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Flash From The Past - 1884
Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 5, 1884

       In  a fire, which occurred at Marinette, early Wednesday morning of last week, Mr. Thomas Dutton, familiarly known as Uncle Tommy, was burned to death. He was between 80 and 90 years of age, nearly blind and quite decrepit.

      William Bostadt, of New York, son of William Bostadt, of this city, injured one of his fingers on his left hand a few days before Christmas while engaged in handling pianos in which business he is employed. The abrasion was so slight, that he paid no attention to it, thinking that is was of no consequence. Subsequently erysipelas set in, and in order to save his life it was found necessary to amputate his left arm near the shoulder. His father received a telegram the day before Christmas, informing him of his son's misfortune and critical condition. It was a sad Christmas for Mr. Bostadt.

Oconto County Reporter 
Jan. 12, 1884

       Mrs. Pat Flynn receiving aid from the city at the rate of $5.00 per week on motion, she was reduced to $1.00 per week, and Mrs. Ansorge receiving $3.00 per week was increased to $4.00 per week.

       The office of the Schoolcraft Pioneer published at Manistque, Mich., was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 1st. It was the work of incendiaries whose enmity Major Clarke had aroused by his persistent attacks upon those who were unlawfully engaged in the sale of liquor and upon the keepers of houses of prostitution. The Major has the sympathy of all respectable people in his place, and his loss demonstrates the meanness of those engaged in unlawful and disreputable practices, and what it costs in this age of civilization to denounce wrong doing and crime.

       William Barrington who resided in this city nine years ago, but who has of late years lived in Springwater, Waushara county, in this state is now visiting his brother-in-law, Henry L. Russell who resides in the town of Oconto. Mr. Barrington was in the city Thursday, calling upon old acqauntances and while in the city dropped in to see what kind of a looking man the editor of the Reporter was and to shake hands with him.

       C. A. Webster, of Sioux City, Iowa, is visiting his brother-in-law, John F. Reynold’s. After a short visit here he will proceed to Vermont, to visit the place of his birth and early experiences.

Oconto County Reporter 
Jan. 19, 1884

       We are pleased to learn that “Nora”, daughter of William Klass, is now entirely out of danger. Some four weeks ago she received severe scalds, by the carelessness of a servant girl. Her attending physician, Dr. Moriarty, informs us that the case is now progressing favorably.

       Mrs. DeLong and Miss Hattie Crisley, of Ishpeming and Fred Young of Maine have been spending the week, with Mrs. N. L. McCauslin.

       Mrs. W. M. Whitcomb, who resided in this city several years prior to 1868, but who is now a resident of Battle Creek, Mich., is in the city, the guest of Mrs. T. B. Goodrich.

Oconto County Reporter
Jan. 26, 1884

       George Jaques a young lad of fourteen years living near St. Nathan, while cutting ice one day last week with an ax, buried the bit of the same in his right ankle severing one of the arteries and making a terrible wound, Drs. Oshwaldt, of Stiles and Beebe of this city were sent for and upon their arrival took up the artery and dressed the wounds, and the lad is doing finely.

       Mr. Cheffings, of Maple Valley, was in the city the last half of the week, having been called here by the sickness and death of his son-in-law James Hains. The old gentleman is experiencing considerable trouble and is entitled to the sympathy of all.

       George Armstrong of Brussell, Canada, who had been visiting relatives in the town of How, departed for his home on Thursday morning. While here he became as favorably impressed with this country, that he purchased several hundred acres of land for speculative purposes.

       Wednesday last, Ed. Breckenridge was terribly injured by a falling tree falling on him while at work in one of Chas. Pendleton’s camps. He was brought to this city, reaching here Thursday night. Dr. Allan is attending him, and thinks that Ed. will be alright in time.

Oconto County Reporter 
Feb. 2, 1884

       Sam C. Orr is in the city visiting his family having reached here from Oregon Saturday morning. We understand he thinks Northern Wisconsin far superior to Oregon for an abiding place.

Oconto County Reporter 
Feb. 9, 1884
              Personal Mention

       Miss Anna H. Hume has gone to Muskegon, Mich., where she will visit a brother for several weeks. Miss Hume has a large number of friends and acquaintances in this city who wish her a safe journey, pleasant visit and an early return home.

       J. S. Gifford, of St. Nathans, an old veteran who smelt powder while serving in the 18th N. Y. Cavalry during the late “unpleasantness”, was in this city Monday and failed not to call upon and see us.

       Gus Allner who was engaged with Charles Lingren in stealing and butchering a cow the property of Henry Sherer and who escaped from the county jail some time since, was re-arrested at Oshkosh Saturday, and brought to this city Monday morning by undersheriff Magee. Before leaving with his prisoner, the officer hand cuffed him and in accordance with his request placed a cloth over his hands to hide his manacles. The prisoner made no trouble until after passing Little Suamico, when he got his hand into his pocket in someway and got a pocketknife which he opened and with which he attempted to cut his throat making a ghastly but not fatal wound. Mr. McGee, who sat in his immediate front, jumped upon the prisoner. Upon their arrival here, Allner was taken to jail and Dr. Allan was sent for who dressed the wound much to the dissatisfaction of the fellow who insisted he would kill himself anyway, and subsequently attempting to commit suicide by hanging himself by the neck with a piece of cotton cloth and his suspenders and very nearly succeeded. After the last attempt, Mr. Call, the jailer, hand cuffed and shackled him, since which time he has remained quite and now seems anxious to live.

