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Flash From The Past - 1879

January 4, 1879


**A young man named FRANK BROWN, working for the Menominee River Lumber Co., was instantly killed Wednesday of last week about 25 miles up the Sturgeon River. A loaded travoy was being hauled along the road, when the load slued, hitting and knocking down a cedar stump which in turn knocked
down another tree, the latter striking young Brown on the head, fracturing his skull and killing him instantly. The deceased was a single man and lived in Racine where his father lives, to whom intelligence of the sad event was at once sent, the body being sent to him the following day.


**The trial at Janesville, Wis., of MRS. MALINDA MACK, indicted with a hired man named FRANK DICKERSON, for the murder of her husband, closed on the 26th with a verdict of guilty from the jury with the extreme penalty of the law—state’s prison for life—for the woman. Dickerson will be tried later. He
turned state’s evidence during the trial, and testified that Mrs. Mack had killed her husband with a stick of fire wood and persuaded him to help carry the body to the barn, where it was placed under the feet of a horse and the animal backed over the body several times to give the appearance of having been kicked to death. He also swore that improper relations had existed between himself and Mrs. Mack for several months. The case excited much attention.

January 11, 1879


A man named O. GEFFOY, resident of Menominee, when climbing through a wind-fall on New Years Day, accidentally shot himself through the knee joint. He managed to crawl 80 rods, or so, where by calling he got help. He, however, lost so much blood, that after amputation, which was postponed as
long as possible, he died. He leaves a wife.


**MR. CHRISTIE had the misfortune to break one of his legs last week Friday. He was riding on a load of hay, which tipped over, throwing him upon some logs in such a way that his leg caught between two of them, and as he fell over his leg was broken just above the ankle.


**Number of prisoners on hand January 1, 1878, 1. The whole number of persons committed during the year ending Dec. 31, 1878, was 43, of which number, 41 were males, 2 were females. The offences for which they were committed were as follows: Insanity, 12; drunkenness, 7; larceny, 4; assault with intent to kill, 25; threats of assault, 1; rape, 1; vagrancy, 1; held for settlement of estate, account of application for divorce, 1. Of these, only 1 was sent to State’s Prison. The number on hand January 1, 1879, is 4,
males, of which 2 are insane, and 2 are held over to the Circuit Court to answer to the charge of assault with intent to kill.

**1878 AT HOME

Following we give a list of the more important local happenings during the year just closed.


1st – The steamer UNION carried a load of excursionists down the bay. The tug PENSAUKEE crossed to Sturgeon Bay, returned same day. At night the mercury fell to zero closing up the river with ice. Temple of Honor Sociable.

2nd – Great explosion of nitro-glycerine near Negaunce, blowing seven men to atoms, and injuring several others, and shattering nearly all the glass in Negaunce stores. Birth-day party of Master Robbie and Gertie Ellis, children of O.A. and Robert Ellis.

5th- Two prisoners confined in the jail made their escape by cutting a hole through the heavy timbers composing the side of the building. Brunquest’s store on S. W. corner of Main and Superior streets burned.

19th- Small Ox continued to spread in the lumber camps.

20th- Residence of Reverend Mr. Dafter burned. Janskowskey, the Menominee bank Robber, caught at Pensaukee.

23rd- John Morrison, of DePere, killed in Conniff’s camp.

25th- First iron ore from Quinnesec passed through Oconto.


1st- Green Bay frozen over.

6th – Miss May Conniff and Mr. Asa Frost were married.

7th – The Oconto House, burned. Fishermen had to come to land for safety, as the ice was moving out. Temperance lecture by Right Worthy Chief Templar of the world, Thos. D. Kanouse.

9th – West Pensaukee decides to build a cheese factory.

13th – County Board resolved not to buy a poor farm. John Lindstrom’s building, South Side burned. 

14th – Matthew’s building, Main Street "raised." St. Valentines Day.

19th – John Leigh’s saw mill burned.

21st – J.F.F. Club ball. Ice on the bay moving and piling up on shore, causing damage and loss to fishermen.

22d – Mrs. McRae, daughter of T. Huston, died in Oconto and her husband in Menominee.

25th – Maj. Scofield appointed State Timber Agent by the Governor.

26th – Work on the Superior St. bridge begun.

27th – Grand Masonic Masquerade Ball.


3d – Jos. Longren’s house burned.

4th – Wm. Nason died.

5th – The Railroad Co. commenced putting a "draw" in their bridge.

6th – Cavia’s residence in Frenchtown burned.

8th – Good Templar’s Fair and Supper.

13th – Library Association organized.

14th – Union Temperance meeting at Temple of Honor Hall, addressed by Col. J. A. Watrous.

16th – Death of the wife of Robt. Burke.

22d – First propeller of the season.

25th – Steamer WELCOME launched at Green Bay. Mrs. Perrigo, of Oconto Falls, died.

26th – Geo. McConnell died.

27th – Oconto Company’s extensive Box Factory and Planing mill completely destroyed by fire.


2d – Election day.

10th – A severe wind storm passed over the Northwest filling roads with trees. A number of cars ran off the track into the ditch just north of town, tumbling over each other, hurting no one.

11th – Chas. Van Calligan died.

16th – Open Lodge by Good Templars.

24th – Concert at Music Hall under the auspices of the Temple of Honor, and direction of G.W. Wilcox.


6th – Shoddy peddlers went through the county playing a confidence game on the farmers.

7th – The new bridge at Section street was completed.

8th – J. I. D. Bristol gave reading for Temple of Honor.

11th – Heavy frost. The REPORTER reduced in price to $1.50 per year.

12th – Another heavy frost. W. Irving Bishop gave his first exposition of spiritualism.

19th – The valuable Short Horn Bull, Phillip, died.

21st – John McNarney, Attorney, located at Peshtigo.

26th – Disturbance in the Magray family.

29th – Fred. Ebar’s house, West Ward, burned.


6th – The C. T. A. & B. Society enter their new hall in Davis’ Block.

15th – Frank DonLevy seriously hurt in the face by a kick from a horse.

22d – The Marinette Baseball Club visited and defeated the Oconto boys.

23d – Old Mr. Hooton dangerously injured at Eldred’s mill, by being run over by a car load of slabs.

28th – The night passenger train was thrown from the track near Neenah, seriously injuring the engineer and fireman.

30th – The tannery building burned.


2d - A small fire among Oconto Co.’s deals.

3d – The tug QUEEN damaged by fire. Commencement exercises of the Convent School. Fire in the vicinity of Dan Hall’s residence, burning of barns, sheds etc.

4th – Excursion to Sturgeon Bay Canal and Marinette Celebration.

7th – Amos Manring drowned at Oconto Falls. The anniversary of the Pensaukee tornado.

16th – Excursion of about 50 ladies to Peshtigo by train.

18th – Mr. J. S. McDonald fell from elevated track at Water mill and sustained fracture of a rib and other bruises.

21st – Outrage attempted upon the person of Mrs. Pauley.


7th – Small blacksmith shop south end of Superior St. bridge burned.

11th – Jane Morrisey and Chas. Cook drowned in the river near Comstock’s.

13th – John Driscoll’s barn, up river, the largest in the county, struck by lightning and burned.

19th – Nicholas Strack’s leg broken in Scofield’s mill. 

24th – A jolly fishing party take the tug OSAUKEE for a fishing and camping excursion to Sturgeon Bay.

25th – Methodist camp meeting at Peshtigo Sugar Bush.

27th – Fire in the woods worry the farmers north and west of town.

31st – Fred Bode fell from elevated track at Eldred’s mill and was injured.


1st – C. T. A. B. Society appropriated $50.00 for Yellow Fever sufferers.

8th – Excursion visit received from Sturgeon Bay Turners on the WELCOME.

17th, 18th and 19th – The Sixth Annual Fair of the Agricultural Society.

24th – Senator Howe and Thad. C. Pound spoke in Music Hall. Death of Mrs. Crosby.

26th – Opening of the Reinhart House.

28th – A man named Craite, in the town of Oconto, accidentally shot.

29th – Opening of the County Teachers’ Institute. Mrs. Ullmann and Lillie Reinhart injured by being thrown from a buggy, the horse becoming frightened and running away.

