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Flash From The Past - 1890

Researched and transcribed by Cathe Ziereis
unless otherwise noted.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 5, 1890


Frank Meadhurst, from Montana is the guest of G.H. Wilsie.

Mrs. Mallory of Ashwaubenon is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergman.

Master Elmer Jeffery, of DePere is visiting friends and relatives in our berg.

Miss Carrie Enderby of Preble who has been visiting relatives in this place returned home one day this week.

Levi Page and family moved to Petersville Tuesday, and the house which they vacated here was immediately tenanted by Felix Richard.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 12, 1890

Wm. Davis of the South ward is moving his residence from the corner of Collins and Second streets to the lot just south of his store building, and will erect a brick store building on the corner lot thus vacated.

A.J. Brazeau of Grand Rapids is home for a few days visiting his parents and friends.

Mrs. Farrell, of Clintonville was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Mayberry during the week.

Miss Ella Crawford returned home Tuesday from a protracted visit with relatives at Menominee.

James Bedore who two years ago turned his back upon our town, with the hopes of bettering fortune in Carney, Mich., returned on Friday of last week.

Mr. Charles Detige of this city is visiting friends and relatives in Duck Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Plouff of Oconto are the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Plouff.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 19, 1890

Left Her Home

On Friday the 11th, Maggie Scanlan aged 15 years, of Stiles, left her home and has not as yet been heard from. Any information regarding her whereabouts will be gladly received by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scanlan, Stiles, Wis. Green Bay Advocate

Mrs. C.L. Keith left Wednesday evening for the northern part of the state to visit her father, Mr. Fenno, who is seriously ill.

Mrs. M.C. Wright came down from Iron Mountain Wednesday to visit her family and be present at the wedding of her son and Miss Alice Thomas.

Catharine Murphy vs. John W.  Murphy. Judgment of divorce and alimony.
Mary L. Simons vs. Geo. L. Simons Decree
Mary A.E. Banta vs. John C. Banta. Judgment of divorce.

Mrs. J. Rech was called to Minneapolis on account of the illness of her mother, returned Saturday.

On Thursday of last week W. Baker bid adieu unto our town and is now a resident of Menominee, Mich.

Mr. John Major and wife, formerly of this place and who came here early in the winter from Washington Territory, on a visit will spend the summer at Menominee.

G.H. Ritter has returned to Minnesota to look after his farm, Mrs. R. remaining with her parents.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 26, 1890

The family of Michael Scanlan at this place are experiencing an unusual visitation of Misfortunes at present. In addition to losing two steers and one horse within the past two weeks, their daughter Maggie has disappeared in a mysterious manner. On the 10th, Maggie was left at home alone, but when the family had returned she had gone. A search was at once commenced but up to the present her whereabouts cannot be located. Various clues proven to be groundless, and on several occasions the family made trips to neighboring cities only to meet disappointment. Her object in leaving her parents can not be conjectured, unless the theory were advanced that she had grown tired of the lonely surroundings of their home, which is in the woods and some distance from any other habitation. The family are nearly distracted over the affair, but expecting a clue to her whereabouts every day.

Chas. Barenwaldt, a young man recently from Germany, had an experience a few days ago which nearly cost him his life. He was practicing riding logs on the mill pond, but it was observed that the rapidity with which the logged rolled was far greater then the movement of his feet, and as a consequence he fell into the water. He was rescued as he came to the surface the third time.

David Tripp’s house burned flat to the ground Saturday morning.

The census enumerator will soon be among s and it may interest some to know that is will subject you to a fine of $100 to refuse to answer any and all questions put to you.

The Menominee Indian Agency at Keshena are opposed to the appointment of their new agent, Chas. S. Kelsey and desire that their former agent, Thos. Jenning’s should be returned.

The residence of John Erickson, Maple Valley, together with all its contents, was destroyed by fire last week. The fire originated from a lamp in the hands of a little daughter of Mr. E., who went into the clothes closet and accidentally set fire to some light fabrics hanging therein. A school teacher who was boarding there, named Miss Mueller lost her wardrobe.

Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald visited the parents of Mr. M. at Fort Howard during the week.

Mrs. Keith, of Burlington, Vt., mother of Messre C.L. and C. R. Keith. Is the guests of her sons in the city, and will probably remain most of the summer.

T.B. Goodrich returned from the Sulfur Springs in Arkansas and reports that Mr. A. Cole whom he left at that famous health resort was much improved in health.

Oconto County Reporter
May 3, 1890

Mrs. Baltic, of Beaver, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert McIver, last week.

Mrs. Drown and Willie are going to Stockbridge this week, to visit relatives.

Ed. Smith who has been on the drive in upper Michigan, returned Wednesday with a broken leg. He and his family have the sympathy of the community.

Maggie Scanlin, who so mysteriously disappeared from home about two weeks ago, and of whom mention was made by our brother scribe in last weeks issue of the Reporter, was found in Milwaukee where she was picked up by the police, and as the girl could not give a satisfactory account of herself she was detained at some benevolent institution and a description of her given in the papers, whereupon Mr. Scanlin proceeded to Milwaukee and brought his willful daughter home, none the worse for her romantic adventure.

Oconto County Reporter
May 10, 1890

Forest Fires

Several severe losses have occurred up the county through the forest fires which have been raging in that section for sometime past.
On Friday last 300,000 feet of Indian pine logs were burned.
Fred Green lost house, barn, and contents, all he had in the world. Loss $1,000; no insurance.
A man named Johnquist, a new settler, lost two barns, partly covered by insurance.
John Kieple lost house and barn, and contents of both. He and his wife were in the city at the time. Their loss was complete, with no insurance.

On Monday, Albert Hass, of Oconto, made a call on his brother August, who arrived here recently from across the Atlantic.

John Waupoose has been arrested and is now in the county jail charged with incest.

Dr. J.H. C. Lawrence left Saturday night for St. George, N.B., in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of his mother.

James Kent and family, who have resided at Hermansville, Mich. for several years past, returned during the week and will in the future reside in this city.

Mrs. S.R. Smith and son Louis, of Watertown, N.J., arrived in this city Thursday and are the guests of Mrs. S.’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Snover. They will be joined in a few days by Mr. Smith, who is at present at Denver, Colo.

Oconto County Reporter
May 17, 1890

Fred Green and Alex Davis of town 30, How, were both burned out house and all their buildings and nearly all their furniture. Alex Davis was burned out a year ago, lacking one day of the day it burned this spring.

Mrs. J. Clewley went to Big Suamico on the 9th inst. to witness the erection of the monument on the grave of her husband, deceased.

Mrs. Charles Callier and family of Wausaukee have moved back on their farm and will make it their home hereafter.

Oconto County Reporter
May 31, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knapp went to Embarrass Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Knapp’s Aunt, Mrs. John Conklin, who died suddenly of heart disease the Saturday previous.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Cook have moved to the new state of Washington and are now located at Bar Harbor.

W.P. Cook left Saturday for Mankato, Minn. to attend the funeral of a cousin.

Mrs. H.M. Royce left for Neenah to attend the wedding of Mrs. A.F. McCaul to Mr. Gilmore. Mrs. McCaul was formerly a resident of Oconto and has many friends in this city.

Messrs. James O’Neil and James Barry took their departure Wednesday for Norway. Mich. where they contemplate working on the new railroad, from Iron Mountain to Escanaba.

Mrs. Dalrymple, who has been visiting relatives here for sometime past, returned to her home in New Jersey last week.

L.P. Pahl’s brewing of Bock beer was put out yesterday, and is meeting with a hearty reception at the hands of the lovers of that seductive amber liquid. The product of this brewery is becoming popular among lovers of a good beer.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 7, 1890

Ed Colony of Nahma, Mich. made a short call on his son Harry Monday.

