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Flash From The Past - 1882

Oconto County Reporter
January 14, 1882

FRIDAY last, Samuel McCullough deputy postmaster at Peshtigo was
arrested by a U.S. deputy marshal and taken to Milwaukee, upon the
charge of tampering with the mails.  The facts in the case as far as we
have been able to learn them are as follows:  One White, a special agent
for the Post Office Department while in a mail car on the Northwestern
railroad dropped two letters addressed to himself at Peshtigo, into the
mail pouch, and followed them to that place.  Upon his arrival, he went
to the Duket House and registered.  Soon after reaching there he
ascertained that the landlord was going to the post office for his mail
and requested him to make inquiry for his (White’s) mail and should
there be any, he would oblige him by bringing it to the house.  The
landlord did as he was requested.  There were two letters, upon one of
which, there was nine cents due for postage,  which the landlord paid,
but upon which Mr. McCullough either through ignorance or haste
neglected to place and cancel the stamps.  Soon after receiving his
letters, White went to the post office and asked Mr. McCullough if he
was the postmaster, which he answered the affirmative, but subsequently
said that he was the deputy.  The special agent then asked him about the
letter and McCullough admitted that he had received the nine cents and
showed him a slip which he had dropped into the stamp box stating the
amount due the stamp department and further informed the agent, that it
was his intention when he had leisure, to cancel and destroy the
requsite number of stamps to cover that amount.  This is the sum and
total as far as we have been able to learn of Mr. McCullough’s offending
for which he was arrested and taken to Milwaukee.  Technically he did
wrong, but there was no intention upon his part of defrauding the
country and an explanation should have been sufficient; and if
government detectives have no other way of earning their salaries then
hunting up nine cents blunders of rural postmasters, they had better be
summoned to Washington to help unravel the $5,000,000 star route steal.
The friends of Mr. McCullough in this city have confidence in his
honesty and good intention, and feel satisfied that he will come all
right in the end.

Oconto County Reporter
January 21, 1882

Upper Pensaukee Item

Polecats have become altogether too numerous in this vicinity of late.
One of our neighbors was recently attacked by one, but escaped
uninjured, but with the fragrance of the attack lingering about his

Pensaukee Pellets

Mr. D. W. Morgan, lately from the east on a visit here with his son, has
been obliged to go to the Asylum for treatment, the result of a severe
accident sustained on the head some years ago.

A duel was lately fought in Texas between Alexandre Shott and John
Nott.  It was rumored that Nott was shot, and Shott was not.  (f so, it
was better to be Shott than Nott)
But it was afterwards proved that the shot Shott shot at Nott shot Shott
by accident, and the shot Nott shot at Shott shot past, and so shot him
not.  Thus the affair resolved itself into its original elements, and
Shott was shot and Nott was not.

Oconto County Reporter
January 28, 1882

A MAN by the name of Snow, a tie inspector for the Oconto Co. was shot
and seriously injured last Tuesday by a set gun, the ball entered one of
his legs just above the knee.  Dr. Beebe was called and dressed the
wound and thinks that there is no danger.

THE BODY of the man supposed to have died of the small pox was buried in
the still watches of last Friday night.  We understand that there are
grave doubts as to the nature of the disease of which he died and that
there is some talk of exhuming the body, if the place can be found where
it was buried, for the purpose of holding a post mortem examination.

ONE OF our contemporaries asks the question, Who is the oldest man in
the city?  In reply will we say, that Fredrick Stuart is probably the
oldest man in the city.  He was born December 2nd 1798 and is as active
as most men at fifty.  His wife is eighty years of age, and she and her
husband having  lived together nearly sixty years.

VINCENT SMITH, who shot Pecor near Peshtigo last summer, and was tried
and convicted of murder in the second degree at Marinette, at the last
term of the circuit court held in and for that county, received his
sentence last Saturday.  The judge very thoughtfully, gave him the full
extent of the law, twenty-five years at hard labor in the state prison,
not wishing to exercise the pardoning power, even in justice.  Smith, in
charge of the sheriff of Marinette county, passed through this city
Sunday night, on his way to his living tomb.

FOURTEEN years ago, James Lucas settled in the town of Little River, it
then being an unbroken wilderness.  Since that time, he has cleared one
hundred and thirty acres which he has under a high state of
cultivation.  At the time he located there was neither roads nor schools
in the township, but now there are good roads and five school houses
between the Little River bridge and Kelley Brook, and the township is
well settled with a hardy, enterprising and thrifty class of people.
There is considerable good land still remaining in the township that can
be bought at reasonable figures, which will certainly appreciate in
value, as soon as the new railroad is constructed and now is the time to
purchase not only in Little river, but throughout the county.

CHARLES LIPPERT who has been visiting friends in Belgium, for several
month, reached home the latter part of last week, looking as if his sea
voyage had agreed with him, and that he had fared well during his

G. SEDERSTROM who has spent the past year at Grand Rapids, Wis., working
at his trade as a stone cutter, returned home Monday morning.  He
intends to remain here four or five weeks and then go to Minnesota where
he will work at his trade until fall.

Oconto County Reporter
February 4, 1882

LATER.- A man, whose name I did not ascertain, shot himself dead at West
Pensaukee yesterday morning.  A year ago he sold his property in the
East and came here, and has never appeared to be contented, exhibiting,
rather, a disposition of disappointment and melancholy.  He asked his
wife for a key to a trunk, and afterward he said he had found the
article of which he was in search, which proved to be a pistol.  He then
went out to the straw stack and shot himself through the temple.  M. S.

INQUEST.  At an inquest held at the house of Caleb Rowell, in the town
of Pensaukee, county of Oconto, state of Wisconsin, on the 31st day of
January, 1882, before Hunter Orr, a justice of the peace for said town,
upon the body of Wm. R. Wait, the following witnesses being sworn to
inquire into the circumstances attending the death of the said William
R. Wait, find that he came to his death by a pistol shot through his
head, from his own hands, in the town of Pensaukee, county of Oconto,
State of Wisconsin, on the thirty-first day of January, 1882, the said
wound causing death instantly.  Cause, partial insanity, caused by loss
of property, failing health and fear of his family coming to want.
  Samuel Dutton
  S. A. Knowles
  David Trip
  Ben. Barker
  Chas. Knowles
  C. Cushman
 Hunter Orr,
  Justice of the Peace

SAMUEL DODDS, an estimable young man of this place, is very sick with
lung fever.  Very slight hopes are entertained of his recovery.  He is
attended by Dr. Ohawaldt, of Stiles.

WE HAVE a new telegraph in our town.  It carries the news faster than
the old kind.  One of our young men and a widow went down to Bovee
Bros’, on business one day last week, and before they returned the news
flashed over the wires of the new telegraph that they had gone away to
get married.  So much for being smart and minding other people’s

PETER JAMISON, of Maple Valley, an army comrade with whom we marched
many long weary miles and with whom we were engaged in many a skirmish
and hard fought battle during the rebellion, was in the city Thursday,
and made us a long and pleasant call.  Mr. Jamison was one of the tried
and true, and bears upon his person, scars, as an evidence of his

Oconto County Reporter
February 18, 1882

New depots are being built at Little Suamico and Stiles, by the Wis. & Mich. Railroad Company.

Ernest Funke contemplates the erection of a large, two story brick building on the corner just east of the Funke House.

Charles Hall has purchased John Sheridan’s stock of hardware and moved the same to his store in Music Hall block.

The old Washington school building was moved during the week to Brunquest’s corner, where it will be fitted up for a boarding house and saloon.

There has been a change in the firm of K. Kischer & Co., by which the senior member withdraws and our young friend Louis Fischer becomes a partner.  The firm name of the new firm will be Fischer & Heller.
A SWEDE by the name of Peter Frykholm was seriously injured Tuesday,
while at work for A. Eldred & Son at their camp on the North Branch, by
the falling of a limb of a tree, which struck him upon the head crushing
the skull and injuring his brains.  He was brought to the city
Wednesday, and Dr. O’Keef called, who upon an examination of the
terrible injury decided that there was no hope.  The poor fellow
lingered in an unconscious state until evening, when death came to his
relief.  He was a comparative stranger here, his family being in the old
country, expecting to come to him in the spring, but now they will not
meet him again, until there shall be a reunion in that summer land,
where there shall no pain nor parting.