30th – Death of Hattie Soyer.


5th – A Mr. Desotel and two children burned to death at Peshtigo Harbor, in a building.

7th – Marriage of Miss Jennie Jones and E. G. Mullen.

15th – Death of Mrs. J. H. Goddard.

17th – A small house, the residence of Mrs. McConnell, was burned. E. R. Pierce, Greenbacker, spoke in Music Hall.

20th – Residence of Ezra Warner, of Upper Pensaukee, burned.

21st – Sheridan and Barlow succeed W. T. Ullmann in the hardware business.


2d – Albert Brofeu accidentally shot at Little Suamico.

4th – Miss Jennie McGee and Will Barlow united in marriage.

5th – Election day. The row in Frenchtown between the Gravelle boys and Coveau, in which Coveau was seriously hurt.

8th – Rev. and Mrs. Burdick lost by death, their little son Oscar.

16th – First white deer killed, by W. Bowen near Oconto Co.’s farm.

19th – Lodge of Juvenile Good Templars formed. Sheriff Conniff caught a seducer wanted in Michigan.

17th – Death of Mrs. R. N. Bowers.

25th – Mrs. Edwin Hart fell and dislocated a wrist, and sustained other injuries.


2d – Maj. Bingo died.

3d – Library benefit at Music Hall.

10th – Decision in the U. S. Court in Milwaukee of the case P. W. Geekle as Sheriff of Oconto county, S. A. Coleman, Wm. Klass et al va the Kirby Carpenter Co., of Menominee for Pl’fs.

14th – Barn of Holt & Balcom burned including an ox.

24th – Christmas trees at the Churches.

26th – German named Nebour, at Brookside Station, died suddenly, after drinking a great quantity of whiskey.

30th – Six fishermen, of Little Suamico, afloat on ice, and succeed in getting ashore at Red Banks, east shore of the bay.

31st – The Good Templars held a watch meeting sociable at their hall.

January 18, 1879

Col. Uri Balcom is in town this week, looking after his mill and lumbering interests here.

Mrs. Ed. Scofield returned Saturday last from quite an extended visit with friends in Pennsylvania.

F.W. Johns, town treasurer of Gillett, made us a pleasant call on Thursday last.

Judge Noyes went to Marinette Thursday afternoon to visit his aged father who has been ill in mind and body for some time.

Asa Frost has been roughing it up the Peshtigo River in the vicinity of Conniff camps for the past week or so.


Abbie Lucy Millidge

It is our painful duty, this week, to record the sudden death of Miss Abbie Millidge, which occurred at the home of her father, Thomas Millidge Esq., at about four o’clock Sunday morning last. Never of very robust health, she had been inclined, of late years, to consumption, and latterly had suffered several attacks of hemorrhage of the lungs, which, finally, was the cause of her death.

Her condition had seemed so favorable, the past few months, and she had been enjoying so good a degree of health, since her return from California, apparently gaining strength daily, and this too at mid-winter, had led her family and their many friends to hope and to think that she would, yet, enjoy many years of life. Only the day before, (Saturday) she, in company with her grandmother, had made a number of calls, walking, taking dinner at Mrs. Snover’s on the south side of the river, and returning home mat the approach of evening, feeling in very good spirits, and apparently as strong as she had been for many a day. She retired at her usual hour.

At about four o’clock A. M., she coughed slightly, and the hemorrhage commenced. Although not severe, yet in less than fifteen minutes, she quietly passed away, her father and mother supporting her. All that loving hearts could suggest and hands perform, was of no avail.

Abbie L. Millidge was born in Oconto, March 9, 1859, and was, therefore not quite 20 years of age. She was the only surviving daughter of Thomas and Levina Millidge, who were among the earliest settlers of] this section and of our most respected citizens. She was thus, truly an Oconto girl, having passed all her life among us. Of an unusually light hearted and amiable disposition, she numbered all of her many acqaintances as friends, every one of whom feel a personal loss in her death.

In the fall of 1877 she visited the Pacific coast for the benefits of that climate and was rapidly gaining in health, when suddenly hemorrhage of the lungs set in which carried her very near the gates of death. However, in spite of the prediction of physicians to the contrary, she rallied enough to be brought home early in the summer. Since the close of the hot season, she had improved daily, though slowly, and had been in the habit of riding or walking out every fair day, including the last day of her life. This being the case, the sudden news of her death on Sunday morning caused quite a shock to the community every member of which sympathize deeply with the stricken family.

The funeral took place from the family residence on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Burdick officiating. The large attendance of people, including quite a number from the country testified to the wide-spread sympathy and general sorrow.


John Sullivan, of the Town of Oconto, had a very narrow escape from being wounded or killed by a spring gun St on an old logging read on the Peshtigo Little River, a short time ago. He was passing along the road and stumbled against the line, discharging the gun. Part of the charge passed through the front part of his coat and lodged in a tree on the opposite side of the road cutting a large hole. Fortunately he escaped. Some hunters in the vicinity denied all knowledge of the gun, but they disappeared next day. Mr. Sullivan has a good double-barreled gun for his part of the affair. Hanging is too good for those who set the gun.

**Nelson Birmingham of West Pensaukee, who has been deranged in mind for a number of years, was brought to Oconto last week by his brothers for the purpose of having him examined with a view to getting him admitted to the State Hospital. He was, accordingly, examined and sent forward to the Hospital at Oshkosh.

January 25, 1879


A meeting of old comrades, held at Berlin, Jan. 1, there was organized the Wisconsin Reunion Association. Every surviving soldier or sailor who enlisted from Wisconsin and was honorably discharged from the United States military or naval service, is earnestly requested to write upon a postal card his
name, occupation, post office address, letter of company or companies, number of regiment or regiments in which he served, and send it to Griff J. Thomas, secretary of the Wisconsin Reunion Association,m Berlin, Wis., who will arrange a complete roster, in alphabetical order by company and regiment, for record and publication. Sailors will give name of boat or boats on which they served.

Comrades! Attend to this at once, or we shall not know whether you are dead, proud or gone to Texas.
C. K. Pier, President

Fon du Lac, Wis., Jan. 11th.

** The trial of D. H. Thompson, Francis Wauwangabo and Thomas Conklin, at Escanaba, for the murder of an old man names Philemon Thompson, last September, was concluded last week. It resulted in the acquittal of Thompson, the sentencing of Conklin to 20 years in the State Prison and the sentencing of
Wauwangabo, an Indian, to 15 years in the State Prison.

** Jacob Gutch, a German Jew who has for a number of years brought in horses from Illinois and other points and disposing them to lumbermen and farmers along the bay shore, was killed at Shawano by a horse a few days ago. He was known here and other places in this part of the state where he had pursued his business.

** Mrs. McDonald’s condition has grown no better since our last report, and her decease may occur at any time. She is a great sufferer and has not been able to take nourishment or medicine for a week or more.


February 1, 1879

DIED – Mrs. Arabella McDONALD

Mrs. Paul McDonald, whose serious and prolonged illness we noticed last week, was relieved from her sufferings, by death on Friday evening of last Week. On Thursday afternoon she had fallen into a deep sleep, from which she did not again awaken. At seven fifty o’clock, Friday evening, she stopped
breathing, without a struggle, and was no more.

** The friends of Dr. Paramore were surprised and alarmed on Monday to learn of his being suddenly and seriously ill while attending a patient at the residence of Mrs. E. Folson, on Monday. Very suddenly without any warning, he was attacked by inflammation of the spine and for several hours he suffered greatly. On Tuesday, his condition had improved so that he could be moved to his home, and we are pleased to state, is progressing slowly towards recovery.

** Mrs. Geo. Hart has not yet recovered from her recent illness.

**The friends of Mrs. Waggoner, may wish to know the disease with which she is prostrated and slowly sinking. As no disease has been mentioned, several rumors have been in circulation. We are desired to state upon the authority of four physicians, of whom Drs. O'Keef of this city, Brett of Fort Howard and
Thomas of Illinois are three, that the disease is Cancer of the womb.

February 8, 1879

**Last Sabbath morning, a little before 8 o’clock, Feb. 2, 1879, Mrs. S. H. Waggoner, quietly passed from time to eternity. During the past year she had been a great sufferer, and some time since hope of recovery had been given o’er by herself and friends. 

