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Flash From The Past - 1878

Jan. 12, 1878


That disease ails all our lumberman, which was fast becoming chronic, is slowly disappearing as the snow which is a sure cure, comes slowly down. The cold snap fixed the swamps, and on Wednesday it commenced snowing, kept up all night and Thursday slow, but sure, all of which will help the slipping on the swamps, and consequently the jobbers are convalescing. Only  two inches have fallen, but barley bottom sleighs
slip passably.

** Accident.

Quiet a serious accident occurred at Big Suamico on Tuesday night last. A case of sickness occurred at that place, when a handcar borrowed from the Section men and a party started for Fort Howard for a physician. Dr. Bartan started back with them, and when nearing Suamico they collided with another hand car going south, coming together with a great crash, seriously injuring Dr. Bartran, breaking his arm and otherwise bruising him. We believe it is against the rules of the R. R company to allow a handcar to go out of the hands of the Section men, or on the road nights.

** Broke jail.

On Saturday night last, two men confined in the County Jail for stealing, made their escape by cutting a hole about twelve inches squarethrough the side of the building. The sides of the building were made substantial by heavy square timbers placed upright as close together as possible. The hole was made by cutting a chunk out of one of these. The work was evidently done with a knife, though probably a slow process judging from appearances. This is rather an unpleasant episode for the jailer as he retires from the position, but it shows very forcibly the need for better jail building, which is the real cause ofc the accident.

**Another Fire

About 12 o'clock Saturday night fire was discovered breaking out of the Wm. Brunquest's store building at the S-W. corner of Main and Superior streets, opposite Funke's Hotel from whence the alarm was first given. The fire department responded promptly, but the flames had gained to much headway to admit of saving the building where the fire originated, or the building nest to it also owned by Mr. Brunquest, and occupied by Mrs. S. H. Waggoner as a store house for flour feed. The buildings were both one-story buildings, one comparatively new, and they were soon destroyed, when the flames were extinguished with out further damage. The building where the fire originated was occupied as a store of general merchandise by Mr. Brunquest, and was the only one that contained a stove. Mr. B. states that he left but a little fire in the stove; but the fire started in that vicinity. About $200 or $300 worth of his goods were saved. The buildings were each insured for $500, and the stock for $2,000. Total $3,000. Mrs. Waggoner was uninsured, but considerable of the feed was saved after the fire. Her loss is about

Jan. 19, 1878

** Personals.

We understand the Dr. H. Allen recently of this city, now of Milwaukee, contentplates returning and resuming his practice here. His many friends will welcome him.

Mr. G. J. Flanders has been confined to his house and bed for the past few days with some form of fever. It is hoped it will prove of a slight matter, and that he will soon be out again.

** Pulling Through.

Dr. Beebe states that the cases of Small Pox that broke out at McKillop's camp, on Gravely Brool, Peshtigo, are all over the trouble, and at work again as if nothing happened. The Dr. has had exceedingly good success in the treatment of these cases considering that some of them were quite maligant; and with only camp accommodations. No new cases have occurred there.

** Peshtigo Items.

We are sorry to say that Dr. Kelsey is not improving in health. He is confined to the house now most of the time, and fears are entertaining that he will never recover his health and strength.

Jan. 26, 1878

Killed in the Woods.- 

A sad accident occurred at the camp of James Conniff, on the Peshtigo river, about 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, resulting in instant death to a young man about 21 years of age, named John Morrison whose parents lived about 2 miles from West Depere, and a nephew of Wm. Morrison of this city. It appears the deceased was trying to roll a log that laid a little in the road, out of the way. It being on uneven ground, it was necessary to roll the log uphill, which he was trying to do with a can't hook, standing on the lower side. The hook slipped, and he commenced running backwards down before the log, as it came toward him, his heel struck a stub, he fell on his back, his head striking another log, and the first one rolled down over him from his feet to his head. The deathblow fractured the skull, which looked as if done in the fall, killing him instantly. He was brought to town, arriving Thursday afternoon, when W. B. Mitchell, as undertaker prepared the remains for burial. Wm. Morrison accompanied them by freight train Friday morning to the father's home near Depere. 

** Caught at Last

The Stolen Property Recovered

Last Sunday morning, Martin Quaid, an Irishman who has lived at Pensaukee for the past 30 years, went to Menominee on the train and conveyed the information to the bank officers that he had the man who robbed their bank a short time ago. Quaid who lives only a few rods from the depot, states that Jankowsky came to his house about four o'clock on the second morning after the robbery took place, being very tired, and soon after told him he was the person that committed the robbery. Quaid says his wife has been sick ever since the hurricane, and would not consent to his going and giving the information before. He had been to this place several times to get papers and medicine, and in this way had allied Jankowsky's suspicions so that he could be gone all day, which would be necessary to go to Menominee. He even states he and the thief had discussed several plans of escape, and also that the young man had kept his revolvers in trim with the intention of defending
himself to the last. Mr. Wooderd and some other gentleman came down on the evening train and with due caution entered the house, and the room designated and sprang upon their man, who did not have time to resist. They obtained conveyance to this city, where they got a livery team to take them to Menominee, where they arrived about midnight.