Miss Eva Gibson departed for Wewuiock last Saturday, to spend vacation with her parents of that place, Miss Martha Grosse and Miss Amelia King accompanied her.

Louis Paquin of St. Ignace, Mich. was visiting relatives in this locality last week.

Clifford Barber, night operator at Oconto Junction, visited his parents at Glen Bentah Friday and Saturday.

John England of Oconto Falls, was arrested last week by Sheriff Walsh on the charge of incest, and brought to the county jail. Yesterday morning he had a preliminary examination before L.S. Bailey J.P. and bound over to the circuit court. Bail was placed at $500,000, in default of which he was remanded to jail.

Mrs. M. Cox left Tuesday for Chatham, Ont., whither she was summoned on account of the serious illness of her mother.

Will Edmonds of Oconto Falls is about to resign his position with the Falls Manufacturing Co. and remove to Chicago, where he will engage in the furniture business.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 14, 1890

Mr. John Temple is at present at Stephenson, visiting relatives.

The Misses Ella and Carrie Flatley who have been visiting relatives at Chilton, returned home last week.

George Hastings we understand has decided to locate at Menominee, Mich. and enter the lumber commission business. We trust after a thorough investigation of the various points he will decided that Oconto leads them all, for we really do not like to spare him.

Charlie Arnold an old Oconto boy and at present a compositor on the Milwaukee Sentinel, is at home visiting relatives.

Chief of Police R.W. Weisbrod, of Oshkosh, arrived in the city Monday and obtaining the aid of deputy marshal Geo. O. Jones, proceeded out on the state road near Peshtigo, where he arrested a man named Abrams, who was engaged in erecting the poles for the Chicago Postal Telegraph Co. Abrams was charged with having deserted his wife, whom he left in destitute circumstances at Oshkosh while he lavished his smiles and salary on another of the daughters of Eve, contrary to the law in such case made and provided. Chief Weisbrod escorted his prisoner back to Oshkosh.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 21, 1890

Children Lost

Walter Roy, aged 10 years, Peter Delcourt, aged nine years and his sister Kittie Delcourt, aged seven years, left their respective homes Thursday morning to go to school wence which time nothing has been seen of them by parents or friends. Upon their failure to come home in the evening the parents became anxious and commenced a search for them, which up to the time to our going to press had proved fruitless. A rumor became current yesterday morning that children answering their description had been playing on the logs at Spies’ mill and acting on the strength of this a crew of men are now busily engaged in dragging the river in that vicinity. Another rumor was currant about 1:00 this afternoon is to the effect that two of them had been found at Pensaukee five miles south of the city.  We trust this news will prove true, but are, so far unable to obtain any verification of it. It is a very sad affair, and the grief stricken parents have the sympathy of every citizen in their distress.
Later- The children have just been brought home by a man who found the wanderers half way to Marinette.

Mr. Eddie King of Norway Mich. is visiting his brother Mr. L. King.

Mrs. Etta Wyotte of Hemlock, Mich. is enjoying a short visit here with friends and relatives.

Mr. Gus Rusch has left us and gone to Appleton; may success follow him is the wish of his many friends.

My wife having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any one from trusting her on my account as I shall pay no debts of her contracting.
Jos. Eichhorn, Maple Valley, Wis.
Note by Researcher and Transcriber:
Anna Eichhorn never came to the United States. This was a legal notice he had to post in order for him to get a divorce. cziereis@charter.net (gg-granddaughter)

Simeon Murphy, who moved from this city to Tacoma, Washington about a year ago, lost his house and store recently by fire. His loss is estimated at $8,000, which was partly covered by insurance.

Very little information can be gleaned from the census enumerators concerning the result of their work in this city, but sufficient has been gleaned to learn that our population is close upon 7.000. An increase of 40% during the past three years.

