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Flash From The Past - 1885

Researched and transcribed by Obituary Editor and Historic Family News Researcher.- Cathe Ziereis
(unless labeled with another contributor)

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 10, 1885


The house and contents belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hart, in this city was destroyed by fire on the 5th, inst., the fire starting in a small room used as a kitchen and spread so rapidly that nothing was saved but a few articles of wearing apparel. Mrs. Hart is endeavoring to save a few articles from devouring flames slipped and fell upon the sidewalk which was covered with ice and broke one of the bones in her right arm between the wrist and elbow. She was taken to the house of her son Cyrus and Dr. O’Keef summoned who reduced the fracture. The loss is $7,000 which was partially covered by insurance. 

Joseph Gilland, of Maple Valley, returned from California, where he had been on a prospecting tour, Tuesday morning, fully determined to dispose of his personal and real property in this county and go back to the Pacific coast to reside permanently.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 17, 1885


We are exceedingly sorry to learn that Mrs. Moses Thompson is no better and that her friends entertain little or no recovery. Her mental and physical prostration is very great and Dr. Wigginton, superintendent of the Northern Hospital of the Insane, who at her bedside Saturday, gave no encouragement to her friends. Mr. Thompson who is devotedly attached to his family and who is wore out with watching and care, has we are confident, the sympathy of all in his great trouble.

Monday evening last week, during the progress of a dance at the home of John Hassafeldt in the town of Oconto, Henry Sharke destroyed the beauty of Victor Deffeneffe by biting off one of his ears. There was no altercation between the parties and no cause for the cannibalism as far as was perceptible to those present at the party. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the biter, who deserves all the punishment the law provides for such an offence.

Bad Wound

While Henry McClauslin was out hunting Friday morning of last week near George Butterfield’s camp on the upper Peshtigo, he slipped and fell backward in such a manner, that his rifle which he was carrying was discharged and he was seriously wounded in the right shoulder, the bullet, a 46-70, entered just above the collar bone and ranging downward, passing between his lungs and ribs, several of which were shattered and finally lodged near his hip. When the extent and seriousness of his wound was ascertained, he was placed upon a bob sled by Ed. Caldie who was at work in the woods with his team and brought to the Caldie place nine miles from Peshtigo, from which point a messenger was dispatched to the later place to telegraph Mr. N. L. McCauslin of his son’s misfortune. Upon the receipt of the dispatch, Mr. McCauslin at once repaired to Peshtigo and taking a doctor with him, drove to the bedside of his wounded son whom from loss of blood and pain was in an exhausted condition. Saturday he was taken to Peshtigo in a sleigh on a couch and from there brought to this city on the noon passenger train and conveyed from the depot to his fathers house upon a bed arranged in a sled. Soon after reaching home, Dr. O’Keef was summoned who extracted the bullet, which had been divided by coming in contact with a bone in its passage from the shoulder downward. He also removed several pieces of bone, which had been fractured by the force of the bullet. His condition is quite precarious, and if he recovers, it will bellowing to his strong constitution and grit, which is phenomenal.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 24, 1885


The house of our townsman, Mr. Ben Armstrong, was totally destroyed by fire Monday night. Most of the contents were saved.

We are confident that everyone will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Moses Thompson is decidedly better, and that her friends entertained high hopes for her ultimate recovery.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 31, 1885


Monday evening, Will Ratchford of city, met with a terrible accident which resulted in his death the following morning at 3:00. For some time past, it has been the practice of a number of boys residing in the West ward to congregate at the depot of the C. & N. W. railroad and remain there until the arrival of the south bound passenger train and then jump on when the train starts and ride as far as they dare to before jumping off. Monday evening Will with his companion did as had been the custom and in jumping from the train Will fell in such a matter that his legs passed under the wheels and one was severed above the knee and the other so badly bruised that amputation was decided necessary by Mr.’s O’Keef and Allan who performed the operation. The loss of blood suffered by the unfortunate boy and the terrible shock to his nervous system was so great that he could not rally and came death to his relief at the hour above stated.

Mrs. J. M. Campbell, who resides in Oregon, writes to her father, R. B. Yeaton, of Abrams, this county, that they have been snowed in for six weeks and that during that time received no mail. From which the inference can be drawn that northern Wisconsin is not such a bad place after all in which to make a home.

G. W. Griffin, of Bismarck, Dakota, is in the city; the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Maria Write.

Last Tuesday morning, the store building on Main street just east of the Beyer House formerly owned and occupied by V. Schonfield as a store and residence was destroyed by fire. The building was owned by William Chase and occupied by J. L. Jorgenson as a store and Richard Parmelee as a residence. The goods in the store were mostly saved but in a damaged condition, while the household goods and the stock stored in the rooms occupied by R. Parmelee were mostly burned or so damaged as to destroy their value. Parmelee’s loss is $3,000 covered by insurance of $1,500; Jorgenson’s loss is about $1,500 over and above insurance and the loss on the building $2,100, insurance $1,125. Cause of the fire unknown.
For several days, the condition of N. L. McCauslin, who is suffering from blood poisoning, has been of such a character as to occasion his friends much alarm, but at the present writing he is improving and his many friends are rejoicing in the hope of an early and complete recovery.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 7, 1885


John White was brought down from one of the Oconto company’s camps last week, having been severely injured by a tree falling upon him.

Mrs. Peter Hoffman, of Marinette, has been visiting her brother’s family, in Gillett, (John Hoffman), for the past two weeks, and on her return home spent last Saturday and Sunday with Vernon Cole’s family in Little River.

The doctors we understand, claim that our friend N. L. McCauslin is not suffering from the effects of blood poisoning, which his many friends will be glad to hear, as well as the fact, that although he has been and is still a very sick man, he is progressing toward recovery.

John VanAble left Tuesday evening for Holland, to visit the scenes and friends of his childhood.

The many friends of Miss Eva DeLano will be grieved to learn that she has left this place to return no more. She will visit friends in Manitowoc, Milwaukee and Chicago, and will then go to Washington, where she contemplates making her future home. May good health and happiness attend her.

Merrill Chase, of Brookside, is seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia. He is not expected to recover. His daughter, Mrs. F. L. Whitney, is constantly with him.

The many friends of Mrs. Bunn, nee Genie Volk, formerly of Oconto Falls, will regret to learn that she is very ill at her home in New Jersey, having lost her little boy, aged three, and her husband being very low with consumption.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 14, 1885

A little girl, the child of Charles Schmidt, while walking in the middle of Superior Street Saturday, was run over by a team and so seriously injured that she died early the following morning. It is reported, that there was criminal carelessness upon the part of the driver, who after he had run over the child pulled her out of the track and ordered her home. If such is the fact, he should be apprehended and punished severely for his carelessness, which is nothing less then manslaughter. If on the contrary, the child was injured while catching unto the sleigh as is intimated, no blame can be attached to the driver except that he did not take the child home after discovering the extent of her injuries and not have left her to get home the best she could. It is a said accident and the parents have the sympathy of their friends in their bereavement.

A. P. Wood, superintendent of a mine in Marquette County, Mich., was here Wednesday, the guest of his cousin, Mrs. M. C. Wright.

Matt Hollopeter has purchased the blacksmith shop opposite the Roth House and will engage in the blacksmith business. Mr. H. is a superior workman and will, we are confident, build up a good trade.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 21, 1885


John Runkel left Saturday noon for Watertown, where he will enter a jewelry establishment and complete his trade.

