Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1886
transcribed, formatted and  posted by RITA
Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 2, 1886

At two o'clock Sunday morning our citizens, both the just and the unjust, were aroused by the alarmm of fire which proved to be in a small dwelling in the west part of the south wards, owned and occupied by Louis Courtois. The building and contents were a total loss. Insured for $200. Mr. Courtois was absent in the woods and Mrs. Courtois and her little child had a narrow escape with their lives.

The woman known as Ida Scripture, died from the effects of an over dose of morphine, Wednesday night, between 12 and 1 o'clock, at the house of Geo. Barlament, south side of the river, where she was staying. Coroner Bentz held an inquest over the remains on Thrusday, when the following facts were elicited. She had been suffering from neuralgia or toothache for two or three days, and Wednesday evening, just before dark, she called on Dr O'Keef for a prescription for Rome morphine to relieve the pain. The Dr. gave her one, calling for 5 grs. of Morphine in two ounces of simple syrup which she got filled at Cole &. Mitchell drug store, with directions to take a teaspoonfnl every two hours, until relieved. She got a bottle of liquor at a saloon, and went home. Sitting down by the stove, she drank from the medicine, a little at a time, until within a few minutes, she had taken half of the mixture, equal to 2½ grs. of morphine, She soon lay down and went to sleep, fromwhich she did not again waken, although efforts were made to that end by Barlament and his wife and others  who came in, from that time, about half past seven, until she died. 

An effort was made to secure the assistance of a physician, but without effect, which is to be regretted, although so much time had elapsed before the alarm was given, it would probably have done no good. Th.e woman was not intoxicated atthe time, and evidently did  not realize the strength of the preparation she was taking. 

 The jury rendered the following verdict: That she came to her death by an overdose of morphine administered by her own hand contrary to the directions of the prescription. The burial took place Friday afternoon at two o'clock.

Personal Notes

-Frank Hoeffel spent Christmas and several days succeeding, with friends at Oshkosh and other places south.
-Matt. Armstrong one of the mighty good fellows from the town of How, stepped down into the city on Wednesday.
-L   K.   Shores of Leighton, was stayed, lost or stolen on Wednesday. He was found on our streets the same day. We acknowledge a pleasant call.
-Chris. Hansen, formerly of this city, is now firing on the snow plow engine 49, M. L. S. & W. Ry. Ashland vision.
-Mr, Isaac Smith, of the west ward has been somewhat under tbe weather a week or two but is again recovering his strength.
-Doc.  Wilcox and Frank Knapp tripped down to Green Bay Friday and took in the entertainment at the champion roller rink there, New Year's night.
-John Mclver, of Stiles, the worthy chairman of the County Board, and mighty good fellow on general principles, was straying round town on Saturday last.
-Friends of T. H. Phelps and wife will egret to learn of the serious illness of youngest child.   On yesterday, afternoon, it was thought to a fair way of recovery.
-Will Darrow, wife and child, and James Darrow and family, came down from Marinette, on Christmas, and  spent a few days with friends here and with the "old folks" on the farm.
-Miss Kate Dafter, we understand, returned to her home in Marinette last week, from Chicago. She is now reported as having recovered from her continued illness over past two years
—Father Martin Regan of Notre Dame, Indiana, University, formerly an Oconto boy, and brother of our townsman, Patrick Regan, arrived here on his expected visit New Year morning.
—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hart partook of their Christmas turkey with their son's family, Capt. H. W. Hart, at Green Bay, and will have a love-feast at their daughter's Mrs. B. J. Brown Menominee, New Year's day.
—Mr. B. B. Yeaton of Abrams, visited the city on Tuesday. He did not forget to call and pay his subscription one year in advance. Mr, Yeaton is a gentlemen of excellent judgment, and appreciates our efforts to give all readers a good local paper.

How Nosegays

There was a social dance at Grignon's on New Years night and was a very enjoyable affair; all saying it was just "top top".

Mrr. Thom. Gilman and son George of Kent county, Mich., father and brother of Mrs. J M Armstrong, are here on a visit. They  are much taken up with the country, and will probably remain the winter.

Mr. A M Chapman met with  quite a serious accident by cutting his foot severely while working for Dan Bush. The injured part we are glad to learn will soon be all right.

Mr. Shutpeltz (sic - Schuettpeltz)  is able to be around with the assistnce of a crutch.

Mr. George Breed is laid up with a severe attack of fever.

Brookside Bubbles

Mr E A Cannon hjad gone to Minneapolis, Minn. He expects to be gone some time.

Mr. amnd Mrs. McNoel, who have started in ,the crockery business at Marinette were called home Tuesday by the sudden illness of their daughter, Lillain, whois suffering from an attack of pneumonia.

Minnie Shew is also quite ill of the same dread disease. Henry is afflicted also, but it isn't pneumonia, and it doesn't confine him to the house. It keeps him pretty busy however.

John Goddard  and  James Gray were seen on our streets once or twice but they vanished like the dew of morning.

C. H. Alien and his Lamb also made a fleeting call, only to depart the next morning, leaving Cora and Mollie disconsolate. 

Geo. Mclntyre thinks, he had the finest Christmas present in the "United States". It was an eleven pound girl. Mother and child doing finely, and George feels so big they talk of putting an addition on the house.

Grandpa Churchill dispenses taffy, groceries, dry goods, crockery, etc., over the counter at McNeels store, and is always smiiling and happy. 


 Ira Warner and his two sisters intend startine for Kansas in a short time.

John McDermid has recently sold his farm of 80 acres for $1,200. His family are living in Abrams.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 9, 1886

We learn that Miss hattie Lindsay will supersede Dean Swift in the Degan District school. Miss Lindsey (sic) will make an excellent teacher, we feel confident.

The friends of Mr James Heath monopolized his time on Wednesday evening, by  helping him soend the anniversary of his birth day in a very pleasent way.

We understand that several married men of town, are going to be turned out to pasture in the spring. A lady let the secret out.

George Kootz, a young man working in one of A. Eldred & Son's logging camps, on the upper waters of the Oconto river, was terribly mangled by a falling tree on January 1sr. He was brought to 
Stiles for medical treatment, but expired on the way. He has a brother living in Kaukauna.

