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Flash From The Past - 1888
transcribed by: Ron Renquin
researched by Editor  Cathe Ziereis

Oconto County Reporter
7 January 1888

It is said that “the year (1888) is a peculiar one in this respect, that the last three numerals which compose it are the same figures, a circumstance which can occur only once every 111 years, as it we be another 111 years before another “three of a kind” (1999 ) will be reached.

It may be of interest to our readers to know that in Wisconsin the proportion of white male persons is 806,342 to 748,810 females. As there are so many more men than ladies, and as this is leap year it is no wonder that the gents feel a little shaky. Two-thirds of our population is native born. 255,756 is the number of Germans in the state; the Scandinavians had a population in the state of 90,057; Ireland is represented by 36,371 persons of which number Rock county contains 2,083, Milwaukee being the only county containing more of this nationality. The natives of Great Britain are given as 32,731; British American, 21,887; Bohemians 15,838, Hollanders, 7,357; and 20,030 are put up as the head of “All Other Nationalities.” 286,289 are subject to military duty, and there are some 29,686 old soldiers and sailors residing in the state.

Miss Jennie Hall visited her aunt, Mrs. Sweet, at Marinette during the week.

David Classon left Monday night for Ripon, to enter the college at that place to take a preparatory course, after which he will enter the college at that place to take a preparatory course, after which he will enter the law department of the State University.

Miss Nellie Mitchell and Master Ed. Royce left Wednesday noon for Lake Forest, Ill., where they will attend school.

Miss Gertie Ellis took here departure Thursday for Lake Forest, Ill., seminary.

We regret that Louis Reed of the Bay Shore is quite ill. A short time ago he accidentally cut one of his knees with an axe and let the joint water out, which will result in a stiff knee for the balance of his life. Erysipelas has also set in, and from latest reports we learn that his condition is considered critical. LATER - From information obtained just before going to press we learn that Mr. R. is improving nicely, the erysipelas having been subdued, and the attending physician, Dr. Wolter, thinks sufficient joint-water still remains in the knee to insure the use of that member. We sincerely hope is may be so.

Ed. Brooks and Sherm Bush went north as far as Crystal Falls Tuesday, where they will go to work for D.L. Bush.

Bertie Temple was quite severely scalded last week, but is improving.

Mrs. Hiram Allen returned home last week after a two months visit at Pewamo, Mich
Mrs. O. W. Farley will return to Oregon with her daughter next week for a few months’ visit.

Mrs. Merril Whitney has gone to Amherst to visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Rowbotham.

Oconto County Reporter
14 January 1888

J. F. Leroy has sold out his entire property in this city real and personal - to Henry Hagemeister, of Green Bay. Mr. Leroy has purchased a lot in Norway, Mich., and in the spring will erect a building thereon and commence business in that string town. He will remain here, however, and conduct the business as usual until the first of May, at which time Mr. Hagemeister will take possession of the property and business.

It is said: Tight Boots make a corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes a man tight in his boots. Don’t you see?

Wm. Luck of this city has been granted a re-issue of pension, and Joel Whitcomb, of Little Suamico, has secured an increase in his pension.

Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Heller and Louis Fisher were summoned to Appleton Wednesday to attend the funeral of a relative.

Mrs. H. M. Royce left Monday night for Oberlin, Ohio, in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mr. Samuel Royce.

The sum of $150 in cash was raised and paid to the widow of John Surprise, who died last week leaving his family but poorly provided for. Some tax certificates held against her, and also a receipt in full for a store account which she owed, which will bring the amount up to $175.00. Mr. Surprise was a steady, industrious man, but had suffered more or less with sickness for some time, and consequently was incapacitated to make that provision for his family which he otherwise would. The donation was eminently proper, and creditable to the donors.

William Terwillegar was at Green Bay last week getting examined for a pension. We thing Uncle Sam will do him justice by granting him one.

Mrs. James McClure returned from Menominee, Mich., a short time ago where she spent two weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. LaFawn.

Mr. Brady has recently sold his farm to Mr. Weymel, of this place.

Oconto County Reporter
21 January 1888

Mr. William Link has closed out his store and left the town.

Our wagon maker and blacksmith are kept busy these days, and Henry Johnson has come back from Dakota and started a shop near Aug. Evergreen’s store in Maple Valley.

Mr. C. E. Wright is staying this winter with his father-in-law, Mr. Frank Dowen.

Mr. Gabe Houle has been enjoying a visit from his mother and brother from Stephenson, Mich..

Mrs. Grace Woodruff has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jesse Birmingham.

Chas. Hall, of Iron Mountain, Mich., stopped here on his way to Alabama to bid farewell to old friends.

J. Suring is running a logging camp in town 30, range 17, also H. Hankwitz with Gus. Suring for foreman; and Messersmith is doing likewise, and Peter Peterson, Chris Weinholdt and Wm. Sasse have started a camp in town 31, range 16, to harvest cedar railroad ties and fence posts for the Oconto Company.

Charlie Yeaton, of Abrams, had a very happy New Year, they say, in a hay stack up the Pensaukee. He got lost on his return from Wm. Cook’s camp and spent two nights in Fred. Byng’s stack of marsh hay. The horse had a better time than Charlie we presume.

An Iron Mountain woman has sued a saloon-keeper, claiming $10,000 damages for the loss of her husband, who died from the effects of his Christmas spree, the liquor being furnished by this particular saloonist.

Maud Cassidy, the notorious woman arrested in Ashland and returned to Chicago on a charge of enticing young girls to dens of vice in Northern Wisconsin, has been indicted by the grand jury for abduction. The bill was returned Monday evening. Mrs. Cassidy is at present in jail in default of $5,000 bail.

We learn that Dan Bush’s boarding house at Hemlock burned down a short time ago, and with it several carloads of hay, warehouse, etc., the loss aggregating several thousand dollars. Mr. Bush’s place was the hotel for that part of the woods, and the excellence of the “feed” was a subject of favorable comment among the lumbermen, hence there is a general feeling of regret at Mr. Bush’s loss.

Messrs. S. W. Ford and F. G. Flanders will start next Monday for California.

Mrs. H. M. Royce returned home Wednesday morning from Oberlin, Ohio.

Oconto County Reporter
4 February 1888

Hill Milburry, foreman of one of the camps of C. T. Pendleton & Son, accidentally severed on of the toes from his right foot with an ax, and the accident will lay him up for some time. Mr. M. is now at home in this city caring fore the injured member.

Mrs. Mary Ellis, of Peshtigo, visited relatives here during the week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, of Washington House, returned Tuesday from and extended bridal trip.

Chris. P. Hansen, of the firm of Hollopeter & Hansen, blacksmiths, left his home in this city on Monday, Jan. 16th last, ostensibly to go to New Denmark, in Brown County, for the purpose of employing a workman, and since his arrival at Green Bay nothing has been heard of him by his friends, though his wife has made every effort to obtain information concerning him. The missing man had on a suit of working clothes when he left and had between $300 and $400 in money with him, and this latter fact leads to the suspicion that he has been foully dealt with. Mr. Hansen was 24 years of age, about 5 feet and 4 inches in height, blue eyes and light hair and moustache. Mrs. C. P. Hansen or Mr. Gregor Roth, of this city, would be thankful for any reliable information concerning him.

Mrs. Joanne, of Green Bay, and Mrs. Smith, of Oshkosh, sisters of Mrs. I. S. P. Hoeffell were in attendance at the wooden wedding of Dr. and Mrs. O’Keef on Tuesday.

A man named West, whose home is at Appleton, had both legs broken on day last week in one of the camps of Cook Bros., near Iron River, Mich. He was standing in front of a skidway when the logs rolled down, and before West could get out of the way one of them struck him and broke both legs at the knee joint. We have been informed, though not authentically, that is will be necessary to amputate both legs above the break.

Abrams bachelors for ‘88 we have secured, and we herewith graciously donate the follow list of young and old bachelors of above town, for the conveniences of the ladies of said locality.

W. S. Parkenson (sometimes called Pucky): his years are fast counting scores, has a mustache and sometimes chin whiskers, a snug little sum laid by, some where, for a rainy day. Has a lively, cheerful temperament; can crack as many jokes in a day as a squirrel (mis) can crack nuts; loves all the girls, is not shy. Now girls do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Willie Perkins, somewhere in the twenties, is small and rather bashful young man, very fond of music; feminine influence would be all that is necessary, and a good husband secured.

Pearl Keill, a good worker, about 24, of blond complexion, has a very fine mustache, and is fond of the girls but is rather shy.
Tony Rotman, about 19, is slight and small, but very pretty; nothing slow about Tony, is always on the jump, will make a nice little husband if well captured.

P.C. Wells, on the sunny side of thirty, dark complexion, is not very shy, may be caught if kept near home, but Pearl is probably engaged.

Will Barber, (night operator) a stranger here, but quick to make friends, has a dark complexion is good looking and maybe in the field this year.

Geo. Burgess, about 20, tall and fair, good natured and can work on a farm, somewhat bashful, but not dangerously so.

Frank Lumb, about 30, dark eyes and hair, is rather diffident toward the fair sex, and his heart may be somewhat hardened, but we think it can be softened this year if some old maid would do her best.

Albert Rifenburg, good looking, about 28, well educated, very ingenious, and is Town Treasurer this year; girls here is a chance for you.

Rock Fountain, 25, no moustache, we think he is in the field this year, but possibly he is already taken.

Harry Birmingham, about 20, fine dancer and good farmer, quite a mash, but think he is no hurry to marry.

Chas. Doran, works here, but his home is at Oconto. Here is another mustache man, about 25, fond of the girls and is not bashful.

Allen Lucia, fine looking, has a golden Venetian mustache can be boasted of as a jolly good fellow, but awful, awful bashful. Girls have patience, work hard and make him turn over a new leaf this year.

Claud Keill, blond, age 21, short and good looking, decidedly a small mash, will make a good husband if well captured.

Poly Ploof, tall and handsome, dark eyes and mustache, is partial to widows, but is boastful, therefore may have great expectations.

Dell Barker, nearly 21, lives with his mother on a good farm is an excellent farmer and very domestic, is quite shy.

Harry Birmingham, dark complexion, age 23, can count more girls in a day than a larger man possibly could, is very good natured and not bashful.

Geo. Sargent, old enough to vote for high license and prohibition, is a good businessman, will make a model husband, we think he is in the market. Catch for girls.
Wm. Worth, (R. K.) Blond complexion, about 25, such a killing mustache and such glances from out the corners of those lovely eyes, a great mash girls, should say not easily captured, no harm to try, if you should get left.

Peter VanPlatten, 45 years old or less, has a good farm and is a first class farmer, has a blond complexion, mustache, and whiskers, can supply all the hard wood wanted, best quality at prices lower than any other farmer. He is sadly in need of help in the domestic line, but is supposed to be shy.

Oconto County Reporter
11 February 1888

We regret to announce the serious illness of Miss Ella LeClaire. Her sister Miss Emma, is also quite indisposed; both, however, are receiving the best attention that friends and physicians can give them, and we hope ere long to be able to chronicle their return to good health.

A very serious accident happened to Simon Murphy, a young lad about seventeen years of age, on Saturday last. He was employed in the camp of Jerry Regan on the North branch, and had just felled a tree, which is falling knocked some dead limbs off an adjacent tree, and one of these limbs struck Murphy on the neck and side, knocking him unconscious and inflicting almost fatal injuries. He was brought to this city Monday, and is now in the residence of his uncle, Wm. Fitzsimmons, where he is receiving the best care and attendance, under which he is gradually improving.

Ernest Becker and wife, who were married at Fort Howard a week ago Tuesday, visited Mr. B.’s parents in this city last Friday and Saturday.

Alphonse Pierre had his face frozen Thursday while driving around the city delivering beer. The cold was so intense that several of the kegs of beer froze up and the bungs blew out.

The all-absorbing topic lately has been the suit of the State of Wisconsin against W. A. McKinley for assault and battery on one Delbert Spice, at the McDowell school house, on January 13, 1888. Nick tried to get the particulars for early publication, but “Mac” was reticent and when asked whether he was guilty or not always replied, “How can I tell till I hear the evidence: so we were forced to wait till January 28th, when in Justice Bailey’s court in Oconto, a jury of good men and true: decided that “Mac:” was “not quality.” All who heard the evidence seemed to think the verdict a just one.

Mrs. V. Cole of this place, received a letter from her sister in Kansas stating that they have snow there this winter, the first she has ever seen there. She has resided in that state for the last fifteen years.

Mr. F. Nequette has sold his hotel to Abraham Dione, who takes possession Feb. 1.

Oconto County Reporter
18 February 1888

Gogebic is said to be an Injun word meaning “come again.” Some of those who took stock in Gogebic mines would rather not.

