she became the wife of Henry U. Cole, the wedding being a most prominent social event, for the date - October 9 - was the twenty fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. Cole’s parents, and both were celebrated together, Rev. Fr. Swiebach conducting the ceremony at St. Joseph’s church, where the people came out in great numbers, and the reception which followed was an occasion long to be remembered.  Five years later they moved into the Luby house, on Section street, where they have since resided and where eight children were born to them - the eldest, Fannie, now twelve years of age, and the youngest, the baby, thirteen months.  Two years ago they lost a little girl at the age of two years and six months.
 Mrs. Cold was an artist, an accomplished musician, a model wife and mother, devoted to her children, self sacrificing, and seemed to live for others, finding happiness in the enjoyment of those about her.  She was a most devout Christian, and her religion was a joy ever constant and which made her last moments so beautiful.  She was conscious to the last and bade loving adieu to those who stood by her bedside, watching the ebbing life tide.

The Funeral.

 The body was brought to this city late Monday night, and the funeral held from St. Joseph’s church, Thursday morning, three priests being in attendance - Fr. Lochman, celebrant, assisted by Fr. Valliant of this city and Fr. Cleary of Menominee, the society of married ladies of which deceased was a member, being present in the body, and formed in line upon either side of the walk from the church to the street, as the funeral passed into the sanctuary.  Floral tributes were profuse and beautiful.  A handsom pillow inscribed “Mamma,” from the children; three crosses, gates ajar, a broken wheel, lilies and palms, cross and crown.
 Mrs. Harteau of Green Bay, who sang at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Cole, sang at the funeral.  Her selections at the latter were “Jerusalem, My Happy Home,” and “When We Shall Dwell With Angels Bright.”
 The pall-bearers were Messrs. W. H. Grunert, James DonLevy, C. L. Keith, M. P. Bellew, T. H. Phelps and A. M. Martineau.
 The following relatives from other cities were present:  Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoeffel, father and mother of the deceased, Louis and James Hoeffel, Joseph Hoeffel, Jr. and wife, Mrs. Thos. Joannes, Mrs. Mary Smith, Fred Heath, all of Green Bay; Mr. and Mrs. FranK Hoeffel of Chicago; Peter Hoeffel adn Mrs. James Richie of Appleton and James and Lizzie Murphy from Marinette.
 The interment occurred at the Catholic cemetery, and the procession was one of the longest ever witnessed in this city. 
 The children will not be separated, for the family home will be maintained.  Miss Delia Quinn, in whose care the children were left during Mrs. Cole’s last illness, will be installed as housekeeper.
 The many friends of the family extend deepest sympathy in this time of affliction.



 Joseph Tibbitts, of Middle Inlet, Mich., whose death, on the 2d instant. and burial in the Oconto Cemetery on the 4th, were noticed in last week’s REPORTER, was born in Columbia, Me., Oct. 25, 1833, there attained to man’s estate, and in the hour of his country’s peril enlisted in a Massachusetts regiment of heavy artillery, from which he was transferred to the navy, and in both of which he did honorable and valiant service.  On Nov. 29 (Thanksgiving Day), 1860 at Stoneham, Mass., Miss Philena E. Jackson became his wife, and the two journeyed together till death called the husband away.  They came to Oconto in 1872 and made this city their home until about five years ago, when the removed to Middle Inlet, to make their home with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dropp, son-in-law and only daughter.  Mr. Tibbetts was a blacksmith and held the confidence and esteem of his neighbors wherever he has lived.  He died of paralysis, the first stroke occurring the day preceeding his death.  Members of the Grand Army escorted his remains to the cemetery.  Funeral services were held at his late home, conducted by the Rev. W. W. Hendry.  Among those who came with the remains to Oconto from Middle Inlet wer Messrs. Hendry, Dropp, Ford, Hillman and David Tibbitts, E. H.  Van Keuven and Frank Page, and other members of some of their families.  W. H. Overton of Oshkosh was also an attendant. Of his surviving relatives, two sisters, Mesdames Ivory Matthews and Julia Lindsay, reside in this city, a brother at Middle Inlet, and three brothers in Boston.


 The funeral of John Ferren, a brother of Mrs. L. H. Brown, occurred in Milwaukee last Sunday. He was one of the oldest conductors on the Northwestern road and died after a lingering illness.

Oconto County Reporter
19 July 1895



Bold Effort to Escape the Officer While
Alighting From the Hack in Front of
the Court House - George Cook Gets
Fifteen Days - Man Held Up.

 Deputy Sheriff Gleason arrived in Oconto, Thursday afternoon, with Will Barber in custody, the latter’s release from the Marinette jail having been effected by an order of the court.  He was taken before Judge Classon at the courthouse, and a physician pronounced him insane, and this morning he was taken to the asylum at Oshkosh.
 When the hack, which conveyed the officer and Barber from the depot stopped in front of the court house, and the former was about to alight, Barber quickly opened the door on the opposite side of the hack and struck out for liberty, but he was stopped short when the officer pulled is revolver and called for him to halt or he would shoot.

Carried a Loaded Gun.

 For carrying concealed weapons, a stranger giving his name as George O. Cook and hailing from Milwaukee, was on Thursday sent “over the river” for fifteen days.

Held a Man Up.

 It is reported that a man was held up by serveral tramps near the Northwestern bridge in Frenchtown, Sunday night, but they must have flown the town as officers cannot locate them.



 Mrs. Diegan, who has been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, returned to Ellis Junction last week.


 Mrs. Fred Munson returned on Monday to her home at Milwaukee after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Strem. 


 The writer not long since visited D.D. Barker, who has been paralyzed in the left part of his body since August, 1894.  Mr. Barker is in a precarious condition and need aid very badly.  He served more than four years in the union army.  During the period of his service he received a wound in the left leg, which has given him trouble ever since, yet Uncle Sam can see no reason why he should draw a pension of more than $10 per month.  Such a man deserves well of his counry and community, and should not be allowed to suffer for want of ample care.  Will the good people of our community arouse themselves and tender him genuine Christian succor?

 Miss Ethel Whitney has gone to Amberg to visit her sister, Mrs. Will Trask, and will remain about six weeks.


Uncertainty of Crops in Nebraska Drives
People to the Badger State.