Personal Mention

-Charles Alvord spent his holiday at home.
-We noticed L M Pierce on our strets the first of the week.
-Mrs George Beyer made a flying visit to Green Bay on Tuesday.
-Miss Waggoner has returned from a visit to relatives at Green Bay. 
-Mr. and Mrw. Charles Hall made Milwaukee a visit during the past week. 
-Mike Cunningham, accompanied by a friend starts for Oregon next week. 
-Mrs. Ernst Funke spent a few days with friends at Green Bay last veek.
-Miss Addie Gagnon, of Oconto, is visiting Miss Nellie Richards, at Menominee. 
-Jos. P. Brazeau was having a good time with the boys last -week at Peshtigo.
-G. W. Hugg, one of Little River's, best citizens, was in the city on Tuesday. 
-V. C. Zaehow of Cecil, was a welcome caller at the REPORTER office on Wednesday!
-Mr. Louis Fisher has been spending some time in Chicago, visiting friends lately.
-Geo. Kelly came down from Bessemer, and spent the holidays with his family in this city. 
-Linton McNeel is a full fledged Attorney, and has hung his shingle out at Hurley, Michigan. 
-W. H. Stacy of Clintonville  has been appointed Post Trader at the Keshena reservation.
-Miss Hattie Porter  returned to Chicago on Saturday evening, to resume her musical studies.
-Miss Nettie Appleby returned from a weeks visit to friends in Menekaunee on Tuesday evening.
-Alex. Porter was visiting the "old  folks at home "the   past   week.  His  many frieiids were pleased to see him. 
-Mr   Samuel  Royce of  Oberlin, Ohio, is the guest of his brother, H M Royce. He arrived Thursday morning.
-Miss Merryman, who presides over the school at Morgan, was visiting friends in town during part of holiday amount of about  week.
-THE  REPORTER  acknowledges pleasant call Monday  from  J. M. Burbank of Maple Valley, Co. Supt. of Schools.
-Mrs. Thiele, wife of thepopular clothier and tailor, has been quite seriously ill during the week, but is proving.
-J C Banta,   not  the  bass-woodman, but  the cedar man of Abrams, was a welcome caller at our sanctumon Tuesday.
-Beaumont Whitney and daughter Minnie of Philadelphia, accompanied by the Misses Emeline and Hattie Whitney of this place visited Tuesday with Mrs. Rose Funk in Oconto. The green bay Gazette.
-The right honorable Paitrick Deagan, Chairman of the school board in District No. 5, town of Gilltt, was interviewing his fiends in the city on Thursday.
-Mr. C. S. DeLano, of Ripon, Wis. who, for the past three years has been a student at the Wisconsin University, Madison, was a guest of Capt. Coburn, the past weelc.
—Mrs. Goodrich accompanied her husband and Mr. Wm. Young on a visit to some of the logging camps of the Holt & Balcom company on Wednesday. They expected to be gone several days. ,
-John Carroll, of Oconto Falls, one of Oconto County's most industrious farmers, was in the city on Saturday. Before returning home he added his name to our rapidly swelling subscription list.
-T. B. Goodrich has been up west in the towns of Oconto, Little River, Stiles, Maple Valley, Gillett and How, during most of the week, paying taxes on the Holt & Balcom lands in the several towns.
-Geo. Gerrard, of Marinette, who has been visiting his sister Mrs. Brewer here, and with her visited at F. B. Stewart's, Pulcifer, last week, has gone to New Brunswick. It is rumored that he will bring her back with him on his return.
-S. S. Banta was called home on Thursday morning, having received a telephone message that his father who has been suffering from a stroke of paralysis for nearly two years, had a turn for the worse and could not live but a short time longer. 
-Mrs. Sam. Orr was the recipient of a very pleasant surprise from her many friends, on Monday evening, to commemorate the anniversary of her brithday. The presents were numerous and pretty, and the occasion was enjoyable and one long to be remembered. 
—Mr. Robert Bateman, of Appleton, was in town two or three days and over Sunday, visiting his brother-in-law, Rev. S. W. Ford, and the other members of the family. Mr. B. is a son of Hon. R. R. Bateman, of Appleton, one of the early settlers of the Fox river valley.
—We received a letter from Mrs. Wm. Dafter on Wednesday of this week, stating that the report of the "recovery and return home" of her daughter Kate, was an error. She stated that she had just returned from Chicago,and although found Kate much improved, she is still in a very feeble condition, and will not be able to leave the Hospital before next May or June.
—Will Mitchell had a dream the other night, which is not remarkable, as most people dream; but Will dreamed of burglars and "sich," and whipped out his revolver and fired, just too quick for anything in the flesh, to get away. But as they were all in his mind, they escaped, without as cratch. The ball went into the wardrobe through a suit of clothes and lodged in some fishing tackle.
—Walter Grunert broke away from the confines of the Campus Martius, last week Thursday, and went up to Irvin Pendleton's logging camp, near Norway, to take his "chuck" with the boys and see how they put in the pine. He developed such an apetite that, in order to avert the necessity of building a branch railroad, to take up ," grub," he came home on Monday in order to be nearer a base of supplies.

There was a New Years dance, last Friday night, at the residence of Mr. Robert Grignon, and we presume it was a pleasant a air to those who participate. 

Since the first of June '85, there has been 7 boys and 7 girls born in this settlement, all well and doing Well. Beat that if you can.

Mrs. J. M. Armstrong's father and brother are out here on a visit, and Mr. Parish, a friend of A. Aldrich, is here for a short visit.

Holt & Balcom have a large camp on Sec. 34, T. 30, B. 17, putting logs into the South Branch of the Oconto River..

Brookside Bubbles

-Mr. W. W.Hubbard, of Ellis Junction, was visiting friends here last week.
-Miss Mollie Powers, of Pensaukee, is the guest of Miss Cora Allen.
-Mr Warren Hubbard, of Camp Hale, spent New Years with Miss Hattie DeLano.
-Geo. Laughlin, of Gourerneur, New York, is visiting relatives here.
-Mr. John Minnick spent a few days at Morgan last week.
-Mr. D. Laughlin gave a social party at his residence in honor of his brother George.
-Mr. Hubbert, of Crivitz, took turkey with Miss H. M. DeLano last Sunday.
-Curt Allen left for the woods again last Friday.
-There is rumor of a wedding to take place in our vicinity before long. We won't give it away, Hattie.
-Quite a number of our young people attended the party, at Fred Otto's, at Morgan, last week. They pronounced it one of the most enjoyable parties of the season. 
-Mr. E. 0. Whitney was in town Thursday, "Call again Gene."
-Mr.  Warren Hubbard and Miss Hattie DeLano attended the party, at Abrams, New Years night.
-We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Shew is on the sick list.
-Mrs. G. W, Johnson is visiting friends, at Oshkosh.
-Mr. A. C. Hartho, of Stephenson, spent one day last week visiting Miss H. M. DeLano. 
-Mr Q. W. Hubbard has gone to Chicago, for medical treatment.
-Miss Etta Knowles left Monday, for Oshkosh, to attend the Normal School.
Quite a number of our young people enjoyed a sleigh ride to Abrams last Saturday eve. 
-L. H. Russell spent New Years with his best girl at Peshtigo.
-Miss Lauretta Goddard visited friends at Marinette this week.
-Mr. Warren Hubbard departed for Hinkley Ill., last Tuesday, to visit friends. By the way Warren, you did leave Hattie disconsolate? Did you? We should hope not.

Howling Echos

Being afraid that Jimmy Mc Williams, the weaver, would not be able to do all the journalistic work for this week, we have undertaken jto apin the yarn, and trust tliathia work will be made from whole cloth.

A very pleasant time was participated in at the residence of Mr. Robert Grignon last Friday night. Representatives were present from all parts of the county, judging from the numbers present, and every thing passed off with such harmony that the Grignons were voted to be the princes of entertainers. Messrs. Grignon. Pricket, and Armstrong furnished the music for the occasion, and an acquaintance with the gentlemen is a sufficient guarantee of the quantity and good quality of the same.  At 12 o'clock supper was furnisher by the smiling hostess, and O, Lord! how Mat did eat, three tins of buiscuits, a pan of doughnuts, and a whole fruit cake besides a lot of fixins, and then he said he was too hungry to dance. 

It is reported that when the load from Maple Valley went home, one of the boys got mad because someone was sitting with his girl and he got out and went back to the dance. He has the satisfaction of  knowing that "the opposition" did not ride home under his buffalo robe, and while he had to sweat to lug it back (the blanket) the other fellow had to shiver to keep warm going home. Fact, eh Harry? 

Poor Ed! He was so loving going home and when his girl got out he found he had been loving the wrong one. Of course he apologized but she said, "O I youst as satisfied.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 16, 1886

ln the Chicago Times we find an account, taken from the Las Vegas Gazette, of a fatal shooting affray, at Montruelto Plaza ranch, New Mexico, a week ago last Saturday, in which John Brophy, son of Barney Brophy, long a resident here, was one of the principals. The shooting was at a weddding dance. Brophy and a man named Wm. Johnson had a disagreement of long standing; and on the occasion named they went out of doors, when they got into a dispute, Johnson wanting Brophy to "take back" something he had said, to the effect that Johnson "did not go by his right name." A friend, named Harris, held their revolvers, standing between them for a half hour, trying in vain to get them to nettle it peaceably. Finally, Harris jumped from between them, and both fired. Brophy's shot took effect in Johnson's chest, about two inches below the collar-bone, and passed through his body. Johnson's first shot hit Brophy's watch, and did no further damage. Brophy then ran, when Johnson shot again, the ball entering the small of his back. He fell, and Johnson walked into the house, and then to the corral for his horse, where he fainted. Physicians said Johnson was about to die at any moment, and Brophy could not. live more than ten days. Brophy spent his boyhood here, and is well known to the older residents. He had charge of the ranch where the affray occurred.

