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Flash From The Past - 1893
Oconto County Reporter
January 13, 1893

On the evening of the 5th, a party of young people surprised Miss Cora Clark at her home in the south ward, the date being her birthday.

Oconto County Reporter
January 20, 1893

Robert Burke left Monday for Madison, where he has been appointed doorkeeper in the senate chamber.

Otto Weidner, who has suffered more or less for some months past from
some ailment in one of his legs, was brought down Monday from a lumber
camp where he had been at work, and is now at the home of his parents in
the south ward. We understand that it will be necessary to amputate the

Louis Rundeau, an old veteran living near Lena, met with a serious
accident last week. While in the hay mow in his barn he became dizzy and
fell from the mow to the floor, a distance of fourteen feet, sustaining
a fracture of the right arm, which was also thrown out of joint, and
receiving several severe cuts. Dr. Stoelting, of this city attended the
patient, who is doing as well as could be expected under the

Oconto County Repoter 
January 27, 1893
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

This has been one of the best winters on record for farmers.  Eggs, butter, wood, and in fact everything they have for sale are bringing high prices.

A large number of the members of Company M, under the command of their officers, Capt. Lee and Lieutenants Links and Bond, attended service at St. Marks church last Sunday night.

Henry Biron has moved his barber shop outfit to the room lately vacated by Smith & May, plumbers, one door east of H.U. Coles drug store

Oconto County Reporter
February 3, 1893

Master Willie Smith entertained a large number of his young friends at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.K. Smith, Tuesday evening, the occasion being the 17th anniversary of his birthday.

Wm. Hirton’s saw mill at Pound was destroyed by fire one day last week.


D. H. Harris Weds Allie Jackson

Like a thunderbolt falling from a clear sky will come the announcement
to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith, 3015 Vincennes Ave., that their niece, Miss
Allie Jackson, who has been visiting with them for some weeks, was
married at Kenosha, Jan 12 to D. H. Harris, trader for A. C. Buell &
Co., of the board of trade. Since that time the fond uncle and aunt have
been unwittingly entertaining the bride. If, however, the news causes a
flutter of excitement on Vincennes avenue it is nothing to the effect
that it will have in the little town of Oconto, where the parents of
Miss Allie, or rather Mrs. D. H. Harris, reside, for the young lady is
an only daughter, and her father, Andrew Jackson, a wealthy lumberman,
holds her as the apple of his eye and firmly resolved that no man should
tear her away from the parental roof. The young lady however, was of a
different opinion, and as she attained the age of 21, there was no valid
reason why she should not have her own way.

Mrs. G. Bosard and children are the guests of Mrs. B's
sister, Mrs. Decker, at Embarrass, during the week.

Not Guilty of Abduction,

The State of Wisconsin vs. James Sullivan and wife is the title of the
case tried before Justice H. F. Jones last Monday. The charge of
abduction was preferred against the defendants by Dr. Wilkie, of
Oshkosh, agent of the Humane society. A week ago last Friday, Dr. Wilkie
came up her and had Sheriff Quirt arrest Annie Unmuth, a rather
incorrigible Oshkosh girl who had arrived the day before with Mrs.,
Sullivan and had taken up quarters at the resort kept by Jas, Sullivan
on the Pensaukee road. The girl was conveyed by the sheriff to Milwaukee
and placed in the House of Good Sheppard, and Dr. Wilkie swore out
warrants charging Sullivan and his wife with abduction. At the trial the
girl, Annie Unmuth, who had been brought from Milwaukee as a witness,
testified that she had been in houses of prostitution previous to coming
here, and that she asked Mrs. Sullivan to buy her a ticket to Oconto and
came here of her own free will. Under the circumstances there was
nothing Justice Jones to do but dismiss the case, which he did. A
further questioning of the girl revealed the fact that she had been led
into evil ways by a married man named Dagget, of Oshkosh, who after
tiring of her, had induced her to enter houses of evil repute. We
understand it is Dr. Wilkie's intention to swear out a warrant on him.

Oconto County Reporter
February 10, 1893

At a recent meeting of the stockholders of Oconto Brewing Co., the following officers were elected:  President and general manager, George Dagen; secretary and treasurer, H.U. Cole; directors, Geo. Dagen, H.U. Cole, J. Spies, Chas. Krueger and John Strack.

Two new post offices—Farrell, in the town of Armstrong, and Amanda, in the town of Maple Valley—have recently been established in Oconto County.

Mrs. Jas. Heath, who has been quiet sick is now improving, and will
visit her daughter and other relatives at Milwaukee, making an extended

Mr. Blaine left a will bestowing all his property upon Mrs. Blaine and
making her sole executrix without bonds. The total value of the estate
is estimated at $800,000.

Oconto Company's Camp No. 3

Editor Reporter;

As some of our readers might like to hear from the boys in the lumber
camps, I thought I would write you a few lines.

