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Flash From The Past - 1881

Oconto County Reporter
 January 8, 1881

**We have hardly become accustomed to writing “1880” before the kaleidescope of time changes and we add another to the number of years which have passed and gone.  It is a proper time for us to strike a balance and ask ourselves if we are any better or wiser than we were a year ago.  Have we, during the past year, done our whole duty?  Is the world the better for anything we have done?  Is there an aching heart that we have soothed by kindly offices?  Is there a struggling fellow who has been aided in his upward progress by word or deed of ours?  Have we done aught to relieve the burdens of the toilers who are with us?

If to the questions affirmative answers can be given, then has the year been a profitable one; if the contrary, then let us so act during 1881 that the wrongs of the past may be atoned for, and when we shall have joined “the silent majority” the world will be the better for our having lived.

To our many readers everywhere, we extend our hand and with it wish each and all a Happy New Year.

Horse Stealing

On the 13th day of October last, Wm. E. Volk of Oconto Falls bought a team of horses and harness from a man named Charles Aldrich, who lives at Big Suamico, for which he paid $125.00. He gave in payment a yoke of oxen and his note for $125. About two weeks ago, a cousin of Volk's came here to visit, and when he saw the team recognized it as property of a neighbor in Illinois, which had been stolen on the night of the 5th of October, just eight days previous to the time the horses were sold.  Volk at once went to work looking up the matter, and the consequences was that he had a warrant issued for the arrest of Aldrich for obtaining property under false pretenses, and also telegraphed the rightful owner of the horses to come on here and identify his property.  Sheriff McGoff arrested Aldrich on Tuesday morning and brought him before Justice Hart. Aldrich claimed that he purchased the team in Fon du Lac county, and as he has been dealing in horses for years the story was generally believed. The Justice placed him under $200. Bonds to appear before him on Thursday morning. Bail being secured he was released. The owner of the horses arrived here on Thursday morning. At the hour appointed for the trial the defendant, Aldrich, failed to put in his appearance, and a new warrant for his arrest was placed in the hands of the Sheriff, who is now looking for him. From what we can learn about the matter it really looks as though Aldrich stole the horses and drove them through here himself. The man, Joseph Tiffit, from whom the horses were stolen, is the keeper of a country tavern near Niles, Ill. On the 4th of October, from the description he was given of Aldrich, he is certain that he put up at his tavern.


researched by Richard LaBrosse

The birthday anniversary of Master Robert and Miss Gertie Ellis, at the residence of their parents, on Saturday afternoon last, was a very enjoyable affair.

Oconto County Reporter
January 15, 1881

**Killed—A young man named Jas. Ledvina was killed the latter part of last week, at some point on the Menominee river.  We were unable to learn in whose camp he was working, or the particulars of the fatal accident.  The remains of the unfortunate man passed through this city, Saturday night, on the way to his home in Kewaunee.  A brother of the deceased resides in this city.

**Badly Cut—Peter Johnson, of the south ward, was working in one of Holt and Balcom’s camps, about 60 miles from the city.  He was brought home on Saturday last with his foot badly cut.  The dorsalis pedis artery was severed, and the man was very weak from loss of blood when he reached his home.  He is now doing well.

**Took A Walk—Dr. Allan, was called to Stiles on professional business on Sunday last.  He is in the habit of getting out of his cutter and walking along behind his horses to warm himself up when he gets cold.  He did so on this occasion, but it proved disasterous, as you shall presently see.  While on the road between Stiles and this city on the evening of the day in question, he grew chilly and got out of his cutter to take his accustomed walk behind the horses.  The horses on previous occasions when they would come to a down grade would leisurely trot to the bottom and then walk.  But this time they did not let up on the trot, but kept straight on their course.  The doctor followed after but he didn’t overtake them until he had covered four miles and a few laps, when he found the cutter smashed into a match factory and the horses divided against a tree.  Neither the neck-yoke nor the tree would give out, and so the horses took a rest.  The doctor don’t care about any more walks for a while.

Oconto County Reporter
January 22, 1881

In town of Stiles, on Saturday, 15th inst., Martha, daughter of Levi K. Shores, aged 18 years.
The deceased was taken down just one week before her death with the measles.  Although pretty sick but little anxiety was felt for her safety until a few days before her death.  But congestion of the lungs set in, and her soul passed into the presence of its Maker as stated above.  Martha was a dear, sweet girl, beloved by all who knew her, and her death has cast gloom about the neighborhood that will not soon clear away.  The parents and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad bereavement.  The funeral occurred on Monday, the exercises being conducted by Rev. C. R. Burdick, of this city.  Her remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of sorrowing friends.

At Oshkosh, on Monday, 17th inst., Dr. Amos Lawrence, aged 67 years.  Dr. Lawrence was at one time a resident of this city, settling  here in 1856.  He had charge of the public schools here for five years, filling the position with great credit.  While here he married Miss Lida Barnard (since deceased), half sister of Thomas Millidge and Wm. Brunquest.  At the breaking out of the war he enlisted and entered the army.  While there he learned the practice of medicine.  After leaving the army he opened a drug store in Eureka, this state, which business he carried on for some time, after which he removed to Oshkosh where he practiced of his profession until his death.  The deceased was the father of Miss Minnie Lawrence, one of our efficient school teachers. 

** Chronology.  The following is a chronology of the local events of the year 1880.  It is complied from the files of The Reporter , and may contain some inaccuracies, as it is a hard matter to be correct as to dates when compliling from a weekly paper, but in the main it will be found pretty correct. 

1.   The new year opened bright and fair.  New Year calling indulged in.  There was a grand ball in Music Hall in the evening.
5.    New Jefferson school building first occupied.
10. Sabbath school concert in the Methodist church.
15. Narrow escape of Eddie LeClaire from drowning.  O. C. Cook’s logging camp on the 21. Sociable at Temple of Honor hall.
24   A young man named McGuire has a leg broken at Farrell’s camp. 
27  A German farmer’s dwelling burned in town of Oconto.
28 Pleasant card party at residence of Mrs. O. A. Ellis.
29 Masquerade at Music Hall.


9.  The Peake Sisters at Music Hall.  Turners ball.
11. Good Templars masquerade
7.    Miss Stella Adams treats a number of friends to a sleigh-ride.  Joseph Cox  severely injured at Sargent’s camp.
12.  Death of Mrs. Martha A. Marks.
16.  Dime sociable at residence of Mrs. O. A. Ellis.
18.  Social at Temple of Honor hall.
22.  Miss Hattie Leigh died of typhoid fever.


4.   Mrs. Chas. Butler, Maple Valley, commits suicide.
5.   Attempted outrage upon the person of Mrs. Fanny Crockford, town of Oconto.
10.  Masquerade at Link’s hall.
13.  Hoeffel’s smoke-house and contents destroyed by fire.
16.  John Salscheider injured while taking a trunk down stairs.
22.  Myron Reed lectures at Music Hall on Father Marquette.
24.  Samuel Klaus drowned while crossing the Menominee on the ice.
28.  Depot at Little Suamico burglarized.  Mr. Milton McNeil and Miss Ida E. DeLano made one.


21.  A two year old daughter of Frank Brabeau scalded to death by falling into a tub of boiling water.


4. George Birmingham’s house, in Brookside, destroyed by fire.
10.  Thomas Wilson robbed by his chum at Richard’s hotel, Frenchtown.
11. Burning of Oconto Co.’s barn and several houses in the vicinity.
12.  Peter Feeny has a rib broken by being struck by a passing train, on the C. & N. W. road.  A. Bostadt narrowly escapes drowning by being thrown out of a boat at Section street bridge.  Was saved by Frank Deimer.
17.  Lecture:  “All Sorts of Folks,” in the M. E. church, by Rev. H. Stone Richardson.  Peter Feeney died from injuries received from being struck by the pilot of a locomotive on the C. & N. W. Road.
28.  A small house belonging to Dr. Paramour, located near the depot, burned.
29.  The  dredge commenced improving the mouth of the river.  Dick Johnson’s barn, Maple Valley, burned.


1.    T. A. Chisholm’s cedar post mill, at Comstock’s place. Burned.  John McIver, of Stiles, loses all his buildings, except the blacksmith shop, by fire.
3.   The poll tax question tested before Justice Hart, and the collection of it defeated.
6.   Several Oshkosh kind of houses raided by marshal.  Walsh and the inmates brought before the justice delineator and fined.
10.  John Merhline’s house struck by lightning.
12.  The greatest flood in the history of Oconto is at its height on this day.  People are making their way about in the city in small boats and on rafts.  The sight is grand, but terribly expensive.  No streets nor sidewalks left, and the people living on the tops of their houses.  Dr. Beebe and horse take a bath in the river at Pensaukee bridge.
18.  R. L. Hall, Miss Hill and a boy get upset into the river while in a small boat near Superior street bridge during the great freshet, and come near being drowned.
19.  Temple of Honor celebrates the fourth anniversary of its organization by literary and musical entertainment at Music Hall.
22.  John Wood’s house, 4th ward,, burned.  Sociable at residence of R.  B. Yeaton, West Pensaukee.
23.  Clement Bros.Concert company at Music Hall. Eldred and Son’s fire-bank catches fire.  A six-year-old daughter of Wm. Johnson is rescued from drowning by Jimmy Morrison, aged 13 years.