William Dodd met with a serious accident, on Monday last; while he was cleaning the manger to feed the cows one of the cows raised her head, and plunged her horn into his eye. Dr. Ohswaldt of Stiles was called upon; and says that it is a total loss.

Miss Libbie Beyer, who has been for some time a sufferer from consumption, and who has been staying at Mrs. Hugh McDonald's Green Bay, was brought here, to her brother's (George Beyer) residence, on Thursday morning. She bore the removal very well and is quite hopeful, though very weak.

Mr. Ed. Finley, at one time captain of the now defunct How Wildcat, is now acting as interpreter for Tim Thomas at Holt & Balcom's. He can talk Dane, Swede, Norwegian, German, Belgium, French, Italian and Irish. It requires someone, judging by the nationalities working there.

City Marshal Smith arrested two saloon keepers Monday of last weak, one for welling liquor to minors, and theother for allowing children to frequent his saloon.

The Mannette North  Star thinks those two young men of Stiles, who ate 182 pancakes at one sitting, the champions of the United States. We do not think anything about it; we know whereof we affirm, and we do affirm, that they are the champion big eaters of the world. Stiles don't propose to take back seats as long as mancakes hold out.

Mrs. I S P Hoffel gave an excellent progressive euchre party of eight tables on Thursday evening. The first prizes were captured by Mrs. H U Cole and Mrs Charles Hall, and the bottom prizes by Mr Dell Wilcox and wife.

The sermon at the M. E.. Church Sunday evening last by the pastor Rev. A. S. Whitcomb, was addressed particularly to young men and was worthy of a larger hearing, from that class. The need of the hour is for more of this kind of sermons as they have a direct bearing upon  every day life.  And youth is in need of every possible incentive to nobility and energy of action.

The "Oconto Colony," in Chicago gathered, on the evening of Jan. 9 at the residence of Mr. J. O'Neill, recently of this place. A very full report of the entertainment has been sent us but owning to a lack of space and the inability of the editorial corps of digest  to digest some of the big words used in the same, we are compelled to give only a synopsis.  The programme of the amusements consisted largely of music, both instrumental and vocal, furnished by members of the company and dancing, recitations, games etc. A sumptuous supper also was served the persons taking part in the formal part of the programme were the following:—Misses Tessie and Lizzi Murphy, Misses Allen and O'Neill, and Messrs. James Malcolm and Frank Morrow.

A man went into Watterich's jewelry  store on Monday last, and while Mr. W. went into a back room, took posession of a ladie's gold  watch case, which was within his reach, and when Mr. W. returned he was gone. , When  the loss was discovered, a short time afterwards, it was found the thief had taken it across to Walter Grunert's, and tried to sell  it  to  him.  Walter  was suspicious and refused to buy.  He then went to Runkel's jewelry store where he succeeded in disposing of it. When the discovery was made, the property was returned to the owner. Mr. Watterich only regrets his inability to identify the thief.

GILKEY, Sargent &. Jennings have two camps and have banked, thus far, 2,800,000 feet ,of logs on Michigammi. They expect to put in 8,000,000 altogether. MICK Gonyon has about 2,000,000 feet of logs already banked on the Neb. He has a good ice road and will  bank cold weather continues.

G. M. West, chief train dispatcher, has been promoted to the office of assistant superintendent of the Peninsula Division of the Chicago & North Western. The office is newly created and Mr. West's many friends congratulate him on his deserved promotion. 

MRS. E. G. MUI.I.KN gave a, "progressive" on Tuesday evening, at her residence in the Chase block. A very pleasant party gathered and enjoyed the hospitality of the lady named. The head prize was won by Mrs. 0. A. Ellis and Mr. T. H. Phelps, and the foot prize by Mrs. M. Wright and Mr. Chas. Hall.

A LOCAL branch of The Home College, the spare-minute branch of the Chataqua College,  was organized at the residence of Rev. A. S. Whitcomb, on Mondny evening.   There was an encouraging number present, and it is hoped that many more, both married
and single, will become interested in it. Those who want to improve their knowledge of literature, science, modern and ancient history, etc., at |a nominal expense of time and money will find this an excellent opportunity.

WE should like to impress on our people the importance of getting acquainted with the strangers who are seeking homes among us. A family ought not to be allowed to live for months without receiving a call from neighbors. Many a woman has become homesick only for the reason that she felt herself slighted by her new neighbors. Look after the new comers, and make them feel that they are welcome among us, and very soon they will not want to leave.

MANY of our citizens will remember Alex. Sutherland, who was employed as local scribe on this paper in 1881. Well, those who were his friends, during those stiring times will regret to learn that he met with a very, painful accident, and one that will lay him up for a long time, on Thursday of last week.  On attempting to board a train at Lathrop just north of Escanaba on the main line of the C. &. N. W. road, he slipped and the car passed over one of his feet.  The doctors are of the opinion that they can save his foot and it is to be hoped that they are correct in their belief.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan 23, 1886 

LAST week, we gave an account of a shooting which took place at Montruelto Place ranch, near Las Vegas, New Mexico, between John Brophy, son of Barney Brophy of this place, and a man named Wm. Johnson. Mr. Ed. Bellow, of this city being personally acquainted with him, and a friend of the family, who are at present out of town, telegraphed the editor of the Los Vegas Gazette from which the note was taken, asking after Brophy's condition. The following telegram was received on Saturday morning, 7th instj, by Mr. Bellew, in reply, which is unespectly favorable, as the account quoted stated he could not live more than ten days.

Los Vegas N M Jan 15 1886
To Ed Bellow, Oconto, Wis.
Strong hopes of Brophy's recovery, at last acount, but may be crippled for life.
S G Purdy

Tom Porter haH banked 1,200,000 't. of logs. He has gone in for 4,000,000, and is hauling 70,000 a  day. Tom will succeed, if the snow does not get above his horses ears.

It is stated that the Sutherland mentioned last week, as having a foot crushed, is not Alexander, formerly connccted with this paper. We are glad of it, without any ill will to the other fellow.

Several sleigh loads of young people went to Pensaukee Wednesday evening for a ride and at the hotel, in company with Pensaukeeans similarly inclined, "tripped the light fantastic toe" to sweet strains of music furnished by the the Oconto Boys.
About twenty couples were over, and report a most enjoyable time. Will Link, John Kenney, and Ben Hall are among the responsible parties.

The little friends of Miss Lizzie Megan, gave her a surprise party on Thursday of last week, it being her eighth birthday.

Antone Sharrow, the barber, has recently placed in his shop a very convenient and elegant cabinet, inlaid with different colored woods and especially made for his business by  Chas. Gruetmacher the cabinet maker. He is improving the appearance of his shop, all of which if appreciated by his patrons.

Thursday evening last the following gentlemen were installed as officers of Oconto Lodge No. 190, I. 0. 0. F-, by Dr. Sherman, of Marinette, Deputy Grand Muster:
N. 0.— W. B. Mitchell. 
V. G.— John Reynolds.
K. S.— I. N. Heller. 
Trcas.—Chas. Hall.

 Adoph Sharrow the good natured proprietor of the American House, West ward gives it up. He can't keep a hired gir1, they will get married about as fast as he can get them. He has tried al1 kinds,  old and young, handsome and homely, old maids and grass widows,  and though they were never known to have a beaux before, they are taken off his hands at a premium. He thinks he had better go to importing Chinese.