We are comfortably located in the town of How this winter.
Charles Gegay presides over the kitchen and dining room and makes it a
point to furnish the table with everything wholesome and good, and his
efforts are heartily appreciated by the boys.
Adolph Nichols hauled a load to the landing on the 28th ult. that we
thought, considering the condition of the road and the distance was a
capper. It consisted of 43 logs, which scaled 8,563 feet, Wm. McKever
and Wm. Grade put up the load.
George Baldwin is our foreman, and he is a first-class man in the
position. He keeps the road in excellent condition, for he believes that
the snowplow and sprinkler are of the greatest help to put in logs.
Ed Baldwin is our scaler, and handles the rule and pencil like a
Ed Breckenbidge does duty at the landing, and he is just the man for the
place. He keeps matters in good shape at the end of the route.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 17, 1893

Martin W. Allen, the U.S. senator recently elected by the Populist legislature of Kansas was formerly a resident of Oconto and was at one time a law partner of Atty W. H. Webster of this city.
Death of Willie Riley.

A telegram was received in this city about 11 o'clock yesterday morning
by Mr. Thomas Riley announcing that the body of his son Willie; who had
been missing for more then a week past, had been found under the snow
about a mile from Devereux and Small's logging camp. The particulars of
this sad case are as follows. Willie Riley had been employed in Deverux
and Small's camp, about 12 miles west of Wausaukee, as cookee, his older
brother George being the cook. On Tuesday of last week, the 7th inst.,
Willie was sent to Wausaukee, the nearest post office, to get the mail
for the camp and to purchase postage stamps and medicine, the lad
arrived all right and executed the commission given him, and started
back for the camp, since which time until yesterday morning, nothing was
heard of him. Failing to make his appearance at the camp his brother
became alarmed, and this feeling soon took possession of all the men in
the camp. Searching parties were organized, which were augmented by a
number of expert cruisers from this city, and since the time of the boys
disappearance the search for him has been kept up incessantly, and
yesterday morning his body was found about one mile from camp where he
had evidently fallen in weariness and frozen to death. The failure to
discover him sooner is due to the high wind which prevailed on the 7th
and 8th, and which drifted the snow over him.

Various rumors reached his parents that he had been seen in other places
alive and well, conveying the impression that he had run away, but when
followed up they were discovered to be unfounded.

Willie Riley was nearly 17 years of age, and was a remarkably good and
obedient boy, and his sad ending is the cause of the most distressing
and poignant grief to his parents and other relatives, but in their deep
sorrow and irreparable loss they are assured of the heartfelt sympathy
of the entire community.

John Spies left the first of the week for Milwaukee, and will make that
city his future home.

Roy Solway, who is now employed in a drug store at Neenah, spent Sunday
with his parents here.

Mrs. Runkel is visiting her daughter in Janesville.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 24, 1893

Willie Riley's Funeral

The body of the late Willie Riley, whose death by freezing we spoke of
last week, arrived in this city Thursday night, the 10th and was taken
to the home of his grief stricken parents on Superior street, whence it
was removed for burial on the following Saturday morning. The funeral
services were held at St. Joseph's church, the Rev. Fr. Lochman
officiating, and the large edifice was filled with friends and
sympathizers of the bereaved family, During the services in the church
but little of the casket containing the remains was visible owing to the
abundance of flowers which were heaped upon and arraigned about. Among
these beautiful tributes of love and esteem were an Anchor from the
grammar school, a Gates Ajar from the Young Ladies' Sodality of St.
Joseph's church and others, a Harp from the High school, a Pillow,
Wreath and Cross from relatives and friends. At the conclusion of High
Mass the remains were borne to the Catholic cemetery and laid
reverentially away to await the last great summons. The pallbearers were
David Dillion, E. J. Delaney, Geo. Davis, Berney Brophy, D. G. Classon
and Geo, Runkle.

H. M. Engler, one of the oldest residents and a prominent lumberman of
Marinette county, dropped dead at Peshtigo Monday morning of last week.
Heart trouble is supposed to have been the cause of his death.

Sheriff Quirt made a successful trip to Milwaukee last week and was
accompanied home by a young man who had been too lavish in the matter of
affection and promises with a young lady of this place, and had left
here without making good his word. There being every prospect that his
deeds would bare fruit, the confiding lady aforesaid desired that her
whilholm lover should be present to help celebrate the interesting
event, and at the earnest invitation of Sheriff Quirt, who was so
pleasantly irresistible, the erstwhile faithless swain, smitten in
conscience and with a heart full of love and a wholesome fear of legal
consequences, yielded a ready acquiescence, and appearing before Justice
O. W. Bloch vowed eternal fidelity to her whom the justice pronounced
flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone - his wife. Thus the romance ended
by transforming a roving bachelor into a happy and contented husband and
good citizen.

Oconto County Reporter
Mar. 3, 1893

Pendleton & Gilkey, lumber and cedar dealers of Janesville have bought the Oconto Company’s stock of cedar posts, amounting to 80,000 pieces.

A message from the governor announced his approval of the bill 248A to incorporate the town of Underhill in Oconto County.