Mrs. Waggoner was born at Ottawa, Province of Ontario, Canada, in the year 1839.Since early life she has been a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

**Mr. Hoyt had the misfortune to lose one of his fingers a few days ago. Dr. Smith was called to dress the wound. The Dr. had scarcely finished dressing the wound when he was called to attend a more serious case. Mr. Gowel had had his foot smashed. While he was chopping, another man near by, felled
a tree which struck another in falling and broke off the top. Mr. Gowel saw the limbs coming and had time only to drop down beside a large log to save himself from instant death. One of the large limbs struck his foot smashing it very badly. The excitement of the awful moment and the pain of his foot
produced prostration and now Mr. Gowel lies very sick.

**Now the mumps have made their appearance among the men in the camps. This should not be. Now that they are men they should not cherish such childish things.

** An officer arrested Thomas Moran, at Marinette, Thursday, for stealing an overcoat from a man in Green Bay, and Moran took a desperate leap for liberty. It appears that the Marinette officer, with his prisoner, Moran, had boarded the train for Fort Howard, and got along alright until nearing Oconto, when Moran started from his seat and bounded through the car, followed by the officer with outstretched arms, within an inch of his prisoner, but unable to get a secure hold on him. Moran on reaching the platform of the car did not stop to get out step at a time, but made one desperate leap from the platform into the darkness, while the train was running at the rate of twenty three miles an hour, and made his escape.

February 15, 1879

DEATH –HAGGERSON - Found dead—Three Indians found the dead body of an old man, on the ice between Green Island and Menekaunee, last week Wednesday. The proper authorities were notified and the body brought in to Marinette, where an inquest developed the fact that he was an old man named
Haggerson, who has been stopping at Section 22, on the railroad, and about 60 years old. He had started to walk from Menominee to Sister Bay, Door Co., where his wife and daughter resides, and the theory is that he slipped and fell backwards, striking on his head and knocking him insensible, the cold
and shock causing death. There was found to be a slight depression on the back of the skull, and a slight abrasion under one eye. He had two sons living at Section 22, who were notified.

DEATH – Only a pauper – One of the aged paupers whom the city has been supporting, died on Tuesday of last week. There is nothing particularly remarkable about that, in as much as it is appointed unto all, once to die. And we may state also while adhering to the truth, that he was buried. As soon as
convenient after he died, he was deposited in a square pine box and in a short time thereafter a livery team and sleighs were driven up and the box was tumbled into the sleigh and then hurried off toward the cemetery on a trot much as a mule driver would the emaciated remains of a Government mule. The driver and the grave digger lowered him into a hole in the ground silently in human haste while generous nature wrapped the whole scene in a winding sheet of the beautiful, beautiful snow which fell in luxurious plenty like a shower of boquets oh so tenderly, on the plain pine lid. Only a pauper. At the bedside, no priest or chaplain; between the fleeing of the vital spark and the grave, still none. A Christian community pays the expense.

"Rattle his bones over the stones,
He’s only a pauper whom nobody owns."

**We regret to learn of the serious illness of MR. WM DARROW of Eldred & Son’s store. He was attacked suddenly we understand, on Sunday last with neuralgia of the heart, and has been in a critical condition since.

April 12, 1879

DIED – BARLOW – In this city, April 9th 1879, ANN JANE CATHERINE McGee, wife of Will E. Barlow, aged 23 years, 10 months.

The subject of the above notice, was born in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, June 9, 1855.  She came to Oconto, the home of two brothers, John and James McGee, where her home has since been, in December, 1876.  Of a pleasant social disposition, and possessing accomplishments fitting her to adorn society, she became a favorite among a wide circle of acquaintances of which she was an ornament.  On the evening of November 4th last, a little more than 5 short months ago, she was married to Wm. Barlow a young man of good character and prospects.  Her married life, so short and so suspiciously begun, and now so soon cut short, was a happy one, surrounded as it was with those things calculated to make life pleasant and desirable.

The illness which has ended in death begun some six weeks ago, since which time she has been a great sufferer.  All that could be done by way of medical skill, and care, was done to alleviate her suffering and prolong life, but in vain.  The members of the family thus bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community.

The funeral services will take place at the Episcopal Church at half-past 1 o’clock P.M. to-day, Saturday, leaving the house at 1 o’clock.

The Fondu Lac Reporter reports that a cow in that town recently gave birth to a calf, that was very much of the Siamese twins order.  Forward from the hind quarters it was two perfectly formed calves.  The hind quarters were like those of one calf except that there were two well formed tails, one extending from each hip, and a third one, though rather a short one, extending from the part where calf’s tails are usually attached.  There were two well-formed heads, and two sets of fore feet.  One head and two feet were cut off, to make the delivery possible.  A post mortem examination revealed two hearts and other internal arrangements for two calves.  The hide is preserved.

About half past two o’clock Monday morning Mr. J. Prickett and family, living in John Barnaby’s house next to Hill Tibbet’s residence on the South Side, were rousted from their slumbers by a stifling smoke and fire in their rooms.  The fire started in the wood-shed next the wing and had that part well in its grasp when discovered.  The alarm was given and communicated to the engine houses, but owing to the unseasonable hour some delay was unavoidable, and the engines were not at work as soon as usual after an alarm.  Mr. Prickett and family having so short notice, lost nearly all of their clothing, all of their kitchen furniture and part of the bedding.  What was saved was done by the aid of neighbors.  The house was entirely destroyed and the flames communicated with Hill Tibbett’s barn destroying it also, and at one time seriously threatened his house.  Mr. Tibbetts lost some hay, feed &c.  His barn and contents were insured for $100.  The house was insured for $700.  Mr. Prickett was uninsured and just at this time was not in a position to sustain such a loss.  They have the sympathy of the community in their great loss.

The residence of Mr. Durgan in Couillardville, being the cottage building near the school house, was destroyed by fire on Saturday night last.  Most of the household goods were saved.  The building was insured for $100 in Beyer’s agency.

 Little River

You may want to know who lives in the newly organized town of Little River. The town didn’t receive its name from anyone in the “family”. A great many manes were suggested, but none decided upon. The present name will be changed, as so many streams and other places are now called “Little River”. At election we pulled 106 votes, but a great many did not appear, so we do not know exactly how many we are.

We start life with economy as our watchword. All salaries are fixed at 12 shillings a day. We use a schoolhouse for a town hall. There is a post mill here, run by P. Corcoran. It should be remembered that James Lucas settled in this unbroken wilderness in 1868 and has now cleared 130 acres.

April 19, 1879
**Easter Sunday was duly celebrated in the home of ye editor.  At an early hour it was evident that something was going to happen to signalize the day in that household.  It happened and when weighed, it turned the balance at 9 ½ pounds.  It will receive a girl’s name when christened.  The excessive responsibility consequent, is quite overcoming and as soon as we recover our equilibrium, we will endeavor resignedly, to submit to the congratulation of friends.
April 26, 1879

At his residence on the bay shore near this city, Monday morning, April 21st 1879, ABILAM RICE GALE in the 69th year of his age.

The above is a short record of the demise of one of the earliest settlers in this vicinity, he having taken up his residence here in March 1854.  Mr. Gale was born in New York state June 2, 1811, and came of old revolutionary stock, some of his ancestors having taken an active part in the revolutionary war.  He also comes of a large family scattered throughout the Union, many of who are men of influence and character.  Mr. Gale came to Wisconsin forty-five years ago, living first at Milwaukee where he was married to Harriet Cooper, in 1849.  He lived at Waukesha, then at Oshkosh, where he lived seven years, then came to Oconto where he has resided since.  He first engaged in the hotel business here, located near the sight of the upper bridge, but after about two and a half years removed to the bay shore, where he has lived since, the place being known as Gale’s Landing.  Here he kept a shopping place for many years, it being the landing place for passengers from boats in summer and for teams from the ice in winter.  He also engaged in fishing and retained an interest in that business until recently.