DURING the week, Antone Conrad circulated a subscription paper for aid
in behalf of Herman Hinkler, who has been sick several weeks and was in
need of help.  Mr. Conrad succeeded in raising $95.50 in cash, and John
Sheridan contributed a parlor stove in which the sick man’s family were
in need.  Both Mr. Hinkler and Mr. Conrad desire to return their most
grateful thanks to each and all who of their means helped a man and
family who were in want, and who will always remember and appreciate
their kindness.

LAST TUESDAY, a Dane while at work for the Oconto company at one of its
camps, in the Green Valley, falling timber, nearly cut his right foot in
twain by the glancing of his axe while making a downward stroke.  The
injured man was immediately brought to this city and had his wound
dressed by Dr. O’Keef.

LAST FRIDAY at Pensaukee, while a man by the name of Stinkrause was
falling a tree, it struck another and sprung back in such a manner as to
tear the flesh from the knee to the ancle of his left leg, besides
crushing the bone.  Dr. O’Keef was sent for immediately after the
accident and upon his arrival seeing that there was no hope of saving
the limb, performed a very successful amputation of the limb just above
the knee.

WE ARE mighty glad to learn that Capt. Ferguson has been appointed
pension agent for this district.  During the years he has held the
position, the duties of the office have been discharged with fidelity to
the interests of the government and the pensioners.  Millions of dollars
have passed through his hands and not a single one got stuck on the
way.  During the rebellion he was all shot to pieces, but there was
enough left together to make a good official and he ought to hold the
office until he gets something better.

A WARRANT was issued Monday by L. S. Bailey, justice of the peace, for
the apprehension and arrest of one Christopher, upon the complaint of
one Mary, who charged him with trifling with her affections and person
several months since, to such an extent that she had become a mother and
wanted a father for her child.  The warrant was placed in the hands of
deputy sheriff McGee and he started for the woods in quest of
Christopher, who in the meantime had heard that his presence was
required in the city and came, but departed before the sheriff’s return
and is still departed as he has not been heard from since he shook the
dust of the city off his shoes.

LAST SUNDAY, while three boys living in the town of Little River, were
out hunting, one with a gun and two to carry the game, they came upon a
bear two thirds grown to which they gave chase.  At first, bruin
manifested an anxiety to put a distance between himself and the boys
which rendered it difficult for them to get a shot at him, for when they
would have shot, bruin was out of sight.  After awhile, the bear became
disgusted with the monotony of the chase and turned upon his pursuers
and then they thought “that distance lent enchantment to the view” and
they were anxious to get out of the bear’s sight, realizing the truth of
the old saying, “that it is fun to hunt a bear, but when he hunts you,
the fun ends and a sad reality begins.”  The boys concluded that they
didn’t want any bear meat and before they reached home, wouldn’t have
given five cents for a million pounds.

A MAN by the name of John Murray was arrested Tuesday morning upon
complaint of Gus. Johnson for being drunk and insulting a lady who was
waiting for a rig at the livery stable of Walt Phillips.  The prisoner
was taken before Squire Bailey, who, after hearing the evidence,
requested Murray to contribute five dollars to help liquidate the city
indebtedness or skip over the river and become a guest at the Hotel de
Call for several days.  At first he swore by the great horn spoons that
he wouldn’t pay a single ducat, but changed his mind afterwards and
handed over the spon-du-lacs and was discharged.  Subsequently, he met
Johnson and drawing a revolver to perforate him with bullet holes and
send his gentle spirit meandering to where “the wicked cease from
troubling and the weary are at rest.”  Feeling that he had no occasion
to “climb the golden star” just at present , he again caused the arrest
of the sanguinary John and he was trotted over to the bastile to linger
until the justice should desire to continue the cultivation his
acquaintance.  We apprehend that John will discover before he gets
through, that the “Way of the transgressor is hard.”

February 25, 1882

A MAN by the name of Samuel J. Whittaker, a carpenter in the employ of
the Wis. & Mich. Railroad company was arrested at Abrams, Monday, by
detectives from Milwaukee and taken to that city.  He is charged with
making spurious nickels and the evidence seems to be of such a character
that it will be quite difficult for him to establish his innocence.

SUNDAY night, a posse went to where the Gravel boys are supposed to hang
out, for the purpose of arresting them for assault and battery, and
carrying concealed weapons.  Those composing the posse were armed to the
teeth, were sort of traveling arsenals and only needed a brass band and
a stand of colors to have been an army corp.  After reaching the house
where the boys were in the habit of getting their “chuck” the posse
deployed with military precession under command of
Gen-What-you-call-em.  Each door and window of the house was covered by
a shot gun and a pocket parrot gun.  When everything was in readiness,
the general in command went into the house to make the arrest, but the
boys had flown, metaphorically speaking, and the invading army raised
the siege and slid out.

researched by Richard LaBrosse

Albert Halbach has received an order from the Wis & Mich, railway company for forty sets of wheels and axles and the frames for forty gravel cars.

The steambarge, S.D. Arnold took a cargo of lumber from Spies Mill Monday for West DePere.

The contract for building the new school house in the west ward was awarded to John McGee.

Little Suamico—One of the best farms in this county belongs to D. Wedgewood, who has 80 acres under cultivation and has gone into stock raising quite extensively.

March 4, 1882

LAST WEEK a number of boys at Menekaunee, hung a little fellow by the
name of Willman in fun, as Guiteau, and injured him so seriously that he
has since died.

JOHNNY, the little five year old son of Patrick Maloney was kicked in
the forehead by a horse last Thursday afternoon, and quite seriously
injured.  The little fellow is doing as well as could be expected under
the circumstances.

LAST MONDAY, a boy by the name of Buckley, about 16 years of age was
arrested for attempting to commit a rape upon a girl only six years
old.  His examination was had the day following before L. S. Bailey,
justice of the peace, who after hearing all the testimony offered  upon
the part of the state and the defence, discharged the boy, much to the
gratification of the lad’s father who is a hardworking honorable citizen
who is well thought of by all who know him.

TWO WEEKS ago, we published an item in regard to three boys and a bear
in the town of Little River, who amused themselves in chasing each
other.  Subsequently we learned, that on the return of the boys, the
father of two of lads procured a gun from one his neighbors and in
company with the boys set out in search of the bruin.  In a short time
they found what they supposed to be the tracks of the bear and after
following them some time discovered that they lead into a hollow log.
Feeling confident that they had the animal trapped and that success was
to crown their efforts, they range themselves in front of the opening in
the log and all taking aim blazed away.  The woods reverberated with the
fire arms and all was excitement.  Sticks and rocks were procured with
which to plug up the hole and while two stood guard to prevent the
escape of the bear, one went for an axe with which to chop him out.  On
returning, the work of chopping was begun and prosecuted with a will,
and soon, they had the satisfacting of dragging from the hollow in the
log an old long quilled porcupine.  Shouldering their guns, they
silently crept home and the least said about the bear hunt in their
present, the better they are satisfied.

Oconto County Reporter
March 11, 1882

N. BARSHAW while coming to the city from Maple Valley Friday, killed a
pine snake seven feet in length and four inch in circumfrence.

ONE OF THE insane men at the jail who is permitted to wander around
during the day, strayed into the sheriff’s office Wednesday, and taking
down a pair of derbies slipped them upon his wrists.  Supposing that the
key was hanging on hook near by, but which was in the under sheriff’s
pocket, the result was that he was obliged to wear the jewelry until the
under sheriff’s return which was several hours subsequently.

March 18, 1882

WE LEARN from a reliable source that it was a mistake about Nils Nelson
murdering his wife.  Her sister who resides in this city received a
letter from Mrs. Nelson a day or two since, in which she stated that she
was well and that all hands were doing well.

THE CITY MARSHAL has received a photograph of John Gottried Wiskow who
murdered his wife and burned her body and his residence in the town of
Oshkosh, Winnebago county on the night of the 12th of last January, and
for whose arrest and detention a reward of $500, is offered by the chief
of police of Oshkosh, Wis.