       Florence Mining News; On Tuesday evening, Jan. 29, Thomas Andrew Dace, of Florence, was fatally shot in the saloon of l. C. Mudge, Florence, by Thomas A. Williams, alias Charley Ross, keeper of the Lost Charley Ross saloon at iron Mountain. According to the statement of the News, both men had been drinking and the shooting was entirely without provocation. Williams fired five times, four shots taking effect one in the right side. Lodging in the groin; one in the left side; one in the left breast, lodging in the lungs and the last shattering the right wrist. Williams escaped by a side door and had not been captured up to Saturday. Dace lingered in great agony until 10:00 Wednesday night and died. Dace was a powerful man, a native of London, England, of wealthy parents, who left him only ?100 per year. He served in the war of the rebellion, was badly wounded in the battle of the Wilderness and would soon have received $2,000 pension. He had become dissolute in his habits.

Oconto County Reporter 
Feb. 16, 1884

       We are sorry to learn that little Leslie, youngest child of Alex. Urquhart has been dangerously ill during the past week with congestion of the lungs.

       There came very near being conflagration at the residence of Mrs. Warren Calligan one evening last week. A hanging lamp in the livingroom fell upon the floor and breaking, the oil was set on fire and also the carpet. Mrs. Calligan after an attempt to extinguish the flames  ran to the door and called for help several of the neighbors responded and the fire was quickly subdued.

       Jacob Mullett, of Crested Butte, Colorado, is visiting his sister Mrs. Herman Grunert.

Oconto County Reporter 
Feb. 23, 1884

       T. H. Williams who murdered Thomas Dace in Florence two weeks ago, was arrested on the 18th, by the sheriff of Langlade County, Williams had gone across the country to Waterstreet where he took a freight to Wausau. He was recognized by the conductor who gave the sheriff the information to the personality of this person.

       We learn as we go to press, that Miss Mollie Slattery was severely burned this morning her dress taking fire from the stove in which she was engaged in building a fire. As to the extent of her injuries, we are uninformed, but we must sincerely hope that they are not severe and that she will suffer neither pain nor disfigurement.

       Abram and Robert McGee came down from Bay de Noquet, Saturday, since which time they have been visiting their friends in this city – whose name is legend.

Oconto County Reporter 
March 8. 1884

       Charles Arnold wishes to inform the public, that the report in circulation to the effect that he is or has been in the habit of selling or giving liquor or beer to boys is untrue. He does not wish to defend or apologize for the business for which he is engaged and which he will abandon in a short time, but does most emphatically that he has ever been guilty of doing that of which he is accused, and would regard it as a personal favor, if any parent to whose boy he is sold or given liquor or beer will prove the contrary.

       P. Digan, of Gillettown, was in the city Wednesday. Through him we learn that his estimable wife has been quite ill for sometime past, and is at the present confined to her bed.

       Joseph Fischer, the mayor of Marinette, was in our city Monday, the guest of his brother Louis.

Oconto County Reporter 
March 15, 1884

       Anna Regal, supposed to be insane, was before the county judge on Wednesday. Her insanity is supposed to originate in the terms of a will her husband executed prior to his death, which will deprive the wife of all inheritance, insurance policy, etc. Examining physicians are now investigating the case.

       Drs. Allan and O’Keef have had a force at work this week firing up a building on the Eldred property for use as a hospital. We understand that it is their intention to sell certificates which will entitle the holder to board and medical services in case of sickness or accident for the period of one year. It is such an institution as has long been needed in this city, and should receive the cordial support and encouragement of our people. And we would suggest it would be a good idea for the city and county authorities to make arraignments with the proprietors at an early day for the care of such sick and unfortunate people as it May be necessary for both the city and county to take care of. They can do it cheaper and better, and can do more for the comfort and improvement of the patients than can be done elsewhere without such connivance, as there will be a hospital.

       Thomas Williams, (alias Charles Ross), of Iron Mountain, Mich., who recently murdered a man by the name of Dace at Florence, is in our county jail. He was brought  here Thursday evening, by Sheriff Redemon, a change of venue having been taken from Florence county to this. He will be tried at the next term of the circuit court for this county which occurs in May.

       Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Doty, of Neenah, have been in the city during the week visiting friends and relatives. They will leave Monday for Maine where Mr. D. has purchased a splendid farm upon which they will reside in the future. They have a host of friends in this city whose good wishes will follow them to their new home.

       A Brave Act

       On Monday, 10th inst., as a family were leaving the train, at Little Suamico, a little boy about 3 years of age was left and trying to join his parents got upon the main track just as the passenger train from the north came up to the station. Geo. Ranous, a brakeman on this train on the siding, on seeing the danger that threatened the little one ran in front of the incoming train, caught up the child and made his escape, but none to soon, for as he left the track the locomotive was within a few inches of his body and would, had he remained a moment longer, killed him and the child or cruelly bruised and mangled them. It was a heroic act, and we take pleasure in noting it, that his name May be placed among those that think not of danger and that he May receive the credit his due.

Oconto County Reporter 
March 29, 1884
       Painful Accident

       Last Saturday morning, Jacob Hanns, a brakeman on the St. Paul Eastern while attempting to make a coupling, dropped the pin and in making an attempt to pick it up, his left arm was caught between the bumpers and so badly mashed that amputation was necessary, the hand and part of the forearm being taken off by Dr. H. Allan the surgeon on the road. He was taken to the Oconto hospital and cared for by the railroad company, which will give him employment as soon as he is able to work. He is doing nicely and will, it is expected, be out in a few days.

       Charles Pierce, of Dakota, accompanied by Mrs. Dell Pierce and children reached here Monday night, direct from Dakota. When they left Dell was decidedly better but still weak and will follow as soon as his strength will permit..

       The marble found upon the farm of Frank VanBoven is variegated in color and susceptible of a very fine polish, in fact as fine a finish as the best Italian marble. The ledge or quarry is from 8 to 10 feet from the surface and is in layers, thus rendering it easily worked, but by exposure to the air hardness so that it is impervious to water or frost. The property should be developed and would we are confident, become one of the most profitable industries in this part of the state.

