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Flash From The Past - 1981

Oconto County Reporter
April 17, 1891

Shawano County Tragedy

Shawano Wis., April 15 – People living in the town of Washington, this county are greatly excited over the discovery of two atrocious murders and a suicide. A few days ago a man named Bahr, after quarreling with his wife, suicided by hanging, but before doing so, told his children that their mother had poisoned Zell, the father of his first wife, a year ago. The children notified the authorities and they arrested the woman, who made a full confession. Bahr was of a morose and ugly disposition. Not long after Zell’s death Bahr pounded one of his children so that it died. He was never prosecuted for the child’s murder.

Oconto County Reporter
April 24, 1891


Mr. Adam Lenhard, of the town of Little River, April 17, 1891, being 74 years and 4 months of age. The funeral took place at the residence of his sons, Peter Lenhard, on last Sunday at 10 a.m. The remains were interred in this city cemetery. The Rev. W. D. Cox conducted the services.

Adelia M. Halstead, living in the town of Little River, crossed the River to receive her reward, on Sunday, April the 19th, 1891. Mrs. Halstead was born in Chilton, Calumet Co., Wis., in November 1853. She lived in Chilton until about 12 years ago, when she moved with her husband and family to Little River, Wis. She was married to Mr. C.W. Halstead, January 1st, 1874. Her life has been consecrated to the Savior, and she died a triumphant death. Since a little girl she has been a member of the Methodist church. She will be missed as a Christian worker. A husband and six children were left to mourn their loss. The funeral was held at the residence on Tuesday the 21st; and her remains were laid away in a tomb on the farm. Many sympathizing friends gathered to
pay last tribute of respect. Rev. W.D. Cox, of Oconto, conducted the funeral services.

Oconto County Reporter
May 1, 1891



Died; At Seymour, the 11th inst. Mrs. Sarah Rice. The remains were brought to the residence of Mr. Louis Tuttle he following day. The funeral services were held at the schoolhouse the 12th and were attended by many riends. The deceased was laid to rest at Brookside cemetery. Mrs. Rice was well known to the people of this vicinity having resided here several years pervious to her removal to Seymour. She was a kind and devoted mother and a Christian, being a member of the M. E. church. One son and three daughters survive her. Harvey Rice of Seymour, Mrs. Minerva Tuttle of Brookside, Nellie, Mrs. Otter, of Peshtigo, and Anna, Mrs. Curtis of Seymour.

Mrs. Wm. Luck is fitting up her residence on the East End of Main Street for a private boarding house. The Richard brothers have the contract for the new improvements. No doubt Mrs. Luck will make her place a omfortable home for persons who desire good rooms, and the best of general care.


Jens Knudsen, our enterprising merchant, is doing a considerable business in his store, as well as carrying of a farm of 100 acres.

Oconto County Reporter
May 8, 1891


In this city, at 4 o’clock Sunday morning, May 3, 1891, Ella, youngest child of Henry and Mary LaClaire, ages 19 years, 6 months and 27 days.

The news of the sudden death of Ella LaClaire on Sunday morning spread throughout the city with wonderful rapidity, and was received by her hundreds of friends with a feeling of doubt, which was soon succeeded by one of deep regret and sorrow at the death of someone so young and fair,

Up to Friday the deceased was apparently enjoying the best of health – robust, rosy-cheeked, bright eyed and of buoyant step – and the sudden transition from the active life to the stillness of death astounded while it caused the most profound sorrow. On the evening in question while sitting at supper she was suddenly stricken with a severe pain to the left side, which available remedies failed to alleviate. Dr. Stoelting was immediately called and labored faithfully until a little after midnight Saturday, when Dr. Lawrence was called to his aid. A little later both gentlemen pronounced the case hopeless, and so informed the patient and her friends. The deceased expressed her readiness to go, and after bidding her weeping relatives and friends an affectionate
farewell, quietly passed into her last earthly sleep, having received the last rites of the Roman Catholic church, and being confident of a resurrection to the higher life through the sacrifice made for her by the Redeemer of mankind. The bursting of an abscess cavity into the abdomen produced the immediate shock which caused her death. The deceased was a most estimable young lady, and was popular with all classes of our citizens. She was an accomplished pianist, and was ready at all times to aid, with her musical skill, in any entertainment, public or private, that was given for church, or benevolent purposes, and this generous impulse of character, supplemented by a genial disposition, had attracted to her hosts of warm friends and admirers, who with her immediate relatives in feelings of deepest sorrow. The floral tributes to the memory of the deceased young lady were numerous and beautiful, and spoke volumes for the taste and affection of the donors.

The funeral took place Tuesday morning from St. Peter’s Roman Catholic church, Rev. Fr. Valliant celebrating requiem High Mass, after which a long train of mourning friends followed the remains to the "silent city" where they were reverently and sorrowfully laid away. The pallbearers were Doctor M. Wilcox, Ed. J. Delaney, A. Geysen, Frank Jackson, Robert Jones and Mr. Birchey. 

Oconto County Reporter
May 15, 1891

Shot in the leg

During an altercation in Allard’s saloon, Tuesday night, the bartender named Desjarlais, shot Ed Baldwin in the leg. The bullet entered just above the knee and passed downward through the joint. It is probable that the leg will be stiff for the balance of his life. Desjarlais was arrested and place in jail, but was subsequently admitted to bail to await trial at October term of the circuit court.

Oconto County Reporter
May 22, 1891


Edwin E. Solway 

In this city, Saturday, May 16, 1891, Edwin E. second son of Eli and Annie Solway, in the 27th year of his age.

The death of Edwin Solway adds one more to the number who have yielded to that scrounge la grippe. A year ago last winter the deceased was stricken with this disease and never entirely recovered from the effects of the malady, which settled on his lungs and developed into consumption and caused his death.