In our report of the death of Mrs. Honora Major last week, we stated
that she was survived by three children, when in fact we should have
said six. They are Mrs. Frank Trepanier and Mrs. Flan Cane, of this
city; John Major of the town of Oconto; Martin and George Major, of
Canada; and Mrs. Nat. Hanley, of San Francisco. The deceased was a
native of County Mayo, Ireland, but emigrated to Ontario, Canada, some
fifty years ago, where she remained for nearly forty years, coming to
Oconto about eleven years ago, since which time she has made her
residence here, at the home of her son-in-law, Frank Trepanier. The
funeral took place from the residence on Saturday last. The last rights
of the Roman Catholic Church were celebrated by Rev. Fr. Lochman, and
the remains were conducted to the cemetery by a large concourse of
sympathizing friends.

A Windy Experience

On Tuesday last during a heavy wind six teams, each with a load of hay,
started across the ice of Green Bay to Door county, and had got about
ten miles from shore when a terrific gale of wind struck them and the
hay vanished from the sleighs like a puff of smoke. It is said the hay
was scattered along the ice for a distance of twenty miles.

Oconto County Repoter 
March 10, 1893
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

The family circle of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Campbell was widened by the birth of a bright little daughter last Thursday.

Charles Sharply of Holt Lumber Company's Camp No. 3, hauled on March 2nd , the largest load of the season in that camp. The load consisted of fourteen logs which scaled 7840 board feet. The haul was made on an up hill road. Capt. W.H. Webster, scaler.

Stiles-Stiles creamery building is nearing completion and the machinery will soon be put in place. The work is under the able supervision of millwright, P. Hansen.

Cashier W.K. Smith of the Oconto National Bank visited in Milwaukee and Chicago on business last week.

Oconto County Reporter
Mar. 17, 1893

Hasting Bacon died at Negaunee on Thursday, March 9, 1893. The deceased
was a resident of this city years ago, and was highly respected by our
citizens. He was a brother of Ed Bacon of Green Bay, and brother-in-law
of Han. Tibbetts of this city. He was a whole souled, genial man and was
very popular among his acquaintances.

Oconto County Reporter
Mar. 24, 1893

Hotel Pierce Sold

Mrs. J. W. Wolf on Tuesday sold her property, the Hotel Pierce, to N. J.
Strack, the consideration being $4,ooo cash. The sale includes the hotel
furniture, Mrs. Wolf retaining the furniture of her private rooms. Mr.
Strack took possession of his new property yesterday. We understand that
Mrs. Wolf will reside at Waukesha for the future.

J. C. Armstrong, of How, called in Monday while on his way to Westfield,
New York.

Chas. McGee returned Sunday from Houghton, Mich., and has accepted a
position in the office of W, Cook & Bro.

Oconto County Reporter
April 21, 1893

Newton Is Guilty

The Jury Brings in a Verdict of Murder in the Second Degree.

The trial of Robert Newton, of Gillett, charged with the killing of
Richard Kingston at that village in November, 1892, came to an end
Tuesday afternoon at six o'clock at which time the jury filed into the
court room and the foreman pronounced the ominous words; "We the jury,
find the prisoner, Robert Newton, guilty of murder in the second
degree." Thus ended a trail that had engrossed the attention of the
circuit court and several hundred of our citizens for eight days.

Three special venires, consisting of 100 men, were exhausted in the work
of obtaining a jury and nearly 100 witnesses were examined. The
prosecution was ably conducted by District Attorney P. A. Martineau, who
managed his points like a veteran, when in fact it was the first
criminal case he had ever tried. Attorney D. G. Classon appeared for the
defense, and considering the preponderance of evidence he had to contend
against he made a valiant fight.

The jury was composed of the following persons: Mike Femell, foreman; R.
J. Livermore, Wm. Shew, Jas. Collins, John Courtois, Joseph Melchor, J.
J. Greetans, A. Whittaker, S. W. Smith, Herman Yakel, Wm. Ross and Thos.
Perkins. As soon as they had handed in the verdict, Judge Hastings
discharged them, first complimenting them upon the result of their work.

Story of the Crime.

The crime in which Newton was convicted was the shooting of Richard
Kingston last November, the particulars of which are as follows;
Sometime before the fatal day Kingston had brought a bag containing
blankets from his home in the town of Armstrong to the village of
Gillett, and meeting Newton in the store of Weber Runkle comp'y asked
him to carry the bag up to the house of George High, (Newton's
brother-in-law) with whom Newton lived, stating that the blankets
belonged to High. Newton promised to do so, and Kingston thought no more
of the matter. Later High sent word to Kingston to return the blankets,
and Kingston sent a reply to the effect  he had given them to Newton to
carry home. Subsequently, upon visiting Gillett he was accosted by Mrs.
High (Newton's sister) who stated Newton denied receiving the blankets
from him. Kingston said he would see "Bob" about it, and on being told
by Mrs. High that Bob was at her house he in company of Mrs. High's son,
started for the house. Upon entering the house young High passed into a
rear room and told his uncle Bob that Kingston was in the front room and
he had come to see him about the blankets. Newton at once stepped into
the room where Kingston was and before a dozen words had passed between
them commenced shooting with a self-cocking revolver. Kingston fell with
a shattered limb and five bullets in him, when he claimed Newton seized
a chair and struck him several blows with it. Newton then left the house
by the rear door, while Kingston managed to drag himself out the front
door and to a neighbor's. As the shooting commenced young High ran down
the village and gave the alarm, and a number of persons at once started
for the scene. They found Kingston lying in front of Klemp's house, and
conveyed him to the hotel, where he lingered until the fourth day, when
death ended his suffering.