The Menominee Herald gives the following particulars obtained from the robber himself in regard to his escape:
He is 21 years of age and was born in Germany where his father was an officer in the army. He came to this country about 5 years ago, and has
been at Menominee most of the time since. He took the freight train, as was supposed, at Marinette; and before he had got far, wished himself
and the property back. He left the train here hid his satchel in the underbrush, and went to the Globe Hotel, in the West ward, and got his
breakfast. Then he took the street going west to the street running north along the river bank to the Green Bay house, thence to the rail
road track, and started along the track intending to get his satchel again, but seeing a man at work a short distance from it, he stuck into
the underbrush, and at a distance of about forty rods from the track, laid down and remained quiet all day. He heard the special engine which
brought his pursuers, and so hid low till 4 o'clock next morning. He found his valise with great difficulty, and followed the track right
through town going south, till daylight when a little this side of Pensaukee he went into the woods and remained until a little after mid
night the next night. Then he passed Pensaukee, but feeling very tired he returned, and went to the house of Quaid where he has since stayed,
calculating to remain until the search was abandoned, when he would go to New York and thence to the Old Country.
All of the property except about $60.00, which he paid for some clothing and board, was recovered. The money amounted to $1,800, aside from drafts, notes etc. The jewelry and watches were but little injured. It seems his pursuers were on the right track, but thought he would work south faster and thus missed him. Quaid received a reward of $450; the other $50 being retained on account of that much shortage.

Feb. 2, 1878

** Accident.-

Capt. Cliff Hart, of the tug Oconto, now carries his hand in a sling. While at Green Bay on Wednesday, he was engaged in taking some
measurements of the wheels of the steamer Union, when he slipped and fell tearing a serious gash in the palm of his left hand on a sharp
bolt. The cut laid the flesh open to the cords, extending across the palm of the hand, making a serious injury, which will lay him up for
some time.

A Detective Success

Private Detective W.A. Christy, of this city (Chicago), arrived here yesterday after a stay in Michigan of about three weeks. On the 26th of last December the Exchange bank, of Menominee, Mich. which is the same building with an extensive jewelry store owned and run by G. A. Woodford was robbed, and at the same time the jewelry spoke of. The full amount taken was $8,000. Suspicion was at once directed toward a young man named Adolph Yankowski, who had been employed as a clerk in the store, and had easy access to the vault of the bank. He was not seen after the robbery, and he was concluded to be the thief. The local police force of that city, gave up finding the man, and Mr., C. E. Aiken, of the bank, and Mr. Woodford of the store, at once telegraphed to Chicago for Christy. He went to the scene of the robbery, and obtained the particulars and succeeded in tracking the man to Pensaukee, Wisc., where he arrested him about a week ago. Yankowski is now in jail at Menominee, under indictment. Christy receives a liberal reward for the successful job.

This above item we clip from Chicago Post. It will be news for the people in this vicinity, who are familiar with the circumstances of the capture of the Menominee bank robber. That private detective mentioned, had about as much to do with his capture as the editor of the Post, who is evidently daped in giving the said detective a puff and credit which he never merited.  His (Private Detective W.A. Christy) success consists in palming off onto the Post, a manufactured story of achievements in his profession which had an existence only in his imagination. His reputation as a detective must be a valuable one if it rests on such items as above, which have no foundation in fact, so far as the success and reward is concerned. The robber stayed in a house very near the Pensuakee depot and was discovered only when the man with whom he stopped betrayed him, by going to Menominee and informing the bank officials, who accompanied him home and secured their man. The informer was an old resident of Pensaukee, and he received the reward.

Feb. 9, 1878

** Robbed.
A Norwegian, giving his name as Andrew Steverson, who during Monday was
considerably the worse for liquor, we are informed, stated on Tuesday
morning that he had, during the night before, been robbed of some $900.
It is certain that he had quiet a roll of bills with him on Monday,
which like most persons in his condition, he was not at all slow absent
exhibiting at the different saloons he visited. He has been at work in
the woods, where he had the money.

** FIRE.
About a quarter before three o'clock Thursday morning fire broke out in
what has been known as the Oconto house, and occupied by Jas. McNulty.
The alarm was given and the engines were soon on the ground. Mr. McNulty
being up in the woods, his family have been only occupying the rear part
- no fire having been built in the saloon part for some time, being
practically unoccupied. The fire broke out in the saloon part, and all
it's contents consisting of Billiard and card tables, chairs, bar
fixtures etc. were destroyed most of the household furniture in the
lower part was saved in a damaged condition. The building was an old
one, and worth probably $500. Lost on furniture about $200. - No

March 2, 1878

A Strange Coincidence

Last week we gave notice of the death of Mrs. McRae, daughter of Thomas
Huston, at her fathers house in this city, which took place about 4
o'clock a.m., Friday of the last week. Mr. H. telegraphed to her husband
at Menominee, who was very ill, so much so that his friends did not dare
to tell him the contents of the message. About 11 o'clock a.m., the same
day the husband died also, and his wife's family here were notified.
This coincidence necessarily changed the arrangements for the funeral, a
notice of which we gave. The remains of Mrs. M were taken to Menominee
Sabbath morning, and a double funeral held there. A funeral sermon in
her memory will be preached in the  M. E. Church, tomorrow evening,
March 3d.