A speculator sent his son to Wisconsin to buy hops, telling him to keep his eye open for any other speculations. After a few days a dispatch came saying: "A widow has got a corner on the hop market of this state!. Shall I marry her?" "Certainly", was the reply sent over the  wires. Twelve hours later the son announced "Got the hops, the widow and seven step-children, and shall go to Chicago tomorrow to see about  a divorce". ( editor's note: at this time in history, the new husband automatically owned what the widow had owned before the remarriage and was able to sell it without her permission needed. Sadly, this was how several notorious men in Wisconsin made their "living", and they often did not bother with the divorce before the next wedding; unbeknowns to the next bride; leaving several women and children destitute in neighboring counties before "disappearing out West" with the ill begotten money. They were never caught and there is more than one instance where the recently remarried widow mysteriously and suddenly died of "suspicious natural causes" just as the groom sold the property and disappeared. These cases were never solved.)

A man named Henry Haunhauer, who came from Manitowoc, a year or two ago, and has been connected with the Union band, attempted, or was about to attempt to commit suicide on Wednesday evening. He was in Fred. Ellman's saloon, and made some remarks that led his hearers to think he was going to put himself out of the way. They called Marshal Smith, who searched him and found a bottle of landanaum on his person. He was b ought before Justice Bailey, whogave him ten days to allow him a chance to come to his right mind without the aid of stimulants.

Personal Notes

—C. S. Hart, ye editor, has been in Marinette most of the week, on business.
—Mrs. 0. A. Ellis was visiting at Marinette the latter part of lawl week.
—Frank Rice and Louis Beck will "keep bach," in rooms in the DonLevy block.
—Steve Burrows made a business trip to Milwaukee, the first part of the week. 
—W, E. Barlow and family moved into a new house on Oconto St., East ward, this week.
—The Misses High accompanied by Miss Hubert have returned to Norway after a pleasant visit home.
—Adolf Guenesberg, one of the solid business men of Florence, Wis., was "doing" this city during the week.
—Mrs. A. Graham has been confined to her room, with rheumatism, for a number ot days, but is improving.
—Mr. Ira Warner and sister Alice of Morgan, were in town on Monday. The REPORTER acknowledges a call.
—David Wedgwood, a successful farmer of Little Suamico, was in town on Wednesday. We acknowledge a visit.
— Frank Pendleton was down from his father's camps at Metropolitan Mich. during the early part of last week.
— Misses Annie Reis, and Emeline Whitney, of Green Bay, have been the guests of Ernest Fimke and wife this week.
—Dr. Paramore was called on Thursday, to go to McDougals to attend Rev. Harvey Couch who was very sick.
—Mrs. W. A. Darrow, of Marinette, was in the city visiting her sisters, Mrs. Thos. Millea and Miss Jennie Coad.
— Chas. Nagelstock, of. Appleton, has been the guest of his brotber-in-law, Mr. Louis Fisher, for some days past.
— W. W. Whitcomb of Brookside, one of the dealers in beef and pork, was a caller at our sanctum on Wednesday.
—Tom   McGoff  went  up to Iron River, Mich., Wednesday, to interview his numerous friends and swap stories.
—Phil Leon, a noted politician, and a Tammany sachem, of New York, was the guest of his cousin, I. N. Heller during the week..
—Joseph Marks, of the town of Oconto, R. A. Rice, of Gillett, and Peter Netzer of Little River, all town treasurers of their respective towns, paid their quota of the state tax to the county treasurer Thursday. 
—Capt. Soyer and wife returned Sunday morning from their cruise doing the Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico, the Captain says he enjoyed the trip very much, but he had to come home to get warmed. He must have got caught in the fag end of the Manitoba blizzard that went fooling down that way.
—Miss Rosa Baldwin daughter of G. Baldwin expects to start next week for Richmond Virginia where she will spend a year at an uncles. She wiill be accompanied by Miss Ella Martineau as far as Philadelphia, who is going to Boston, where she is to enter the conservatory of Music. The REPORTER wishes them a pleasant journey and a safe return.
—Dr H F Ohswaldt of Stiles broke away from home and visited Monday in spite of the snow storm.
—Lee, the photographer, contemplates a visit to a number of logging camps very soon, for the purpose of taking views of the same.


A very enjoyable surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hart by a few of their friends, last Saturday evening on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of their marrige. They assembled, about 5 o'clock, at the residence of one of their number and marched in a body to the Hart residence.  Not finding anyone at home but seeing the door open, they marched in, captured the parlor, and proceeded to fasten their present (a beautiful hanging lamp and chandelier) to the wall. Shortly afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Hart arrived, and were agreeably surprised to find that their friends were so thoughtful of them.  Each one brought a basketful of eatables, which were spread on the table and they enjoyed a sumptuous repast, interspersed with merry laughter and conversation. About nine o'clock, after having a most enjoyable time and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hurt many other wedding anniversaries, then departed for their homes. Following are the names of those present: Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Dow, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.Place, Mr. and Mrs. P. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs Ward,  Rev. W, Peck and wife, Rev. Dr. Dennett of San Jose, Mrs. Bean Mrs.  Swaney, Mrs.; Feittro, Miss Dora Prichard, Mr. W. J. Bowman, Mr. Henry  Bowman.


Oconto County Reporter
Jan 30, 1886

Frank Shannabrook, who for nearly a year past has been subject to epileptic fits, was smitten with one while in the feed store of Thos. Smith, Section street, south side, Tuesday evening, he was placed in a cutter taken to the residence of A. McFadden, where he boards, and medical attendance summoned. Towards morning his condition was considerably improved he having regained consciousness, but his thorough recovery will lie a question of time.

The cold was so intense Saturday last,  that Chauncey Simon's  crew of men had to desist from cutting ice. The saws froze to the ice, and resisted all efforts by the workmen to  remove them.

THE daily installments of snow, that this section is receiving, is making logging a very expensive business. lBefore the roads have a chance to harden, it snows. It snows before meals, after meals, and between meals and then for a change it snow nights. It
unusually severe upon the horses, and many of them are giving out. The haul is what a jobber calls a dead pull, that is, the roads are so filled with unpacked snow that the slipping is very hard and the horses have to put forth extra exertion to pull half the quantity of logs that they would if the roads were well packed.  Besides the snow banks the snow is so deep in the woods that it retards all the other branches of labor, such as shopping, skidding and hauling. It is certainly too bdj, and discouraging for all those engaged in this enterprise.  We predict that logs will be a legal tender next season.

A single woman named Mary Benoit, aged 25 years, a sister Felix Benoit, of Frenchtown, was adjudged insane by judge Reinhart Monday last, and ordered to be taken to the Northern Hospital for the insane, at Oshkosh, and she was removed to that instution last Tuesday night, in charge of Sheriff Bagley, accompanied by Mrs A. P. Call. We learn that for some time past the woman has been employed in the capacity of a domestic by Louis Reed at the bay shore, and while there attended a series of revival  meetings which were held in an adjacent school house, and the excitement incident to such meetings thoroughly unseated her reason. Her insanity was first made apparent by her repeated assertion that his satanic magesty was constantly pursuiug her, and later she became so violent that she had to closely watched to prevent he doing injury to herself.

Struck It Rich

Many of our citizens will remember H. H. Main, son-in-law of Jacob Couillard, who a number of years ago was a school teacher in this county. We should judge by the following article, which we clip from the Los Gatos Mail, that he has struck a bonanza in oil.
 It says that in digging for water on the place of H. H. Main about two miles east of Los Gatos, a depth  of seventy feet was reached without success.  At this depth, however, the digger perceived a flow of gas which came a hissing sound that for the time, mystified him.   Going down farther, four and a half feet of oil was in a short time measured in the well.  Samples of the oil were sent to San Francisco and to the chemical laboratory at the Santa Clara College, and from both places came the most favorable reports as to the quality of the product.  Of late, parties from San Francisco who had learned of the of the well and of other evidences of the existence of oil in the region have been there looking the advisability of purchasing oil  property in the Los Gatos region and have already offered handsomely for such property.  It is believed that Mr. Main's well has great productive possibilities and it is not unreasonable to hope that this direction will be found in the future of the county's wealth.