LAST TUESDAY night, a lad only twelve years of age in a beastly state of
intoxication was picked up in front of a saloon on Superior St., and
taken to his home.  We understand that there are two saloons in this
city that are frequented by boys who are permitted to play pool and
drink at the bar until they are drunk, and then they are thrust out into
the street to make their way home the best they can.  The saloons to
which we refer, are a disgrace to the city, to civilization and every
principle of decency and their licences should have been revoked long

researched by Richard LaBrosse

We are informed by Mr. C.A. Doty that the new photograph gallery will be ready for business about the middle of next week.

We are informed that Walter Ellis of St. John N.B., a nephew of Mr. O.A. Ellis, will soon occupy a place in the bank of Farnsworth & Smith.

Walt Folsom took the contract and begun the work Wednesday of delivering one million of shingles at the track of the C&NWR railroad for Dr. S.A. Coleman.

March 25, 1882

THE MARRIAGE of Peter Jamison, of Maple Valley, which appeared recently
in one of our contemporaries was a trifle premature.  He is still a
bachelor and the probabilities are, that when he joins the ranks of the
benedicts he will know it as soon as anybody does.

Oconto County Reporter
APRIL 15, 1882

**JESSE JAMES, the notorious desperado and outlaw, was killed by a
member of his own gang at St. Joseph Mo., Monday.  Rewards to the amount
of $50,000 had been offered for James dead or alive and it is supposed
that he was cowardly murdered for the reward.  His assassin has been
arrested and is now in jail.

**ALEN AND RICHARD GRAVEL, and one Seymour all of this city, went into
the bar-room of the Gregy House, at Peshtigo, Monday, and began to act
in a disorderly manner, much to the disgust of the proprietor who
ordered them to go out.  Instead of obeying, one of  the Gravel boys
kicked at the proprietor, and then grabbed a beer glass and commenced to
pound him upon the head with it cutting and bruising the same in a
shocking manner.  James Moran who was present, and undertook to defend
Mr. O’Leary, and in the melee got his head and face terribly cut and
lacerated by glasses in the hands of the other Gravel and Seymoure.  The
neighborhood being aroused, citizens began to flock to the scene of
action, and roughs thinking that “distance would lend enchantment to the
view” went out upon the street and commenced firing off their revolvers,
which was returned by such citizens as were armed.  The thugs then broke
for the railroad track, one man following them with a Winchester rifle,
which he discharged at them some thirty times, which only helped the
boys to accelerate their speed.  A party of citizens headed by
ex-sheriff O’Leary then started in pursuit with a team and reaching
Cavoit in advance of their game, hid themselves behind a box car and
awaited the approach of the miscreats, who soon came along
unsuspiciously and while passing the car, they were ordered  to throw up
their hands, which they did without a second invitation, being
influenced to such action by the presence of revolvers in the hands of
determined men.  Alex and Seymour (Richard had become separated from the
others) were taken into custody and conveyed to the county jail at
Marinette, and had their examination Tuesday, and were bound over to the
next term of the circuit court.  There was talk of lynching, and had
either of their victims died, there is but little doubt but that there
would have been a lynching matinee.  The injured men are doing as well
as could be expected and will probably be all right again in the course
of a few weeks.  The officers of the law are anxious to secure Richard,
and will probably do so in a few days.

**THE REMAINS of the late Daniel Durgan were consigned to their last
resting place Saturday, being followed to the “silent city of the dead,”
by a large concourse of relations, friends and neighbors, who thus
testifying their appreciation for the departed, as husband, father,
friend neighbor and citizen.

Oconto County Reporter
APRIL 22, 1882

** 1832.         1892.

The celebration of the fiftieth wedding anniversary, is an event of rare
occurrence.  It is the covering in the lives of the couple, who are the
central figures in the celebration, a period seventeen years longer than
the average duration of life.  It is a half century, a period of time,
into which is crowded many experiences in life and many events in the
histories of nations and peoples.  Last Wednesday evening, Mr. And Mrs.
Edwin Hart, who have walked hand in hand for fifty years, and who are
still hale and hearty, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding.  Their large and commodious residence was filled in the early
evening with a large number of their friends and relatives, who came to
do honor and remember them in a social and substantial manner.  There
were friends and relatives present from abroad, including many from
Green Bay, Peshtigo, Marinette and Menominee.  The grounds about the
residence were beautifully illuminated with Chinese lanterns, so that
the approach to the house was almost as light as day, and the scene one
singularly fascinating.  Dr. W. G. Oliver and Henry U. Cole acted as
ushers, and preformed their duties in a manner that placed the guests of
the evening at ease and made all at home,  Mr. And Mrs. Hart received
their guests and friends in the parlor, each being announced as they
entered and introduced by one of the ushers.  Many letters of regret
were received, some from friends who had known the happy couple in their
earlier years of domestic life.  They were full of kindly expressions
and in many cases so full of pathos that the tear would come to the eye
while being perused.  Several were written by friends of Mr. Hart’s
boyhood, in which reference was made to events that occurred “away back
in the past,”  The company were treated to a bountiful collation, and
all seemed to enjoy themselves in a manner, rarely seen at such a
gathering.  The occasion will long be remembered as one of unusual
pleasantness and the happy couple, if the wishes of the company are
availing will live to celebrate their diamond wedding.   The presents
were many and costly, and showed that during the thirty-five years that
Mr. And Mrs. Hart have lived here they have made and retained a host of

Oconto County Reporter
April 29, 1882

R.L. Hall has been engaged during the week surveying the territory which is to constitute the village of Abrams into lots.

Sturgeon are beginning to be caught quite freely.  William Bostedt has already packed fifteen half barrels of caviar for the European trade.

Pensaukee—F.B. Sims is foreman in the mill.  Mr. Sims has the reputation of being one of the best sawyers and most expert filers on the bay shore.

Oconto County Reporter
May 6, 1882

**TWO HOUSES have been burned this spring in the town of Maple Valley.
One on the farm of Joseph Laev, known as the Hodgin place, and one on
the farm owned by H. W. Gilkey, both being the work of incendiaries.

**A MAN whose name we have been unable to ascertain, while at work for
W. W. DeLano clearing the right of way for the W. & M. railroad, arrived
in town Monday, minus two of the toes of one of his feet, which he
unfortunately but accidentally chopped off.

MAY 13, 1882

**SATURDAY last, a child of R. B. Taylor, of Little River, two years of
age strayed away from home and became lost in the woods.  The
neighborhood was aroused and search made which proved successful, the
little one being found about a mile from home sleeping soundly and
sweetly beside a log.  There was joy in that family, that night.

**WE are in receipt of a communication from Mrs. Jesse W. James, widow
of Jesse, the celebrated bandit, denying the report that has been
extensively circulated that she was preparing or dictating the life of
her husband and his brother, Frank James.  The communication is
accompanied by her affidavit, in which she emphatically contradicts such
statements and declaring them absolutely false.

**THE mayor received a telegram Tuesday morning from James A. Moore of
Marinette, informing him that his boy had run away from home and had
gone south, and to make a search for him.  The mayor put the matter into
the hands of the city marshal, who soon found the lad wandering about
the city.  He took him to the mayor’s office, where he was detained
until the arrival of his father, who took him home.  He was a bright
little fellow, and determined not to return, saying that he would jump
into the river, but finally changed his mind and went back with his

**THE proprietor and inmates of the maison de joie,out on the Pensaukee
road were pulled Monday morning, for running a disreputable ranch.  They
appeared before squire Hart the following morning, and obtained an
adjournment of the case for ten days.  We understand that the arrests
were made upon the complaint of a young man who visited the place
Saturday night, and departed from thence Sunday morning, minus $65 of
hard earned cash.  The young man should have swallowed his loss and kept
still for decency’s sake.

**Alice Moore’s remains were brought home and interred by the side of
her mother and brother; thus, in the short space of eighteen months,
death has called three from the family circle.  The afflicted father and
family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.

Oconto County Reporter
MAY 27, 1882

DIED-At his residence in this city Saturday, May 20th 1882, of
congestion of the lungs, David Wright, in the 46 year of his age.