Mrs. William Brunquist, of Menominee, Mich., had been here during the week visiting acquaintances, friends and relatives.

Mr. Frank Weber and Mrs. Jacob Weber, both of Watertown, Wis., were in attendance at the funeral of Nora Spies.

Thomas Ryan, of Rochester, Minn., has been in this city during the week, the guest of his friend and old playmate Fred Runkel.

P.H. Coreoran, of Hart’s Switch, has moved his family to Birch Creek, Mich. He will be missed by his many friends.

W. Neilson and family have moved to Neenah. Section foreman G. A.  Clewley occupies their vacant residence.

Sammy Cooper, a boy of six years who was three weeks ago accidentally scalded on head and neck is recovering nicely.

The genial S. C. May soon visits New Orleans. From there he expects to go to Central New York where he has been tendered a lucrative position in a prominent bank.

Merrill Chase is recovering from Pneumonia, and is pronounced out of danger.

A daughter of Mr. Kirtnor, of Brookside Station is very ill of the same disease, and is not expected to recover.

A Jenss, a practical marble cutter at Appleton, writes to Frank VanBoven as follows in regard to the stone found on his farm near this city: I have seen a sample of the stone found on your farm. It is of fine grain, of yellowish color and takes a very high polish, in fact as good as any marble in the market. I am inclined to believe that a stock company with a capitol of $4,000 to $5,000 would be the best investment in northern Wisconsin if the enterprise was pushed with energy in quarrying the stone and bringing it to the attention of the public and putting it upon the market. It would pay well to use the stone for building purposes, although it is good for table and bureau tops and for mantles and shelving. Should monied men after an inspection of the quarry concluded to form a stock company I will take an interest in the same.

Oconto County Reporter
Feb. 28, 1885


W. B. High is quite lame and blind, being obligated to walk with a cane and to be confined in a dark room most of the time, the result of an injury received early in the winter. His friends hope that he will soon be himself again.

Oconto County Reporter
March 7, 1885


John Anderson was quite seriously hurt at the Oconto company’s machine shop Thursday, by a 1,400 pound casting falling upon on of his legs.

Mrs. Elizabeth Colson, of Mill Center, after a brief visit here with her mother, Mrs. Lindsey, and sisters, Mesdames Thomas Milliage, C. T. Pendleton and Charles Hall, left for her home Monday.

Monday afternoon, a terrible accident occurred at Cecil, Shawano County, which resulted in the almost instant death of Julius Hanneman who was the part owner and head sawyer of the saw mill at that place. It seems that while standing near the saw which was in motion, his foot slipped for some unaccountable reason and fell in front of the it, and his body was sawn asunder, one arm severed from his body and a ghastly gash made in his head.

Oconto County Reporter
March 14, 1885


A man by the name of Huel attempted to commit suicide at Peshtigo the earlier part of the week. He must have been out of his head for no sane man would wish to “shuffle off this mortal coil” in the springtime.

August Wirtz, who has for the past few months suffered from a serious malady, which bereft him of reason and thinking conveniences, and who is now confined at the Northern Hospital, is improving and it is thought he will be permitted to return to his family in a short time.

The infant son of George High is very sick and his recovery is thought to be doubtful. 

We learn from the Green Bay Advocate, that the insane now in this county are soon to be removed to the Brown County Hospital for the insane.

Patrick Nelligan will move into and conduct the Richard House as soon as it is vacated by Mr. Richard, who expects to take possession of the Kirby House in Menominee, Mich., the 1st of May next. 

Forty-nine children were sent this week from among the Oneida Indians, whose reservation is near DePere, To Carlisle, Pa., to be educated in the English Language.

Mrs. R. P. Smith and Miss Bert Runkel left Monday evening for Watertown, where they will visit friends and relatives for two weeks or more.

Oconto County Reporter
March 21, 1885


Mrs. Wm. Watson formerly of Stiles, and late of Lena, stopped here last Friday, visiting her sisters Mrs. J. Johnson and Mrs. F. Phinney. We are credibly informed that she has disposed of her property at Lena and has since moved to Manistee, Mich., where she intends to make her future home.

Mrs. Frank Leroy left Tuesday night for Canada, where she will visit friends and relatives for the next four weeks. During her absence, Frank will keep ‘bach’s hall” and eat cold victuals.

Mr. and Mrs. James McGee and daughter Edith reached here Saturday, from Sturgeon River, Mich., and became the quest of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. Monday Mr. McGee went to Milwaukee on business where he remained most of week.

A man by the name of Pesheck who was recently discharged from the state prison, on Tuesday last was arrested by officer Belonga for attempting to rob a stranger whom he had inveigled out near the protestant cemetery.  The next morning he was arraigned before Justice Bailey who after bearing the evidence ascended the prisoner $10.00 and costs amounting in the aggregate to $18.00 which he paid and was discharged. The stranger was quite badly punished by the miscreat during his efforts to rob him, and had the evidence been more convincing the justice would have held the prisoner to the circuit court so that he might have another chance to live at the expense of the state at Waupun.

Oconto County Reporter
March 28, 1885


Will Barlow’s little boy met with a distressing accident Saturday morning last. The little toddler fell against a stove and burned his face and neck terribly.

One day last week, William Young, of Gillett, while at work in the woods met with an accident by which the bones in left leg were badly broken. Drs. Allan & O’Keef of this city were summoned and set the bones, and Mr. Young is doing nicely, although suffering considerable pain. That his leg may mend rapidly and he soon is out again is the earnest wish of all his friends here and there.

Mrs. James Kent, of Hermansville, Mich., and formerly of this place, is here, the guest of Mrs. T. A. Holyoke.

E. P. Royce’s saw mill at Bagley, Mich., was entirely destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning of last week, through the carelessness of the watchman it is thought, who built a fire in the packing room and neglected to look after it. The loss is $10,000, insurance only $2,000. Mr. Royce has lost two mills by fire within a short time, but is not dispirited and is making arrangements to rebuild at an early date.

C.W. Barnet, of Pensuakee, was here Monday. He was foreman of the Royce mill at Bagley, Mich., recently destroyed by fire, in which he lost all his tools. 

Oconto County Reporter
April 11, 1885


James Smith, of Frenchtown, was arrested Wednesday, upon a warrant charging him with having relieved a Swede of $80, and a gold watch out at the ranch on the Pensuakee road the previous Monday night. He was taken before Frank Deimer, justice of the peace who after hearing the evidence discharged the prisoner who went his way well pleased with the result of the examination. The Swede is out his money and watch, but has learned a lesson that ought to be valuable to him hereafter: To not visit places where there is a probability that he will be robbed.

H. Bradley and wife are down on a visit to their parents from Hermansville, Mich. He reports times as dull there.

Dan Hurley had a little misunderstanding with a keg of beer a few days ago. It seems the keg was occupying a position which Dan thought was to lofty for connivance. He put his thoughts into words, at the same time making it more clear to the keg by giving it a sudden jerk. Whether it was more willing to come down than Dan imagined we do not know; but in obedience to the laws of gravity, it descended toward the center of the earth with a fearful velocity, and in a direct line from where it started was Dan’s foot. We leave the reader to imagine the rest. It is thought he will be around by the Fourth of July. 