Oconto County Reporter
April 5, 1884

The residence of Fred Gregor in the McDowell settlement in the town of Little River, including household effects and the wearing apparel of himself and wife was destroyed by the fire Thursday morning. He and his wife had worked hard all winter in order to make a home and in a few minutes the fruits of their labor disappeared in smoke, leaving them nothing but their bare hands to show for toil and self denial. They deserve help and we are satisfied that our people will respond cheerfully and liberally.

M. D. Lawrance and family, who had been visiting their relatives in this city, left on Saturday last for their home in Marshalltown, Iowa. Oconto was the home for Tip for many years and he was one of Captain Ramsey’s brave boys in the army. His many friends wish him a pleasant journey and hope to welcome him again.

Mrs. C. H. DeLong, of Isheming, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. McCauslin for two weeks or more, left for home Tuesday morning.

J. A. Hansen and family leave for Stephen, Marshall Co. Minn. Next Monday, where they will reside in the future. Mr. H. having purchased a farm in that county. They have many friends here who wish them abundant prosperity in their new home.

Oconto County Reporter
April 12, 1884

The clothing store of Ed. Davis was entered by burglars Thursday night and considerable goods carried away. The thief or thieves secured an entrance by the back door, which they opened with a skeleton key. It is a mighty mean man that will steal from Mr. Davis, especially when he sells clothing so cheap and will give a man a suit of clothes if he is hard up.

O. F. Chamberlin is expected back from Pennsylvania this week, where he has been on a visit to his parents.

Mrs. Tuttle and Mrs. Greenman left her Monday to attend the funeral of their niece in Mill Centere.

Oconto County Reporter
April 19, 1884

“Old Bert”, a horse which Walt Phillips had owned for thirty-five years, died recently of old age. The remains of the defunct equine was covered with blankets and placed in a coffin made expressly for that purpose, and buried beside it’s mate, which died a few years since. It was Mr. P’s intention to have had a regular funeral and sermon, but the man who officiated at a previous horse funeral service for Mr. P. having gone west, that part of the ceremony had to be dispensed with.

Oconto County Reporter
April 26, 1884

We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Isaac Elliott, of Little River, still lies in critical condition from injuries received by a nail entering her foot. She has been confined to her bed four weeks from what seemed at first a trifling affair. She has been bereft of her aged mother, which under the circumstances is peculiarly afflicting. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, and we hope soon to be able to chronicle her complete recovery.

Frank Widger, a nephew of Capt. Widger, of Lena, who was seriously injured at one of the roll ways of Holt & Balcom, was brought to this city Tuesday and taken to the hospital, where upon examination it was found that his collar bone was broken, one of his hips badly mashed and otherwise considerably bruised. Five logs passed over him and it is a wonder that he was not instantly killed or so badly hurt as to cause death ere this. The doctors think that if he was not injured internally that he will pull through.

Oconto County Reporter
May 3, 1884

We regret to learn that, Mrs. Ah. H. Parker has been dangerously ill during the week.

Our County Poor and Insane

We are pleased to note that our new county board is fully awake to the necessary of immediate action towards the amelioration of the present unfortunate and indeed unavoidable, condition of our county paupers, and the insane in charge of the county. That the past arraignments made for those unfortunates were not at all adequate to their necessities, is a well-known fact to all our citizens. A jail is no place for an insane person, especially such a jail, as we are blessed or rather cursed with.
An asylum for the insane is no home for a criminal. These institutions should be apart and separate. In like manner no other institution of any kind should be connected to one or either.

Now look at our present jail. There is not a vestige of an outhouse attached to the building, and the excrements of the vilest criminals are removed every morning by these unfortunate insane, as the prisoners, naturally, cannot be trusted outside the precincts of the jail.

Daily the bucket brigade can be seen, well laden, from the jail to the river, while the malfactors from whom filth is being removed, lay in the chains of the criminal. A jail without an outhouse, and no room to build one! We speak thus plainly because we deem it a duty to call the attention of our officials to the present existing state of county affairs, the prompt and decisive action shall be taken in the matter.

Notice To Saloonkeepers

Notice is hereby given, that after this date, all saloons or other places where liquors are sold or vended must be closed on the first of the week, commonly called Sunday; the undersigned having been instructed by a resolution adopted by the common council, April 28, 1884, to see that such places are duly closed on that day. 
L.G. Smith, City Marshal, Oconto Co., April 30, 1884.

Trust Her Not

My wife, Henrietta, having left my bed and board without just cause and provocation, I hereby warn the public not to trust her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting after this date.
Friedrich Bramschreiber, Little Suamico, Oconto Co., Wis. May 1, 1884.

Oconto County Reporter
May 10, 1884

John Reed fell from his wagon on Thursday evening, and injured himself quite seriously.

W. B. Mitchell, was quite badly hurt Monday, by being thrown from his wagon while his horse was running away.

Mr. Dunton, who has resided in this city many years and who was well known by all of out older citizens died Thursday afternoon, and was buried Friday. Obituary notice next week.

Paul McDonald Jr. was brought home Wednesday, badly injured by having a number of logs roll over him Monday afternoon. The doctor in attendance expresses confidence in his recovery.

While out riding Wednesday with his wife and baby, John Noonan got out of the buggy to water his horse which thought it had rather run then drink and proceeded do so. After running some distance, it was stopped by Will Scanlin before any damage was done, much to the relief of Mrs. Noonan, who was thoroughly frightened as she had good reason to be.

Three saloon keepers were arrested Monday, for keeping their saloons open on Sunday and taken before L. S. Bailey justice of the peace, who fined them $5.00 each. One paid his fine and the other two took appeals. The city marshal means business and should receive the encouragement and moral support of all good citizens in his work to enforce the law. Tally one for George.