His wife is absent on a visit to New York State, and was not present at his death.  Eight children resulted from the marriage, four of whom, only, survive.  Mr. Gale’s last illness was of only two week’s duration and the cause of death was quinsy.  He died a peaceful death retaining his reason to very near the end.

The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon at his home attended by many neighbors and friends.  Thus, another pioneer is laid low.

The following shows the disposition of cases that have been taken up by the Circuit Court since opening last week:
Ratter vs. G. T. Porter, verdict for plaintiff of $110.00.  Culbertson vs. Coleman: in this case the plaintiff claimed title to three 40 acre tracts of pine land.  The verdict gave hi two tracts.  Kemble

**Easter Sunday was duly celebrated in the home of ye editor.  At an early hour it was evident that something was going to happen to signalize the day in that household.  It happened and when weighed, it turned the balance at 9 ½ pounds.  It will receive a girl’s name when christened.  The excessive responsibility consequent, is quite overcoming and as soon as we recover our equilibrium, we will endeavor resignedly, to submit to the congratulation of friends.


May 3, 1879

MARRIED – The great excitement of St. Nathan’s (now Chase) at the present time is a wedding which took place at Mr. J. S. Harvey’s, Sunday, April 18, the contracting parties being Mr. Melvin Phillips and a Miss Rosa Grant, both of Wrightstown; Rev. Mr. McMurry officiated.

MARRIED – CHESLEY-AMES—In the Town of Oconto on the 20th day of April, 1879, by D. E. Whiting Esq, Mr. Charles Chesley to Miss Lula M. Ames, all of Town of Oconto.

DEATH – Thomas Williams, a lad about 17 yrs. Of age, only son of Mrs. Williams, a widow living in the East Ward,--died Friday afternoon last week, of strangulated hernia.  He had been suffering from rupture which had become aggravated from his lifting a wagon box.  On Thursday Dr. Brett of Green Bay, assisted by Drs. Allen and Moriarty, performed a surgical operation, replacing the intestines, which however did not prove successful, the boy dying a painful death as stated.  He was buried from St. Joseph’s Church on Sunday.  The sympathy and assistance of neighbors and friends were freely offered the family which could ill afford to lose and only son and brother.

**A four-year-old child of Mr. Dickey’s came very near being drowned last week, but was saved by the bravery of his seven-year-old brother.  They were playing on the boom when the child fell in, and his brother, with great presence of mind, rescued him; no one else being near or knowing anything about it until they reached home.

**The wife of  I. Brix of Clintonville presented her husband with their eighteenth child recently.  Sixteen of them are alive.  Quite a pile of Brix.

**Joseph Thomas, who has been allowed to go at large since he returned home after his escape from the insane asylum, as he seemed inclined to be peaceable, was taken in charge by the Sheriff on Thursday morning on the complaint of his wife, his conduct having become more threatening of late.

Marshall DonLevy, as stated last week started with the Prue boys for the Reform School at Waukesha on Thursday.  When at Milwaukee, the eldest one escaped from him by jumping from the train.  He placed the other at the school, and left a description of the boy with the authorities there and returned home.  On Saturday, a telegram came, announcing that the boy had been captured and forwarded to his destination.

W. H. Boston of the town of Little Suamico, who has has been in town on the jury the past two weeks, received a telegram on Tuesday morning, conveying the unfortunate Intelligence that his residence was destroyed by fire the night previous, with nearly or quite all it contained.  He had only a small insurance.  He was excused from duty as juror the rest of the term.


May 17, 1879

BIRTH – A bundle, weighing five pounds, called Capt Jr. arrived at Mrs. W. H. Baptist’s last Saturday.

**FISHERMEN FOILED – Three fishermen named, Bassett, Walsh and Brown of Green Bay, have been fishing for game fish with trap nets over in Sawyer’s Harbor, near Sturgeon Bay.

It being an inland water course and therefore a spawning bed, in the eye of the law, the statutes very properly makes it sacred from such ruinous fishing, and the gentlemen named, were invited over to interview Justice Walker of Sturgeon Bay.
That is right.  Keep trap nets out of Sawyer’s Harbor, as Oconto wants to come over now and again, and drop a line for bass.  Our young ladies sigh for them and our young men dream dreams of them.

**SENSELESS LITIGATION – A case of litigation between Frank LaPage, arising from a quarrel between the boys of two families, over a dog barking at one or the other party, took up more than two days before Justice Hart, this week, kept three lawyers talking enough for a Chicago murder trial and caused the attendance of a bout a score of boys and men from the settlement in the town of Little River, in which the parties live, and not a little expense to the county.  The verdict was arrived at on Wednesday afternoon.  It proved to be against the state.  There is too much of this lawing---making a great ado about nothing.  Both parties ought to pay the bill instead of the county.

**BROOKSIDE – There has been considerable sickness in the vicinity.  Diptheria and mumps prevailing to some extent.
Laura, daughter of Frank Whitney, has been dangerously ill, but by the timely assistance of Dr. Beebe, who was called, is regaining her usual health.


May 24, 1879

MARRIED – STEWART-LINDSEY.  At the residence of Thomas Millidge, at 9 o’clock A.M., Wednesday May 21, 1879, the Rev. C. R. Burdick officiating, Mr. Fenwick B. Stewart to Miss Lillian Lindsey, all of this city.

Thus have two more of our young people united their fortunes “for better or worse” through the journey of life.  The couple is well known to our citizens, all of whom have nothing but the best of wishes for their future, to which the Reporter adds it’s mite.  The young couple has taken the former residence of C. S. Hart on Section street, where, we presume, they are “at home” to their friends.

May 31, 1879


DAVIS – Mr. L. Davis, a man some 65 years of age, whose family live in the town of little Suamico, near the Pensaukee town line in this county, and who has traveled about the country for years exhibiting a panorama illustrating the history of Babylon traveling on foot drawing a cart from place to place, died suddenly at a hotel in Waupaca on the 19th inst., soon after arriving.  From papers found on his person, the authorities discovered where he belonged, and telegraphed his family.  His son immediately started for Waupaca to give the old showman a decent burial, and take charge of his effects.  It appears that during the year the old gentleman had traveled in the Eastern States, contributing regularly to the support of his wife and family, and came home this spring for a visit, leaving for another tour a few weeks ago which is brought so abruptly to an end.

**Mr. John, the happy father-in-law, was as happy as ever, and furnished sport for the occasion, while M. Gillett’s feelings were far different.  And, he has reason to feel sorrowful, as well as all Mrs. Plumb’s friends here, for she leaves Gillett to-day for their new home in Stockbridge.  Mr. and Mrs. A. John will remain in Gillett.  So the difference is that Mr. Gillett loses a daughter, while Mr. John gains one.  The Plumb, which others have tried in vain to reach, has dropped into the hands of Miss Lucy.  We wish them all happiness and hope that they will sail smoothly o’er “life’s troubled sea.”

Fires have been raging in the west part of the town through the dry pine “slashings” and a large log bridge over a ravine on the Supply road is burned out. 

A young man named George Wright employed in Eldred & Son’s saw mill, managed to get one of his feet against the trimmer saw he was working at, on Monday, an had it quite seriously cut.  The foot was dressed by Dr. O”Keef and is doing well.
A lad named Tom O”Rourke was seriously if not dangerously injured yesterday afternoon at Eldred’s mill by the breaking of a belt, which struck him in the face.
A young man named Glasheen sustained a fracture of an arm at the Oconto Company’s planing mill last Friday while in the act of putting a belt on a pulley.

West, we advise a perusal of the new advertisement in this issue of the Kansas Pacific Railway.  This is a very desirable route to all parts of Colorado as it takes the excursionist or the seeker after a new home, through the very garden of the New West.  It leads through that part of the west on which all eyes are fixed just now and which is making such rapid strides in the way of development.  It takes you through the richest farming districts, and thriving cities, and into the heart of the great mining regions of Colorado, where such rich discoveries of mineral wealth are so frequently occurring.

June 7, 1879

G.R. Lampard, Esq., of Oshkosh, has been making his nephew, S.W. Ford, of this city, a visit this week.

W.B. Mitchell, whose term as member of the school board had expired, was not reelected at the meeting of the council Monday evening.  James Don Levy was elected to his place.