Quiet consternation was caused on Saturday last by the announcement that a very quaint entrance to John Shurman’s cellar had been left open by some neglectful member of the family, and that Mrs. Shurman had subsequently fallen through it in less time then it takes to write, the Shurman domicile was filled by anxious friends. Reasoning by analogy was freely indulged in. One half of the crowd inferred from her inability to walk, that her leg must be broken; the other half held a similar opinion. At this junction, Dr. Oshwaldt arrived, and proceeded to make a diagnosis of the case. She is under the doctor’s treatment and will soon recover.

Oconto County Reporter
April 25, 1885


George Rifenberg, of Nebraska, is visiting his Aunt Mrs. G. W. Rugg and his sister Mrs. Robert McDowell. He intends on going on the drive this spring together with others from this vicinity.

A seal weighing 74 pounds was captured at Popular Point near Menominee, Mich., on the 14th inst., by John Quinby a fisherman. How the seal could come in Green Bay is a mystery and he is evidently a long ways from home.

Mrs. C. B. Hart departed during the week for Green Bay, where she will reside in the future, her husband’s business rending the transfer of residence necessary. Mrs. Hart has lived in this city many years and will be missed by a large circle of friends.

Mrs. Flood, of Vineland, N. J., a Christian Scientist, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Cook.

Oconto County Reporter
May 2, 1885

The store building at Couillardville, owned by J. W. Couillard was, destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The origin of the fire is unknown.

A man by the name of Peter Caribon was quite seriously hurt Wednesday in Oconto Company’s mill, by being drawn into the machine.

Alex Lucas while at work in J. S. Chase’s mill at St. Nathans (now Chase) one day last week was quite seriously injured in the head and leg by the bursting of an emery wheel. His wounds are not considered of such nature as to cause death.

The residence of Nemi Chase, in the town of Pensaukee, near Brookside, was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. He and his family succeeded in saving a few household good.

Nels H. Nelson has gone to Pine Grove, Brown County to reside. He is an excellent young man and the people there are lucky in securing him as a citizen.

Oconto County Reporter
May 9, 1885

J. R. Underwood, of Aurora, Ill., has been in this city during the week making araingements for building a summer residence on Kelly lake, Maple Valley, as having purchased three acres of land on the east shore of that beautiful sheet of water. Mrs. Underwood and son are expected today, and will be the guests of her parents until everything is in readiness at the lake for their convenience and comfort.

James Bird who was brought down from Bay de Noquet, Mich., and last week sick, we are sorry to learn is no better.

John Simons, who formerly resided in this city, but who is now one of the leading citizens of Florence was visiting friends in this city the last of last week.

Pat Benan, the desperado who shot and killed deputy sheriff John Kohl at Negaunee, Mich., on March 5th, last and who had been hiding from the officers since the tragedy, was captured near Escanaba Sunday and taken to Marquette and placed in jail.

Joseph Pecor lifted so hard while loading his chest unto a wagon, that he lifted himself off his feet. If he has not already done so, he will soon leave for Sturgeon River, Mich., to assist in building a sawmill in the vicinity of that place. 

A brute by the name of Leroy Lamphear, a homesteader in the Smith-Morrison settlement eighteen miles from Florence has been arrested and is now in the county jail in Florence charged with debauching his two daughters, one seven and the other twelve years of age. It is the most inhuman and disgusting case in annuals of crime in this state, and the monster should not be suffered to live.

Geo. Oleson, who recently moved from Laney, Shawano County, to Little Suamico, was here on business Monday. We are glad that Mr. Oleson has become a citizen of this county.

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ellis reached home Monday from Chicago where they had been visiting relatives for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. T. P. McClellan who have resided in this city the past few years left Tuesday evening for Dakota (Territory) where they will locate on a claim and make themselves a home.

 Oconto County Reporter
May 16, 1885

Wednesday, Sheriff Bagley assisted by Robert Spice, removed the insane patients eight in number from this county to Brown county asylum for the insane.

John K. Davis has purchased a farm in Polk County in this state and will, with his family move upon the same as soon as he disposes of his property here. While we are glad to have Mr. D. do well, we regret exceedingly to lose him as a citizen, for he is a good citizen who is a credit to any community.

Oconto County Reporter
May 23, 1885

Chris Reisdorf who had been in the employ of A. Halbach for some time, left Saturday evening for Milwaukee in search of work. Should he not succeed in securing employment to his taste, he will go elsewhere. Chris is a good workman and a genial fellow who ought to do well, and will, if the wishes of his friends are any avail.

Mrs. Bateman, of Appleton, sister of Rev. S. W. Ford, visiting him and his family during the week. 

J.P. Dorr (Fin) who resided in this city for a number of years, but who is now a resident of Gardiner, Maine, has been in town during the week shaking hands with old friends. He looks as if the “Yankee’s” have treated him well since he took up residence among them. 

The following criminal and civil cases appear on the court calendar for trial at the May term of the district court which is to be held on the 25th inst.


David Soper vs. Joseph Suring
Wm. McDonald vs. Joseph Lear
Frank Dezuba vs. G.T. Porter
Gustav Suring vs. A. C. Frost
A. Halbach vs. P. G. Esson
Annie Trepanier vs. M. Coughlin
Polly Simpson vs. Oconto County
Jacob Messenger vs. City of Oconto
F. X. Brazeau vs. Benj. Colors
J. M. Armstrong vs. R. T. Jackel
J. A. Wilson vs. Geo. Bent et. al.
August Birr vs. Chas. Meyers
John Kelly vs. C. Schwartz
J. Hauser vs. Wm. Klass
John Sunberg vs. C & N W R’y Co
Chas. Hall vs. W. H. Young
Uri. Balcom vs. J. Suring
T. W. Harvey vs. Chas. Hall et. al.
S. A. Coleman vs. C. F. Sharp et. al.
E. Wirth vs. Henry Tourtillotte
Wm. McDonald vs. J. Leav
G. W. Todd vs. Ezra Despins
Geo. Beyer vs. Oconto County
Alfred Hazen vs. Richard Kingston


State vs. Johns
State vs. Staumberg
State vs. Holtman
State vs. Johnson
State vs. Kreger
State vs. Strack

Oconto County Reporter
May 30, 1885

The many friends of George Farnsworth, Jr., will regret to learn that he met with a serious and painful accident Monday afternoon last. While leading his horse, the animal stepped upon a board breaking it, and a piece flew up and struck him in the left eye. He left in the evening for his home in Chicago where upon his arrival the eye was examined by an occultist who said that the sight could be saved which will be a source of great satisfaction to George’s many friends.
Crystal Falls, Michigan, May 22, 1885

Editor Reporter: It is with a feeling of sadness that I send you the details of a sad accident, which occurred on the Hemlock River on the 21st. On the above mentioned date as some of our men were endeavoring to extricate some logs which jammed at the mouth of a sluice of one of the dams, William Payne, (more formerly known as Billy) and John Underwood got on to the logs for the purpose of clearing the eddy, when suddenly the log on which the men were standing became unmanageable, and precipitated them into the creek. Underwood who is an expert swimmer succeeded in reaching the bank in safety after a terrible struggle for his life. But Payne, who unfortunately for himself was unable to swim had to go down, after fighting a desperate battle with the rushing currants which seemed to vie with such other in capturing another victim, and sending all that was mortal of poor Payne a lifeless to the bottom. All this occurred in as brief a period as it takes to record it, and it in the presence of several of the men, who however were powerless to help in anyway assist the poor fellow, who was straining every nerve to save that, which man hold dearer than all other earthly treasures, life. Thus passed away, the spirit of a generous and universally esteemed a lumberman as ever carried a pole or rode a log on a river. Generous to a fault, kind and good tempered by nature, young Payne was a universal favorite by all whom he came in contact. The deceased was about twenty-two years of age and a native of New Brunswick. He came to Oconto a little over two years ago, where he leaves behind him a host of friends who will no doubt be heartily sorry to hear of his untimely end.

