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Flash From The Past - 1887
Oconto County Reporter
Jan 1, 1887

Our Reporter Among the Farmers

This traveling scribe for the Reporter, after battling with a severe attack of malarial fever and a troublesome throat, is back on deck, though feeling someone slim and shivering a little with the cold, all this will come out right when we have been out among the farmers long enough to get filled up again, and getting our mind on business and the interesting subjects so easily raised among the country people. When we last wrote we were in the town of Chase and will now continue by calling attention to the lumber and shingle Mill of M. Krause

Now being operated by the Krause Manufacturing Co., and has been running about a week on shingles. This is the fourth mill built in this site; three mills having been burned within six years; this is a demonstration of pluck, which should be rewarded, by financial success. The shingles from this mill rank among the best in market. The next place to mention is the farm of Christ. Hirsch who is a live patron of the Reporter and a good farmer, with a farm of 120 acres cleared. Christ. Farms with all his might and should be rewarded with full storehouses and gelt in abundance.

Next we come to the farm and home of  B. C. Waldron
Who is a veteran of the late was and a pensioner, he carries the scars of war in sight, having been wounded in the face in the state of Virginia, while fighting to maintain the old flag we love so well. B.C. argues strongly for soldier's rights and can be counted on as a staunch Union man.

Half a mile west is the farm of Francis Byng
An old settler who has 120 acres which 60 is cleared. Mr. Byng was a blacksmith for 15 years for the M. E. Tremble lumbering concern at Big Suamico, while his family worked the farm. Last year he went to Oregon to look for a new home and has just returned. He says Oconto County holds out better, inducements to a poor man, than he found in Oregon, and advises everyone here, who is bound to try Oregon, to go on alone and not pull up stakes until he has seen for himself, where by he may save great disappointment and loss.

F. G. Byng
His son, has an eighty acre farm joining, with 15 cleared and is erecting a new frame home thereon. Good limestone is said to be abound in this neighborhood, which is near the geographical center of the town of Chase, and we shall soon expect to hear of a first class kiln in operation somewhere near. In fact we have heard rumor's, that an excellent article of lime has been made and sold somewhere in the neighborhood. If anybody here has good lime to sell please get the facts to the front through the medium of this spirited local itemizer.

J. S. Gifford
of this neighborhood, makes out to keep abreast of the times. Though he is little off the main road, that is no sign that his notions of farming are off. A visit to his place convinces us that he is steady and surely getting ahead. Each year a new piece is cleared up and added to his farm. We find this gentleman well informed on general matter, and with well-defined ideas. He manufactures large quantities of maple sugar, every spring, which finds a ready market from its well-known reputation for excellence. At Harteau's Corners

S. S. Banta
Is building a grocery store, which will soon be opened with a full line of staple groceries.

Levi Cleveland's
Place, overlooking the south branch of the Pensaukee, is a pleasantly situated, and profitable farm, beside the clearing containing about 20 acres, he has a mammoth maple sugar bush of over a thousand trees, which he operates to its full capacity every spring. His evaporating pan is four and a half by sixteen feet, which has a capacity for reducing to syrup about 60 barrels of sap per day. Mr. Cleveland has operated this bush about 10 years. Last year his sugar house containing his whole outfit was burned by an incendiary fire. He lost one thousand, sixteen-quart buckets, which he had made by hand, of the best pine and cedar stock to be found. He made what he could and rented some buckets and operated the bush last spring nearly to its full capacity and is now engaged rigging up again, to its full measure.

Frank George
A young farmer near here, is on the right road to wealth, has a farm of his own and operates his mother's farm also. His name was allowed to be strung on the list of subscribers to this localizer, which is a creditable act for any young or old farmer to do. Frank keeps his family record in single entry, but the Reporter stands ready to congratulate, at any time

The Schools

In District No. 1 & 2 have been closed as a precautionary measure against the spread of diphtheria, which has made its appearance in the Gonyon settlement. There have been 5 cases reported and two deaths have occurred.

The Settlement

Between the north and south branch of the Pensaukee consists mostly of German families, who are making splendid farms, and seem to be a very prosperous and happy people. Among the more prominent ones we name is Charles Meyer, whose place received special mention by us, a short time ago. August Berr, Martin Wahl and John Dinsie, all extensive and well to do farmers who take active interest in town business.

The Plantations

Of John Carroll, Felis Belonger and F. Bergen, give evidence of much care and labor, which must return their owners a good profit for the pains taken.

Several New Farms

Have been started in this neighborhood, within the past year, but little vacant land can be found adjacent to the main roads. James McEwing, whose name was recently added to our list of new subscribers, has a farm on the town line, between Chase and Gillett, which shows steady and permanent improvement and are long will rank among the most showy and profitable farms on the road.

Personal and Local
Albert Gillett was down from Spalding to spend Christmas with the folks at home.

Marks & Klemp have opened up a Blacksmith and Wagon shop opposite the mill, and are ready to fill any order in that line on short notice.

Frank Smith of Hurley, a former resident of this place, is visiting friends this week.

Mr. Perry is still in serious condition. We understand that his situation is caused by the bursting of a vein in his head.

It is devolved that the body of a man Adler, who was lost in the woods nearly two months since has not been discovered, notwithstanding reports to the contrary.

Mr. Robbie Ellis and Miss Gertie Ellis were visiting friends and relatives at Marinette, on Wednesday.

We regret to learn that Uncle Paul McDonald has been confined to his bed for several weeks past. He is very feeble.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan 8, 1887

Personal and Local

Miss Jennie Eddy, of Waupaca, is visiting relatives and friends in this city at present.

Mrs. Boss and children came down from Bessemer Wednesday, to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mitchell.

Mrs. E. G. Mullen started for Washington, on Wednesday evening, to spend a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Collins.

We regret to learn of the serious illness of Walter Folsom. We understand that he is suffering from Bright's disease of the Kidney's.

Mr. Wm. H. Mayborne, lately from N.Y. State, is making preparations for building a dwelling house in another summer.

Those driving sleigh's in the city should bear in mind the facts that they are required by the City Charter to have bells on their horses to give warning of their approach as they pass along the streets

Mr. Frank LeRoy has been appointed Under Sheriff. Frank will make a good, faithful officer, and his word will be found as good as his bond. There will be no boodle Sheriff about him.

The efforts of Gov. Rusk to break up the infamous dens about Hurley and Bessemer are hailed with delight by all good citizens. It is charged that a certain Milwaukee saloon keeper has been in the habit of employing young girls to go to these dens of infamy, for which service he is said to have received generous sums of money. Two of the unfortunate girls were rescued by Milwaukee policemen the past week. Mayor Wallber is said to have remarked that if upon investigation he finds that the saloonkeeper had been guilty of the offense, he would take his licenses away from him. That would seem to be a very slight punishment, but maybe it is all Mayor Wallber could inflict. If a severer punishment can be inflicted, under any law of the state or of the United States, there ought to be decency enough I the community to punish the scoundrel. To simply withdraw the privilege to sell whisky and let that be his only punishment is to make a farce of the whole thing.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan 15, 1887

Mr. Hazen living in the South ward fell through the railroad bridge last week and was considerably injured.

Albert Hoffmaster, an employee of the Marinette Iron Works Company, Marinette, was killed Wednesday afternoon by a shock of electricity while attempting to adjust an arc light in the foundry.

Mr. Jos. Garrigues left last Saturday to accept a position as station agent at Pelgiers, Neb. We wish his success.

The theory that kerosene lamps have something to do with diphtheria seems a hundred times more prevalent in places where there is nothing but kerosene used for light. Dr. Wilson, of Meriden, Conn, says: There were 71 deaths from diphtheria in the town of Meriden in one year, and by personal investigation, I found that in every case the family used kerosene lamps. There were many other cases in Meriden that year. The spread of the disease being from contagion, but not a single instance where gas or candles were used, was there a case of that disease which terminated fatally. Kerosene, in more ways than one, is the deadly Upas tree to young children.

Last week Friday, Mr. Newbaur and his son got into an altercation with Mr. Newbaur's partner, Mr. Van Dagan, who were engaged in the manufacture of flour, 3 miles south of Green Bay, in which Mr. Van Dagan was injured. He died Tuesday of this week and Mr. Newbaur and his son arrested on Wednesday in this city, and taken to Green Bay for their preliminary examination. We are in hope that they can prove they acted in self-defense and be acquitted.

Mr. Braid has returned, and we regret to learn, that while away he was called on to witness the death of his brother, who lived in North Carolina.

George Windross was visiting relatives and friends at Peshtigo last Week.

Joe Wensing of Green Bay was visiting friends and relatives here a few days ago.

Miss Ella Allen is having a three weeks visit with relatives at Kewaunee, Wis.

There has not been so much sickness in this community for many days as recently. Diphtheria among the children and malarial fevers among all ages has been the principle trouble. There have been seven deaths all from Diphtheria. Two in the family of Joseph Ganion, one in that of David Ganion, three in the family of Antone Albert, and one other a visitor. Granville Lampman, for many weeks a sufferer from Typhoid fever, is quite strong again. Andrew a little son of Louis Redman is also getting well after being thought hopeless. J. C. Banta is round again after a couple of brushes with malaria. R. B. Primley is laid up temporarily, we hope with inflammatory rheumatism.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan 22, 1887

Last week we reported that Mr. Van Dagen, the man that Mr. Louis Newbaur had an altercation with, had died from the effect of his injuries and that Mr. Newbaur had been arrested in consequence. The information was given us by parties whom we considered reliable, but we are pleased to state that we were misinformed. Mr. Van Dagen did not die and Mr. Louis Newbauer was arrested for assault and battery only. We make this statement cheerfully, as being due to Mr. Newbaur, to right any wrong impression that may be set afloat by the statement we made in our last issue.