Many who have gone west from here during the past three years now write back to their friends to stay right where they are. The west is not what many say it is.

We learn that John Rymer, Sr. and wife are going to return the first of March to their old home from Stiles, where they have been living the past year, arrangements having been made by their son Thomas. All will be glad to see “Dad” back on the old place. The worst thing we know about him is that he votes the democratic ticket straight. If we could only break him of that habit, we would count him the best of neighbors.

The lumbermen cutting cedar in this vicinity have been and are working to great disadvantage, the snow in the swamps being so much worse than in the pine woods. Whitney & Tuttle, of Abrams, who have two camps in, have with the greatest difficulty kept their teams hauling, being unable to skid timber fast enough on account of the snow and mud, the swamps not being frozen.

Herman Blaser had one of his horses seriously if not fatally injured on Monday by getting it into deep snow, where it plunged around with the above result. Herman lost a valuable horse last year and like most young men starting in life can ill afford a repetition of such loss.

Louis Peck, the “original and only,” had the misfortune to clip the end off one of his fingers to the first joint in a feed cutter. He will trim his finger nails in the old way hereafter.

Mrs. Painter and son, of Spring Lake, Mich., who spent a couple of months visiting her brother, E. J. Martindale, has gone to St. Paul, Minn., to visit her daughters, and just in time to enjoy the carnival of the ice king.

One of Robert McDowell’s little girls was very sick last week but is now out of danger.

A sneak thief is something almost unknown, but one did help himself to two pairs of mittens belonging to Sam. McDowell one day last week. Mr. McDowell found the mitts with the scamp a few days latter and he may consider himself lucky if he escapes being called to account for his enterprise.

A company of Chicago gentlemen have decided to purchase the Libby Prison building at Richmond, VA., and remove the same to Chicago, where it will be turned into a war museum. Architects have investigated the matter, and find that the building can be taken apart in sections, and rebuilt in Chicago exactly as it was originally. A sight of the old building will bring up many strange recollections to those who were ever confined as prisoners within its walls.

On Thursday Sheriff McGee brought over from Little Suamico, Mrs. Amelia Meister, who had been examined and pronounced insane by Drs. Moriarty and Rosenberry. She will be taken to the Northern Insane Asylum at Oshkosh today.

Mrs. Geo. F. Brown, of Hurley, came down last week and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lynes.

Mr. Coleman, of Waukesha, formerly landlord of the Gardiner House, at Pensaukee, was in the city during the week.

Mrs. L. Berry left Wednesday for Iron Mountain, Mich., where she will visit with the family of her son, E. C. Berry.

Miss Sarah Frank left last Saturday for Chicago to be present at the wedding of a cousin. She will spend several weeks visiting relatives at that city.

A. J. Brazeau, left this week for Merrill, where he will reside in the future. A. J. is and industrious, steady young man, who deserves and will win success where ever he goes.

County Treasurer Angus McAllister returned early last week from New Brunswick, the home of his youth, and which he had not visited for twenty-two years. He enjoyed the trip immensely.

Marinette Eagle: Dr. O’Keef of Oconto was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. W. P. Ackrill, of Oconto, was here this week, her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thos. Ackrill, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Newbre, both being sick

Oconto County Reporter
25 February 1888

The rink of S. D. Newton, at Peshtigo, built in 1886, but which has been unused since last winter collapsed Wednesday afternoon, killing one man and injuring three others. The building was 50 by 100 feet. The roof was supported by a trestle. The heavy weight of snow on the roof caused the cave-in. Four workmen engaged in converting in into stores when the accidents occurred were killed and injured as follows: Richard Morey, aged 60, killed; he leaves a wife and family in poor circumstances. Joseph L. Newton, age 65, hurt internally, Joseph Newton, age 21, thigh broken; Wm. Ponko, chest crushed. It is impossible to tell whether Joseph Newton will recover. All married but Ponko.

On Wednesday afternoon as Mr. James Meagan was in the act of turning his horse and cutter around in front of the Christian Science church on Main street, the vehicle tipped over throwing Mr. M. out with some force, and the horse becoming frightened ran away. Being headed down Main street he followed that thoroughfare the entire length and continued his run down the pier road and a mile out on the ice on Green Bay. At that point he was stopped by some fishermen who brought him back to the city. Nothing about either horse or cutter was damaged. Mr. Meagan, however, did not fare so well, for the injury he had received became so painful by Thursday morning that he found it necessary to call in Dr. Moriarty, under whose treatment he is improving.

She Ought to Get It. Judge Shepard, of Chicago, lately received the following letter from a woman in Antigo, Wis., who seems to share a quite common opinion that divorces are sold in Chicago at so much a divorce: “Dear Sir - I see yore name in the Chicago paper. I wold love to have a divorce from my husband, can I get one there. We have ben parted a good while I left him he was no man and was mean to me. He wold leave my bead and go in another room and would hardly recognize me. I don’t like to get it here. I left him in the south and came up here please let me hear from you as soon as you can and your price.” If Judge Shepard refused to sell that woman a divorce in the face of such a plaintive appeal he is a hardhearted, mean old thing. So there, now.

Mrs. E. J. Hart visited her daughter, Mrs. B. J. Brown, at Menominee, Mich., during the week.

A. F. Esson who for some years has held a position as clerk in the store of Holt and Balcom, has accepted a position in the store of C. H. Fairfield & Co., at Menominee, Mich., and left this week to assume his duties in that establishment. Mr. Esson is a young man of remarkably steady habits, and possesses a character for integrity that will make him a valuable man in any position he may be called upon to fill.

Miss Allie Jackson, we regret to state, is seriously ill, being afflicted with an attack of typhoid fever.

Miss Ida McDowell has gone to Menominee to remain for the rest of the winter.

The scarlet fever still seems to be lingering; several cases are reported at present in this vicinity.

Mr. James Young returned home recently, from the north, where he has been engaged at work.

We shook hand with our old friend, Frank Cole, of Mill Centre, who we were right glad to see. Frank drove from home in 5 ½ hours with his dog team and cutter, which is a novelty to see. He is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Morgan.

Oconto County Reporter
3 March 1888
H. F. Alexander, who travels for Bosworth & Company, of Milwaukee, on his trip from Ontonagon to Baraga one day near the close of last week, had an experience which he has no desire to repeat. Being the only passenger in the mail sleigh he and the driver were attacked by three hungry wolves which ran the team to a walk and clambered into the sleigh snapping and clawing. They were beaten off finally, with sticks but clothes were torn and various articles, robes, etc., thrown to the brutes (and by them torn to pieces) to gain time and reach a place where clubs could be got.

Chas. McGee, son of Sheriff Wm. J. McGee, of this city, has accepted a position as clerk in the depot of the South Shore & Atlantic R’y at Two Harbors, Minn. Charles is also clerk of the village of Two Harbors.

Sheriff McGee and his brother, Robert, intend to take a trip to their old home, in New Brunswick, Canada.

Charles J. Dixon, of Milwaukee, is in the city organizing a conclave off the Royal Adelphia. He is meeting with great success.

Mrs. Daniel Cole received a letter from her sister, who resides in Wesfield, Chautauque Co., N.Y., a day or two ago, stating that there had been no sleighing there this winter and but very little snow.

The present winter is not unlike that of 1874-5. Then we had excessive cold weather and deep snows, which lasted from about the first of December to about the first of April. A few days after the beginning of April warm weather was ushered in accompanied by heavy rains, and in less than twenty four hours every particle of snow had disappeared. Good crops were raised that year, though farming was not so much of an object in this county as now.

If the old saying that “ when March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb” has any truth in it we may expect delightful weather during the close of the present month, for Thursday, the 1st day of the month was ushered in with one of the worst blinding, drifting snow-storms of the winter. A strong north wind prevailed all day long, and the snow was piled in drifts across the streets, along the sidewalks, and behind any object that offered a resting place, while open places were swept bare, making pedestrians exceedingly difficult.

An item published in a contemporary last week to the effect that J. K. Davis intended to return to Oconto to live is pronounced untrue by a friend of Mr. Davis, who received a letter from him stating that he was doing well on his farm at Clear Lade, Price County, and intended to remain there.

Dr. R. T. Reeve, of Appleton, secretary of the State Board of Health, has issued a circular calling attention to the existence of small pox in many states and requesting that local physicians carefully guard against the spread of the disease, should it appear in any city or village in Wisconsin. Vaccination is also advised.

We regret very much to say that our popular storekeeper, Mr. John Driscoll, is taking very strongly of selling out and removing to warmer climes on account of the ill health of his wife. It will be hard to find a man to fill Mr. D’s. place should he carry out his present intentions. Very sorry if you go away.

McKillop & Chamberlain will have over seven million banked the last of this week. In all their camps they are now hauling nearly 200,000 per week.

Oconto County Reporter
10 March 1888

Fred. Laps is suffering from an attack of typhoid-pneumonia. He is at the home of his sister, Mrs. Herman Rohrlack.

Mrs. John Reilly visited her sister, Mrs. Jos. LeClair, at DePere, during the week.

George Kelley, of Lake Forest, Ill,, is visiting the family of his brother, Conductor T. L. Kelley.

P.G. Esson has gone to Georgia with a view to looking up a home where he will reside for the future.

Fred. Runkel left Monday evening for Keokuk, Iowa, after a week’s visit amongst relatives and friends here.

Robert McGee, of Two Harbors, Minn., has been the guest of his brother Sheriff McGee, for some days, started Monday evening for his old home, at St. George, New Brunswick, where he will make a visit of a few weeks’ duration.

Mrs. Hicks, of Clintonville, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Mayberry, here for some time past, returned to her home on Wednesday.

J. F. LeRoy, of Oconto, who purchased a corner lot from John O’Neil, was here on Tuesday and is seriously thinking of erecting a store building on the lot. He has partly made a contract for the erection of the structure. - Norway Current.

The young friends of Miss Lucy Roth surprised her on Tuesday evening last by gathering in full force at her parents’ home, the Roth House, it being the eleventh anniversary of Lucy’s birthday. The company enjoyed themselves heartily until about 10 o’clock.

Oconto Falls - Joseph Hamilton and family, of Kaukauna, have moved here recently, he being in the employ of the falls M’fg Co. He will live here in the future.

Abrams - Miss Ethel Shemmerhorn is reported very ill.

Morgan - Mrs. Fred Byng is going to visit a sister in Plymouth, Wis., and will accompany her sister Miss Verna Mehrman on Saturday, who is going to Milwaukee to make her home with another sister.

Morgan - Mrs. Robert Goodwin started for her old home in Michigan on Wednesday. She has made many friends during her short residence among us. Hope she will soon come back again.

Little River - Isaac Wells, a boy of sixteen years old, broke his arm last Saturday while hauling posts for Paul Newell.

Death of and Editor

Word was received the early part of the week of the death of M. A. Fay, at Pueblo, Colo., of consumption. Mr. Fay was a brother of M. L. Fay, of the Madison Democrat, and at the time of his death was the publisher of a newspaper at Crandon, Forest county - The Forest Leaves. He was about 34 years of age and was married last May to and Eastern lady. His demise will be learned with sorrow here.

A SHOCKING accident, in which five men were instantly killed, occurred in the Cleveland mine near Ishpeming at 9 o’clock Monday morning. The men were engaged in blasting out an old diamond drill hole at the bottom of No. 3 shaft. They heated a piece of 1 ½ inch gas pipe to straighten it in the blacksmith shop and charged it with dynamite while still hot, inserting it in the drill hole. From the heat of the pipe or some other cause, the charge prematurely exploded, killing all five. The men killed were William Gendle, Alfred Lucas, Erick Mattison, John Williams, and Charles Rusk. Gendle was married and had a family consisting of a wife and five children. The rest were single men.


Word was received yesterday morning of the death, by burning, Thursday night, of J. H. Magrey, of this city. The particulars for which we are indebted to Mr. N. C. Netzer, of Lena, are as follows: J. H. Magrey and George McCartney were up on Peshtigo Brook scaling cedar timber for Elmore & Co., and being overtaken by night they resolved to “put up” in a vacant shanty which had been occupied by Magrey and some of his men until about a week before. The one window of the shanty had been removed, and to exclude the cold they filled the aperture with hay. After cooking some supper they took off their boots, partly disrobed, and made their bed on a bundle of hay which they spread out. They soon fell into a sound sleep from which they were aroused by a crackling noise and oppressive heat. Springing to their feet, Magrey made for the door while McCartney forced the burning hay out of the window and jumped through. As soon as he realized his position he hastened to burst in the door to aid Magrey in getting out. The latter, however, being stupefied with heat and smoke had failed in his efforts to open the door from the inside and had fallen back in the midst of the flames, and when McCartney finally succeeded in opening the door he found in utterly impossible to reach the prostrate man. He immediately set out, barefoot and half -clothed, for another camp about three miles away to obtain shelter and send assistance.