The deceased was attacked with the fatal disease which caused his death
while visiting Menasha, on business, and was brought home reaching here
a week ago Wednesday, and grew rapidly worse in spite of the best
medical attention and home care until his death, which occurred on the
afternoon of the 20th, and his spirit passed over the “dark river” to
“that house, not built with hands, eternal and in the heavens.”  He
retained consciousness until his dissolution, recognizing and talking
with his friends and members of his family, till the dread messenger
came to summon him from earth.  While he would have preferred to live,
on the account of his wife and children, whom he loved with a tenderness
rarely seen, he feared not death, and never murmered at the inexorable
decree of fate which called him from the busy scenes of life in the
flush and strength of manhood.

The burial services of our departed townsman and friend, were held under
the auspices of the Mason’s and Odd Fellow’s of which orders he was a
member, took place on Monday, the same being held at his residence, Rev.
William Dafter, rector of St. Marks Episcopal church officiating, the
music for the sad occasion being furnished by the members of the
Presbyterian church choir.  The remains of the departed were encased in
a beautiful rosewood casque, heavily ornament with silver trimmings, the
“square and compass” on either side in relievio.  At the conclusion of
the services at the house, the funeral procession was formed, Pine Lodge
A. F. & A. M. taking the lead, then the hearse with Ernst Funke, J. F.
Mathew’s and Charles Hall, on the part of the Pine Lodge, and George
Beyer, T. H. Phelps and B. G. Grunert on the part of Oconto Lodge I. O.
o. f. the family, relatives and neighbors of the deceased, in the order
mentioned, the procession being the largest witnessed in the city for
many years.  Upon reaching the “silent city of the dead,” the burial
ceremonies of both orders were performed, and all that was mortal of the
departed brother laid away to await the morn of the resurrection.

David Wright was born at Brasher Falls, St. Lawrence county N. Y. on the
26th day of May 1836, where he passed his boyhood and early manhood.  On
the 31st  day of January, 1861, he was united in marriage to Maria C.
Mott, whom he leaves sitting heart broken in the shadow of a great
grief.  During the month of March 1865, he came to this city with his
family and settled permanently, and has since made it his home.

He was a good, thoughtful, provident husband and father, a kind and
accommodating neighbor, worthy citizen and true friend.  He was frank
and out-spoken by nature and practice, and never professed to be other
than he was; and made a host of friends by his open generous ways.

By his death, four children, Jennie, Freddie, Wilburn and Celia lose the
care and companionship of an affectionate father, who with their mother,
have the warm sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement
and while they worn the departure of the loved one, they are not alone
in their grief, for he had friends.

MAY 27, 1882

**JAMES LUCAS informs us, that there are eight in his family including
himself and wife, and that the total weight of his family is 1,000
pounds, an average of 200 pounds each.  Is there another family in the
state of an equal number, that can out-weigh them?

**A. P. CALL’s little one managed to get possession of a bottle of
oxalic acid Monday, which as being used in house-cleaning.  Fortunately,
its father who was near by observed its action and secured the bottle
before the child had drank any of its contents, as it was about to do.
As it was, the child spilt some of the acid upon its breast, but proper
remedies were at once applied and serious results prevented.

**The trial of the leaders in the lynching outrage which occurred at
Menominee last fall, has been in progress during the week, in the
circuit court of Menominee county Mich.  From late advices we learn,
that there is very poor prospects for conviction, although there is no
doubt of their guilt.  It was as cold blooded a murder as was ever
perpetrated.  The men lynched were not the aggressors and one of the
poor fellows hung was innocent of any participation in the crime for
which the mob of outlaws hung them.  There is a retributive justice, and
should they escape punishment now, the time will come before they pass
from the present scene of action, when they will feel the agony of
remorse.  False swearing may deceive a jury, but not the conscience.

JUNE 3, 1882

**HARRY G. McFARLANE, one of our enterprising young woodmen, has gone to
New Castle, New Brunswick in answer to a telegram, announcing the
serious illness of his mother.

**MRS. ED. BRECKENRIDGE presented her husband with a daughter Saturday.
Mother and child doing well.  Congratulations being in order we extend
those of all connected with the REPORTER.

**WE understand that E. C. Cesson has or is about to sell his residence
in this city, and will with his family emigrate to Iowa, in the course
of a few weeks.  We are very sorry indeed that he has concluded to leave
us and hope, that he will be successful in his new home.

**WARRANTS were issued yesterday by squire Hart for the apprehension and
arrest of Mayor Reinhart, W. H. Webster, Dr. Allan, W. J. McGee and
Eddie Millidge, for fast driving on Main street, Thursday evening.  The
complaint was made by the city marshal, who is no respecter of persons,
and who proposes to do his duty.

Oconto County Reporter
JUNE 17, 1882

**Tom. Whittaker, who is now serving a term in the penitentiary for
criminal libel, sent a letter to Frank Small, who was hanged March 24th,
in which he said:  “Friend Frank:- If the stones in the Western
Penitentiary and the bricks in the Allegheny County Workhouse could
talk, every stone and every brick would cry to heaven for the
suppressing of  the  infernal liquor traffic that is filling prisons,
sending men to the scaffold, and peopling hell with victims.  When there
is a law passed making it a State prison offense to vend or sell
spirituous and malt liquors, then, and not till then, will “hanging be
played our.”

Oconto County Reporter
June 24, 1882

The fire on the upper Peshtigo destroyed some 5,000 feet of standing pine belonging to G.T. Porter besides a large number of logging sleds which he had stored there for future use.

July 1, 1882

**We learn the sad fact of the death of Mrs. C. E. Stock, on the 22nd of June, she had resided with her daughter Mrs. W. P. Richer, for the past two years and in her quiet, gentle manner had gained sincere friends who will mourn her lots.  Her remains were taken to her former home, and placed beside her husband, in the cemetery at Lowell, Dodge Co., Wis., whence the last sad rites were performed that committed her “dust to dust.”

** A LITTLE six – year old daughter of John Merrick, of School section, was badly burned on Monday last.  She was lying on a lounge near the stove and by some means her clothes became ignited.  Her mother was absent from home at the time, but her little brother who was asleep being awakened by her cries, threw a pail of water on the little sufferer and extinguished the flames.  She suffers intense agony, but hopes are entertained for her recovery.

** WE ARE SORRY to learn that a little boy, five years of age; child of Angus McAllister, of Stiles, is suffering with a spinal disease that causes him to constantly twitch his head from side to side and gives him much pain.  Dr. Allan is attending the child, and thinks he will be able to save him.

** A MARRIED Frenchman at Pensaukee, was arrested Thursday, for being too familiar with a German lass, upon a warrant issued by squire Deimer.  When brought into court he took a change of venue to Justice Bailey, who discharged him on account of the irregularity of the papers.

** LAST FRIDAY, the news came down the wire from Marinette, that’s a party of railroad and political magnates consisting of W. H. Vanderbilt, C. Vanderbilt, Aug. Schell, S. C. Eastman, Wm. Turnbull, Gen. George Magee, Edward Ellis, S. F. Dewey and Tillinghast all of New York, were coming down the road in a special train, and would arrive here at about 10 a. m.  The intelligence was communicated to a few of our most prominent business and professional men, and they burdened with a sense of their importance meandered to the depot to welcome the august party to our city and extend to them the “liberty” thereof.  In due time the train came thundering down the line and passed the depot like a cyclone, leaving the few who were there for the purpose of worshiping wealth, gazing at the hole made in the atmosphere by the train bearing the distinguished party.  No paws were shook, no welcoming speeches made, and as the party at the depot returned to the business portion of the city, their was a goneness about their appearance that indicated that their sorrow or mortification was deep – too deep for utterance – Too bad.

Oconto County Reporter
July 8, 1882

** SEVERAL weeks ago, Mr. Anson Eldred, of Stiles, lost a span of horses and until a little over a week ago heard nothing of them.  In the mean time, one Henry Knobe, a butcher at Stiles, happened to recognize the horses up in the town of Maple Valley, on one of his trips up there in search of beef.  The straying horses had become a nuisance among the farmers of that locality, and Knobe, desirous of relieving the farmer and at the same time “turning an honest penny,” caught the horses and took them to Green Valley, in Shawano county, and there traded them for a yoke of steers and a cow.  Then, with his newly acquired horned stock, he hied himself to Green Bay, where he disposed of them for a fair price.  Next we hear of him hiring a horse and buggy from Mr. Thos. McGoff in this city, on Thursday last, ostensibly to go up in the town of Gillett and buy sheep.  On his way up there, however, he heard that Mr. Eldred had got wind of his Green Valley transaction, and was anxious to interview him.  To prevent such an occurrence, Knobe changed his course, and drove to the farm of Mr. John Driscol, where he tied the horse to the fence, and then footed it across the country to Gardner, a station on the W. & M. railroad, at which place he expected to intercept his wife, who was expected on the up – coming train that evening.  Failing to see her, he retired to the hospitable shelter of the woods, where, it is supposed, he still is in hiding.  Messrs. Eldred and McGoff have both sworn out warrants for his apprehension, and officers are in hot pursuit of the erring man.