Miss Amelia Hibbard of New Brunswick is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Young.

It is with regret that we learn the Mr. Wm. W. Johns of Gillett. Lost one finger, and seriously crippled two others on his left hand on Monday, while manipulating a slab saw at Gillett & High's mill.

Henry George has a fight now that will last longer then the average political campaign. He has taken the contract to destroy the Catholic Church in the United States. The whole George generation will get very weary before the church shows signs of decay from the blows the George family strike at it.

Our Local Among the Farmers

At Brookside Corners, we called at the store of C. L. Warner, who reopened that long time business place under its present management, with a full line of staple and fancy dry goods and groceries and notions, confectionery and everything usually kept in a well appointed country store. This place has been the trading place since the close of the war. It was first opened by G. W. DeLano and has been owned and managed by several different parties since. He is also Postmaster and Telephone Agent.

J. T. H. Churchill
Whose home is opposite the store, is among the old settlers in this county, having come to Oconto Falls, in this county, in 1844, and worked on the first saw mill built on the Oconto River, which was commenced by John Volk in that year. Mr. Churchill then came to Brookside and made maple sugar in the spring of 1845, on the farm now owned by M. D. DeLano. After living in this county about two years, he went on foot through the unbroken forest to Wausau, on the Wisconsin River, where he worked two seasons. His nest occupation was a contract of carrying the mail on foot from Two Rivers to Sturgeon Bay, a distance of sixty miles. He was allowed four days to complete a round trip. Some days making a distance of forty miles. He afterward worked at lumbering on the Oconto river sometime, finally settling in the town of Howard, Brown county, where he remained with his family until 1872, where he moved to Iowa and engaged in farming, but failing health caused him to return after a year. Since which he was engaged in the hotel and merchandising business a while at Stephenson, Mich., and finally settling here about two years ago. Although the snows of 72 winters have fallen over his head he is vigorous and hearty, and bids fair to hold out for many years.

M. D. DeLano
Came here and settled on his place in 1854, has been engaged in farming, lumbering and dealing in real estate. Has a splendid farm and home by the side of the brook, from which this pleasant and healthful country place takes its name. The old red house, which for many years was the family residence, still stands in good repair among the trees near the beautiful new residence, which was erected several years ago for his family. The grounds are well kept and many varied are the fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs that adorn the place, which is classed among the finest homes in the county.

Cornelius Lince
Whose place occupies a prominent and sightly position in Brookside proper, came here 31 years ago and settled where he now lives, has a farm of 40 acres, barring a few village lots sold off, and has been engaged in farming and market gardening. Some years ago he was engaged in the manufacture of fish barrels in the shop on his place. About three years ago he lost his residence by fire and has now just completed one of the finest dwelling houses to be seen in the country; the main part is 30 by 30 and 30 feet high with a bay window on the east side from eaves to sill, and a neat cottage roof with cupola all beautifully ornamented. The wing in rear is 14 by 30, 14 feet high, the building is painted what is termed chocolate and cream and altogether has a neat and tasty appearance. His garden is one of the best kept and most productive in the town, Among the principle products of this garden, strawberries have been made a specialty and their sale each year brings in no small item toward the gross profits, while the watermelon patch is generally loaded with such fruit as would suit the taste of the most fastidious boy that ever cooned a patch.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan 29, 1887

We note from the Menominee Herald that Mrs. J. H. Comstock writes from the Arkansas Hot Springs, to which place she accompanied her husband, in hopes his health would be benefited by the climate and baths, that he is not as yet improving. His illness, coupled with the death of his beloved mother, to whom he was deeply attached, has rendered his condition quite precarious and his friends are correspondingly anxious. They expect to remain at the springs until March and their many friends in this city and Menominee, unite in wishes for his recovery, and condole with them in their sad bereavement.

The Oconto Post Office

The community was shocked on Wednesday to hear that Francis Charles Sharp, Postmaster of this city, has been arrested by the United States Marshal on the charge of rifling the mails of money letters. It had been a matter of public notoriety for a long time that the office was terribly mismanaged, but no-one not even Mr. Sharp's worst enemy’s thought, for a moment, that there was any dishonesty connected with the matter. And it was not until the reports had been confirmed with what seemed such an overwhelming array of evidence that his friends were at last compelled to believe the rumor. The full particulars of the affair we give below, which we have taken from the Milwaukee Sentinel, which was furnished partially by the parties working up the case:

Francis C. Sharp, postmaster at Oconto, was lodged in the Milwaukee county Jail Jan. 26, by the United States Deputy Marshal, on a charge of rifling registered letters which passed through his office in the transfer between the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western and Chicago & Northwestern railroads. The Government authorities had been suspicious for a long time that someone in the Oconto office was stealing money from the registered packages; many complaints of losses being lodged with the department at Chicago. For a little time their efforts to locate the thefts were fruitless, and the ordinary plan to send decoy letters was adopted. A large number were sent by the various routes where the shortage occurred, and were immediately followed by inspectors who finally found in the office of the Oconto postmaster, Tuesday evening, indisputable evidence that the pouches were rifled there, although it is not required in the transfer that they should be unlocked or detained except for brief periods between the arrival and departure of the trains on two railroads on entering the town. Upon the arrival at Oconto the officers made an immediate examination of the office, unbeknown to the postmaster, and found, in the money drawer, a $5 bill which had been sent in one of the decoy letters and upon one of the clerks a marked $10 bill, which was shown had been paid him by the postmaster, who handed him his salary the day previous.

The inspectors, Messrs. Smith, of Dubuke and Kertrick, of Chicago, went to Mr. Sharp's residence the next morning invited him to the hotel, and there informed him of what they had discovered and told him that he must accompany them to Milwaukee, as they believed him to be guilty of the robbery.

Mr. Sharp was seen at the county jail by the Sentinel reporter shortly after his arrival last night. He was given quarters in the female department, and appeared but slightly concerned about his arrest, frequently remarking during the interview that everything would be all right after the matter had been more fully investigated, and his innocents would be established with out a doubt. Mr. Sharp is about 38 years of age and is the editor and proprietor of the Enquirer, a Democratic Newspaper. He was appointed postmaster by President Cleveland in March 1885, was confirmed by the senate in April and on May 2, took charge of the office, Earnest Funke retiring.

The prisoner has a wife and two children, and is in exceedingly poor health, having every symptoms of one who is in the last stages of consumption. He is said to have been an earnest worker in the Cleveland campaign, and to have been endorsed by the best citizens of Oconto for the position of postmaster, his paper being the only Democratic organ in the county. The prisoner although not showing any unwillingness to talk, preferred not to go into any detailed story, he said for publication.

"The truth of the matter is," he said, "I know but little about this affair, and have had but little opportunity to investigate it. The money was stolen and I am held as the responsible party, but as yet, I don’t know what I will do to clear myself of guilt. Since I took charge of the office, I have but little to do with it except in a supervisory way, relying largely upon my two clerks, bot of who I believe to be strictly honest. I have given the larger share of my time to the publication of my newspaper, my wife acting as my assistant in the postoffice. I can not account for the presence in my money drawer of the marked money, and would prefer to say but little about it until I have consulted an attorney."

The Oconto postoffice is of the third class order, and pays a salary of $1,600. of which sum the postmaster is required to pay for his clerk hire. Mr. Sharp furnished a bond of $16,000 with Fred Schedler, a hotel keeper, and I. S. P. Hoeffel, John Scanlin, Adolph Sharrow and M. P. Bellow, business men, as sureties. As soon as he was placed in charge of the office pending the conviction or aquital of Sharp. Mr. Sharp is a practical printer and with exception of brief periods, when he has been working at his trade, has resided in Oconto. He established The Enquirer seven years ago, but the venture it is said, has not been altogether a profitable one, although it was the means of securing him the appointment as postmaster. He said last night that a number of his friends would arrive by a late train, and that when his examination takes place before Commissioner Bloodgood this morning, he would be able to furnish bail, and return home. He had the greatest faith, he said, in his friends, and believed they would stand by him.

Out on Bail
Oconto’s Postmaster Waives Examination and Returns Home

In justice to Mr. Sharp, we publish the following, which we also clip from the Milwaukee Sentinel of the 28th. Mr. Sharp returned home on Thursday evening.
Postmaster Sharp, of Oconto, arrested Wednesday morning on a charge of abstracting money from registered letters, was admitted to bail the sum of $1,000 by Commissioner Bloodgood yesterday, I.S. P. Hoeffel, who is on the prisoner’s postoffice bond, furnished the security. Inspectors Smith and Kidder made brief statements of the facts as they had developed in the examination of Sharp’s office. They said that they had sent $53. Through the mails in decoy letters, and that $18. Of this amount, marked, had been found on the person of the prisoner and various other sums in the hands of the clerk, besides a $5. Bill which was in the postmaster’s money drawer, to which no one except Sharp had except Sharp has access. When confronted with the evidence, they said, Sharp made good $14. Which was remaining unaccounted for. Sharp was asked if he had anything to say, but shook his head and said nothing. He acts very coolly about the matter, refusing to have much to say to the officers, and although in quite feeble health, appears to be cheerful. He quietly affirms he knows nothing about the robbery. On the other hand the officers claim to have secured sufficient evidence to convict him, besides a full confession.