Oconto County Reporter
May 17, 1884

Personal Mention

Mrs. Florence Chamberlain left Wednesday morning, to visit relatives in Stillwater, Minn. where she will remain for some months.

George Kelley will move his stock of hardware from Florence to this city. Glad to learn that Mr. Kelley is to become a resident of this city.

Oconto County Reporter
May 24, 1884

The county will get no funds from the trust funds of the state with which to erect an insane asylum. It seems that chapter 32 of the revised statutes was enacted for the benefit of Milwaukee county, and that the State Board of Charities and Reform is opposed to the proposed mode of management and hence withholds its consent to the project. If the Board only knew how important it is that this county should have an asylum, we are confident that it would make an exception in our case.

Joseph Laev and family intend to make Milwaukee their future home. They will leave here about the first of July next.

Dr. S. B. Hubbell, of Medford, Taylor County this state and a brother of Judge R. H. Hubbell of this county, committed suicide at his home Monday night, by putting a bullet through his head. He was a man of considerable ability, in good circumstances pecuniary and well thought of by all who enjoyed is acquaintance. 

James Kent came down from Hermansville, Mich., Friday evening and returned the following morning. We are glad to learn that he is doing well and laying up wealth for the “sere and yellow “of life. 

C. L. Warner, of Ashland, was in the city Friday, having come here to attend the funeral of his mother who was buried that day.

Oconto County Reporter
May 31, 1884

Thos. Williams, alias Charley Ross, of Iron Mountain, Mich., who shot to his death one Dace at Florence in February last, and who was brought to this county on a change of venue, succeeded in having his trial continued until the next term, and also having his bail reduced from $5,000 to $2,500 which he obtained and left for home yesterday with his mother, who had come here to accompany him on the return.

Albert Halbach received a telegram Sunday night, informing him of the death of his sister at Sheboygan, and left for that place Sunday morning.

Four years ago Tuesday night, J. M. Armstrong arrived at this city from Michigan with his family and remained on the pier with their horses, wagons and household effects until the following morning. From here they went to the town of How, then an unbroken wilderness, reaching there with less then $100, with which to open a farm and build a home. Today, he owns 100 forty-acre tracts of land valued at $35. each, a homestead and considerable personal property. His success demonstrates that this a country good for a poor man who is in the habit of keeping his eyes open.

Judge R. W. Hubbell, of Maple Valley, came here Friday of last week, with the intention of going to Medford, the late home of his brother Dr. S. B. Hubbell, but as he was about to take the cars, received a telegram from an intimate friend of the doctor’s at that place telling him not to come at present, on account of the feeling there caused by his brother’s tragic death, which his presence there might arouse to acts of hostility against those who had crowded him to his death; and that he would be informed by letter of the condition of his brother affairs and counseled with in regard to any steps that might be taken to break the will.

C. W. Leavitt and family arrived from New York, Thursday morning.

John P. Mitchell, and son, spent a part of the week at Chippewa Falls, their former home.

State vs. Carrie Stroud. Not guilty, acquitted.
State vs. Thomas Willaims. Continued and Def’t. Admitted to $2,500 bail.

The judge and jury in the case of Carrie Stroud et. al. agreed with the editor of the Reporter, the Justice of the justice court, and the attorney who prosecuted the case to the contrary, not withstanding and demonstrated, that thirteen men are less liable to be prejudiced than one. The editor of this moral sheet, tool the position that no assault and battery was committed by the defendant Miss Stroud, because the elements of an assault and battery, viz., intent and malice were absent as appeared by the testimony on the part of the prosecution. The case resulted exactly as was anticipated by those that had some idea of the law. The jury are entitled to commendation for the readiness at which they arrived at a verdict, the first ballet being for an acquittal. 

James Ramsey leaves for the east Monday, and to make a home for himself elsewhere. He is a quiet peaceable citizen and leaves many here who will regret that circumstances makes it necessary for him to leave this city permanently.

John Howell, of Gillett, while returning to his home from this city Tuesday fell from his wagon and was quite seriously injured.

Oconto County Reporter
June 7, 1884

The sudden death of Mrs. Ben. S. Marks Thursday night, has cast a shadow of sadness over the city. At six o’clock in the evening she gave birth to a babe, and at 11:00 she was a corpse. Soon after her demise, her eldest son, an interesting child, breathed his last dying of diphtheria. Mrs. Marks was a very estimable woman and well thought of by all whom enjoyed her acquaintance. The bodies of the mother and child lay at their home side by side until this afternoon when they were taken to their last resting place in the “silent city of the dead”, the funeral services being held at the house, the M. E. pastor preaching the funeral discourse. The bereaved husband and father have the sympathy of all in his great sorrow.

On Sunday morning last, as the passenger train on the C. N. & W. railway was going north, an object was discovered lying on the track, about two miles this side of Menominee, but not in time to check the speed of the train, which passed over it. The train was stopped and backed up, when it was found that the cars had run over and mangled the body of a man, who, from letters found in his pocket, proved to be John C. Curran, head brakeman on a freight train that had passed Marinette about 2 o’clock that morning. Curran was a single man about 26 years old and a native of Kingston, Canada. A sad incident of the case was the fact that one of the letters found on the remains was from a sister of the deceased, who urged him to quit railroading, as she feared that some such accident as that which occurred would terminate his life. The remains were taken to Marinette for burial.

Miss Marion Orr departed for her home in Pennsylvania, Sunday. During her residence in our city the past three years, she made a host of friends whose good wishes follow her.

Febien Baudin who had made his home at Metropolitan, Mich., the past year was here yesterday, and left this morning for Hermansville, Mich., where he will make his home for the immediate future.

Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Lord of Maple Valley left here this morning for Maine, their former home. They will be absent several weeks.