Oconto County Reporter
July 19, 1882

** A DISPATCH was received from South Haven, Mich., Thursday morning, from Mr. J. R. Underwood, announcing that the body of his daughter, Kittie, had been recovered.  Subsequently it was learned that the body of Mr. Foote was first found floating on the surface, a mile and a half south of the harbor and thirty rods from shore, and two hours later Kittie’s body came to the surface in the same locality.  Mr. Underwood left South Haven Thursday evening with the remains, reaching this city on the 9:45 a. m. train yesterday.  Hundreds of citizens, young and old, had assembled at the depot, and a more sorrowful gathering is seldom witnessed.  The remains, followed by the relatives and a large concourse of people, were conveyed directly to the old cemetery on Root street and here other hundreds already thronged the grounds to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the loved and lost.

Loving hands had covered the grave of Kittie’s mother with a profusion of floral tributes, while the vicinity of the new-made grave was thickly carpeted with evergreens, and the fresh earth hidden from view beneath evergreen, trailing smilax and beautiful flowers.  An appropriate selection was sung by a quartette composed of Messrs. Tubbs and Sill, Miss Fannie Quereau and Mrs. Fowler, and prayer was offered.  Rev. S. P. Keyes.  Another hymn was sung and Mr. Keyes made a few brief but most  eloquent remarks, full of tender sympathy and condolence for the living and laden with tenderest love and sorrow for the dead.  Again the sad voices united in song, the benediction was pronounced, and all that was mortal of Kittie Underwood was tenderly lowered to its last resting place.

The many friends of the deceased had arranged to hold memorial services in the Universalist Church tomorrow afternoon, at the same hour that similar services are to be held at South Haven in honor of Mr. Foote; but Mr. Underwood’s family and the grandparents of the lamented young lady, desire us to state that they do not wish to have further services held.  Kittie was laid away so beautifully by kind friends that they wish to remember her gone away to her other home in the morning, bright as her own life, amid the flowers she loved so well.  They wish us also to return their thanks for the kindly thoughtfulness of their many friends.

Oconto County Reporter
July 22, 1882

While enroute to the picnic ground Monday, Mrs. C.B. Hart and baby were thrown from the carriage in which they were riding and she was dragged quite a distance, but fortunately escaped without injury.

Jacob Spies is building a new boarding house, barn and office to replace those destroyed by the fire Saturday.  The new will be larger and better than the old.

The picnic given at Warner’s Grove Monday in honor of Miss Minnie Hibbard, who was to depart for the East in the evening, was a very pleasant affair indeed.
** WE LEARN from John Sheridan who returned from Arizona last week, that it was a mistake about Joseph Deitrich’s being murdered.  The name of the murdered man was Fettridge, which was confounded with that of Deitrich’s in the telegram sent to the associated press.

**  FRANK SEYMOUR was arrested and taken before justice Bailey Tuesday.  His honor after looking him over concluded that he was a vagrant and sent him up for 30 days solitary confinement, and a bread and water diet.  The last part of the sentence is pretty tough, and will knock all the romance out of the thing.  Bread and water for thirty days, whew.

** WEDNESDAY morning, two families of Russian Jews reached here from Milwaukee from which place they were sent by the Hebrew Relief Association.  Being informed that they would be sent, several of our citizens interested themselves in the matter and upon the arrival of the refugees they were taken care of, household goods provided and a home procured.  The head of one family is a tinsmith and will find work with Charles Hall and the other at the Oconto company.  The spirit exhibited by our people is commendable and shows their sympathy for that outraged and abused people. 

** CHARLES SAMPKEY who lives in the South ward, and who has been considered insane for some time was arrested and put in the county jail Tuesday morning.  He is about 35 years of age, married and the father of three children.  We have not learned the cause and nature of his insanity.

**OUR vigilant city marshal, arrested several bloods Sunday night, who were full of budge and noise, and making Rome howl on the streets.  They were trotted across the “beautiful river” and introduced to jailer Call, with whom each left a sufficient amount to cover all fines that might be imposed.  The next morning they appeared before Squire Bailley who fined them from $5 to $15 each and costs.

Oconto County Reporter
July 19, 1882

** A DISPATCH was received from South Haven, Mich., Thursday morning, from Mr. J. R. Underwood, announcing that the body of his daughter, Kittie, had been recovered.  Subsequently it was learned that the body of Mr. Foote was first found floating on the surface, a mile and a half south of the harbor and thirty rods from shore, and two hours later Kittie’s body came to the surface in the same locality.  Mr. Underwood left South Haven Thursday evening with the remains, reaching this city on the 9:45 a. m. train yesterday.  Hundreds of citizens, young and old, had assembled at the depot, and a more sorrowful gathering is seldom witnessed.  The remains, followed by the relatives and a large concourse of people, were conveyed directly to the old cemetery on Root street and here other hundreds already thronged the grounds to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the loved and lost.

Loving hands had covered the grave of Kittie’s mother with a profusion of floral tributes, while the vicinity of the new-made grave was thickly carpeted with evergreens, and the fresh earth hidden from view beneath evergreen, trailing smilax and beautiful flowers.  An appropriate selection was sung by a quartette composed of Messrs. Tubbs and Sill, Miss Fannie Quereau and Mrs. Fowler, and prayer was offered.  Rev. S. P. Keyes.  Another hymn was sung and Mr. Keyes made a few brief but most  eloquent remarks, full of tender sympathy and condolence for the living and laden with tenderest love and sorrow for the dead.  Again the sad voices united in song, the benediction was pronounced, and all that was mortal of Kittie Underwood was tenderly lowered to its last resting place.

The many friends of the deceased had arranged to hold memorial services in the Universalist Church tomorrow afternoon, at the same hour that similar services are to be held at South Haven in honor of Mr. Foote; but Mr. Underwood’s family and the grandparents of the lamented young lady, desire us to state that they do not wish to have further services held.  Kittie was laid away so beautifully by kind friends that they wish to remember her gone away to her other home in the morning, bright as her own life, amid the flowers she loved so well.  They wish us also to return their thanks for the kindly thoughtfulness of their many friends.

Oconto County Reported
August 5, 1882

** JOSEPH LAWE has spent several weeks during the summer among the Indians west of us, looking for Capt. W. E. Dickinson’s little boy, who was stolen from Commonwealth last fall.

** THOMAS DORAN, a lad of fourteen got one of his hands so badly mangled by a know saw in the Oconto Co., shingle mill Wednesday that it was necessary to amputate all the fingers.  Dr. O’Keef performed the operation, which the little fellow stood with considerable heroism. 

** WE ARE in receipt of an anonymous communication from Pensaukee in which the writer charges one of his neighbors, a married man, with the heinous crime of rape upon a girl only fourteen years of age.  If it is one half as bad as the writer says, the fellow ought to be served worse than to be dared and feathered, as the writer suggests.

Oconto County Reporter
August 19, 1882

** DR. ELI  JENKS, of Chicago, assisted Drs. O’Keef, Beebe, Moriarty and Bold, of this city performed a very difficult and successful surgical operation Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Joseph Hoeffel being the patient.  A large water tumor located in the lower part of the abdomen and which attached itself to the intestines, bladder and other vital organs being removed.  The patient stood the operation surprisingly well and is doing as well as could be expected after such a terrible experience, and all hope for her recovery. 