** Lumbering Items.

Logging jobbers will do well to turn their cant hooks into  plow shares.

** Peshtigo Items.

A sad accident is reported from Boice's camp, of the Peshtigo Co. A man
by the name of Art Redmon and his mate returned to a camp a few days
since. Redmon said he had cut his foot bad, but had the liniment poured
into the cut with his boot pack on, for fear of bleeding to death. He
moaned and made such a fuss about the pain that he was taken to town and
paid off. The next day he was playing pool in the saloon, in fine boots,
and cutting up dog generally. That is one way of skulking and playing
off. Crying wolf when no wolf is near. Pass him round.

March 9, 1878

A Notorious Character Gone

28 years ago, Wm. Nason kept a kind of stopping place for travelers on
the Bay Shore in the vicinity of the Gale place. He soon afterwards
embarked in the saloon business in town, and soon merged it into a house
of ill fame, which has made his name a by-word and a stench in the
nostrils of respectable people, here and along the Bay Shore, for some
twenty years. While he house has not been a positive refuge for
criminals, it has invariably been notorious as a resort for the worst
classes of the community, and a hot bed of vise. He has long been
considered as lost to all self-respect and during the last few years the
ideal of a perfect perfect wreck and a fair sample of immorality and
intemperance will bring a man to. He has had many ups and downs in life,
which finally settled him in the city poor house about two years ago,
where Monday night he "passed in his checks," or in other words passed
from time to eternity. Before death his conscience seemed to be awakened
and he desired the presence of a minister of the Gospel, and Rev. Mr.
Walker answered his request. His death is reported by those present as
horrible in the extreme, being in great distress of mind about his
future, and regret for the past. He was about 70 years of age. Thus,
with few regrets in this world, a soul has passed to the other, with
only the blackness of dispair ahead. 

** Personals

Mr. F. H. Thurston, of Holt & Balcom's store, on Wednesday received the
sad intelligence of the death of his mother in Massachusetts. He started
immediately for the East to attend the funeral.

** Peshtigo Items

At Charley Bell's camp they have in about 1,100,000, and are doing well
considering their chance, as they are working up old choppings. An ox
died there on Friday, and the noble red-man claimed his remains, for

** Our Weekly Fire

On Sunday evening last, about 8 o'clock, a fire broke out in a dwelling
owned and occupied by Joseph Longren on State St., in the southwestern
part of the city. It was a two-story structure, with wing attached. The
fire broke out in the kitchen, and as quite a gale of wind was blowing,
the flames made rapid progress. The engines, though having some distance
to go, were on hand promptly. The building was destroyed with nearly all
it contained of household goods. The house and furniture were fully
insured there being &800 on the former and $300 on the latter, in
traders Insurance Co. of Chicago.

March 16, 1878

** Lumbering Items

Men from up the river report that the streams have been all the week in
good condition for driving logs probably owing to the fall of rain
Sunday afternoon and evening. Most of the loggers, however, were not
ready to take advantage of this head of water owing to the fact that
they did not have the tools to work with, and thus a golden opportunity
for drivers has been partially lost.

** Personals

A man supposed to have crossed the bay from this side, was seen from the
other side to drop through the ice and disappear, out of the reach of

** Accident.

David Penkowske, in Nat. Gilkey's camp on the Menominee, had a narrow
escape last Saturday. He started for the river with largest log that
they had put in this winter. In going down a steep hill he turned his
team a little to one side to aid them in holding the load, when the
roller broke throwing him to the ground, the log rolling of the sled
struck him, fracturing some of his ribs and holding his head in a
complete vice until taken from this position by his companions. He was
brought to town by the evening train and Dr. Beebe was called, who now
pronounces him out of danger. 

March 28, 1878


About noon of Friday of last week, as Leonard, son of Louis Pahl, was
lowering a barrel of malt in the upper part of his father's brewery,
from one floor to another by means of tackle operated by a crank, his
hand slipped from the crank, and the weight of the barrel being on
caused it to remove rapidly with great force. As it revolved, it struck
him in the side of the face, cutting  a fearful gash about three inches
long, from his mouth up toward the eye. It was fortunate that it did not
strike the skull, as it would have been fatal. Dr. Beebe was called and
sewed up the cut, and aside from the pain and inconvenience, the boy
will soon be as good as new.

The danger of handling explosives carelessly was again demonstrated the
other day at Couillardville. A boy living with Mr. J. Comstock got hold
of some nitroglycerine cartridges which the latter had procured for
blowing up stumps. The boy had succeeded in leaving one so that it found
it's way into the stove when it exploded, blowing the stove to pieces.
He took another one to school with him where William Davis of
Couillardville, borrowed it and took it home. On Sunday last the said
William had some curiosity to look into it and see what it was made of.
He had his curiosity satisfied before he found out what it contained. He
commenced investigating by picking it with a fork, when suddenly he
became aware that something had happened. He missed a thumb and two
fingers from one hand and found on closer investigation that both hands
and all his fingers were somewhat shattered. Dr. Beebe has him under his
care, and thinks he can save his hands, one of them minus two fingers
and a thumb. 