Oconto County Reporter
April 28, 1893

Robert W. Merryman, the Marinette lumberman, died at Lookout Mountain,
Tenn., last Friday evening. The deceased was 64 years old, born in
Bowdoin, Maine, in the year 1820. He moved to Fond du Lac in 1855, where
he was actively engaged in business until he moved to Marinette in 1883,
a member of the firm of Hamilton & Merryman Co. He afterwards severed
his connection with that firm and has since associated with his nephew,
Reuben C. Merryman in the transaction of the lumber business under the
firm name of R. W. Merryman & Co., by which an extensive and most
successful business has been maintained. The funeral was held at 2 p.m.
Monday at Marinette.

Waupun For Twenty-Five Years

On Monday morning Robert Newton, the man whom the jury pronounced guilty
of murder in the second degree, was brought onto court to receive his
sentence. Judge Hastings, after asking the prisoner if he had anything
to say why sentence should not be passed upon him, sentenced him to
twenty-five years imprisonment in the state prison at Waupun, one day in
each year to be passed in solitary confinement.
The prisoner was taken back to jail, and the next day Sheriff Quirt
accompanied him to Waupun.

Our townsman, Wall Phillips, is confined to his bed as the result of a
surgical operation which was performed upon him last week. We understand
that he is quiet feeble, but hope he may soon be able to mingle among us
as of yore in the enjoyment of restored health.

Wrong in the Head

Antone Gilbertson, a Norwegian resident of the town of Gillett, was
pronounced insane upon examination by Dr. Paramore, of this city, and
Dr. Pinch, of Gillett, last Saturday, and the same evening was brought
down and placed in the county jail by Sheriff Quirt. Monday morning 
Judge Bailey signed his commitment, and at noon the sheriff took him to
the Northern Hospital for the insane at Oshkosh. Gilbertson is past
fifty years of age, and is the father of a grown family of children. He
labored under the hallucination that an invitation had been extended to
him and his family by the Queen of Norway to visit her majesty, and he
had slain and dressed a large hog which he intended to present to his
royal hostess.

John Balfantz is the name of another unfortunate whose diseased brain
leads him to strange imaginings. Last summer he was employed about the
Oconto Company's mill, and during the past winter worked in the woods.
Since coming down this spring he has been doing chores around the
boarding house for Mr. Bellew, and has constantly given evidence of
mental weakness, principally in a display of inordinate vanity which led
him to affect a silk hat and kid gloves. His derangement becoming so
marked, however, it was deemed wise to take him into custody, which was
done Monday. He was subjected to an examination by physicians who
pronounced him insane, and on Tuesday, Sheriff Quirt took him to the
state institution at Oshkosh.

Official Letter

To the Citizen's and Residents of Oconto County:

A great many people in Oconto county are not aware of the fact in
accordance with the law that is now existing, a blank certificate of
birth should be procured from the register of deeds, in all cases of
birth, and that the same should be filled up and certified by the
physician or midwife who was present at the time of the birth, and in
the case of their non-presence at such time, the same to be filled up by
father, mother or other person professionally in attendance. A penalty
of fifty to one hundred dollars attaches in all cases of neglect on the
part of physician, midwife, father, mother or other persons
professionally in attendance, to report the birth of a child to the
office of the register of does within the time specified by law. A
complete record of births is inestimable value to all heads of families,
as well as to the vital records statistician, and since birth blanks and
any information furnished promptly and without charge by the register of
deeds, there should be no occasion or good ground for excuse for parents
and members of the professions not living up literally to the letter and
spirit of the law.

All ministers of the Divine law, Justices of the Peace, and other
persons legally authorized to solemnize marriages, will be furnished
with blank certificates of marriage by applying either in person or by
letter at the office of the register of deeds. The law is very strict
with regard in reporting cases of marriage, and a due compliance with
its provisions is naturally expected and looked for from persons learned
in legal lore and educated in the profession of the ministry.

Under the present law the same persons authorized to report births, are
required to report deaths, and blank certificates may be had at the same
office by letter or in person. A new law which contemplates a material
change in the registration of deaths was enacted in the last session of
our State legislature. As soon as this new law becomes operative I shall
take occasion to have the most essential features of its provisions
published in our local journals.

Your obedient servant,
Francis X. Morrow
Register of Deeds
Oconto, Wis., April 26, 1893

Fully 6,000 men were employed in the pineries tributary to the Menominee
last winter. The K. C. Co. and L. W. & V. S. Co. employed fully 1400 of
this number in their various camps.

Mrs. C. R. Keith and son Walter are guests of Mrs. K.'s sister, Mrs. J.
F. Conant, at Kaukauna.

Mrs. R. N. Hawkes, of Waukesha, visited her mother, Mrs. Wm. Burnett, in
this city.

The Holt Lumber Company’s cedar mill on the south side is being pushed ahead as fast as possible and is expected to be in running order early next month.