After reaching the camp and relating his experience, several men started for the scene of the fire, and upon arriving there found the shanty completely consumed and the body of Magrey with legs and head burned off. Chas. Quirt, who had a camp and crew of men about three and a half miles from the scene of the disaster, hitched up a team and brought McCartney to this city yesterday morning, and dispatched some of his men with another team to bring the body of Magrey to his home at Frenchtown. McCartney is in a very precarious condition, his face, neck and hands being badly burned, and his feet cut and lacerated in a terrible manner. These unfortunate men had a team of horses in a barn adjoining the shanty, and before McCartney started for help he tried to hitch them up, but his hands were so badly burned that he could not touch anything without suffering intense pain, and consequently was compelled to go afoot. Magrey leaves a wife and several children.

Oconto County Reporter
17 March 1888

Prof. O. Weinschenk, formerly a music teacher, and band leader of this city, and now pursuing a similar avocation at Duluth, was in Oconto during the week visiting his parents and many friends. He is still the same jovial Otto.

Oconto Falls.
Henry Volk has been tearing away the old water mill which has done some duty so many years, and hauling it above the school grounds where he contemplates building another sawmill the coming season. Hank can’t stand it to see the frame work and machinery lying around very long. Most of the timbers in the old mill were found to be as sound as the day they were laid in place 29 years ago.

J. A. Volk is erecting a butcher shop. We wish him success, as it is a branch of business that is much needed here.

Levi Lane and family, of Embarrass, are visiting friends of this place. Levi is still one of the boys.

We hear that Mr. John Major and family, who went to Washington Territory three years ago, are going to return sometime this spring. They will repurchase their old farm. All will be glad to welcome back the old neighbors.

Mrs. L. O’Donnel, of Peshtigo, was visiting her parents this week.

Mr. Luke Hardwick, and family have gone to Marinette to attend the funeral of his son-in-law, Peter Lemrad who died Tuesday.

Miss Nellie Heath, has been attending the Normal School at Oshkosh, arrived home during the week, being summoned hither on account of the illness of her father.

James Heath, who has been sick and unable to work most of the winter, is, we regret to say, manifesting no signs of improvement.

Miss Searles, of Fond du Lac, is the guest of Miss Lina High.

Mrs. S. B. Simpson was summoned to Menominee, Mich., Wednesday, on account of the death of the baby of her sister, Mrs. Albert Richards.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page, of Marinette, are visiting at the home of Mr. P.’s mother, Mrs. Lindsey, in this city.

The six month lease which Adams, Boggs & Mitchell, of Duluth, obtained on the farm of Frank Van Bovee, of Oconto, has expired, and they lose the option of a 99 year lease of the place which they had, by reason of their failure to comply with the requirements thereof. This farm contains, about eight to ten feet below the surface, a rich deposit of greyish-colored marble which is susceptible of a very high polish.

Oconto County Reporter
24 March 1888

Charley McGee, son of Sheriff McGee, who now makes his home at Two Harbors, Minn., surprised his relatives and friends by his sudden appearance amongst them last Saturday evening.

Mrs. John Thompson, of Marinette, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hollopeter, in this city.

Ed. Bellew returned during the week from Hemlock, Mich., where he has been commissary for the firm of Sargent, Jennings, & Gilkey during the winter.

Thos. Ryan, of Oshkosh, came up yesterday morning to visit his wife and view the new addition to his family.

The Wearing of the Green

On Saturday last, the 17th day of March, the usual R. C. services were held in their appropriate churches in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. There were no public demonstrations as the day was in the season of Lent. Some few private entertainment’s were however, held. Among the many we must notice the demonstration of the pupils of the Jefferson school, who called upon Superintendent D. P. Moriarty, with many little offerings of regard. The little ones were hospitably entertained and had a good afternoon recreation. The doctor was not found unprepared and made the young ones happy.

A Crude Burglar

A young man named James Gleason, whose abiding place previous to his coming to Oconto, was Menominee, Mich., has been for some time employed doing chores for Patrick Maloney, but not being able to accumulate wealth fast enough in that capacity, determined to open a store and butcher shop on his own account. On Friday evening of last week he resolved to enter upon the business previously considered, and not having a store of his own to open, he preceded to stealthily take possession of the store of P. T. Williams. Once inside the building, he concluded the stock there was too large for a man of his limited business ability to handle, so he just appropriated the spare change that was in the cash drawer, together with some dress goods, shawls, and a few other things that he was in urgent need of. Stowing these articles in his bed, he again sallied forth and entered the butcher shop of Hoeffel Bros. Not finding any money in the till he resolved to inquire into the contents of the safe. Being unacquainted with the combination of the lock, however, he seized an axe and successfully demolished the lock dial and the hinges but was still unable to affect an entrance. His peculation’s being discovered in the morning he “lit out,” but was captured at Pensaukee and brought back. On him were found $11 in small change. He pleaded guilty before Justice Bailey, and was remanded to jail. He will be tried before Judge Robert Ellis next Tuesday.

Oconto Falls
Martin Oien returned Monday from Florence, Wis., where he has been since last May.

The store which Caspar Steiger has been conducting for Joannes Brothers in this city for some time past, was closed up during the week and the goods shipped back to Green Bay

A wrestling match for the championship of the county of Oconto will take place in the barn of D. Caldwell, at Oconto Falls, on Monday, April 2nd, aprox. The contestants are Pat Finley and John Homburg, both of the town of Gillett. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged spectators.

Why is not some move made to provide American flags with which to adorn the walls of our public school rooms? The move in this direction is spreading all over the country, and if we are not less patriotic than other sections we must keep up with the procession. There will be no opposition, and if there is, we will be glad to know from whom it emanates so they may be put on the record.

On Saturday last, a Tectonic friend of ours, who has already resided in this city some three years, came to the resolution of becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States. His declaration was fully made out, subscribed and sworn to. During the afternoon he was called upon by some friends greeting him, as usual, “Hello! Dutchman.” in answer the gentleman replied: “No sirree.” “Well then, what are you, an American?” “No sirree’, I be a regular Yankee, have my papers, and will vote next fall for a good Republican President. Now vat dinks you?”

Taking the Veil

On Monday morning last an immense concourse of people thronged St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, the occasion being the taking of the veil of the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph by Miss Celinier Des Jarlais, daughter of one of the old and well known residents, Madam Des Jarlais; and Miss Mary Ann Hanahoe, of Toronto, Canada. This being the first time such a ceremony was solemnized in this city, it had the effect of bringing together a much larger congregation than the church was capable of comfortably containing, and at eight o’clock every seat in the building was occupied and the aisles filled from the vestibule almost to the alters. At eight o’clock the choir sang an anthem, at the conclusion of which the Right Rev. F. X. Katzer, Bishop of this (Green Bay) diocese, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Bongers of the Holland Church, Green Bay and the Rev. Fr. Vaillant, incumbent of St. Peter’s church assumed their places in the chancel before the alter. Prayers were then sang with the accompaniment of the organ, after which the novices, Misses Des Jarlais and Hanahoe, clad in dresses of white silk and with white veils which reached almost to the floor, filed up the right aisle of the church, walking with slow, measured steps in the order named, and each preceded and followed by young girls, also dressed in white, and bearing white baskets laden with flowers. After reaching the chancel they devoutly knelt while the Bishop addressed to them the questions upon which an occasion, and having received satisfactory answers, which were given in unison in a clear, audible tone, his reverence delivered a charge to the candidates for orders which was an epitome of fatherly, kindly advice and tersely informing them of the sacrifices which they would be required to make to fully entitle them to occupy the position in the congregation of St. Joseph of which they aspired. The novices then retired to the convent adjoining where they changed their white clothing and donned the somber attire of the order which they are just entering. During their absence, Fr. Vaillant ascended the pulpit and delivered and eloquent sermon, in the French tongue, which is the language of the parishioners. At the conclusion of Fr. Vaillant’s sermon the novices again filled up the aisle of the church to a position in the chancel, where, kneeling, they received the blessing of the Bishop, after which they passed into the vestry room. High mass was then celebrated by the Bishop and clergymen in attendance, and the sacrament of the Holy Communion administered to such of the congregation as were prepared to receive it. The ceremony throughout was most impressive and solemn. The novices assumed new names by which they will be known in future, as follows: Miss Des Girls as Sister Marie Theresa of St. Joseph; and Miss Hanahoe as Sister Frances Joseph Xavier.

On Friday afternoon of last week, two brothers, named George and Henry Bolonga, while attending services at St. Peters church in this city, became violently insane, and later in the evening officers were summoned, who, with considerable difficulty and the assistance of several citizens succeeded in conveying the unfortunate men to the county jail. For some time past these brothers have manifested a degree of mental aberration that induced friends to keep a close watch upon them, and their frenzied conduct of Friday was not totally unexpected. While in jail they passed the time alternating in prayer and wild ravings. Proper examination having been made, they were committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane, at Oshkosh, and on Sunday night Sheriff McGee accompanied them thither. A sister of these men is now a patient at the asylum, have been committed last fall.

Seven and one-half dollars a week is what the Chicago Tribune (free trade paper) considers good wages, and it goes into a cost of living for a family of four persons to prove it, thus: rent $1.60, fuel 55 cents, gas 5 cents, schooling for two children 5 cents, sundries 50 cents, food $3.50, clothing 75 cents, savings 50 cents. When American laborers are content with such a living it may be that they will support the Tribune and its co-laborer, the president. It should be borne in mind that the Tribune is talking of skilled labor - its $7.50 per week is for compositors.

Oconto County Reporter
31 March 1888

James Gleason, the burglar who entered the store of P. T. Williams and the butcher shop of Hoeffell Bros. week before last, and from the former carried off goods and money, was on Tuesday sentenced by County Judge Ellis, to two years’ imprisonment in the state prison at Weapon.

The following are the young ladies who obtained the medals for scholarship and deportment at St. Joseph’s convent school for the month of March. Misses Eva Dillon, Katie Noonan, L. Kaufman, and L. Megan.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gardner, of Oshkosh, formerly of this city, have moved to Nashville, Tenn.

Mrs. George F. Brown, of Hurley, Wis., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lynes, in this city for some time past, returned to her home Wednesday.

John Lamkey, clerk in the M. L. S. & W. R’s depot at Bessemer, visited his relatives in this city during the week.

A painful accident befell a young man named Dennis Dewane while working in A. Eldred & Son’s cedar camp on Wednesday of last week. Owing to the deep snow he was unable to move quick enough from beneath a falling tree, which came upon him with terrible force breaking his leg. He was brought to Stiles next day, and had the injured member set, after which he was brought to this city, and is now at the residence of Thos. Bird, where he is under the care of a friend, and is doing well. The unfortunate young man lives in the town of Franklin, Brown County.

Louis Valley has the job of driving Peshtigo Brook, and Eli and Fred. Rosencrans are the bosses on Kelly Brook and Little River.

Alphonse Payant has opened a saloon in the building where he formerly kept a store.

Little River
Mr. Robert McDowell arrived home last week from Iron River, Mich., where he has been working for Cook Bros.

Mr. and Mrs. John McIver and son, Kenneth, arrived home from Hot Springs, Ark., where they have been spending the winter for the benefit of Mr. McIver health and we are sure the people of Oconto will be glad to learn of his complete recovery.

Stiles had its sensation Sunday evening, in the way of a would-be murder. A man while passing under the side of Eldred & Son’s mill, was assaulted by a tramp who robbed him of $35 and would, doubtless, have killed him but for the timely appearance of Albert Kurth, who frightened him so he took to his heels and has not been seen or heard of since. Names of both men unknown.

Mrs. McCabe, of Watersmeet, Mich., has been very sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grade, for several weeks. She is now convalescent.

Miss Laura McDowell left on Wednesday morning for an extended visit with relatives at Iron River, Mich.

Oconto County Reporter
14 April 1888

Mrs. Nat Ingram, of Nahma, Mich., was in the city during the week, making arrangements to dispose of their property in the south ward.

James Mack, who has been in jail in this city for eight months past, charged with robbing a C. &. N. W. freight car, was discharged by the court last Tuesday, nolle pros having been entered. Mack now proposes to sue the railway company for false imprisonment.

Henry Becker, Mrs. Anna Reedy, and a boy whose name we did not learn, had narrow escapes from drowning while attempting to cross the sawdust heaps on the south side of the river between Superior and Section streets. The water had lifted up great cakes of sawdust that had the appearance of solid, dry ground, but as soon as a person stepped upon one of them, the cake parted and down went the unfortunate pedestrian. In the case of Mrs. Reedy and the boy, the arrival of timely help saved them; while Mr. Becker effected his own escape by herculean efforts.