Mr. Samuel Voswick, of Little River, sustained quite a loss by fire last Saturday afternoon. His house and barn, together with their contents, were consumed; also, two thousand feet of lumber and a large amount of shingles, and a set of new harness. All they saved was the team, wagon, a set of old harness and a sewing machine. 

The same afternoon Mr. E. Oleson lost his barn and twenty-two hens, by fire. The buildings caught fire from the woods where fires had been set. 

Perhaps it would be best for some of the town’s people to acquaint themselves with the circumstances of those two families. They doubtless need assistance of these two families. They doubtless need assistance, and it is more than justice demands that they should share alike with one of their townsmen who was burned out about a year ago, and no doubt just as worthy of the charity of the people, and perhaps would not ridicule others as some have done, because they had not things as good as themselves, what they had, they received from the charity of the people.

Oconto County Reporter
June 14, 1884

On the afternoon of the 9th inst., a shooting affray took place at Florence between sheriff James E. Redmon and C. E. McIntosh, district attorney of the county. Both were armed with 38-caliber Smith and Wesson self-acting revolvers and several shots were exchanged at close quarters in the public streets. The sheriff was wounded twice, one ball entering the region of the right lung, inflicting what is supposed will prove a fatal wound. The other ball pierced his left hand and came out at the elbow. McIntosh escaped unhurt and was arrested soon after while attempting to escape in a spring wagon. McIntosh fired the first shot and had Redmon died soon after the shooting there is no doubt but that McIntosh would have been lynched as popular indignation ran high. McIntosh is identified with the roughs who have made Florence a hell upon earth for decent people, and on account of his position as district attorney, has defeated the punishment of his friends, permitting them to escape justice. At the last term of the district court for this county, he permitted as district attorney, the reduction of the bail of Thomas Williams, who murdered Dace, at Florence last winter, from $5,000 to $2,500, and there excepted straw bail. At last accounts Redmon was alive but hovering between life and death and McIntosh was under $3,000 bail. It is time that a vigilance committee was organized at Florence, and that affliction village ridded of those who laugh at law and make murder a pastime.

John Gustof Allner and John Solnson, both of whom were convicted of larceny during the last term of the circuit court for this county, and each sentenced to serve one year in the state prison, were taken to Waupun Tuesday, by Sheriff Simpson.

Just before leaving for Waupun, John Gustof Allner, informed jailer Call that Charles Lingren murdered three men in Sweden, and was obliged to flee from there on that account; and that it was his intention to notify the police authorities there of Lingren’s whereabouts as soon as he (Allner) reached his destination

During the rebellion, W.C. Clark who was a member of Co. E. 10th Infantry Vols. was taken prisoner during the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., and taken to Andersonville prison where he was starved to death. On the 9th inst., his brother Henry who resides in this city received a letter from Frank W. Smith, superintendent of the National Cemetery at Andersonville, containing a diagram of the headstones that marks his brothers last resting place, the number of the grave and a small American flag with which the grave was decorated on last Memorial Day, all sad reminders of the past and of the cost to him to preserve the Union. The following is a portion of the letter which Mr. Clark received from Comrade Smith: “Decoration Day here was one never to be forgotten by the friends in this section of our country. 41,238 men wearing the blue were killed on the field of battle from 61 to 65. The very lowest estimate ever made show that 26,168 died in southern prison’s and nearly one half of them died within one-half mile from where I am now seated, and two thirds of that number died during July, August and September in one year.”

W.K. Smith’s mother and sister, both of Vermont, are making him and his family a pleasant visit.

W.T. Adams, of Pennsylvania, a personal friend of Will Fordyce’s will fire on the St. Paul Eastern railroad. He reached here Saturday, and began work Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Luther Keene was taken dangerously ill the early part of the week, and hovered between life and death up to Friday morning, when her symptoms indicated a change for the better. That she may recover, is the earnest wish of a multitude of friends.

While Herman Lingumshere, of Little River, was standing near a log heap in a logging follow, upon the land of V. Cole, in that township, a log which was being hauled to the pile, struck the end of the skid, which flew back and struck him up in the head, knocking him senseless, in which condition he remained for several hours. His condition since has been somewhat precarious, but under the care of Dr. Allan he is doing well, and it is thought will recover.

Mrs. B. G. Grunert returned home Monday morning from Appleton, where she had been visiting her mother who was very ill, but who has recovered her usual health.

Council Proceedings

Mrs. Ansorge applied to the council to increase her allowance $2.00 per week. On motion the same was left to the discretion of the chairman of the poor committee.

Mrs. Hinkler and Mrs. Ansorge applied for relief. On motion they were allowed $2.50 per week.

M. E. Destiche vs. Leonard Destiche. Judgement of divorce.

State vs. John Gustof Allner. Sentenced to state prison for one year.

State vs. John Solnson. Sentenced to state prison for 1 year.

Oconto County Reporter
June 24, 1884

Sheriff James E. Redmon who was shot and thought fatally wounded at Florence one day last week, by C. E. McIntosh, the district attorney, is improving slowly and will, it is thought, recover.

Herman Lingjho, of Little River, who was injured last week by being hit on the head by a skid in the logging follow of V. Cole, has improved under Dr. Allan’s treatment to such an extent that he is out of all danger and able to be up and around.

Personal Mention

Judge R. W. Hubbell, of Maple Valley, reached here Saturday morning, and left in the evening for Fon du Lac to look after the estate of his brother, Singleton.