Miss Loetta LaClaire of Gladstone, Mich. is visiting her grandparents here at present.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 28, 1890

Mrs. John Wells and children of Marinette, spent Sunday in the city with the family of her brother, John Crawford.

Adam Shedore hurried Louis Tappa off to pay tribute Saturday for wife beating.

Mr. Melford Russell, who was sojourned in Portland, Oregon for some years, paid a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Russell, last week.

Chas. Hirt of the town of Little River, lost his house and barn by fire one night last week. The loss falls heavily upon him. He resides on the farm, which formerly belonged to B. Perrusal, now a resident of Kansas.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 5, 1890


Mr. Ducett, of Suamico, had two fingers amputated by Dr. Meyer, Monday.

Mrs. R. F. Volk and Miss Addie Temple left Thursday morning for the town of Rosendale, Winnebago County, the home of Mrs. Volk’s parents, where they will spend their fourth.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 12, 1890

Mrs. R. Lee, who has been visiting her son, Capt. Wm. Lee, for sometime past, left for her home at Appleton last Saturday.

Mrs. Mary Stitt, of Portland, Oregon, is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Rhode. This is Mrs. Stitt’s first visit to Oconto in thirteen years.

Mrs. C.M. Boss, of Besseiner, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mitchell.

Mrs. M.C. Wright, of Iron Mountain, Mich., is in the city visiting her relatives.

Artie Johnson, son of Mrs. Nettie Johnson, of the Beyer House, who is visiting his Aunt at Appleton accidentally shot himself in the left leg while playing with a revolver last Sunday evening. The bullet passed through the flesh without touching the bone, consequently the wound is not of a serious nature and will soon heal.

Geo. Nettles, an old employee of the Reporter, now holding a position on the Milwaukee Sentinel, spent the fourth with his parents in this city.

Geo. H. Holt, of the Holt Lumber Co. who has been visiting in Europe, left Southampton, Eng., on the 5th, and maybe expected home in a day or two.

Rev. G.W. Luther, who recently resigned his pastorate of the Presbyterian church in this city, left Tuesday for his new field of labor at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

Rev. W.D. Cox pastor of the M.E. church, left Tuesday for Milwaukee to visit his parents who are temporarily stopping in that city, being on their way home to Charleston, West Va., from a western trip.

Mr. Henry Cole, of Omaha, Neb., visited his brother, Mr. A. Cole in this city during the week.

Mrs. J. Campbell of Florence is visiting her mother, Mrs. Chas. Hansen.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 19, 1890

Family Reunion

A reunion of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Orr of Abrams, occurred on last Sunday, being the first time all the children were home in 26 years. There were present the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Orr, and the children, R.W. Orr, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. H.M. Herman, of Maimsburg, Ohio, S.C. Orr, Duluth, J.R. Orr, Abrams, and G.M. Orr, St. Paul, Minn. Besides the children there were present, Mrs. Herman’s daughter, Mrs. Weaver, and her son Paul, making four generations in all. It is needless to say that it was a very happy family gathering.

Miss Jessie Holmes of Iowa is visiting her uncle, Mr. C.T. Pendleton.

Sentenced to Die

John Wapoose, a Menominee Indian on the South Branch of the Oconto River in the Keshena reservation has been on trial in the United States court at Oshkosh during the week charged with committing rape on his daughter, Mary Waupoose. The jury rendered the verdict of guilty about 11:00 Wednesday night and on Thursday morning Judge Bunn sentenced him to be hanged at the Keshena reservation on Sept. 29. An appeal, signed by Judge Bunn and all the attorneys in the case has been made to the President, asking that the sentence be commuted to such imprisonment as he would have been subjected to had he been convicted under the laws of Wisconsin instead of the laws of the United States, which would be imprisonment for ten to thirty years.

Mrs. S.G. Pelky has been quite sick the past week, from an attack of the measles.

