Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1889
Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 2, 1889


In this city, on Thursday, Jan 31st 1889, of membraneous croup, Julia, only daughter of Senator and Mrs. E. Scofield, aged 4 years, 2 months and 21 days.

"Judy", as she was affectionately called, was a bright, winsome child, whose gentle and loving nature touched a responsive chord in the breasts of all to whom she was known, and whose hearts readily went out to the little one, and the anguish experienced by her parents over her sudden death is shared by the numerous friends of the family and little Julia. She was taken down by the attack of measles about ten days ago, and though the best medical skill obtainable was procured, no improvement in her condition took place. A few days before her death her ailment developed into membraneous croup, a disease which rapidly destored the vitality and sundered soul and body of the patient little sufferer. A greif-stricken father and mother and two brothers are left to grieve over her in sweet memory. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock this Saturday afternoon from the family residence.

Run over by a Train

Rev. Samuel Watts, 78 years of age, a supernnuated Methodist minister, while crossing the railroad track on Burke street, Appleton, was struck by the engine of the 2:45 passenger train from the north, which was going at a high rate of speed. He was deaf and could not hear the train. He was thrown from the track. The doctors say his neck, right shoulder and ankle were broken, his leg was terribly crushed, and death resulted from the fall which broke his neck. He leaves a wife in comfortable circumstances.

Oconto County Reporter
March 23, 1889


B. B. Barker's adopted daughter is suffering with a broken limb, and is under Dr. Violet's care.

We understand the bounty is taken off wild cats the 19th of this month. If this rumor should prove to be true, and no bounty paid hereafter, the country will soon be overrun with wild cats and it will soon be dangerous for people to leave their dwellings after dark, as they are certainly very numerous and bold now, and how will it be is men stop hunting them? As we are not as partial to cats as Mr. W - is, we hope the Board will give this master due consideration before the bounty question is decided.

** A BILL is pending in the legislature providing for the adoption and registration of log marks: It perscribes that each log-runing or booming company operating on stream in which logs are to be floated, shall be given in writing a full description of the marks on such logs. The fee for registration of a log mark is fixed at 25 cents. The penalty for the violation of the bill, or for the counterfeiting of any mark of record is inprisonment not to exceed five years, or a fine not less than $500 or more tan $2,000.

** Our neighboring town, How, boasts of the White Cap society now. They have written several threatening letters to one of our best known citizens but he does not seem to think very seriously of it, and says they are only a pack of cowards and will never come which we hope is in this case.

Oconto County Reporter
June 11, 1889

Mrs. John O’Neil, who has been visiting at the home of her son, John, had the misfortune to break her arm Monday afternoon.

Mr. Goodman, the dry goods and clothing merchant, purchased the Washington House property last Friday.

Oconto County Reporter
June 22, 1889


My wife, Mary Stapleford, having left my bed and board without cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any and all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.
Alexander Stapleford.