** CHARLES ALT, who lives in the town of Oconto, came to the city Saturday, and unfortunately for himself and others, got drunk and into trouble with a prominent citizen of this city, who seem to have a penchant for getting into difficulty with everybody.  On going home in the evening, Alt, overtook a couple of Swedes who asked him to ride.  The privilege was granted, but after riding a short distance they were ordered to alight, and not doing so quick enough had their movements accelerated by two shots from a revolver in the hands of Alt, one of the Swedes receiving a wound in the arm.  The next day, Alt was arrested and placed in the county jail where he remained until the next day, when he appeared before Squire Bailey and plead guilty to an assault and battery, the wounded man being willing and paid a fine besides settling with the Swede.  We understand that there were mitigating circumstances connected with the shooting, which if true, robbed it to a great extent of criminality,  and that the course pursued by all in the sentiment of the matter was best.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

There is an average of thirty arrivals at the Beyer house.

A large party of campers out left here Thursday morning for Idlewild.  Among the number were; 
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis and son, Mrs. George Beyer, Will Ellis and Miss Wardwell of Peshtigo, Misses Aggie Mitchell, Ettie Orsborn and Mesdames Mullen, Scofield and young Doc Wilcox.

Oconto County Reporter
August 26, 1882

** A little child of Mr. Roscoe Gilkey strayed from home and entered a neighbor’s yard:  the gate shut on the little one, and he commenced to cry.  A stranger passing at the time opened the gate and allowed the little fellow to get the freedom of the sidewalk.  The child instead of going home toddled in a different direction.  The faithful dog of the family observing the little one wandering from its home started off in pursuit, and seizing the child by the arm turned him around and led him to his home.  The faithful dog pulled the latch string and pushed the child inside, and then wagged his tail and barked joyfully.  This is a true dog story.

September 2, 1882


A brutal murder was committed in this usually quiet and law-abiding city on Sunday evening last, the particulars of which briefly, are about as follows.  A German couple, Jacob Dreistadt and his wife, lived in a small one story building on Doty street, between Eleventh and Twelfth.  In the morning of that day there had been a christening of a child of Carl Hehr, who had married a daughter of Mrs. Dreistadt and step – daughter of the old man, at the seceding Lutheran church on Monroe Avenue.  In the evening they attended a party in honor of the event.  After returning home, the man somewhat intoxicated, a quarrel was heard by neighbors between him and his wife.  The testimony shows that neither the intoxication nor the quarreling were uncommon events and the neighbors did not think much about it.  At about 9 p. m., the report of the discharge of a gun was heard from  the house and immediately thereafter Mrs. Dreistadt ran out of the rear of the house into the yard, thence around into the street and thence into the yard of a neighbor, where she sank down exclaiming “I am Shot!”  Mrs. Waldo, Mrs. Lintelman and Mrs. Mueller came to her assistance and she told them that her husband had shot her.  Two men who were passing were called to their assistance and the wounded woman was carried into her own house.  Dr. Brett was immediately sent for but she died before his arrival.

Mr. Dreistadt, immediately after the commission of the crime, took his gun and started east along Doty street towards Newberry Park and East river.  Police Justice Brice and Chief of Police Bong, who had been notified, soon arrived.  They found the women dressed only in her night dress and that the shooting had been done in the front room, there being but two rooms in the house.  The charge had entered her breast and one arm, and the muzzle of the gun had been placed so near her that her garment and flesh had been blackened by the powder.

……..the search was made for the murder, the opinion being that he had gone into the grove and either shot or drowned himself.  Two men were set to watch the premises.  At about 5 a. m. the watchmen heard someone trying to enter the rear of the house and went around there, but the intruder, who was Dreistadt, slipped around the other side of the house and into the front door.  The first they knew of his presence they heard a shot in the house and on entering found Dreistadt sitting on a chair with his head bowed down and the blood streaming upon the floor.  He had shot himself in the chin with a shotgun, shattering the jawbone.  Dr. Bartram was called and dressed the wound and thinks it may heal.  He was afterwards removed to the jail. 

A coroner’s inquest was held and the jury determined that the woman died from a shot from a gun in the hands of her husband.

Mrs. Dreistadt formerly lived in Oconto, where her husband was killed in a mill about 15 years ago, leaving one daughter.  She came to Green Bay and was married to Dreistadt about 13 years ago.  Her age at the time of her death was 52 years and her husband’s 60 or more.  She supported the family by washing and other work, and he was inclined to drunkenness, probably drawing her earnings to gratify his vicious tastes.  Dreistadt had lived here a long time.  Justice Killian informs us that at the time of the rebellion he went from here to Oshkosh and enlisted.  While in the service he was badly ruptured.  He has been trying to get a pension but has failed, owing to the death of the physician in Oshkosh who examined him before entering the service and his inability to find the surgeon who attended to him in the army.  This failure has made him morose and probably added its influence to his taste for strong drink to induce him to commit the crime.

** THE Northern Cheyenne Indians, with whom the government has had a great deal of trouble, and who are now in Indian Territory, have declared their intention to emigrate to the Pine Ridge Agency, despite the wishes of the government, and a serious outbreak is feared.

** A CASE has just been concluded in the Detroit criminal court against a colored man and white woman who had been married some time and lived together as man and wife.  The case was brought under an old state law forbidding marriages of the kind, and the jury convicted.  It is said there are about one hundred such couples in Detroit.

** INFORMATION WANTED.  Information is wanted of the whereabouts of Freddie Mattison, who left his home at Stiles, Oconto county, Wis., on Tuesday evening the 29th of August.  He is fifteen years old, has blue eyes, light hair and complexion.  Was dressed in working clothes.  Any one giving information of his whereabouts will be suitably rewarded.  Address his mother, Mrs. MARY MATTISON, Stiles, P.O. Oconto Co., Wis.

He has a running fever sore on the knee of right leg. He goes by his step-father’s name of Mattison, but his own name is Reinhart.

Oconto County Reporter
September 16, 1882

** HENRY Bitters met with quite a painful and serious accident, Thursday, having one of his feet pierced by a rusty spike, which was in a plank that fell upon him.

** ALBERT Juth, of Little River who suffered an amputation of one of his lower limbs a few days since, underwent another operation Sunday, the same being performed by Drs. Allan and Moriarty.

** THE CHISHOLM’S mill in the town of How was destroyed by fire Thursday night of last week.  The mill was being run by Joseph Suring who was filling a contract for 30,000 ties for the St. Paul Eastern Grand Trunk railroad.  The loss on mill is estimated at $6,000, $2,500 of which is covered by insurance.

** EMIL PRATSCH who had been in the employ of Charles Hall during the past twelve years, died very suddenly Tuesday morning of the heart disease.  He came down to the store at the usual time, remarking to the boys in the store as he entered, that he came near “croaking” the previous night.  Passing from the store into the tin shop he walked to his bench and went to work.  After awhile, he sat down and leaned forward resting his head upon his hands as was his habit, in which position he was found, dead, in a short time after the breath had left his body.

Mr. Pratsch was about 35 years of age, was shy and unobstrusive and somewhat eccentric in his manners and habits.  Having been in poor health for a number of years, he was disposed to be alone, hence formed but a few friendships.  Those who knew him intimately, regarded him as a man of fair abilities, who possessed many good traits of character.

Mr. Hall immediately after his death telegraphed his father who resides at Oshkosh, informing him of the sad event and prepared the body for shipment to that place, whether it was sent in the evening accompanied by Mr. Hall and a brother of the deceased, who had arrived in the afternoon.

Oconto County Reporter
September 23, 1882

** A MAN by the name of Daniel Dunivan was arrested Thursday upon complaint of Maurice Coughlin, the railroad contractor for obtaining money under false pretenses, Dunnivan having placed a fictitious name on the pay roll and drew $35.00 which he 
converted to his own use.


researched by Richard LaBrosse

Ernest Weidner of this city won the first prize at the Green Bay Shooting Society, fourth annual festival held at Green Bay the earlier part of the week.

Frank and D.E. Wilcox have entered into a copartnership for the purpose of manufacturing, buying and selling cedar posts and ties at Cavoit Station.

Pensaukee—Last Friday while Sam Newton of Peshtigo was driving a herd of cattle over the Pensaukee river bridge, it suddenly collapsed and let the whole drove into the river.  Fortunately they did not have far to fall and most of them swam ashore without any assistance.

Oconto County Reporter
September 30, 1882

** THOMAS SIMPSON and oldest daughter, and Levi Lane, left Thursday morning for Canada, on a visit to the “old folks at home.”  There many friends wish them a pleasant visit and safe return.