“The statement of the inspectors that I admitted opening decoy letters, said Postmaster Sharp, yesterday, “ is utterly untrue. I never made any statement about the matter. The inspectors only charged me with opening four letters and said nothing to me about any others. They claim to have found some money, which they claim to be theirs.  I was not present when they did so, and the only evidence is their own simple statement.

When the case is tried I expect to prove my innocence satisfactorily. The fact is Inspector Kidder asked and answered his own questions and afterwards made a statement based on them. I have not had half a dozen words with either Smith or Kidder concerning the letters.”

Oconto County Reporter
Feb 5, 1887

Personal and Local

A murder is reported at Perkins, a small town on the C. & N. W. railway, about 16 miles north of Escanaba. A man by the name of Peterson was murdered by his wife on the night of Jan. 30.

Mrs. M. D. Sweet, of Marinette, was visiting her sister, in this city, on Monday.

Mrs. Frank Farley and two of her children were visiting relatives at Little Chute. Owen said that he had a splendid visit at (Little Shoot).

The Windross Bros. Received a telegram, one day last week that their sister, Mrs. Levi Hale, who resides at Lena, was not expected to live. The later news stated that she was slowly improving.

Mel Lince is very ill. Doctors say he has consumption.

H. Brownshriber had one of his hands quite badly mangled on a shingle saw at Coleman, but is doing nicely under the skillful treatment of Dr. Violet, of Abrams.

Charles Collier lost his house and contents by fire, Saturday, about noon. Mr. Collier and son Frank are up at the Pike, and Mrs. C. was absent. We believe one sack of flour and two quilts were saved.

Miss Etta Lucia, of the Banta District, closed her school for a day or two last weeks, on account of the death of her uncle, Mr. Cook, of Flintville.

Last Saturday, while Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collier were away from home, their house caught fire and with everything in it burned to the ground. Their were six children at home at the time, the eldest a girl of ten or eleven and the youngest a small baby, fortunately all escaped.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb 12, 1887

Personal and Local

The friends of Chas. Collier and family will be sorry to that on Saturday afternoon last, their home and all its contents was destroyed by fire. Mr. Collier was up north in the woods, and at the time of the fire, Mrs. C. was some miles away, only the children being at home, hence the total loss. This leaves the family quite destitute, their winter supplies being taken, and no insurance. The fire caught from a defective stovepipe. A good many families can draw a valuable moral from this, viz: A few cents invested in good stovepipe, or better yet, in chimney’s of brick, will save a good many hundred cents on the dollar besides much pain and perhaps the loss of life.

A painful accident happened to Poley Belonger of the town of Little River, on Tuesday evening last. He was unloading a load of ties, which were piles high on the sleigh, when they started and rolled down on him breaking his leg near the hip, and wrenching his knee badly. The fracture was reduced by Dr. O’Keefe and the patient is as comfortable as circumstances will permit.

Mrs. O. C. Cook received a telegram on Thursday morning to the effect that her mother, who lives in Waupaca, was dying. She left on the Thursday train to see her.

Fred Kunse, a former resident of the Town of How, was fatally stabbed in the right breast by a man named John Starkweather in a logging camp on the Wolf River on Monday last. Knuse was foreman of the camp.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb 26, 1887

Personal and Local

Mr. James Lucas, of Jones Creek, in the Town of Little River, died on Saturday last and was buried on Monday. He has been sick for a long time with a stomach trouble.

Mr. James Darrow, lost a child at Hurley. It’s remains were brought down on Saturday last and the funeral took place on Monday from the St. Joseph’s Church.

Mr. Parin, of Brussles, Door County, was visiting his brother-in-law, Jerry Laddron last week. He returned home Saturday accompanied by his daughters Mary and Josie, who will spend the week with him.

Mr. Isaiah Post is very ill at the residence of Lorenzo Lord, with but a small chance of recovery.

We understand that Mr. Robert Smith intends to move to Embarrass and start a butcher shop soon.

Oconto County Reporter
Mar 12, 1887

Mr. Hilder Ahlborg, while driving on the top of a large load of logs, in one of Holt & Balcom’s camps up river, lost his balance and rolled off the load, hurting himself severely, on Saturday last.

Mrs. Druse was hanged on Monday at Herkimer, N. Y. for the murder of her husband. She admitted her guilt and gave full details of the horrible crime. She claimed that her daughter, who is in the penitentiary, was innocent of any complicity in the matter.

Mrs. James Ellis, of Peshtigo, was visiting friends and relatives in the city the past week.

W.A. McKinley, we hear, expects his bride to take up her residence here in the near future.

Mr. John Andrews and family have once more set foot on civilized ground, having bid farewell to Swamp Creek.

Henry Schwielerke and Albert Tapes are visiting friends and relatives at Chicago this week. They both will be married as soon as they return.

A. Plouff and family have moved to Nahma, Mic.

Fred Rost has moved to Marinette, Wis.

E. J. Bergman, who has been stationed near Omaha, during the past year, surprised his parents by returning home for a short visit, Thursday last.

Mr. Geo. Wilson is expecting his wife in a few days, after spending the winter with her parents, in Ohio.

Oconto County Reporter
Mar 19, 1887

Personal and Local

“Dead man no good for me,” was the laconic salutation of an Iron Mountain woman some time ago to a crowd of men carrying her dead husband home, he having been killed in an accident, and she refused to receive his body into her home.
Mrs. B. J. Brown, of Menominee, Mich. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart, in this city.

Greer Orr, of Minneapolis, Minn., was in the city for a few hours on Friday on his way to visit his father, Hunter Orr, Esq., of Pensaukee.

Mr. John Penke, of this vicinity, has two brothers who arrived here a few days since from Old England, after a pleasant voyage across the big pond. They have no families. They intend taking up some land in the spring.

Levi Cleveland has replaced his sugaring outfit lost by fire a year and a half ago, and will tap over a thousand trees.

R. B. Primley and family removed to Green Bay this week and Mr. Wednt from Dodge Co., who bought his place, has arrived.

Ira Warner started for Kansas where he expects to make his home., Wednesday of last week, accompanied by Charles Rodgers, who will look the country over and report.

Mr. Robert Smith and family moved to Embarrass last Monday.

Willie Heinemann came home last week to visit his parents; he intends to go back soon, to Menominee, to resume the occupation of an engineer.

A brother of Joe Stoll, who came from Germany, arrived here safely last week.

Mrs. W. DeLano of Manitowoc is visiting here at present.

Oconto County Reporter
Mar 26, 1887

Personal and Local

A fine specimen of a Wild Cat has just been preserved and mounted by neighbor Luois Schbiler for Dr. D. P. Moriarty, of Oconto. The animal has a savage look. The Dr. will not exhibit it when he makes his professional calls, but will take it around later when he goes around to collect the bills. It may be seen in Scheller’s window for a few days. Green Bay Advocate.

Mrs. West, of Appleton, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Keith, the past week.

Mrs. N. C. Gilkey, was at Antigo, attending the funeral of her brother-in-law Mr. Woolidge, the first of the week.

The petition of A. W. Breed and others praying to set off certain territory from towns of How and Maple Valley and to organize a new town by the name of Waupee, was taken up, and the District Attorney gave as his opinion that there was no foundation laid for the section of the Board. On motion the petition was referred back to the petitioners for correction.

Quite a sensation was created here, last week, by the sudden disappearance of a man-of-all-work at the Stiles house. Bill, as he was commonly called, had been acting strangely for sometime and it is feared that while laboring under some delusion he has made an attempt upon his life. Nothing has as yet been heard of him.

Jerry Strong, who during the last two years who has been head clerk for A. Eldred & Son, has severed his connection with the firm. Mr. Strong left on the evening train for Kaukauna where he intends starting in business for himself. Success Jerry.

Geo. Johnson, our popular pedagogue, left for Oshkosh last week with his family. We understand he has excepted a position in a Chicago publishing house and wish him the best of luck wherever he goes.

George Loughlin and bride will move into the house vacated by Mr. Johnson.

J.M. Burbank went to Antigo, on Saturday, to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Woolidge. Mrs. Woolidge, as Miss Emma Dillion, taught school here some years ago and left many warm friends to sympathize with her in her deep affliction. Mrs. Burbank has been with her sister about three weeks.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 2, 1887

A German lady living east of pond came near ending her life the other day by swallowing by mistake a teaspoonful of carbonic acid, which would undoubtedly have proven fatal, had she not at once drank a quantity of milk. Strange to say she has suffered but little inconvenience from the effect of the acid.

Mrs. Bird returned from Chicago on Saturday last where she had been visiting her daughters.

Mr. John Lamkey was down from Bessemer and spent the Sabbath with the “old folks at home.”

Mr. Robert McGee returned from Nahma, Mich., on Tuesday, where he had been visiting his brother James.

Geo. Heath was spilled out of his buggy on Thursday, and received about the mouth, by his buggy colliding with Dr. O’Keef’s buggy.

Mr. Herb. Smith, quill driver and general manager of the Enquirer, accompanied by Miss Lina High, were viewing the sites of Hurley, Bessemer, and Ashland, the past week.

We regret to learn that Mr. G.T. Porter is seriously ill at Duluth. Mrs. Porter left Thursday evening, in answer to a telegram, to be with him. We hope that he will be speedily restored to health.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mott, of Milwaukee, were visiting friends in the city the past week. Mr. Mott has sold his drug business at Milwaukee and there is a possibility of his returning to this city to engage in Business.