1.    Concert and exhibition at Convent school.
5.    Henry Butler’s son, aged twelve, loses two fingers by a pistol ball.  The Temple of Honor celebrates our nation’s birthday at Peshtigo.
9.    Mr. Charles H. Calligan and Miss E. Ranget married at Little Suamico.
10.  Two women give a pugilistic exhibition south end of main street.  No cards.
15.  REPORTER office catches fire from the burning of Folsom’s ice house.  Saved but badly damaged.
16.  Mrs. D. Tibbitts, the oldest female settler of Oconto, takes her departure for Cherokee, Iowa.
17.  Birthday party at residence of T. H. Phelps in honor of Miss Estella’s eighth birthday.
20.  Ed. Scott, Oak Orchard, is severely injured by being thrown from a load of hay.  Thomas Remington and Matilda Nathan married.
21.  Warren Calligan is seriously injured by being struck in the eye with a lath.  THE REPORTER adds a new mailing machine to its outfit.
24.  Hickory post office established in town of Maple Valley.
25.  Fire in C. & N. W. company’s wood yard.  The City Hotel narrowly escaped destruction by fire.  E. D. Lesperance’s house struck by lightning.
27.  Jail limits established.  Social party at residence of Alex. McDonald.
28.  Mr. J. Preston and Miss Margaret McDowell married.  Mr. Alex. Quirt and Miss Jennie McDowell also made one.


4.   Wm. Luck’s barn burned.  C. Constine & Co. receive a new threshor.
7.   Suit of Mrs. Signer, West Pensaukee, against her husband for adultery dropped.
10.  Moses O’Shea has his hand terribly mangled by a slab saw at Pensaukee.
11.  Garfield club organized.
13.  Little May LeCourt killed by lightning in her father’s door opposite the Beyer House.
25.  Isadore Giesenburg has his hand badly cut by a circular in the Oconto Co.’s mill.
27.  The chimney on the  Wall Phillips new house on Oconto Street knocked off by lightning. Considerable damage was done to buildings, etc., by a heavy wind storm.
30.  Mr. John Hickey and Miss Mary Plockleman made one.


2.   Joseph Cota and Amelia Marek married.
7.   M. E. Sociable at Music Hall.  Rev. H. Sfone Richardson delivered a curtailed lecture on “Heros and Heroism.”  A petrified honey-comb weighing five pounds, found by Joseph LeClair in his garden.  Chas. Pocain has his hand badly cut by a know saw in Eldred’s mill.  Republican congressional convention held in court house.
8.   Democratic congressional convention held in court house.
10.  Georgie Ellis, son of O. A. Ellis, severely injured by being run over by one of the Oconto Co.,s horse cars.
11. A daughter of P. T. Williams was injured while riding in her father’s wagon by Louis Pahl’s runaway team coming in contact with the vehicle, upsetting it.
15.  40th birthday anniversary of  Frank Wilson celebrated at residence of M. K. Wellington, West Pensaukee.
22.  Musical and literary entertainment in Music Hall.
25.  Moses Coudare and Miss Harriet Bouffioux married.
29.  Chas. F. Dutton and Miss Seliva Porter married.


6.   Chas. B. Alvord, town of Oconto, loses his house by fire.
9.   Mr. And Mrs. Hohn Volk, of Oconto Falls, celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedded life.  Mrs. McGee’s millinery establishment destroyed by fire.
15.  Eldred’s boarding house burned with all its contents.
16.  Oconto’s first school-house demolished.
26.  Pat. Kelly has H. H. Woodmansee arrested on a charge of larceny.
30.  THE REPORTER entered upon the tenth year of its existence, changed in form to a six-column quarto, and printed on a new Campbell power press. 


2.   Election day.
3.   Geo. Hodges walked off Section
4.   Attempted rape on Oregon street.
7.   Joseph Lebrec becomes delirius and wanders to Superior street bridge where he remains all night and is badly frozen. 
8.   Meeting of stockholders of the  S. P. & E. G. T. R. R. John M. Armstrong begins carrying mail between this city and Ketshem (?)
10.  James Bohan died.
David Dexter has his hand badly lacerated in Oconto Co.’s box factory. 
20.  Fishermen along the bay shore experience a hard time of it battling with the ice.
25.  Thanksgiving.


1.   Washington school house catches fire from a defective chimney, but it is extinguished before any great damage is done.
2.   Andrew Wilson, of St. Nathans, has his house burned.
4.   Burglars enter Peterson’s store.
5.   Accommodation train put on between Marinette and Green Bay.
11.  THE REPORTER issues a sixteen –page paper.
13.  John Bechet has a leg broken in Spies’ camp, north branch.
20.  Mr. L. Gardner and Miss Stella Adams married at Minneapolis, Minn.  George Halblaub returns home to find his house ransacked and furniture stolen.
24. Joseph Cusda’s little child scalded to death.  Gospel ship at M. E. Church. Gospel ship at Presbyterian church. 
25.  Christmas.  Pleasant day.  Everybody happy or ought to be.

January 29, 1881

**STILES—A. Eldred has removed his Fort Howard store to Stiles.  H. E. Brehme is chief clerk, assisted by Fred Zapfe.  The store contains a good stock of groceries, provisions, boots, shoes, etc.  The salesmen are gentlemen who know how to wait on customers in an agreeable manner.  A harness shop and blacksmith shop are also in operation.

**ACCIDENT—Fred Darrow met with a painful accident on Monday last.  He was working in Matt Finnegan’s camp, near Gillett, on the main river and was struck on the shoulder by a tree-top (generally called a side-winder by woodmen.)  The shoulder was severely bruised, but no bones were broken.  The young man will probably be laid up for some time.  Mr. Darrow is exceedingly unfortunate in the woods.  He was nearly killed two years ago by a falling limb striking his head.

**PERSONAL—We are pained to learn that Robert Smith, an account of whose illness appeared in these columns some time ago, is paralyzed in his lower limbs.  He is still in Chicago, and his physicians think that six months will elapse ere he again is able to be about.

February 5, 1881

**ONE or two of the insane over the river in the jail seem to have more solid good sense than some people who will read this item.  They keep the snow and ice cleaned off their sidewalks about the county houses.  When you are through reading this take a peep at your own sidewalk.

**”THE world to an end shall come, in eighteen hundred and eighty-one,” says old Mother Shipton.  One month of the fateful year has already passed, and yet the only thing remarkable that has been noticed so far is a long spell of weather. And mighty cold at that.  The past month has shown no signs that the world is any nearer to its terminus than it was a thousand years ago, and the probabilities are that the balance of the year will pass along likewise.

**OUR POPULATION.—We are in receipt of census bulletin No. 57, showing the population of the state by counties, from which we find that Oconto county contains a population of 9,848.  The county contains a greater population, however, than the census shows.  The census was taken here last year at the time of the great freshet, when it was impossible for any one to do it correctly, and many families in the city were not visited at all.  Then Dobbstown was not visited at all, but put down as containing twelve people, when it is known to contain somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred.  From all the data we have at hand, we think that if the census had been taken under more favorable circumstances it would show the population of the county to be nearer 12,000 than the figure presented in the census report.  In looking over the census returns of 1875, we find that the county contained 7,755 souls. Taking it for granted the census of 1880 is correct, the county has increased in population in five years, 1,093.  This is not nearly as great as we could wish, but it affords some consolation to know that the greater portion of the increase comes from the rural districts, where new settlers have entered and taken up lands.  The increase has been slow, but it is permanent.  Let our city and county solons put forth the proper effort in inducing manufacturers and settlers to locate among us, and the county can double its population in the next five years.

February 19, 1881

**THE STORM,--Early last Saturday morning the severest storm of the season dropped down upon us in good old-fashioned style.  The storm continued throughout the day, piling the snow up in the streets and by-ways in drifts from three to ten feet deep.  The streets were almost entirely deserted, only those being about who were compelled to.  In the lumber woods work was greatly impeded and snow plows had to be brought in requisition.  The country roads, too, were made well nigh impassable.  No trains passed over the road until nearly night, and the mail due here in the morning did not reach here until Sunday.  Judging from the severity of the storm, the ground hog must have crawled into his hole on Candlemas-day and pulled the hole in after him.

**BAD BUSINESS.—Brookside station furnishes a little news this week of a rather bad nature.  Yet the pencil shover of THE REPORTER is always ready to carom on items, be they good or bad.  On Saturday last, a barn at that place, owned by a woman named Mary Zoeller, was burned with all its contents.  Her son, Louis Zoeller, was suspected of setting fire to it, and on Monday last a colored man named Sam Hunter swore out a warrant against him for arson.  Zoeller was arrested the same day by Sheriff McGoff and brought before Justice Hart.  The examination was postponed until the 24th inst.  The young man lingers over the river at the county hotel (jail). 