Oconto County Reporter
June 6, 1885

Sad Accident

The Denver Tribune-Republican of May 20th contained the following account of the drowning of Mr. Albert S. Holmes who was a nephew of Mr. Charles T. Pendleton of this city;

Albert S. Holmes of Denver was drowned in Grand River, at the mouth of Derby Creek, last Thursday morning, about 20 miles north of Dotsero. He was a roadman of the Burlington survey party, now at work in that section. He is the son of Captain J. R. Holmes, residing at No. 315 Twenty-Third Street, this city. About two years ago he was graduated from the business department of Denver University, and for nearly a year has been with the Burlington engineers along the Grand.

Bringing the news to Denver

Yesterday Mr. J. H. Harvey, one of the engineering party, arrived in the city, having come for the purpose of informing Albert’s mother of his death. Captain Holmes was at Silverton at the time, where he was immediately notified of the sad affair soon after it occurred. Mr. Harvey the day previous had given the information to the correspondent of The Tribune-Republican at Red Cliff, but asked that the name be not used until after the parents could be informed of the fate of their son.
In relating the circumstances of the case yesterday to a Tribune-Republican reporter, Mr. Harvey said that the accident occurred about 8:30 o’clock on the morning of the 26th inst. Their surveying party, numbering about fifteen, was camped at the mouth of Derby creek. On that morning Albert Holmes and Daniel Cullen got into a small boat to take a rope across the Grand River, to be used in transferring the pack animals of the party. 
Frank Boyden accompanied them to the edge of the water and assisted them in getting in to the boat.

The Rapid Current

The current is very rapid, having a velocity of about eight miles an hour, and at the point the stream is about 300 feet wide. Holmes and Cullen apprehended no danger, as they were both good swimmers. After they had gone about fifty feet from the shore the force of the current upon the rope became so great that it upset the boat, and both men were thrown into the water. When the boat capsized they both retained their hold on the rope, but as the current was so very swift and rapidly sweeping them around, they were compelled to loosen their hold. They both then started to swim to the shore. They both then started to swim to the shore. Cullen sank once, but succeeded in reaching the pole thrown out to him by Boyden, who was standing on the bank.

Drowned near the shore

Young Holmes was not so fortunate. When within about twenty feet of the shore, Holmes sank the first time. Boyden tried to reach him with a pole, but did not succeed. Holmes sank the second time within two feet of the pole, and the third time he rose, his hands and the top of his head were only visible. Every effort possible was used to save the young man’s life, but the swiftness of the current was to much for them. As Holmes was a good swimmer, it is thought that he was taken with a cramp. His body has not yet been recovered.
Yesterday Mr. Harvey called upon Holmes mother and informed her of the sad event, and both mother and daughter were grief stricken at the horrible news. Mr. Harvey said that Holmes had been with the surveying party for nearly a year, and was a general favorite.
The reporter called at Denver University yesterday afternoon, where only kind words and expressions of sympathy were uttered by his teachers in his behalf.


Mrs. High, mother of W. B. Geo. and Mrs. McFarline, returned from Florida Wednesday evening.

David Miller, the miscreet who chopped two horses belonging to G. T. Porter because he had a grudge against him, was arrested at Shawano during the week and is now in the Marinette jail. He confesses the crime.

J. O. Staumberg, who was arraigned for forgery, and who plead guilty at the May term of the district court, was given a year in the penitentiary, Thursday, by the judge, and left in the evening in charge of Sheriff Bagley, for Waupun, to begin service.

Oconto County Reporter
June 13, 1885

We were extremely sorry to learn that Mrs. Price had sold her farm and moved to Seymour.

Chas. Avery is very low and is not expected to live.

Geo. Bent has made up his mind it is not good for man to live alone, and he will make a final visit to Oshkosh soon – well, you may guess the rest.

Mrs. Hubbard left for Camp Hale, Saturday, and her many friends are left to believe that this is her last visit here for the present.

Big Blaze

The quietude of our city was broken Tuesday afternoon by an alarm of fire, the residence of Alex Urquhart having caught from a defective flue in one of the chimneys. The fire department responded promptly but reached the scene of action too late to save the building, the fire having obtained to great headway. Soon after the arrival of the fire engines Sam Simpson’s barn was discovered to be on fire, having caught it is supposed from sparks conveyed to the barn in bed clothing taken from Mr. Urquhart’s residence. The barn was totally destroyed and being situated between Sam Simpson’s and Antone Lesperances, residences, communicated fire to both which were partially burned and save only by the firemen who are entitled to great praise for their services in saving property.
Urquhart’s insurance policy expired a few weeks since hence his loss, which is $1,600, is a total loss. Simpson’s loss is in the neighborhood of $800 and is covered by insurance, as is Lesperances loss, which is not far from $500.

Ed Caldie has moved from Peshtigo to Stiles, which will be his abiding place for the immediate future. 

Mrs. M. J. McCourt left Thursday noon for Buffalo N. Y. having received a telegram informing her of the dangerous illness of a sister residing in that city, whose life was despaired of at the time the telegram, was forwarded. 

Pat Benan, the miserable wretch who murdered Deputy Sheriff Kohl at Negaunee, Mich., was tried last week at Marquette, convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for life. It is too bad that capitol punishment is not the law in Michigan as it ought to be everywhere, so that such worthless, but dangerous whelps, could be worked into eternity at the end of a rope.

Oconto County Reporter
June 27, 1885

The residence of John Katchie in the town of Maple Valley was destroyed by fire Saturday last. He had no insurance, and being entirely destitute, any assistance that may be extended him will be worthily bestowed.

An old landmark has disappeared this week. We refer to the old warehouse on the north side of the river just east of Section street bridge, erected by Mr. Edwin Hart in the year of 1853, in the good old pioneer days, long before railroads had made their appearance in this portion of the state. For years it was the landing place for passengers and for freight brought to this city by lighters and the steamboats which then plied between here and Green Bay. The material in the old building will be used by Mr. Hart in the addition to his office building near the bridge and in making repairs on other buildings he owns.

I. N. Heller left for Chicago Tuesday evening, to meet his parents whom he has not seen for 19 years and who recently came to this country from the Faterland. It will be a happy meeting.

John Simons of Florence, a former resident of this city, was here Wednesday. 

N. S. Chase, of Brookside, who had the misfortune to lose his home by fire last spring, was in town Wednesday. His bad luck does not seem to have disturbed his good nature or lessened his energy, as he is rebuilding and by fall, will be comfortably situated as ever.

Vince and Luke Keene left Thursday evening for Washington Territory, where they go to locate and make homes for themselves and family.