March 30, 1878

***Remarkable Longevity and Activity.

It may not be generally known that northern Wisconsin possesses as a
citizen one of the oldest men now living. The "History of Brown county"
By Mrs. French, 1876, mentions Geo. Houle, a Frenchman, who we are
informed, settled in Green Bay about 1798. We have not this History
before us, and therefore cannot give what is said relating to this aged
character, but simple mention it as support for the statement for the
man's age.

In conversation with Mr. John Salachider, now of Little Suamico, a man
nearly 90 years old, who was an early resident of Green Bay, in the
"early times," and who was familiar with it's early settlers, we learn
of a little incident in the life of Houle, which will at least give some
idea of his toughness if not amuse.

The subject of this sketch is believed by those who know him to be 136
years of age, and that fact that he is the progenitor of a large family
of children, grandchildren and great great grandchildren, some of the
grandchildren being old men now, it would seem that the age as stated is
not far from correct. One day last week this man walked from his home,
between Wrightstown and Depere, to Green Bay; a distance of about 14
miles. This would be considered quite the feat for a common mortal at
half that age, and we doubt that history records a case of greater
activity at such a wonderful age. But the incident we started to relate
is but a further evidence in the same direction and occurred some 32
years ago. Mr. S was a witness to this incident. He states that some
thirty-two years ago, when wagon roads and wagons were not as plenty as
now, Geo. Houle being then 104 years old, started from Green Bay and
traveled to Shawano, which is a distance in a straight line some 36
miles, on which carrying with him the following articles: a one
hundred pound sack of flour, twenty-eight pounds of pork, some tea and
coffee, and carried a jug of whiskey in his hand. He went by way of an
Indian trail. As he was starting he was asked where he was going, and
replyed, "O only over to Shawano." This was about the time that the
Menomiees were placed on the Shawano reservation. There is more then one
living witness of this incident, to-day, and it may be regarded as
practically true. It would seem from this that the days of the
Patriarches are all not yet past. A man who can at the age of 136 years
walk off a distance of fourteen miles, we should say was not in danger
of dying of old age or laziness. 

April 6, 1878

** Pensukee. Dist. No. 6.

There was a real old fashion wild cat caught in West Pensaukee, by Mr.
S. Tuttle. A few linx have been caught this spring in this vicinity.

There are a number of families now in the district that came from
outside quite recently. They "springs demonish" to buy land. There's two
new comers of  unknown tongue, and their coming is generally celebrated
"bawl" If it would not be out of place I should say they came from
Baby-lon. One took up its abode with the family of J Bundy, the other at
W P Richers. 


On Tuesday evening last, an 18 months old child of Peter Brabo, in the
West Ward, fell from a doorway and broke one of it's arms so near the
elbow that it is feared that a stiff joint will result. Dr. Paramore
dressed the fracture.

April 20, 1878


On Friday afternoon of last week, as John Addison, the man-of-all-work,
at the Beyer House, was splitting wood, holding a stick with one hand
and using the ax with the other, he made a mis-stroke and very nearly
severed the thumb from his left hand. Dr. Paramore replaced it, sewed
it on, and now his patient is getting along as well as could be

Convicted of Murder.

The person refered to below, will be remembered by residents of this
city and the vicinity who were living here some ten years ago. We clip
the following from the Green Bay Advocate, relating to the late
developments of the case, which we had occasion to mention at the time
of the first trial.

Dr. St. Louis, of Fremont, Nebraska, we believe to grow up to early
manhood at Little Chute, in this State. From there he went to Appleton
where he was employed as a clerk in a drug store. He then went to Oconto
where he resided for a time, and while living there his wife died very
suddenly, under suspicious circumstances. The suspicious pointed
strongly to her having been poisoned, but there was no evidence
sufficient to convict him of the crime. He afterwards moved to Nebraska
where he married again. A year or two since, his second wife died, with
symptoms resembling those caused by poisoning. The body was exhumed and
poison found in the stomach and the Dr. was arrested, charged with
murder. He made himself conspicuous by writing a letter to the Appleton
Crescent, claiming that he was being prosecuted by the other physicians,
on account of their jealousy of his large practice. He was tried for
murder, but for some cause that we do not now remember, escaped
conviction. He has had now had a second trial, at Wahoo, Nebraska, by a
change of venue, which terminated last Saturday, by this conviction of
murder in the first degree. 

May 4, 1878

***Peshtigo Items

Dr. Kelsey died on Wednesday of that dreaded disease consumption.

** Accident
While engaged in effecting some repairs in his barn one day this week,
Ex-sheriff Gerkie fell from a ladder, and received a very severe strain
of the ankle. He is continued to his house, but is doing favorably.