From this arrest springs three more.  Zoeller made complaint to Justice Hart against his mother, Hattie Calligan and the darkey, Sam Hunter for keeping a house of ill-fame.  The three were arrested on Wednesday and brought before Justice Hart.  Their examination was also continued until the 24th inst.  The trio slumber sweetly in the county jail awaiting the day that promises to produce some rich developments.

**ACCIDENTS.—Martin McDonough, of De Pere, was working in Hurley’s camp on the North branch.  While riding on a load of logs a short log slipped off the bunk, causing two others to slide together crushing his right foot between them.  The little toe was broken and the others badly bruised, the flesh bursting open at the bottom of his foot.  Mr. McDonough was brought to this city, reaching here at 12 o’clock, Wednesday night, and is now at the Dillon House where he is made as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

Frank Trepania was badly injured the first of the week in Eldred’s camp No. 2 on the main river.  He was butting a tree in a wind-fall, and his leg was caught between the butt of the tree and the stump, lacerating the flesh and muscles in a terrible manner, but no bones were broken.  Mr. Trepania was brought to his home in this city on Wednesday, and is now as comfortable as could be expected.

**A Model Justice. - Up on the town of Howe is a justice of the peace who
does things cheaply. Recently, a couple whose married life did not run
as smoothly as it ought to went to him to have the marriage vow
annulled. The justice after hearing the complaints of both gave them a
bill of divorce, for which he charged the modest sum of fifty cents. The
women went back to occupy the home she and her husband had lived in
during their wedded life, the man took the opposite direction to accept
the hospitalities of a cold, cold world and be a wanderer upon the face
of the earth. That's what he thought at the time, but it was to be
otherwise, as the sequel will show. Some days after, having forgotten to
take his razor along, he returned to his former home to get it. They met
upon the same threshold once more, and the lover of former days
returned. They concluded that they could now live happy in each other's
embrace, so they embraced. They took themselves once more into the
presence of the august justice, but this time on a different errand -
they  wanted to be hitched for better or for worse. No objections being
raised, the dispenser of justice made them one again, and all for a
dollar and fifty cents. Separated and joined together again all in one
short week for the sum of two dollars is not so bad. The justice acted
as judge, jury and prime minister in both transactions. Those
contemplating going into the divorce business will save much valuable
time and money by giving this man's court a call.

March 12, 1881

**The Neenah Times will please send a man up here to attend to our
correspondence with this city. A short time ago that paper told it's
readers all about the cheap divorce justice THE REPORTER had found in
the town of How. Not a day has passed since the article appeared in that
paper but what we have received from ten to fifteen letters enquiring
about him. We have more than a mail bag full now, and it looks as though
the whole city of Neenah wanted to get divorced at low rates. We are
perfectly willing to give all the information the troubled people of
Neenah ask for, but this divorce business is thicker than we can stand.
Our devil has actually grown humpbacked lugging the letters from the
post office. And the writers all desire an immediate answer with full
particulars of how to proceed in the divorce business. To grant their
requests would make us baldheaded, and ruin our bank account, and,
besides, we think the Times ought to care of it's own town. Gaze on this
for a sample of what comes rolling in day after day:

Neenah, March 1, 1881
Deer Sur: - the times tell of how yu hav a justice in oconto county what
kin give a poor divil a divors what don't liv on good turms with his
wife. Please let me no his name and post-office adress to onst and how
much he charges for the same oblig

Yures trooly,
Doxey Bollivar

This is only one of a thousand similar epistles and the end is not yet.
If the times cannot send a man to take care of the correspondence we
will try and induce the justice to locate and open up a shop in Neenah.
It looks as though he might do a rushing business while the population
held out.

March 19, 1881

**UNPROVOKED ASSAULT.—One of THE REPORTER’S many patrons in the town of Gillett sends us the particulars of an assault which was made on George Volk by Hank McQuinn, which are as follows:  While the pall-bearers were returning from the funeral of Johnny McMullen, on the 12th inst. They stopped at McIvor’s hotel, at Stiles, to warm themselves.  The man McQuinn rode from Oconto with them.  While Volk was standing with his back to the stove, McQuinn, who was under the influence of liquor, struck him on the head with a beer glass, knocking him insensible.  He followed this up with several more blows.  Our informant says that no quarrel existed between them, and the motive that prompted the dastardly act is not known.  We have since learned from another source that a warrant has been issued for McQuinn’s arrest.

**DRUNKEN INDIAN.—Officer Labbe arrested a festive Indian, Tuesday night, who had indulged in too much fire water.  He was lodged in the cross-bar exchange for the night, and arraigned before justice Mitchell in the morning, when he was required to tell where he got his liquid refreshments.  He stated that he had bought some at two places, and the parties whom he accused were summoned before the justice and fined them $5.00 each and costs.  The Indian promised to leave town before night, and was allowed to depart.

Some of the saloon-keepers of Oconto are liable to get themselves into serious difficulty if they persist in selling liquor to Indians and minors.  The laws are very strict, and if some of them have to take a trip to Milwaukee in charge of a U. S. Marshal, they will find it an expensive luxure.  We advise them to take  warning in time.

April 23, 1881
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

F.B. Gardner has commenced driving with full crews on both branches of the Pensaukee. 

The water in the river, which was pretty high on Sunday last and looked rather 
suspicious, has simmered down to its proper level.

A night school is soon to be started in Frenchtown under the direction 
of Mr. L. A. D’Avignon.

It has been definitely decided to build the extension of the Milwaukee and
Northern railroad through Stiles.

The Oconto will steam up the river today.

F.X. Brazeau and D. Turner, the enterprising Oconto merchants, started 
for Chicago Monday night.  They will spend the week buying goods.

Clarence Barnett has bought a lot of Marshal LeRoy, on Oregon St., and will build 
a house on it at once.

Mr. Schultz has opened his cigar factory over Woelz’s harness shop, on Superior 
street, and is turning out cigars that it would do your heart good to smoke.

Oconto County Reporter
April 30, 1881

The office at Coleman’s mill is being rebuilt.

Spies began running logs down the river to his mill on Monday.

The piles have all been driven for the foundation of Gregor Roth’s new building.

There is little danger of Oconto suffering for the necessaries of life.  It has one brewery and nearly forty saloons.

Prof. Geraldini is very successful with his dancing school.

Work on Chisholm’s post mill and tie elevator is being pushed rapidly.  We may expect to see it in operation as soon as the posts and ties begin to come down.

The tug Oconto steamed up the river on Wednesday last.  Her new machinery works like a charm, and adds greatly to her power.  In fact it is so strong that Capt. Hart has decided to place much larger buckets on her wheels, which of course will also add to her speed.

Miss Mary Matravers will take charge of the school at Oconto Falls, May 2nd.

Millidge’s store was burglarized on Tuesday night of between two and three hundred dollars worth of jewelry and a small sum of money.

The county board has concluded to sell the county farm as it is not advisable to go to the expense of building and keeping up a poor house when the county has so few paupers.

April 30, 1881
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

There is little danger of Oconto suffering for the necessaries of life.  It has one brewery and nearly forty saloons.

The central office, at Underhill & Mott’s drug store, treated the Reporter office to some delicious music by telephone, yesterday morning.  We have got this telephone business down so fine now that Underhill can’t wink without our knowing it.

May 7, 1881

**JUSTICE JINGLES.—A man giving his name as Freeman was picked up by
Marshal Le.Roy, on Sunday last, in a rather weak-kneed condition.  He
was lodged in the county jail.  On Monday he was brought before Justice
Bailey.  Fourteen days on the county wood-pile under the supervision of
Jailer Call, was all the comfort he could extract from that court.

ON Tuesday James Collins of Little Suamica, was arraigned before Justice
Hart for assault upon the person of John Smith with intent to do him
great bodily harm.  He plead not guilty to the charge, but the evidence
was such that the Justice thought it about the proper thing to bind him
over to the circuit court.  He was accordingly requested to give bonds
in the sum of $300, which he furnished.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY—United States Government: President, James A. Garfield, of Ohio; vice president, Chester A. Arthur, of N.Y.; Wm. E. Smith, Governor.  County officers; Thomas McGoff, Sheriff; George Beyer, treasurer; B.G. Grunert, clerk; Huff Jones, register of deeds; Charles Hall, clerk of court; A. Reinhart, Judge; and Dr. H. Allan, superintendent.  City officers; Wm. H. Young, mayor; A.M. Martineau, clerk; S.W. Ford, treasurer; Peter DonLevy, assessor; H. Allan, superintendent; and Frank LeRoy, Marshal.

The county board last week voted to have $ 100 worth of repairs put on the court house.  There is no doubt but what the repairs are necessary, yet a new court house and jail would look better in a city with the pretentions of Oconto.