 Wisconsin is a state that never betray the confidence of the farmer - not to any serious extent - and disappointed homeseekers in the prairie countries are rapidly settling upon our domain.
 Frank Havlik and Frank Hibbard, from Rushville, Sheridan county, Nebraska, recently purchased, from L. W. Brazeau, eighty acres of wild land near Deaconstown, three miles south of Oconto Falls, for $450, which they will clear up for farming purposes. This fall they will remove to their new posessions an bring others with them who expect to become neighbors.
 Tom Pelkey recently sold a tract of land in the town of Oconto to Peter Roellier of Manitowoc for $1,500.
 Forty acres of cleared land in the town of Lena, owned by Sam LeClaire of Frenchtown, brought $1,900 a short time ago.  It was bought by an Iron River party.

A Close Call. 

Monday evening two carriages - in one, George Jones, wife and child, and in the other, Ned Baldwin, his mother and Miss Christopherson of Chicago, collided near Johnson & Kane’s livery stable, throwing all occupants into the street, but miraculously without serious injury to any one of them.  Both buggies were considerably wrecked. 


Fractured His Skull.

 Peter De Windt’s little boy, 3 years of age, was kicked by a horse, at his home, one mile and a half from the city, fracturing the skull and causing a portion of the brain to ooze out.  Recovering.


Matured Affection.

 Mrs. Zoe Marcae of Fond du Lac, aged 70 years, has sued Francis Pellaut aged 81, a retired, wealthy man of Marinette, for breach of promise, and claims $2,000 damages.  It is understood that Mr. Pellaut is not unwilling to perform the contract, but his children object.


Census Returns From Some of the Towns
in Oconto County.

 Little Suamico shows a gain in population since the census of five years ago of 123. There are 401 males and 345 females, total of 746.
 Chase has 1,072 -  and increase over 1890 of 159
 Little River shows a population of 1,033 and Stiles 835.
 Armstrong remains the same as last year, 155 - 88 males and 67 females.
 The school census of the city, just completed, is 1,929.
 Oconto Falls shows 120 children of school age.
 The population of Peshtigo is 2,072
Oconto County Reporter
26 July 1895

Quite Well Known in This City, Where
He Made His Home When Not Regularly
Employed - Last Seen at Connerton’s
Farm, Two Weeks Ago.

 Last Saturday, while three boys - Phillip and Paul Wagner and Willie Kelly - were bathing in the river at Oconto Falls, they discovered the body of a man among the pulp wood in the stream, lying upon the left side with the right arm resting over a log.  They notified Mr. Wagner, who informed Deputy Sheriff Bassett, the body was taken from the water and a coroner’s jury summoned, consisting of Messrs. Joseph Frank, Dr. Briggs, Frank Thomas, Barney Campbell, O. D. Halsted, with H.C. Reynolds as foreman.
 The body was stripped of clothing and examined, but no marks denoting violence, sufficient to produce death, were found - a bruise upon the left arm and upon one side of the head thought to had been caused by contact with logs in the river.

How He Was Dressed.

 He had on a dark-checked coat with the name of Hoffman the Green Bay tailor, attached, kersey pants - brown and gray stripped - and in his pockets were found a purse, a pipe, and a quarter-pound package of smoking tobacco.  He was 5 feet, 5 1/2 inches in height, weighed about 130 pounds and in the neighborhood of 40 years of age.  Unidentified, he was buried at the expense of the town.

Known in Oconto.

 It has since been learned that the drowned man is James Kilcoyne, and for the past year had made Oconto his headquarters, boarding at the City hotel.  One year ago last spring, Mrs. Davis presented him with a purse which corresponds, in description, with the one found upon his body.
 Last spring he was employed upon Holt’s farm, afterward remained for a time at the City hotel, and about two weeks ago left for Connerton’s farm. Mrs. Connerton noticed his strange behavior and thought his mind had become affected from the habitual use of strong drink.  He remained there a day or two, remarking that he was going back to the city.  That, so far as known, was the last seen of him alive.  Of his relatives, nothing is known is this city.



Michael Baumgaertner’s Death Still
Unavenged - Who is the Murderer?

 Seven weeks ago tonight Michael Baumgaertner was shot at his home in Pensaukee and his murderers have not been brought to justice, yet every clue has been investigated.  Some are bold enough to assert that parties residing within a half mile of the scene of the tragedy could shed light upon the mystery, and that the octopus of investigation is gradually closing about them and a sensation may be precipitated at any moment.
 August Knoeller, of Depere, son-in-law of Michael Baumgaertner, was in the city on Saturday, consulting an attorney in reference to the estate.  He said that Mr. Baumgaertner had told him of a Will, last summer, and that it was deposited in the safe, yet no Will has been discovered and the safe has been thoroughly examined.  When Mr. Knoeller went into the hotel at Depere, Mr. Baumgaertner offered him financial assistance to the amount of $600, which offer, however, Mr. Knoeller declined.
 It will be remembered that an old black slouch hat was found in the bushes near the saloon soon after the tragedy.  A few days later, a rubber coat, rolled up, with the gray side visible, was found not far from the spot where the hat was discovered.  Both garments tally with Mrs. Baumgaertner’s recollections of that terrible night.


Two Oconto Women Taken to the Asylum
This Week.

 Mary Deboche and her husband, one year ago last April, came from Belgium and had since been residents of the West Ward.  A few days ago Mrs. Deboche went to Green Bay to visit relatives.  While there, and for the first time in her life, she manifested signs of insanity.  Sheriff Whitcomb, in response to a telegram, went to the Band and brought the women to this city and she was committed to the asylum at Oshkosh.  Mr. Deboche is 30 years old.
 On Thursday, Mrs. Joseph Wondrash was committed to the asylum for the insane.  Her delusion is that the food of the family is being constantly poisoned. 
 Oconto county is said to have more people within the walls of the asylum than any other county of equal populations in the state.


 Charles Weiss, from Shiocton, visited his brother Sig in this city during the past week.

 Mr. and Mrs. Atwood, of Dane county, parents of Dr. and District Attorney Atwood, are guest of their sons.

 Miss Nellie Perkins has been called to her home in Waterloo by a telegram announcing the serious illness of her father.

 Mrs. C. T. Pendleton and son and daughter, Harley and Allie, left last week for Everett, Wash., where they will reside in future.


 Peter Longrie’s boy, aged ten years, who fell from a car and suffered a crushed heel, will come out whole - the affected part healing nicely.