The propeller Oconto could not make the entrance of Sturgeon Bay on her trip up last week, on account of the smoke which hung over Green Bay from the woods on either side.

A man named William Kill was brought here from Marinette, Saturday evening last by Sheriff Sherman, and deposited in the jail for safe keeping, there being no jail provided for at Marinette as yet.  Kill forged some orders or other paper on one of the lumber companies.

Charley Perry inscribed his name high on the pinnacle of fame when he saved the pig from the fire Saturday morning.

At two o’clock Saturday morning last, the Reinhart House of this city was discovered to be on fire, and although the fire department responded promptly the fire was well underway to be subdued and the building was totally destroyed.  The department turned its attention to saving adjoining property which was in danger some distance away, as there was some wind and the exceedingly dry weather the few days previous having made everything exceedingly liable to take fire.
The fire was evidently the work of an inceniary who started it in the corner of the main building and the front wing on the first floor in the vicinity of the lamp room and the liquor room.  Although the occupants of the house were awakened at an early stage of the fire, yet but little was saved from the upper floor as the flames cut through near the head of the main stairway cutting off communication with the upper part.  The boarders and guests saved most of their things, though it was reported that a travelman named Knapp lost part of his clothing and his grocery samples, and that another transient lost his coat and boots.  Mr. Reinhart’s law library, safe, piano and most of the furniture in the lower part of the house were saved in a more or less damaged condition.  The furnishings of the upper rooms with all the beds were lost, including much of the clothing and personal effects of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart and family. 
The Reinhart House was a large and well built two-story brick veneered structure, was built in 1875 by Mr. Reinhart and was occupied and managed by himself.  It was located on the southwest corner of Main and Section streets, one of the most eligible locations in the city.  Its loss is a public one and much regretted by the community at large.  The building cost about $6,000 and was insured for $8,000 at the time of the fire, although the amount had recently been $4,000 held by mortgage.  There was a policy of $1,300 on furniture and clothing.  Mr. Reinhart was in Green Bay at the time of the fire, and did not know of it until his arrival next morning.  His family occupied the family residence on Main street immediately after the fire.
P. W. Geekie’s livery stable building located next to the hotel on the south side, toward which the wind blew was destroyed.  Its contents were saved.  The loss here, was probably $500.


June 21, 1879

An enterprising German farmer living not a thousand miles from the city, being annoyed by a neighbor’s dog, sent him the following note.  Our readers will find it expressive and right to the point.
20 Junl
Mr.___________________ ples kibe your dog shad up or I am gone to schut  him juist like you was gone to do my pigs doint want my grain oll spild and be              Frandley

A sail boat from Fayette containing six persons was capsized when within one mile of Escanaba, on Monday of last week and all were drowned.  The following are the names of the passengers:
James Ward, commonly known as “Buckskin Jim,” the owner.  Mrs. Drees, of Peshtigo, and her two children—a boy, age 8 years, and a girl aged7.  She was the wife of Mr. Edward Drees, blacksmith and wagon maker of that place.  The two others were Frenchmen.  One was Narciss LeClair, who had just come from the Ford River drive, and who worked for John O’Callaghan last winter.  He was going over across the bay to collect some money that was due him, and had about $60 on his person.  He was boarding here at Maguire Charboneau’s.  His relatives are supposed to live at Cape St. Enos, 86 miles below Quebec.  The other was a man by the name of Mordeau, who had been working for the Chicago Lumber Company of Manistique.  He had been boarding at the Fayette House.

On Sunday last, several cases of drunkenness were discernable on our streets, much to the disgust and annoyance of law-abiding citizens.  It strikes us that it is getting about high time, that the ordinance prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sunday should cease to be a “dead letter” no longer.  When drunkenness and debauchery is permitted to run rampant on our public thorough-fares on the Lord’s Day, and our citizens are subject to all kinds of insult and abuse from drunken scums of humanity, it is about time that steps were taken to rectify this evil.  If our city officials are getting so derelict in their duty as to permit these “hell-holes,” to break our ordinances with impunity, then it is the duty of the Council to see that others are appointed in their place who have the “back-bone” and stamina, to enforce law and order on the Sabbath day.
In the words of a city Mogul, expressed in resolution at a Council meeting June 2, 1879, we say:  “That officials must understand that the city of Oconto requires persons in its employ to do their duty and nothing but their duty.”  These words apply just as much to Marshal and Constables—as to City Attorney at whom they were aimed.
We print below, for the benefit of Marshal, Constables and saloon-keepers, the ordinance prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drinks on Sunday.
An ordinance to prevent the sale of intoxicating drinks on Sunday:
Section 1.  The Mayor and Common Council, of the city of Oconto, do, ordain:  That no person or persons who keep a hotel, grocery, boarding house or saloon, or any other person or persons, shall sell, or give, or permit the sale or gift on his, her or their premises, of any spiritous liquor, wine, beer, cordials, bitters or any mixed or fermented liquors, within the limits of the city, on the Lords day, commonly called Sunday.  Any person or persons offending against the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay into the city treasury, and for the benefit of the city: for the first offence, a fine of ten dollars with costs of prosecution; and for the second offence, he, she, or they shall pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars, together with the cost of prosecution, or be imprisoned in the Oconto County jail twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the justice trying the same.
Approved January 15th 1872.
Geo. Smith, Mayor.


June 28, 1879

MARRIAGE – SHEW-BASSETT –N. Shew and Lottie Bassett of this place were joined in marriage, at Oconto June 10th, by Rev. Mr. Burdich.   They took a short bridal trip and on their return, a reception was given at the Town Hall; where a large number enjoyed the “mazzy dance” to the merriest of Music.  We unite with their numerous friends, in extending our hearty congratulations.

DIED – McCULLOUGH – In this city, on Tuesday, 24th day of June 1879, Howard Ormsby, infant son of S. and H. McCullough, aged, 9 months and 24 days.
The funeral took place Thursday afternoon, from the residence.
**STRUCK BY LIGHTNING – During the severe thunderstorm that passed over our city Thursday afternoon, the residence of Mr. William Brown, near the St. Joseph’s Church, was struck by lightning.   The bolt entered the chimney, bursting it from the top to the second floor, scattering lath and plaster in al directions.  The building is divided on the first floor by a partition passing through the centre crossways, thus forming a front room, which the
 family used as a sitting room, and a back room, used as a kitchen and dining room.  The chimney extends down thro’ the middle of this partition about two feet below the ceiling, with a stove pipe hole on each side.  The kitchen was the only stove up, and the lightening passed down through the stove pipe, hurling it about the room, and down the back right stove leg, through the floor.
The inmates, consisting of Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Thomas Tully, Mr. Crooks and a little child, were in the front room at the time.  Mrs. Tully had just taken a seat beneath the chimney when the bolt came, and the first thing she realized of what had happened was being covered with soot.  Her nervous system has received a shock that will be a long time recovering from.---The rest of the inmates escaped without injury.
Nelson Barnaby was arrested on Thursday, at Marinette, by Charles Davis constable from this city, on charges of setting fire to the residence of John Barnaby, April 7th, 1879, located at this place.  He was brought here on the evening train Thursday and taken before Justice Hart, and for want of bail was committed to wait examination.


July 5, 1879


In the case of the State vs. Nelson Barnaby on the charge of arson, the examination extended through Monday and half a day Tuesday resulted in the acquittal of the prisoner, the evidence not being of that nature to warrant his being bound over.  The District Attorney Hubbell, on the part of the State, assisted by W. H. Webster on the part of the Insurance Company, were for the prosecution and Orlando Fairchilds of Marinette conducted the defense.


A lude woman Dell. Edwards, was arrested on Friday afternoon of last week, in Frenchtown, and taken to jail by constable Labbie, attempted to commit suicide about 11 o’clock the following night, by hanging herself in her cell.  She made a rope by tying her stockings and hankerchief together, and fashioned one end of this to a spike in the ceiling and the other end around her neck, then jumped from a chair upon which she was standing to adjust the rope.  Jailer Call was awakened by the sound of her death-struggles, and upon hastening to the cell succeeded in releasing her from her perilous position and by prompt action succeeded in resuscitating life.  The next morning she was taken before Justice Hart and remanded to jail for 40 days.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

It was very evident that a female residing in the South Ward, has through probably some mistake donned those integuments, that properly adorn a male person, judging from the way she waltzed into a crowd near the post office one evening last week and chassaed with her lift partner toward home, with a grip on his ear.  When she arrived on the south end of the bridge she picked up a stick and the way she laid it on was proof positive that she was a novice at the art.