Mrs. Ed. Horuibrook, of Marinette, in this city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. K. Davis.

Warning to the Public

The public is hereby warned, not to trust John Rohrinck after this date on account of Herman Rohrinck, as he will pay no debts contracted by the said John, who is a minor. The public is also warned not to accept any orders from the said John Rohrinck after this date purporting to have been signed by wither of the undersigned, for they will neither signed nor pay any such orders.
Herman Rohrinck
Rohrinck Bros.
Pro. H. Rohrinck
Oconto, Wis. June 22, 1885

Oconto County Reporter
July 4, 1885

M. McNeel and wife spent Sunday at his home in Brookside. It is reported that he has sold his property here, which everyone regrets as we don’t like to loose any of our good neighbors.

Poor old Henry Harmser was taken over to the county bastilles Wednesday to serve out a ninety-day sentence for the infraction of some city ordinance. There is no question but that the old man is out of his head and should be sent to the Northern Hospital or to the poor house instead of the county jail.

A barn in the west end of the South ward owned by Charles Johnson was destroyed by fire Thursday, a few minutes after 1:00. There were four horses in the barn belonging to Mr. J. two, which were burned to death. One so badly burned as to necessitate it being killed and the remaining one but slightly burned. The loss on barn light and on the horses $800.

K. Fisher, of Appleton, was here Wednesday visiting his sons Louis and Nate, and his nephew I. N. Heller. Mr. Fisher is one of the solid men of the beautiful city in which he lives. 

Oconto County Reporter
July 11, 1885

The body of a man by the name of Gavoit Anderson, but better known as “Chicago” was found Tuesday morning besides a scow near Holt & Balcom’s mill. He had been in the employ of Messrs Holt and Balcom for a number of years and last seen alive Sunday evening about half past eleven at which time he was under the influence of liquor, in which condition it is supposed he fell into the river and was drowned. An inquest was held and a verdict rendered, in accordance with the above facts. He is believed to have a daughter living in Shawano County, she being his only relative in this country.

On the morning of the 4th, June, L. Bovee was standing at the crossing just south of the depot at Abrams as the passenger train form the north passed. As it did so, he noticed that something fell from the train and after making several resolutions finally dropped upon the ground. Thinking it was one of his valuable hunting dogs and feeling quite badly over the injury it might have suffered, he approached the object and to his surprise found it to be a little girl who by this time was crying bitterly. He immediately took the child in his arm and went to the depot and telegraphed to Tremble, from which place he received a telegram upon the arrival of the train, informing him the father of the child was aboard and directing him to take care of the child until evening when the father would return. He then took the little girl to his home and found upon examination as strange as it may seem, that no bones were broken and after crying a spell the child finding that she was among friends began to play and was happy. The child had but one hand, being born with the right hand and forearm gone. It seems that the father, a Mr. Zimmerman of Menominee, Mich., had passed from the passenger coach into the smoker leaving the little toddler, who in trying to find him had passed out onto the platform and was swept off by the wind, caused by the velocity of the train. It was a singular and fortunate accident and seems more like fiction than fact.


On Friday, the 3rd inst., Mr. George Good received quite a serious accident while on the drive near the (Oconto) falls, being crushed by some logs that he was engaged in driving. He received a dislocation of the left ankle, and fracture of leg about four inches above the joint.

On Sunday last, young Feeney, of this city, because of the breaking of a rope, used in a swing, received severe contusion on the back, and some internal injuries.

P. Duffy, while returning from the fire in Oconto Company’s yard, was badly hurt, and is still confined to his bed. Our reporter learns from Dr. Moriarty, who has the case in charge, that the patient is improving as well as circumstances will permit.

Mrs. Edward West, of Appleton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles L. Keith.

Vince and Luther Keene left for the far west Tuesday evening for the purpose of selecting homes.

W. A. McKinley was in the city yesterday en-route from Hermansville, Mich., to Pound where he will begin the summer term of school Monday. During his 37 days absence he gained five pounds which speaks well for Hermansville diet.

Oconto County Reporter
July 18, 1885


Mabel, the little daughter of C. S. Hart, fell from a baby carriage in which she was being drawn very rapidly, Tuesday afternoon, and suffered a dislocation of one of her elbows, and the socket joints being fractured. Drs. Walton and Beebe attended her and reduced the dislocation, since which time she has been doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances.

Saturday evening, city marshal Smith took Master Joseph Thomas and Albert Remington to the state reform school at Waukesha, where they will remain until they reach their majority.

A genus by the name of John Schipper was arrested Saturday for being drunk and taken before Squire Wilcox and sent him over the river under a five day sentence during which time he had a chance to sober up.

Mrs. C. S. Pendleton, who had been visiting relations at Whitewater for some time, returned Saturday.

Mrs. J. Holms, and daughter of Denver, Colo., is visiting her brother, C. T. Pendleton and family.

Mrs. Albert Hansen and son Master Cyrus have reached Mrs. H.’s old home in Norway in safety after a pleasant trip of 22 days on the ocean.

Oconto County Reporter
July 25, 1885

City clerk Martineau has completed census’s of the city the total population is 4,863, of whom 1,120 are available for military purpose and 86 are surviving soldiers of the late war. These figures show an increase of 692 over the census of 1880, in which year the population, as recorded in the blue book of the state was only 4,171.

William Brunquest, for many years a resident of this city, but now one of the leading businessmen of Menominee, Mich., was visiting friends here Saturday.

Nate Fisher returned from Appleton Monday after an absence of ten days spent with his parents in that city.

Capt. J. H. Dall and wife, of Chicago, who had been visiting friends and relatives here, sailed Wednesday for their home. We wish them a safe and pleasant voyage and shall be glad to welcome them again.

Oconto County Reporter
August 1, 1885

Rev. J. H. Kerr expects his father and mother today from Pennsylvania, to make him a visit. If they arrive, his father who is also a clergyman will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church tomorrow.

Miss Mammie Roth met with an accident Sunday, which made a bad wound in her face, which required eight stitches to close. It is hopeful that she will have no disfigurement on account of the wound, which has been quite painful.

A farewell party was given Mrs. John O’Neil by Mrs. Moses Thompson at her residence Monday evening to which were invited the many friends in this city of that estimable lady who formerly resided here and who departed for her home in Chicago Tuesday.

Our old friend George Olson, who has been located at Little Suamico the past few months, has moved to St. Joseph, Mich. where he will engage in business. We wish him abundant prosperity in his new home and undertaking – and the “dear old Reporter with all its faults” shall be sent to him regularly.

This is what the State board of Charities and Reform say, in its report to the Governor in regard to the jail and hospital in this county, and which is corporate in volume two of the Governor’s Message and accompanying Documents:
“Oconto County – This jail is a fire trap. Built of wood, with the prisoners in the second story, and but one stairway in the center of the building, it is only surprising that it has not burned with all the prisoners before this. It is well kept. A number of insane men were kept here until last spring, when for reasons, which, as we are reliable informed, savor very strongly of a ‘job’, the keeping of the insane was let by contract to two physicians. They had taken a disused wooden store, and cut it up into wooden cells, almost without light or ventilation, and called is a ‘hospital.’ The insane had been well treated and given abundant liberty in the jail. In the ‘hospital’ they were worse off.”