Will Darrow has the knobbiest harness in the city.  It is nickel plated, of the finest finish, and was made by Fred Woelz.  It is nice enough for a wedding harness and perhaps it may be used for that purpose.

Ex-treasurer Tibbets disposed of his residence on Main street this week to P.G. Esson, the consideration being $ 1200.

May 21, 1881

**DROWNED—It is rumored as we go to press that Wm. McDonald, well known
in this city, was drowned in the Peshtigo river, Thursday, we are unable
to give any particulars.

Miss Jennie Smith, of Watertown, N. Y., is visiting Mr. Ward Smith’s family here. She came last Thursday and will remain during the warm weather. She is the sister of Mr. Smith.

May 28, 1881

A little child of James Doran is very sick, not expected to live.

Mrs. Geo. Birmingham has gone to Watertown, N. Y., to attend the last moments of her mother.

Mr. N. Shew continues to be very sick. He is not expected to live throughout the day, yesterday.

F. L. Whitney has bought a few acres of land in Peshtigo, five miles from town, and is going into the mercantile business as soon as he can erect a house and store.

**FIRES ON THE PESHTIGO.—We are informed by G. T. Porter that he has
suffered considerable damage by fire on the Peshtigo river.  One of his
camps has been burned, also a large number of logs which were cut.  He
also informs us that Judge Bartels, of Peshtigo, has lost about
2,000,000 feet of timber by fire.  The fires are still raging, and
unless we have rain soon much damage must result.

** PHILIP SHELL was arrested yesterday afternoon for chucking a beer keg
through the front door of Mike Maloney’s saloon.  He will linger
fourteen days across the beautiful river.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

An engineer has been engaged to lay out a village plat at Stiles.  The work will be done at once, for business purposes are being made every day.  It is reported that a large flouring mill is among the possibilities there in the near future.

The magnates of the Wisconsin & Michigan railway were over the line the first of the week locating depots at certain points.  In this county they located depots at Little Suamico, Pensaukee and Stiles.  The work of building the road is being pushed as rapidly as possible, and it is expected that trains will be running to Stiles early this fall.

A strawberry and ice cream sociable will be given at the residents of Mrs. T.B. Goodrich, on next Tuesday evening, for the benefit of the children’s library.

Mrs. David Wright left for Detroit Thursday night to visit her sister, Mrs. Harsha.

Mrs. T.C.Mills of Maple Valley spent several days in town this week as the guest of her sister, 
Mrs. H.W. Gilkey.

Syl Hoffel is building a dwelling house on State Street for his own use.  It is located on the corner south of the store and will be quite an improvement to that quarter of the city.  Mr. M. J. McCourt has the job.

June 4, 1881
researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

While men were pulling stumps on Esson’s farm the first of the week, during the thunder showers they crawled in out of the wet where best they could.  Hon. James Cooper, member of the saw-mill, was along, and was neatly doubled up under the butt end of a stump when a streak of lightening knocked h—ades (new version) out of one near by.  The shock was felt by the honorable gentleman under the stump, but he was left to tell the tale.

The assessor is busy making the grand rounds, and taking an inventory of the peoples poverty.  They are awfully poor, you know, about assessment time.

The long steps in front of the building at the corner of Section and Second streets, south side, have been removed.  Nightly on this corner a crowd of young loafers and blackguards would congregate, and every woman who passed was subjected to a course of the vilest language of which the hoodlums were masters.  For this reason the owner of the building removed the steps.  If the boys congregate there now, they will have to stand up.

June 11, 1881

** NEARLY DROWNED.—A little son of Geo. Goodnough was playing with
another lad, last Tuesday, near where Pierce’s mill formally stood.  He
ventured out on a boom stick, one end of which was fast to the shore,
and loosing his balance fell into the river.  His little playmate had
presence of mind enough to run and call Mr. Goodnough, who happened to
be near, and he reached the river just as his child was going down the
third time.  He sprang into the water and succeeded in saving the lad
after a hard struggle.  The current was strong and Mr. Goodnough was
encumbered with his clothing, so that he was completely exhausted when
he reached the bank.

July 2, 1881

**ONE of Dr. Wilker’s children has been very sick with typhoid Pneumonia.  The child was so low at one time that its life was despaired of, but at last accounts was, we are glad to learn, a little better, and hopes are entertained for its recovery.

**GEORGE BEYERS and W. H. Webster returned from Shawano, Friday evening, and reported, that they found the people there anxious for a railroad and newly ready to co-operate with any company that will built a road between Oconto and that point.  The result of the trip was very satisfactory and the prospects grow brighter each day for a western outlet.

July 9, 1881

**CHRIST WEINHOLDT is now carrying the U. S. mail between this city and Keshena, and is prepared to transport freight and carry passengers between the two places.  He will leave Oconto Tuesday mornings and arrive at Keshena Wednesday noon.  Returning, he will leave Howe Monday Mornings and arrive in this city the same evening.

** A HANDFUL of wheat straw measuring over six feet in length, raised on John Brazeau & Co.’s farm in the town of Maple Valley was brought to this city Monday.  The party who brought the straw informed us, that the entire field of .25 acres was equally as good as the sample.

**Mrs. M. Morrison has taken a trip to New York.  Her father, Mr. Lince lies at the point of death.  The old gentleman resided here a few years since and is the father of C. Lince. 

Mrs. Sayer, of Wilksburry, Penn. is visiting her brother D. L. Bush.

July 16, 1881

Oconto County Reporter
July 16, 1881

Quite a number of German emigrates reached this city Tuesday morning, to remain here or in this vicinity. We are glad to see them come, and hope that more may be induced to come to this county and improve our good farming lands, which wait the hand of industry, to make them yield bountifully and profitably.

Mrs. Maj. Scofield has gone to Know, Penn., where she will spend the remainder of the summer with friends and relatives. We hope that she will have a good time and return in safety to her home in the fall.


**A WEEK or two ago, in speaking of the death of poor Dennis McLaughlin, we stated that he died at the poor house, which was wrong, and did a very worthy couple injustice.  He died at the house of Michael Maloney, who with his wife did all they could to make his end peaceful, and gave him a Christian burial, partially at their own expense.

**THE many friends in this city of  E. K. Ansorge, of Green bay, will regret to learn of the death of his little boy, which occurred last Monday evening.  On the 4th of July, the little fellow while playing with a toy pistol shot himself through the hand making a flesh wound which was not thought to be dangerous.  The wound was dressed and he seemed to be doing nicely until lock jaw intervened, which caused his death at the time stated.  The funeral took place Wednesday, and was attended by several from this city.

**LAST Monday, a woman by the name of Mary Smith struck a child belonging to a Mr. Burkhardt, without any provocation.  The blow was in the face, and of sufficient force to throw the child several feet into the street.  She was arrested and had her trial before Squire Hart the day following, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $2 and costs or go over the river for seven days.  She went over the river.  Her only excuse for striking the child was that she was mad.  She will probably govern her temper in the future.

** MR. VERNON COLE of Waushara county, has located himself and family in this city for an indefinite period of time.  Mr. Cole is a first-class carpenter and joiner, and those intending to build and desiring good work  will do well to secure  his services.

July 23, 1881

**HERBERT SMITH, of this city, now an employe in the Range office, Quinnesec, had a narrow escape from death last week Tuesday afternoon, through the effects of an overdose of  laudanum.  He had been suffering quite severely with the tooth ache and used the laudanum to alleviate the pain.  Through some mistake he swallowed about 2/3 of a two-ounce bottle of the poison, containing 18 grains of opium, and in a few minutes, in going out doors fell down and laid in a deep sleep.  He was found in that condition about half an hour afterwards and carried into the office, where everything was done to restore consciousness, but all efforts proved futile.  Dr.’s Hutchinson and Mead were then sent for, and they, upon their arrival, immediately prescribed emetics with the hope of relieving the stomach of the poison.  In the meantime, Herbert apparently lifeless, was walked up and down the floor to awaken him from his slumber.  At the end of nearly four hours of constant walking, rubbing with ice, and taking of emetics, he exhibited signs of returning life, and in a short time was able to partake of stimulants and to walk with but slight assistance.  Taken all in all, it was a very narrow escape, and but for the watchful attendance of the physicians and employes of the office Herbert would undoubtedly have become an inhabitant of the other world.

July 30, 1881

Thomas Milbury has opened a meat market in the room formerly occupied by Parker & Porter, where he will be glad to wait upon his old customers and give them the best of steaks and roasts.

On Wednesday evening, Martin VanRisen, while painting his residence, fell backward off the scaffolding a distance of thirteen feet to the ground, suffering severe injuries. Dr. Allan has the case in charge.

Mrs. E. J. Cummings and daughter, of Oberlin, Ohio, have been visiting the former brother, H. M. Royce, during the past week.

D. S. Perrigo, of Oconto Falls, and old Vermonter, whom it is good to meet, was in the city Wednesday and made us a pleasant call.

D. W. Starrett, of Chicago, a former resident of this city, was here Wednesday, the guest of Mayor Young, with whom he “bunked” while in the service of Uncle Samuel during the “late unpleasantness.”