The deceased was a native of Door county, this state, but had been a resident of Oconto for the past twelve years coming here with his parents in 1879. He was most exemplary and industrious young man who enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew him, and his death makes an irreparable void in an affectionate and loving family circle. Father, mother, two sisters and five brothers are left to mourn their loss of a dear one. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from St. Mark's Episcopal church, of which the deceased was a communicant, having been confirmed in Catholic faith during the recent visit of Bishop Gratfton to this city.

Mary Libbie Payette 
At her home in Marinette, on Wednesday, May 13, 1891, Mary Libbie, beloved wife of D. J. Payette, aged 27 years, 11 months and 5 days.

The deceased was a native of Oconto, and resided here up to the time of her marriage, about 9 years ago, when she became a resident of Peshtigo. About three years ago she and her husband, came to this city where Mr. Payette engaged in business for about a year, afterward moving to Marinette, where they have since resided. The deceased was for a number of years previous to her marriage organist of St. Peter’s Roman Catholic church, and enjoyed the esteem and love of the entire congregation. For some years past she has been afflicted with heart disease, from which she has suffered more or lees at intervals. About three weeks ago her ailment assumed a serious phase, and she gradually failed until the tired body ceased the struggle and her spirit winged its flight to the great hereafter. She leaves a disconsolate husband, and mourning mother and brother, Mrs. E. Branshaw and Mr. Geo. Branshaw, of this city. The funeral took place last Friday, from the Roman Catholic church, at Peshtigo, Rev. Fr. O’Connor, officiating.

Misses Mamie Turner and Esther Williams, who are novitiates in the order of Notre Dame at Milwaukee, came home for a few days’ visit with their parents, being the last they will be permitted to make, as they expect sometime in July to take the black veil and be received into the order.
Oconto County Reporter
May 29th, 1891

Hospital notes

Julius Gross, whose leg was amputated ten days ago, has made an excellent recovery, the entire stump healing with one dressing.

Mrs. Geo. Laughlin of Oconto Falls, Mrs. Ellenger, of Peshtigo, and Mrs. Enslinger, of this city, were discharged from the hospital this week, having fully recovered after surgical operations.

Arthur Byng of St. Nathans, suffered the loss of his left leg above the knee on Saturday, the entire foot and leg having rotted away from bone disease. Dr. O’Keef operated and Dr. Gregory of Marinette administered the anesthetic. The boy who is only twelve years old is recovering.

On Monday Dr. O’Keef, assisted by Dr. Paramore, removed two inches of diseased bone from the leg of a six year old child of Mr. McDonough, of Stiles.


Wm. Terwillegar has contracted to carry the mail between this place and Flintville for the next four years, beginning in July.

Oconto County Reporter
June 5, 1891


Mr. Andrew Swanson, of this city, died at his residence in the South Ward, on Friday morning, May 29th. He was buried from the house on Saturday at 4 p.m. Rev. W. D. Cox conducted the services. He leaves a wife to mourn her loss.

In this city, on Tuesday, June 2, 1891, Mrs. Theo. Smears, aged 25 years. The deceased was an estimable lady, and her death is a subject for sincere regret among numerous friends and acquaintances. She leaves a disconsolate husband to whom she had been married less then two years. The funeral took place Thursday forenoon from the M.E. church, the Rev. G. Bossard of the Presbyterian church, and W. D. Cox of the M. E. church officiating.

Oconto County Reporter
June 19, 1891


At St. Joseph’s church, in this city, on Wed., June 17, 1891, by the Rev. Fr. Sweibach, Mr. M. Flannigan to Miss Hattie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lynes.

The bride is a well-known young lady, a native of this city, whose genial disposition and charming manners have won her scores of friends. The groom is a popular young lumberman, who has made Oconto his headquarters or several years past, and enjoys the friendship of a large circle of acquaintances.

HUNTER ORR, of Abrams, is disposing of his farm and personal property, and with his wife will remove to the home of their childhood, in Pennsylvania, where they will spend their declining years. Mr. Orr has been a resident of this county for more then twenty years, during which time he has proved an upright and progressive citizen, and he and his estimable wife will be followed to their new-old home with the best wishes of a legion of friends.

Oconto County Reporter
July 10, 1891


Mr. William Bostedt, an old respected citizen, living on the bay shore, passed away on Monday, July 6. Mr. Bostedt was born in Germany, came to New York 23 years ago, from there he moved to Oconto nine years ago, where he has lived ever since. For eleven months he has been a great sufferer, and while his friends supposed he was improving he suddenly and very unexpectedly passed away. Dropsy was the cause of his death. He leaves a wife and five boys to mourn their loss. The funeral took place at the house on Wednesday at 2 p.m. A large company of friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to their fallen friend.
 Rev. W. D. Cox, of this city, officiated at the funeral.

Death of an Old Resident

Mrs. Bridget Maloney, a city charge, died on Monday at the advanced age of 96 years. She was a relict of Billy Maloney who was supposed to have suicided about 10 years ago. The deceased was a native of Ireland, and had been a resident of Oconto for 36 past years. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maloney of the Westward, though no relations of the deceased, assumed the entire funeral expenses, in the neighborhood of 40.00, rather then permit an old namesake and countrywomen to receive a pauper burial.

Wilton Wilcox, who was employed last year in taking the census in the East and North wards in this city was somewhat disappointed because the population was not so large as he expected, and so resolved to do his best to improve matters in the future. The result is that twin boys made their appearance at his residence last Friday morning. Mother and children are doing well.

Oconto County Reporter

July 17, 1891

A German by the name of Charley Sylvester, who lived some five miles from here on Green Bay road, died suddenly Tuesday evening. He had worked all day apparently in good health.


Mr. Klemp’s barn was destroyed by fire on Tuesday last. He lost three pigs and a light wagon. The loss is a heavy one, as the building was not insured. Two little children while playing with matches set the barn fire.