M. K. Wellington, of Brookside, and proprietor of the Pensaukee cheese factory, made us a pleasant call on Tuesday.

Misses Katie Dafter, Alma Links, Oscar Soyer and Lizzie Soyer accompanied by Willie Dafcer, went with Capt. Soyer, on the Schooner Mott, to Chicago.

July 19, 1879

MARRIED – ZIPPLE-SPICE – Mr. Charles Zipple and Miss Mary Spice were united in marriage, Wednesday evening last.  It is very apparent that Charley has taken the “Spice of life” for his portion of the good things on earth.

MARRIED – KEMPS-BITTERS-Mr. Fred Kemps and Miss Emma Bitters were joined in the holy bonds of Wedlock on Sunday evening, at the residence of the brides father, all of which goes to prove that Fred proposes to take his bitters, here after, as a regular diet.


Felix Benoit lost a thumb and had the first finger of his right hand terribly mangled on Friday last. Interviewing a buzz saw the cause.

As Charley Wilson, was going to the marsh to mow hay, on Sunday evening, carrying his scythe under his arm he stumbled and fell, and upon reaching out with his right hand to break the shock, it came down palm first, on the upturned edge of the scythe, which had preceded him in the fall, cutting a gash completely across the palm, severing the arteries and some of the cords.  He returned, holding his left hand around the wrist to stop the flow of blood, but before he could reach the nearest house, he was unable to walk on account of weakness.  He shouted the best he could and succeeded in making a neighbor hear, who brought him to town, where his wound was dressed by Drs. Allen and Moriarty.  It will be a long time before “Charley” will be able to use his hand, and but partially then.

**We have experienced some severe storms within a week, the rain coming down in sheets, but doing no perceptible damage.  These storms were generally accompanied by sharp lightning, heavy thunder and almost hurricanes of wind.
**Mrs. Snover got her foot caught in the side walk on Section St. on Sunday afternoon last, on her way from church, throughing her head-long giving her a fearful shock and injuring her severely.  The city will have a bill of damage to pay yet if these walks are not placed in repair.  They are simply disgraceful.


At Peshtigo last Friday night two men got into a difficulty, resulting in the death of one of the parties, and as usual the disturbing element was a female.  The murderer is Albert T. Glass and the deceased Lyman Penree.  Glass stabbed him seven times.  The preliminary examination took place Monday and resulted in the conviction of Glass, who acknowledged that he did the deed, and Justice Bartels committed him to the Brown county jail to await trial at the December term of the Circuit Court.  The two witnesses who were examined will probably committed also, for want of bail.  It seems that both parties were cousins to the girl, whose name is Miss Morey, and the quarrel which resulted so fatally for Penree, originated from jealousy.  The fatal stab was in the left lung near the shoulder, but beside this cut, the knife was forced through the neck and left arm.  The examination was largely attended, and presented a scene long to be remembered by those who were present.—Menominee Herald.


August 2, 1879

**ACCIDENTS – Charles Perry met with quite a serious accident on Sunday afternoon last, in which the city will more than like play a prominent part at no distant day.  He was going home and when in the vicinity of Mr. Huff Jones’ residence his foot became fast in a hole in the side walk, and before he could extricate himself he was precipitated in such a violent manner as to break his left arm between the wrist and elbow.  This is only the beginning of a list of casualties that will cost the city a large amount for damages if those dilapidated walks are not placed in repair.  There is hardly a walk in the city that is not more or less out of repair.  Will our Common council wake up our street Commissioners to a realizing sense as to what their duties are, before these accidents get too numerous.

**Early Friday morning, before the day hands at Eldred’s mill had gone to work, Joseph Coupile one of the night hands was leaning over and cleaning up around the trimmer when someone touched the lever, sending the saw towards him.  Before he could get away the saw struck him cutting a gash about six inches long diagonally in his side, and sawing the ribs a little.  The wound was dressed and he is now able to be about.


On Monday night last, at Eldred’s mill while one of the large circular saws was in motion, it suddenly came in contact with a spike driven into the log which was being sawed.  The saw was dulled but no further damage was done.  Looking more closely at the log the sawyer discovered an ax driven into the other side of the log nearly up to the butt.  Had the saw gone through the log once more, a very serious accident might have happened.  On Thursday morning about eight o’clock, at the same mill occurred one of the most remarkable accidents that has happened in the mills here for years.  While the large circular on the south side of the mill was working at the rate of nearly five hundred revolutions per minute, it suddenly came in 

contact with an iron saw-wedge

which had been driven into the log about one foot from the end.  The saw struck the saw squarely and drove it down diagonally through the log to the bottom of the mill.  The saw kept on through the log splitting off a chunk nearly ten feet long.  Nearly every tooth in the saw was broken and the saw itself was broken into about a dozen large pieces, and small pieces too numerous to estimate.  Pieces were broken from the body of the saw no larger than an inch square.  The piece left in the frame was only about nine by eighteen inches.  Some pieces flew to the fartherest  corners of the mill.  Some were thrown upward through a board covering above the same, lodging in the roof of the mill.  Others were thrown down and catching in the sawdust conveyer cut one of its chains and broke a number of its arms.  The small top saw above was almost as badly broken as the large one.  Old mill-wrights say that those were the

worst broken saws

they ever saw.  The damage to surrounding machinery was also great.  The shaft which held the large saw was loosened from its position, and large pieces were broken from the iron box castings in which it was held.  One of the wheels of the car was somewhat damaged and about half an inch sawed off of the front support of the carriage on which the log rested.  There were other portions of the

machinery almost pulverized,

and after the accident pieces of iron and steel of all sizes and shapes were found.  The total damage to machinery will foot up to between four and five hundred dollars, which together with the loss of time, will run the total loss up several hundred dollars more.  As soon as possible after the accident, pieces of the machinery were collected and Mr. Millea, the mill overseer started with them to Green Bay to have new castings and machinery made.  The most remarkable circumstance connected with this accident is that

no one was hurt.

Pieces of the broken machinery seemed to fly everywhere except where the men were.  Many were badly scared, and one man jumped out the nearest window and hung by one hand until all was quiet inside.  We have not words to express the contempt in which those should be held, who vent their petty spite by spiking logs, thus endangering the lives of fellow workmen.  It is rumored that many of the Eldred logs now lying in the booms are spiked.  It is greatly to be regretted that the detection of the miserable fiends who caused this accident is so difficult.  All good citizens will join us in hoping that they may speedily be brought to justice.


**Special Correspondence
 Mr. and Mrs. James Champion’s joy was turned to sorrow over the death of their adopted child.  Rev. T. J. McMurry conducted the services.

 Emanuel Burns has taken to himself a wife.  A reception was given him in the evening.  Sherman Winans also surprised his friends in the same way.


August 9, 1879

**A Crack Shot

A hunting party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Scripture of Oconto Falls, and August Cole of this city, while out hunting on Saturday last, a deer started up some 20 yards in front of them.  Mrs. Scripture, who is a lady somewhere over 60 years of age, jumped from the wagon, in which the party were, and took deliberate aim at the deer and brought it down at the first fire.  She always had a desire to shoot a deer, and this was the first opportunity she had to gratify it.  Right well did she improve it.


A sawyer in Scofield’s mill named Berry, threw a shovel, on Wednesday at one of the hands but missed, striking another named Antone Lesperance,  cutting him severely across the wrist.  Berry was promptly discharged.

On Saturday last a brakeman, Fred. Roberts, on the mixed freight and passenger train, on the Menominee Range line, while switching stood on the top of the freight car, and was thrown off by the train starting up suddenly, the car passed over his body, mangling it in a near fatal manner. He lives at Sheboygan, Wis.


August 16, 1879

DIED – GILKEY – At the city of Oconto, Tuesday August 12th, 1879, of consumption.  Margret J., wife of Thomas T. Gilkey, aged 41 years.