 A little fellow in Frenchtown, aged about three years, fell in a lumber yard, striking upon the edge of a board and cutting an ugly-looking gash under his chin three inches in length and half an inch deep.  Improving.

 Jos. Leclou, a farmer four miles from the city, had three ribs broken in a run-away.  Will be laid up three or four weeks.

Oconto County Reporter
9 August 1895
Charlie Sorenson, Ray Whitney and Randall
McDonald Enjoy but Brief Pleasure,
When the Life of the Former is Suddenly
Ended - A Promising Young Man.
Little thought Ray Whitney, Randall McDonald and Charlie Sorenson, when they started out with their guns for a ramble, Thursday afternoon, that it would be attended with fatal results.

After the boys had whiled away a few moments in shooting at a mark, up near the water mill, they entered the old building, as is the custom of young lads when frequenting that locality.

Shortly afterward Ray and Randall left the mill, expecting that Charlie would follow. Two reports of a gun, in quick succession, were heard, and in looking into the mill Ray saw Charlie fall through the rafters into the basement. Hastening to his side, the poor boy breathed but once and died. 

At the inquest before Coroner Bentz the verdict was in accordance with the above facts - that he came to his death by the accidental discharge of a gun in his own hands. The jury comprised of E. C. Whitney, John Hearld, James Sargent, James Kelly, George Duncan and H. Folsom.

The boys, interviewed, were of the opinion that Charlie accidentally slipped, sticking the hammer of the gun upon the timbers over which he was walking, causing its discharge.

Charlie was 16 years of age last April, an unusually bright boy, of lovable disposition, a member of the the Presbyterian church, and was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sorenson an the chief comfort in their old age - nine children having preceded him to the home beyond. Had he lived he would have been a member of the high school graduating class of ‘96.

The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian Church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck have abandoned housekeeping and will board with Mr. and Mrs. P. Regan in the South ward.

John Grosse, merchant at Little Suamico, is remodeling his store, building an addition on the rear and putting an office in one end of the structure.

Dr. Oshwaldt and Walter Green Cover
Thirty-Two Miles in One Hour Fifty-
Seven Minutes on Their Wheels 

Notes From County Reporters.

Wm. J. Davis has contracted for the Mountain Stage route for four years......
Mrs. H. H. Klapp and daughter Lottie came down from Mountain post office last week.....
There was a baptismal service at the lake last Sunday afternoon. 


The eight-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux, who has been seriously ill, is slowly recovering.......
Mrs. J. Birkenmier has gone to Luxemberg for a week’s visit with her parents.

Maple Valley.

Mrs. Clapp was down from McCauslin brook, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Miller Elliott.....
Miss Nellie McDonald will teach school at Frostville. 
Frantz Nelson and Christ Braedahl have gone to Dakota.
Oconto County Reporter
16 August 1895
Albert Foeltz Sentenced to the County Jail
for Sixty Days.
For deserting his wife, Albert Foeltz was sentenced to the county jail for sixty days by a jury consisting of Messrs. I.N. Heller, J. T. Conway, J.H. Carr, W.J. Classon, Geo. Frewerd, L.P. Beck, Wm. Rosenfeldt, Chars. Burkhardt, Wm. Arnold, James Johnson, H.J. Frank and Ed. Millidge. The case was tried before Judge Classon.

On Tuesday, Judge Jones sentenced Joe Murphy to the same bastile for two months for assaulting Frank Wheeler.

A Serious Fall.
Andrew Dillen, while walking along Main street, Tuesday noon, stumbled and fell from the high walk between Sharrow’s barber shop and Thiele’s store, fracturing his left collar bone and several ribs. He struck upon the side which for several years has been paralyzed, which may retard, somewhat , his recovery.

Oconto County News

Mrs. Henry Hanson and daughter, of Spalding, Mich., attended the funeral of Charlie Sorenson last week.

T. F. Bunting, a brother of Mrs. B. B. Maxfield, returned to his home in Milwaukee last Tuesday, after a short visit.

Misses Vergowa and Wordis - latter a sister of Mrs. S. C. May - were guests of the latter, recently. They reside in Milwaukee.

Mrs. H. L. Russell of the town of Oconto has gone to Hunspur, Mich., to visit her daughter, Mrs. C.C. Rice. She will be gone until the first of September, when her husband will meet her there.


Albert Peters and Warren Smith have gone to Bathgate, North Dakota.

Lois Tuttle has returned home from Oshkosh......

Mrs. Beebe is packing up her goods to go to California.

Oconto County Reporter
August 23, 1895

A son recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson has two perfectly formed thumbs on his right hand.

Briefly Mentioned

Mrs. J. S. Ford and children arrived this morning from Chicago. Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Shufelt are sisters.


Dr. O’Keef, about the first of September, will move to Menominee for a permanent residence. Oconto friends very much regret the departure of the doctor.

Oconto County Reporter
August 30, 1895


George A. Gilligan , 20 years of age, became violently insane at his home in the town of Maple Valley, requiring the strength of several men to control him. He has been taken to the asylum.

A Successful Colonizer

The President of the Hoff Land Company a Hustler

J.J. Hoff, manager of a land syndicate owing a large acreage in Oconto and Shawano counties prefers Poles to any other nationality, as colonists because they are thrifty and make excellent farmers. They come, chiefly, from eastern cities. Originally the syndicate owned all the uncultured lands in ten townships, and over 700 families have been located upon these lands within a few years by Mr. Hoff’s efforts.

Inhuman Cruelty

F. Schrader and wife of the sugar bush, are in jail at Marinette awaiting trial on the charge of attempting to murder their six-year-old son. The little fellow, who is now at the home of sheriff Hitchon, was pounded almost to a jelly and left in the cellar to die, where he was discovered by some boys.

A Horrible Death

Young lady sets fire to her clothing

Miss Josephine Fisher Loses Her Life While Cleaning a Pair of gloves – Gasoline Ignites, Burning Her Clothing and Body – Had Relatives in Oconto.

Last Saturday night, while Miss Josephine Fisher, niece of Joseph and Frank Fischer, of this city, was cleaning her gloves with gasoline, at her home in Chicago, she approached a lighted lamp, when the gloves suddenly caught fire, burning her hands in such a manner that the flesh dropped off. Rushing into the street, she thrust her hands into her clothing, setting fire to her garments and burning one side of her body before the flames could be extinguished.

She lingered in intense suffering until 12 o’clock, Sunday, when death came to her relief, although as late as 7 o’clock in the morning she expressed the thought she would recover.