Peter Lenhart lost his barn, in the town of Little River, on Thursday forenoon. He had been repairing his sleigh and used a red hot iron to burn a hole in one of the runners. He had occasion to go to the house, a short distance away, and while there his children called attention to the smoke coming out of the barn, before he could get back it was past saving. The probabilities are that he laid the hot iron down after using it, which caused the fire. The barn was the old mill frame used by Carter & Wells some years ago.

Ed Bergeron has been visiting his sister Mrs. M.J. Wooley, who resides in Fort Howard.

James McClure went to Menominee to visit two of his daughters the fore part of last week.

Oconto County Reporter
April 16, 1887


A quiet wedding took place at Green Bay last Monday, the contracting parties being Miss Mollie Powers of this place and Curtis Allen, of Brookside. Their many friends wish them God Speed, and perpetual happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Allen will remain here for the present.


April 9th, Miss Lillian DeLano, formerly of Brookside, was united in marriage to Mr. Will Jackson at Beaver, Wis.

On the same day Charles Basset of Abrams, and Miss Phenie Blackbird of Brookside were joined in holy bonds of wedlock, by J. T. H. Churchill, J. P.
The happy couple will reside at Abrams and will be followed by kind wishes of a host of friends.

April 10th, C. H. Allen concluded it was not good for man to be alone so hired himself to Pensaukee and was united to his other half, Miss Mollie Powers. They left for Depere Sunday evening, accompanied by Will Powers and Cora Allen. We extend to each and all the "translated" ones our hearty congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness.

 Oconto County Reporter
Apr  9, 1887

Peter Lenhart, who lost his barn by Fire last week in the town of Little River, thinks it was the work of an incendiary as no one had been in the part of the barn where the fire broke out for over 24 hours.

Dr.’s Moriarty and Allan were on Thursday summoned by County Judge Ellis, to examine into the case of Henry Hawkins, whom the town of Oconto alleges to be insane.

Will Edmonds tarried in the city a few hours on Wednesday, on his return from a visit to his parents in Michigan.

James Cholette, proprietor of the Cholette House, Peshtigo, has for more then a week past manifested symptoms of insanity, and early in the week became so violent that is was deemed necessary to place him in confinement, and on Thursday last he was taken to the Northern Asylum for the insane, at Oshkosh.

Mr. Ohms, of Spaulding, Mich., brother to Gus, was down to see the boys last week.


Oconto County Reporter

Contributed by Dave Cisler
Transcribed by  Cathe Ziereis


The only principal industry besides farming in this locality is the flour mill owned and operated by John Leigh, and as we believe the profit of the sawmill here has passed, it is unlikely to be rebuilt after being destroyed by fire. But the flour mill's future is brighter than the past, and has current capacity of 65 barrels a day. It is a ready money market for all the wheat that is brought in pays 70 cents a bushel. Mr. Leigh’s store building is rented as a general store by August McAllister and his son, Charles – embryo of “the coming Yankee” merchant.

 The Oconto Lumberman
April 30, 1887

Mrs. William Walker, who was severely burned while boiling pitch a few weeks since died from the results of the accident, at her home near
Beaver on Saturday. The funeral was held on Monday.

Mr. Robert Chamberlain a well known lumberman was found dead in his bed at the Washington House yesterday morning. He retired in good spirits and is supposed to have dies of heart disease. Deceased was a son of Mr. George Chamberlain and about 38 years of age. The funeral will take
place to-morrow under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. Society of which he was an honorable member.

As we go to press we learn that Mr. Phillip Keefe a former resident of this place died suddenly at Fort Howard last evening. His remains were brought to this city on the 2 o'clock train for internment. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the St. Joseph's Church.

A. M. Cholette, of Peshtigo, died at the northern hospital Monday of congestion of the brain. Mr. Cholette was proprietor of the Cholette house at Peshtigo. He
had been confined in the northern hospital for some weeks having become insane on account of business matters. He was worth about $26,000.

P.T. Williams returned from Green Bay Thursday where he was summoned as a witness in the Soquet murder trial. Mr. Williams was related to Soquet’s second wife who was poisoned by the prisoner two days after giving birth to a child. Medical testimony shows that the symptoms that Mrs. Soquet had previous to her death were those of poisoning from arsenic.

Fatal Shooting Affray

A shooting affray took place in New Langlade county, Friday, April 15th, which resulted in the death of John Connelly. The affair grew out of an old grudge between Connelly and Mike Conklin.  The circumstances of the shooting and trouble immediately preceding it are thus described by an eyewitness: Both men had been drinking heavily that day and old sores had been opened and Connelly threatened to kill Conklin. In the evening they met at Louis Pendelton’s hotel where the quarrel was renewed, but friends of the men separated them and put Connelly to bed. Conklin remained in the hotel a short time, then started to leave, saying he
would not sleep in the same house with Connelly. At this juncture Connelly again appeared on the scene clothed in his under clothes, his right hand concealed in his drawers, Connelly reiterated his threats to kill him when Conklin started to leave the house. Connelly followed him to the door saying “---- ----- you, I will kill you!” Conklin backed out the door, at the same time drawing a revolver and telling Connelly not to come any nearer. Mr. Pendleton attempted to get between them and shut the door, but Connelly caught the door and threw it open and started after Conklin, when the latter shot at him, the ball entering the right side just below the ribs, passing threw his intestines and lodging in his left hip. Connelly threw up his hands exclaiming, “Pendleton, I'm shot!” and fell to the floor. He was taken up and carried to his room and the next morning was brought to Antigo, to Mr. Peter Fischbach’s, where he was placed under the care of Dr. J. W. Dawley. His death
occurred Saturday night at 12 o’clock and was buried at Antigo Monday morning. Immediately after the shooting J. E. Schultz, a constable arrested Conklin and brought him to Antigo where he was placed under bonds to appear before Justice Wines Monday, the 25th, for examination. Conklin claims he did the shooting in self-defense and the facts as we got them to substantiate his statement. Conklin is said to be a peaceful fellow aside from the trouble he had with the deceased.

 Oconto County Reporter
May 7, 1887

Maple Valley

We give you, hastily, a few items regarding the big blow of Monday.. The morning opened calm and almost sultry, at 10 a.m. the wind rose, and by twelve it was blowing a hurricane. The barns of Knute Hanson, Fred Christensen, Thos. McMahon and the barn on the Hynes place were demolished. Mr. Hiram Palmer's house was completely unroofed while the family were at dinner, miles of fence blown down and scores of trees uprooted. On Kelly  Lake the wind was terrible. It would cut the white caps off the waves and send a spray flying up the lake until it looked like drifting snow. The "oldest inhabitant" never saw anything like it. The amount of damage done must be very great judging by what we have seen, but it is too early to hear many particulars as yet.

 Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 6, 1887


Mr. Ellinger and wife have another daughter.

We are informed that Mr. Gust. Haine has taken himself a better half. Congratulations are in order.

Mr. John Simons lost his wife. She died and was buried near Green Bay; her disease was consumption.

Oconto Falls

A bareheaded and barefoot little girl made her appearance at the home of F. Perrigo last Monday.

 Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 3, 1887

When the new marriage license law goes into effect in Michigan, the Marinette ministers and justices will get a benefit. The young fellows will all go to Wisconsin then to get married, rather than give themselves away by procuring a license.

Oconto Falls

The Temple family have recently been having a reunion, for the first time in some years. Mr. Joshua Temple and wife of Nebraska, Mr. Charles Temple and wife of Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith of Wallace, Mich., meeting their sisters and brothers of this place, viz: Mr. George Temple, Mr. Daniel Temple, Mr. Albert Temple, Mrs. Jas. Volk and Mrs. McEwing. The event has been a pleasant one, and we hope that they may all live to it repeated.

 Oconto County Reporter
 December 17, 1887

James Peshek lost the first finger of his left hand and had the second badly mutilated on Monday.  He was injured while working at his fathers cedar mill on the bay shore.

At the parsonage of St. Joseph’s church on Tuesday, December 14, by Rev. Fr. Lochman, Miss Magdalene Buchberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Buchberger of Lena, to Henry U. Cole of this city.

 Maple Valley
Rev. Paul of the M.E. church at Maple Valley was called home by the death of his sister.

On the evening of December 8 about forty people went in sleighs to F. Brehmers, Gillett, to surprise them, it being Mr. Brehmers birthday.

Anton Averson of Hayes is now postmaster at Suring.

We have been informed by D.J. Newald that A. Sorenson and Co., have rented the Green Valley Creamery for three years and A.J. Whipple of Stiles will be manager.

Oconto Falls
Mrs. S.W. Ford, Sr. and daughter, Mrs. G.S. Elliott are at Oconto Falls, where they were summoned by reason of the serious illness of M.A. McCune, a son-in-law of Mrs. Ford.

William Terwillegar is improving in health after a long illness.  Mr. Terwillegar is one of the oldest residents in the town of Chase.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 2, 1887

A German lady living east of pond came near ending her life the other day by swallowing by mistake a teaspoonful of carbonic acid, which would undoubtedly have proven fatal, had she not at once drank a quantity of milk. Strange to say she has suffered but little inconvenience from the effect of the acid.

Mrs. Bird returned from Chicago on Saturday last where she had been visiting her daughters.

Mr. John Lamkey was down from Bessemer and spent the Sabbath with the “old folks at home.”

Mr. Robert McGee returned from Nahma, Mich., on Tuesday, where he had been visiting his brother James.

Geo. Heath was spilled out of his buggy on Thursday, and received about the mouth, by his buggy colliding with Dr. O’Keef’s buggy.