Murder – Suicide

Last Monday afternoon, the worst tragedy that ever occurred in this city took place at the cozy home of Charles Ritter in the west ward and resulted in the death of two persons. While Charles Ritter was asleep upon a lounge in the setting room, his wife struck him upon the head with an axe, laying the skull open from the eyebrows to the crown of head, making a ghastly wound. It is supposed, that soon after striking the murderous blow, she took a dose of Paris Green and left the house and wander northward from her home to the line of St. Paul Eastern railroad, where she laid down to die and where she was subsequently found in a dying a condition and removed to her home where she lingered in an unconscious state until 3:00 the next morning, when she breathed her last. There is no question but that the action was premeditated, and that everything was systematically done. On the morning of the tragedy, Mrs. Ritter sent her granddaughter to tell a neighbor that she would like to speak to her. When the neighbor called, Mrs. Ritter shook hands with her and bade her goodbye. The neighbor did not think anything of this, as she knew that Mrs. Ritter was considered eccentric. About 1:00 she sent the child away on some errand. Before going, the child noticed some Paris green mixed with water in a cup, and also something green on Mrs. Ritter’s lips, but this did not arouse her suspicion until she came home and found the house locked. She went to a neighbor’s saying that she was afraid that something terrible had happened, telling her suspicions.

Mr. J. M. Swineford agent for the C & N W Ry Co. to whom she told her suspicions went to the Ritter home, which was locked, and looking through a window saw him laying on the lounge. He called to him to open the door and after several efforts arose and attempted to reach the door but fell upon the floor, when Mr. S entered the house by raising the window and placing Mr. Ritter upon the lounge sent for a physician. Dr. O’Keef responded to the call and upon reaching there dressed the wound and did all that could be done to save both Mr. and Mrs. Ritter, the latter having been brought home. Mr. Ritter lived until Wednesday night, retaining consciousness and made all preparations for death. The cause of the murder and suicide was without doubt, domestic trouble, the parties having lived very unhappily for years. Mr. Ritter was 73 and Mrs. Ritter 75 years old. Mrs. Ritter was buried Tuesday afternoon, and Mr. Ritter Friday afternoon, under the auspices of Maj. E. A. Ramsey Post G. A. R. of which he was a member in accordance with his request, and with military honors. 

Oconto County Reporter
July 12, 1884

Mrs. Barrows and child, of Stevens Points, are visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Bancroft.

Mrs. John McGee and son Charles will leave nest week for the east on a visit to friends and relatives, which will last until fall.

Some six weeks ago, David Jones, who had worked on the line of the St. Paul Eastern for a year or more disappeared and his whereabouts was unknown until last Saturday, when his dead body was found in Lake Shawano, about fifteen feet from the main traveled highway. It is thought he was murdered for his money, as his head was crushed as if by a heavy blow with a blunt instrument and his pockets were empty.

Patrick Delaney came down from the North Branch last week and remained until Tuesday last, to attend the marriage ceremony of his son Thomas with Grace Walsh, which occurred on the evening of that day. We acknowledge a pleasant visit from him during his stay.

Oconto County Reporter
July 19, 1884

Our Friend Osborne, of Florence Mining, News, was arrested in Milwaukee on the 14th inst. On a telegram signed by a constable at Florence for alleged criminal libel. The chief of police declined to hold Osborne who left immediately for home with fire in his eye, determined to prove that the man who caused his arrest did steal a sack of flour as he stated. Chase has been fighting the tough element of his town and county for the past two years, and as he is backed by the respectable portion of the community he will come out all right.

Mrs. Malcom Wallace, of Republic, Mich. Reached here Tuesday morning and left for the town of How to visit her father William Armstrong and other relatives in that township.

Mrs. Grant and son, and Miss Cavott and Tillotson, of New York, and Mrs. J. R. Underwood and son Willie and daughter Carrie, of Aurora, Ill. reached here Tuesday morning and remained the guest of Mrs. T. F. Snover, who is Mrs. Grants sister and Mrs. Underwood’s mother until Thursday when all but Mrs. Grant and son left for Deer Point farm in Maple Valley where they will go into camp several weeks.

Mrs. Luke Balcom left for Rochester, N.Y., the earlier part of the week to visit her mother.

The men who enlisted for the war and went home without permission after the grand parade at Washington, have been at last relieved from the charge of desertion by act of Congress. Most of these so-called deserters served clear through the war and would have served for an indefinite period had the fighting continued, but, weary of waiting in camp for their discharge, thousands of worthy men returned to their farms and workshops without permission between the surrender at Appomattox and the formal final disbanding of the volunteer army nearly wo years later. It is right that those true soldiers though impatient of camp duty should be freed from the stigma which attaches to deserters by receiving an honorable discharge and made eligible to all the privileges and immunities enjoyed by their comrades in arms.

Oconto County Reporter
July 26, 1884

Last Tuesday night, lightening was quite numerous in this city and while cavorting around carelessly it struck the DonLevy block, a barn belonging to Jas. Hume and the residence of Ernest Surprise. At the latter place it entered a bedroom in which a son of Mr. Surprise was sleeping, tore off the plastering and nearly covered him with the debris, but strange to say did not injure him seriously.

Mrs. Rev. Kerr left Tuesday morning for Pittsburgh, Penn., to visit relatives. She was accompanied as far as Chicago by Mr. Kerr.

Mrs. Edwin Hart left Wednesday for Cleveland, Ohio, to spend the summer with her daughter, Mr. Dr. Coleman.

Mrs. E. Schmutzler and children, and Master Willie Spoesser, of Watertown, who have been visiting the families of their relatives, J.
and L. Runkel, departed for Winneconne, Wednesday last.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 2, 1884

A son of Henry Butler's 13 years of age while playing ball the first day of week, was struck in the abdomen by a ball thrown by a comrade and considerably injured. Dr. Beebe was called and upon examination discovered that the blow had produced a hernia which he reduced, since which time the boy is doing as well as could be expected.