Oconto County Reporter
August 9, 1885

A party consisting of a father and mother, a grown up son and daughter and several smaller children, one a baby in arms tramped into this city from the south Sunday evening and camped for the night. The condition and appearance was pitiful in the extreme, so much as, that it appeared to the benevolence of a number of our citizens who raised them in their pilgrimage toward Detroit, Mich., whither they were journeying and where they had friends who would help them. They had come from Colorado where they had lost their home and all by fire, and had made the journey the best they could, trusting to luck and charity of the people whom they met in their travels.

The census returned from the town of How now makes the total population of Oconto County 13,172, again up from 3,304 since 1880 when the last census was taken. There are in the county 2587 available for military services in case of war, and 259 old soldiers.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall departed Monday evening on a visit to their old home in England which they left upwards of thirty years ago. Their friends wish them a pleasant journey and safe return.

Will Dutton’s house burned down one night last week, while the family were enjoying themselves at the rink.

Geo. Bent fell from a thrashing machine Saturday, and received some severe injuries.

Chas. Wilkins Jr. after visiting his parents and friends, returned to Wallace, Mich., on Monday.

A child according to reports that seem to be well authenticated was devoured by bears or other wild animals near Crivitz, Marinette County, one day last week.

The following is taken from the last number of the Marinette Eagle;
Last week two small boys went out on the old Peshtigo road for blueberries. When near the sand hill beyond Lilly Lake and the marsh, they discovered a peculiar looking box resting in the bushes with the cover partly off. Closer inspection revealed the form and features of a ghastly in death. The boys were badly frightened, spilled their berries and run home, relating the story to their mothers. By some, the story had been magnified so that the body appeared to have been quartered.. The place is said to have been visited the next day and the boys seen there, but at that time empty. On Sunday the matter having brought to the attention of Coroner Martin, in company with the boys he visited the locality but could find neither body nor box. The bushes, however, had the appearance of having been pressed down by some heavy weight, and it was at that point that the boys described the box as having rested. Simultaneous with the above report, a story was started to the effect that a young girl was missing from the lower end of town and it was surmised that she had been foully dealt with and the body hid in the woods at the place above indicated. The story was repeated from one to another and grew in magnitude until the most thrilling tales of devilish dealing had been evolved.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gormley left Monday noon for Watertown, Dakota (this could mean either the Dakota Territory or town of Dakota in Waushara County, WI) at which place he will engage in the merchant tailoring business. We wish him abundant prosperity in his new home.

Miss Ella Williams spent Sunday at Marinette with her father who is quite ill.

Mrs. Edwin Hart returned Saturday night from Cleveland, Ohio where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Coleman.

Mrs. William A. Waring, of Beloit, Wis., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. F. Trudell.

Robert McGee left for Milwaukee Friday evening to accept a position as commercial traveler for a firm in that city.

M. Cunningham left Wednesday for Dexterville (Wood County, Wisconsin), whither he went to take a contract on a railroad under construction at that place.

Miss Maggie Wheeler went to Marinette Wednesday noon to take a position in the Star office. She is most excellent young lady and is followed by the best wishes of a host of friends.

W. B. High has been in the city during the week getting acquaintance with his family.

Oconto County Reporter
August 15, 1885

Vincent and Luther Keene arrived home last Thursday week, after a month’s absence on the Pacific Coast; whither they went to make their homes. They report business so excessively dull in Washington territory that hundreds of men are glad to work for their bread, and numbers of others are unable to obtain employment upon any condition. They feel satisfied after all, that Oconto is a pretty good place – better than the average.

Fire broke out simultaneously in the house and barn of P. B. Richer, at Brookside, at 2 o’clock on the afternoon of Tuesday during the absence of the family and totally destroyed both buildings, together with all the contents. The barn containing 22 tons of hay, some small agriculture implements, etc. The only article saved from the dwelling was a sewing machine. Mr. R. could ill afford such a loss, and has the sympathy of all neighbors. Loss $900 partly insured.

Trust Her Not

Notice is here by given, that my wife, Emil Bergeron, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I will pay no debt of her contraction, and warn all against harboring her at my expense after this date.
Nelson Bergeron
Oconto, Wis. August 11th, 1885

Joseph Pecor is working at his trade at Metropolitan, Mich.

We are pleased to note the fact of the recovery of Lollie, the pet of the family, daughter of Mose Thompson. The little one was a sufferer for some days this week.

A little five-year old boy, whose name we were unable to obtain, strayed from his home in Frenchtown last Tuesday, and all efforts to discover his where abouts have since proved fruitless. Parties of men have dragged the river, scoured the woods, and instituted a search in every conceivable place, but up to going to press no trace of him had been obtained.

Oconto County Reporter
August 22, 1885

Will Fordyce moved his family to Clintonville Monday. Sorry to lose them as citizens.

James Van Camp’s farm residence near Pensaukee was destroyed by fire about noon Wednesday. The loss is $1500 with light insurance.

John R. Davis and family left Tuesday for Clear Lake, Polk Co., near which place Mr. Davis has purchased a farm. We are sorry to lose them, as they are most excellent people and in parting with them can truthfully say to the people among whom they will settle that out loss id their gain.

Dick Parmalee has returned to Oshkosh taking with him his hack, livery stock and other calamities. He came here two years ago and rented the bar room in the Beyer House which he fitted up in an elegant manner, and subsequently opened a livery stable in which he placed first class stock and carriages, but somehow his business did not prosper, and he was forced to depart for that wicked city where the chief object of life is “to have fun with the boys”. He sold his barroom and fixtures and stock to Steve Burrows who will build up a profitable business and make money.

Rev. and Mrs. Kerr, of Pittsburg, Pa., who had been visiting their son, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this city, the past four weeks, left for their home Tuesday morning, going to Green Bay by rail and from there to Cleveland by steamer.

Mrs. N. M. Page, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Beyer.

Hon. and Mrs. John Leigh, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Allan, left yesterday for Anoka, Minn., on a visit to their daughter and sister, Mrs. Kittie Hill.

Miss Ella Williams has been called at Marinette during the week, having been called there by the death and burial of her father.

Miss “Dade” Soyer left Tuesday morning for Livingstone, Montana Territory, to be absent a year, possibly longer. She is followed by the best wishes of a host of friends.

Oconto County Reporter
September 5, 1885

Mrs. Eva Kimber of Abrams, was taken insane suddenly Thursday afternoon, and was so wild at times that it required considerable force to prevent her doing herself injury. It is hoped that it is temporary and that she will be all right in a few days.

Peter Peterson, of Germany, who was recently here visiting his brother-in-law, William Bostadt, purchased the Gale place on the Bay Shore and presented it to Mr. Bostadt.

Mrs. Edward Hunter, of Maple Valley, returned from Galena, Ill., Friday night and departed the following morning for home accompanied by her brother, W. C. Mills. Mr. Hunter who is at Galena, we are sorry to state is no better. Mrs. H. will join him as soon as she has transacted her business at home.

Trust Her Not

My wife, Alice, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby warn the public not to harbor or trust her on my account, for I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date.

Alex Davis
How, Wis., Aug. 18th, 1885

C. Lynes & Co., who lately opened a wagon shop in T. Morrison’s old stand, are now prepared to build any kind of wagon to order, and guarantee first class work and material at reasonable prices. Call and see them before purchasing any imported stock.