Mr. Herb. Smith, quill driver and general manager of the Enquirer, accompanied by Miss Lina High, were viewing the sites of Hurley, Bessemer, and Ashland, the past week.

We regret to learn that Mr. G.T. Porter is seriously ill at Duluth. Mrs. Porter left Thursday evening, in answer to a telegram, to be with him. We hope that he will be speedily restored to health.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mott, of Milwaukee, were visiting friends in the city the past week. Mr. Mott has sold his drug business at Milwaukee and there is a possibility of his returning to this city to engage in Business.

Peter Lenhart lost his barn, in the town of Little River, on Thursday forenoon. He had been repairing his sleigh and used a red hot iron to burn a hole in one of the runners. He had occasion to go to the house, a short distance away, and while there his children called attention to the smoke coming out of the barn, before he could get back it was past saving. The probabilities are that he laid the hot iron down after using it, which caused the fire. The barn was the old mill frame used by Carter & Wells some years ago.

Ed Bergeron has been visiting his sister Mrs. M.J. Wooley, who resides in Fort Howard.

James McClure went to Menominee to visit two of his daughters the fore part of last week.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 16, 1887

Will Darrow, of Marinette, we regret to say is dangerously ill, and we understand that his physicians have very little hope of his recovery.

Mrs. R.T. Richer, of Abrams, had removed to Ulyses, Kansas.

Mr. L. K. Fischer Sr., of Appleton was visiting his son Louis in this city on Monday.

A Shooting Affair

A shooting affair occurred at Lena on Tuesday last, the particulars of which would indicate that is was a most unprovoked affair. It appears that James Carlin, of the town of Oconto, who had just arrived from the logging camps, had been indulging in a spree, and while in this condition has seriously quarreled whose name we could not ascertain, but through the interference of friends the difficulty had been settled. At about 10:00 that night, however, Carlin went into a bedroom of LaPlant’s hotel, and seeing a man in one of the beds whom it is supposed he mistook for his enemy, he drew his revolver and shot him, the ball penetrating the left eye and coming out at the base of the brain on the right side of the head. The wounded man’s name is Maurice Bruchand, and he is not the party with whom Carlin had quarreled during the day. Occupying the bed with Bruchand was a young boy, a son of the hotel keeper, over the right side whose head the ball passed before entering Bruchand, leaving a wound about a half inch wide and four inches long. At last accounts Bruchand was dying. Carlin was promptly arrested, and is now confined to the county jail at this city, awaiting the results of Bruchand’s injuries. After Carlin had shot Bruchand, the latter, with the boy who was sleeping with him, jumped from the bed and ran downstairs, and Carlin quietly took possession of the bed and remained there until constable John Buchberger arrested him, about one and a half hours later. Mr. Buchberger quietly approached the sleeping man and suddenly grasped him with a firm grip, and it was well he did so, for on the covering being removed a revolver, loaded and cocked, was found living beside his right hand, apparently ready for instant use in resisting arrest.
Later – The wounded man, Bruchand is improving somewhat, and strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. The preliminary examination of Carlin was adjourned from Thursday last for one week, to await the result of Bruchand’s injuries.

Mrs. John Virtues returned from Bay Settlement last week where she had spent the winter with her parents.

Mr. Gilmore will soon visit his old home in Kent Co. Mich., and Mr. B. Armstrong will visit his brother near Crystal Falls, Mich.

Mr. Robert Cashose returned from Utah last Saturday and is the guest of his family at present.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 23, 1887

A most distressing accident occurred at the camp of Murphy & Son, some distance above Crystal Falls, on Wednesday last, in which a number of Ocontoites were severely injured. In the camp was stowed a quantity of dynamite which it was intended to use in blowing up the ice in the river, so that the drive of logs could be started. By some means, however, the camp caught fire, and either in the effort to extinguish the flames or to rescue the contents, the men were all present when the dynamite exploded, and seven of them received injuries more or less severe. Among the injured were H. Archibald, John Good, John Wiseman, August Brash and Wm. Hornibrook, of this city. Archibald and Brash, who were most severely injured arrived here on Thursday, and are receiving medical care, with good prospects for speedy recovery.

Mrs. R. T. Richer and family started for Kansas, their future home, Monday. Both Mrs. Richer and daughter Myrtie will be greatly missed by a host of loving friends, who all unite in wishing them a safe journey to their new home.

Oconto County Reporter
Apr 30, 1887

We are pleased to note the fact that Morris Buschand, the man who was wounded in the shooting affair at Lena some two weeks ago, is improving rapidly, and will be able to be out. The preliminary examination of Jas. Carlin, the young man who did the shooting, was postponed on Saturday last for two weeks.

Mr. H.M. Royce was at Escanaba on Monday. Called there by the severe illness of his nephew Mr. Coval Royce.

Douglas Elliott has been called to St. Nathans by his father’s serious illness.

Mrs. C. Cushman, relict of the deceased Chandler Cushman, will make her future home with the family of J. Rifenburg.

Mrs. Mina Primmer, of Lake Geneva, Ill., is visiting the scenes of her childhood and her old home, at Uncle Snyder’s, and making her many friends happy, after an absence of twelve years.

Oconto County Reporter
May 7, 1887

Nate Fisher of Marinette, visited relatives in this city on Sunday.

Mr. E.W. Talmadge, of Detroit, is visiting his son Samuel at the present time.

Mrs. Geo. Page has gone to Marinette, to visit relatives and acquaintances.

Mrs. Mose Lafawn and children, from Memphis, Tenn., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heineman.

Oconto County Reporter
May 14, 1887

A young man about 18 years old named Walter Briquolotte is in the Menominee jail, charged with the unnatural crime of violating his own mother. The act was committed during the winter while the husband and step father was away working in the woods. The family live about twelve miles northwest of Menominee on the state road. The young man admits his guilt but appears to be so brutish that he does not seem to understand the seriousness of the offense.

James Carlin, the young man who shot Morris Buschand some three weeks ago, at Lena, was admitted to bail in the sum of $1000 last Saturday. His mother furnished the bail.

Oconto County Reporter
May 28, 1887

Mr. E.W. Talmadge who has been spending several weeks with his son in the city, left for Minneapolis on Wednesday.

Mr. Charles McGee left Wednesday morning for Two Harbors, Minn., to accept a position in a mercantile establishment.

Dr. A.M. Iverson, of Alexandra, Dakota, is visiting his son, Mr. A.M. Iverson, of this city.

Jno. Bundy went to Green Bay Tuesday with Mr. Merron, Mrs. Pillsbury’s father, who is quite helpless with paralysis. Mrs. P. has quite broken down caring for him, and he was taken to the home of another daughter near Green Bay.

Rueben Moody met with a sever accident while in the employ of E.C. Whitney. While walking with a double-bitted axe on his shoulder he fell, the axe implicing a severe cut on the back of his head. He is home and in fair way to recovery.

Mr. Levi Lane and family moved to Embarrass last week where Mr. Lane will resume his old business of conducting a saloon.

Mr. James Grant and family have moved from St. Nathans to Morgan, where their home will be for the present.

Granville Lampman has moved his family up on the Northern this week where his brother-in-law had proceeded him the week before.

State of Wisconsin vs. Herbert R. Jones. Verdict of guilty. Defendant’s attorney moved for an arrest of judgment.

State of Wisconsin vs. John Couchraine. Papers in case filed by L. S. Baily.

State of Wisconsin vs. Verona E. Cole, Fred Eckleback, John Peake. Charged with stealing and killing a heifer. Cole and Eckleback arraigned and pled guilty. Peake not in court.

State of Wisconsin vs. J. Suring, criminal taking and conversion of property. Not guilty.

State of Wisconsin vs. Thos. Worth, assault with intent to kill. Found guilty of assault.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 4, 1887

Will Hall, son of Mr. J. W. Hall, of the Lumberman, who works in the Oconto Company’s Machine shop, had the misfortune to have the forefinger of his right hand crushed in the gearing of the lathe. The bone was so mutilated that is was necessary to amputate the finger just below the middle joint.

On Thursday morning, Dr. Allen, assisted by Drs. O’Keefe and Moriarty, performed a most successful operation of the person of Mrs. Crozier, of the town of Oconto, removing a cancerous growth from the left side, implicating the entire heart. The tumor weighed fully two pounds, and the operation was performed in twenty minutes. We hope to be able to chronicle the ultimate relief of the lady, and are satisfied that under the skillful care of the attending Surgeon, Dr. Allan, our best wishes will be realized.

A young man named Edward Ruck, who has been working on Holt & Balcom’s farm in Maple Valley, was taken sick with inflammatory rheumatism during the last week, and on Sunday died, the disease having reached his heart. A doctor was called in on Saturday, and every effort made to relieve him, but without avail. Mr. A. Cole, superintendent of the company, had the body shipped to the home of his parents, near Portage, Wis., on Tuesday, and next day forwarded the bereaved parents all the young man’s effects, consisting of clothing and money.

Mr. Levi Lane and wife, also the sons of Levi have gone to Embarrass where he will open a first class Sallon.

Mr. Warren Rice has been quite sick from drinking impure water on the drive.

Thos. Reynolds is off the drive. We understand that a fellow comrade is grateful to him for having saved his life. That is the kind of boys that we have at the Falls.

Wilhelm Seiling and family, accompanied by Fred Montie, left here for Michigan City, Indiana, on Thursday of last week. Mr. Seiling came from there here about a year ago.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 11, 1887

Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Whitmore, of Princeton, Wis., are visiting Mr. & Mrs. Antone Sharrow. Mrs. Whitmore and Mrs. Sharrow are sisters.