Oconto County Reporter
July 24, 1891

Death of James O’Connor

James O’Connor, who for some years past has held the position of engineer and watchman for Fire Co. No 2 died at his residence in the West Ward Tuesday morning, July 21, 1891, aged about 35 years. Death resulted from heart disease, with which the deceased had long been afflicted.

Mr. O’Connor had been a resident of this city for more then fifteen years, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him, being honest, industrious man, who preformed his duties promptly and conscientiously. The deceased leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their loss. The funeral occurred Thursday morning from St. Joseph’s R. C. church, and was under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of which the deceased was a member. Fire companies Nos. 1 and 2, with fire engine No 2, turned out to do honor to the dead fireman, and preceded the remains to the Catholic cemetery. A further testimonial of the respect in which the deceased was held was evidenced by a very large number of friends who followed the remains to their last resting-place.

Henry Jarvey, who had been battling with that fatal disease, consumption, for the past five months, died last Friday evening shortly after ten o’clock. Deceased was born in Stiles in 1853. And was about 38 years old at the time of his death, and has resided here continually for the past 15 years. He was an honest and industrial man, a kindhearted parent and devoted husband. His untimely taking off is a severe blow to his wife and eight children who survive him. The funeral was held from St. Patrick’s church last Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. The internment was at the Catholic cemetery.


Joe Marlow, an employee in Eldred’s sawmill, had a narrow escape from being dashed to death a few days ago. His clothing was caught by a fast driving shaft, and in an instant he found himself in an Adamatic state. His wearing apparel, which was of a weak texture, undoubtedly saved the young the young man’s life.

Oconto County Reporter
August 14, 1891

The many friends of Mrs. George Small, nee Miss Kate Dafter, of Visalia, Cal., formerly a resident of this city will be pleased to learn that she is the happy mother of a daughter. The interesting event occurred two weeks ago.

Harry Jones, youngest son of Mrs. Robert Jones, was hooked by a cow and quiet seriously injured Sunday afternoon. The horn of the animal penetrated the front of his right leg and tore a gash one-inch deep and about four inched long between his knee and thigh.

Oconto County Reporter
 August 21, 1891

A dispatch from Marinette dated Aug. 18, says: The body of Mr. Jas. Costello, was found in the Menominee river on the shore opposite the N. L. company’s mill, on Sunday morning last. It looked as if the man had been murdered. Mr. Costello was aged 25 years, a resident of Ellis Junction. He was last seen alive in Marinette on Friday night. Two men of suspicious character who were last seen with him have been arrested. Full nvestigation will be made of the mystery. He was a brother-in-law of Robert Dunn, of Ellis Junction.

Fatal Accident

Frank Toushak, a young man about 20 years of age, whose parents reside at Brookside station, was killed in Robinson & Dutton’s mill at Beaver last Tuesday afternoon. He was employed in feeding the bolting saw in the shingle mill department, and while oiling some of the machinery his clothing was caught by a rapidly moving belt which carried him along and dashed him against an iron pulley, killing him almost instantly. The remains were conveyed to Abrams by train, thence to his home by wagon the same evening. The deceased was a single


Oconto County Reporter
July 31, 1891

Maple Valley


At Maple valley, Aug. 18th, 1891, Mary Mills, aged 81 years:

The deceased was born in the County of Monaghan, Ireland, the 21st of June 1810; was married in October 18, to James Mills. With three children they moved to Canada in 1841, where they resided for many years, and raised a family of eight children, only one dying in infancy. But as their children, when grown to maturity, came to Wisconsin, the maternal love which was so strong in the mother followed them, and 16 years ago, she and her husband came to Maple Valley, and lived with their youngest son William. For several years Grandma was able to the domestic affairs of the house, but when their daughter, Mrs. Hunter, was left a widow, she came to care for her parents in their declining years, and truly have they had every comfort that willing hands and hearts could bestow.

The life of the deceased has been a life consecrated to the service of God. The christian graces were very prominent in her character. Her faith was at all times unwavering; her hope was ardent and her charity extended to all mankind. She testified in her last moments "I have trusted my Savior these many years. He will not leave me now. All is well."

She leaves a lonely husband, and truly can it be said of him, his first care was always been to please mother, and all through the 57 years of wedded life which they had traveled together has been comfort and happiness. Six children survive her: James, Thomas, William, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Clark all residing in Maple Valley; also 18 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

A loving wife, an affectionate mother, the kind neighbor, we will all miss grandma Mills. The esteem in which she was held was manifested by the very concourse of people, which assembled at their home to pay the last sad rites of respect and follow her to the silent city of the dead.

The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement, especially the lonely husband, who is trusting in the same Savior and is only waiting to hear the summons that calls him where he can realize the truth of the hymn that was sung as we laid her to rest "We’ll never say Good-Bye in Heaven."

Cards are out announcing the approaching nuptials of Miss Sarah Frank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank, of this city, and Mr. M. Jake Berkson, of Chicago. The wedding will take place in Turner Hall, Oconto, on Thursday, Sept. 8, and the ceremony will be performed by a Rabbi from Chicago.

Where is Mrs. Dempsey?

For the purpose of saving a respectable honest young lady from disgrace and everlasting ruin, information is desired of the present or last known whereabouts or address of Annie Hall-Dempsey, formerly Mrs. J. J. Dempsey, who some years ago lived in DePere, Green Bay and Seymour. Any person knowing of her address within the last year, will confer a favor and may be the cause of saving a young lady by communicating the same to John Smith, Att’y at Law, DePere, Wis.

Oconto County Reporter
August 28, 1891


At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hill, Shawano, at high noon, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1891, by the Rev. L. D. Hopkins, of St. Mark’s church, Oconto, Geo. C. Dickenson, Esq., of Shawano, to Miss Lena Laone Bowley, of Birnamwood, Wis.