Relatives Were Visiting in Oconto

Mrs. B. Schimek and daughter Celia, and Mrs. Joseph Schimek, of Chicago, relatives of the unfortunate girl, were visiting in this city when the accident occurred and notified by telegram, they left on the first train for home. Miss Fisher was 18 years of age.

Culbert In Training

Walk to Oconto to Stretch Himself

Should He Accomplish the journey from Peshtigo to New York in Sixty-Four Days
He Will Receive Five Hundred dollars from Richard K. Fox.

Fred Culbert of Peshtigo, who has accepted a challenge from Richard K. Fox, of the National Police Gazette, New York, to walk from Peshtigo, Wis., to New York, in sixty-four days, will start on his trip next Sunday, September 1. The distance is a little less then 1,300 miles, necessitating an average of twenty miles a day to accomplish the feat. It looks as though the walk would be easy of accomplishment, but when it is understood that Culbert is to start without a cent of money, or it’s equivalent, and earn his living as he progresses, the task will be seen to have less of pleasure and more of real hard work. Should he make the distance in time specified he will receive from Mr. fox $500.

Culbert is in daily training for the event, and last Sunday morning he walked from Peshtigo to this city – sixteen miles – in two hours and fifty-three minutes. He expects to cover forty-five miles a day, Green Bay being his objective point.

Mrs. Hitchcock, who has been visiting her brother, L. W. Dunham, returned to Underhill, Sunday.

Mrs. P. Jamison, accompanied by her father, Mr. Brownell of Hayes, started on a visit to Michigan, Monday last.

Dr. Briggs and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. B.’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trocartin.

Gertie Bowman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Cooley, returned to her home at Brookside, Monday.


Miss Lois Tuttle is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Rifenberg, of Abrams.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Windros were the guests of Mrs. W.’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Chase.

We learn that Miss Ida Lince has her contract for teaching the Oak Orchard school for the coming year.

Frank Shew is ill with dropsy and fears for his recovery are entertained.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 7, 1895
A Green Bay Man Loses His Nasal Appendage
John Johnson, employed at the Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul dock, at Green Bay, was working under the tramway, when the car jumped the track and fell to the dock below. One wheel grazed Johnson’s face, lacerating it terribly and tearing his nose completely off. He was knocked down and otherwise injured but will recover.


L. C. Warner has sold his store at Brookside and gone to farming. The first crop he reaped from a new made farm was about 2,000 bushels of oats and cut 100 tons of hay.


Fred Kirchner has returned from the soldier’s home to stay with his brother John.

Other News

Mr. Cushenant soon tired of his job of carrying the mail to Mountain and Mr. Davis, of Maple Valley, has the job.


Fashionable dressmaking and perfect fit invariably guaranteed. – Louise Brown

Oconto County Reporter
13 September 1895


Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orndorff, who came to Oconto from Canton, Ill, to welcome their new grandson and to visit their son and daughter - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Orndorff - are now at Kelly Lake enjoying a brief outing.

Sometime during October, Rudolf Grunert will leave Oconto for a winter residence in Arizona, where the climate is less rigorous and where his host of friends hope that he may be benifited. His sister, Mrs. Pendleton, and Eva, will accompany him.

Thirtieth Aniversary.

A few of the close friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wheeler bethought themselves that Thursday, September 12, would be the thirtieth anniversary of their wedded life, and a surprise party that evening was the result. All were pleasantly entertained and it was a late hour when the merry throng said good night. 

All wish Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler long life and continued happiness.

Oconto County Reporter
September 20, 1895


Gust Yance received word Monday of his father’s death at Riedville. He and his daughter Emma attended the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christeson accompanied their son Fred, who is attending school at Delavan, as far as Oconto, Monday.

Oconto Falls.

Born, September 12, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reynolds, a bright baby girl.
Mrs. Campbell has returned from a long visit with relatives and friends in Canada.


Henry Bentze went to Marinette last week with a load of hay.
Miss Barbara Schant sprained her ankle last week trying to catch a squirrel. That’s something like the woman who broke her leg fighting a mosquito.
Henry Knudson has gone to the bay shore to fish for the fall season.
Miss Lena Buchburger has been very ill the last few days.

Aug. Johnson, with his family, left on Monday for Mavarino, where he has secured 180 acres of land which he intends to cultivate.
Herman Bast has gone out of business and will start farming on forty acres of land which he bought from John G. Anderson, Monday.


Oconto County Reporter
September 27, 1895


Wenzel Wondrash was kicked in the face by a colt and hurt quite badly.

Arrested on Suspicion

Sheriff Whitcomb drove out to the town of How on Wednesday night, and yesterday morning arrested W. Bashaw on complaint of Rohlman, of Shawano, for stealing a revolver valued at $11. Mr. Rohlman was stopping at Henry Johnson’s and the revolver was in his satchel, in Johnson’s barn. Young Bashaw had been working for Johnson and Rohlman.  Missing his revolver, Bashaw was suspected of having stolen it.

The sheriff  brought Bashaw down in the dust on Thursday, caused by the extraordinarily high wind, which nearly blinded both of them, and Bashaw was arraigned before Judge Jones. He pleaded not guilty and hearing was postponed till next Thursday at 9 o’clock.

Mrs. Johanna Bush of Westfield, Mass., claims that William Diamond of Marinette deserted her twenty-five years ago, and that his right name is Bush, all of which he emphatically denies.
Mrs. Julia A. Lindsey will leave Oconto next week for a visit of a couple of years with relatives and friends in Bangor, Me., her old home. Mrs. Lindsey will be much missed in social circles of this city, of which she was one of the earliest settlers – there being but three houses here when she came. The good wishes of Friends go with her and they will anxiously await her return.
Oconto County Reporter
4 October 1895 

Dr. J. S. McNeel of Waterloo has come to Oconto as the successor of  Dr. O’Keef and now occupies the offices vacated by the latter in the O’Keef residence on Superior street.



Geo. Pancratz and wife, of Hunt’s Spur, are visiting Mrs. P.’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christian.

Mrs. George Wilson is visiting her mother and other relatives in Portsmouth, Ohio.


Adolph Wilson, one of the oldest settlers is dead.

City Engineer Shaw favors and Iron bridge of across the Menominee river at this point.