Mrs. James Hume, nee Mathews, of Madison, Neb., arrived here last week, and will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mathews.

Mr. Bundy’s family have had quite a siege with measles, Mrs. B. and five children being ill at one time, and at present writing one little girl is not expected to live.

Miss Murcie, of Boston, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Campbell, returned home one day last week.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 18, 1887

Mrs. Luke Balcom left the first of the week for a few weeks visit with her mother in New York state.

Mr. and Mrs. Hindy of St. Lawrence county, N.Y., relatives of the Georges, are visiting that family.

Oconto County Reporter
Jun 25, 1887

Alex McCluskey received a telegram Wednesday conveying the sad intelligence of the death of his brother-in-law, John Kane at Fond du Lac that morning. Mr. K. was a passenger conductor on the C. M. & St. P. railway, and was standing at the end of a car on the rail when a switch engine backed up suddenly against the car and threw him down, the wheels passing directly over his body and killing him instantly. Mr. McClusky and family left for Fond du Lac Wednesday night.

John Farrell, a foreman for the Soper Lumber Co., at Menominee, Mich., while under the influence of drink, made an unprovoked attack of G.T. Porter while sitting in his buggy, at the races on Thursday. The trouble was brought about by some old matter. Mr. Porter had just arisen from a sick bed and was still in a precarious condition, and the assault on him was cowardly and unmanly.

Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Williams, of Kaukauna, were guests of Mrs. W’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Phelps, during the week.

Shortly after the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson, of Marinette, at this city on the noon train on Wednesday, they received a telegram announcing that their house was burning down. They were just in time to take the 1:35 train for home.

Albert Livingston, an 11 year old boy, grandson of Mrs. Classon, of the Scandinavian hotel, Frenchtown, was instantly killed on Saturday last. He was engaged in playing baseball and was standing near the home plate, when the bat slipped out of the hands of the batter and struck him in the pit of the stomach, causing instant death.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 2, 1887


Thos. McGoff left Thursday evening for Canada, where his mother is not expected to live. He will be absence several days.

Under sheriff LeRoy took Mary Belonga to the Northern insane asylum at Oshkosh, on Friday of last week.

We understand that Mr. M.J. McCourt contemplates moving his family to Gladstone to reside in the future.

Thos. Payne, who has been a resident of Peshtigo for 23 years, died at his home in the sugar bush Saturday night last of complication of diseases.

Chas. Alvord had the misfortune to loose his barn, grainery and contents last week Thursday. The barn contained also all his agricultural implements which were destroyed. The loss is partially covered by insurance.

Joseph Gonion has sold his farm and started Monday with his family for Red River, Door Co., where he has arranged to locate.

Charley Wheeler, of Frenchtown, about ten days ago manifested symptoms of insanity and on Thursday he was removed to the asylum at Oshkosh.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 9, 1887

Mrs. J.F. Emery, of West Bay City, Mich., visiting her sister, Mrs. W.H. Young.

Mrs. Hibbard, of New Bruswick, is visiting her daughter Mrs. W.H. Young in this city.

P. McKitterick, who has been principal in the Jefferson school, started for his old home at Lindsay, Canada, on Tuesday evening.

Attorney John Scanlin, of Bessemer Mich., is home visiting the old folks this week.

Sam Klass and Jake Runkel, who are now located at Pembine, Wis. Came home to visit the old folks on Monday last.

A fire broke out in the house of Mrs. Martin Jicha, just after she and her friends had returned from the burial of her husband. The alarm was given and No 2 responded, but the flames were extinguished before the arrival of the engine.

Complaint having been made of the alleged insanity of Mrs. James Conniff, a medical examination of the lady was made on Tuesday last by Drs. O’Keef and Allan, who pronounced her of unsound mind, and recommended her removal to the Northern Insane Asylum.

Suicide: Martin Jicha, a Bohemian about 23 years of age, committed suicide about noon on Monday, July 4th. The deceased loaded a revolver and went out to the yard and fired off two or three shots, when his wife came out and begged him to desist. He promised to do so, and told her to take the child which she was carrying into the house. She had hardly got into the house when she heard another shot fired, and almost at the same time the fall of the body. She hurried out and found the prostrate body of her husband with a bullet hole through the heart. Jicha was employed up to the time of death in the Oconto Company’s mill. He bore a good character and was esteemed a good workman. In one of his pockets was found a note, written on the day of his death, wherein he announced that this was his last day on earth, and bidding his family goodbye. A coroner’s inquest was held, and a verdict returned in accordance with the above facts.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 23, 1887

The search for the missing boy, Gustav Samp, who disappeared from the home of his parents in the town of Waukechon on Monday of last week, has been discontinued and the boy given up for lost. The most diligent search failed to discover any trace of his whereabouts. He is supposed to have perished in a large cedar swamp in the vicinity, which however failed to reveal any indications of his presence after the most thorough search.
(Transcriber has knowledge of this boy, who was taken by the Indians. He was found many years later and lived in Shawano County.)

The reports made to the state board of supervision for June show that, at the State hospital for the insane, there were at the close of the month 522 as against 641, a total increase of 40. The number of prisoners at Waupun varied between 413 and 446; at the Industrial School between 326 and 338.

The gamblers must leave Hurley. Their unbridled deviltry during the fire of last Saturday night disgusted and made angry the decent people of the town, and at a meeting held on Tuesday morning it was decided that the gamblers, pimps and prostitutes must be rooted out of the town. If the gamblers will not leave after five days notice, a hemp noose awaits them. The people of Hurley can trace the destruction of their flourishing town to the licensed pest house which they allowed to exist in their midst, and they are in earnest now in their desire to purify the town of the vermin with which it is infested.

Mr. Joseph Cox, an old Oconto boy, passed through the city Tuesday, on his way to the Gogebic Range.

Mr. G. M. Breed, of How, was in the city on Wednesday. He is interested in getting the town of Waupee set off under its own organization.

Mrs. James Conniff, having been adjudged insane by a board of competent physicians, was taken to the Oshkosh insane asylum on Thursday evening.

Suicide: Chas. DeLaporte, a young man who has been employed in the tin shop of Chas. Hall for the past five years, died yesterday morning from the effect of a dose of Laudanum which he took Thursday afternoon with the intention of putting an end to his life. The deceased had developed a strong appetite for ardent spirits, and sought every opportunity to gratify this desire until life became a burden to him. He was a good workman, and was of a rather peaceable disposition, and his suicidal act was a matter of great surprise. Throughout the night three doctors were in attendance endeavoring to resuscitate the young man but without avail. The laudanum was obtained at the drug store of J. F. LeRoy on a forged order.

Mr. George Bent contemplates moving with his family to Southern California in the near future.

John Rymer Sr. of Oconto Falls, formerly of Morgan, lost four valuable colts by lightening last week. The citizens of this place made up a purse for him, not a large amount certainly, something between $30 and $40 I believe, but enough to show the noble impulses of the men in the vicinity, who are always ready and willing to lend a helping hand. Mr. Rymer is a man nearly 60 years old, a hard working farmer who has recently lost his farm and now this misfortune, leaving him with neither farm or horses, is a sad blow.

Oconto County Reporter
Jul 30, 1887

There is a strong suspicion that the third Mrs. Soquet who has been missing since early in the winter, at Green Bay, was roasted and completely burned up in the oven. The Soquet children say that father baked for two or three days but “did not take any bread out of the oven.”

Miss Nellie Page, who has been in Boston for the past eight months, has now gone to Bangor, Me. To visit relatives from there she will return to her home in this city.

Mr. Charles England returned to his home in Baltimore, Sunday evening. He leaves his wife and children to finish their visit, who will remain some two weeks longer. At present they are the guests of Mrs. C. S. Hart.

Miss Fannie Hart of Green Bay, accompanied by her brother William, left Monday for Chicago, whence she will go to Cleveland and spend some time with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Strasser of McCook, Neb., were visiting their niece, Mrs. I. N. Heller, in this city during the week.

Adam Jachon was not expected to live for several days last week, but at present is convalescing.

While Mr. and Mrs. John Judd, of St. Nathans were coming from Oconto on Monday, on driving down a steep hill, their little girl of nineteen months fell from the wagon and both wheels passed over her body and limbs. Dr. Violet was called and pronounced no bones broken and no internal injuries, but the little one suffers a great deal of pain and appears in a critical condition.

Mrs. Degan’s sister from California, who has been visiting her recently, returned home last week.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 6, 1887

Augustus Ansorge, fourteen years of age, was arrested on complaint of his mother by Under Sheriff LeRoy last Tuesday. He was accused of stealing ten dollars in cash from Chas. Zipple of the bay shore. He was sent to the Industrial School for boys at Waukesha.

Mrs. Bundy, of Ishpeming, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Capt. Coburn of this city.

Mr. L. Lane, wife and family, of Embarrass, were visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday.

We regret to state that little Edith, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pendleton, is dangerously ill from an attack of cholera infantum, but slight hopes are entertained for her recovery.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 13, 1887

The little child of John Judd, which was run over recently, is doing well.

Millions of grasshoppers were piled upon the beach in furrows and ridges by Lake Michigan last Sunday. For miles up and down the beach there were ridge’s of grasshoppers at the waters edge several inches deep and varying from six inches to two feet wide. It is a mystery where they came from. It is possible they were sucked up from the prairies of the west by a passing tempest, which relaxed it’s hold upon them when it entered the cooling atmosphere of Lake Michigan.