North Branch
Mr. W. H. Mayborne has moved his family to Belle Plaine, and Mr. Fred Green has moved his family into the house recently made vacant by Mr. Mayborne.

Mrs. Chris Cable killed a deer a short time ago under the following circumstances. A large buck came into the yard near the house, when Mrs. C. tried to call him to the barn with a handful of hay, at which he advanced toward her knocking her down. She sprang to her feet, at the same time calling the dog, and while the dog and deer were having a combat she felled the deer with a hoe, stunning him. She then procured a knife and soon dispatched him by cutting his throat. Her husband was absent at the time. (Researcher notes that the last name was Kebel)

Additional Local - Circuit Court

Caroline M. Faber vs. Chas J. Faber, Judgment of Divorce
Polie Fountain vs. Mary Fountain, Judgment of Divorce.

Green Bay
Rev. Bishop Katzer will leave on Friday for Europe, intending to sail from New York to “Rhinelander,” on Wednesday the 18th. It is the present intention of the Bishop to visit at Rees, Germany, and Linz, Austria, expecting to arrive in Rome about the middle of May. He will return home some time in September. Very Rev. Fr. Zeininger will accompany the Bishop to Rome.

Oconto County Reporter
21 April 1888

Peter Dionne, of Little River, has traded his farm in that town to A. D. Sharrow, for the American House in this city. Mr. Dionne will enter into possession of his newly acquired property at once.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole, who have been sick and very near to the point of death, are, we are glad to state, rapidly recovering, and it is hoped that ere long they will have regained their accustomed good health.

A sensation was caused at Sioux City, Iowa, Wednesday afternoon by the accidental discovery of a man’s dead body in the Arensdorf brewery. It proved to be Albert Hiltz, one of the watchmen who was on duty the night Minister Haddock was assassinated. By Hiltz’s side lay the revolver of John Arensdorf, the accused slayer of Haddock. Opinion is divided as to whether it is a case of murder or suicide. Hiltz is said to be the dissolute son-in-law of a wealthy Milwaukee lumberman.

Peshtigo Argus Report - From Pat Rositer, who was in Oconto on Wednesday and Thursday, we learn that the streets of that city are covered by three or four feet of water, and that citizens move around on rafts made of cedar ties. People are living in the second stories of their houses, and that business is about suspended. The overflow at Oconto is caused by an ice blockade at the mouth of the river.
Pat has been giving Bro. Badour a rank deal. At no time did the water cover more than three or four streets, and then only a few inches deep. There were some instances in which people were compelled to move into upper stories but they were rare. Not half so bad as painted.

Silver Wedding

Mr. Mike Pederson and his wife celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day, the 23rd of March. The bridegroom was 52 years of age and the bride 51. Many years ago they immigrated to this country from Laaland, Denmark, and settled in Maple Valley, where they have lived since that time. Their two children were present and so were their grandchildren, and besides them a host of warm friends. Rev. Th. Skyerping delivered a sermon. The happy couple received many nice presents. Towards evening a splendid supper was served up and all the guests did justice to it. The rest of the evening was spent with a variety of refreshments and amusements. In the night the guests went home, having passed a most pleasant time.

Golden Years

On Thursday evening a number of ladies, who comprised most of the old settlers of Oconto, suddenly made a decent on the peaceful abode of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart, and reminded that couple that the fifty-sixth anniversary of their wedding day had arrived, and that they had come properly armed and equipped with provisions and a heap of good nature to help celebrate the occasion with all propriety. And they did so. Reminiscences were discussed as well as the excellent viands, and a pleasanter and happier gathering has seldom taken place in Oconto. The company left at a reasonable hour, after expressing their best wishes for the aged couple, in which the REPORTER heartily joins.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Milwaukee and visiting Mrs. Jones’ sister, Mrs. Geo. Russell of this place.

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martel is quite ill.

Miss Amelia Friess, of Richfield, who has been visiting the family of her brother, J. E. Friess, of this place, returned home Saturday.


Joe. and Sam. Dodds start next week for Sacramento, Cal., where they intend to locate.

Master Eddie Gowran returned last week from Chicago, where he has been attending school.

Little River
We are glad to note that the damage to the bridge across Little River is not as great as was at first reported. Most of the material of the bridge was saved and can be replaced at comparatively little cost.

Oconto County Reporter
28 April 1888

Brookside’s hustling merchant, C. L. Warner, has just received a big stock of goods, among them a fine selection of spring and summer straw hats for both sexes of all ages. He invites inspection.

We are pleased to state the news received Thursday from Brookside was to the effect that Mrs. C. L. Warner, of that place, had passed the critical point in her illness, and was gradually recovering. With her many friends, we trust her recovery may be rapid and complete.

Oconto County Reporter
5 May 1888

On Tuesday last the residents in the neighborhood of Mrs. Smith’s house in the South ward, remarked that there were no signs around the dwelling that would indicated that the lady was occupying the place. Upon examining the premises it was noticed that windows and doors were strongly fastened, with all keys on the inside. The matter was brought to the notice of Marshal Smith, who secured the services of City Physician D.P. Moriarty, and both officers, after some efforts secured an entrance to the place. The sight was sickening to behold, and the stench not of the most bearable. A half starved dog and a partially dead woman were the occupants. The officers took immediate action for the poor woman’s relief, aided by many kind ladies of the neighborhood, to whom much thanks is due. A nurse was placed in charge, and Mrs. Smith is now in a comfortable condition. It is well known that the old lady is not of sound mind and some years past was sent to the Northern Hospital for the insane, and discharged from there as incurable.

J. F. LeRoy and family left Wednesday for Norway, Mich., where they will reside in the future.

Robert McGee, who has been visiting his old home in New Brunswick for two months past, arrived in this city Thursday. His niece, Miss Wyman accompanied him here and will be the guest of the family of her uncle, Sheriff McGee.

Another violator of the game law - Brandel, by name - was captured by game warden Freeward on Tuesday, and the justice molted him in the sum of $10 and costs. Better let the game alone until the proper time, boys.

Will Mitchell, while driving on the outskirts of the city early in the week received injuries by being thrown from the buggy which have laid him up for several days. A couple of dogs fighting, and chose the space between the wheels of the vehicle as their battleground, and so this frightened the horses that they made a sudden turn which upset the buggy and tumbled Will out among the gearing. He is fortunate to have escaped without have some of his bones broken.

Agnes McLellan, who since she assumed editorial control of the Seward, Neb. Democrat, has received considerable notice on account of her extreme youth, is a native of Darlington, Wis., now in her 16th year. On attaining her 15th birthday she was placed in charge of the local page of her father’s paper. In the fall of 1886 her father was taken sick, and for weeks was unable to write even his name. The daughter gathered the news, prepared copy, ran the financial part of the institution and occupied the editorial chair with charming grace and unusual ability.

J. F. LeRoy, who has been a resident of Oconto for a good many years past, started with his family on Wednesday for Norway, Mich., where he will embark in the grocery business. Mr. LeRoy has been continuously in business since he came to Oconto, and his upright dealing has made of each acquaintance a friend. He has filled the position of city marshal and during the last two years has been under sheriff, and in both these capacities he has proved himself a capable and efficient officer. We shall be pleased to hear Frank’s success in his new home.

Ed Davis was at Marinette Tuesday, where he leased a store on Main street. He will remove his goods from his branch store at Hurley to Marinette.

Oconto County Reporter
19 May 1888

Mrs. Luke Balcom will leave shortly for Garden Bay, Mich., where she will reside in future. Mr. Balcom is millright at the mill of Van Winkle & Montagure, at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. Angus McAllister, and Mrs. J. W. Hall, of Oconto were here last Saturday at the marriage of their sister, Mrs. Sweet. - Eagle

Boy Lost - and Found

On Sunday afternoon last a lad named Reinholdt Kurth aged about 9 years, went out in company with two other boys in quest of wintergreen berries. They struck into the woods in the neighborhood of the old race course, and so intent were they in their search after the fruit that they became separated and soon lost track of each other. As evening approached, however, the two larger boys met and started for home and not having seen or heard anything of Reinholdt for some time they very naturally supposed he had preceded them on the homeward trip. On arriving at the residence of Reinhold’s parents hey learned that he had not yet made his appearance, and his prolonged absence becoming known to the neighborhood a party soon organized and started out to look for him. The search kept up until midnight without discovering any trace of the missing boy. Early Monday morning eager parties again scoured the woods and swamps for several miles around but still their efforts were fruitless. About 9 o’clock Monday morning Mayor Reinhart organized male pupils of the Washington grammar and high schools into a searching party an sent them out to aid in the work of finding, if possible, the little wanderer and until late in the afternoon the search was fruitlessly pursued, and just as they were about giving up in despair their hearts were cheered and the anguish of the parents dissipated by the sight of the lost one being driven up to the house in a buggy. It appears that about three o’clock in the afternoon on Monday, Frank Wheeler, who resides with his parents on a farm about four miles west of the city, saw a little boy, who was a stranger in the neighborhood, crossing one of the fields of the farm, and hailed him, asking him who he was and where he was going. The boy replied by telling his name, said he lived in Oconto, and was lost. Frank thereupon conducted the wanderer to the house, and after providing him with food, drove him to this city and returned him to his almost frantic parents. The boy was questioned as to his wanderings, but being somewhat bewildered from exposure and fright, could give no coherent account of his ramblings, but from the blue and swollen condition of his legs it is evident that he wandered around aimlessly from Sunday evening until found by Frank Wheeler, next afternoon. Sunday night there was a very sharp frost, and it quite probable that if he had succumbed to sleep he would have perished before morning, as his clothes were all wet from wading through swamps. He is still unable to walk, but is receiving the tenderest of nursing and will soon regain his normal condition of health.

The town of Fountain Colo., which is the home of Will H. Hodges, a former Oconto boy, was the scene of a disaster early last Monday morning that resulted in the death of six persons and the seriously wounding of fifteen others. A freight train standing on the track had one car loaded with naphtha and one with powder, and some cars standing on a side track became loose and ran down grade with considerable force and into the rear of the freight train, the shock exploded the naphtha, throwing oil all over everything and setting the train on fire. The train men shoved the uninjured cars back from the wreck and were trying to save the depot when it was discovered that two cars were standing on the main track and were not wrecked and that the nearest one was burning and was tagged “Powder.” Shortly afterward the car exploded. The car that exploded contained 17,000 pounds of powder. The shock was felt for a distance of twenty miles. Every inhabitant received more or less injuries from the flying fragments and the shock.

On Thursday morning Marshal Smith inaugurated a raid on the wandering cows that infest most of the streets of the city, and by the afternoon had corralled eleven head. It does really look as though that ordinance was going to be enforced.

Our town consists of four hotels, one store, three saloons, three dwelling houses, and two boarding houses.

Mr. I. C. Crusoe, our present postmaster, is a nice young fellow. Call and see his store.

After being shut down for repairs, the box factory started up again yesterday.

While attempting to cross to an opposite boom Phillip Meade, a young man from Maple Valley, was drowned, last Saturday. His body was recovered Sunday morning and taken to his home on Monday.

Chas. Lynes is rushing the work on his new house, which is being erected adjacent to the one destroyed by fire a short time ago, and it will soon be ready for occupancy.

Do not forget Decoration Day. Render to the fallen dead the service of one day in memory of their noble deeds. The responsibility of maintaining such observance should be taught the rising generation as a sacred duty.

Oconto County Reporter
26 May 1888

A little daughter of John Pike, between two and three years of age, was accidentally pushed into a pail of boiling water by a playful dog on Wednesday morning and severely scalded. The intense pain threw the child into spasms for a time, but good medical attention and careful nursing soon relieved her and she is now doing nicely.

Albert Wilder was arrested at Florence last week on a charge of grand larceny, broke jail Tuesday night by chopping through a six inch wooden wall and prying the iron bolts on the outside door, thus rendering the heavy padlock useless. The job was cleverly performed, and Wilder, who was the only prisoner confined in the county jail at the time, easily made his escape sometime during the night. He was to have had a preliminary hearing before County Judge Coleman today. Wilder is about 20 years of age, and is an Oshkosh product. The evidence against him was conclusive. There is no clue whatever to his whereabouts.

Mrs. Luke Balcom left during the week for New York city, where she will visit friends for a season, after which she will make her home in the Michigan peninsula.

Chas. Ellis, of Marinette, was the guest of his brother, Oak A., during the week, and found time to drop in and made us a short visit.

Mrs. Wm. Davis and family, of the south ward, left yesterday for Detroit, Mich., where they will reside in future, Mr. Davis having obtained employment at that city some time ago.

Ole Mickelson, of Bessemer, visited his sister in this city during the week.

Miss Lizzie Rice, who is teaching at Ellis Junction, visited friends here on Sunday.

Mrs. John Watson and Miss Etta Lucia, teacher of District No. 2, visited Miss Lucia’s home at Flintville last Saturday.