Mr. Dickenson is one of the leading attorneys in this part of the state, and at present holds the honorable position of District Attorney for Shawano county.

Ashland papers contain notices of the decease of Col. D. A. Reed, who was found at his homestead at Iron River where he was living alone. The deceased was many years ago a representative in the Assembly from Oconto county and was at one time engaged in lumbering business in Marinette.

Mountain, Town of Armstrong

Two enterprising patent medicine men, on from Maple Valley and one from How, who drove up to A. C. Frost’s hotel last week wanted to sell patient medicine to cure suffering humanity, their motto was "no cure, no pay."
They also represented themselves to be real estate agents and wanted to exchange city property for cleared up armlands, etc. They also claimed to be agents for apple trees, representing some nursery firms located away down on the shores of the Mississippi river, and warranted the trees to stand against heat and frost and never to decay. They made calls upon several of our farmers, but whether they made any sales or not I am unable to at this date to state, but before they left our town they turned out to be two officers of the law looking for a "groom" for some certain girl in Maple Valley, to be taken before the "Justice" of the peace living at the Forks, on the banks of the Oconto River in the town of How, and that said justice had agreed either to issue a marriage certificate or a commitment. But as I understand they did not find a groom suitable for the girl, for the one that was the object of their search had left two days before for some country away out west.

Miss Nellie McDonald, of Maple Valley, was in attendance at teacher’s institute last week and the examination this week.

E. A. Edmonds, superintendent of Pulp Mills at Oconto Falls was in town Wednesday.

Joseph Eichorn, of Maple valley, was a welcome visitor at the Reporter office yesterday.

Mrs. Wm. Voightsburger, of Prophetstown, Ill., is a guest of Mrs. Frank Pendleton.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept.11, 1891


Died, in this city, Saturday, Aug. 29, 1891, at the residence of her son-in-law, Rev. G. Bossard, Adelaide Grant Carver, relict of the late Mr. J. H. Carver, aged 55 years.

The deceased had been a resident of this city for less then a year, but during that time her gentle, loving nature and eminently christian character have drawn to her a host of warm friends who, while bowing submissively to the Divine will, deeply deplore her departure and sincerely sympathize with her bereaved relatives.

Mrs. Carver had been seriously ill for some months previous to her death, and while the end was sorrowfully anticipated, yet when the dread summons came the grief caused to loving friends at the parting seemed none the less poignant.

Adelaide Grant Carver was educated at Lawrence University and was a member of the first class graduated, in the year 1857 – there being seven in the class.

She was married soon thereafter to Mr. J. H. Carver, who died in the year 1882, and leaves three children, Jay Carver, of Detroit; Mrs. E. F. Decker, of Embarrass, and Mrs. G. Bossard, of this city, as well as her venerable foster mother, Mrs. Grant, of Appleton.

Her remains were taken to Appleton on the late Sunday night Northwestern train and the funeral services occurred the following Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock, from the late residence of the deceased in that city, Rev. John Faville conducting the same.


At half past nine on Thursday of last week the angel of death appeared on the threshold of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cayo and took from them their eldest daughter, Alice, aged seven years and six months. The funeral occurred Saturday from the Catholic church of this place and was largely attended. Little Alice had not been feeling very well lately and a few days before she died she was taken with scarlet fever, under which she did not last long. She was a bright little girl, and won a host of friends during her short life, and will not be soon forgotten by those she left behind.

Howard Pamperin Drowned

About four o’clock last Sunday afternoon Howard, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pamperin, lost his life by drowning. The deceased lacked one day of being nineteen months old. But a very short time had elapsed from his disappearance from the door-yard when his mother called to him, and receiving no answer walked around the house and over to the adjoining yard of I. N. Heller, thinking the little fellow had gone around to play with Mr H’s children. At the rear of the Heller residence, and some distance from the kitchen door, is a sink hole several feet square and three or four feet deep in which is deposited slops from the kitchen. In passing this spot something prompted Mrs. Pamperin to search it, though not having the slightest idea that her little boy was in it, and picking up a stick she thrust it into the liquid mass and feeling it come in contact with a heavy substance she lifted it to the surface when she was horrified to discover the dress of her baby son fastened to the stick. Her screams brought Mrs. Heller to her aid, and together they lifted him from the sinkhole and commenced rolling him upon the grass in hope of resuscitating him. In the mean time a man was dispatched for a doctor, but meeting Mr. Pamperin, who was returning from a drive, a short distance from the house. Communicated the sad intelligence to him. Mr. P. immediately drove up main street as fast as his horse could go and returned in an incredibly short time accompanied by Drs. O’Keef and Lawrance, who tried every means within their opinion that the child was dead before being removed from the water.

Howard was an unusually precocious child, whose bright and manly ways had made him many friends.

The funeral occurred at the family residence at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning, Rev. G. Bossard, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. At the close of the service the body was taken to the C. & N. W. depot, thence to Green Bay on the 1240 train, at which city the internment took place in the family plot in Woodlawn cemetery.
The parents and relatives of Howard have the sympathy of the entire community in this sad and sudden affliction.

Mrs. G. Bossard, who is now visiting friends at Appleton, will leave in a few days for Detroit, where she will visit her brother Jay Carver.

Mr. S. H. Waggoner, Sr. of Green Bay, has been quite sick at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Burnet in this city, but is rapidly recovering.

Dr. H. F. Ohswaldt was over here on Saturday. We learn that he will leave Stiles on Monday for a three weeks’ visit with relatives and friends in New York. Bon voyage, Doc.

H. O. Lingelson, night dispatcher of the Oconto branch, contemplates a trip to Mt. Carmel, Ill., the home of his parents.

Mrs. H. S. Eldred is visiting her parents in Montreal.