The deceased was born in New Brunswick, where she resided until she removed to this city in the year 1868, and married the same year. She leaves a husband, three children and many friends to mourn her loss. She was a kind and loving mother, an affectionate wife and a good neighbor. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Dafter, and the remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of relatives and friends.
She was a great sufferer for more than 15 months, but her last moments were free from pain, and she quietly passed to that other shore, where suffering never enters, happy in the assurance that she was entering into that eternal rest prepared for those who love the Lord.

On Thursday of last week, as Mr. Milton McNeel and Miss May Smith, were on their way from Mr. Sam Newton’s living in the Sugar Bush, to Peshtigo, the horse, a fiery, high-spirited animal became frightened and unmanageable. Enough control was kept over the horse to keep him in the road and the affair might not have resulted so seriously had the road been clear. As it was however, Mr. Violet, an agent for farming implements, from Green Bay, was overtaken in the road, and although he was warned of his danger, he did not have time to get out of the way, before the runaway horse struck his buggy, throwing him forward and out under the horses feet and the wheels of the buckboard. At the moment of collision Miss Smith sprang from the seat and escaped without injury further than a few shocks and bruises of no serious nature. Mr. McNeel was thrown forward between the shafts and almost under the horses heels, but through good fortune, found himself in the dust, humbled but unharmed.

Both horses ran leaving the buggies in a badly scattered condition, and one of the horses badly cut and bruised.

Dr. Smith was summoned from Peshtigo, who ascertained that Mr. Violet was quite seriously, though not dangerously injured. His collar bone having been fractured, besides numerous cuts and bruises about the head and neck. He however, was well enough to take the Saturday evening train to his home in Green Bay, and a speedy recovery is hoped for.


August 23, 1879

DIED – LAMB – In the city of Oconto, Monday at 10 a. m. Aug. 18, 1879, Joanna Lamb, aged 71 years.

The deceased was born in Rutland, Rutland County, New York, in 1808, at which place she lived until she married, then moved to Ashtabula, Ohio.  In 1855 she, in company with her family, moved to Wisconsin and made their home at Whitewater, and from that place she moved to Greenbush, Sheboygan County, where she was bereft of her husband.  She then made Depere her home until her daughter Mrs. Adams, moved to this city in the year 1864, where she accompanied them, and has ever since has spent her time with her two children, Dr. Lamb of Green Bay and Mrs. Adams of Oconto.

She was the kindest of parents and an earnest christian lady, having been a member of the Methodist church for many years.

She leaves an aching void in a home, that Time alone can fill, and her many warm friends in this community will long remember her loving ways around the hearthstone, her gentle and affectionate manner in the social circle, and loving kindness, that endeared her to all.  She has gone never more to return, gone to Him who doeth all things well, in that land where sorrow and pain and death are not known; a land of eternal joy and gladness, prepared for the children of God.


Death of Wm. B. Rouse
Many of our citizens will remember Mr. Wm. B. Rouse, whose family owned and resided on the premises, now occupied by C. S. Hart on Section St., and who run a truck wagon in this city for four years, and and who left for the West some four years ago, with his family.  He located at Washington Iowa and conducted a restaurant.  About a year after he arrived there he was taken sick and after a year of extreme suffering he died on 2nd of August 1879.  The Washington Democrat has the following to say of him:

Mr. Rouse was a kind and devoted husband, and possessed all the qualities of an honest and upright man.  He had won the respect and esteems of all who new him, and leaves behind him a large circle of friends who can only speak well of his many kind acts and nobil deeds.  He was not a professor of religion, but believed that man’s good deeds will be rewarded, and that the unjust will be punished. 

The disease was somewhat aggravating and puzzling.  A post mortem examination revealed a cancer of the stomach, and a degeneration of the liver.

The funeral services were preached on Monday afternoon, by Dr. Cove at the Methodist Church, and the remains, accompanied by Mrs. Rouse and adopted daughter Carrie, were taken on the 5 o’clock train to Madison, Wisconsin, for interment.

On Wednesday, during a severe thunderstorm that passed over our city, the barn of Ivory Mathews was struck by lightening and immediately took fire therefrom, and burned to the ground.  Mr. Mathews’ two horses were in the barn at the time, but opon that gentleman seeing the lightening penetrate the building, he, by prompt action, succeeded in getting them out without injury.  This is the fourth instance that lightning has struck this vicinity, this season.  It struck the Tully building, first, the second time a tree in Mr. Burdick’s yard, three, a tree in H. W. Mott’s yard and this last, the fourth.  Old Jonah must live somewhere in this vicinity.


On Friday of last week, Mr. Young, of the town of Oconto called at our office and informed us that he had fears that all was not right with Mrs. Daniel Charles, whose residence is situated on the Stiles road about a mile West of the water mill.  She was seen by some men passing the place on Sunday Aug. the 10th at the window, and spoke to them, stating that she was ill.  No notice was taken of it, as they supposed that she was under the influence of liquor, in which she had a habit of over indulging.  Mr. Young hearing of these facts, late in the week, investigating the matter, and ascertained that the dwelling was locked up and that no sign of life were visible about the premises.  Mrs. Charles, having previously quarreled with her husband and was abandoned by him, she, therefore was the sole occupant of the place.  Sheriff Conniff was immediately notified and he, in company with R. W. Gilkey, drove up there and forced an entrance, and verified the fears of Mr. Young.  The house was filled with the most intolerable stench.  The woman was found, upstairs, partially uncovered in the bed covered by a sheet, and in a bad state of decomposition, having, probably died on the Sunday previous and consequently lain until discovered some five days later

Coroner Bentz was notified, and an inquest was at once held, W. B. Mitchell assisting.  Doctors Moriarty and Allen were summoned, who proceeded to examine the remains, which was done as thorough as its loathsome condition would permit.  It was evident from the position of the body that the deceased died in spasms.  The conclusion of the jury was that the deceased came to her death by poison, administered by herself.  To confirm this, strychnine was found in a bottle in the barroom.

Among her effects, were several letters, one addressed to Mrs. Ordway and another to Mrs. Stewart, giving directions as to the disposition of the body, and the liquidating of sundry small bills, a list of which were given.  Also a small amount of money was found, some $10 or $12.  The remains were interred on Saturday last.

August 30, 1879


We received a call from Mr. Geo. L. Burtis, a young man from Chicago, on Thursday. It is his intention to take up his abode in our city for some time to come. We welcome him among us and trust he will feel sufficiently at home to make his residence a permanent one.


Jailer Call wishes us to request any person or persons, who should be passing the jail, not to talk with the insane persons who are permitted to enjoy the fresh out door air. It has a tendency of making them still more nervous and excitable and consequently, less manageable. He makes this request in the interest of these unfortunate persons, as, if continued, he will be obliged to keep them confined in their cells. Of course, this habit of talking with the insane by passers-by, is a thoughtless act, and as the harm arising there from is now pointed out, there will be no further trouble from this cause.

Mose Hardwick died at his home in Bay Settlement, Thursday evening August 21st 1879, at the advanced age of 86 years. Many of our readers will remember Mr. Hardwick as an old resident of Pensaukee. The Green Bay Gazette says that he was one of the early pioneers and was well known in this and neighboring counties. Those of our early settlers who are alive to day will remember Mose when he was mail carrier. When there was but a monthly mail between G. B. and Detroit, At that time there was but an Indian trail between the two places and Mr. H. had to take his load on his back and brave the many dangers which befell the hardy pioneer. The many friends of Mr. Hardwick will mourn his death, but ever remember him as a faithful friend, an honest man and prompt performer of all duties which fell under his care.

D.R. Holt, of the firm of Holt & Balcom, was in town the past week looking after his lumbering interests here.

Miss Aggie Mitchell returned from a northern visit, the latter part of the week.

On Saturday a train passed through this city, consisting of 88 boxcars.  Each measured 28 feet, and allowing 80 feet for the engine, tender and caboose, would make a train 2544 feet long.

Last week the Oconto Library was increased by 25 books, thus swelling the grand total to 350 volumes.

Miss Stella Adams resumed her school duties at Brookside on Monday morning last.