**The city was startled Saturday forenoon by learning that the boiler of the locomotive attached to the freight train which passes through the city at 10 o’clock, had bursted, the train was wrecked, one man killed and two seriously wounded.  Our reporter hastened to the place of the accident, which is three miles north of the city, and found that the accident was worse than reported.  The locomotive and fifteen cars were wrecked, Frank McLain, the head brakeman, killed, and his body and head badly mangled, William Egan, the fireman, severely injured, and P. Doyle , the engineer, injured, but not seriously.  The wounded were brought to this city, and placed under the care of Dr. O’Keef, and everything possible done for their comfort.  The body of the brakeman was also brought to the city by order of Supt. West, and prepared for burial, and then sent to Escanaba, where the parents of the poor fellow reside.  The wounded men were sent to the same place Monday.

Oconto County Reporter
Aug. 6, 1881

A little stranger called at a rather unseasonable hour last Sunday morning, at the house of Alfred Volk, who took him in and cared for him just as a father should, and now he is the happiest being in the world.

F. L. Whitney has sent his goods to his new home in Peshtigo, and his family will go to-morrow morning. We are sorry to part with them, but our best wishes for their prosperity go with them

George W. DeLano has exchanged his farm of 160 acres, which lies on the south road, two miles south of the Brookside Post-Office, with Martin Defendorf, of West Pensaukee. The Defendorf farm is owned conjointly by G. W. DeLano, W. J. Abrams, R. Cravath and Mrs. Marion Bovee. It will be laid out in lots for building purposes, a depot, post office, etc., and to be christened Abrams.

Mrs. Addie cannon of Milwaukee is spending the warm season in the home of her father, John Goddard.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

The initial number of the Enquirer, the new democratic paper, made its appearance last Saturday.  It is a very fine sheet indeed and does credit to its editor and publishers.  It is a six column quarto, well filled with interesting matter and almost perfect typographically.  Sharpe & Brazeau have done well, and deserve a liberal patronage from the members of the party whose principles they uphold.

Gregor Roth moved into his new hotel Monday, and is now prepared to entertain guests.

Abrams is to be the name of the new station on the Wisconsin and Michigan railroad in the town of Pensaukee.

Holt & Balcom would inform the ladies of Oconto and vicinity that in a few days there will arrive at their store the finest line of laces, lace collars and ties ever brought to the city.

The Methodist pastor, Rev. G. S. Hubbs, does not stop satisfied with saving souls.  He jumped into the river Saturday, and rescued a little chap who had fallen from the logs, without pausing to enquire what Sunday school the lad attended.

The new school house in the east ward, to replace the old building, is to be 50 X 60 feet, two stories in height, the first twelve feet and the second fifteen feet in the clear, the foundation to be of stone, with brick veneering and iron roof.  When finished, it should be one of the finest buildings in the city.

A beggar woman was in this city Saturday, carrying a child in her arms, the better to impose the sympathy of those she approached for alms.  She is professional, who has, to our certain knowledge, worked this country for the past seven years.  She always has a baby, which be some strange freak of nature never grows older or cleaner.  While we believe it the duty of all to give to those in need of assistance, we regard it a still greater duty to give the cold shoulder to those who are abundantly able to work, and who made begging a regular and a profitable business.  They should be dealt with as imposters and placed where they would be obliged to work for their “daily bread” like the common people.

August 13, 1881

A boy about ten years old, son of Capt. James Ramsey, fell into the river Wednesday afternoon just below Section street bridge and would have drowned, had it not been for Charley Miller who mounted a log and went to his rescue in time to save him from a watery grave.

Rev. Edward Royce, of Rochester N. Y. brother of our fellow townsman, H. M. Royce, Esq. Occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning. The reverend gentleman left for Oberlin Ohio, Monday night, where he will visit friends for a short time and then return to his home.

Miss Mary Spice, of Wallace Mich., is in this city visiting her brothers.

Mr. M. Farrell, who had charge of the boarding house here during the past two seasons, resigned his position last week, and he and his family have gone to reside in Maple Valley, where he has bought a farm. During Mr. Farrell’s stay here, he gained for himself a host of friends, who will be always glad to hear of his success.

Mr. Dick Code, of Oconto, took charge of the boarding house, Monday, and the boys all say that he dishes up a hash in good shape.

Joseph Hall, our rotund and accommodation postmaster, was at Green Bay Saturday in attendance at Mrs. T. O. Howe’s funeral.

**LITTLE Ella LaClaire fell into the river near her parents residence last Saturday and came very near drowning.  He sister Emma, who was in the house heard her scream and rushed to the river bank, jumped upon a raft and reached her as she was going down the third time, and pulled her upon the raft.

August 20, 1881

**A little fellow by the name of Ingraham fell into the river just below Section St., bridge while playing on some logs and was rescued by an employe of this office.  The practice of boys playing on the logs in the river should be broken up, or there will be some little wet angels one of these days.  A few doses of birch bark applied on the back with a birch switch within the bark, might have a tendency to keep them on earth a while longer.

** While Rudolph Ellman was walking along the sidewalk last Tuesday evening minding his own business, Charles Darrow without any provocation, assaulted him in a most violent manner pounding and bruising him quite badly, Darrow was arrested and taken before justice Mitchell who thought that he had broken the peace to the extent of $5.00 which he was requested to fork over.  Being destitute of wealth, the justice ordered him taken to the Bastile whether he started with officer Leroy, but meeting friends they put up for the fine and costs and he was released.

** We have been informed that there is a young girl in this city only fourteen years of age, who is going to the bad, unless she soon changes her habits and associates.  If she could only look into the future and see what awaits her, if she continues in her present course, we are confident that she would shun her evil associates, with the same loathing as the lepers of ancient times were shunned by their neighbors and kinsmen.  We know the young girls name, and write this to warn her, and to influence her to forever forsake those who would drag her down to misery and to a worse than physical death.

**An old man 65 years of age, known as St. Peter in the vicinity where he lived, was killed last Saturday afternoon, between Spaulding and Ferry, on the C. & N. W. R. R. by being run over by a freight train.

**Last Saturday night while J. Calva, a quiet peaceable man was in a saloon on Section St. quietly talking with a party of friends, Fred Klingbeil, a notorious ruffian, who enjoys the reputation of being the worst man in the city, entered the room with an axe helve in his hand and attacked Calva from behind, striking him several blows in rapid succession, before he could be stopped in his murderous attack.  The scalp on Calva’s head was cut in several places, one of his cheek bones broken and his head so badly pounded that it was a mass of wounds and bruises.  He (Fred Klingbeil) was arrested at once and taken to jail and Monday morning taken before Squire Edwin Hart charged with assault with intent to kill and committed to jail until Thursday for examination.  The examination resulted in his being held to the circuit court, and his bail fixed at $1,000, which sent him “over the river.”  We understand that had Klingbeil not been arrested at once, an effort to lynch him would have been made, the rope having been procured.

August 27, 1881

We regret to learn that Thomas Todd, who has been a resident of this city for nearly a year, left Monday evening for his home, Malone, Franklin county N. Y. Mr. Todd is a very exemplary young man, and we are sorry that he has concluded to return to his home.

Jos. Suring, of the town of How, was in the city Tuesday and dropped in and made us a pleasant visit. Mr. S. settled in the above named township, two indians and himself consisting the entire population. Now the township is quite thickly settled with a thrifty industrious class of people, and more are constantly coming. He thinks there is no better land in the state, and that in the course of five years it will be one of the wealthiest farming districts in the west.

**One of the saddest accidents that ever happened in Oconto County, occurred at West Pensaukee last Saturday evening, to which two young men, George and David Cleveland, each came to an untimely death.  Geo., who was having a well dug and his two brothers  David and Levi, were helping him to dig it.  They had been working at the well several days and at supper time, 5 o’clock, Saturday evening, they had dug it to a depth of thirty-five feet.  After supper at about half past five o’clock, the three men went to work, and George and Dave entered the well while Levi remained to attend to the windlass above, just as they had reached the bottom, they discovered that the well was caving in on them, and they began to realize the terrible fate that was awaiting them.  They tried to save themselves by climbing the ropes, but before they had time to reach the top, the well was completely filled with the falling dirt and sand and the two unfortunate men were buried alive.  Assistance was immediately summoned and the digging for the bodies commenced, but it was almost eleven o’clock before the bodies were gotten out.  Bleeding and other restoratives were resorted to but they were of no avail for both men were dead.  The funeral services were held on Monday, and their remains were followed to the cemetery at Wilson settlement by the largest cortage of mourning friends that was ever seen at West Pensaukee.  George Cleveland was married and he leaves a wife and one child, besides his mother and other relatives to mourn his irreparable loss.  Dave was a single man and was the support of his aged mother who lived with him.  The untimely death of her two sons has completely prostrated the old lady with grief and it is feared she cannot survive the shock.  Each of them had a farm and they were both industrious and persevering young men.  They were kind and gentlemanly in all their actions and the news of their death brings sadness to every one.