Mrs. Samuel Tallmedge and children are visiting friends and relatives in the southern part of the state, and enjoying themselves. They will be absent several weeks.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 9, 1884

Mrs. M. Sterns leaves next week for Detroit, Mich., her former home where she will rest and recuperate for the season.

Mrs. E. V. Bailie, of Muskegan, is visiting her nephew and niece, Mr. James B. Hume and Miss Anna Hume, of this city.

Mr. Walter S. Harsha, of Detroit, Mich., has been visiting relatives in this city during the past week.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 16, 1884

Personal Mention

Mrs. Allen McDonald and Mrs. J. H. LeClaire left Wednesday evening, for Waukegan, Ill., where they will spend a week with friends and then go to Chicago where they will remain a few weeks with relatives.

Miss Jennie Eddy left Wednesday night, for Waupaca to visit an Uncle. She will be absent two weeks possibly longer.

Ling Hay, of Green Bay, is visiting Hing Lee for a few days and May conclude to reamin here permanently.

Mrs. Ben High and children returned Sunday from Norway, Mich., where they had been visiting friends.

Mrs. Miles and daughter, of Whitewater, are the guests of the family of her brother, Charles T. Pendleton.

Mr. Cool, of Glen Falls, N. Y. Mrs. Robinson, of New York City and Mrs. Spencer, of Evanston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Goodrich.

If Matt Armstrong, of How, has not already done so, he will soon leave for Brussels, Canada, for the purpose of visiting relatives. Rumor says; that when he returns, he will be accompanied by a lady who will bear his name and be his wife. That is just as it should be Matt, and we extend congratulations in advance.

Copies of a notice signed by the mayor and the clerk have been posted about the city forbidding all persons to sell or give intoxicating liquors to ether Theresa Laiver or Theresa Britton. It is pretty tough,  when it becomes necessary to warn liquor dealers not to sell or give liquor to women, and mothers at that.

Last Saturday morning, two stacks of hay belonging to a man by the name of Alkins, near Abrams were destroyed by fire, having been set by some evilly disposed person or persons. Mr. Alkins is poor and the loss will occasion him great hardship, and it is to be hoped that the miscreats will be apprehended and dealt with, as they deserve.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 13, 1884

H.C. Armstrong, Dunkirk, N.Y. arrived last week and intends to settle here. There is room for many more who can obtain homes cheap.

The barn on Patrick Maloney farm in the town of Oconto and about four miles from this city, was with fifteen tons of hay and a large quantity of peas, destroyed by fire early Saturday morning last. During the night, festivities had been held at the house, in honor of Patrick Maloney Jr., marriage, and it is thought that in going away, somebody carelessly threw a lighted cigar stub among the stuff in the barn, which caused the fire. Loss about $800. and no insurance.

Julius Merle, of Indiana, who formerly lived in this city and made himself exceedingly popular as deputy postmaster, was here last week visiting friends, of whom he has a host in this city and vicinity.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 20, 1884

H. W. Mott who has engaged in the drug business in Milwaukee, was in this city last week making arrangements to move his family and with them left for that city Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mott are very excellent people and we are sorry that they have left Oconto to make their home elsewhere, but wish them abundant prosperity in their new surroundings and hope that circumstances may at no distant day, make it to their interest to return to this city.

There was a shooting scrape up in the town of How Thursday. A man by the name of Smith undertook to perforate a neighbor with a fire arm but failed to do him serious injury. The shootist was brought to this city yesterday and lodged in the city bastile.

A telegram was received here Wednesday from Florence, stating that John Simons of that place was shot. As nothing more has been heard relative to the matter, it is thought it must have been a canard, which John's many friends in this city, hope will prove to be the case.

Mrs. Broadback, of Penn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed Davis.

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 27, 1884

A man by the name of John Marshall, living about a mile from Marinette, on the Peshtigo road, was dangerously shot on the evening of the 23rd, while preparing to retire, the assassin firing through the window with a shot gun loaded with mixed shot. There is no clue to the assassin further than an anonymous letter received by Marshall a week previous warning him to leave the country on pain of death. The physicians in charge think the wounded man will recover.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. T. Jones, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are in the city the guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Huff Jones.

The Florence Murder Trial - The State against Williams

The famous or infamous case is at present writing on trial, before, well and truly sworn, twelve citizens of Oconto County. District attorney Thompson, of Florence, assisted by W. H. Webster of our city are the prosecuting attorneys, H. O. Fairchild, of Marinette, and Thos. R. Hudd, of Green Bay, are attorneys for the defense. Considerable interest seems to be taken in this case and as a matter of news we propose to give a brief notice of the case. There is talent on both sides of the house and no doubt a vigorous defense will be made. Prof. Mudge, of Florence, was the first witness called and by him the nature of the wounds and their
location were clearly proven. Mudge’s testimony on cross examination differed little from the direct. The attorneys at this point had a controversy on some point of law and authorities were looked up. Mrs. E. C. Erwin was the next witness sworn, resides at Florence, was present at the time of the shooting which occurred January 29, 1884. There was no apparent cause for the shooting as far as witness knew. Williams fired four shots at Dace while retreating from Williams. Dace died from effect of wounds received 24 hours subsequently in the building where he was shot by Williams.

Mrs. L. M. Shew has gone to LaCrosse to see her mother, who was very ill when she started, and who has since died.