Hon. and Mrs. Geo. W. DeLano, of Abrams, are visiting Watertown, New York, their former home.

Oconto County Reporter
September 19, 1885


Mrs. T. G. O’Neil and her six-year-old son Georgie visited Milwaukee this week to have a specialist operate on the child’s right eye, recently injured by a nail thrown by a playmate.

Mr. Battise Coudare and family have moved to Merrill, Wis.

On Saturday evening last, Marshal Smith found an unfortunate female by the name of Louise Billow and twenty-two years of age, wandering in the neighborhood of the depot of the Mil., L. S. & W. R. R. She was cared for until Monday evening, when she was shipped to Fort Howard. Her father and mother she reported, died in Brown County poorhouse from which place Mr. Jacobs, of Green Bay, took her when a child, and she has been a wanderer since she left the charge of Mr. Jacobs. Upon reaching Fort Howard she attempted suicide by jumping into the river from the first bridge.

Mr. Paul Thom, of Watertown, Wis., a nephew, and Mrs. Kate Vaedish, of Milnor, Dakota, a sister, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Runkel during the week.

A young man by the name of Zachariah Gauthier was so badly injured one day last week in Leatham & Smith’s sawmill at Sturgeon Bay, that he lived but a few hours after the accident.

Mrs. Albert Hansen reached New York Thursday, and after visiting a sister in one of the eastern states, will return to her home in this city.

Mrs. Geo. Knapp left for Chicago Wednesday evening to visit relatives. 

Oconto County Reporter
September 26, 1885


A sad ending to a long life occurred at the residence of Robert Hall, town of Little River, this county, at 1:20 o’clock p.m. Monday the 21st inst. In the morning the family consisting of father, mother, son and daughter, and at the usual hour, each going about their respective duties, the son going to help the neighbor thresh, the daughter to the pasture to milk the cows, the parents remaining within-door, the father eating breakfast, the mother moving about the house unnoticed. The daughter, after a short time returning to the house heard the sound of retching in her mother’s bedroom, going there she found her mother writhing in agony on the bed. The brother was summoned as quickly as possible that on his arrival sought for his mother’s condition, it was soon found. Under the bed was found a teacup in which “Paris green” and water mixed a considerable portion of the poison still adhering to the cup. A physician was summoned as quickly as possible arriving at patient’s side at 1:05 o’clock just 15 minutes before the old ladies death. The doctor returned to town and notified the Coroner Bentz, who the next morning summoned the jury and held an inquest and elicited the facts on which the following verdict was rendered; “That the deceased Mrs. Mary Jane Hall came to her death from taking “Paris Green” administered by her own hand. The deceased came from Canada to this state about one year, settling on what is known as the old Jackson farm 7 miles north of this city. Though their residence there was but a short duration, it was long enough to inspire all that came in neighborly contact with her, with a high regard to her many great qualities. Her family relations were of the kindest and most affectionate nature, therefor her rash act can only be accounted for as being in obedience to the imperative impulse of a mind suddenly diseased. Her funeral services were held at her late home Wednesday forenoon, September 23rd, 1885, and were conducted by Rev. William Dafter, of Marinette. The deceased was 66 years of age. 

The house on the farm in the town of Peshtigo owned by James Smiley was destroyed by fire Saturday last. The fire caught from a stovepipe, which passed through the roof.

Lamkey Bros. have closed out their business in this city. George, the senior member of this late firm, will travel in the interest of a wholesale tea and coffeehouse at St. Paul, Minn.

G. J. Flanders received a telegram Monday, from New York, informing him of the dangerous illness of his father and requesting him to come immediately if he desired seeing him alive. He and his wife left in the evening for the bedside of his aged father.

Mrs. H. M. Royce and sons Clarence and Asa, returned from New York Tuesday evening, after an absence of two months in that state visiting friends and relatives.

Thomas McGoff returned Tuesday evening, from Port Sarnia, Canada, whither he had been to visit his mother.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Goodrich attended the marriage of Miss Birdie Morrow at Green Bay Wednesday.

Mrs. Henry Page and two children, of Baraboo, are the guests of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Beyer.

Mrs. A. Reinhart will leave next week for New York, to visit her old home and friends of her childhood.

The family of Eva Kimber, nee Schemmerhorn, have decided to place her in the asylum for the insane at Oshkosh, the physicians having recommended them to do so. The friends of the unfortunate young women may have the sympathy of all in their great trouble.

Oconto County Reporter
October 3, 1885


N. S. and J. M. Chase, of Brookside, T. J. Chase, of Janesville and Z. J. Chase, of Massachusetts, four brothers, were here yesterday for the purpose of having their pictures taken in a group. They had not met in thirty-five years and before they separated they had their pictures taken together and they wised to compare them so as to mark the changes that have appeared in the face of each during the years of their separation. Their meeting was a happy one and the old times and memories of boyhood recalled.

B. G. Grunert started for Stephensville, Wis., Tuesday evening, to visit a sick brother who resides at that place.

John Noonan, master mechanic for the Oconto Company returned from Chicago Tuesday, where he went to attend the funeral of a niece. He came back in obedience to a telegram notifying him that one of the boilers at the company’s mill had burst.

Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Flanders returned Monday evening from Illinois, where they had been called on account of the dangerous illness of Mr. F’s father.

A man by the name of Byron Simpson, a brakeman on the Mil. & Northern railroad, was shot Sunday night, and died almost immediately after being shot. Lepperre the man who did the shooting was arrested soon after the crime was committed and the building razed to the ground.

Mrs. George Beyer is visiting her parents, at Walnut Grove, Minn. She will be absent for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Smith and son Louis, of New Jersey, who have been visiting here for some time past, started for Aurora, Ill., Monday noon, where they will visit relatives a few days before returning to their home. They were accompanied as far as Green Bay by Mrs. T. F. Snover, Mrs. Smith’s mother.

Oconto County Reporter
October 10, 1885


Will Dafter is expected back from the Rocky Mountains in about two weeks.

John Scanlin has returned from Dakota to Bessemer, Mich., where he will probably hang out his shingles.

J. J. Patterson, of Menominee, Mich., was a visitor in our city Tuesday. He noticed many improvements since he was a resident here.

Frank Driscoll, who’s injuries we recorded some weeks ago, we are now happy to note will soon be at his usual labors in the Holt & Balcom mill.

Schwen vs. Schwen, divorce, sent to Marinette County.

Fred Runkle has disposed of his stock of jewelry and probably go to Minnesota, where an excellent situation is offered him.

While driving a spirited team to a hay marsh north of the city, Mr. Andrew Dillon received serious injuries on Thursday last, caused by the horses being frightened by a passing railroad train, in close proximity to traveled highway. We hope to record a speedy convalescence.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 17, 1885


Quite a number of the citizens of this county have already emigrated to Oregon, and many others are making arrangements to move there in the near future.

We learn with regret that, Miss Kate Dafter who has been under medical treatment in Chicago for a year or more is no better. Her parents, we understand, will visit Chicago soon and on their return bring her back with them. Her recovery is earnestly wished for by a host of friends in this city.

On Monday last a wretch by the name of Charles Golden, who recently moved from Marinette to Milwaukee, beastly assaulted his little eight year old step daughter and injured her so badly that there is but little hope for her recovery. He was arrested and it was with difficulty that the officers prevented his being lynched by his infuriated neighbors.