Personal Notes

—Chas. Post lost a good horse Iiwt week, through an over dose of ground feed.
—H. C. Frost contemplates a visit to the old country next spring.
—John Hariders, who went out West last winter, has returned after a year's absence; satisfied with Maple Valley.
—Henry Johnson   our   town   black-smith has the "Dacolah   fever" and offers his place for sale cheap.
—The Mill's Bros, Mill, which has been undergoing repairs, is now ready to resume opemtions.
—Willie Couch, son of Rev.. S. H. Couch, is very low with consumption.
—Dr. Paramore made our town a professional visiit last week.The people of this, and adjoiniug towns would be glad to have the Dr. locate here, if he could find it to his interest to do so. 
—Ben Williams of Chicago, representing the Union-Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine, who is establishing afencies through the state was in the city on Thursday, and called at this office. Mr. A S Poter will represent the company here.
—Irvin Pendleton was down from the camps at Metropolitan, Mich. on Monday last, and accompanied by his better half, left on Tuesday for Escanaba, to attend the O. R. C. dance.

Miss Ella Martineau will depart next Tuesday for Boston, Mass. where she will enter the New England Conservatory of Music, where she will take a thorough course in music. She will remain until August, and in the meantime a portion of her class in Music will be instructed by  Miss Minnie Sargent.

The following named persons of this city, attended the O. R. C. ball at Escanaba Tuesday evening, and report an immense attendance and an enjoyable occasion there being some 1,200 persons present.  Mrs.  M. Thompson and son, H. V. Cole and wife,  Irvin  Pendleton and  wife, Wilfred Brazeau and wife, Wm. Fabry and wife, Frank LeRoy and wife, Joseph and James Hoeffel, Ben Hall, Alex LsCombe, Geo Arnold, G. E. Bond and Thomas Brazeau.

A painful and fatal accident occurred in one of Spies camps on theWaupie, Henry Miller, foreman, on Tuesday last. Albert Zoetton of this city 21 years of age, the;oldest son and principal support of his mother, a widow, living on the road to the water-mill, was killed by a falling tree. He and another man were falling trees, sawing them down. The fatal tree fell against another, which by its reflex motion sent a broken limb back to where the men were. Zoetton saw it coming, but th snow was so deep he could not get out of the way and was struck on the back of the neck and thown on his fave against another log. His partner went to his assistance and he was immediateluy removed to the camp, and all done for him that was possible, but he died within  four hours. His remains were brought down to his home, that night arriving near morning. The funeral occureed at St Joseph's R. C. Church Thursday am. the family had the sincere sympathy of the community in their trouble.

Frank Dowen's baby has cut tooth. 


Most everyone here is now in camp making cedar ties and posts, but complain of so much snow that they can do but little.

At the reception and dance given by our enterprising merchant, N. C Netzer on the occasion of his marriage, people were in attendant from Oconto city, Stiles, Maple Valley, Beaver and other place. The party lasted until daylight and one and all expressed themselves as well pleased with the party and hope they may be fortunate enough to attend the next one given here.

Levi Hale is at present in Chicago where he is receiving medical treatment. His numerous friends wish that he may recover soon so as to be able to attend to business and serve as chairman of Little River the ensuing year. 

Speuaking of champions, we believe we have the champion beer drinker of the county. He got outside of two kegs of beer and $2.25 of liquor one day last week, and was mad because some one called him drunk.

James White's two sons arrived from Dakota one day last week. They think Wisconsin has too much snow for one state; the cedar men are of the same opinion.

The school here has but a small attendance in proportion to the children of school age in tho District, because bad roads and distance from the school house. 

The mill here will start about the middle of Febuary. The proprietor is putting in a camp above the north branch of Little River, the logs will be delivered on thec ars of the Wisconsin & Michigan.

Some time the last of Febuary, there will be a masquerade ball at the Travelers Home. Take your best girl and come if you have no best girl come any way and find one here.

DEAR REPORTER:— You must excuse us if we do not appear every week, but if it keeps on snowing it will be impossible for any  of  us get out at all!

Times are very dull in round here now a days, the men being mostly in the woods.
Some of our young men have come out of the woods this week. They say working in the woods isn't as easy as it might be. 
Ed. Couillard is down from Beaver looking over business and reports every thing booming up there.
Mrs S.S. Way is visiting friend and relatives at Marinette this week.

Jim Rosencrantz, IHerman Schilling and Evan Davis are among those that came down from the woods. "You ought to do better than that boys."

We are very glad to learn that Mrs. J. Farquer is recovering, under the skillful care of Dr. Allan. 
Geo. A.  Glynn  was down  from the  woods  this week,  transacting business. 

G, B. Alvord's smiling connttenance was seen in our vicinity, the past week.
We are very sorry to learn that faster Willie Couch of Maple Valley, formerly of this place, is seriously ill.

Our long looked for superintendent was visiting our school one day last week. There is to he a spelling school at Couillardville school house Friday, Feb. 5; All are invited. 

One of our most estimable young ladies is about to sail on the matrimonial sea.   Never mind, we won't give you away Mollie.
It  is  reported  that Mrs Benton Crockford of Gillett  formerly of Couillardville is dangerously ill, but we hope for her recovery.

Some of our young I folks of this place had a very enjoyable sleigh ride last Sunday night. 
Mrs J. Caldwell has been sick for several weeks, and we are sorry to to hear she has not improved.

Oconto County Reporter
February  6, 1886

Personal Mention

—L. C. Porter, of Neenah was in this city Thursday.
—Moses Thompson was doing Marinette last week.
—Thos. Porter returned from "outside" on Monday.
—Nink Cavoits, of Peshtigo,  was in the city Sunday last. 
—Frank Tyrell, of Escanaba (Michigan) call to see us on Friday.
—Miss Mira Ellis was visiting friends nt Marinette, the past week.
—Major Scofield is contemplating going to Washington nest week (He later became Wisconsin State governor).
—Miss Emma LeClair was visiting friends at Marinette last week.
—Harry Gilkey, of Maple Valley, has here in the city for a few days past. 
—Miss Emma Woodard departed for her home,at Watertown, Thursday.
—Mrs. Madigan of Marinette, was visiting friends in this city last week.
—E. J. Mullen was a passenger on the west-bound train Tuesday morningg.
—Miss Mary Barlow and Miss Clark, made a flying visit to Little Suamico, Monday.(This was before airplanes! It means "very quick" visit.) 
—Mrs. Mose Thompson, accompanied by their son was visiting at Marinette Iast week.
—Mrs. Gco. A. Baldwin was visiting Mrs. Wm. Brunquent at Menominee, on Saturday last.
—0.  F.  Trudell was transacting legal business at Shawano during the first part of the week. 
—Prosecuting Attorney, Wynmn of forest County, left for his home, at Sand Lake, Thursday.
—County Superintendant of Schools 1 Burbank, was a welcome caller at the REPORTER office on Monday.
—Miss Nellie Mitchell entertained her young friend at the residence of her parents, Tuesday evening. 
—We were honored, Friday, by a very pleasant call, from Miss Clara Sherrer and Mr. R K. Rose, of Abrams.
—C. G. Folsom, we regret to learn, is confined to his bed by sickness. We hope it will be of short duration. 
—Mr. Thomas Hagerty, of ye antciet city Green Bay, was making himself at home in our city, on Tuesday.
—We regret to learn that Edwin Hart was confined to his home by a slight attack of pleurisy on Tuesday.
—Hon. R. W. Hubbell of Maple Valley was visiting friends in the city on Wednesday.   We were pleased to him.
—Charles Alvord, of Couillardville was in the city on Tuesday and made this great religious journal a flying visit.
— R. M. Martin, of Oshkosh, agent for L. H. Andrews, school furniture dealer of Chicago, was in the city Tuesday.
— Geo. H. Wilbur, president of the Wilbur Lumber Co., of Burlington, was in the city the for part of the week. '
—Curt Pendleton, who has been attending school at Appleton for some months past, arrived home last Friday noon. 
—We regret to learn that Rev. Mr. anta, is in a very precarious condition and death may be expected at any moment. 
—J. N. McCunn, of Green Bay, mingled with his numerous friends in this city on Wednesday.