North Branch
Mr. Frank Davis of Chenango county, N. Y. has lately moved his family into our vicinity, intending to make a permanent home here. Mr. D. is a son of Mr. Davis of his place.

Oconto County Reporter
2 June 1888

Rev. L. D. Hopkins was at Green Bay Tuesday, conducting the funeral exercises at the burial of the late Miss Christina Scheller.

Antone Gamache, and old and respected resident of Oconto, moved with his family this week to Escanaba, Mich., where they will reside for the future.

In 1859 Barney Brophy built the city hotel and conducted the business for some time. Now, after a lapse of more than twenty years he again becomes its proprietor, and will without doubt meet with the success he did in the days gone by. He has our best wishes for his welfare.

W. H. Morrison, superintendent of the State Farmers’ institutes, says that on the 19th of May, 1851, he plowed for corn, in Walworth county, with a thick overcoat and mittens on, while snow squalls swept down upon him repeatedly. And yet, with all this backwardness a splendid crop of corn was raised.

Mrs. E. W. Burgess returned from Crivits, where she has been visiting friends and relatives, last Monday. Her son-in-law, Wm. Dutton accompanied her home.

Will Hubbard, of Eagle, Wis., is visiting his uncle, J. I. Bovee.

Mrs. Antone Bauer and daughter left on the evening train for Marshfield, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bauer’s father.

J. C. Banta, M.D., has returned to his family again, after an absence of six months. He has been trying his hand at doctor again in the town of Chase.

Dr. Violet of Abrams was summoned Sunday to attend Chas. Harteau’s little son who has been very ill.

Samuel Brooks, of Pewamo, Mich., is visiting his sister, Mrs. H. Allen.

The many friends of Mrs. C. L. Warner will be pleased to learn that she has fully recovered from her recent severe illness.

On Tuesday night William DeLano was prostrated by a stroke of paralysis; we have not been able to learn how severe.


Mrs. Geo. Beyer, and Miss Wheeler came up from Oconto on Monday evening, to attend the funeral of Miss Scheller on Tuesday. Advocate.

Frank Page, of Marinette, was in the city visiting his mother and sister, the first of the week.

Charlie McAllister, son of County Treasurer, A. McAllister, leaves Monday for a visit with relatives in Oregon and California. If he likes the country out there, he may decide to locate in one of the sunset states. Quite and undertaking for a lad of sixteen years, and an indication of pluck.

Mrs. C. C. DeLong, of Ishpeming, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. McCauslin.

A young man named Thos. McCurdy, employed on the farm of W. P. Cook at School Section, met with a serious accident on Tuesday. While working in front of the barn he was struck with one of the heavy barn doors which the high wind that prevailed at the time had displaced and blown down upon him. The blow rendered him insensible, and for a time his condition was considered dangerous, but under the treatment and nursing he is recovering.

Oconto County Reporter
9 June 1888

Little Georgie Call had a narrow escape from drowning last Sunday afternoon. He was playing on the bank of the river and wandered out on the boom of logs adjacent; and reaching the outer edge of the boom, by a mishap fell into the water and had sunk twice when he was caught by a little girl, who was close by in a boat; but not able to pull Georgie into the boat she managed to hold his head above water until help arrived and he was borne safely ashore.

Willie, eldest son of Cashier W. K. Smith, of Oconto Nat. Bank, met with quite a painful accident last Saturday. While riding on his velocipede, the wheel was caught between two planks in the sidewalk, and in the sudden fall which ensued, his tongue was caught between his teeth and split for about three quarters of an inch. Dr. O’Keefe was summoned and put three stitches in the injured member, and he is now doing nicely, though the utmost precaution has to be maintained lest the wound be opened afresh.

In the past two months eight people in Menominee county, and many others in different parts of northern Michigan have become insane by exhortations of female Swedish evangelists.

The immigration statistics for 1887 just issued show that during the year named 56,860 persons came to this country from Ireland, 45,695 from England, 14,864 from Scotland and 5,449 from Wales. The British immigration was therefore 9,148 in excess of the Irish immigration to say nothing of the thousands of Canadians who arrived during that year.

Mrs. Frank Hoeffel, who has been visiting her parents at Whitewater, returned home during the week.

Mrs. John Slattery returned last week from Nebraska, where she has been visiting her daughter.

Mrs. S. B. Simpson, of Oconto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Ebar, who is quite ill. -  Florence News

W. H. Webster, S. W. Ford, and N. L. McCauslin, accompanied by a practical miner, were prospecting for gold on the upper Peshtigo during the first of the week.

Miss Nellie Richard, of Menominee, Mich., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sam. Simpson, and other friends in the city.

Mr. Hicks, of Clintonville, has been the guest during the week of his son-in-law, engineer Ed. Mayberry, of the Lake Shore road.

Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Pike are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. A. Alleyn. They are on their return journey to their home in Toronto, Canada.

Little River.
Mrs. Robert Hall, of Ingalls, Mich., was visiting relatives and friends around here during the week.

Oconto County Reporter
16 June 1888

Mrs. Annie Ritte, who has led a precarious existence in this city for some months past, and whose actions at various times have been considered rather queer, if not questionable, was taken to jail by Sheriff McGee last week, and after an examination by physicians pronounced insane. She was this week conveyed to the Insane Asylum at Oshkosh.

Ernest Baker, of Fort Howard, visited his parents in this city Monday last.

Mrs. Frank Weber, of Watertown, visited relatives in the city on Monday and Tuesday while on her way to Gillett, where her husband is temporarily looking after his interest in the firm of Weber, Runkel & Co.

The mother of General Sheridan died at Somerset, Ohio, Tuesday, aged 87 years and 2 months.

Wm. Belongia has opened a grocery business in the store lately occupied by E. Belair, on Pecor street, near State, and is prepared to supply all his customers with fresh goods at as low prices as can be obtained anywhere.

Mosquitoes have put in an early appearance this year and are doubly ravenous, judging by the way they hum their big songs and work their little key hole saws. To kill them, says a writer on household hints, close the room and burn a small lump of camphor on a brazier of coals.

Throat Cut With a Ladder

A man named Charles Woodman employed as circular saw filer at the Sawyer-Goodman Co.’s saw mill, was carrying a ladder from one portion of the mill to the other on Saturday, when one end of the ladder encountered a revolving pulley, being thrown by in such a manner that it cut a gash in his throat nearly five inches in length rendering him insensible. An examination disclosed that the windpipe narrowly escaped being severed. The injured man was placed under prompt medical care and has nearly recovered from his curiously inflicted wound.

The trial of William J. Farnsworth, charged with throwing vitriol into the face of J. B. Owens, and ex-conductor on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, on the night of Sept. 7, 1885 was begun in the circuit court in Green Bay Monday and the case was given to the jury Wednesday, who, after being out from 3 o’clock that afternoon until 9 o’clock next morning returned a verdict of not guilty.

A young man about twenty years of age, son of Wm. Pry, of the town of Stiles, was subjected to a medical examination last Monday by Doctors Moriarty and Rosenberry and pronounced insane. He was shortly afterwards brought to this city and lodged in the county jail, and on Thursday Sheriff McGee conveyed the young man to the Northern Hospital for the insane, at Oshkosh.

Mrs. H. Winans and children went to Flintville Wednesday to spend a few days with Mrs. W.’s parents at that place.

The families of A. and H. Eldred are about to take up residence in Stiles for the summer months.

Phillip Allie and Mary Burbee of Maple Valley, were married at St. Patrick’s church Tuesday morning, Rev. Hoogsteel officiating.

Oconto County Reporter
23 June 1888

If we are not careful this soon will be a treeless country. Each year it takes 500,000 acres of timber to supply cross ties for our railroads. For all purposes the decrease of our timber area is over 50,750,000 acres a year. An area equal to that of Rhode Island every five days in the year.

Victor Brazeau, who has been employed at Isidore Fortier’s barber shop since last summer, left Wednesday for his former home at Oconto where he has engaged to act as clerk in a store owned by his father and brother. “Vic” is a great favorite among the young people, both male and female; especially the latter, and there is much weeping at his departure. Good luck to him. - Peshtigo Argus

About three o’clock yesterday afternoon an accident occurred at the Holt Lumber Company’s mill, whereby, Peter Leonard and a son of Chas. Schmidt narrowly missed being killed. Leonard and Schmidt were running a carload of edgings out on the elevated tramway, the former pulling and the latter pushing the car, when on of the 12 by 12 beams gave way and precipitated men and car to the ground, a distance of ten feet. Fortunately the men fell clear of the car and only received bruises, which, however, are quite severe. Leonard received injuries in his left side and leg which will lay him up for some time. Schmidt received slight injuries to his right foot.

The McFarlane Bros. - Henry and James - who last spring purchased the wagon and blacksmith shop of M. Hollopeter, this week took possession of the same. James is hard at work “pounding iron,” and in a short time Henry will commence work in the wagon shop. They are industrious and persevering young men, and will no doubt make a decided success of the undertaking.

Little River.
Frank Amore arrived home, from LaCrosse on Tuesday of last week to gladden the hearts of his parents, after an absence of four years and a half. Frank was always well liked here and apparently he has lost none of his popularity.

Oconto County Reporter
30 June 1888


My wife, Hattie B. Shores, having left my bed and board without just provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned not to trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts she may contract after this date. Chas. L. Shores Dated June 18, 1888

Mrs. Jesse Birmingham returned home Saturday last from a visit to relatives and friends in Sturgeon Bay.

Mrs. Jesse Birmingham has been spending a few days at Green Bay with her daughter, Mrs. Pamperin.

Mr. and Mrs. Powell, of Marinette, are visiting Mrs. Powell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lowell.

Miss Carrie Call attended the marriage of her cousin, Miss Birdie F. Willetts, at DePere, on Thursday.

Miss Aggie Orr, of Akron, Ohio, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Senator Scofield.

Mrs. Luke Balcom, who has been visiting relatives in New York state for a month past, returned here this week and will soon leave for Gardener Bay, Mich., where she will rejoin her husband and make her future home.

About half past eleven Tuesday night fire broke out in the rooms occupied by Mr. A. H. Griffith and family, in the upper story of the residence of Mrs. G. W. Wilcox, and totally destroyed all the clothing and household furniture of the family. Mrs. Wilcox’s goods were removed but suffered considerable damage both by water and handling. The fire originated from the breaking of a lamp which a little daughter of Mr. Griffith accidentally dropped while in the clothes closet looking for some garment. Her father hastily gathered the bedding near at hand and attempted to smother the blaze at the same time rescuing the little girl who was in the farther end of the closet and cut off from escape by the burning oil. The loss to Mr. Griffith is about $1,000, not insured; and to Mrs. Wilcox about $600, which is covered by insurance.

Oconto County Reporter
7 July 1888

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ellis, of Nahma, Mich., were in the city over the Fourth. Mrs. Ellis will remain with her mother here for a few weeks.

Mrs. Robert Ellis, we regret to say is quite ill with inflammatory rheumatism.

Mrs. Mauer, of Brooklyn, N.Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. K. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart enjoyed celebration day at Menominee, Mich., the guests of their daughter, Mrs. B. J. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Brown, of Hurley, Wis., spent the week with Mrs. B’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lynes.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Hall, of Florence, attended the funeral of the late Paul McDonald in this city.

A GHOST, with malice presence, occasionally manifests its presence at the intersection of Superior and First streets, and in consequence some of the more timid ones give that locality a wide berth after the shades of night have settled down and the orb of day has sunk to rest. Those who have been favored with a view of this mysterious spectra describe it as being apparently of the female persuasion, tall and shapely, with long flowing black hair, and wearing a gray dress and black shawl and bonnet, and the make of the garments would lead one to the conclusion that the denizens of the spirit-land kept right up to the times in the matter of fashion in ladies apparel. The clothing, however, is not the only means by which the sex has been established, for this vapory lady has the habit so common with her sisters in the flesh of gliding up to a man in a coy and artful manner, while her face is brightened with winsome smiles, and just as you feel that the prize is yours and reach out to grasp it - well, it isn’t there. A male ghost could never successfully imitate this movement. Her hours for promenading are from 9 to 11 o’clock at night, and she is a little bit particular as to whom she meets. For instance, one good citizen on Superior street whose name we refrain from mentioning, promenaded the haunted corners all night lately with the hope of being given an opportunity to interview her ghostship, but in vain; he wasn’t her kind of a fellow. So far only married men have been permitted to view the specter, a fact which is not calculated to make her popular among the married ladies in the city.

Jerome Lawe, of Keshena, was brought to this city Thursday afternoon by Officer Belonga, charged with illegitimate parentage by Ella Weaver, of Gillett. He was arraigned before Justice Bailey Friday morning and remanded to jail for trial at the circuit court. Lawe is a half-breed and was arrested by the officer just as he was swinging his partner in a dance on the reservation at one o’clock Thursday morning. Lawe is said to be the same man who seduced the teacher who attempted to burn her new born child on the Oneida reservation about a year ago.