Oconto County Reporter
May 5, 1893

** H. M. Baldwin, of Mountain, the popular merchant and clerk of the
town of Armstrong, was in this city on business.

** Mrs. W. H. Alexander and children, of Duluth, Minn., are visiting
Mrs. A.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Good.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

What are our city fathers going to do about paving Main Street this year?

Fourteen trains daily, except Sunday, on the three lines of railway entering Oconto.

Up to noon yesterday 41 saloonkeepers and one brewing company had taken out license.  Last year there were 48 saloons and two brewing companies licensed.

The Oconto Company is putting in an electric light plant of its own.  It will have a capacity of 400 lamps which will furnish ample illumination for mills, shops, offices, yards, etc.

Oconto County Reporter
May 19, 1893

** Canadian Immigration

French Canadians are said to be leaving the vicinity of Quebec for the
United States at the rate of 150 a day. These immigrants are nearly all
farmers or inhabitants from the lower St. Lawrence region, and in many
instances they are following friends and relatives who have comfortable
homes in the United States. Many of these emigrants desert their farms
absolutely, leaving them without intention of returning, selling them
for what they can get, but leaving them anyway. This desertion is a
serious thing for the province, for it means the return of such sections
of the country to a state of nature, with little prospect of their being
again occupied for a long time. The exodus is also large from other
portions of the dominion of Canada, the estimate being that the rate of
emigration is at least 20,000 per month.
 - Springfield Republican.

Oconto County Reporter
May 26, 1893

** A man in Liberty, Me., has whiskers eight feet in length.

** Warning
This is to notify all persons that my wife, Augusta Baumgarder, has left
my bed and board without provocation, and I will pay no bills of her
contracting after this date.
Mike Baumgardner Pensaukee, Wis., May 8, 1893

The above notice is false and utterly without foundation, as I did not
leave my husband. On the first of May my husband slapped me and
otherwise abused me, and kept me and my son locked up in the outhouse
during the whole of that night, whereby we nearly perished from cold.
Mrs. Augusta Baumgardner

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Work on J.G. Campbell's new brick block, corner of Main Street and Broadway, commenced in earnest Monday and from now until its completion, building operations will be pushed vigorously.

Mrs. A. Cole is having her residence on upper Main Street greatly improved.  A verandah will be built along the entire front of the building and the present windows will be replaced with large plate glass ones.

The baseball club which was organized in this city last week will put the following strong team in the field; Jim Steenbock, manager, Art Jackson, Albert Arnold, Will Hall, John Martineau, John Connell, T. Maloney, P. Maloney, A. Beck, Geo. Runkel, H. Hanson, Otto Bloch.

Oconto County Reporter
June 2, 1893

** A runaway occurred Friday evening of last week that was most
remarkable in that no serious consequences attended it. Ed Guigure and
John Follett had just crossed Section Street in a light sulky when the
horse became fractious and managed to kick the seat over. Both occupants
fell over backwards, but Guigure, who was driving held on to the lines
and was dragged fifty yards or so, when, finding he could not stop the
horse he let go. The freed animal ran with furious gait along Section
and up Main streets. In his course up Main street he kept bearing to the
left and headed straight for the residence of Mr. Milliage, which he
reached by crossing the sidewalk and tearing through a picket fence;
then passing around the building he came to a halt before a highboard
fence in the yard. a careful examination failed to reveal any injury the
animal had received, which was remarkable considering the danger he ran
in getting through the fence.

Oconto County Reporter
June 16, 1893

** Ed Brooks has been appointed post master at Abrams in place of George
H. Russell, who sent in his resignation some time ago.

** Jim Steenbock has rented the east end of the Wilcox Music Co.
building, and soon as the necessary repairs and improvements are made,
will open a stock of cigars and stationary therein. Jim is a hustling
young man, is quite popular in the city, and we believe he will make
success of the undertaking. He will carry a select stock of goods, a
fact that will tend largely towards ensuing him patronage.

** A Benefit Dance

** A dance for the benefit of the Blind Belongia's will be given in
Robert Spice's hall, town of Little River, on Thursday night, June 22.
Good music has been secured. Let there be a good attendance, and give
these worthy people a substantial benefit.

Oconto County Reporter
June 23, 1893
Researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

Lena—A white porcupine was killed by C.W. Halsted on his farm a week ago last Thursday.  It was a rare specimen of creation, having pure white quills with the exception of the barbed point, which was colored black to the extent of about one eighth of an inched, but in every other respect the animal was as white as snow.  It showed signs of considerable age which probably accounts for its faded condition.

Oconto County Reporter
June 30, 1893

** Nearly Drowned

A party of young people in a sailboat had an uncomfortable experience on
the bay last Sunday afternoon. They had gone out in Frank Jungerman's
boat and were moving along nicely before the wind when a squall came up,
and in attempting to turn the boat and head in for shore they nearly
capsized. No one aboard knew how to manage her, so they let the sail go
and were helplessly drifting out into the bay. Their predicament was
noticed from the shore, and James Johnson, Willie Ingram and Frank Davis
started to swim out to them. When near the boat Frank Davis gave out and
his companions had to assist him to the boat. Arriving at the vessel
they got Frank aboard, and soon getting control of the little craft
brought her safely to the dock. In the meantime Frank had fainted, and
on reaching the shore he was put into a buggy and driven to his home in
the city where he revived under medical treatment. Several of those in
the boat thought they were nearing the dark portals of the unknown
hereafter and, it is said, utter their prayers with a sincerity that
only such a serious occasion could call forth.