—We regret to announce that Mrs. L. P.  Pahl was stricken with paralysis Thursday last, and we express the wish of her many friends,when we hope for her speedy and complete recowry.
—C. S. Cleaver, of Chicago, agent for the Western Electric Light Co., was interviewing our citizens during the week, with a view to casting a light over the general gloom of a dark night.
——Thos. Mills, supervisor of the town of Maple Valley, was in the city Wednesday, and from the stock of law books which he was carrying, we imagined he was about to bloom out as an attorney.
—J. M. Armstrong,  Matt. Armstrong, Chas. Sehimmel, Jos. Suring and several other influential citizens, were in the city on Monday, having a little fun among themselves litigating before Squire Diemer. (jury duty)
—We regret to chronicle the illness of Dr. Oliver. He is a great sufferer with rheumatism in his limbs, and is compelled to use crutches in getting around. We hope his illness will be of but short duration.
—The Hon. Isaac Stephenson was home on a flying visit last week. He was one of the Congressional party that accompanied the remains of the late Hon. Joseph Rankin to the deceased's home at Manitowoc.
—Thos. McFarland, who has been under medical care at the home of sister, Mrs Sim. Buttler, in Maple Valley, for some time past, was brought to the city Monday last, and is now at the residence of Mr. Ben. High, receiving treatment rom Dr. Woiter.
—Mrs. Edwin Hart, celebrated her 70th birthday anniversary at the residence of her son, C. S. Hart, on Wednesday. It is seldom that youwill find a lady who has lived early three quarters of a century looking so hale and hearty as she, and one who carries her years so lightly.


For the next sixty days Thiele will sell job lot of Overcoats at Auction prices.


SMALL fire in Wm. Burnett's house, in the east ward, was the cause of an alarm Thursday night about nine o'clock. The floor of the second story ignited from a stove pipe which was run through a defective thimble, and frightened the inmates considerably, but they succeeded in subduing the fiery element with a-few pansfull of snow, before the engines arrived.


Two of our fair city's young men had a physical disagreement and there was quite a little pow-wow, when the mother of one of the combatants, appeared on the scene, and attempted tomake the phalangeal extremities of the metatarsus, and other bric-a-brac collide with the pedetic junction of the young man who was badly disfiguring her son. The youthful bruiser,  who is of the John Sullivan type, immediately proceeded to wade into tlhe brace, and for a time the pale air seemed streaked with blood.  Neighbors, however, separated the angry parties and the next morning a snug little sum was given to the injured mother in order to call things square.



 Heavy Canton Flannel, at 5 cnts. a yard at Fisher & Heller's.


Please don't look for much from us this week, for  the  intensly cold weather has prevented our seeing our nearest neighbors.
Our school is enjoying a six week's vacation. Miss Vina Randall gave perfect satisfaction as teacher the past term, and will return to take charge of the school in the Spring.
Levi Lare, the wide awake merchant of Oconto Falls, was interviewing his friends here last Saturday. 
Miss Mamie Gillett came down from one of her father's camps, on the North Branch, Monday, where she has been spending the past , 

 All-wool scarlet flannel, at 18 cts. a yard at Fisher & Heller's.


 Crivitz  Cackles. 
Special co respondents REPORTER.
What has happened to our correspondent?

We will give  the readers of the REPORTER a few lines this week to let you know that Crivitz is still in existence.

The weather is fine, loads in good condition, and everybody seems happy, and why shouldn't they be, with plenty to eat and drink and plenty of work to do.

Lumbering is carried on, to quite an extent near the junetion this winter.

Jim Bundy has quite a crew of men at work cutting pine, basswood and oak for a firm in Appleton. The Mueller Lumber Co., are putting in a large stock of logs, for next summer run. McDonald & Billings are banking 40,000 ft. a day with three teams. McGregor & Angler are piling up the logs in grand style about two miles from the junction. And last but not least, comes W. H. Dutton's post mill which started up Friday P. M., and Saturday, with nino hours run, the boys put through 5,025 posts with Dell and Ed. Dutton sawyers,. Dick Johnson engineer, and Tony Bell, yard boss. W. H. Dutton challenges any post mill on the line that does not run, with steam feed to saw more posts than his for $100, for one day's work. Somebody give him a trial.

The event of the season was the party at Dr.Schlieman's, Friday evening, Chas. Dutton furnished the music. 

We noticed Wm. Klass and Eugene Whitney, of your city, on our streets, last week. 
Nasby Chase, the boss scaler of Abrams, , was seeing the elephant


Miss EDITH GRUNERT entertained a number of her young friends and associates at the residence other parents,, last Saturday evening, the occasion being the sixteenth anniversary of her birthday. 

WE advise all those who own farming lands in this county not to be in a hurry about selling out.  Lands will never be any cheaper than they are now, but will enhance in value greatly n the near future.

A PARTY has purchased a forty of and on lower Pensaukee road, just south of Sam. Simpson's farm, and intends erecting a boarding house. He expects to do a thriving business when the boys come down.

The small pox patients at Pound are again In good health, except a girl who has an abcess above the knee which is very painful. A medical operatipn was performed and she in now improving rapidly.

We are pleased, to learn that our old friend Geo. Kellcy, late of  this city, has been appointed postmaster

 O. F. Trudell's children,we regret to say, are both sick with the measles, but we hope to be able to chronicle a speedy recovery.

 THE Turner Society will give another one of their popular Masquerade ball at their hall, on Monday evening, March  8.  Do not fail to be there.

THE calico party, at the roller rink, on Thursday evening Iast was a most successful affair, and tlie large crowd in attendance seemed to enjoy themselves inimensely.


 FRANK Knapp has  been'appointed collector, and  solicitor of job-work,  advertising, &. for  this  mighty, literary production, known to fame as the  OCONTO COUNTY REPORTER, and. allready ceipts given by him for moneys paid will be valid.   Frank is a young man of good address, and a capital fellow, and  our citizens will be doing a. worthy act by helping him, in paying all bills he  presents promptly and with dispatch, as he is collecting on commission.   The more money ,  the more commission for Frank.   Please remember this. 

A meeting of the school board was held on Tuesday last and a committee appointed, by  the common council,  to open the bids of the various school  furniture manufacturers, and let  the contract for the furnishing of the Lincoln school house. Two companies only found favor with the board, and a vote being taken resulted, in a tie, three being in favor of the A. H. Andrews Co., of Chicago, and three preferred the Automatic School Furniture Co., of  Battle Creek, Mich. Nothing further will be done about the matter until the council meets again.

TIIK fity is out of debt, and has a cash surplus on band. The county has largely reduced her indebtedness, and is prepared to meet all liabilities as fast as they accrue. We have passed through a gloomy atriifylc and are emerging into the light of prosperity and but one thing now is needed to assure our growth in wealth as a population, and that is for our business men to suppress all personal animosities and heartily unite in making Oeonto a desirable place for the investment of capital in marufacturing enterprise. Shall we have that unanimity of action?

ONK of a series of Teacher'? Meetings WHM held at   the .Was^iingto.i   School


 MADAME rumor has it that AIdred & Son contemplate moving their mills from Fort Howard , and locate them on their site in the South yard.  We hope that the Madame is correct for once, and we ian bespeak for the Messrs. Eldred a warm welcome back and liberal usage from the city, if they will cast their fortunes with us once again.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 13, 1886

E. C. Whitney, returned home from LaCrosse, on Wednesday, where he has been for the past ten days attending at the death and burial of his father, who died Feb. 4th.