Sent to Jail

William Bashaw of the town of How was sent to jail for forty-five days by Judge Jones upon conviction of having abstracted a revolver from a valise owned by Louis Rollman of the Bay. The theft occurred on September 13, evidence having been worked up during the interim.

Oconto County Reporter
11 October 1895


Twenty-Fourth Anniversary - A Memorial Organization Suggested

The following, from an article in the Peshtigo Times, will be contemplated by the survivors of that terrible holocaust, and their friends, with interest and sadness:

"Twenty-four years ago on Tuesday, October 8, the then thriving city of Peshtigo was a mass of charred and blackened bodies of human beings and smoking embers. On that day nearly a thousand souls were suddenly placed before their maker without a moments warning by that terrible agent of death, fire, which like a demon with a tornado’s strength swept over peaceful homes, licking up lives and dwellings as though they were leaves and twigs. The desolation that reigned supreme on that ever-memorable day can best be described by the survivors, who suffered untold agony until relief came.

"As years roll on and the survivors grow less, the tie that bound them on that terrible day grows stronger and stronger. Why not organize a Survivor’s club, for the sake of good fellowship and sociability? Every old-settled community has its old settlers’ club, and why can’t Peshtigo have a club composed of those who passed through that terrible ordeal?"

The following verses, also, from what the Times understands to have been the only poem written upon that sad event, and published by the Marinette Eagle, are worthy of reproduction:

On swept the tornado, with maddening rush,
Uprooting the trees o’er the plain, thro’ the brush:
And the sky-leaping flames, with hot scorching breath
Gathered parents and children to the harvest of death.

As the years roll along and the ages have sped
O’er the charred, blackened bones of the Peshtigo dead,
And the story is told by the pen of the sage,
In letters immortal on history’s page.
No fancy can compass the horror and fright,
The anguish and woe of that terrible night.

The suggestion of a memorial organization is a good one. Oconto has its mourners, as well, and every sympathizing heart would encourage the project.

The Green Bay Advocate seconds the suggestion by the Times, and adds:

"The writer will never forget being in a Marinette hospital one day and, seeing a poor fellow swathed in bandages from 
head to foot lying there, said, calling him by name, "Well, how do you get along?" "O, d---- staving bully, how are you?"

The incident has always lingered in the mind of the writer as an illustration of how a cheerful mind will help an enfeebled body to overcome the ills of life. It required much more will power in his case to answer cheerfully than to give up and die."


Miss Cora Bertram of Marinette is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Antoine Sharrow.

Miss Mame O’Connor left, Monday to take charge of her school at Carbondale, Mich.

Charles Beck and family will move to Sturgeon Bay where Mr. Beck will start a cigar factory.

Frank Hanson, lately a resident of Oconto, now of Negaunee, Mich., has been visiting old friends this week. His brother-in-law, J. D. Campbell, is station agent at Negaunee. Mr. Hanson remarked many attractive changes in this city.


We lose a good family in the departure of John Bergman and family who go to Milwaukee to Live. He has rented his farm to Wm. Flowers. 

Oconto County Reporter
18 October 1895



We are sorry to see Mr. Halstead go as we consider we are losing a kind friend and neighbor.

On Monday evening of this week Mrs. Kelly bade adieu to her many friends, and accompanied by her children Alma, Ina and Roy left for Milwaukee, where she will make her future home. Bart and Billy will remain here for a week of two to settle up their affairs and then join their mother in Milwaukee.


Mrs. F. Moody who has been quite ill is better.

Charles Tuttle Sundayed with his brother Louis.

Ida Lince has returned home from Fond du Lac, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Hodgkins.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Windross Sundayed with Mrs. W. Windross’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chase.

Oconto County Reporter
25 October 1895

 Sold his Farm.

W. H. Burnside of Stiles has sold his farm of 130 acres to James Bedore of Little Suamico for $3,100. Mr. Burnside will remove his family to Oconto, where they will reside in their own cottage, and Mr. Bedore will take possession of the farm at once.



Horrors of the Peshtigo Holocaust Recalled at Marinette

North Star

Tuesday, October 8, was the twenty fourth anniversary of the awful fire that swept over Peshtigo, Menekaune, part of Menominee and Birch Creek in 1871. Many are living here today who still recall the horrors of that awful conflagration very vividly. It was shortly after seven p.m. Sunday that the fire was first noticed in Peshtigo. It spread with alarming rapidity and people had not them to leave their homes and seek safety in many instances. The heavens seemed a mass of flames and hundreds thought the Day of Judgement had come. On this account seventy five people were burned in one boarding-house in Peshtigo. They did not try to escape.

The flames left only one partially build house and swept over this place at 9:30 o’clock. The upper and lower parts of the city were visited. Menekaune was burned and the fire raged as far as the Catholic church which was also consumed. It went across the river in a single leap and licked up the old Gilmore mill  also roared and rushed along the northern districts of the city and burned down Henry Benley’s
house. Its course then lay toward Birch Creek and seventy five lives were lost there. 

There were 800 bodies identified after the fire and hundreds were burned beyond recognition, making the total loss from 1,000 to 1,200. The state instituted hospitals and organized corps of physicians and nurses in this city, and the public schools and churches were filled with the burned and dying.  For months the streets were filled with bandaged and blackened faces, people with stumps for arms and miserable beings whose days were numbered. Not a few citizens put off in a boat from Menekaune but the wind would not permit them going out into the bay.

The great Chicago fire was raging at the same time.


Some of the Victims Were Once Residents of Oconto.

A partial list of those who perished in the terrible fire at Peshtigo in 1871 given in a Marinette paper, suggests that several families who at one time resided in this city were among the victims, Charles Tousley, wife and three children being of that number. Mrs. Tousley was a daughter of Mrs. Marion Fisher, now a resident of the East ward, and beside her body was found a bible with plush and clasps burned away, and other relics of that sad time are in Mrs. Fisher’s possession.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pereault and thirteen children, once residents of Depere, also perished. Mrs. P. was a sister of Mrs. Eleanore Martineau - the later the mother of Antoine, John and P. A. Martineau.


Under-sheriff Connors will remove his family from Underhill to Oconto next week.

Wall. Phillips and step daughter, Miss Carrie Warner, are in Ohio, where they will visit about two weeks.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tistman, an aged couple residing one mile north of the city, were pounded into insensibility by two ruffians who broke into the house. No clue.


While playing at a stump fire near her home, the six year old daughter of George Bader, of Green Bay township was burned to death.