**Last Saturday, while Frank Morrison of Brookside, was standing with a ½ pound package of rifle powder in his hands, he undertook to knock off the ashes of a cigar which he was smoking by striking it against the package of powder, which ignited, and an explosion was the result.  Mr. Morrison was considerable burned in the face and it was thought that his eye-sight was destroyed.  G. W. DeLano who, very fortunately, was at the store with his horse and buggy, took the unfortunate victim of the accident in his buggy and brought him to this city making the drive in forty one minutes.  He was placed under the care of Dr. Beebe who at once took measures to save his sight and will, we are glad to learn succeed.

Miss Julia A. MaGee on the fifth of September will open a select school in the building just east of Underhill & Motts store.

Two “fakirs,” one selling a villainous compound, warranted to cure any disease, from the last stages of consumption down to a wart, at fifty cents a bottle and throwing in $ 5.00 worth of jewelry, and the other selling lead pencils and throwing in gold watch chains etc., were in the city Wednesday night, humbugging the easily humbugged.  The city authorities should place their licenses so high that the city would be spared their presence.

Tuesday last, at about 9:30 P.M., the saw mill in this city owned by A. Eldred & Son, of Fort Howard, was discovered to be on fire, and the alarm was given, but before the engines could be got on the ground the building was enveloped in flames, indicating that the fire had been under headway a considerable length of time before discovery.  Two scows loaded with lumber near the mill were burned, making a total loss estimated at $ 60,000.  One hundred and thirty men are thrown out of employment by the destruction of the mill, which will be a serious loss to the city.  We understand that it is the intention of Messrs. Eldred & Son to at once begin the erection of a mill at Fort Howard, and have it in operation within sixty days. 

Wednesday morning at 6, the fire alarm again sounded, it being occasioned by a fire in Holt & Balsoms lumber yard, south of Oregon St.  Some three hundred dollars worth of lumber and lathes was destroyed before the fire was extinguished.  The fire caught from sparks from Eldreds mill.

September 3, 1881

Oconto County Reporter
Sept. 3, 1881

L. H. Brown, of Bath, N. Y. one of the earliest settlers on this county, was in the city Tuesday, and in company with Mr. A. Cole went out to Stiles, where both worked when they were young men, in the “good old times”, when fashions were unknown and styles as varied as the tastes of the individuals.

** CONSIDERABLE trouble is being experienced with some of the Indians at Keshena.  It seems that a band of Pottawatomies from Kansas, has been among them instituting dances and other ceremonies belonging to a secret order known to the whites as “Dreamers,” thereby causing all but the “Catholic Indians” to leave their peaceful avocations to take part in the pow-wow.  This being strictly against the orders of the agent, he caused the arrest of four of the leaders when the war-whoop was raised and the prisoners released.  Threatening demonstrations being made, the agent withdrew.  The Indians claim to be peaceably inclined, but do not wish to be molested.  Two familes have fled to a place of safety.  The Secretary of the Interior has telegraphed Gov. Smith, that he has ordered a small body of United States troops to Keshena for the protection of the agent and that if the whites are in danger the Governor has the power to protect them by calling out the state militia.

**The Indian scare at Keshena, proves to be huge farce for which the agent proves to be responsible and for which he should be discharged.  From parties who have come from the reservation we learn that the Indians are peaceable, quiet and well disposed, and that the reported trouble is all moonshine.

**Last Saturday news was brought to the village of Sturgeon Bay, that a crazy woman was trying to kill one of her neighbors, and the sheriff was requested to go at once and arrest the maniac.  Deputy Scott started with a team as soon as possible for the place, which is about two miles from the village, and upon his arrival found the woman throwing stones at her neighbors house and breaking some of the windows, having previously knocked Mrs. Schible down with her fist.  The officer coaxed her into the buggy with him and after considerable trouble, brought her to the village and placed her in the jail, when it was learned that the woman’s name was, Mrs. Herman Bevert who resides with her husband in the town of Jacksonport.  During the night following her arrest, she tore her clothing into shreds, it being her intention evidently to commit suicide by hanging herself.  She is a raving maniac and will probably be sent to the Oshkosh Asylum for the insane.

September 10, 1881

Hunter Orr was unexpectedly called upon last Thursday to perform the marriage ceremony of Nellie Rice and Mr. Utter, of Peshtigo. The happy pair took the p.m. train for their future home at Peshtigo. 

Alex. McDonald, while hewing timber for the W. & M. R. R. almost severed his large toe from the foot, by a blow of the axe.

**It takes 800 full-blown roses to make a tablespoonful of perfume, while ten cents worth of cooked onions will scent a whole neighborhood.

** Quite a number of people from the state of Michigan, have settled in the town of Howe during the past summer, and we understand, that many families will come next season.

**The beginning of hardships is like the first taste of bitter food—it seems for a moment unbearable, yet, if there is nothing else to satisfy our hunger, we take another bite and find it possible to go on.

**PAINFUL ACCIDENT.—Early Thursday evening, while Dennis O’Keef, night engineer at Holt & Balcom’s mill, a position he has occupied for the past fifteen years, was at work above the sawdust carrier north of the range of boilers, his pants became attached to a nut on one of the wheels in such a manner as to render it impossible for him to extricate himself from his perilous position, and his foot was literally torn from the leg, only hanging by a small strip of cuticle when he was removed.  The bones between the foot and knee were badly fractured, and the flesh stripped off to such an extent that the bones protruded several inches, making a ghastly and sickening wound.  Drs. O’Keef and Allan were soon on the spot, and the man was removed to the firm’s boarding house near by, where the injured member was amputated, after which Mr. O’Keef was removed to his home.  He bore his terrible injury heroically, and while lying in the mill, prior to his removal to the boarding house, he conversed unconcernedly, telling those present not to put any water on his head, and he also gave directions for his removal, so as not to cause unnecessary pain.  Friday morning after resting quietly through the night he awoke and vomited several times, but did not seem to be suffering much pain.  The unfortunate man is about sixty years of age and has resided here a long time, and has by his correct life and genial ways made himself popular with all classes, who sympathize with him in his misfortune and hope for his speedy recovery.

September  17, 1881

George Booker, of Maple Valley, is in this city, having come here to place himself under the doctor’s care, his health being considerably impaired.

Mrs. D. N. Morgan, who has been visiting here with her son, H. G. Morgan, during the past three months, left Monday, and is now visiting relatives in the state of New York. Her husband has been visiting there since June.

**During the week, an attempt was made to kill Guitteau.  Serg’t. Mason, one of the guards at the prison fired at the miserable wretch through his cell window and unfortunately missed him.  The assassin squat down in a corner of his cell and bellowed like a calf and it was a long time before he could be prevailed upon to arise.  The Serg’t. was ordered under arrest and when questioned in regard to the affair said, that he did not enlist to guard murders.  Mason has been sick for some time and it is thought that he is a little out off his mind.  Guitteau has been placed in another cell and the window covered at his request.  He is an arrant coward and shivers at every sound and prays most of the time.  We don’t know what punishment will be meted out to Mason, but he certainly deserves a severe punishment for not having a better aim.

September 24, 1881

Hon. Sat. Clark, a well-known democratic politician of this state, fell dead on the afternoon of the 20th inst., on one of the streets in the city of Minneapolis Minn. He was one of the earliest pioneers and for many years one of the leading men in the territory and state. His wife was a daughter of the late David Jones and sister of Mr. Huff Jones, of this city.

**The Clintonville Tribune speaks of a man at Merrill being instantly killed, and then says that the poor fellow lived eight hours after the fatal accident, his brains protruding through a terrible wound in his head.  If the man had been killed suddenly, he might have been alive to-day.  Men should not be killed instantly, as they are apt to suffer too much before they die.

October 1, 1881

Mrs. H. O. Wilson and Mrs. Dug King, both of Janesville, are in the city, the guest of Frank D. Wilson, son of the former and brother of the latter.

P. B. Richer, of Brookside, marching with the veterans Monday. He was a member of the 3rd Wis. Infantry during the rebellion and would like to obtain the address of some comrade in this county who served in the same regiment.