** While the season for bathing is now near at hand the following timely
hint may be found of value to bathers generally. Never bathe when
heated, for cramping is quite sure to follow, and aided by a full-grown
cramp, very shallow water will drown a bather.

** The many friends of Uncle John Windross, of Oak Orchard, will be
pleased to know that he is able once more to make his visits to the city
with his richly laden wagon of garden produce. During the winter and
spring he suffered an illness that caused his friends the deepest
anxiety, and during a portion of the time was unconscious and unable to
recognize his own children. We are glad to greet our old friend once

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 11, 1893

** Skeleton Found

While the men engaged in graveling some of the city streets last Monday
were working in the gravel pit near the old water-mill, they unearthed a
man's skull, which they brought down and gave it to Dr. O'Keff. The
doctor, upon examination, pronounced it the skull of a full-grown white
male. Next day the rest of the skeleton was unearthed and brought down
to the doctor's office. The larger bones were all complete, and after
being laid in proper position by the doctor, measured 6 feet 2 inches. A
careful search through the gravel failed to reveal either clothing or
any article that would lead to the man's identity. It is probable that
the body has been buried for a good many years, and it may have been
that the man was a victim of foul play, for no one seems to remember of
any one being buried in that locality. There seems no means of
explaining away the mystery that surrounds the find.

** Mayor W. C. Griffis, of Beaver Dam, Wis., spent Sunday and Monday in
the city, guest of his brother, S. J. Griffis, of the Reporter office.

** C. W. McCorristen, of Chicago, one of the jolliest traveling men in
America, who is spending his summer vacation with his sister, Mrs. W. A.
McKinley, of Abrams, was over Wednesday viewing the sights of our
beautiful city.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 25, 1893

** The sheriff of Menominee county has offered a reward of $200 for the
apprehension of Robert Millican and Michael Pjetka, who escaped from the
Menominee county jail on Monday Aug. 14th.

** Cade Murray, who has conducted the city Hotel on the corner of Main
and State streets for some time past, on Monday moved his household
goods to Clintonville, where he has rented a hotel.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 1, 1893

** Miss Lou Derby leaves on Monday for Embarrass where she will teach
this winter.

** Miss Anna Sullivan, of Menominee, was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
John McDonough, the first of the week.

** Mrs. Wm. Allen, of Oshkosh, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Knapp, has returned to her home.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 8, 1893

** Railway Car Thieves

Several prisoners in the Brown county jail waiting trial on various
criminal charges pleaded guilty before Judge Hastings and received
sentence. Among the number was Alexander Armstrong, who was connected
with the robberies of cars on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway,
for which Buntin is now serving a jail sentence. Moffatt is now awaiting
trial. Armstrong pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary and was
sentenced to six months in the county jail. It is expected that his
alleged accomplices will enter a plea of guilty.

** Fatal Accident

Mr. John Human, who has been acting janitor for the Presbyterian church
for the past dozen years, fatally injured himself on Sunday last, by
falling upon a stub in the road while coming from the bay shore. He died
on Tuesday and was buried yesterday from St. Joseph's church. The
Turn-Verein and Catholic Knights had charge of the body, of which
societies he was active and honored member.

** Frank Fisher, who was sentenced at Superior to three years in state
prison on a charge of burglary, escaped from a sheriff while enroute to
Waupun. A reward of $200 has been offered for his capture.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 15, 1893

** Gust Hursch, Of Milwaukee, a former Ocontoite, was in the city the
first of the week.

** S. H. Waggoner, of Green Bay, came to visit relatives and friends.

** Miss Lulu Bartlett, of Maple Valley, left Monday for Underhill, where
she will teach school.

Mrs. Richmond was called to Appleton last Friday to attend the funeral
of her father. She was accompanied by her husband.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 30, 1893


At her residence, in the town of Grover, Marinette county, Sept. 22,
1893, Mary Jane, beloved wife of Mr. Samuel McDowell, Sr. aged 78 years.

The deceased was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery at Oconto, the
funeral services being held at the Presbyterian church in Little River,
conducted by Rev. S. E. Very. The large attendance of relatives and
friends attested the high esteem in which she was held.

Deceased was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1815, emigrated to the Canada
in 1831, and came to this country and settled in Oconto county in 1866,
and has been a resident here for twenty-seven years. She leaves an aged
companion, eleven children, forty-three grandchildren and sixteen great
grandchildren to mourn her loss.

Mrs. McDowell was converted to God in early youth and united with the
Methodist church and has lived a consistent life until the Master called
her to her great reward.