Mrs. Albert Reinhart is visiting relatives in central New York, at the place where she was born and passed her childhood.

Mrs. Dr. DeLong, of Ishpeming, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. McCauslin.

Mayor and Mrs. Joseph Hall returned from England Thursday after a very pleasant visit of several weeks duration among their friends and relative in the country of their birth. Many changes have taken place during their absence extending over a period of thirty years, yet they recognized the places made dear to them by the association of childhood and the earlier years of their married life. They met with no misadventures either going or returning and come back well pleased with their trip and their reception home.

Our old friend W. A. McKinley, of Stiles, was here Sunday having driven down to meet Mrs. Alice Webber, a relative from Chicago.

Mrs. A. P. call has been visiting relatives at DePere most of the week.

George Jorgeson is very ill, and his recovery doubtful. He is a young man who is highly esteemed by all, and his many friends manifest their kindly feelings and sympathy by calling every day to learn of his condition.

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 25, 1885


About two years ago a German Lutheran minister left this city and went to Green Lake County in this state where he died two months after reaching there. Friday his family, consisting of the widow and four children reach here, having been sent back by the authorities of that county as public charges for this city to support. They were sent to the city poorhouse where they remained until Tuesday when the family was sent to Green Bay where they will be supported by this city, the expense being more there then here. It is a hard case, and the church in which the father spent his usefulness, should now see that his family does not suffer that he is dead.

A. J. McGee, who was here a year or so ago, the guest of his brother John, has been re-elected as one of the two councilors of the village of St. George, N. B., (New Brunswick, Canada) where he seems to be exceedingly popular.

While working around a stump machine one day last week on Chase Merrill’s farm in the town of Pensaukee, W. B. Richer was badly injured by the sweep falling and striking him upon the head. He was in an unconscious state for several hours and it was thought that he could not recover, but he rallied and is now able to get out, but still suffers from the effects of the accident, which nearly caused his death.

A fatal stabbing affair took place at Iron Mountain, Mich., on the 20th inst., in which Michael Ponga was the victim. The perpetrators of the murder were arrested and placed in jail, and in the evening, a mob broke into the jail and pounded one of the prisoners most unmercifully. It was the mob’s intention to lynch the murderers but they were scared away before accomplishing their purpose. All concerned are Hungarians.

Henry M. Mott, of Milwaukee, is in the city visiting friends and relatives. We can truthfully affirm, that no man ever left this city whose departure was one more regretted than that of Mr. Mott’s.

Mrs. A. P. Call returned from DePere where she had been visiting relatives for a week or more, Monday evening. 

Oconto County Reporter
Oct. 31, 1885


Frank Ruelle an old veteran of the rebellion who served as a private in the 17th Wis., Infantry. Vols. Received the sung sum of $1,200 Monday, as back pension for disabilities received during the term of his service. Being old and infirm, it comes to him at a time when it will be most appreciated, and nobody will begrudge him his good fortune in obtaining that which is his legitimate due. 

Mrs. Rosenerantz was called to DePere last week by the illness of her father.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 28, 1885


A case of small pox has developed in the person of Mrs. John Crushane, who lives in the old Thomas residence near the Mil. S. L. & W. turn-table. The attending physician pronounces it a very light case, and is using every precaution to prevent its spreading. We are informed that Mrs. C. contracted the disease while on a visit to Marinette a short time ago.

C. A. Doty, who was arrested in Fond du Lac and brought here last Monday, was arraigned before Justice Wilcox on Tuesday, charged with having frequently obtained a signature of one Thomas Thompson to a warranty deed on a farm adjoining this city. The evidence for the presentation was taken, when the prisoner rested his case, and was remanded to the circuit court, and placed under bonds of $1.000 in default of which he went to jail.

Two Oneida Indians confined to the county jail on the charge of horse stealing, made an unsuccessful attempt to escape on Tuesday last. The younger one had removed the shackles with which his feet were manacled, and the older one had almost succeeded in doing the same, when the suspicious jailer Call was aroused, and a sudden stop to their efforts to obtain their liberty. On further examination Mr. Call discovered that in the cell occupied by one of the Indians, a hole about a foot square had been cut part way through the outer wall of the jail. The instrument needed to cut this hole was a common table knife the sharp edged of which had been converted into a saw. It is thought they obtained the file, which they needed so effectively on their shackles from one Albert Morris, a prisoner who was confined to the bastile one night last week. The ankles of the would be freemen are now adorned with bright, new shackles which are fasted by a heavy iron chain to the wall.

C. B. Alvord, who has been absent several days visiting his parents in Saginaw, Mich., has returned and leaves at once for Iron River, to begin his contract for putting in logs at that place.

We regret to learn of the severe scalding of a three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Grosse, of Little Suamico. The little fellow was stepping backwards and came in contact with a tub of boiling water setting on the floor, lost his balance and fell in. It was first feared that his injuries might prove fatal, but is now improving.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 5, 1885


A young man named Farnsworth has been arrested at Green Bay for throwing vitriol into the face of Conductor Owen at the C & N R’y, at that place sometime ago. The accused has been held to bail in the sum of $2,000 for examination before Justice Bromley, of that city.

We regret to have a very serious accident, which occurred in one of Thos. Simpson’s camps, last Sunday evening. Lem Haskins, of this city, who was employed as cook in the above camp, was carrying a large iron kettle of hot water out of doors when he stubbed his toe against a tree root and fell, the boiling water was dashed over his face, neck and shoulders, inflicting a severe and painful wound. From the present outlook it is quite probable he may lose the sight of one eye.

Quite a company of Winnebago Indians, squaws, papooses and bucks with the accouterments of camp and hunting life were in this vicinity the first of the week. They were all fitted out with Winchesters, and their bundles of skins proclaimed by their actions that prohibition even when supported by public opinion does not prohibited.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 12, 1885


Thomas Pelkey, aged 21 years, a brother of S. G. Pelkey of Maple Valley Station, who has been visiting his brothers there was taken sick and died suddenly on Monday. His home was at Michicott, this State whither his remains were sent on the following day.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 19, 1885


Mrs. Crockford has been dangerously ill, since the death of her husband.

C. B. Alvord was down from Iron River to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Crockford.

Our old friend, Roscoe Gilkey, of Green Bay, surprised us by showing up here on Thursday, the first time we have enjoyed a hand shake for over a year, and had about concluded that Duluth gold fever had prematurely taken him off.

Mrs. Hill mother of Kate Hill and Mrs. R. L. Hall returned to her home in New York City last week. We understand that Mrs. R. L. Hall accompanied her as far as Chicago.

J. F. Ellis, a brother of Robert and O. A. Ellis who has been visiting his relatives in this part of Wisconsin has returned east.

Flattering reports come from Johnny Scanlan at Bessemer, Mich., one of our Oconto boys, who has located there, a full-fledged lawyer.

Linton McNeel, twin brother of “our” McNeel, we see by the Bessemer Pick & Axe, is practicing law and located at Hurley in the Gogebic range.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 19, 1885


Miss Jeannie Wright will start for Ishpeming, Mich., Saturday of this week to be absent some time, on a visit to relatives.

John Scanlin was visiting his son at Bessemer, Mich. last week.

Miss Libbie High returned from Florence, Thursday. We understand she intends to remain at home during the winter.