Green Bay Advocate.
Menominee Herald.
October 1, 1881

**About a quarter past 2 o’clock on Monday afternoon last, while a greater portion of our people were participating in the memorial services at Turner Hall, a bloody tragedy occurred near a house of ill-fame in Frenchtown.  It will be remembered that about two years ago two brothers Frank and Jack McDonald, were arrested at Quiunesee by ex-sheriff Ruprecht, for resisting an officer, placed in jail and in due season were “sent up” for 18 months in the state prison.  They  returned a few weeks since, having served out their sentences, and went to work at the Culbertson mill.  They stated, so we hear, that they had come back to pay off some “old debts” meaning, no doubt, to get revenge.  They were hard-hearted, villainous men, and were no strangers to crime and prison.  On this occasion they met William Kittson at the bagnio above mentioned, got into a row with him over an imaginary insult, and proceeded to attempt his chastisement.  Norman Kittson went to his brother’s relief and soon the McDonald’s and Tommy Dunn were engaged in a desperate fight with the Kittson’s which resulted fatally to William and the very serious wounding of Norman.  He lies in a critical state at this writing and there is but little hope of his recovery.  We haven’t  the space to give the details in full, but will state that the Kittson brothers fought well against the prison birds and their pal.  The news of the tragedy spread rapidly, and in less than two hours the McDonald’s, Dunn and the inmates of the “shebang” were safely lodged in jail.  Sheriff Barclay and Deputy Brooks made short work of it.  After their incarceration, threats were made of lynching them, accordingly an extra guard was placed over the premises on Monday night.  Nothing occurred to disturb the peace and quiet of officers or prisoners but on Tuesday the threats were renewed and the officers had made what they deemed sufficient preparation in case an attempt was made.  Many thought it was mere idle talk and passed it by as such.

Before 6 o’clock p. m., the avenue fronting the court house was filled with people, and by 10 o’clock the premises were literally surrounded by a determined crowd, bent on the destruction of the prisoners.  Resistance was deem useless although, according to a preconcerted plan, the court house bell was rung to summon assistance, but the jail was entered, the cell door battered in and the McDonalds secured.  The ropes were adjusted about their neck and they were dragged out doors, where a few moments were given them to pray.  The older brother was cool and defiant to the last, but the younger McDonald  plead for mercy.  The infuriated crowd dragged them up the avenue to the scene of the murder the day before, but had not gone far before both men were dead.  The bodies were hung to the railroad crossing sign board, but they were removed again and taken to a tree in front of the bagnio.  Then the participants finished their work by setting fire to this disreputable place, which again called out the people and the fire departments on both side of the river.  By this time it was after 1 o’clock.  The bodies were left hanging until this Wednesday morning, when the authorities took them in charge.  Thus ends the story in brief of the McDonald desperadoes.—Menominee Herald.

**MURDER AT PESHTIGO.  At Peshtigo, on Sunday last, a man named Smith loaded up an Enfield rifle and went up the upper Sugar Bush road about two miles to a place called the “Sand Hill,” where he lay in wait in a place of concealment until D. F. Pecor (Pecard) a half breed French and Indian, came along, when he shot him.  Pecard fell to the ground over the dash-board and soon after expired.  Smith was arrested next day and acknowledged, on examination, that he committed the deed.  He claims that Pecor was instrumental some years back, by illicit intercourse with his wife, in breaking up his family relations, and a separation took place between them.  We are told that Smith had brooded over the matter until his mind was worked to that state that he became an assassin.—Green Bay Advocate.

October 8, 1881

The sheriff of Menominee county, Mich. was in this city one day during
the week, looking after parties who helped lynch the McDonald boys last
week. Somebody ought to have thumped him for his cowardice in not
defending his prisoners to the bitter end.

**Mrs. J. A. Wilson will leave soon to spend the winter with her son in Kansas.

** Fears are entertained that the recent heavy rains may induce rot in potatoes on low ground.  It has been amusing lately to see parties hereabouts strip to the knees and wade in with hoe and basket.

** J. H. Smith succeeds O. Evans, who was lately married and transferred from this place to Iron Mountain Station, Mich.  Mr. Evans and his accomplished young wife have the best wishes of their many friends in their new departure, who hope, they may have a happy and prosperous voyage down the turbulent river of life, and a safe arrival at the beautiful port beyond.

** The marriage of Miss Lizzie McTaggart takes from our city one of our most popular young ladies.  Her husband is to be congratulated for his success in winning such a bride and the people of Florence where she will reside in the future, such a valuable acquisition to their social circles.  She leaves a host of friends in this city, whose best and kindliest wishes she carried with her to her new home.

October 15, 1881

** Last Saturday morning, a tramp either crazy, drunk or both, entered the residence of Mr. John Hoffman who lives near the box factory.  Mrs. H. was alone with her two little children at the time and his action and conversation frightened her and she called for help.  Mr. Clarence Hulbert came and ordered him away and he very reluctantly left there and entered Mr. Alex. McDonald’s house.  Mrs. McD. Immediately called in the city marshal who ordered him to leave the premises.  Instead of doing so, he then struck the marshal in the face with his fist, whereupon the marshal struck him over the head with his cane felling him to the ground, cutting an ugly gash in his head.  The marshal went to get a team to take the man to jail, and while he was absent the tramp got up and wandered away.

 October 22, 1881

** The authorities of Delta Col, Mich., offer a reward of $500, for the apprehension and delivery to the sheriff of that county one John Multhaupt, alias Whiskey Smith, who is also known as Joe Stephens.  He was held for an attempt to commit murder and escaped from jail on the 16th of August last, since which time he has been at large.  He is described as follows:  About 23 years old, 5 feet and five inches in height, weight about 140 pounds; is light complexioned, light hair which is inclined to curl when worn long, little beard, light gray eyes, and a sneaking look.  Mouth very large.  When last heard from he was in this city.

**THE Marinette Star says:  That there is not sufficient life in this city to hang anybody.  If the taking of human life by a drunken howling mob is the standard by which the enterprise of a place is to be determined, we thank God, that Oconto is destitute of that kind of life.

**The tramp whom we mentioned last week as being knocked down with a cane by the marshal, wasn’t a tramp, neither was he knocked down by the marshal.  He is a harmless lunatic and was squelched by a cane in the hands of a constable who was probably unacquainted with his peculiar eccentricities.  The city marshal avers, that he is not that kind of a huckleberry.

** HOW ITEMS.  A word to those wanting cheap homes and I am done.  There is the best chance here for poor men, such as have little or no means to start with, that has ever come under my observation.  If a man has an ax to start with, he can get a good living, there being a ready sale for almost every thing in the line of timber, logs, telegraph poles, fence posts, ties, staves and shingle bolts.  There is plenty of work for men and teams in the lumbering camps in the winter, and in summer, a man can clear and cultivate his land.  Good land can be purchased here for 2 1-2 to 4 dollars per acre.

** BROOKSIDE BUBBLES.  We are having more rain than is actually necessary, but it is better to suffer a little by too much rain than lose our lives and property for the want of it.

**The Rev. Mr. Eberhart, of the Universalist denomination, from Ft. Atkinson, delivered three discourses here, one Saturday evening, one Sunday morning and evening.  He has been engaged to give five lectures here, commencing Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd, will lecture Friday and Saturday evening, Sunday morning, at 10:30 in the evening at 7:15.  The first three lectures are to be doctrinal.  All who read this notice and those who do not are invited to attend and listen to a speaker who knows how to handle his subject in a masterly manner.

**The following is the disposition made of the cases on the calendar:
 Sarah Roe vs. Richard Roe.—Judgment of divorce.
 Mattie E. Bice vs. Wm. M. Bice, Marinette Co.—Judgment of divorce.
 Mary C. Luke vs. John Luke, Marinette Co.—Judgment of divorce. 
 Laura L. Bush vs. Wilber Bush.—Judgment of divorce.
 John S. Crane vs. Augusta Crane—Judgment of divorce.

Oconto County Reporter
October 22, 1881
Contributed by Dave Cisler
Transcribed by  Cathe Ziereis

Joe Suring settled here in 1876 when the total population consisted of two Indians. There is the best chance here for poor men, such as have little or no means to start with. If a man has a ax he can get a good living there being a ready sale for almost everything in the line of timber, logs, telegraph poles, fence posts, ties, staves and shingle bolts. There is plenty of work for men and teams in the lumbering camps in the winter, and in the summer a man can clear and cultivate his land. Good land can be bought here for $2.50 to $4 per acre.

November 5, 1881

The remains of Samuel Moore were brought from Michigan to this city Saturday night, and taken to Maple Valley for burial. Mr. Moore was a young man much respected by all who enjoyed his acquaintance.

Last Tuesday night while Phil Shell was perambulating toward the Bay Shore, he wondered into a slough and wallowed about in the mud and sawdust for several hours before he succeeded in reaching terra firma. It is a wonder that he got out at all, as the night was very dark, the water up to his mouth which he had to place where the top of his head ought to be, to prevent the mud and sawdust from running in.

On the 25th ult., John Danak, of this city, and Miss Anna Kuccra, of West Kewaunee, were joined in holy bands of matrimony at the home of the bride. We are unacquainted with either of the interested parties, but wish them heaps of happiness just the same.

** The report that Thomas Simpson does not desire to be sheriff and that he is running in the interest of others, is entirely destitute of truth.  Mr. Simpson desires the office and if elected will discharge the duties of the same to the best of his ability, and we believe, to the satisfaction of all.  Voters should be on their guard, that they be not deceived by those, who, failing to find anything against Mr. Simpson’s character, try by falsehood to influence the public to vote against him by saying, that he does not desire the office.  Vote for honest Thomas Simpson, the popular candidate.