Oconto County Reporter
1 November 1895


Started for Marinette to Meet a Green Bay

Contractor Had Considerable Money -

Fears That He May Have Been Foully Dealt With Are Entertained

Thomas Thompson left Oconto one day last week with Marinette his destination, since which time his whereabouts have been a mystery. His wife is a daughter of Paul McDonald of the South ward.

His expressed object in going to Marinette was to meet a man from Green Bay who had a contract to build a bridge and he was to be given employment. He is said to have had $600 in his possession and foul play has been suggested.



Henry Cole is moving into the house so long occupied by his mother, now deceased.

Chris. Bennin, assemblyman from Shawano county, who recently attempted suicide, was a guest at the Beyer house a few days before he attempted the deed.

James Bohan, formerly of this city but latterly employed in a Green Bay area machine shop, was arrested at the Bay for sending an obscene letter through the mails last March to Miss Minnie E. Clapp, Rochester, N.Y.



But little more than a skeleton and a few articles of feminine apparel were found under a bush heap on the Oneida reservation. It was unmistakably a white woman, young, and supposed to have been murdered. There is no positive clue to her identity.


Burgundy Wine in Door County

Sturgeon Bay Advocate

An old gentleman, a native of France, informs the Advocate that the soil and surface of Door county are almost identical with those of the province in the old country which grows the grapes from which the celebrated Burgundy wine is manufactured.

It will also surprise most readers that the latitude in which this part of Wisconsin is located is a couple of degrees further south than the wine district of Sunny France, and our informant thinks there is no doubt but what grapes can be as successfully raised here as across the water.



William Houch Takes His Departure from the County Jail in a Manner Mysterious and Past Finding Out - "Tracers" Have

Been Sent and Reward Offered

William Houch, imprisoned in the jail in this city for the larceny of a watch and several articles from a satchel owned by Gus Johnson, sentenced several weeks ago, and who was awaiting trial at the November term of the circuit court, made his escape on Sunday night, leaving not the slightest clue as to the manner in which he gained his freedom.

There are two other prisoners in the jail. William Bashaw of the town of How is in for forty-five days for stealing a revolver from L. Rollman of Shawano, and Michael Kaufmann, for contempt of court, have refused to pay his wife $10 per month alimony, and Judge Hastings had sent him to jail, with privilege of jail limits - a radius of one mile - until such amount was paid or he discharged.

All the prisoners went into their cells at the usual hour, Sunday night, and all lights were turned out.
Early Monday morning, Sheriff Whitcomb left the city for Maple Valley, but it was not until after his departure, and when the prisoners were taken their breakfasts, that the absence of Houch was discovered. His bed had not been slept upon, bars had not been sawed - for it was not necessary, as  the cells were never locked except to secure desperate and hardened criminals - every outer door in the building was securely fastened and the keys hung upon the wall, and the prisoners claim no
knowledge of the going until the morning revealed his departure. He had taken the sheriffs black slouch hat, left his own cap and took his three shirts with him.

Outside Assistance Presumed

The only explanation that can be given by the sheriff and his assistants is that Houch was liberated by some one from without, for the possibility of his having improvised a key to the outside door seems improbable, as he had nothing with which to fashion it. There was firewood in the box, but he had no knife with which to reduce it.

Reward Offered

Printed postal cards were sent out, Monday morning, announcing the escape, to officers in neighboring cities, which also contain the following description: 
"About five feet seven or eight inches in height, weight about 175 pounds, thick set, hair long
and light in color, heavy mustache, black slouch hat and black coat, bicycle shoes, considerably worn.
A reward of $25 is offered for his arrest and detention in any jail."

Houch came to Oconto in a car containing horses, and is said to have flown from the officers in Nebraska.

Another Criminal at Large

Sheriff Whitcomb, on Monday, received a telegram announcing the escape of a prisoner described as follows, for whom a reward of $50 was offered: "Had on black clothes, hob-nailed shoes, wore sandy mustache, three weeks’ growth red beard, has blue eyes, is five feet six inches in height and weighs about 160 pounds."

The man is a desperate criminal and was in custody of the sheriff of Marquette county and eluded the latter at Pound, Monday morning, while the official was asleep, and quietly left the car. When the train reached Ellis Junction the sheriff awoke, secured a handcar and pumped it back to Pound, but found no trace of his man. The prisoner escaped from Marquette three years ago and had recently been located in North Dakota and the officer was taking him back.

Oconto County Reporter
8 November 1895


Maple Valley

Mrs. M. Arverson is quite ill from the effects of a stroke of paralysis.

Mrs. Henry Johnson has been quite ill.

Matt Leonard accidentally shot off one of his toes last week. Children should be more careful with guns.

Mrs. Nathaniel Nutt is quite ill with typhoid fever.

Robert Bellingham has sold his farm for a consideration of $800 and will leave for Wausaukee soon to reside with his family.

Mrs. Weiting, nee Hattie Riffenbergh, returned to her home at Adell, Monday, after a week’s visit with friends and relatives here.


Miss Bessie Matthews was ill last Monday and unable to teach. Miss Myrtle Gillett officiated as school ma’am during her absence. 

Miss Alma Schweers spent the latter part of last week in visiting her sister, Mrs. G. H. Sohr. She returned to her home in Shawano, Monday.

Mrs. George Elkey has gone to Seymour to visit her parents for a few days.

Miss Etta Bowen has been on the sick list for the past two weeks.


Mrs. W. H. Western is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gidney, at Lena.

Mrs. Peters has gone to Marinette to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Shedrick. She was accompanied by Mrs. T. Trecarten.

Maude McMahon is ill. 

Mr. Bowman of Brookside called on his daughter, Mrs. H. Cooley, Monday.


A pension has been awarded to Ferdinand Papenfuss of Little Suamico.


An Esteemed Family About to Leave Oconto for a Jersey City.

The departure of  I. N. Heller and family, next Tuesday, for a new home in Elizabethport, New Jersey, a city of about 50,000 people will be regretted by every inhabitant of Oconto. Mr. Heller began a successful mercantile business here seventeen years ago and has grown even more solidly in the public confidence and esteem than in worldly goods, and the members of his family have also enjoyed the respect and esteem of their neighbors. Though separating them from Oconto friends, the departure of the family will not sever the warm ties of friendship that have been made here. Earnest wishes for their continued happiness and prosperity will follow them, and their frequent returns to visit relative and friends will be anxiously looked for. Miss Laura will remain to complete her course at the high school, and will make her home with her grandparents.