A man by the name of Charles Nelson was killed at Ingalis, Mich., of Friday night by train No. 23. Report says he was drunk and was sleeping on the track. His body was dreadfully mangled. He had worked for John Bagley.

Dave Bardon has been in Milwaukee this week, attending his brother’s funeral.

Mr. Thos. Brazeau now of Norway Mich., made us a pleasant call last Wednesday. We are glad to know he is prospering and is as fat and good natured as ever.

Mr. Havier Juneau and family extend their sincere thanks to all of the kind neighbors and friends for their services in the late sickness and death of Mrs. Josephine Juneau.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 20 1887

Mr. George High, lost his saw mill and all the contents by fire the first of last week. Loss about $5,000 with no insurance. Cause of the fire, from spark in the shingle room which soon laid the mill in a mass of smoking ruins.

Mr. W. H. Heath, wife and two children, of Louisville, Ky., depart for the south on Saturday, having spent three weeks in the city visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. P. Hoeffel.

Mrs. Harvey Armstrong had gone to Chautauque, N.Y. to visit her mother, who she heard was very sick with paralysis. News has reached here since her departure that her mother was a little better.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug 27, 1887

North Branch

Mr. A. C. Frost is putting up a large house with the intention of keeping ye weary wanderers who may stray into our little town, we wish him success in his new home.

Mr. Frost also intends keeping a store and blacksmith shop.

Mr. H. Raby is getting a post office started up here.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept 3, 1887

A fire broke out in the residence of Pat. Regan in the South Ward at midnight on Monday, and the building was completely destroyed. Nearly all of the contents, however, were saved. Mr. Regan is watchman in engine house No. 1, and is a steady, industrious man, and we regret sincerely that such a misfortune should come upon him. The house was insured for $700.

W. H. Webster left Wednesday evening for the home of his parents, Farmington, Mich., accompanied by his son Carl who will attend school at Pontiac during the ensuing year.

James Hansen, who has been employed in the store of J. Hemmingsen, is dangerously ill from blood poisoning. We trust he May speedily recover.

Mr. Ben Armstrong is suffering with a bad gash from an axe which accidentally fouled with his shin bone last week.

Chris Weinholdt, not to be out done, nearly unjointed his knee with a butcher knife while killing a sheep.

Henry Johnson and wife were absent during the week attending the wedding of Mrs. Johnson’s brother. Mrs. Brownell attended to their home during their absence. They report having an enjoyable time.

Oconto County Reporter
Sep 10, 1887

On Sunday morning last, at about 2:00, the flour and feed store of Pierre & Francois, of Frenchtown, was totally destroyed by fire. The building was reduced to ashes and the stock was a total loss. The insurance was light. The young men had only established themselves about a year ago and were doing a good business, and we sincerely regret the loss.

Mr. J. Hosking, of Hurley, was in the city during the week, visiting his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. High. We acknowledge a pleasant call.

Mrs. C. Boss, of Bessemer, Mich. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mitchell.

Mrs. Jas. Hume, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Jas. Mathews, will start next Monday for her home at Madison, Iowa. Mr. Mathews will follow a week later.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. Burby had his two fingers badly cut in the pulp mill on day last week.

Miss Daisy Flatley returned from Embarrass where she had been visiting her sister for some time.

Miss Emma Hill returned to her home in Embarrass last Wednesday after a weeks visit.

Oconto County Reporter
17 Sep 1887

Mrs. Charles England left Wednesday for her home in Baltimore, Md. She proposes to spend a week with friends in Milwaukee enroute.

Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Bond left Wednesday for a visit to Buffalo, N.Y., their native city. They will be gone about three weeks.

Mr. G. T. Porter, left for Chicago Thursday, accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr. Jamieson who has been spending a few days with the family of Mr. P. in this city. Mr. Jamison is one of the police officers who was dangerously wounded by the explosion of a bomb at the Haymarket riot in Chicago in May 1886.

Mrs. Cyrus Stanley, nee Coleman, of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart.

Mrs. H. M. Royce, who was in Chicago during the week, received a telegram announcing the dangerous illness of her mother at Watkins, N.Y., and immediately departed for that place.

Mr. Charles Duel, of Gillett, has his house at North Branch nearly completed, and will move his family in a few days.

Oconto County Reporter
Sep 24 1887

Mr. Peter Lenhart lost his house and all its contents by fire on the 16th. Mr. L. has been peculiarly unfortunate, having lost a house two years ago and a barn last spring. No insurance. Neighbors are generously coming to his aid.

Thomas Headland arrived here a few weeks ago from Missouri, to visit his grandfather who is very ill at present.

E. H. Gowran is quite ill with typhoid fever. He is at Hiram Allen’s where he will have good care.

E.R. Chesly and family have moved to Green Bay where they will reside for the present.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 8, 1887

J.J. Porter has rented a barber shop at Florence, and his partner, Ed. Angle, has gone up there to manage the business.

We regret to state that there appears to be no improvement in the condition of Mr. Marsh Porter, who has been more or less ill for the past year.

Mr. Wm. Luby, formerly of this city, has commenced work on a new brick block at Ironwood, and expects to have it completed yet this fall.

Mr. Thomas Simpson is now making preparations for logging this winter at Cheshire, Mich. He has secured a contract to put in 2,500,000 feet for Gardner & Wood, of Chicago. Mr. S. and family will spend the winter at Cheshire also.

Wenzel Schuartz and wife, Adelina of Fort Howard, have lived unhappily for several years. Two years ago Mrs. Schuartz sought a divorce on the grounds of cruel treatment and they then lived apart. Latterly they made up again. They have 11 children. About 2:00 Sunday morning Mrs. Schuartz arose while her husband was sleeping and procuring an axe returned and struck her husband a blow on top of the head, crushing in the frontal bones and inflicting wounds that may prove fatal. The woman partially dressed herself, soon after left the house and delivered herself up, stating that she had been divinely inspired to commit the deed. She was on Monday pronounced insane and sent to the state asylum.

P. Plouff, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. James Acteson, leaves here on Monday for Quinnesee, Mich., taking his brother Bill with him. I believe they are going to work on Pine Creek for the H. & M. Co., of Marinette.

The little boy of Mr. O. C. Madson wandered off into the woods Thursday afternoon of last week and only when night came on was missed. The fact that little fellow was accompanied by his dog saved him from a night in the swamp and probably saved his life, as he had wondered into a complete jungle where he would have never been found and where he could not get out. Some of the neighbors starting in search were attracted by the barking dog up the river. The dog kept up a continuous noise till the party arrived, and found the child awake and unconscious of fear or danger. The dogs head is level' even if several insects have taken up their abode there, and the cravings of his stomach will doubtless be attended to.

John Rymer met with serious loss a few days ago, his barn full of hay, with two pairs of sleighs, feed cutter, etc. burned to the ground. It was with difficulty he saved his horses. He was burning some log heaps near by, when a spark caught in the hay and the whole was soon in ashes.

Several cases of scarlet fever in the family of Chas. Birr has caused some uneasiness, but the board of health have taken precautions to keep it from spreading with probable success. These cases are doing well save one. To much care can not be observed to prevent a general epidemic.

Albert Grady and his brother Chas. have returned from Ingalls, Mich., where they have been working during the summer.

Mrs. Jas. Betts returned from Wrightstown, Monday. We are sorry to learn that her father, whom she was called to Wrightstown to see, died while she was there.

Mr. and Mrs. Lumb returned from a visit with relatives at Waukesha, Monday.

Geo. Cheffings and wife, of New Zealand, arrived at Maple Valley during the week, and are the guests of Mr. C’s father. They will make their home in this county for the future.

Mrs. H. M. Royce returned home Wednesday morning from North Hector, N.Y. where she had been in attendance at the death and burial of her mother.

Charles Lamkey, of Chicago, came home last Sunday morning to attend the funeral of his father.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 15, 1887

Mrs. Nettie Lafawn, from Menominee, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. James McClure, at present.

John McGraw, formerly yardmaster in the M. & N. Railroad yards at Green Bay, and lately conductor on the construction train on the extension between Iron Mountain and Republic, was instantly killed at the front on Tuesday, where the iron was being laid about 2 miles from Republic. He was run over and his head cut off. He was a single man, came from Milwaukee and we believe was about 32 years old.

An accident occurred at the camp of S. Murphy & Sons, about fifteen miles southwest of Florence, on Thursday of last week, where by Dell Spencer and Aleck Mehr lost their lives. Spencer was at work decking logs when the pile suddenly gave way and he was rolled in between them and horribly mangled. Mehr was in front of the pile but had not time to get out of the way, and he too was crushed, but not so badly as Spencer, who was killed instantly, while Mehr suffered for several hours before death put an end to his agony. Spencer was a resident of Appleton, and Mehr of DePere.

Francis McFay, who stabbed and killed Victor Herrick at East Marinette, last August, was found guilty of murder in the second degree, with recommendation to the mercy of the court. He was sentenced to twenty years at Waupun.

The man Schwartz of Ft. Howard, who was struck on the head with an axe by his insane wife a week ago last Sunday, died from the effects of his injuries last Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyons returned Sunday morning from Milwaukee, where they had been in attendance at the funeral of a brother-in-law of Mr. L.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 22, 1887

On Tuesday evening while Herbert Good was explaining to Geo. Young the method of operating a self-cocking seven chamber revolver, one of the cartridges accidentally exploded and the ball struck Young on the breast bone, but it is surmised that the bullet did not penetrate, as diligent probing failed to reveal its presence. An ugly wound was made, however, and the lad is suffering considerable in consequence.