Ruelle Bros. are closing out their stock at this place, having recently sold their store to A. E. Pelkey

Mr. F. Fortier has moved into our town from Jones Creek. Mr. O. LaMay moved into the house vacated by Mr. Fortier.

Mr. N. Burbey is on the sick list. He was taken with inflammation of the bowels last week, and combined with old age (he is 85 yrs. old) will have a hard time to recover.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 25, 1891

Departed This Life

In this city, Monday, Sept. 21, Mrs. Mary Quinn aged 82 years. Mrs. Quinn was a native of Ireland. In about the year 1868 she removed from New Bruswick to this city where she has lived ever since. Her husband, Thomas, died seven years ago. She leaves four daughters and one son, who deeply mourn their loss.


Died, at her home in Maple Valley, Sept. 18, 1891, at five o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Lydia A. Moody, aged 52 years, 6 months and 18 days. The deceased has been a resident of this town for the past 13 years, but during time her gentle, loving nature and eminently christian character have drawn to her host of warm friends who, while bowing submissively to the divine will, deeply deplore her departure and sincerely sympathize with her bereaved relatives. Mrs. Moody had been seriously ill for the last year previous to her death, and while the end was sorrowfully anticipated yet when the dread summons came the grief caused the loving friends at the parting seemed none the less poignant. The deceased was born in Bangor, Me., Penobscot county, in the year 1839, and emmigrated with her parents to the town of Oconto, in 1847, and she married Mr. Ira P. Moody. A husband and seven children are left to mourn the loss of a faithful wife and loving mother. The remains were interred on Sunday, the 20th, at 2 o’clock p.m. and were followed to their final resting-place by a large cortege of sympathizing friends and relatives. The Rev. Burdick conducted the same.


My wife, Anna, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby caution the public against trusting or harboring her on my account, as I will pay no bills of her contracting. Peter Johnson, Maple Valley, Wisc.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 2, 1891

At Rest

Died, in this city on Wednesday evening, Sept. 30th, 1891, Emil Frank, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank, aged 9 years, 2 months and 10 days.

Emil had been a sufferer for the past five weeks – first from typhoid fever, then inflamation of the bowels, finally ending in consumption of the bowels, which caused his death. He was a bright cheerful little lad, and bore his affliction so patiently as to win the affection of all who were near them.

Mr. S. Frank and sons Harris and Simon accompained the remains to Chicago last night, and the funeral will occur in that city this morning. The afflicted relatives are assured of the sympathy of the community in their


Died in this city, on Friday, Sept. the 25th, 1891, Michael Voy, aged 63 years.

The deceased had been a resident of Oconto for the past 38 years, arriving here from Milwaukee in the year 1853, and entering the employment of Mr. Eldred taking the supervision of rafting and running his lumber from Stiles down the Oconto river, then the only outlet from there for such extensive and lucrtive commodity. His domicile for several years was situated on the old pier at the mouth of the river. Here he was almost solitary an alone, commander and chief of constantly arriving and shipping of the extensive fleet of rafts which daily an hourly added to the vast accumulation. Alas! M., thou art gone, and those happy days too, when the bay’s surface was wont to be stewed over the rafts of lumber for miles around the pier, and in the offing a large lumbering fleet of sailing vessels then so full of life and animation. The heart seems so sicken at these bygone recollections and scenes, to see them now supplanted by the puffing and snorting stean engines. But we must acquiesce, for such is the progress of the day. Since his withdrawl from the employ of Mr. Eldred, whom he served with fidelity and honor to himself, he has devoted his time to agriculture and the pursuit of happiness on his rural and picturesque abode on the bank of the Oconto river, where a hearty welcome was ever extended to his numerous friends. "tis said "an honest man is the noblest work of God," then, the subject of this humble tribute will surely meet his merited reward. The funeral cortege, which was very large indeed, proved the esteem he was held in by the community at large. The burial service took place at St. Peter’s Catholic church, Father Vallant officiating. He leaves a wife and two children – a boy and girl – to mourn their loss, besides four adults by his former consort.


Mrs. B. J. Brown, of Marinette, is in this city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald of Fort Howard, visited friends in this city the first of the week.

Mrs. Robert Hall, of Garden bay Mich., is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Grunert.

Walter A. Harsha, of Detroit, was in the city the first of the week visiting his niece, Mrs. Chas. Jones.

H. J. Watts, postmaster and merchant at Gillett, made the Reporter office a very pleasant visit this week.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 9, 1891


John Scherer, of Nahma Mich., formerly of this city, and Miss Alta M. Space, of Lansing Mich., were married at St. Mary’s church, Lansing, on Wednesday, Oct. 7th, 1891.

The groom is master mechanic in the mill of the Bay de Noquet Co., at Nahma, has been a resident of this city most of his life, and is capable, industrious and worthy young man. The bride is a total stranger here, but is spoken of as a most estimable young lady. The Reporter has pleasure in extending congratulations to the happy couple, who will arrive in the city to-morrow and spend a few days with relatives.

Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Frankie Pierce to Mr. W. L. Porter, at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Paramore on Oct. 21st.

L. F. Woelz, our main street harness maker, has recently come into possession of four rare old coins, which he values very highly. Two are German coins, one bearing the date of 1727, and the other 1560. The other two are a United States half-penny of 1804, and English coin of 1471.

A fire at the residence of A. H. Griffith was narrowly averted Thursday night of last week. Between eight and nine o’clock one of the younger children pulled the cloth off the center table in the sitting room and in doing so upset the lamp on to the floor, and in an instant the split oil was all aflame. Mrs. Griffith immediately seized the tablecloth and throwing it over the blaze soon subdued it. Little damage was done beyond scorching the carpet, but had it not been for the presence of mind of Mrs. Griffith it is probable the residence would have been destroyed.