Her end was peaceful and joyous, and during the last moments of her
existence she feebly sang " O happy day that fixed my choice," etc.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 7, 1893

** Wounded by a Glancing Ball

We clip the following from the Chicago Tribune of Oct. 3rd:

Mrs. F. A. Knapp, of Oconto, Wis., was badly injured by the explosion of
a rifle in the hands of Evan Bedell, 16 years old. Bedell said he was
given the rifle to carry to an address on Michigan avenue and did not
know it was loaded. At Wabash avenue and Jackson street the rifle
exploded. The bullet struck the sidewalk and a large piece of the stone
flew up and buried itself in the leg of Mrs. Knapp; who was passing;
Bedell was arrested, but was liberated on the intercession of Mrs.

Mrs. Knapp was conveyed to a hotel where she is receiving medical
attention, but it will be some days before she will be in a condition to
be moved. The stone tore Mr. Knapp's trousers on it's way, and passing
through Mrs. Knapp's dress and skirts inflicted an ugly wound on the
fleshy part of her leg above the knee.

** It is now lawful to kill deer and you may continue until the 3rd of next
month. After that date, if you are out of meat and work, keep right on
shooting, and the REPORTER will guarantee to pay your fine if you are
arrested and convicted. We don't believe the maker ever intended that
the law should prevent a hungry man from securing food for himself and
family. In the meantime we hope the game warden will endeavor to make it
sultry for mossbacks and dudes who are flocking here from other states.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 14, 1893


We learn that two children named Pelkey, living on Elm street in the
South ward, died from black diphtheria - one last week  and the other
during the present week - and the mother and remaining child, a babe are
both afflicted with the same disease, with but little prospect of
recovery.  We hope the authorities will keep the infected locality in
strict quarantine, else there is every danger of the disease becoming
epidemic. One of the essentials in preventing the spread of disease, and
one to which to little attention is given, is through cleansing of the
infested premises, clothing, bedding, etc. The health officer should see
to it all sanitary regulations in the matter are strictly complied with.

** An employee of the Holt Lumber Co., named Utson, had one of his legs
broken by a pile of railroad ties falling upon him at work around the
mill last Monday.

** It is estimated, by competent authority, that the number of men
employed in the woods on the Menominee and it's affluence during the
winter will be 3,000 less than last winter. The Marinette Lumber Co.,
which then employed 800 will now employ but 200.

** While Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Smith and daughter were driving home about
noon last Wednesday, they stopped to speak to a young lady at the corner
of Main and Superior streets, when W. J. Classon, Jr., walked up to the
side of the buggy and commenced an altercation with Mr. Smith, and it is
alleged struck the latter a blow in the face. This so frightened Mrs.
Smith that she seized the lines and started the horse, but in her
excitement she got the lines crossed and thus turned the horse so
sharply that the buggy was upset and its occupants thrown out. In the
fall Mr. Smith sustained a fracture of the ankle bone, while Mrs. Smith
and little Rhoda were considerably frightened and shaken up, but not
otherwise seriously injured.  Several men promptly came to their aid and
righted the vehicle, when the family proceeded home. Medical attendance
during the afternoon was necessary to aid Mrs., Smith in recovering from
the shock, while Mr. S. is confined to the house and can only move with
the aid of crutches.

** Louis Fisher, of Chicago, visited friends and relatives here during
the week.

** Frank Jackson station agent at Iron River, Mich., came down to spend
Sunday with his parents.

** Geo. D. Knapp, accompanied by hi sister, Mrs. Van Allen, who has been
visiting here for two weeks, left Sunday evening for Chicago. Mrs. Van
Allen will go direct to her home in California.

** James Leigh, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leigh, Berlin; R.W.
Underwood, E. Switts and Miss Kittie Reinhart, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs.
C.E. McIntosh, Marinette, Miss Alfredia McAllister, Mountain, and John
Leigh, Farrell, were the outside relatives, who were in attendance at
the funeral of the late Hon. John Leigh.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 4, 1893


Death Of Col. Balcom

One Of Chicago's Best Known Citizens Suddenly Passes Away

Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1 - Col., Uri Balcom, one of Chicago's oldest and
best known citizens, died suddenly today at his home, 2027 Michigan
Boulevard. He was for years in the lumber business here and he retired
some time ago independently rich. His son-in-law is W.C. D. Gannis, the
retired wholesale grocer, and president of the Atlas National bank.

"Yes," said D.R. Holt today at his office in the Chamber of Commerce
building, "Uri Balcom is dead. He and I were in partnership in the
lumber business until 1888 as the firm of Holt & Balcom. That year he
retired, and I formed the Holt Lumber company. No more straightforward,
industrious and honorable man lived then Uri Balcom, and his many traits
gained for him a host of friends. He was 79 years old, and had resided
in this city since 1862. He moved here from Oconto, Wis., where carried
on a great business in the firm of Eldred & Balcom. He and I had joined
our interests, however, before he left Oconto, and we owned several
mills in and about that town. For the last three years Mr. Balcom had
not been in his right mind and was unable to recognize his
acquaintances. I had not seen him since 1891. He left no family. Mrs. W.
C. D. Grannis was his niece, who he adopted as his daughter. It was a
sad ending of a good life."