While Frank Updegraff, an employee in Eldred’s planning mill, was adjusting some parts of an edger which he was running at the time, last Tuesday forenoon, his right hand was caught in the machine and before he could extricate it the fast revolving knives caught cut his hand in a frightful manner leaving only a portion of the first finger and thumb. The unfortunate young man came here from Shannon, Ill. his former home, about 2years ago. He is being taken care of by Dr. Oshwaldt.

Misses May and Hattie Russell Started Tuesday for Portland, Oregon, where they expect to spend a few years. They were accompanied to St. Paul by their brother George.

Howard S. Eldred of Milwaukee has moved his family to Stiles. They have taken up their abode in the Eldred cottage, and will remain here during the summer months.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 26, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. Werdon Reynolds of Green Bay celebrated their golden wedding last week.

W.P. Cook received a severe accident one day last week. While riding horseback from Saunders to the Brule River, where he had a crew of men driving logs, his horse stumbled, throwing Mr. Cook over his head. As he fell the horn of the saddle struck him in the abdomen, injuring him quite badly. At first it was thought he was dangerously injured, but after a few days rest he went to Chicago and was attended by a leading physician, and we are pleased in inform his many friends that is able to look after his varied interests once more. It was a close call. – Iron Co. (Mich.) Reporter.

Mrs. L.S. Lord is in Oconto where their little boy, Lemry, is under medical treatment. A sore came on his leg last spring but it was nearly well, at least that is what was supposed, but the bone was diseased, and Drs. O’Keef and Paramore removed the small bone of the leg from the knee to the ankle, and a new bone will have to be grown in before the little fellow will (News) well.

Mrs. Geo. S. Hall returned last Saturday from a visit with her parents at Highland Park, Ill.

A Disastrous Collision on the Lake Shore
Two Men Instantly Killed and Others Fatally Hurt

Antigo, Wis. July 22 – A head-on collision between two freight trains on the Milwaukee Lake Shore & Western road between Tigerton and Whitcomb this afternoon, resulted in the death of Brakeman Seymour and Fireman Sims. Engineer Wm. Laing had both legs broken and was badly scalded. Engineer John Ryan received a broken leg and internal injuries. Ryan can not live. Laing was brought to his home in this city, Ryan resides at Kaukauna. It was one of the most disastrous railroad wrecks of the year, and occurred about 1:00 this afternoon. Trains No. 9 and 12, way freights, met while running at full speed on a sharp curve. Besides the two killed instantly, four are probably fatally injured. The cars were piled in a heap many feet high, completely covering up the demolished engines. No. 9 had orders to get to Whitcomb, to allow No. 12 to pass, while the latter had similar orders for Tigerton. The two stations are only four miles apart. The dispatcher at Eland Junction is thought to be responsible.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 2, 1890

Mrs. Danforth and son of Brooklyn, N.Y. and Miss Waldron of Oshkosh are the guests of Ald. Mr. and Mrs. Raynor.

Mrs. J.H. Van Horn and daughter, of Chicago are the guests of their relatives Capt. Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Soyer.

Mrs. G. F. Kelley of Ironwood, Mich., accompanied by two children, arrived Wednesday and is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bellow.

Lightning’s work
During the electric storm on Monday night lightning struck the barn of Thos. Smith, in Maple Valley, and killed a team of horses, at the same time setting the building on fire. The barn, together with all the contents, consisting of a new crop of hay, farming tools and machinery, was totally destroyed. The property was uninsured; consequently the loss will fall very heavy upon Mr. Smith. The lightening was followed by a heavy storm of rain which saved the dwelling-house from falling victim to the fiery element. Mr. Smith had that day been in the city, and had just reached home, stabled his horses and left the barn ten minutes when the electric fluid did its deadly work.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 9, 1890

Ward Smith formerly of Abrams, but now of Pound, was shaking hands with his many friends here on Thursday. He left on a visit to his old home at Watertown, Jefferson Co. N. York, Monday.

Thos. Smith met with a very serious loss by lightening. His many friends expressed their sympathy by raising enough money to buy him a team.