Oconto County Reporter
15 November 1895



Miss Gertie Russell of School Section is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Sylvester.

Gertie Brooks and Sarah McMahon visited Keegan several days.


He spent Less Than A Month in Confinement

Henry Neal of Oconto, sent to the insane asylum at Winnebago in October last escaped on Tuesday. Judge Classon was notified by telegram.


  Little Boy Falls Dead in His Mother’s Arms

Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindeman, at Brookside, and nearly nine years of age, and who had been ailing for a few days, on Wednesday morning called for a drink of water, which his mother gave him, and dropping back upon the pillow he immediately expired.

Circuit Court

Mary Kaufman vs. Michael Kaufman.

Mrs. Kaufman claims cruel and inhuman treatment, such as driving her from the house at the point of a revolver, threatening her life with an ax and of her fear to return home for three weeks thereafter. Case called this afternoon.

Oconto County Reporter
22 November 1895


Joseph Nechodom, who recently left Oconto for a permanent residence at Lena, contemplates the erection of a dwelling house and work-shop in the spring.

County Treasurer McAllister’s family are now comfortably settled in their new home in this city and are heartily welcomed by many friends and acquaintances.

The vandal who destroyed portions of  Dr. Bentz’s fence, if discovered, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and besides will receive one hundred and forty stripes upon the bare back from the doctor’s stout walking stick.


James Sullivan of Menominee visited his sister, Mrs. John McDonough.

Major Scofield came down from Marinette to eat dinner with his family.

Mrs. Jennings from Shawano was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Martineau.

O. A. Ellis joined a family reunion at the home of George Farnsworth in Chicago.

Mrs. Dan O’Hara of Marinette arrived and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John McDonald.

Mr. and Mrs. Decker from Embarrass were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Bossard. The ladies are sisters.


Herman Godrest, taken from Peshtigo to St. Joseph’s hospital,  suffering with blood poisoning, has since died from the effects of an amputation of one of his legs.

Mrs. Swanson, who sued the Menominee Electric Light Company for $10,000,  for causing the death of her husband, has obtained a judgement and verdict for $4,500.

Oconto County Reporter
6 December 1895



His Wife Playful Entering His Room to Arouse Him Is Horrified to Discover that Life Has Departed 
Motive for Suicide Advanced - Funeral Tuesday

Charles B. Alvord, a resident of Oconto county for the past twenty years, was found dead in bed at his farm, seven miles from the city, in the town of Oconto, last Saturday morning.

He had arrived the night previous by team from Green Bay, reaching the farm about 5 o’clock. The place is rented to John Williams, and at the request of Alvord, Williams drove the team back to Green Bay that night.

During the evening while visiting with the family at the farmhouse, Alvord complained of a severe headache, and retired about 9 o’clock.

Williams returned on the early train, the next morning, from the Bay, accompanied by Mrs. Alvord, both arriving at the house before the family had arisen. Entering, Mrs. Alvord inquired of Williams the room to which her husband had probably been assigned, which she entered, with the intention of giving him a surprise. Stepping to the bedside and lightly touching him to awaken him, she sprang back in horror when she saw that he was dead.

Verdict at the Inquest

At the inquest held before Edward Couillard, justice of the peace, in the presence of Drs. Stoelting, Atwood, and Oshwaldt, the jury composed of Henry Russell, John Couillard, Archie McAllister, James Farquer, Samuel McAllister, and Edward Matravers, the verdict was that deceased came to his death from natural causes, there being no indication that he had committed self destruction.
The body lay as though in peaceful slumber- the features in natural repose. Around his forehead was a black cloth, placed there as though to ease pain.

On the back of his right hand an inch and a half of skin had been scratched away, which lay embedded beneath the nail of the middle finger of the left hand.

On the table near the bed were tow empty cups and in the bottom of one a sediment analysis of which showed it to have been headache powder and harmless.

Charged With Forgery

Saturday night, after the Western Union telegraph office had closed, a dispatch came over the railroad line to City Marshall Smith from Chief-of-Police Nolan of Green Bay, requesting him to arrest Alvord for forgery, giving a description of the team with which he had left the Bay, and another message came Sunday morning, but before the marshal has arrived up-town he learned that the unfortunate man had passed away.

Resided at Green Bay

For some time past Mr. Alvord had resided at Green Bay, and conducted a stage line between the city and outlying points.

It seems that on last Saturday he was arrested at the Bay, charged with having passed a forged check for $125. In order to show the party to whom the check was presented, that he was acting in good faith, he gave him a chattel mortgage, as guarantee, on some property in Marinette.

Then there is another story that when about to be arrested he gained time by informing the officer that he would arrange matters satisfactorily later in the day, soon afterward securing the team and driving out to his home in the town of Oconto and ending his life.

An Old Resident

Charles Alvord had been a resident of this county about twenty years, coming here as an acrobat in a circus. He engaged in logging and later became the owner of a farm upon which he erected fine buildings. One year ago last October his wife - in maiden life, Miss Couillard died. They had eleven children - one daughter now Mrs. John Lucas, of this city; Josie, Edna, Nellie, Nina, Pearl, Frankie, Cappie, Guy, Charles, and Adlebert. His second wife was Miss Laura Delorm and her home in Frenchtown. He was a member of the Royal Arcanum and carried life insurance to the amount of $8,000 in the order, and shortly before his death he took out $6,000 insurance for the benefit of his boys at the Green Bay orphanage.

Mayor Cook is said to have taken possession of the eleven horses and conveyances used on the mail route between Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay on a mortgage, but will permit the bondsmen to use them until they can make other arrangements.

The funeral was held under the auspices of the Royal Arcanum Tuesday forenoon, the services at the church, for the family, conducted by Rev. Mr. Blakely and at the cemetery in Couillardville by Rev. G. Bossard as chaplain of the order, the following members serving as pallbearers: J.J. Porter, Robert Burke, W. G. Links, George Jones, Fred Wright and C. A. Brigden. The interment at the Oconto cemetery.



Thomas McGovern charged William Dickie with robbing him of $50.

Adolph Wilson bequeathed to his second wife $17,500 in property and his children, four in number, will contest that  part of the will.




Rev. McLean brought his bride home, November 23, from Florence, Wis.  Mr. McLean is preaching such wholesome and practical sermons that the church is full every Sunday.