Dennis Davis is suffering from a very serious jam, caused by being caught between a couple of logs while skidding, at Ed Sargents camp on the Peshtigo last week. He is getting along fairly now.

Last Tuesday, a German working in the mill of Gale & Klemp; by the name of Nieman, had one finger cut off and two more badly damaged.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 20, 1886

Maple Valley is settled by people of some four different nationalities, grouped in settlements, mostly, each by itself, yet constituting a harmonious whole. The west part is settled by Danes, the center by Americans, the east by French and the north by Bohemians. It is hoped that by its beneficent and genial influence, the center will fuse the whole into one homogeneous community like unto itself.

Henry Gilmore and son returned to their home in Michigan on Tuesday. They have purchased land, and will return with their families in the spring.

Oconto County Reporter
March 13, 1886

Winfred Parkenson and Mrs. Orsie, of Marinette, are to be married last of this month.

A severe accident occurred on Monday last to Willie Ansorge, the oldest son of Mrs. Gus. Ansorge, whereby his right leg was broken between the ankle and knee. The lad was skating on the bay, and when about a mile from shore his skate got caught in a crack in the ice and threw him with such force that both bones of his leg were broken. His cries for help, after a considerable time, attracted the attention of August Zipple, who went to his assistance and conveyed him to shore and then home. Dr. Wolter was summoned and reduced the fracture, and the little fellow, though suffering a great deal, is doing very well under the circumstances.

We received a visit Wednesday last from J. L. Petty, of Brookside. Mr. P. had the misfortune some weeks ago to break his right arm just above the wrist, and not thinking it very serious, he allowed it to knit together just as it was, and in consequence will carry a slightly crooked arm for the rest of his life.

Oconto County Reporter
April 3, 1886


My wife having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. I hereby forbid any body harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no bills of her contracting.
George Merlette, Maple Valley

Henry Johnson has sold his farm and blacksmith shop to Phillip Bitters of your city, (Frostville), and will soon move away to Dakota. Christian Fredrickson has also caught the fever, and will soon make a home on the boundless pairies.

Oconto County Reporter
May 29, 1886

* During a row in a saloon near the Pike, Thomas Cunningham, a rail-roader employed on the Milwaukee & Northern extension, was seriously if not fatally stabbed by a Swede named John Dahl. The latter has been lodged in jail at Marinette to await the result of his bloody work. The above occurred on Thursday.

* Mr. John Brophy, son of Barney Brophy, who was shot in a cow-boy camp in New Mexico, last winter, will return to this city sometime in July. we understand he will be a cripple for life.

Oconto County Reporter
June 12, 1886


Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Churchill left for New York last week, where they will spend the summer with relatives and friends.

Louis Peters met with quite a serious accident last week, being kicked in the back by a vicious horse. Dr. Beebe was called in, and under his skillful treatment he is in a fair way to recover.

Maple Valley

Since my last communication, our citizens have been called upon to pay their last respect to our honored and respected neighbor, H. H. Woodmansee. He has been a long and patient sufferer, from that much dreaded disease, consumption; but his trials of life are past and he is gone to reap christian's reward. As the supreme hour of his dissolution drew near, a desire to live seemed to possess him. He felt that his mission of live had not been fully accomplished; but the Master ordained otherwise, and he passed away without a groan or a struggle, to that borne from whence no traveler ever yet returned.

Messrs. Gilkey and Lord have turned their backs to Maple Valley for a short time, and gone to Illinois to visit the home of their childhood.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 14, 1886

* A foreigner whose name we have been unable to learn, living with Charlie Quirt at Little River, died Wednesday morning, with cholera morbus. He ate some green apples and cucumbers before breakfast and died within an hour afterwards.

Oconto Falls

Mrs. John Kane has a little boy, Mrs. F. Perrigo, a girl, and Mrs. John Andrews a boy. They all got here in time for the fire.

Sunday afternoon the inhabitants of the Falls were alarmed by the appearance of a dense smoke in the southwesterly direction, which proved, on examination, to come from a heavy about four miles distant. The wind was fair for it to sweep a path to the Falls. Most of the farmers along the road were making preparations to meet the coming foe. The wind arose and blew fiercely, and about noon the next day some of the people went out to meet it, and help their neighbors. They met it about two miles from the Falls, and stubbornly disputed every inch of the way within the borders of the settlement. The numbers of workers increasing all the afternoon and by night nearly every man and boy in the place was on the ground. Three teams were kept busy carrying barrels of water from the Pulp mill, where they were filled by the hose, which proved a great benefit all that night. And by Tuesday morning the fire was under control, but required watching until Wednesday morning. The damage done has been mostly fences. The only thing that saved the crops and buildings being the indomitable energy of the people. The buildings of Fred Westfall and Thomas Carl and the barn of Wm. Perry were burned. No other damage was done so far as we have heard.


The forest fires have been raging in a fearful manner and are yet destroying everything in its path. Sunday morning there were no fires to be seen, and no one expected there was any danger from such a source, but at 12 o'clock Monday the wind which was comparatively calm, rose to a gale and in an incredible short the few embers here and there were fanned into a waving, seething, devouring element that carried destruction to everything in its path, and where the first of the week was good fences and fine crops is now but a blackened, charred waste, and if we do not get rain soon our homes must be swept away.

Henry Ordway's barn was destroyed by fire Monday, and the whole of Leighton settlement is in great danger of being obliterated. Between Stiles Junction and Maple Valley, all the fences are burned, and what the consequences will be if we do not get rain is appalling to think of. The cattle are also suffering for grazing as they have to be penned up to keep them safe from the danger of fire, and of course lack of provender is the result.

Frank Morell's barn, with five tons of hay and two hogs and a quantity of poultry were burned. Mr. Morell and family had to flee for their lives, and a number of other families were compelled to leave their homes and seek safety.


What is the use of hunting around for items when the smoke is so thick that even the "face of nature" is hidden.

No serious damage from fires is yet reported in the immediate vicinity of Brookside.

Three families living on what is known as the "school section" were burned out Tuesday.

Several families have moved out of their homes despairing of saving them but as yet none are burned.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 21, 1886


A good description of the fire was given last week, also some errors. Mr. Livermore lost neither his house nor barn, it was saved all O.K., but had a close shave. It has about ruined the marshes for next year. The damage will amount to thousands of dollars, among the farmers in this vicinity alone. But a great many will profit by it as it has cleared up hundreds of acres of land for somebody.

H. Francart lost his barn and hay. 

Mr. Joe Leville lost one of his barns that was well filled with hay, and also both mills were burned.

North Branch

Forest fires are raging fearfully, not only in the woods but through the marshes. A large amount of hay has been destroyed by fire.

* Mr. Frank Mayborne was seriously burned last week. It seems he took his team and started for a marsh where he had some hay stacked, to see if the fire had gotten into it, or was likely to burn it, and seeing the hay was alright he started on his homeward journey, when to his utter amazement the fire was on all sides of him. He took in the situation at once and had to make a bold dash for life, or burn where he was, but he preferred the former and started and had to go pell mell for a quarter of a mile through a raging fire; he came out a little worse for hair and eyebrows, but is doing nicely now. 

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 11, 1886

A prisoner by the name of Thomas Worth who was confined in the county jail awaiting trail for shooting Marshal Smith in the mouth, early in the summer, escaped on Sunday evening last. He was being conducted to his cell with other prisoners, and watching his chance when jailer Call was off his guard he turned with lightening rapidity and planting a well conducted blow on Mr. Call's face which knocked him horse de combat, he then took "leg bail" and made good his escape.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 25, 1886

Oconto Falls

Mr. and Mrs. Manning have taken a trip to Dakota, to visit Mr. Manning's parents.


C. S. Johnson one of our most enterprising farmers is selling his household and intends to move to Marinette soon.

Mrs. John Ryan is not expected to live. She has been sick ever since the fire. Her daughters have been called to her bedside.