Mrs. Wilson and her daughter, Mrs. King arrived home on Saturday.

September 6, 1879


Mr. Alex. McCauley, a driver in the employ of McDonald & Billings, was drowned Thursday morning of last week. He was sent up to the head of the drive in Stiles pond to break a jam, and upon nothing being seen of him thereafter, the men became alarmed, and proceeded to look him up. They found his hat in the vicinity where he was supposed to have been at work. On Friday evening the body was recovered.

Mr. McCauley was a young man 28 years of age, of good morals and industrious habits. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss.


Mr. Morris Rosenbaum, who, some years ago, kept a branch clothing store, in this city for Hoffman & Lewin, died in Piladelphia, August 23d. Aged 32 years.


We regret to announce that Mrs. Lindsey the old lady—is quite sick, with but slight hope of her recovery.


September 27, 1879


Mrs. Cornelia Satterlee, whom most of our old residents will remember, died last Sunday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ilicks, at Sioux City, Iowa, at the ripe old age of 84 years. She was born at Plattsburg, New York, in 1795, was married there, and came to Green Bay about 1846, remaining here until 1869, when she removed with her daughter to Sioux City. Her husband died many years ago, and her son, the late Dr. Satterlee, of Oconto, long ago preceded her to the spirit land. She was a woman of rare graces of person and mental attainments and preserved her mind well to the end.


Neighbor, J. Ladreau, has lost his youngest child. They have been afflicted with fever for some time past, the only cases known in the place.


Paul McDonald, while at work on the slab saw in Eldred & Son’s mill, this city, Wednesday, slipped, and, in order to break the fall, put his hand out in front of him, which happened to be in the locality of the saw. His hand was nearly cut in two just below the thumb, diagonally, across to the writs, besides being fearfully mutilated. Dr. Beebe has the case in charge, and thinks that he will be able to save the hand.

A son of Joseph Morris, Frenchtown, attending the Pecor school, had his left arm broken, below the elbow, on Wednesday, caused by wrestling with some of the other boys while at play. Dr. Beebe has the job of straightening him out.

The saddest accident that it has been our duty to chronicle in a long time, happened on Thursday afternoon, in the following manner: As James Lacy, one of our Frenchtown citizens, was driving from Mr. Gray’s planing mill, after having loaded, on a one-horse rig, some planed siding, the lumber being loose on the wagon, slipped forward sufficiently to strike the horse on its haunches. The horse, owned by S. Fabry, was extremely skittish, and when the lumber touched it, commenced kicking then ran away, throwing Mr. Lacy off, in such a manner that the loaded wagon passed over his body, breaking his back bone, and otherwise injuring him internally. There was a young lad, a son of Mr. Fabry, on the wagon at the same time, who managed to escape with a sprained wrist.

At present writing (Friday) Mr. Lacy is still alive and comparatively free from pain.


October 4, 1879

**A FEARFUL STORM.  The most terrible rain and wind storm of the season passed over this city on Sunday evening last, and every mother’s son, as well as daughter, of us fairly quaked in our boots or stockings—just as the case might be.  And bright visions of cyclones, tornados or hurricanes, were the entertaining features of the evening, in our minds eye.  No damage was done, however.

**CREMATED.  A family, living in one of Mr. Don Levy’s small houses, on the bank of the river in the vicinity of Holt and Balcom’s mill, lost a young child by death last week, and on Wednesday night as the remains were lying in a room by itself, surrounded by lighted candels, one of them, by some cause or other, tipped over, setting fire to the garments in which the remains were wrapped, and before the members of the family were aroused, it was badly burned.

**A STRIKE. About 40 River Drivers struck for higher wages on Tuesday.  They were receiving $1.50 a day, and struck for $2.00.  The water was becoming rather too “wet,” on account of cold weather, besides the great demand for labor “outside,” has made it quite scarce here.  The difficulty was satisfactory settled, and the “boys” resumed work.

**A BUSTED HEAD.  A man named Joseph DeLong attempted to go up stairs, in Maj. Scofield’s mill, on Tuesday evening.  Well, he went up.  He also came down.  He came down as he went up head first; striking on the stone floor at the foot of the stairs, inflicting a serious wound on that part of the cranium that came in contact with the stone.  Speaking scientifically, he has a “busted head.”  He is under the care of Dr. Allan.

**ANOTHER DRUNKEN BRAWL.  On Tuesday evening Jack Powers received serious injuries at the hands of Harry McIver, Bob Wheeler and one Douglass, at Oconto Falls.  The injuries were such that it was deemed necessary to have him removed to the city for proper care.  M. Slattery was employed by Chas. Bagley and others to remove the injured man to Oconto.  While performing the humanitarian duty, Slattery was attacked by the first assaulting party and terribly mangled.  On Wednesday Mr. Slattery made complaint before justice Hart, and the offenders will be dealt with according to just law.

**SOMEWHAT STARTLING.  Frank Adams and Thomas Bird went down to the mouth of the river on Saturday last, with the intention of camping out over night, in order to be on hand for the early duck, in search for that famous worm.  They were well supplied with all the necessary ammunition and after building a good fire, laid down beside it, and were soon wrapt in profound slumber.  How long they had slept, they knew not, when they were startled half out of their senses by a fearful explosion that fairly shook the earth.  It seems that a spark had snapped into their powder and blown up the whole concern.  Mr. Bird escaped without injury, but Frank Adams’ face, eyes and hands were filled with powder.

**SHOOTING AFFRAY.  As Fred Klingenberg, the man who manipulates the steering apparatus in Wm. Zippel’s fish wagon, was driving to the pier, on Tuesday evening, and when in the vicinity of Robert Jones’ residence, was attacked by Wm. And Chas Krueger, and in self defense, fired his revolver three times at them and snapped four caps, without any of the shots taking effect—one ball passing through the forehead of the other.  The assailants, then succeeded in capturing Fred, and put considerable of a “head on him,” with all the modern improvements.  Wednesday morning each party had the other arrested.
The complaint of Fred Klingenberg for the arrest of his assailants, was “for the assault with intent to do great bodily harm.”  The complaint of Wm. And Chas. Kruger against the seven shooter, was “for assault with fire arms, with intent to commit murder.”  All the parties were put under $100 bail, each, to appear for examination before Squire Hart, Thursday, Oct. 9th.

**ATTEMPTED SUICIDE.  On Monday evening last, a man named T. McKabe entered the saloon kept by B. Arnold, and asked for a glass of water and a doctor.  Upon examination it was fully elicited that the doctor was more required than the water.  Hardly had he entered the saloon and entered into the conversation above noted than he fell to the ground.  Upon examination, it was discovered that his throat had been cut.  After surgical attendance and the proper restoratives he was enabled to stand up and explain.  He was drunk, and had been for several days.  Crazed by liquor, he sought his own life, and, through feebleness, failed in the attempt.  Another lesson for inebriates.  The unfortunate is now lying within the walls of a prison, paying the just debt of a partial drunken life.

October 11, 1879

A SAD DISASTER.  We learn the following sad particulars from a gentleman just from the town of How:  It appears that on Sunday last the two sons of Wm. Barrtz, of that town, aged ten and twelve years respectively, obtained permission of their mother to go fishing on a small lake some three miles distant from home, agreeing to return during the afternoon.  The boys, however, did not arrive at the appointed time nor during the succeeding night.  The mother now grew seriously alarmed, but the father being away and there being no near neighbors, nothing could be done until the parent should arrive.  Early Monday morning Mr. Barrtz arrived from Oconto, and immediately went in search of the missing ones.  That morning the boys were found on a raft some distance from shore out on the lake, almost entirely stripped of clothing, the younger one being already dead, and the oldest one nearly so.  They were at once taken home, and restoratives promptly administered to the one still living who is now in a fair way for recovery.  It seems that the raft which the boys had gone out on had run aground some distance out into the lake and they were unable to get it free.  In their efforts they had divested themselves of their clothing and got out into the water to try and get the raft off, but were unsuccessful.  On again getting on the raft they had become so benumbed with cold that they had not the strength to put on their clothing, and in this condition were exposed to the rain and hail storm of Sunday night, resulting in the death of one of them as has been already said.—Shawano Journal.