Last evening Mr. McLean received by wire the sad news of his mother’s illness. He and Mrs. McLean left immediately for her home in Dodge county.

Ed Brooks, postmaster, is sick with quinsy.


Rev. A. B. Soule, who was badly injured from the kick of a horse, last week, is doing quite well.

Oconto Falls

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hartman arrived home last Tuesday from Morgan, where they were called by the death of Mrs. H. Mather.

Mr. and Mrs. Couillard attended the funeral of Mr. Balard, brother in law of Mr. Couillard, at Morgan.

We are glad to report that Mr. Hoar is improving.

Oconto County Reporter
13 December 1895




August Nikleen, a Swede, Incensed by a Girl’s Refusal to Marry Him 

Shoots Her and Kills Himself - Death not Instantaneous 

Great Excitement.

The county three miles west of Peshtigo was thrown into the wildest excitement Monday afternoon, by the report that August Nikleen, a Swede, and carpenter by trade, had dangerously shot 16 year old Annie Bundy and killed himself through the medium of a bullet.

Although they had been keeping company, she had repeatedly refused to marry him. Incensed by her decision he purchased a revolver from a Peshtigo dealer and drove out to the home of the girl.

Upon his entrance hot words ensued, he was ordered to leave, which he would not do. He then drew the revolver and fired at the girl, the ball cutting off a finger and entering her skull above the right temple, passing downward and coming out below the right eye, near the nose. He then turned the muzzle toward his right  breast and fired three shots and fell dead beside the girl who lay unconscious on the floor. Her death resulted shortly afterward.



Mrs. Beggs (nee Maggie Gould) of Stevens Point has returned to her home.

Mrs. Chas. Paul was called home by the sickness of her mother, Mrs. W. John.


Mrs. Hickey and Miss Maud Callan of Dakota and visiting their sister, Lottie Callan. Mrs. Hickey expects to return on Monday and Miss Callan will spend part of the winter here.


A middle aged man from Hartland came to town last Tuesday with the startling intelligence that he was looking for his runaway wife. He claims she eloped with another man some months ago. He also stated that he had just learned that the couple were living together here. That he found to be the case. Soon as his faithless spouse learned that hubby No. 1 was in town she left for parts unknown. There is now an aching void in the bosom of the Stiles man, while the face of the Hartland man is continually beaming with a self satisfied smile.  Full particulars later at the court house.

Oconto County Reporter
20 December 1895




Suspected of Having Entered the 

Baumgartner Saloon at Pensaukee Last Week.

The Party Arrested for Safe-Blowing

Given His Freedom.

Sheriff Whitcomb returned from Oconomowoc, Monday night, with William Haines, suspected of having entered the Baumgartner saloon at Pensaukee, one night recently, and stealing a pair of ladies gold bracelets, a breast pin, four watches and $21 in money.

Arriving in Oconomowoc, the sheriff, with assistance of local officers, made use of three search warrants in his investigations and found evidence sufficient to warrant him in making the arrest. He will appear before Judge Jones for examination tomorrow afternoon at 9 o’clock.

Bashaw Again in Trouble

William Bashaw, who served a forty five days’ sentence in the Oconto jail last fall, for the larceny of a revolver from Louis Rollman of Shawano, was again behind the bars this week charged by Darwin Gilmore, of the town of How, with assault and robbery on Dec. 15. Case adjourned until Jan. 31.

Blew Open the Safe

The meat market of J. Anderson & Co., was entered by burglars, last Friday night, through a side window, the safe blown open and between $40 and $50 taken. The money drawer was broken into, but the funds had been removed and placed in the safe before closing the store that night. The safe costs $75 hence the entire loss is about $125. The man arrested in Marinette by Officer Jones, on suspicion, and brought to Oconto, was given his liberty.




Mistaken Identity Leads to the Error 

Mr. Duffano in Arizona with a Medicine

Company at the Time Turns up Hale and Hearty.

Edgar Duffano, who recently returned to the city after an absence of five years called upon THE REPORTER and wished to have corrected a statement which appeared in this paper three years ago, to the effect that he had been accidentally killed. The party who really did meet his death,  being of similar name, hence the error.

At the time of the accident, Mr. Duffano was in Arizona as general agent for a medicine company.



Ralph Ruelle, of Seattle, Wash., has returned home. This is his first visit to the old home in five years. On his return, his brother, Alfred, who is associated with him in an extensive lumber business, will make the old home a visit, after an absence of two years. The latter was deputy clerk of court under Sol Pelkey.


Joe Furlav of Canada has come to attend the wedding of Henry Bennett, and will act as best man.


Mrs. J. R. Campbell and children have gone to Campbelltown, New Brunswick, to spend the winter with relatives and friends. Mr. Campbell is logging for the Fence River Company.

Abial Richmond of Gillett, 81 years old, bright as a dollar and agile as a boy, did business in Oconto on Wednesday, and he was a guest of the New Pierce House. Mr. Richmond left his farm a few years ago to spend his remaining years in Gillett. He was one of Uncle Sam’s defenders from 60’ to 65’ and is ready to stand by the old flag again.

Oconto County Reporter
27 December 1895




Two Companions Perhaps Fatally Injured 
They Are Said to Have Been Under the Influence of Liquor 

Employed in Northern Michigan Camps.

Last Sunday morning three men - Joseph Denkensky and John Powlak of Stiles Junction, and Frank Wachowsky of Pulaski – were run over by a freight train on the Superior division of the C. M. & St. P. road, one mile from Balsam.

They had been at work for J. E. Nelligan and partners in a lumber camp, had been given their time and were on their way to Witbeck to draw their pay.

Denkensky was the first man struck. He was lying directly across the track and was literally cut in pieces. Powlak was lying partly on the track, and one foot crushed badly. Wachowsky was lying near Powlak, and when the cowcatcher struck the latter, he was thrown to one side and escaped with but few bruises. The body of Denkensky was taken to Amasa.

The accident occurred about 7:30 o’clock. The timber being heavy on both sides of the track, rendered it impossible for the engineer to see any considerable distance in advance of the engine, and when the men were discovered it was too late to bring the train to a standstill, though running at a slow rate of speed.

Crushed by a Log

Richard Darr, employed by the above firm, was killed by a log rolling over him while at work in the woods. His neck and jaw were broken. He resided at Brookside.