James Mott, of Portland, Oregon, an old Oconto boy, circulated among his old friends and acquaintances here during the week.

Miss Ida Weidner, graduate of Oconto High school, class of ’91, has been engaged to teach at Carbondale, Mich. Miss Weidner is an ambitious lady and a thorough student, and we wish her success.

John Scherrer, of Nahma, Mich., spent a few days last week with his parents in this city, while on his way to Lansing, Mich., where he emerged from the ranks of single blessedness and joined the great army of Benedicts.

Butler, Stinson & McMahan are going to put up a shingle mill in J. Cheffing’s cedar swamp this winter.

Warren Cooley and wife have gone to Dakota to visit Mrs. C’s brother, Mr. Ed. Powers.

We understand that Mrs. Allen and daughter are going to Oregon, where they will make their home in the future. They will be missed by a host of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bush buried an infant child last Saturday.

Frank Moody had gone to Oconto to learn the barber trade and city style. Hope he is successful.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 23, 1891


Mr. Geo. Girke came to his death on Thursday, October 15th, in the town of Pensaukee, by a log falling on his head while assisting in raising a barn. He lived about twenty-four hours after the accident. George was 25 years old and unmarried. The funeral took place on Sunday last, at 1 o’clock p.m., at the residence of his brother, H. J. Girke. Rev. W.D. Cox officiated.

At the home of his mother, at St. George, N. B., on Sunday, Oct. 18, 1891, Robert McGee, aged 33 years. The deceased was a young man of most excellent habits and fine business qualifications. He was a native of New Brunswick, but came to Oconto several years ago, removing later to Two Harbors, Minn., at which place he was comfortably located in business besides holding the responsible position of comptroller for Lake county. About a year ago he contracted a severe cold, which, being neglected, gradually developed into consumption and he steadily wasted away until the end came, peacefully and tranquilly as it does to those who have obeyed the golden rule, and placed their faith in the Savior’s promise.

Mr. McGee was a brother of Marshal Wm. J. McGee of this city, of Jas. McGee, of Milwaukee, and of Abraham S. McGee, of Two Harbors, Minn. During his residence here he had acquired a large number of Friends, all of whom sincerely mourn his early death.

At the home of his parents, in the town of Oconto, on Saturday, Oct. 17, 1891, Mont Clemens, second son of Joseph and Mary Cardinal, aged 22 years, 9 months and 11 days.
 The deceased had suffered from an attack of inflammation of the bowels for about 10 days prior to his demise, and every effort put forth in his behalf by loving friends and skilled physicians proved unavailable, and he gradually yielded to the affliction until the end came and spirit and body were severed. Mont was a most exemplary, christian young man, beloved by his friends and highly esteemed by the whole community. He was an active worker in the Good Templers’ lodge here and a communicant of the Methodist church, having united with that body about four weeks previous to his death, and was secretary of the Epworth League. He was a native of Brown county, this state, but had lived with his parents about two miles west of this city for the past eleven years. He is survived by four brothers – Samuel J., of Birnamwood, Archie C., Gilbert H., and Chester E.,
and three sisters Mrs. A. O. Cady, of Big Suamico and Julia and Josie.


At Fort Howard, Wis., October 9, occurred the death of Ara Cornelia, infant and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baker, late of this city. It will be remembered that Mr. Baker was a merchant here, and in consequence of failing health, and acting upon his physician’s advice, went to Wisconsin; there he readily started into business and sent for his family, which consisted of his wife and daughter. When they arrived at Fort Howard, Mr. Baker kept his family at his hotel until he could secure suitable apartments, and by the 8th he began moving into his new western home. All were in the best of spirits, and after dinner Mrs. Baker began unpacking her movables, and making the usual disposition of furniture. In her hurry to get everything arranged she neglected to notice her daughter, Ara, who always went about the house at will, until nearly two o’clock p.m., when she became seriously alarmed at the strange actions of the little child, which made her uneasy and apprehensive. Little Ara had carried a tiny basket from the room in which was a bottle of chloroform, and upon close investigation the mother discovered that the unfortunate child had swallowed a considerable quantity of the liquid, but all that she say was: "Medicine made baby sick." Mr. Baker was sent for, and Dr. Lewis, Wolter and Monroe were hastily summoned. She lay unconscious until 6 in the evening, when she rallied and became much better until 1 a.m., during which time she knew everything that was going on, and named over all members of the family. She lingered then in a semi-conscious condition until 1 p.m. when she passed away. All that could be done for her in the way of attention and medical skill was tirelessly exhausted. Her remains arrived in Portsmith Sunday, and at 4 p.m. the same day were interned in Greenlawn Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Revs. Badger and McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. Baker desire to express their sincere thanks to their Ft. Howard friends and for their kindness and sympathy in their bereavement. – Portsmouth, (O.) Tribune

Mrs. Baker is a sister of Mrs. G. M. Wilson, of Abrams, and has many friends in that vicinity that deeply sympathizes with her in this sad bereavement.

Death of John Connors.

A most distressing accident occurred in one of the Oconto company’s logging camps north of Iron River, Mich. on Wednesday of last week, whereby John Connors, of this city, was instantly killed. The accident was caused by a blow on the head from the detached limb of a tree which was being felled and had brushed against another tree in it’s decent. It occurred so quickly that none of those who saw it had time to give warning to the unfortunate man who at the time was engaged in notching a tree for the sawyers. Hugh Cummings, brother-in-law of the deceased and foreman of the camp, immediately set about making preparations for removing the body to this city for burial, and, accompanied by a number of the men from the camp, arrived here on the 12:40 p.m. C. & N. W. train Friday, at once conveyed it to his late residence in the South ward. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon, services being held in St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church, of which the
deceased was a communicant, an immense throng following the remains to the silent city. John Connors was born in New Brunswick 39 years ago, but at the age of 19 came west, and for the past twenty years has been a resident of this city. He leaves a wife and one child – a daughter about one year old – to mourn their loss of a kind loving husband and father. The sympathy of a legion of friends is extended to the stricken family in their great bereavement.