It has been reported that Mrs. Henrich, residing in this neighborhood had a leg amputated on Wednesday of last week at Abrams. She fell down stairs some time last August, injuring one of her limbs, which continued to grow worse until amputation was found necessary in order to save her life.

We regret to learn that Mr. Thomas Leigh was called to Minneapolis at attend the funeral of his son-in-law, Jerome Hill.


Mary Armstrong fell off a load of millet one day last week and injured her back severely. She has been laid up ever since.

Maple Valley

A. C. Frost is contemplating a visit to the old country soon, to solicit the emigration of his countrymen to this town.
Oconto County Reporter
Dec 12, 1886

Our Reporter Among the Farmers

Finding the gate open at the farm of Hunter Orr we drove in and were easily persuaded to stop for dinner. Mr. Orr is 73 years old and is robust, rugged man does much work and manages his own farming business, which is quite extensive. He came to this country in 1868, from Pennsylvania, where he had been engaged in the manufacture of pig iron, and engaged in the manufacture of lumber at Oconto, which he followed only a few years. He bought the farm near the site of Abrams known as the Sanford Hale place, he has since sold to Mr. Winans, a part of the property including the buildings, and built himself a very comfortable and pleasant home. His barn, 60X66 with underground stable and root house, is one of the most complete we ever saw, with room for several hundred head of stack, if economically used, with all the feeding arraignments handy. It would pay to go and see this plan before building. Only a slight rise is necessary to have a stable under the barn. We were shown some of the rare presents received by this gentleman and his estimable lady, on the 28th day of last April, when they celebrated their Golden Wedding, amid a large gathering of their relatives and friends. 


Next south of this is the farm of  S. A. Knowles another merchant butcher who deals largely in butcher supplies, and farms his place also, with his son Bert, who is fast becoming the expert at the business. They can handle stock in a lively manner.


Mr. Rifenburg lives on the place known as the Farley place, and is getting it in shape to raise crops, it having become much run down. Just across the railroad west is the farm of 
Edward Signor whom we have mentioned as a dynamiter of some skill, which is directed  toward the removal of pine stumps. Mr. Signor has a good farm with excellent frame buildings, about 60 acres cleared and forty acres stumped. He reports good crops on his farm this year. 


Leaving this part of the country for the present, we will notice some of the places visited in the south part of the town of Chase, which is called St. Nathans. James McClure is amongst the oldest settlers and has a very showy farm, good orchard, and large barn, and should judge that he farms for profit.


George Tollman has rented the Amos Huck farm, and runs it in connection with his own.


A visit to the farm and mills of  J. S. Chase will convince anyone that this has been a stirring place. The mill will not probably be started up again this year but will be moved north on the M. & N. R. & R. The farm is one of the best in the town and the buildings are all first class. He has used under all his buildings, about 130 cords of stone. His barn is a model structure and has no superior of its size in the state. He has been boring for artesian water but has not yet got a flow. We understand he intends to commence work on it again next year. Mr. Chase has begun farming on a scale that will pay. Everything is kept in good order about the place; his combination poultry house and pig sty, is a very comfortable place for chickens and pigs, and an ornament to the farm. All the buildings are painted nicely. His store is well stocked with staple goods, which he sells cheap for cash.


J. S. Harvey has a farm near Chase's mill, and is also carrying on the Tegmier farm, over on the Hauptmier branch where he has moved his family for a term of years. Mr. Harvey has served his town in the capacity of Supervisor and is considered well informed in such matters. 


Daniel Krause has a good farm and has partly finished a very large and commodious dwelling house, which will be among the finest on the road. 


Herman Blase as purchased a part of his father's farm in the Wilson settlement and moved buildings on it. This is a part of one of the best farms in town and now consists of 80 acres, most of which is cleared. Herman is a stirring young man and will succeed. He is now town Treasurer of the town of Chase.


A.H. Thomas is constantly improving his place in a substantial manner and has one of the most productive farms in the town. Mr. Thomas has proved himself a very successful farmer.


Louis Redman's place was one of the first settled on the road and is now in good furtile condition. Mr. R. believes in keeping the land up to make farming pay. He lumbers some in the winter season, mostly in cedar. Considerable activity is shown in this settlement since the snow came, as most of the cedar going to Abrams, by teams, is cut in this vicinity. John H. Rymer, who was hurt by a load of logs some four years ago, which caused paralysis of the lower half of his body, died last week Monday and was buried Thursday. 


Personal and Local

George Clausen cut his foot quite badly a few days ago, which will prevent his working in the cedar swamps as soon as he expected to have done.

S. Fabrey returned last week from Door county, where he has just buried his father who was 80 years of age.

Christian Durgan, one of our old settlers and woodsmen, we are very sorry to write, dropped dead in the streets of Florence on Sunday. The remains were brought home Monday. 

The children of John Hoffman are all sick; the baby dangerously.

We regret to record the sad event of Mr. Wm. Perry's serious illness. About a week ago, while cutting ties he had a stroke of paralysis, and has been in serious condition ever since. Himself and family have the sincere sympathy of all.

Mr. Ira Coburn of Duluth is visiting his brother, Capt. Coburn, this week.

Hon. Geo. W. DeLano, wife and Mrs. D's sister of Brookside, another sister, Mrs. Burbank of Milwaukee, and two sister's of Mr. D., expect to start on Monday of next week for Thomasville, Ga. to spend the winter.

Mr. Robert S. Bateman, of Wessinton Springs, Dakota, was visiting relatives and friends in the city, the first of the week

. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman are spending the winter in Appleton, their former home, where their daughter is attending college.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 18, 1886

P. Gamber returned yesterday from his home in Waupun, where he had been visiting, for several days past, and will start with his brother for the cedar woods tomorrow.

We received news today of the death of Isadore Tappa. He died on the 10th inst., at Spencer. This is a hard blow to his parents, who are worthy people.

Clarence Seevey of Maine, has been spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Ann Goddard.

Mr. E. A. Carmon and children arrived from Minneapolis last week to spend the holidays with her mother.

Cornelius Lince and family are settled in their new house as it is built on the site of the one, which burned some two years ago, they feel at home again.

Mrs. Brockbank and young son, of  LaCross, are visiting friends and relatives at the residence of Ed. Davis.

We regret to chronicle the illness of Mr. Ellis Jennings. He has been suffering from Typhoid fever for the past two weeks but is improving now.

Miss Kate Brown, daughter of B. J. Brown, of Menominee, spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hart, in this city last week.

Miss Philomena Barabe, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Maynard, for the last three months, returned to her home at Negaunee, the past week. Mrs. Maynard accompanied her, and will not return until after the holidays. 

Several cases of Typhoid fever have developed in town, and it would seem that Oconto is not to escape epidemics any more then its sister towns.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec 26, 1886

We note by the Florence News that Peter McGovern, of Florence, and James Sargeant, of this city, are planning a trip to Southern pineries with a view of becoming interested in the South. Both gentlemen are prominent and energetic Menominee lumbermen and would doubtless do well in the South if there is a chance there for anyone.

Dr. Francis Whiting, of Spencer Brook, Minnesota, has come to visit his relatives and friends on the section, where his home was eight years ago. He will remain until after the holidays.

The Frostville Hotel is crowded day and night and Andrew is kept busy from 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in dishing up "chuck" for the "lads" whose stomachs are as capacious and digestion as vigorous as a turkey's buzzard's.

Mr. Joe Lavalie and family also his hired man Ernst, moved to Green Bay for the winter. They will return in the spring however.

Mrs. N. D. Morgan of Vandyne, was the guest of her relatives last week.

John Burke has gone to Chicago to spend the winter. 

Mr. Thomas McMahon's youngest child was quite badly scalded a few days ago with the contents of a teapot, but we believe he is getting along nicely.