Herbie Good shot the end of one of his fingers off with the same bullet that wounded Geo. Young. It is a severe lesson to the boys to let fire-arms alone in the future.

Alex Brabeau, a boy about 13 years of age, accidentally shot himself on Friday last while cleaning his gun. It is hoped his wounds will not prove fatal.

On Saturday last, while several boys were out practicing shooting with a revolver, one of them, Calvin Bird, was accidentally shot through the muscle of the left arm. No serious result is anticipated, though the patient suffers considerable pain.

Mrs. A. Morrisy, of Hortonville, is visiting her parents.

Mrs. H.G. Morgan, who has been visiting her parents at Waukesha the past month, returned home Wednesday last.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct 29, 1887

Mrs. Julia Lindsey went to Milwaukee Monday to undergo treatment for her eyes, which we regret to say, are very weak, and unless prompt measures are adopted there is a probability she will lose her eyesight.

Mrs. Louisa Leonard met with quite a loss on Saturday night. Between twelve and one o’clock her barn was discovered to be on fire, and the flames had gained such headway, that despite all efforts it was burned to the ground. The barn contained six tons of hay, eight head of cattle, two horses and one colt, of which only the last named was saved, and that was badly burned about the head. Insurance on barn and hay was light and the rest will be a dead loss.

Mr. Mahl and family moved away from here last Tuesday.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov 5, 1887

An accident occurred at the camp of Charles Alvord, on the Brule River, Mich., whereby William Davis lost his life. The deceased was employed sawing timber, and had just finished sawing a pine tree, which when it fell, lodged against a maple and one of the limbs of the pine was snapped off by the action, and flying back about six rods struck Davis to the side of the head and shoulders, knocking him senseless. In this condition he continued about thirty hours, when death released him from his suffering. His remains were shipped to Berlin, Wisconsin where his parents reside. The deceased was a young man of about twenty-five years of age, and was popular with all the men in Mr. Alvord’s camp.

A young man named Wonsock, received painful injuries on Tuesday afternoon, while experimenting with a cartridge. He had partially extracted the powder and applied a match to the remnant when it exploded the ball tearing the nail off the thumb of the left hand and the shell striking him just above the left eye. His injuries are painful but not serious.

An accident of a serious nature occurred to Frank Ansorge, a young lad about fourteen years of age, son of Alderman Henry Ansorge, on Monday afternoon. Frank and a companion, having armed themselves with an old rusty gun, were out hunting and when crossing the track of the C. & N. W. Railroad south of this city they spied a mink. Frank brought the gun to his shoulder and pulled the trigger when the gun exploded and the butt end of the barrel flew upward and struck him just over the right eye, crushing in his skull and inflicting a dangerous wound and rendering him unconscious. As he fell he struck the back of his head on one of the rails of the railway track, which added still further to his injuries. He now lies in a very precarious condition, but strong hopes are entertained of his recovery.

Miss Nellie Page undertook to light a coal fire with the aid of kerosene oil, on Tuesday afternoon, and in the explosion that followed was severely burned about the face and shoulders. Her dress took fire and in extinguishing it the hired girl had the skin burned off her hands and wrists. Miss Page’s eyesight is not injured as at first supposed, but she received burns that will require time to recover from.

 Mrs. Daniel Sealing came home from Marshfield on Thursday of last week where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Roberts.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon left here for Robinsonville last Monday morning, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Petinot, Mrs. Hannon’s mother, who died at Green Bay last Sunday morning.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov 12, 1887

Miss Ella Williams, of Marinette, was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Beyer over Sunday. Miss Williams will go to Ironwood, Mich., where she will enter the hardware store of her brother, E.B. as bookkeeper.

Mrs. John Runkel and Mrs. Jacob Spies went to Watertown last Saturday to attend the funeral of their relative, Mrs. Jacob Weaver.

Miss Maggie O’Leary, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Annie Corboy, for sometime past, left on Monday last for her home at Grand Forks, Dakota.

Mrs. W.E. Bent, nee Stroud, was the guest of Mrs. T. B. Goodrich over Wednesday night. Mrs. Bent left during the week for California; whither she goes with the hope of improving her health, which of late has been rapidly failing.

Mrs. M. Luchenbach, of Green Bay, is visiting her children in this city, A.H. Luchenbach and Mrs. Fred Woelz.

Eddie Delaney had two of his fingers on his left hand badly mangled between cogs last Saturday while operating a hay-cutter on his father’s farm in the town of Maple Valley.

Capt. Hart recently put all his deck-hands ashore on Washington Island, and the boat was brought to Green Bay by the officers. The crew refused to do their duty, alleging that the work was to heavy and of too long duration.

Mrs. Laurette Goddard started for Maine on Monday, where she will spend the winter with relatives.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov 19, 1887

We are pleased to be able to state that John Porterfield, son of J. G. Porterfield, of Oconto Falls, and who has recently been suffering from an attack of Typhoid fever, is now convalescent, and is in a fair was for speedy recovery.

At Morgan, the scarlet fever is raging frightfully. In one family the husband and four children are ill with it, and the wife has a child one week old. As yet we have heard of only two deaths in the neighborhood.

Mr. J.T.H. Churchill and family went to Marinette on Thursday of last week, to participate in a family reunion at his son’s residence, in that city.
Mrs. Luke Balcom left Thursday night for Rochester, N.Y., where she will visit her mother for a few weeks.

Mrs. Maj. Ball, nee Richard, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived here Thursday evening, and will remain for sometime visiting friends and relatives.

Will Waggoner, of Green Bay, came up last Sunday to visit his father, who is somewhat ill.

Circuit Court

Elenora Knight vs. James A. Knight. Judgement of divorce.
Joseph Eichhorn vs. Anna Eichhorn. Judgement of divorce.
Mary L. King vs. Herbert M. King. Judgement of divorce.

Mrs. George Bent has bidden farewell to Abrams, and after spending a few weeks at Oshkosh visiting friends and relatives, will leave for Los Angeles, California. Mr. Bent will join her at Oshkosh.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov 26, 1887

Diphtheria is quite prevalent in some sections of the state. The theory that kerosene lamps are kept burning in bedrooms during the night, promotes this dread disease is fast gaining ground. It is said that the lamp not only destroys the oxygen, but that there is poison in the smoke.

Mrs. Thos. Coad, of Ripon, who has been visiting relatives in this city for sometime, returned to her home on Tuesday, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Milea.

Mrs. O.C. Cook left yesterday morning on the Lake Shore train for Ogdensburg station, in obedience to a telegram announcing the death of her father, Mr. Churchill.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 10, 1887

Saturday afternoon in the case of Mrs. John Wood vs. John Wood of Brookside, Oconto County, a default divorce was granted. O.F. Trudell appeared for the plaintiff.

Mr. Pratt, principal of the Jefferson School, left for Fond du Lac county this week, in response to a telegram announcing the death of his mother.

Walter Harsha, of Detroit Mich., who was attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late H.W. Mott, left for home Thursday. Mrs. Harsha will remain for sometime the guest of her sister, Mrs. M.C. Wright.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 17, 1887

Mrs. Augustus Cole returned on Thursday from a three months visit with relatives in several cities in New York state.

Albert Ploutz, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Ploutz, while at play last Saturday, got caught in a running horse power and was quite severely injured before it could be stopped. A doctor was called and at present is improving as well as can be expected.

John Lefever, of Robinsonville, Wis., is spending a week with his parents.

Thos. Pickens, an old resident of this neighborhood, intends to sell his farm. He is contemplating a trip to the old country.

Mr. Carson Beaver, who has been visiting his parents at Sun Prairie, returned last week with a smiling countenance.

Mr. McIntyre and family have moved away.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 24, 1887

An accident occurred at Oconto Falls Thursday afternoon of a very serious nature, and may have a fatal termination. John Wildfang, a deaf mute, was employed as a section hand on the M.L. & S. W. Railroad and was engaged in shoveling the snow off the track as the east bound freight came along, and not seeing it he remained at work until struck by the locomotive, and thrown from the track. He received a blow on the forehead, just above the let eye, which crushed in the skull and inflicted several bad cuts and bruises on the face. He also received and injury in the left side, the extent of which is not yet known. The wounded man was brought to this city on the 2:45 train and taken to the residence of his brother-in-law, John Slattery. Dr. O’Keef was called in and temporarily dressed the wound, and later in the evening, assisted by Dr. Finey, of Clintonville, the Railway companies physician, who arrived on the 8:25 p.m. train, he lifted the crushed skull back to its normal position, and the patient is now resting quite easy. It seems strange that a deaf and dumb man should be employed in a position where it is supposed one would require the use of his faculty of hear at least.

Mr. Pike, father of Mrs. W.A. Alleyn, has gone to visit his son at Iola, Waupaca Co.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 31, 1887

We regret to state that John Wildfang, the section man who was injured at Oconto Falls last week, is not manifesting the signs of improvement hoped for by his friends.

Frank Knapp came up from Green Bay Saturday to visit and spend Christmas with his parents.

George Ford, who has made his home at Ashland for nearly a year past, visited his relatives in this city during the week.

County Treasurer McAllister left Monday night for a visit to his old home at Restigouche, New Brunswick, being his first visit there in 20 years.

Mrs. Charles Ellner, of Echo, Oregon, formerly of Brookside, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Farley, and will remain over the holidays.