** Narrow Escape

A river driver whose name we have been unable to learn, while standing
immediately on the bank of Oconto Falls was caught by snag and carried
into the foaming gulf some 20 feet below. Strange to relate he was seen
a few moments there after making for the neighboring shore, which he
reached in safety and was soon at work as unconcerned as though nothing

** Short Dresses

Every sensible woman, and especially every business woman, is glad short
dresses are coming in style again. Of course if all women were sensible,
short dresses for walking would always be in style. But, and to relate,
they are not, and so they persist on making themselves victims of style
mongers, and martyrs to false ideas of propriety and refinement.
However, short dresses make neat and even handsome boots necessity. With
them, run-down heals shabby leather or ill-fitting boots are an
abomination, and should be impossible. Let a women dress her feet tidily
and step properly, and she will not be afraid of a short dress. But few
women know how to walk, and they are so few because the silly idea has
so long prevailed that they must wear boots with thin and narrow soles,
and as small as the contraction of the flesh will allow. Gradually them
notions are giving place to more healthy ideas but not so fast as
desirable. With soles as broad as the feet, thick enough to protect them
from the hardness and inequalities of the earth, and long enough so that
the joints shall not be crowded out of shape, and with uppers durable
and handsome, and fitting perfectly, there is no reason women should not
walk casually, and consequently gracefully. Then they need not be afraid
of short skirts, and they will not readily give them up when it is
generally confessed that they are neat, comfortable and convenient. 

May 11, 1878

** Over. The Falls.

In speaking of the river driver who was carried over the falls, last
week we were in error in saying that he was caught by a snag.
His name is August Schwartz and was in the employ of Holt & Balcom. He
was standing on the immediate brink of the falls, in the water where the
current was very swift. In using the pevey, it gave way and lossing his
balance, the current forced him over the fall. He disappeared for a
short time in the boiling waters twenty feet below, but on coming to the
surface, struck boldly out and gained the shore without assistance and
was soon back at work as if nothing had happened. To those knowing the
place and circumstances, his escape from death seems miraculous. This is
the first case of a man going over the falls, and there are few that
would care to try the experiment.

** The Oshkosh Times states that a Miss Buelow, of that city, while
laughing very loud a few days since, completely dislocated her lower
jaw, causing her to make a very indecorous appearance. Her parents and
relatives thought that she had been seized by some terrible cramp. A Dr.
was summoned who put the jaw back again. This should be a warning to all
young ladies, to be careful when smiling or giggling. 

** At Bremen, Ohio, a boy born was recently born to a young couple
having three perfectly formed eyes and but one ear. Two of the eyes are
in their natural position, and also one ear, but the place for the
second ear is smooth and solid as any other part of the head. The third
eye is about an inch around, at left of the left eye. The child is

May 18, 1878

** Peshtigo Items

A little four year old boy of Mr. Geo. McDonald's met with a severe and
painful accident last Monday, about noon. He was playing in the street,
when he was run over by a wagon loaded with hay. The little fellow's
right leg was broken near the hip, while his left leg was very badly
bruised. The bones were set and the little fellow is doing as well as
can be expected.

>From the Eagle

Conniff's logs are making good progress, and are expected down in about
fifty or sixty days. One of his dams was partially damaged by the high
water. His new dam has three eighteen foot gates. He has plenty of

Charlie Boice and A. Moran got their whole drive, and what was left of
last year's logs, safely into main Beaver Creek Tuesday night. Some of
the men who came down have been up for six months.

The Last

The highway bridge crossing the river in the West Ward, was torn away on
Tuesday and Wednesday to let the tugs pass up the river with their tows
of logs or scows. This will leave the West Ward, of Frenchtown, without
a wagon bridge during the summer, as it will not be rebuilt until next
winter. The railroad bridge will be used as a foot bridge. This makes it
decidedly inconvenient for that part of town.


May, 25, 1878

** Almost Drowned.

On Friday afternoon of last week, a boy named Samuel Pomroy, while
playing on the logs in the boom just above the Superior St. bridge,
accidentally slipped through between them, and narrowly escaped
drowning. That he was not drowned was not his own fault, as he went down
the necessary three times, but the son of Mr. Frank Fisher who lives
near by caught and held him until more help arrived.
Boys seem to have a peculiar weakness for any thing that savors of
danger and excitement, and of all things there is nothing quite so
attractive as running on logs afloat on the river. This practice seems
to possess all the elements necessary for fun for small boys. It is even
better than catching on to freight cars in motion. 
Parents should be careful how they allow their children to indulge in
this amusement, as the men employed on the logs find it impossible to
keep them away. Scarcely a year passes but one or more boys become

The remains of Geo. McConnell, which at his death this spring were
united in the Roman Catholic cemetery, were removed to the Protestant
cemetery a short time ago by order of the Catholic Bishop.

St. Nathans (now Chase)

Chase and Dickey's mill is running at full blast, sawing lumber and
shingles. The late copious rains have afforded them ample opportunity to
run down the remainder of their logs, which is sufficient to keep their
mill slashing the whole season.

We realize that we are pretty far back from the outer world, but we are
inclined to feel gloomy and melancholy, we could not, with Jap's smiling
countenance among us; but we have no such inclination. Like the noble
red man of the forest, the woods have an irresistible charm for us. We
live at present in close proximity to the forest but we feel happy, for
most of us were born in the most extensive wilderness of the Eastern
States. In childhood we listened to the ever sighing pines and hemlocks
in the east and now in manhood the oaks, the elms and maples reach out
their arms lovingly above us in the winds, so called Oconto County. The
trees are friends, and we would be homesick away from the grand old
wood. When we came here years ago, direct from our original homes, we
found nature pure and unadulterated, fresh from the hands of the
Creator. Here we gazed upon primitive forests and felt an inexplicable
thrill of delight. Here at the time the red deer wandered undisturbed in
the green wood, and the panther as absolute monarch of the forest. A few
years from that time brought the beginning of the change. The woods
re-echoed the sound of the woodsmen's ax, the forest began to disappear
and the farms to take it's place.