** Nate Fisher, who recently sold out his dry goods store in Chicago, is
visiting relatives here.

** Mrs. O. A. Ellis is spending a few days with relatives in Chicago,
whence she will go to California to spend the winter.

** E. Heidemann, of Appleton; was in this city the first of the week on
business, and incidentally  visited his nephews, Walter, Julius and
Rudolf Grunert.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 18, 1893

Death of George Hastings

The many friends of Mr. George Hastings, who formerly resided in this
city and was a partner in the lumber firm of Adams, Hasting, & Co., will
regret to learn of his death at St. Paul last week. Mr. Hasting had been
visiting the World's fair during it's closing days, and contracted a
severe cold which detained him in Chicago several days, but feeling
better he started for his home in Tacoma, Wash. On the train he felt
much worse, and upon reaching St. Paul he was driven to the hospital
where he died the next day, his aliment being pronounced pneumonia.

** There is not a very great number of people out of employment in
Oconto but yet there is every evidence that a good many people make the
round every week in search of work. This winter in the woods there will
be the largest number of cheaply-paid men that has been known for years.
Twenty dollars a month and board during the winter will be greedily
grasped at by hundreds of laborers.

** Miss Maggie Walsh and Nora Noonan had quite a lively experience
Thursday afternoon. While driving down Main street their horse became
frightened and dashed off at his utmost speed, and it looked for a few
moments as though a frightful accident would befall the occupants of the
buggy. But Miss Walch, who was driving, has a cool head and steady
nerve, and instead of becoming frightened she bent her energies to keep
the horse in the middle of the street, and gradually regained control of
the frightened animal bringing him to a stop at the corner of Main and
Section street.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 18, 1893

** Severely Injured

We regret to learn that Supervisor Wm. M. Underhill, met with a very
painful accident last week, that for a time endangered the sight of one
of his eyes. While passing near the knot saw in his shingle mill a piece
of knot flew up and hit him squarely in the eye, and for a time it was
thought had destroyed the sight. Mr. Underhill went immediately to an
eye specialist in Milwaukee, who stated that though the injury was
severe he felt confident the sight would be restored as the eye
recovered from the wound inflicted, and we are pleased to learn that
this prediction was well founded. We deeply sympathize with our old time
friend, and hope that his recovery may be seedy and perfect.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 2, 1893


Arthur S., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Chamberlain, died at the home of
his parents in this city of Tomahawk, Tuesday morning, Nov. 21st after
an illness of several months. Arthur was nearly twenty years of age, and
an upright and promising young man dearly beloved by all who knew him.
The funeral services were held at the Baptist church in that city.

Died in California

Word was received here of the death at Santa Maria, Cal., Nov. 19th, of
Mr. Louis St. Ores, aged 74 years. The deceased was one of the early
settlers of Oconto, having at one time owned a saw mill where the
Leighton flouring mill now stands, and afterward was a partner with
George Farnsworth in a saw mill that occupied the present site of the
Oconto Company's saw mill. Mr. St. Ores moved west about twenty-five
years ago, since which time he has been successfully engaged in business
in California. He is survived by two sons who reside in the west, and
one daughter, Mrs. C. B. Hart, of Green Bay.

** Sudden Death at Peshtigo

Last Saturday morning, about eight o'clock, while Nicholas Cavoit was
pumping water he was suddenly stricken with apoplexy. He was seen to
fall, and in a short time a large crowd had gathered around him and he
was carried into his home and placed on the couch, but finding a
difficulty in breathing he was placed in a rocking chair, where he
expired in a few minutes.

Mr. Cavoit was a Peshtigo pioneer. He had lived here about 35 years,
arriving at Peshtigo Harbor from Chicago on Nov. 28, 1858, on the
Peshtigo Co.'s small schooner Coral. This at the time comprised the
company's fleet and was used as a general freight and passenger carrier
between the Harbor and Chicago.

Mr. Cavoit was one of the most intelligent and best educated man who
ever lived in Peshtigo. He was always witty and jovial, and full of life
and activity. He was always an active business man, and although he
never informed any one his business transactions, it is believed he
accumulated considerable property.

** Seriously Ill

The many friends of Mrs. Edwin Hart will regret to learn that she is
critically ill at the residence of her son, Capt. H. W. Hart, at Green
Bay. Mrs. Hart had just recovered from an illness of two weeks' duration
when she was attacked with lagrippe, and in her weakened condition her
physical strength offers but little resistance to the disease. She is
over 80 years of age, a fact that he will militate against a speedy

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 23, 1893

** Harry Lord received a telegram Tuesday announcing the death at
Calais, Maine, of his Uncle, John Lord, at an advanced age. The deceased
was a brother of Mr. L. S. Lord, of Maple Valley, and was a retired sea
captain, highly esteemed by the people of the community in which he had
spent his long useful life.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 30, 1893

** Joseph Holl now runs a stage daily (except Sunday) between Underhill
and Hayes. The stage leaves Underhill after the arrival of the 7:00 a.m.
west bound train, and reaches Hayes about 10:00 a.m.; returning leaves
Hayes at 11:30 a.m. and arrives at Underhill about 3:30 p.m. It affords
excellent accommodations for passengers.
(My great great uncle!~ RITA)