We have just received word that Ernest Carron, of Brookside, a single man about 28 or 30 years of age, was killed on Tuesday last in one of Mann Bros. logging camps near the Upper Peninsula. The body was expected home today.

Mr. and Mrs. Rob’t Hall, formerly of Garden, Mich., are in the city the guests of Mrs. H.’s mother, Mrs. Herman Grunert. Mr. Hall will shortly depart for South Dakota, where he expects to make his home for the future.

Merritt Turner, of Bancroft, Iowa, formerly an Oconto boy, and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Huff Jones, spent Monday and Tuesday in the city visiting relatives and looking up old acquaintances whom he had not seen since he left here twenty-one years ago.


Mrs. D. Emery, of Menominee, Mich., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McClure, for some time past.

A.B. Danes and family left the fore part of last week for Fort Howard, where they will make their home in the future.

H. Alves, who had the misfortune to become deaf in the late War of the Rebellion, received a pension a short time ago. He received nearly $1,800 besides thirty dollars a month for the future. He has purchased a farm from J. A. Hannon, and will soon take possession.

Mrs. Fred Terwillegar, of Sagola, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terwillegar, here at present.


Miss Ella Powell, who has been staying at this place for some time past, will return to her home in Menominee, Mich., next Monday.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 30, 1891

Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Jennie V. Heath to Mr. Andrew J. Bradley, at the Presbyterian church, on Thursday, Nov. 26th 1891, at 7:00 p.m.

The term of circuit court just adjourned at Marinette until Nov. 23rd, was the longest held at that place for many years. Before adjourning Judge Hastings sentenced Frank Pudveaux to five years and Annie Willette to four years in Waupun for larceny.

Harry J. Germond is having a cross walk built in front of his drug store on lower main street. He has also recently placed an iron letter box in his store so that persons who do not wish to walk up as far as the post office may buy their stamps of him and deposit their letters in the box, and he will see that they are delivered at the post office in time for each outgoing mail.

J. F. Smith, chief engineer at Water Station, met with an accident a few days ago that will lay him up for sometime. While standing on a plank at an elevation of eight feet placing a large valve in position, the plank broke and Mr. Smith fell to the floor of the pumping room bringing the valve with him. The valve, which weighs 300 pounds struck the floor between his legs and rolled over on one ankle bruising it quite badly. It was fortunate or Mr. Smith that the metal did not fall upon his limb; else the consequences would have been more serious.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 6, 1891

Miss Carrie Whitcomb, of Little River, visited her aunt, Mrs. Ed DeLano, Sunday.

Edgar DeLano left Monday night for Ohio, where he will visit relatives for a few months.


Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Whitney returned Monday from Two Rivers, where they have been visiting friends and

North Branch Clippings

Andrew and Joseph Belanger have gone up to the woods to wrestle with the sturdy pines of the Northeast.

Thomas Tracey, who has been sick for the past two months, is, we are sorry to say, not getting much better.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 13, 1891

At Augusta the other night a young man named Clementson, aged 18 years, prevailed on Julius Henning, a 14 year old boy, to take hold of a rope which runs by pulleys to the cupola in a barn. The Clementson drew him up a distance of fifty feet, fastened the rope and ran off. The boy had to drop to the plant floor. Both his arms and legs were broken his jaw also broken and his head badly mashed. The injuries will prove fatal.

O.H. Huntley, of Logan, town of how, called at this office during the week.

Mrs. Ed. West, of Appleton, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Keith, the past week.

J. P. Dorr, of Gardner, Maine, formerly of Oconto, is in the city looking after a case he is interested in, in Circuit court.

Miss Alice Coleman, of Cleveland, and Miss Fannie Hart, of Green Bay, are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 20, 1891


Last evening in the German Lutheran church, Ernst Wittkopf and Miss Anna Werth, both of this city, were married by Rev. Herman Leibka.
The groom, who is a member of the firm Wittkopf & Ellman of this city, is an energetic, progressive and worthy young man. The bride is a well-known and estimable young lady.

Circuit Court

Anderson vs. Anderson – judgment of divorce

Davis vs. Davis – judgement of divorce

Haskins vs. Haskins – judgement of divorce

Two handsome monuments were last week placed in position in the public cemetery by the Joseph Shaver Granite and Marble Co., of Milwaukee. One was a Vermont granite sarcophagus, weighing 4,500 pounds, in memory of Julia Scofield, and was erected by her parents. The other was a rustic design in Vermont granite, weighing 5,500 pounds, and was erected by Mrs. R. A. Ellis in memory of her late husband. Both are handsome pieces of work.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 4, 1891

J. W. Lentfoehr, a former Oconto boy, was in thee city yesterday, and made a pleasant call at the Reporter. Mr. L. is now advance agent for the New York Musical and Comedy Co., and was here securing dates for the aggregation of artists.

Editor J. H. LaClaire, of Express, Gladstone, Mich., spent Sunday in this city with his parents.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 11, 1891

Killed in the Woods

Antone Pechan; a Luxemburger, who arrived about six months ago from Germany, was killed on Monday in the Oconto Company’s camp, of which Geo. Baldwin is foreman. We were unable to learn the particulars of the accident. The body was brought to this city Wednesday, and buried on Thursday, the funeral services being conducted by the Rev. P. J. Lochman, of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic church. The deceased was 32 years old, and had a wife in Germany whom he intended to send for in the spring.

Hon. Geo. W. DeLano and wife, of Abrams, left during the week for Thomasville, Georgia, where they will spend the winter.

Dr. Oshwaldt, of Stiles, was called up to see Mrs. Chris Kebel last Friday.