Hugh Brooks - Maxwell, the murderer of his friend Preller, is to be hanged at St. Louis July 13 unless the governor interferes, and it is believed he will not. Certainly this man had had time enough and opportunity enough to establish his innocence, and he has not done it. Few cases have been so exhaustively tried and few have been proved to be so coldly murderous. If any hanging ever was righteous this will be.

Col. Dean Banta, of New York has been visiting his parents and relatives during the past two weeks and enjoying the mosquitoes, and other rustic luxuries, denied older and more central localities.

Mrs. Geo. A. DeLano is quite indignant that her baby was reported to be a boy. George says it is a girl and “mouthy” like the generality of her sex.

Oconto County Reporter
14 July 1888

A strange phenomena occurred at Marquette, Mich., at 7 o’clock Wednesday evening. Those on board the vessels at anchor in the harbor felt their boats sinking under them, and in a few minutes the water in the bay had fallen twenty six inches. The only solution of the mystery is that a dense black cloud which passed rapidly on the lake a short time before must have been and immense water spout or cyclone, which swept the water before it. The wind was off shore and light all the time. At 7:30 the water began to rise slowly.

On Sunday afternoon a two year old son of Mr. Millburn had a narrow escape from drowning. The child, accompanied by its parents, was on a visit to Mr. Kurth’s in the north ward, and while playing around the yard fell head first into a tub of water, where it remained some time before being discovered. It was finally rescued, and for more than an hour Messrs. J. J. Porter and Ed. Lesperance labored over it. Their efforts were finally successful.

The youngest son of Mrs. F. C. Sharp burned himself very seriously Friday evening of last week. The little fellow, who is a little more than two years old, was playing with some matches and managed to ignite the bosom of his dress, and before the blaze was subdued his breast and face were severely burned.

Green Bay Gazette: Emil Brice, a passenger on the steamer, Schiller, fell overboard off Peshtigo reef while the sea was running high and narrowly escaped drowning. Fifty or more life preservers were thrown out to him and a number came within his reach, but each time he was about to grasp them, they were swept away. His strength was very near exhausted when he called to Jos. Lefebvre to jump in and rescue him. Lefebvre took off his shoes and spat, and tying a life preserver about his body and taking another over his shoulder, sprang into the water, reached him and buoyed him until he could be drawn on deck.

A house belonging to Jesse Birmingham caught fire (supposed to have caught from a fire cracker) on the 4th, and burned to the ground.

Oconto County Reporter
21 July 1888

Elizabeth Turnbull Rutter, formerly of North Shields, England, was picked up in the streets of Chicago last Saturday fainting from hunger. She claimed to have had nothing to eat on her four days trip from Ogden, Utah, to Chicago, en route to her old home in England. She said her young son had been induced to join a party of emigrants organized by Mormon missionaries. Not hearing from the boy, the father followed to Utah. He found employment with a Mormon farmer named Joseph Holbert. Then Rutter got money and sent some to her. His letters telling of the condition of affairs in Utah were intercepted, and others substituted urging her to come to Utah. She obeyed, and claims the women in the party were subjected to fearful indignities enroute by the elders. Rutter was murdered shortly after she joined him. Defrauded of her husband’s savings by Holbert, she fled to Ogden and there earned money to pay her passage home. The railroad fare was more than she expected, and sooner than delay she had deprived herself of food on the journey to Chicago.

Wisconsin Pensions.
The following Wisconsin petitioners have been recently granted pensions: Cornelius Lince, Brookside.

North Branch.
Town 31, Range 19, is settling up rapidly. About 20 persons have taken up their abode here, which is a move in the right direction as the soil is very excellent (sandy loam). We have this summer established and built several roads for actual settlers. What we need the most at present is a bridge across the north branch of the Oconto River in order to accommodate settlers going across to settle, but the majority of the settlers living in the lower town of How are opposing us, and, as I understand, are dead against town 36-16 colonized, as it goes to prove last spring at the annual town meeting of How, $400 was appropriated by a majority vote for the purpose of opening up 31-16 for actual settlers, but since, the same parties voting it to us have been troubling the town board most every town meeting in order to persuade them not to give us more than $200, and without any success in their favor as the town board claims the $400 was legally voted. Later I understand that some of the same parties have written Webster & Wheeler, attorneys, of the proceedings of the voting, and that said attorneys had decided against us, which I positively know cannot be true unless said parties have misrepresented the case. So if it was not for that enterprising and illustrious chairman, J. M. Armstrong, we would be left out in the dark entirely. He is a man of great experience and has good sound principles and judgment on town and county affairs, and knows how to run a town satisfactory to the majority, although a good deal of figuring was done to bring about his defeat.

We have already been negotiating with the telephone company in Milwaukee to get a telephone line established from Forestville to A. Eldred & Sons farm on the north branch, which I think would be a valuable improvement and benefit, both to the settlers and lumbering companies, and it would bring us in communication with the outside world and likely to bring in more settlers which I think would be in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the taxpayers living in the county, to have every foot of land settled in the county in order to lighten the burden of taxation, as you all know, gentlemen, it will only be a question of a few years when this country up here will be about worthless and only a trifle of taxes drawn from it if not settled and worked for agricultural purposes, as it is decreasing in value every year. There are four things necessary to settle up a new country: Good land, good market for produce, public schools, and good roads. The first three things mentioned we have got, but no roads fit to travel on and out main road, the so-called North Branch road, is in a miserable condition. But some find day, we will apply to the honorable county board for a little assistance, which I think they will be generous enough to give.

Oconto County Reporter
28 July 1888

A single man named John Glesson was drowned about noon Monday while working on the log-jam about four miles up the river, going under with some logs which broke away. Search was immediately instituted for his body, but up to the present writing it has not been recovered. The deceased has a brother in Green Bay, who was immediately telephoned to and apprized of his brother’s fate. Marinette Eagle

On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Gregor Roth and daughter Mamie, narrowly escaped serious injury, the result of a runaway. They had driven to Mr. Roth’s farm on the Pensaukee road, and were sitting in the buggy talking to the men engaged in making hay, when the horse suddenly started, the jerk throwing Mr. R. over the dashboard and under the vehicle, where he was dragged some little distance and received slight bruises. A little further on the buggy overturned throwing Miss. Mamie out and injuring her slightly. The horse fortunately became detached from the buggy and the latter was consequently little damaged.

An accident occurred at the Holt Lumber Company’s mill about one o’clock Friday afternoon which is likely to result fatally. A journal of one of the gangs had become heated, and the engineer, Gustave Durand, had crawled partly through the fly wheel connected with the gang so as to pour a stream of water on the journal, when one of the mill hands pulled a lever which dropped the tightner and set the wheel in motion and before it could be stopped Durand was carried around several times, and received injuries which may prove fatal. His head was pounded against a beam and the scalp terribly mutilated, but at the time of writing we have not been able to learn whether the skull was fractured or not, and the flesh of his left arm was nearly all torn off. Dr. O’Keef was summoned and dressed the wounds, but expressed no opinion as to the results of the case. Durrand was a married man, and had lately come here from Menominee, Mich.
LATER - Durand died at about half past two o’clock.

Early last Tuesday morning fire consumed two grocery stores, a meat market restaurant and saloon in the Frenchtown portion of Menominee, entailing a loss of over $10,000; insurance $3,750. The fire caught in a barn back of the stores through the carelessness of several young men who had quartered their horses therein while attending a dance in the neighborhood. The Marinette Fire company lent gallant assistance to the Menominee firemen.

Miss Ada Wyman left the early part of the week for a visit with the family of her uncle, Mr. James McGee, at Nahma, Mich.

A Floater

Wednesday night while Messrs. Good and Ingram were engaged in picking up logs on the Bay Shore they discovered the body of a man in Smith’s slough about four miles north of the city, lying partly in the water and partly exposed. The stench from the body, owing to decomposition, was so great that they refrained from making a close examination but came to the city immediately and notified the coroner of the find. Thursday morning Coroner Carl Bentz procured a coffin and the assistance of four men, and proceeded to the slough to investigate the case, which they did, however, without discovering his identity. His clothes would indicate the he was a sailor, about forty or fifty years of age. In his pockets were found $4.74 in money and a letter, but the latter was so mutilated that the coroner was unable to read it. The flesh of his feet, hands and part of his face was gone, and he was so decomposed that it was a most difficult and disagreeable matter to handle him. The ground where he was found being low and liable to overflow he was rolled into the water and towed about a mile along the shore till a piece of high ground, where a house and once stood, was reached, when the body was placed in the coffin and properly buried in the little hillock. Coroner Bentz made a wooden cross and planted it at the head of the lone grave, and inscribed thereon a brief notice to the effect that the grave contained the body of an unknown man. Thus ends the earthly career of one for whose return, perchance some fond mother or loving wife weeps and waits in vain.

Oconto County Reporter
4 August 1888

Mrs. Phillip Keef has been called to Chicago by the illness of her brother.

Misses Hattie and Belle Porter left Wednesday evening for Duluth, where they will spend about three weeks visiting relatives and friends.

W. E. Barlow and Wm. DonLevy started Tuesday for Garden Bay, Mich., where both have secured employment. Their families will follow them in a couple of weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Heller and children will leave for New York next week. Mrs. H. and children will remain the balance of the summer and part of the fall at Coney Island. Mr. H. will return in about six weeks.

Mrs. W. B. Mitchell and daughter Nellie, who are visiting with friends and relatives in Peterborough, Canada, write their friends here that they are enjoying themselves greatly and are likely to prolong their stay another month.

Last Monday evening the police of Hurley, Wis., turned over a new leaf. They proceeded quietly to arrest every doubtful character in the village. Twenty seven inmates and frequenters of houses of ill repute are behind the bars awaiting trial. The authorities intend to clean out every doubtful resort in the vicinity. When Hurley begins a reform it is performed with a vim that would surprise the authorities of older towns.

The Marinette Eagle of last Wednesday published the following account of the capture and subsequent escape of Wm. Gravel, a former resident of this city: Wm. Gravel, the supposed highwayman, was captured by Sheriff Clifford Sunday evening near Ford River, Mich., and lodged in jail at Escanaba. The next morning Clifford put hand cuffs on him and started on the train with him for Marinette. About two miles from Bagley, Clifford, at his request, got a drink for him from the water tank, about twelve feet distant, and was just putting back the cup when he saw Gravel’s feet disappearing through the car window. He immediately pulled the bell rope, but by the time the train was stopped Gravel was out of sight in the woods. People who saw him jump say he went out the window head first, almost like a shot, jumped up, climbed a barbed wire fence and ran like a deer. The wonderful daring of the man can be appreciated when you consider that the handcuffs were still on him and that the train was moving over thirty miles an hour. Sheriff Clifford scoured the woods there until the time of the evening train but found no trace of him and up to the present writing nothing has been heard of him.

Oconto County Reporter
11 August 1888

Thos. Williams, better known as Charley Ross, who was tried and convicted at the circuit court in this city about four years ago for killing one Dace, at Florence, and sentenced to state prison for five years, was in the city Thursday having been given his liberty a day or two previous. By good behavior his term of imprisonment was reduced to three years and nine months.

Miss Lillian McNeal of Hurley is visiting relative in Brookside.

Joe Tolle of Marinette was buried from the church at Abrams, Tuesday.

Cora Allen, Hattie DeLano and Lillian McNeal from Brookside visited the barber at Abrams. Tuesday.

Oconto County Reporter
18 August 1888

Fire broke out about on o’clock yesterday morning in a barn in the rear of the Lynn Pierce residence, and totally destroyed the building together with all the household furniture of Mr. Pierce which has been stowed in the barn since he broke up housekeeping. The loss is considerable, and we are informed there was no insurance on it.

The barn of S. Carriveau, in the Belongia settlement, together with contents, was totally destroyed by fire Monday night. About 12 or 15 tons of hay were stored in the barn. The fire is supposed of an incendiary. We did not learn whether the building was insured or not. The loss is between six and seven hundred dollars.

A number of cattle belonging to Louis Belongia and Frank Carriveau, in the Belongia settlement were poisoned Monday night, the miscreant who did the work feeding them with flour dough tin which Paris green was mixed. A warrant was issued for the arrest of John Carriveau, charging him with the fiendish work, and also with having set fire to the barn of Shuffel Carriveau, which was burned the same night. At the preliminary examination before Justice Baily the evidence was not sufficient to hold him and Carriveau was discharged.