Mrs. James Hurley is visiting her parents at Lodgeville, Wis.

Ira Doney has sold all his personal property and is making other preparations for a trip to the new far west, and undoubtedly before this reaches the eyes of the reader he and his wife will be en route to Washington.

A Narrow Escape
During the electrical storm last Saturday afternoon lightening struck the residence of Isadore Morrow, in the west ward, and entering the room where Mrs. Morrow and the children were struck a bed and smashed it into fragments. On this bed a lad three years old was laying, but strange to say, he received not the slightest injury. The lightening set fire to the building but the prompt arrival of the fire department prevented much damage. To say that Mrs. Morrow and children were frightened is but a mild statement of the case, but their fright was soon succeeded by thankfulness when they realized how miraculous had been their escape.

Rudolf L. Grunert, who came home from his vacation last week for a few days, returned Monday morning to Marquette, Mich., where he rejoined his mother.

Prof. and Mrs. C.A. Brigden returned Tuesday evening from Pennsylvania where they were visiting the professor’s relatives.

My wife, Anna Davis, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby caution the public against trusting her or harboring her on my account as I will pay no bills of her contracting.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 16, 1890

Geo. McCallan of Marinette arrived in the city Saturday and has opened a plumbing shop in the store lately vacated by Wm. Fabray.

Ed Bellew of Namah, Mich., is in the city visiting his parents and taking in the encampment.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobs of Kaukauna, are visiting Mrs. Jacobs parents in this city.

Mr. H. Morrisett and family departed for Hermansville, Mich., last Monday, to hereafter be domiciled in that place.

E. W. Monahan, of Wayside, Wis., was renewing acquaintances here Monday.

Last Sunday when Charley Paul, of Gillett started his team up from in front of Henry Johnson’s blacksmith shop, one of his lines got caught under the whiffle tree and when he was down getting it out the horses started and ran away, the wheel passing over Charley’s body and hurting his hip quite seriously. The team ran up on the platform of L.S. Lord & Son’s store and were obliged to stop. Nothing hurt of broke about the wagon.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Knapp left Sunday night for Dexter, N.Y. to visit relatives. They will be absent several weeks.

Mrs. Kidder of Winona, Minn., spent the first part of the week in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Keith, mother of Messer’s C.L. and C.R. Keith.

Why I left
I, Annie Davis, left my husband, Alex Davis, because he made a brutal assault upon my person, kicking and pounding me without any cause whatever, and even going so far as to shoot at me.
Mrs. Annie Davis
Maple Valley, Aug. 15, 1890.

H.M. Baldwin one of our busy merchants intends to move in the near future to Mountain, town of Armstrong where he will divide his time between lumbering and his store. The store building will be used by the owner, Aug. Averson.

Mr. Chas. Halsted started for New York last week where he intends to spend the remainder of his life.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 30, 1890

Miss Fannie Coburn left Wednesday for Oshkosh, where she will spend a few days and then proceed to California, where she will visit her sister for a couple of months.

Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Wheeler and Rev. Hopkins returned Thursday night from Waupaca, where they had been to bury Miss Sarah, the deceased daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W.

My wife, Josephine Keifer, having on August 11, 1890 left my bed and board without cause or provocation. I hereby caution the public not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I will pay no bills of her contracting.
John Keifer
Kelly Brook, Aug. 28, 1890

Dan McDermid is very sick with typhoid fever.

Anna Alb had one of her eyes seriously injured last week with a pitchfork, she will probably lose it.

J.C. Harteau and family of Spokane falls, Washington, also Mrs. G. Harteau arrived her last week.

Frank Clary, of Chicago who has been visiting relatives here for the past week, returned home Saturday, accompanied by his brother William, who has been doing the northern pines for the past two years.

Mr. Jos. Laey has disposed of half his stock to the Butler-Miller Co., who will remove it to their store at Ellis Jct, Wis., and the balance, he is selling out at cost in order to close out. Mr. Laey has been in business here for the past eighteen years, and has made a number of friends who regret his leaving very much. - North Star.

Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Edmunds have left Oconto falls and taken up their abode in Chicago. The postmaster at Oconto advices the Reporter that their address will be at 250 Wabash Avenue.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 6, 1890

Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Collins, of Shawano, formerly of Gillett, were in the city yesterday bidding friends farewell. On the 15th ist. They leave for Carbondale, Colorado where Mr. C. has accepted a position as a depot agent.

Dr. O’Keef and son Horace left Wednesday, for Chatham, Canada. The doctor was summoned to the bed-side of his mother, who is very ill.

Mrs. E. Jordan of Duluth, Minn., is visiting her sister Mrs. S.B. Simpson.

About two miles north of our town (Little Suamico) N. Coveau, a brakeman on the C & N.W. R’y, fell beneath the wheels of the train of the train and was mangled almost beyond recognition.

Miss Millie Barlow, of Florence, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Ed Smith.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 13, 1890

Mrs. Keith mother of C.L. and C.R. Keith left Monday for her home in Vermont.

Mrs. Campbell of Portland, O. returned to her home Saturday.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 20, 1890

Mrs. Geo. Lamkey of Escanaba is visiting relatives and friends in this city.

Sam Klass has gone to Norway, Mich., and will open a jewelry store if he finds the field a good one.

Mrs. L. Gardner started Thursday for her home at Nashville, tee. She will visit friends at Appleton and Fond du Lac on her way south.

Otto Wilkins is visiting with his brother at Bagley, Mich.

One evening last week as Mr. Zoeller was unhitching his horse at the store, the horse made a break for liberty, and succeeded well in his attempts, as was made manifest by the rapidity with which he dashed down main street. The vehicle was upset and the occupants, Mrs. Zoeller and child were thrown to the ground but without serious injuries. The horse through kicking had become tangled in the harness and was thrown, thus obviating that which might have proved more disastrous.

One of David Duame’s little girls had quite a serious accident happen her one day last week. While playing in the road she was run over by a team belonging to Chas. Alvord, of Couillardville. We were unable to learn how the team became frightened so we cannot give particulars. Porcupine.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 27, 1890

Narrow Escape

Geo. Heath had a narrow escape from death by asphyxiation last Saturday morning. Mr. Heath lives alone in a cottage on First street, opposite the residence of his father. Just before retiring on Friday night he lighted a fire in his coal stove, and accidentally left one of the stove doors open. During the night the gas from the burning coal filled the room and was inhaled by the sleeping man. Not making his usual appearance at an early hour Saturday morning his friends knocked at his door, receiving no response, they forced the door in and found George lying in bed in an a unconscious condition. Hastily removed him to the open air and summoned Dr. Paramore. Under the doctor’s treatment George began to revive, and by Monday was able to resume his duties.

Chas. H. Goodman, a dudish individual who was for a few days past, done duty as a chore “boy,” was arrested Thursday evening charged with forging Mrs. Nettie Johnson’s name to a check for $25. on the Oconto National Bank. Goodman disposed of the check to A.M. Martineau suspecting that all was not right, made inquiry, which led to the arresting of Goodman. An examination was held before Justice Bailey Friday afternoon, and he was bound over to appear at the next term of the circuit court. His bonds were fixed at $500, and failing to secure sureties he is now in jail.

Mr. Tim O’Leary, of Dagintown met with a very painful accident last Wednesday. He fell off a wagon and the wheel passed over his body. There is little hope of his recovery.

Mrs. G. J. Flanders is at Nahma, Mich., visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Barlow.

Geo. Porter of Ohio, has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Ed. Scofield during the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jones, of Cedar Rapids, Ia., arrived in the city Saturday and are the guests of Mr. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huff Jones.

S.M. Smith and family left during the week for Green Bay, where they will reside in the future, as Mr. Smith has secured a position in Hess & Walter’s mill.