** INVITATIONS to the marriage of Miss Aggie Mitchell and Mr. Clarence M. Rose have been issued.  The marriage ceremony will be performed at the Presbyterian church in this city on Thursday evening, October 5th.

** DANIEL DUNNIVAN, who was arrested last week for obtaining money from contractor Coughlin under false pretenses, had his examination Monday, before justice Bailey, and was bound over to the circuit court and required to give bail in the sum of $500.  Failing to give bail he went over to live with Call the jailer until next May.

October 7, 1882

**A MAN by the name of Daniel Barnow was arrested in this yesterday by an officer from Manitowoc county, for an offence committed in that county, and put into the jail here for safe keeping until evening, when he was taken to the scenes of his exploits. 

Oconto County Reporter
October 14, 1882


 MATTHEWS.  At the residence of his parents, in this city, Monday afternoon, October 9th, 1882.  George, eldest son of Mr. Ivory Mathews, in the 19th year of his age.

The deceased was one of the most popular young men in the city, and universally beloved by all that enjoyed his acquaintance.  He was quiet and unobtrusive in his manners gentlemanly in his deportment and had no bad habits.  In his death, society loses one of the most promising of its younger members, who, had he lived, would have been one of its brightest ornaments.  His parents, brothers, sisters and relatives, have the sympathy of all in their great loss and bereavement.

HANSON.  At his residence in this city, Saturday night, October 7th, 1882, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Charles M. Hanson in the 43rd year of his age.

Charley, as he was familiarly called, caught a severe cold some six years ago and contracted a cough that caused him trouble ever afterwards.  Last Friday morning, he went to the barn to feed and care for his horses as was his custom, and while there, was attacked with a coughing fit of such a severe character that he soon began to discharge blood copiously from his mouth.  He was taken to his residence and seemed to improve and grow stronger until a few minutes before his death, when he was again attacked with a coughing fit which caused fresh discharges of blood from the mouth, after which he soon expired.

Mr. Hanson was a native of Norway, where he resided until 1866, when he emigrated to this country with his family, and soon after came to this city where he lived and labored until his death, being a faithful employe of the firm of Holt & Balcom.

The deceased was an active member of the Masonic lodge in this city and took a great interest in the order, and was buried under the auspices of “his brethren”, the funeral services being held at the Presbyterian church Monday evening, the Rev. C. R. Burdick preaching the funeral sermon; after which the remains were taken to the “silent city of the dead” being followed thence by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, the deceased being extremely popular with all classes.

He leaves a widow and two children, a son and daughter, and a brother in this city, to mourn his departure from their society, who have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.

Oconto County Reporter
October 21, 1882

 **A MAN, whose name our reporter could not ascertain, fell dead Sunday, near the Richland House and his remains were taken to the above named house and prepared for burial.  The poor fellow we understand had no friends living in this vicinity and he was buried by strangers’ hand.

**TWO DRUNK and disorderlies were arrested Sunday night, at Frenchtown, by officer Smith and shoved into the calaboose where they made “Rome Howl” until morning, when they were taken before justice Bailey who gave them 20 days each in lieu of a $10 fine and cost in which to straighten up and be men.  One of the twain subsequently paid his fine and departed hence from the jail a poorer man, but with a better opinion of the law officers of the city.

Oconto County Reporter
November 4, 1882

**CHARLES DARROW, a rough from choice and instincts, without cause or provocation, assaulter Chandler Lamb in a most brutal manner Saturday evening. A warrant being issued for his arrest, he “skipped the town” and will probably keep out of sight until the excitement caused by his brutality has blown over.

**HUGH MOORE, of Maple Valley, was called to the city Monday, on a sad mission, it being to receive the remains of his daughter, Margaret, wife of James A. Mills, which were forwarded here from Menominee, Mich., at which place she died the previous Wednesday.  The body came Tuesday, and was conveyed by the bereaved father to his home and the day following placed by the side of her sister who died in this city last spring, and a brother who died a year previously.  The father and mother have the sympathy of all in their triple bereavement.

**DURING the year ending September 20, 1882, fifty-four persons were admitted to our county jail under commitments and sentence, and fifty admitted without commitment, mostly tramps, who were fined the next morning or ordered to leave the city for the city’s good.  Of the 54 committed, 37 were for drunkenness, while nearly all of the 50 admitted without commitment were drunk at the time of their arrests.  At the end of the fiscal year, there were twelve persons confined in the jail, six of whom are insane and six under sentence for various crimes and misdemeanors.

**THE REMAINS of Mrs. Gallagher, of Oconto Falls, were brought here for burial and consigned to their last resting place Thursday.

**DREISTADT, the Green Bay wife murderer, has been sentenced to a term of fifteen years in the state prison.  Being sixty-four years of age, it amounts to a life sentence, as he will undoubtedly die before the expiration of his term of sentence.

**FIFTEEN families, the advance of a colony of Germans are expected to soon locate in this county, they being influenced to come here by Mr. George Beyer, who, in a quiet way, is working for the best interest of the county and people.  Arrangements are also being perfected, by which over a hundred Swede families are to settle in this county next spring.  Let the good work go forward.

Oconto County Reporter
November 11, 1882

**ALEX “SANDY” DUTCH came from up north about three weeks ago suffering from
the typhoid fever.  Soon after arriving he was taken worse and pneumonia setting in baffled all the efforts of the physician to save him.  He died Tuesday night, Nov. 7th, and was buried the following day, his remains being followed to the cemetery by relatives and friends.  The deceased, was a man of many excellent qualities of both head and heart, and was well thought of by all that know him.

**FELL DEAD.  As we go to press, the sad news is received that our fellow townsman Joseph Pecor, fell dead from the effects of heart disease, where he was at work up north.  Friends have gone for his remains, more particulars next week.

** SINCE the death of E. Groleau, who was at the time of his demise proprietor of the  Globe Hotel in this city, the saloon in that hostlery has been run by Johnny Doran, the rest of the house being occupied by the widowed Mrs. Groleau.  Something about this way of conducting the business seems to disturb the peaceful rest of the departed Groleau, and to rectify matters he pays nocturnal visits to his old earthly home and terrifies the inmates thereof with his plaintive cries for “rest”.  Some skeptics are investigating the matter, and intend to see if this ghostly apparition does not consist of something more tangible than a departed spirit clad in a shroud.

** A FEW weeks since, a gentleman in this city saw an advertisement in a sporting paper, in which the offer was made to send a magnificient shot gun and a hunting belt to any body who would send the sum of $7.50 to the advertisers.  The advertisement also contained the information, that only a limited number of the gun were offered at that price simply to introduce them in the west, and that the advertisement would not appear again.  The gentleman, thinking it a grand opportunity to procure a good gun at a very reasonable figure, sent his money by express.  After waiting several weeks and not hearing from the firm to which he sent the money, he wrote asking why they did not forward his gun.  They immediately replied that the gun had been shipped as freight, and that he would receive it in due time.  In the course of a few days it came, boxed up as if it was very valuable.  He took it to his shop and sent for his friends to come and see his gun.  When all assembled he opened the box, the first exclamation that escaped his lips was:  By Je-hosephat?  Placing the gun in the corner of the shop he went about his work with a disgusted air and whenever his eyes would take in that gun there would be an explosion.  The magnificient gun of the advertisement was simply a piece of crooked lead pipe for a barrel, strapped upon an unvarnished stick for a stock, with a big wooden block for a hammer, around which it was necessary to look in order to take sight.  The beautiful hunting belt consisted of a piece of canvass to be fastened around the waist with strings, the entire outfit probably worth about three dollars a dozen.  For fear that the instrument of death, to the man who would be foolish enough to fire it, would crawl off, he took it home and tied it up.  He is extremely sensitive when asked about his new shot gun, and we would give his name if we were not afraid that he might undertake to shoot us with it and leave his wife a widow.  It is a nice gun.

** SOMETHING should be done with and for poor old Henry Harmser, commonly called Lump.  The old man is without home or friends and demented and should be sent to the poor house, instead of being allowed to wandering around the city sleeping where he can, obtaining food occasionally and suffering all the time.  His case should receive the attention of the overseers of the poor at once, and provisions made for his maintenance, in the interest of humanity.