Another terrible ocean disaster occurred of Sable island about 4 o’clock Wednesday morning, by a collision between steamships Geiser and Thinvalla of the Thinvalla line. The steamer, Wieland, which arrived at New York on Thursday, brought the news and the survivors of the wreck. One hundred and five lives were lost, some of whom were Scandinavians from this state and Michigan, who were on their way to visit relatives in the old country. The Geisersund sank in five minutes, and the Thinvalla, though probably able to reach port was badly wrecked.

Prof. Holferty left Wednesday evening for Kansas City, Mo., to visit his parents. He will be absent a week or ten days.

Mrs. J. P. Dorr, of Gardiner, Me., joined Mr. D. here during the week, and will probably remain throughout the winter.

Foss Page arrived home Wednesday morning after an absence of about three years during which time he has been sailing and visited most of the countries of the world.

Miss Ella Crawford left Tuesday for a two week visit with relatives at Menominee.

Chase Clippings.
Mrs. James Grant and Miss Maggie Regal are visiting Mrs. Rebecca George - the former's mother.

Oconto County Reporter
25 August 1888

The only amusement around this place at present is the picking of blackberries of which there is abundance, and to some it is a source of gain as well as pleasure.

The Eldred Company speaks of building a flouring and a pulp mill here in the near future.

Mrs. P. Loftus, of Chicago, is here on a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon.

Miss Hayes, of Oconto is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Henry McQueen.

Mrs. Nellie Underwood, of Milwaukee, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Leigh

Eddie Leigh, while working on the road near his home, got his right foot caught in the scraper, the result was a severe cut, but he is not able to be around again, and says he is glad that he escaped as luckily as he did.

From the same column, "Eddie and Tommie Leigh took in the ball game sing, and the between the Kaukaunas and the ever victorious Clippers, Sunday, and report it the best game of ball ever played in Oconto.


J. F. LeRoy, formerly of this city, and now a prosperous merchant at Norway, Mich., greeted his many friends here yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pendleton arrived home Wednesday from their bridal trip, and are domiciled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan.

Oconto County Reporter
1 September 1888

Mr. Edwin Hart, of this city, is now lying dangerously ill at the residence of his son, Henry, at Green Bay. Mr. H. was enjoying a trip on the propeller Moore last week and while aboard the vessel was taken sick. He received the best care possible to give him on board, and was carried as soon as possible to Green Bay, where he is receiving the best attention. Latest report is to the effect that he is much easier, but his advanced age - being eighty-two years old - will necessarily make his recovery a slow process.

M. F. Maloney is preparing to go to South Bend, Ind., where he will attend the Notre Dame College.

Mrs. Cane, together with her son Augline, of Oconto, has been in own this week, on a visit to her daughter.

Mrs. John Kinney, who has been very sick. Mrs. Kinney, however, appears to be much better the last few days. Gogebic Iron Spirit

Little River.
A son of Robert Telford, aged about 12 years, has been suffering for several weeks from a fever sore. Last Saturday Dr. O’Keef performed and operation removing a large part of the bone of the leg. It is feared another operation will be necessary and doubts are entertained of the little fellow’s ability to bear it.

Miss Bessie Telford, who has made her home for several years with James Smiley, is very low, having eaten nothing for over 12 days. She is suffering from a tumor.

Mrs. M. C. Lund and her four children arrived at Stiles Tuesday from Copenhagen. They were passengers on the Thingvalla and witnessed the terrible disaster of the 14th. Mrs. Lund, who is quite ill and very nervous from the effects, describes the scene as heartrending in the extreme. The panic, she says, was indescribable, and it was with great difficulty that she saved her children from being trampled to death. She seems to lose control of her mind at times and manifests great fear. She will never cross the ocean again.

Geo. Dunn, engineer on the tug Volunteer, fell overboard at about 11 o’clock Tuesday forenoon. The tug was bound for Sister Bay, and when about two miles from Horseshoe Bay, the engineer went forward to see the captain, lost his balance and fell in. Capt. Doak went aft at once, reversed the engine and backed up. When Dunn came up about twenty feet away from the boat he threw up his arms and sank immediately. The unfortunate was about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children in Green Bay. The body has not been recovered.

A family named Hamberger, in the town of Little River, have lately been the subjects of much persecution. A few days ago while Mr. H. and his wife were engaged in clearing some brush on a neighbors land, some fiends entered his house and took his and his wife’s clothing and after saturating the garments in kerosene, threw them into the well. They cut up several other capers, such as chopping a silver watch to pieces with an ax, decapitating a number of chickens and dumping them into the well, mixing the flour in a barrel with offal and sprinkling Paris green in the tea-pot and coffee-pot. Many other acts of devilry were committed, and in fact the result of the work of these fiends would make Satan himself ashamed. The victims of this malicious trespass are hard working, poor people, who bear an excellent name in the neighborhood. If the fiends who committed the depredations can only be spotted with certainty there is every probability that their stay will be short in that locality.

Oconto County Reporter
8 September 1888

Mr. Isaac Trask, on of our most valuable citizens, had a very malignant attack of illness a few days ago, and is now lying near the point of death. Dr. O’Keefe is tending him, and we believe will raise him to health again if it is within a possibility. We have no such men to spare.

Leighton Locals
Mr. Henry McQueen has made his departure for the woods to superintend a camp for Chas. Alvord. Mr. McQueen has hired many of our boys who have also made their departure to the pleasant forests. We wish them all a pleasant and successful winter and a safe return to us in the spring.

Misses Maggie and Nellie Slattery departed for the Town of How Sunday, where they opened school on Monday, Sept. 3rd.


Mr. and Mrs. A. Cole left this week for a trip through the western states. They will be absent for six weeks or two months.

Curt Pendleton left Saturday for Beloit, where he will enter the college at that place.

Ed Royce leaves today for Milwaukee, where he will spend Sunday with his cousin, and next day proceed to Lake Forest, Ill., to continue his course of study in the college at that place.

Oconto County Reporter
15 September 1888

The Printing Office and Stock of
Stationary and Fancy Good of

The Reporter Publishing Company Swept
Away by Fire


About 3 o’clock last Sunday morning fire broke out in the building of the Reporter Publishing Comp., on Main Street, and in less than one hour the entire establishment was a mass of blackened ruins. The fire had obtained considerable headway before it was discovered, and it is consequently difficult to locate its origin, but the most correct theory seems to be that the fire was the result of a flaw in the chimney, whence a spark found its way to the loft where it smoldered for hours before breaking out.

The stove in the composing room in the upper story had been used on Saturday for the purpose of melting composition to cast rollers, this being the first fire that had been in it for two months or more, but every precaution was taken before leaving the office to see that the fire was extinct, even to sprinkling a pail of water on the floor adjacent to the stove. The motion of the steam engine in the pressroom caused the upper story of the building to vibrate considerably, and to the cause we attribute the defect in the chimney through which the fatal spark found its way.

The REPORTER office was one of the best equipped establishments in this portion of the state, being supplied with the latest and most improved machinery, and an abundance of job, book and news type, and the thousand and one other things that are essential to a first-class office. The stock of stationary, fancy goods, paper bags, wrapping paper, cigars, etc., was one of the largest north of Milwaukee.

The whole outfit, however, is a total loss, as that which was not destroyed by fire was ruined by water, which the fire department found necessary to keep constantly pouring on the burning debris in order to protect adjacent property. The loss, which we have not as yet approximately estimated, is considerable, and is not more than half covered by insurance. The Reporter Publishing Company had worked up a splendid job and wholesale stationary business, but the clean sweep made by the devastating flames will give the company a setback, which will require long and patient labor to recover from.

On Monday a new news and job plant was purchased from Marder, Luse and Co., of Chicago, and Tuesday evening the type and the newspaper arrived and was “laid” in the cases, and on Wednesday morning the entire force commenced the work of setting up this week’s edition of the Reporter. Of necessity the work has been hurried, and some errors and discrepancies will possibly be found in this issue, but if our patrons will exercise a little forbearance we promise to remedy all defects as soon as we can get settled down in an office of our own.

At present we are occupying a portion of the Lumberman office, which Mr. Hall has kindly placed at our disposal. To all those who have in any way aided us in times past, either by their generous patronage or by kindly words or encouragement, we tend our grateful thanks, and trust that in the new order of things that circumstances have brought about, we may still enjoy their confidence and their patronage which will enable us to give them increased satisfaction in respect to promptness and quality of work. Of necessity we will be compelled to bring only two pages at home for some weeks but trust we soon to appear again in our accustomed form.

The burning of the REPORTER office last Sunday morning has compelled us to reduce temporarily, the number of pages printed at home, and in consequence some advertisements will be crowded out for a few weeks. We beg our patrons to bear with us and promise to remedy the matter as soon as possible.


A small frame house on the bank of the river between Section and Superior streets, the property of Jas. DonLevy, Sr., was destroyed by fire Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Calligan, of Machias, Maine, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Calligan. This is the first time the brothers have met in eighteen years.

Robert Jones, of Cedar Rapids, Ia., arrives in the city on Friday evening to spend a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huff Jones. He left for his home Sunday night.

Bert Porter, who is now a railroad contractor in Mexico, arrived home Tuesday morning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Porter, and left Wednesday evening to visit those members of the family who are at present at Duluth, Minn. Bert looks as jolly and healthy as ever.

Julius Grunert, who for the past four years has occupied a position in the bank in this city, left Monday evening for Colorado, where he goes in quest of health, a physical condition he has not enjoyed of late. Julius is a young man of exemplary habits and of unquestioned integrity and cannot fail to be appreciated in whatever locality he may cast his lot.

Little Suamico
Frank Allen and wife have been visiting relatives at Kewaunee.

Mr. J. Acteson, who burned out a few weeks ago, has started for Washington Territory with his family, having sold out here, and we wish them success.

John Rice, of this place, who went to Washington Territory some ten weeks ago, likes the country so well that has written home for his family to sell, and if they can, and move where he is.

Oconto County Reporter
22 September 1888

Dr. D. P. Moriarty, who has been confined to the house with a severe cold for two weeks past, is around again as usual. He made us a pleasant call at the REPORTER office Wednesday.

Mr. Edwin Hart, who was ill at the residence of his son, Capt. H. W. Hart, at Green Bay, for a couple of weeks, returned home Wednesday in the enjoyment of his usual good health, and accompanied by Mr. Holt.

Mrs. Peter McGovern, of Florence, is the guest of Mrs. S. B. Simpson.

Jacob Leucihak, the man who shot Messersmith in the town of How some few weeks ago, was brought to the city Wednesday and lodged in the county jail Leucihak was acquitted at the preliminary examination before the justice, but was subsequently arrested on a warrant issued by the prosecuting attorney, on the complaint of a brother of the deceased.

Oconto County Reporter
29 September 1888

County Chairman John McIver, of Stiles, attended the funeral of the late C. E. Lord, Monday.

Miss May Barlow left Thursday morning for Nahma, Mich., where she will make an extended visit with the family of her brother Will.

Geo. E. Salvo, who has been employed as ticket clerk in this city for several months past, was arrested on Tuesday, upon the complaint of S. F. Miller, station agent for embezzling funds belonging to the company. The amount is supposed to be about $250. At the time of his arrest, $180 in money was found on his person. The case will be tried before Justice Humphreyville tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock, when full particulars of the transaction will appear. Marinette Eagle.

Messrs. Lorenze, Lord and Thos. and George Trecartin of Maple Valley, were in the city Monday assisting at the burial of their cousin, C. E. Lord.

Miss Aggie Orr, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Senator Scofield during the summer, returned to her house at Akron, Ohio, during the week.

Mrs. Thomas Simpson left Tuesday evening for Colorado, where she will spend the winter in the hopes of regaining health. She was accompanied by her daughter, Ora.

The Oconto REPORTER has risen from its ashes looking brighter and better for its baptism of fire. The office was burned Sunday, the 9th instant, and on the following Saturday the Reporter appeared in a dress of new and beautiful type which was purchased, before the burned material was entirely cold. Truth and the enterprising newspaper may be crushed to the earth, but they will rise again every time. - Sturgeon Bay Independent.

St. Nathans
Mr. and Mrs. James McClure visited relatives in Green Leaf the latter part of last week.

North Branch
Doubtless the largest bear that has been killed for some time on the North Branch of the Oconto river was shot on Thursday, the 13th inst., by William McAllen, a boy only 16 years old. We think he is deserving of the highest praise for the courage and energy he manifested in capturing his black enemy. Mr. Bruin measured seven feet four inches from the end of his nose to the tip of his tail. The circumstances were as follows: On the date mentioned above, abut five o’clock in the evening, the young man started to hunt up his cattle which were feeding in the woods about a mile from his home; when about half a mile from his father’s residence and about fifty rods north-east of Mr. Suring Frost’s, he came suddenly upon the bear standing in the road directly in front of him, with two cubs. She appeared to realize her danger at once and with a quick sign with which she made her young understand, they ran for safety while the old one took the opposite direction. A hot pursuit ensued, and not until seven Winchester bullets had pierced her body did she surrender. Three times she turned on her enemy and showed fight. He did not flinch but stood his ground like an old hunter who had followed the business for years. Mr. Suring Frost was raising a house the same day and while the men were eating supper they heard the shooting. They sprang at once to their feet and rushing out doors each one picked up something for a weapon; one man had a broad-ax, another a spirit-level and another had a chalk line and chalk in his hands, and some one thing and some another, expecting the bear had got the boy; but what was their surprise to behold the bear stretched out on the ground dead. It is thought this bear has been seen a number of times before but no one has been courageous enough to lay him out.