**Mr. And Mrs. Charles P. Tinney, left for Stillwater, Minn. Last Monday evening, where they will remain for a short time and go to Minneapolis, where they will reside permanently.  This estimable young couple leave a host of warm personal friends shoes best wishes they carry with them to their new home.

November 12, 1881

Oconto County Reporter
Nov. 12, 1881

We learn from Florence Mining News that a little six-year-old son of Capt. Dickerson, superintendent of the Commonwealth Mine near that village, strayed from home Tuesday of last week, and had not been found up to the last intelligence received. A public meeting of the citizens was called when the fact became known, and hunting parties sent in all directions in guest of the little fellow. Some think that he has been drowned. A reward of $200. Has been offered for his recovery.

**WILLIAM KUHL, who was taken from Milwaukee to Menominee under the supposition that he was Lon Williams one of the murderers of THE Coleman brothers, was discharged by the authorities of Dunn county, they having become convinced that he was not the man.

**SINCE the organization of the state prison 107 persons have received a life sentence, and of these 58 have been discharged, 8 by death and 50 by pardon and other ways.  There are at present 52 convicts serving a life sentence ; and it costs the state $56  a year to keep them, over and above their earnings.

**Richard Cashman, of Jones Creek, had a mammoth cabbage which it was his intention to bring to this city for exhibition, but one night while he slumbered, a herd of cattle got into his garden an eat it up.  From a party who saw the vegetable we learn, that it was about three feet in diameter and would weigh something less than a ton.

November 19, 1881

** The marriage notice of Clarence M. Brooks and Miss Emma A. Porter of this city, appears in this issue and announces the second most important event in their respective lives.  Our acquaintance with the happy couple has been limited, yet sufficiently extensive for us to predict that they will be happy, which is the earnest wish of all connected with the REPORTER.

**Paul Darling, with whom many of our people were acquainted by reputation if not personally, died at his home in Pennsylvania last Friday and buried Sunday.  In disposing of his vast estate by will, he will Maj. Scofield of this city $30,000 and the major’s youngest boy, Paul Darling, $200.  We are glad that the major is to be the recipient of so handsome a bequest, and congratulate him upon his good luck.

November 26, 1881

Mrs. Ballard, of Chicago, who has been the guest of her sister Mrs. A. Cole for several weeks, departed for her home Monday evening.

W. H. Webster left Tuesday evening for Michigan, to spend thanksgiving with his parents. He will be absent until the fourth of next month.

**Last Thursday evening an individual filled with benzine went into stores and being noisy and disorderly was put out, finally he was arrested by one of the city officers who supposed him to be “Whisky Smith” wanted at Escanaba for an attempt to commit murder.  The Sheriff of Delta county was telegraphed for and came here only to find it was another man.

**Last Saturday, Marshal Leroy acting in obedience to an order from the city superintendent of poor, went to the abiding place of one Robert Newton for the purpose of taking Newton’s children, three in number, who were in a naked and starving condition, to the city poor house.  Upon making his errand known, Newton caught up an axe he had laying near the stove and attempted to strike him with it, but the marshal took it from him and put him out of the house.  Soon after, he heard loud talking outside, and going out saw Newton with a revolver in his hand which he snaped at Wall Phillips who had accompanied him with his team to take the children to the poor house.  He at once ordered Newton to throw down his weapon and shot at him for the purpose of intimidating him, but he refused to do so and at the same time fired at the marshal who was standing but a few feet distance, the bullet passing through his clothes, making a slight abrasion upon the marshal’s left breast.  Before he could fire again, the outlaw had him down, but he continued to endeavor to shoot at him until the marshal by the use of his billy obliged him to give up the revolver.  The marshal has been sharply criticized for his action in the matter but we think that in justice to him, criticism should be withheld until all the facts have been made public in court.

** Mrs. Mary Smith, widow of William B. Smith was sent to the Insane Asylum at Oshkosh, last Monday evening, having been adjudge insane by the county judge upon the certificates of two physicians who had given her a careful and thorough examination.

** Considerable excitement exists at upper Pensaukee, occasioned by a Mrs. Gifford exercising the right of suffrage at the last general election.  She went to the polls and claimed the right and insisted upon voting for county superintendent of schools.  Her husband, who was one of the clerks of the election, objected to her being permitted to vote.  After considerable talk the inspectors took her ballot, which she in her excitement had folded up without erasing the names of other candidates, and deposited it in the ballot box.  Mrs. Gifford can congratulate herself on being the first woman that ever voted at a general election in this state and that she lives in a community where political and social reform has made greater advancement than elsewhere in the commonwealth.

December 3, 1881

Mrs. Osgood Firbes, of Brighton, Maine, is visiting Mrs. Moses Thomson.

Mrs. C. P. Tinney who had been in the city visiting her parents left for home at Stillwater, Minnesota, Wednesday evening.

** ARTHUR RUGG, of Little River, with the aid of his dog and a club, killed a large sized wild cat one day last week.  The little fellow is only thirteen years old and small for his age but that did not prevent him from tackling the catamount which he dispatched after quite a severe conflict.  He skinned the animal and brought the pelt to this city and got the bounty given by the state.

** Last Monday evening while John Sargent’s little girl was passing by Eldred’s lath pile on her way home, a man who was concealed therein suddenly made his appearance and attempted to catch her.  She ran screaming, and overtaking Hibbard McDonald, told him of her experience.  He gave chase to the fellow, but did not succeed in catching the dirty whelp who deserved a cowhiding, the rememberance of which would make his back smart during the remainder of his natural life.

December 10, 1881

The case of the State vs. Robert Newton, in Squire Hart’s court adjourned until Friday. The case was called Friday and the prisoner discharged, no one appearing against him. We understand that he is about to bring action against the parties who punished him for damages, to the sum of $5,000.

**Watt Gary has been suffering from an injury received some weeks since, suffering severely, with doubt as to the saving of his hand.  On Tuesday morning last, the attending surgeon made a free incision from the tip of the finger to the third joint.  Hopes however are entertained for a final good result.

** One of the saddest events that has become necessary for us to chronicle occurred in this city last Tuesday.  During the spring, a Belgian by the name of Peter Creil left his home in the old country and came to America, and having friends here came to this city where he soon found employment.  Being industrious and sober, he soon saved money to send for his family, whom he had left behind.  Anticipating their arrival, he had rented a house which he had partly furnished and secured sufficient wood for winter use.  When everything was in readiness for his family, for whom he had toiled and saved, he was taken sick with a fever and breathed his last Friday and was buried Sunday.  Tuesday his family, consisting of wife and six children reached here, only to learn the terrible news that the husband and father, the meeting with whom they had looked forward to with pleasure, was dead and buried.  It was a fearful experience for the poor widow and mother who had come so far to find herself along and destitute in a strange country and among strangers.  We are informed that her youngest child is very sick and not expected to live, and that the family are in very destitute circumstances and will suffer, if not assisted.  We hope that some of our kind hearted ladies will interest themselves in the poor strangers’ behalf.

December 17, 1881

Mrs. H. D. Page, of Harvard, Ill., on this city, the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Beyer.

Rasmus Johnson took his departure from this city on the 13th inst., having gone elsewhere to engage in business in which we hope, he may be successful.

** The youngsters wearing masks who went to the homes of Mrs. Ed. Breckenridge and Dexter, last Tuesday night, during their absence and nearly scared their children into fits ought to be severely punished.  Many a child has been ruined for life by being Scared.

** CHARLES CASTONNIE, born in Saint Rock, Canada, in 1779, died recently in Neenah in his 103d year.  His wife, aged 99 is still living.  He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was married in 1817 to Genevieve Pecor, who is now the oldest representative of five generations.  She is still clear in intellect, bright and active, and faithfully ministered to the wants of her husband during his last illness.

December 31, 1881

It is reported that Capt. Dickenson, whose little boy was recently lost, has received an anonymous letter offering to restore the lost child for the sum of $1,000. “and no questions asked”. We sincerely hope that the child will be recovered, and that the miscreants who stole him, will be hung by a mob composed of fathers.

** Three boys have been drowned while skating on the ice at Marinette thus far this winter, and the Eagle urges parents to keep their children off from the ice until the weather becomes cold enough to thoroughly freeze the river.

** One of our attorney’s is in receipt of a letter from the Oshkosh Asylum for the Insane, to the effect that the authorities there have not as yet discovered any symptoms of insanity in Mrs. Smith, who was recently sent there from this city.

**The trial of Smith for the murder of Pecor, which had been in progress for a week or more at Marinette, terminated Thursday, in a conviction of murder in the second degree.  The penalty for the crime is state prison from 15 to 25 years.

** The place that once knew a young man who clerked on Main St., will probably “know him , no more forever.”  He trifled with the affections of a Belgian maiden until his presence was required in court to make reparation for “blighted affections and ruined hopes.”  He skipped before the strong hand of the law could be placed upon him and now rusticates at Hermansville, Mich., while the poor girl, the victim of his baseness and deception waits in anticipation of becoming a mother outside of the bands of wedlock.