** WE regret to learn that last Monday evening, F. G. Gardner of Pensaukee, met with a serious and painful accident.  In going from his office to the depot for the purpose of sending his mail south by the south bound passenger train, he stepped from the high platform in front of the office and sustained serious injuries.  The train was held several minutes, during which time Mr. Gardner was made as comfortable as possible, placed on the train and taken to Chicago, for surgical aid.  We have not learned the extent of his injuries, but hope they are not of a serious character.

Oconto County Reporter
November 18, 1882

** THE residence of Herman Poppe, in the town of Pensaukee, was struck by lightning last Saturday night during the rain storm which prevailed at that time.  The chimney was demolished, the shingles torn off the roof, and the plastering and casing in several rooms considerably disturbed.  Fortunately nobody was hurt, although there were several persons in the house at the time.

**JAMES M. ARMSTRONG, of the town of How, believes in doing good.  While in the city in attendance as a member of the county board, he was on the lookout for a wife for a German neighbor who is a widower and who has a good farm and six children who needs a mother’s care.

**WHILE in the city Thursday, Jas. Lucas informed us that he came to this county in 1859, and is supposed to be the father of six children—three boys and three girls.  That the first was a girl, the second a boy, and so on, alternating until the end of the chapter.  That the family, parents and children, weigh 1,550 pounds, and are still increasing in weight.  That in the month of October 1864, he enlisted in the Union army, and remained in the field until the close of the “unpleasantness.”  That the exposures incident to army life interfered with his health, and that he thinks seriously of applying for a pension on account of emaciation.  He claims that he has done well for his adopted country in populating it, and if some of the leading men in this city will do as well, he will try again.

Oconto County Reporter
November 25, 1882

** WILLIAM RECTOR, of West Pensaukee, having disposed of his farm and personal property, leaves Monday for Oregon, for the purpose of purchasing a ranch and engaging in the sheep raising business.  Mr. R. has been one of the substantial men in this county for years, and we are sorry that he has determined to leave us, but wish him abundant success wherever he may locate.

**JOHN McNANNY, who has been confined at the Northern Hospital for the Insane several years was brought back to this city Wednesday, the physicians at the asylum having decided that his case was incurable.  It was also decided, that there was no possibility of Miss Crawford’s ever recovering her reason and as there was no conveniences in this county for the confinement of insane females, arrangements were made for her keeping elsewhere.

**THE REMAINS of Mrs. E. A. Tourtillott who died at her residence in the village of Florence, on Thursday, were brought to this city Friday evening and consigned to their last resting place in the cemetery, near this city the day following.  The deceased was a remarkable woman in some respect, and won success in the face of adversities that would have appalled most of men.  She was kind hearted and generous, and her hand was ever open to the needy, many of whom will remember her with gratitude.

Oconto County Reporter
December 2, 1882

**A SERIOUS accident occurred to Mrs. S. Clauson, Thursday evening last.  While out on the street walking she stepped on some ice, and being quite a fleshly lady, fell with considerable force, breaking her right arm just below the shoulder, and narrowly escaping a compound fracture.  The broken arm was immediately set by Dr. Beebe, and his skillful treatment soon relieved her of pain.

**MRS. A. W. KIMBALL, wife of postmaster Kimball, of Green Bay, died at their residence in that city on the morning of the 28th ult.  She was a very estimable lady and her death is deeply deplored by all who enjoyed her friendship.

Oconto County Reporter
December 9, 1882

** LAST week under - sheriff Mc Gee took to the reform school at Waukesha, Willie oldest son of H. Lamprey of this city.  The little fellow who is as bright as a new silver dollar, and a child of whom any father might feel proud, was sent, at his own request, preferring to go where he would obtain an education and learn a trade, than to remain here and grow up to man’s estate without acquiring either.

** MRS. D. DAVIS, who has been the guest of Mrs. Ed. Davis for the past month, returned to her home in Appleton on Tuesday last.

**MRS. W. T. WALSH was called away on Saturday, to Depere, to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. M. Dillon.

** LAST week, so we were informed, a father in this city brutally kicked his little son out of the house, because the boy refused to go in quest of whiskey for him.  A practice that renders a man a brute becomes a crime.

**J. P.  DOOR will move with his family to Neenah, in the course of a couple of weeks.  We are sorry to part with “Fin” as a citizen, but our sorrow is somewhat nullified by the anticipation that in due time he will come back to us.

**ROBERT NEWTON’S children, three in number, were taken to Milwaukee last week, by Marshal DonLevy and placed in a benevolent institution, where the poor things will be cared for.

Oconto County Reporter
December 23, 1882

At the Richard House, Le Mars, Iowa, on Thursday, December 11, Mr. D. E. Wilcox and Miss Flora Page, both of Oconto, were united in matrimony, the Rev. Father Meis officiating.  Mr. N. Richard is proprietor of the hotel where the ceremony took place and is brother-in-law of the bride.  A select company was present, consisting of relatives and intimate friends only.  The bride wore a princess dress of cream-colored satin delaine with ruffled skirt; over-dress of brocaded satin, with square court train; square neck, filled with oriental lace; white illusion vail, caught up with white rose buds; diamond ornaments.

Miss Carrie Richard, niece of the bride, was first bridesmaid and wore a dress of brocaded pink satin and duchess lace.  Miss Ida Richard, another niece, was second bridesmaid and wore a dress of pink satin and Spanish lace.  The groomsmen were Messrs. Chas. Rudolph and Floyd Peters, both of Sibley, Iowa.

After the ceremony came the congratulations and a wedding feast, and the party left by rail shortly after 1 a. m.  They stopped at Chicago and Oak Park and reached Oconto on Monday morning.  At the wedding, quite a number of valuable presents were made, and others awaited them in Oconto.

Mr. Or rather Dr. Wilcox is a dentist by profession, although he is now a partner with a brother in the cedar post business, having a mill at Hart’s siding.  He has for several years been an inmate of Mr. B’s family.  She is one of the fairest and most popular in society of Oconto’s fair daughters.

The REPORTER unites with the many warm friends of the young couple in tendering to them our sincere congratulations, and wishing them a long and prosperous life, brimful of connubial happiness.

Oconto County Reporter
December 30, 1882

**CANUTE HANSON, of Maple Valley, is mad, and in a communication to the editor, of the REPORTER, swears by the “great horn spoon” that the report to the effect that he stole beef at Stiles is a lie, an awful lie, and that if he can discover the party or parties who first circulated the report, he will prosecute him, her or them to the full extent of the law.

**AUNT POLLY Doxtater with whom many of our older residents, especially those who formerly lived in Brown county, recently died in her home in the Oneida reservation at the age of over 97 years.  She was born at Cape May, N. J., in 1785, her parents being members of the Delaware tribe of Indians.  At the age of 17 she went to Stockbridge, N. Y., the headquarters of the Oneidas at that time and subsequently married into the tribe and came with them to this state (than a territory) at an early date.  She was highly respected by all those who enjoyed her acquaintance and endeared herself to all by reason of her kindness and sympathy in cases of sickness; and her departure is sincerely mourned by all of the older residents at and in the vicinity of Green Bay.


**Last Saturday afternoon, about three o’clock, Mr. Lingram, of this town, was coming home from Oconto on the railroad track in a state of intoxication.  When near Smiley’s crossing, Mrs. Wolf, who resides in a part of Mr. L.’s house, seeing the train approach, endeavored to get him off the track, but he resisted all her efforts, and in the scuffle the engine came suddenly upon them, knocking them both down and running over and killing Lingram instantly.  Mrs. W. had several ribs broken, and was otherwise internally injured to such an extent that her recovery is doubtful.  The body of Mr. L. remained by the side of the track until the passenger train went south in the evening, when he was taken to Oconto, at which place he was buried on Monday.


**We were pained, but not surprised, to hear that Mrs. Eaton McKenney had passed away.  It was an event long looked for, but still nonetheless sad.  She had been a resident of this town for more than twenty years, and by her many excellent qualities had endeared herself to a host of friends who will sadly miss her presence and mourn her loss.  We sincerely sympathize with the family in their affliction, and would that we could add one grain of comfort.  All was done for her that loving hands could do, but there was no help for that fatal disease.