Our usually quiet town was the scene of a mean and brutal shooting scrape on the 15th inst. Two men, named Jacob Lechack and Messersmith, had a dispute about some work, when Messersmith ordered Lechack off his premises. He retired, but Messersmith took his gun and followed him, and overtaking him about and a half distant, approached him stealthily from behind, and when about twenty paces from him, fired at Lechack, twenty odd grains of shot taking effect in his back, arm and hip. The wounded
man will recover. Charles Schimmel, constable, was sent to arrest the culprit, who is a dangerous man. He called Wm. Wilton to his assistance, and after both had armed themselves to the teeth, they went in pursuit of Messersmith, and succeeded in capturing him. He was taken before J. M. Armstrong, justice of the peace, who after hearing the evidence held the prisoner to bail to answer at the district court, to the charge of an attempt to commit murder. Falling to secure bail, Messersmith was committed to the county jail, whither he was taken by the constable.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 8, 1884

Thomas Williams convicted at the last term of the district court for this county of the murder of Dace at Florence; last January and
sentenced Monday to 5 years in the state prison, was taken thither Wednesday, by Sheriff Thomas Simpson.

Thomas Williams, convicted of manslaughter at the last term of the district court for this county and whose attorney moved for a new trial, was sentenced Monday, to five years in the state penitentiary, the motion being over ruled by Judge Hartings.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 15, 1884

Nic Sederstrom, of Little River, came into the city Wednesday night, to see the procession and while here managed to fall off Section Street bridge into the river and would have drowned had it not been under sheriff McGee, Marshal Geo. Smith and Johnney LeClaire who attracted to his rescue by his cries.

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 29, 1884

We learn from the Menominee Herald that on Tuesday last, Will Brunquest while fooling with a revolver shot himself in the mouth. He spit the bullet out and with it two teeth. It was a lucky unfortunate accident.

While coupling cars at Clintonville, Saturday night, Chris Church was quite severely crushed between the bumpers of the two cars. He came down Tuesday afternoon and went into his boarding place, the Roth House, since which time he has been gaining and will soon be out as jolly and lively as ever.

Invitations are out announcing the approaching marriage of Mr. Will H. Dutton and Miss Dora Burgess, both of Pensaukee, which happy event will take place at the residence of Mr. S. Dutton near Abrams, December 13, inst. after the wedding the Reporter will give the happy couple it's benediction.

Frank Albert was arrested Saturday, for having forged an order on the Mil. L. S. & Western Ry. Co., and drawing the pay of a man whose name we failed to ascertain. After an examination he was held to answer at the next term of the circuit court for this county and in default of bail was taken to the county jail.

Mike Navin, a miner, and Sol Felch, a saloon keeper, left Florence several days ago on a hunting expedition. As the weather has been desperately cold since they left, their friends fear that they have perished. Parties have been searching but had not up to last account been able to ascertain anything relative to their whereabouts.

Mrs. Carr, of New Brunswick, reached here Thursday evening on a visit to her son John Carr. It was quite a surprise as he had not seen her for fourteen years and had not been informed of her proposed visit.

A man giving his name as C. A. Nevins, hired a team of horses at Chicago Friday last, for the purpose so he informed the livery man, of driving out into the country seven miles, but instead of doing so, placed the team, carriage, etc., on board of a propeller on the Goodrich line and shipped the outfit to Manitowoc whither he accompanied it. Upon the arrival of the boat at Manitowoc, He took the team off and driving to a hotel registered as C. A. Austin, that being the name giving in the bill of lading. The next morning (Monday) he left that place reaching here Tuesday night. P.J. Pierce, of Manitowoc, ex-sheriff and by the way the brightest sheriff Manitowoc county ever had, thinking that there was something wrong, made inquiry and after ascertaining the facts, telegraphed to all the important places in this part of the state including this city and immediately followed the thief, reaching here Wednesday morning, to find that Sheriff Thomas Simpson had received his telegraph and had arrested his man and had the team in his keeping. Upon being arrested the prisoner gave his name as J. A. Jones and is now in the county jail waiting for the officers of Chicago to come after him.

P.J. Pierce, detective, Manitowoc, was in this city Wednesday, having followed a horse thief hither.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 13, 1884

We regret exceedingly to learn, that Mr. Charles Hall suffered a relapse during the week and in his condition has been for several days and is at the present time quite precarious.

James Nelson and Moses Ruelle have sold their farms in the town of Little River.

Harry Morse, who has spent the past summer with his friends, left Thursday for Chicago, where he will remain over the holidays, and then go to New York where he will spend the winter.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 20, 1884

Mamie Keefe, we regret to learn is very low, and that her relative entertain but little hope for her recovery.

Thomas Quinn, one of our oldest citizens and who has a host of friends in this city, is very ill and his prospects for recovery extremely discouraging.

We are in receipt of a letter from John Driscoll, of Almont, Iowa, a former resident of Gillett town in this county, in which he informs us that his health is much better and says little complimentary to some of the people of this county.

The residence of John Kadlec in the town of Maple Valley, was with most of its contents including 70 bushels of grain destroyed by fire Monday. During  the progress of the fire, Mr. Kadlec was severely burned which will lay him up for several weeks.

Mr. C. W. Leavitt will leave for New York today. He has made many warm friends in our city during his short residence here and it is universal stances will bring himself and family back to us in the spring.

Alex S. McDonald, of Menominee, Mich., who formerly reside here and has a multitude of friends in this city, was here Saturday on a visit.

It may now be generally known, so we publish the fact, that this city is now connected by telephone lines with Oshkosh, Milwaukee, Janesville, Madison and all intermediate points.

Oconto County Reporter
Dec. 27, 1884

Mr. H. E. Brehme has severed his relations as chief clerk for A. Eldred & Son, and has removed to Ft. Howard, where he will spend the winter with relatives. He contemplates entering into business for himself in the spring in Kaukauna. His many friends here wish him success in his new enterprise.

Peter Johnson, a brother of our worthy treasurer, had a very narrow escape from sudden death a few days ago. While at work in the woods a large limb fell and just brushed against his head and arm, taking off some of the skin, but not so as to seriously injure him.

Isaac Rice has sold his homestead to Charles Feak, and proposes to start for Washington Territory in a few days. May success attend him.