June 1, 1878

** Accident

A young man named Vanderhyder, employed in hauling refuse from
Scofield's mill, was struck on the head by a spault coming down the
slide, Monday, and suffered a sever gash in the scalp. Dr. Beebe
rendered the necessary surgical aid.

** A Shooting Affair.

Early Monday evening, it is reported, a little disturbance occurred in
the family of Mr. Magry, on the South Side, from what cause exactly is
not stated, although there was a women in the case. In the melee Mr. M.
is reported to have shot at his son. A warrant having been issued for
his arrest an officer went in pursuit on Wednesday morning but failed to
find him, as he has disappeared. 

June 8, 1878

** Accident

On Tuesday, a carpenter named Constant Noel, employed on the planing
mill by the Oconto Company, while engaged in turning a pulley, met with
an accident by which he lost a portion of the three largest fingers on
his left hand. Dr. O'Keef performed the necessary surgery.

** Another Shooting Affair

On Saturday evening last, a row occurred in the saloon recently opened
by James Lacy, in the West Ward, called by somebody wanted to "put a
head on" Chub Elsey, who has something of a reputation as a pugilist, or
"Chub" wanting to put a head on somebody, or perhaps a little of both.
At any rate they got into a row without any particular pretext, and as
usual "Chub" was the object of the malice of the aforesaid somebody,
who, we believe, was a man named Gravel and his friends. But "Chub,"
true to his reputation did not get up and run away, but stood and
contested their ability to thresh him.
In the melee that followed, one of the attacking party, which was
getting the worst of the bargain, drew a revolver and fired at "Chub"
the bullet passing very close to another man's head, hitting "Chub"just
at one side of the right temple parallel with the side of his head,
following close to the skull which flattened it, and leaving his head
when nearly over the ear, plowing a furrow, which came near being a
fatal one. It proved, however, nearly or quite harmless. A man named
Gravel on complaint of City Marshal Don Levy, was brought before Justice
Hart on Tuesday. The case was adjourned to the 11th inst., the accused
being bound over to appear at that time.

** Lumbering Notes

All the logs in the tributaries of the different rivers emptying into
Green Bay, are all down or coming down in splendid style, all of which
suits the lumbermen.

June 15, 1878

** Shawano County

Seven funerals were celebrated last Sabbath at the M. E. Church, all in
one service.

June 22, 1878

** Setting up.

We learn that about 25 families have settled on the lands in the
vicinity of Jones creek town of Stiles within the past two weeks.

** Accident.

On Saturday last, Frank DonLevy, son of James DonLevy Esq., received
serious and painful injuries by a kick from a horse in Phillip's livery
stable. Both of the horse's feet struck him in the head, just to the
right of the nose, and so suddenly and with such force that he was
unconscious of what hit him, until told of it after he was restored to
consciousness. In fact did not know he had been hit. The right cheek
bone was broken, and several teeth knocked out, while the fleshy part of
his face was very badly cut and disfigured, marks which will follow him
through life. Dr. O'Keefe, who attended him, thinks he will soon be
around again. It was a narrow escape from death.

On Monday, an old man named Hooton, some 66 years of age, employed at
Eldred's mill, and received very serious if not fatal injuries. A car
load of slabs was being hauled up an inclined track, and Hooton was
behind it. Something about the tackle gave away and the car came back
upon him. He fell under the cars between the rails, but the framework
caught him in such a way as to bruise every part of his body. It seemed
a miracle that every bone was not broken, and he killed outright. Dr.
O'Keefe attended him, and on examining him found no bones broken, but
dangerous injuries that, in so aged a person, are not favorable to an
early recovery.

** Peshtigo Items
From the Eagle:

A man named A. F. F. Hussay, stole a team of the company's horses from
their pasture, in the upper Sugar Bush, Thursday night of the last week
and struck out north. A man with two horses was seen crossing the bridge
at the village at the same night, and when the loss was discovered the
next day, it was at once suspected that the thief and the man seen on
the bridge was the same person and had make tracks for the north.
Officers up north were apprised of the theft and Monday a dispatch was
received here stating that a man with a team of horses answering the
description of those stolen, had been arrested at Escanaba. Mr. W. J.
Shepherd started for that place the same day and identified the stolen
property, and Tuesday night Hussey was brought back, being met at
Marinette by Sheriff O'Leary armed with a proper warrant. He found
quarters in jail preparatory to the trip to Waupun. The man has worked
here for some time past and was supposed to be honest and
straightforward, and on account of poor health had always been given a
good chance.

July 6, 1878

A man named Cannon living in Brookside was last week presented with a
young cannon, eight  pounder, by his wife. This was intended for a
fourth of July salute, but was a little premature.