Whooping cough is present. Two deaths have occurred recently. One the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ryan, and the other the nine month child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cashman, of Rockland and Mrs. Burke with daughter and son of DePere, attended the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ryan.

Thomas Benjamin and wife, of Fond du Lac, are visiting his sister, Mrs. George Lince.

Mrs. A. Pease and daughter, of Davis Junction, Ill., are visiting her brother, C. L. Warner.

Mrs. Wilbur Bush has gone to Watersmeet to join her husband. She will be missed by a large circle of friends.

Leighton Literature
Mrs. John Ryan, we are sorry to chronicle is at present on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan have recently been bereaved of their infant child. They have the sympathy of the whole community.

Morgan Memoranda
Christian Horsch, who lost all his buildings by fire about a month ago, is still waiting for his insurance company.

Mr. Ira Warner returned here last week, after an absence of a year and a half in Kansas. He has decided preference for Wisconsin at present.

Oconto County Reporter
6 October 1888

Mr. James M. Lord of Deer Island, N.B., brother of the late C. E. Lord of this city, is here settling up the estate.

Joe Lashway being accused of petty larceny was arrested by Officer Belongia and placed in the Oconto cooler Tuesday.

The new Catholic cemetery at Stiles is being rapidly cleared up and will soon be fenced.

A Prize Fighter Killed
Ironwood, Mich., Oct. 2 - Micky Shea, a well known prize fighter here, the champion light weight of the Gogebic range, was killed in the Lake Shore yards. He was run down and his head cut clean off by a switch engine.

Peter Van Petten is laid up with rheumatism and being unable to wait on himself, Mr. Pupper kindly removed him to his house and is taking care of him.

Mrs. D. L. Bush went to Bay Settlement Monday to see her sister, who is very ill.

Peter Richer and family have moved to Oconto. He is to take charge of the American House there.

Oconto County Reporter
13 October 1888

The general store of Hale & Pelkey, at Lena, this county, was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday night. This firm did an extensive business and carried a large stock of goods. The loss was between six and eight thousand dollars, insurance $3,000. The blacksmith shop of Wm. Harley, which adjoined the store of Hale & Pelkey, was also totally destroyed with no insurance.

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hosking, of Norway, Mich., were in the city during the week, attending the wedding of Mrs. H.’s sister, Miss Lena High.

Oconto County Reporter
20 October 1888

A dispatch from Stiles dated the 15th inst., says: With the greatest efforts Gus Lottka walked home yesterday after receiving a charge of shot in the abdomen. He was carrying in one hand the gun which had done its deadly work and the other hand held his coat and vest which was still burning. “Send for the doctor,” he gasped, and words were not necessary to tell that a sad accident had occurred. It seems that while hunting he laid his gun on a stump with the muzzle towards him. In some manner it was discharged and the shot found lodgment in the unfortunate young man’s body. Physicians were hastily summoned, who did all in their power to relieve his terrible suffering, and this evening he was somewhat easier. When the news of the sad accident became know expressions of sympathy were heard on every hand and many friends hastened to the house. As he lay upon his bed and moaned it was evident the sad news was only too true. Owing to the nature of the wound his recovery is doubtful. He is an exemplary young man who is well and favorably known here.

A very sad accident occurred here on Sunday last, to Gus. Lotthke, a young man of about nineteen years while out hunting his gun accidentally discharged and the contents lodged in his abdomen, causing a very dangerous wound. Drs. Oshwaldt and O’Keefe were called upon to attend him. Nine grains of shot were removed.

Oconto County Reporter
27 October 1888


Miss May Barlow returned Wednesday evening from Nahma, Mich., where she had been visiting the family of her brother, W. E. Barlow.

Mrs. Alex McDonald, of Hudson, formerly a resident of this city, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. D. Knapp.

Mrs. Louis Runkel, of Gillett, is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. John Runkel, and her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pendleton.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bartels, at Crivitz.

Oconto County Reporter
2 November 1888

We regret to chronicle the sudden and serious illness of Mrs. D. E. Wilcox. She is visiting her sister, Mrs. Polly Richard, in Dakota, where she now is. Mr. Wilcox received a telegram announcing her illness the first of the week and started at once to join her.

J. S. Ford narrowly escaped being killed in his mill at Anderson last Saturday. While walking by a revolving shaft his clothing was caught by a coupling and he was carried once around the shaft when he was seized by Dan Chosa who was standing by, and forcibly pulled from the shaft, at the lost of most of his clothes, however, and with a sprained ankle and several bruises on his head and body. He was carried to his house in an unconscious condition but soon revived, and is now walking about, but with a very perceptible limp in one foot, and several scars on his face.

Mr. John Branshaw, some fifteen years ago a resident of this city, but now of Tacoma, Washington Territory, was renewing old acquaintances in the city the past week.

Dr. D. E. Wilcox left during the week for Walnut Grove, Minn., whither he was summoned by the illness of his wife who was visiting friends at that place and was suddenly taken sick. It is hoped that her recovery may be speedy.

Miss Kate Brown of Menominee, stopped over Thursday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart on her way to Green Bay.

Whitney and Tuttle have rented their little mill to Ward Smith, who intends to move it to Pound, in a few weeks.

Mrs. Frank Moody, of Brookside, spent last week here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Smith.

Oconto County Reporter
10 November 1888

Mrs. Sarah Cass is very ill with typhoid fever.

Miss Suzie Hubbell, of Maple Valley, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. S. Hart.

J. H. Carr has now the handsomest public dining hall in the city, and has every arrangement completed for serving warm meals at all hours. Oysters in their season served in all styles.

Oconto County Reporter
17 November 1888

Louis Koehler who was discharged from the Northern Hospital for the insane at Oshkosh about six months ago, was returned to that institution last Wednesday.

It is reported that Mr. H. W. Gilkey has filed notice of his intention to contest the election of W. A. McKinley as Superintendent of schools.

Ed. J. Hall has made application for a recount of he votes cast for Surveyor, at the last election, alleging errors in the returns that when rectified will elect him.

The removal of corpses from the old to the new Catholic cemetery is nearly completed.

Oconto Falls
Three elegant residences have just been completed on Main street, owned by George Volk, Fred Perrigo, and Douglas Elliott. They are all gems of art in the way of architecture and a great addition to the aristocratic portion of the city known as knot hill.

Oconto County Reporter
24 November 1888

Michael Evans, an employee of the Murphy mill at Green Bay was badly injured Tuesday by a piece of “two by four” striking near the pit of the stomach. It is doubtful whether he will recover. That mill seems to have its full share of accidents.


On Monday morning considerable excitement was occasioned in the west end of the city by the finding the dead body of Peter Hanson hanging in a small barn in the rear of his residence in the south ward. Coroner Bentz and Justice Bailey were summoned and held an inquest on the remains, the verdict of the coroner’s jury being to the effect that the man had died at his own hand. The deceased was 48 years old, and leaves a wife and five children. For two years past a man named Nels Nelson has made his home at Hanson’s house, not at all to the satisfaction of the deceased who fancied that Nelson was too intimate with his wife, and his frequent attempts to eject Nelson from the house brought forth vigorous protests from Mrs. Hanson. To maintain family peace the interloper was allowed to remain until about three weeks ago, when he was forcibly ejected by Hanson, and this act so enraged Mrs. Hanson that she caused the arrest of her husband, and the subsequent legal proceedings, by which, it is alleged, he was prohibited from visiting his wife or children, has so preyed on his mind that his existence became unbearable and he put an end to his earthly career. Mrs. Hanson alleges that the deceased visited his family the Sunday evening preceding his death in an intoxicated condition and she ordered him from the house, and it is generally supposed that this led him to commit the rash act. On the other hand, it is rumored that he left friends about four o’clock Sunday afternoon to visit his family, and that he was perfectly sober. Amidst the many rumors it is difficult to accept any of the statements as absolutely correct, but we understand an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death is being made, and if such is the case, we hope the proceedings will be thorough, so that the fault, if any exists, may be placed where it rightly belongs. The deceased was buried Wednesday, a large number of his countrymen - Danes - taking part in the funeral ceremony.

Will Burnside has departed for the far west.

Fred. Woelz left for Green Bay Thursday night in response to a telegram announcing the very serious illness of his father.

H. M. Robinson went to Milwaukee during the week to bring home his father who is quite unwell, and who has been an inmate of the National Soldiers Home in that city.

Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Thompson entertained a large company at their residence in the west ward Tuesday night, the occasion being the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage, or crystal wedding. A most enjoyable evening was spent, the guests indulging in various games, dancing, etc., not the least important item being the discussion of an elegant supper. The presents which were given the host and hostess were numerous, elegant, and costly, and were emphatic testimonials of the esteem entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Thompson by their numerous friends.

Oconto County Reporter
1 December 1888

Oconto Falls
Frank Elliott of St. Nathans was visiting his brother, Douglas this week.

Mrs. E. P. Royce of Escanaba, Mich., visited the family of her brother-in-law, H. M. Royce, in this city last Sunday.

Oconto County Reporter
8 December 1888

We regret to announce that the illness of Mrs. Joseph Hall Sr., is assuming a serious aspect, and but little hope is entertained of her recovery. Her many friends need not at any time be surprised to her that her life work had ended.

Fred. Clapp, of Republic, Mich., visited his sister, Mrs. A. P. McCaul, who is the guest of Mrs. H. M. Royce, during the week.

M. H. McArthy and wife, of Minneapolis, Minn., ate their Thanksgiving dinner with his brother, D. H. McArthy of the west ward.

Abraham McGee, of St. George, N.B., and Robert McGee, of Two Harbors, Minn., have been guests of their brother Sheriff John McGee during the past week.

Mrs. A. P. McCaul returned to her home at Juneau, Thursday.

Mrs. Hicks, of Clintonville, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Mayberry.

An Ancient Find

While the men employed by the Electric Light Co., were engaged in digging a post hole in front of the residence of Mr. S. W. Ford on Main street, one day last week, they excavated an implement of war of very antique design and origin, which effectually does away with the prevalent theory that the Aztecs of ancient times were unacquainted with the use of iron. That they thoroughly understood its uses and were skills in it manufacture is clearly evidenced in the implement found which is a piece of round cast iron about fifteen inches in length. The diameter at the small end is about three inches and at the larger end about four inches. From the smaller end a hole has been bored lengthwise into the casting to a distance of twelve inches. From what appears to be the upper end of the strange find another small hole was drilled at a right angle with the larger hole and at a point to intersect the latter within about a half inch from the inner end. If it were not for the appearance of the affair, and the strange figures and images upon the surface of the implement, it would readily be taken for diminutive cannon. It is attracting a good deal of attention, and will probably find its way to some collection of antiquities.

Oconto County Reporter
15 December 1888

Mrs. E. G. Mullen left Monday night for Washington in response to a telegram announcing the illness of her uncle, Col. Collins. She was accompanied by Mr. Mullen as far as Chicago.

With sorrow we chronicle the serious illness of the youngest son of Mrs. Joseph Gardener.

Oconto County Reporter
22 December 1888


Dr. Rosenberry, left Friday of last week for Wausau, where he will visit his brother for some time.

St. Nathans
J. S. Chase and family left with their household goods for DePere, on Thursday last. They will be greatly missed here. He has rented his farm to B. K. Ladd.

Will Dafter an old Oconto boy, son of Rev. Wm. Dafter, of Marinette, was in the city yesterday and made us a pleasant call. Will has been at East Saginaw for a year past, and contemplates going to Texas soon.

Oconto County Reporter
29 December 1888

Mr. and Mrs. McCune, of Anderson, were the guests of Mrs. M’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Ford, during Christmas.

Mrs. Thos. Ryan, of Oshkosh, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Runkel.

Howard Luby, of Hurley, a former Oconto boy, spent Christmas with old friends in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pendleton spent Christmas with Mrs. P. parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Runkel, at Gillett.

Oconto Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Sterley, of Templetown are visiting relatives in this vicinity.

A son of Mr. Kelly was severely injured one day last week by being drawn into some of the machinery of the paper mill where he was working. By almost a miracle he escaped with only a broken arm and a few bruises. The lad is doing as well as could be expected.