Plenty of work now for our blacksmith, Henry Johnson. He is kept busy day and night shoeing horses, which he does to the queen’s taste.

Mountain, Town of How

H. M. Baldwin has several logging camps to supply this winter.

Sever Anderson and A. C. Frost have taken a contract from the Holt Lumber Co. to put in 2,000,000 ft. of pine on the Waupee river. They have already commenced operations and have 2,000 logs on skids.

Thos. McAllen, our town assessor, has taken a contract from Holt Lumber Co., to put in pine on the North Branch of the Oconto river.

Richard Kingston has two camps in operation in our town. He is putting in hemlock and cedar.

We understand that Thos. Grimmer, school director of school district No. 1, is to be married next spring to a lady from Oshkosh. Mr. Grimmer took up a homestead claim of 120 acres in town 32, range 16, last fall, and has already contracted for lumber and shingles, to be hauled this winter, for a frame house to be built on his land. We have all along thought there was some attraction in Oshkosh, as he has made several trips to that city this fall.

The supposed wedding of our town supervisor, Mr. V. E. Cole, has not taken place yet, but the time is drawing closer and closer. There are now two ladies contesting for the privilege of housekeeping at his place.

Bears are plentiful this fall. Sever Anderson has trapped two, the Bruns Stahler has caught eleven in deadfalls and traps; one was a very large animal, the hide weighing 45 pounds.

The settlers in our town have contracted with Michael Ellinger, of the town of How, to move his saw mill next spring to this place and to saw 200,000 feet of logs for $3.50 per thousand. The lumber is to be used for building purposes in this locality.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 18, 1891

Estella Magray Drowned

Notwithstanding the warnings that have been given in these columns for some weeks past as to the unsafe conditions of the ice on the river, scores of children have every day risked their lives for the pleasure of skating or sliding on the treacherous, frozen surface of the water, and the wonder is that this dangerous pastime has resulted in only one death.

On Sunday last among those who sought pleasure on the ice was little Estella Magray, aged eight years, who with a little girl companion was amusing herself breaking the ice with a stick at an open place almost under State street bridge. Her companion tired of the play and started for home, and after reaching the edge of the river looked back and discovered that Ella had disappeared. She hastily gave the alarm and in a short space of time a large force of men and boys began the search for the missing girl, and continued their labors until midnight without finding any trace of her. At daylight next morning the search was renewed and kept up until two o’clock in the afternoon when Joseph Hazen found the body under the Oconto Company’s boom sticks about five rods above the railway bridge. The remains were removed form the water and carried to the residence of Peter Defour, stepfather of the child, where a coroner’s inquest was subsequently held and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts in the case.

The funeral of the deceased occurred Tuesday afternoon from St. Peter’s Roman Catholic church, and was largely attended by sorrowing and sympathizing friends.

Estella was one of five children of the late John Magray who lost his life in a burning logging camp a few years ago, her mother remarrying last spring.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 25, 1891


In this city, Sunday morning, Dec. 20, 1891, Mr. Reese Waters, aged 69 years, 1 month and 10 days.
 The deceased was born at Newport, Monmouthshire, South Wales, Nov. 5, 1822, and in that city grew to a man’s estate and was married. In 1850, leaving his eldest child, a son, with relatives in England, he with his wife and infant daughter, immigrated to this country and settled in New Jersey. Next year, however, he decided to cast his lot among those who were opening up the great West, and accordingly he came to the new state of Wisconsin and settled in this city, which has been his home up to the time of his death. Mr. Waters had been in the employment of Holt & Balcom since coming to this city until three years ago, when the business of the firm
changed hands, since which time he has retired from active duties owing the advanced years and hi ability to rest from labors by reason of having acquired a competency of this worldly goods. In 1876 Mr. Waters was elected elder of the Presbyterian church of which body he was a consistent and active member. He was inflexibly honest, a thorough christian and a kind parent, qualities which made him loved and admired by the entire community.

The deceased is survived by a sorrowing wife and eight children – five daughters and three son’s as follows: Mrs. Fred Jones, Mrs. W. E. Wilcox, Mrs. L. B. Keene, Mrs. L. S. Bailey, of this city, and Mrs. Ed. Angles, of Crystal Falls, Mich., Rev. Walter R. Waters, of Highland, Mich., and George and Frank Waters of this city, all of whom are assured of the sincere sympathy of the community in their bereavement.

The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church Rev. G. Bossard, the pastor, conducting the services, and was largely attended by friends and neighbors.

In Milwaukee, Sunday, Dec. 20, 1891, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cone, aged 10 months and 10 days.

Mrs. Hannah Dean, wife of the Rev. John Banta, aged 68 years, died at her home in Morgan, town of Chase, on Friday, Dec. 18, 1891. The deceased was for a number of years a resident of this city, and enjoyed the esteem and respect of a large number of acquaintances. The funeral occurred Sunday last.

In this city, Tuesday, dec. 22, Wm. L. Davis.
The deceased was a Welshman by birth but has resided in this city for a number of years, and was in every respect an exemplary citizen. He was for year’s part owner of the steam tug Queen, of which he was engineer, and during his residence here had accumulated considerable property. He leaves a wife and two children, who have the sympathy of a host of friends.
 The funeral occurred yesterday, services being held at the house by Rev. W. D. Cox, of the M. E. church.

For Winter Baths

J. J. Porter has had the bath rooms in connection with his barber shop entirely overhauled and rearranged, so as to enable him to prevent the water pipes from freezing and keep rooms warn enough for use in the very coldest weather. The change effected is a great improvement, and will be duly appreciated by his patrons, as it will make the tubs available for use throughout the winter. J. F. Smith has had charge of the plumbing work, which is a guarantee that it is well done.

Ed Angle, of Crystal Falls, was in the city the first part of the week, having been summoned hither on account of the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Reese Waters.