** Personals

Mr. Hooton who was injured a couple of weeks ago by the slab car coming
back onto him, at Eldred's mill is recovering slowly.

July, 12, 1878


On Sunday last at Oconto Falls, a young man named Amos Manning aged 22
years and a resident of the neighborhood was drowned in the Oconto
river. He was in bathing in company with 8 or 10 companions, and swam,
we understand, across the river and was about half way back when he went
down. One of his companions swam to his rescue, but was obliged to leave
him to face his fate after being dragged down twice.

Wanted - a lot of loafers to sit around and block up the entrance to
stores in the vicinity of Music Hall and Davis' Blocks.

Peshtigo Items

Sam Newton has just finished shearing his sheep about 350.

Mrs. Sam Newton has recently had a cancer removed at Green Bay, and is

Mrs. W. J. Shepherd is slowly recovering from the effects of a fall some
weeks ago. She is able to go out of doors.

A boy named Thos. Prew aged 14 years and living to in the North Ward,
was quite seriously injured at the Water Mill, on Wednesday of last
week, by being struck in the stomach by a board thrown from a saw. Dr.
Beebe has charge of the case and hopes to bring him through.

An anxious mother writes to us, asking how she can keep her son from
going out nights after the women. We suggested two different ways to the
anxious parent: First break his legs; second hire one, two or three of
these women to come and stay with him every night. If neither plan is
crowned with success, write to us again.

Many of our readers have doubtless heard of W. R. Patrick, a Marinette
man having invented a process of manufacturing pulp from pine slabs,
from which a good quality of paper of different kinds may be
manufactured. His business card printed on a sample of card board made
from the pulp is on our table. The pulp is made under a process patented
in Feb. and May last.

July 19 1878

Peshtigo Items

A Sweede, known as Capt. Jack, was thrown off a scow on the bay, at the
Harbor. He was unmarried.

A Belgian with a long name had one of his legs broken below the knee at
the Harbor.


A man named David LaMay, employed at the Oconto Company's saw mill, met with a painful accident last week. He was employed on a cut off saw,
when, in some manner, his sleeve caught and drew his hand on the saw,
sawing two or three slits across the palm of the hand, about half way
between the thumb and fingers.

Rodney Gillett lost one of his best horses from the effects of the heat
recently in his logging camp.

Aug. 17, 1878


A sad case of drowning occurred on Sunday afternoon last, in the river,
in the vicinity of Comstock's mill, in which a young women named Jane
Morrisey, daughter of Mr. John Morrisey, of this city, and Charles Cook,
a young man, son of O. C. Cook, living near Comstock, lost their lives.
The circumstances of the case, as we learn them, and as given in
testimony of two persons present when the drowning occurred, at the
inquest held over the remains of the young women, by Justice Bentz,
Sunday evening where about as follows.
It appears that both the deceased, and another young women named Jennie
McAllister, had been gathering black berries in the neighborhood, and
had crossed the river in a large log canoe, which had been fastened to
the boom in the river, between which and the shore of the water was full
of logs. According to the evidence, the party, consisting of five, one
Gen. Smith and his little daughter, living in the vicinity, Jennie
McAllsiter, Jane Morrisey and Chas. Cook, left the house of the said
Smith between three and four o'clock, for the river, the three last
named to cross the river in the canoe. Miss Morrisey ran ahead on the
logs, reached the canoe and untied it, while Cook assisted Miss
McAllister over the logs. It appears the girls jumped into the canoe and
pushed it away from the boom, in play, before Cook could get in or catch
hold of it, the deceased girl saying, "We will leave you". She stepped
to the stern of the canoe, asked the other girl for the one paddle which
the canoe contained, which she handed to her, and sat down, probably on
the side of the canoe in such a manner as to lose her balance, and fell
over backwards into the river, taking the paddle with her. The canoe was
then about a rod from the boom, on which was young Cook and Mr. Smith
and his little daughter. The girl in the boat having no paddle failed to
get the boat to the boom very quick, and young Cook immediately threw
off his coat and dived into the water, coming up along side the drowning
girl. He was a good swimmer, but as it afterward appeared he must have
struck a snag in diving, which to some extent disabled him, as a bad
bruise was discovered over the nose when the body was recovered, and he,
going down, did not appear at the surface again, but the girl came up
twice, the last time as if supported, which led Smith to suppose Cook
was under her, keeping her up. She then disappeared and no more was seen of them, 
until two hours afterward, when the bodies were recovered attached to one another.
It seems decidedly strange that a young man and young women, one a good
swimmer should drown in almost still water, within a rod from the boom,
on which a man stood, and alongside of a large canoe with a person in it
out of which one had fallen. Yet such was the case in this instance, and
two young persons, in the full vigor of youth, and about the same age
(17 years) together met a gloomy fate.
There is plenty of occasion here for the moral, which, however, we will
allow the readers to think out for themselves. It is hardly necessary to
add that this is a case where two lives were lost in a most aggravating
way without any palliating circumstances with help so near and yet so
far, and all brought about by the thoughtlessness of one of the victims.

Aug. 24, 1878

** Accident 

Nicholas Struck, a fifteen year old son of John Struck of the South
ward, allowed one of his legs to get in the way of the circular saw
carriage in Scofield's mill Monday morning, and suffered a fracture of
the same below the knee. The carriage got off without a scratch.

** A Home Invention.

Our townsman, Mr. Joseph Poirier, has but recently received his letters
patent on Axle Adjuster, which he invented. It is a convenient
arrangement for setting or straightening a sprung buggy axle, and so
constructed as to be used without removing a wheel or injuring the
finish. It appears to be a good thing and an improvement on anything yet
on the market for the same purpose. He has the first lot manufactured
and will place them on the market. He expects to manufacture them here,
He offers territory for the sale of them in large or small quantify. His
invention is known as J. P. Improved Axle Adjuster.

** Another Nitro-Glycerine Disaster at Negunee

A second explosion of nitro- glycerine, a short notice of which we gave
last week, occurred at Negunee at eighteen minutes past nine o'clock, on
Wednesday morning of last week, sending four men to their long home,
making 11 since January, from the same cause, at the same place. The
names of the illfated  men were, H. E. Huber, John Scanion, Dayton L.
Brown, Samuel Cooper, all unmarried. 
From the Ishpeming Iron Home, we clip the following description of the scene, 
after the explosion. Several others employed at the mill, who happened
to be absent when the explosion occurred escaped.
What, but a few moments before, was a series of fine buildings was now
even a heap of smoldering ruins, there hardly being enough of the
buildings left to be properly called a heap. For a distance of a quarter
of a mile in all directions were evidences of the terrible force of the
murderous nitro-glcerine, small pieces of boards, splintered and broken
lay scattered about in every direction, the surface of Mud lake (at
whose edge the factory was located) being fairly covered with debris,
while the woods and fences, near where the buildings had stood were on
fire. Search was at once begun to find if anything could be found of the
four men known to have been employed within the factory at the time of
the explosion, Huber, Scanion, Brown and Cooper. The body of Cooper was
first found and that of Brown soon after discovered almost buried in the
earth, a small portion of his breast only being visible. Huber and
Scanion were undoubtedly blown to atoms, as a dilligent search only
revealed a part of a scalp, (which, by color of the hair, was identified
as Huber's, his being of light brown color while Scanion's was quiet
black,) the spinal column of a human being, a foot, a finger, a nose,
and a few other small pieces of shapeless flesh. Several small pieces of
clothing were picked up in different directions about the scene of the
disaster, among which was a part of a pantaloons, in the pocket of which
was found a memorandum book belonging to Huber, together with a letter
written to his mother, and several other letters of a business
character. A handkerchief, readily recognized as belonging to Scanion,
was also picked up. A shoe belonging to one of the unfortunate men was
also found. The remains (or as much as could be found of them) of the
victims of the explosion were placed on a platform in the middle of the
ruins and covered with blankets. By this time hundreds of people from
Ishpeming and Neganee had assembled on the fatal spot, and after viewing
the ghastly spectacle turned from the scene with looks of horror, and
hearts filled with pity for the poor men thus hurled into eternity
without a moments warning, no time to prepare themselves for the dark
here after. A horse and wagon belonging to Walseth & Tisley, liverymen 
of this city, were blown into a thousand fragments, the head of the
horse being blown entirely off, and his left side which was undoubtedly
towards the building, was blown almost entirely away. The wagon, a
strong one, was totally wrecked. The four men killed were single men and
much thought of by everybody knowing them. It is a singular fact that
the explosion occurred on the same day of the week and about the same
hour in the morning as the disastrous explosion of last January.
The probable loss to the company, with out reckoning the loss of life or
detention of operations is almost $9,000. Thus have 11 men been killed
by nitro-glycerine in this county since last January and the accursed
manslayer is still permitted to be manufactured.

Oconto County Reporter
 August 31, 1878

An alarm of fire was sounded on Wednesday night caused by the burning of Hans Knudson's house on
Second Street, south side. The home was a small one built on the site of one burned about a year ago. The loss
was about $300.

The C&NW Railway will sell excursion tickets to Chicago during the Exposition at the rate of one-fifth fare.

Most of the old teachers of last year in the schools are employed again for the ensuing year, but some changes
have been made, some being assigned to different schools from last year.

At a meeting of the Fire Department Wednesday evening, the following delegates to the Chicago Firemen's
tournament which commences Sept, 4, were appointed: William J. McGee, John Casson and J. W. Hall.

F. W. Lee has been engaged as principal of Washington school and Mr. M. A. McGinnis as principal of Jefferson

Sept. 7, 1878

** Peshtigo Items

Wm. Shepherd lost a boy by death recently.

Mr. Frank Curtier who is operating a tram logging road on Beaver Creek,
lost his team by a pine falling across both, killing them. They were
working close to a tree that was half cut down. Suddenly it began to
fall and before the team could become unhitched it came upon them.

** Personals

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Casson have been visited with another great
affliction in the loss of a little boy of some four years of age by
diphtheria. While away on a visit a few weeks ago, in Iowa their oldest
child, a bright little girl, and the pride of the household, was taken
from them by the same disease. In this their second irreparable loss
they have the heart felt sympathy of the entire community.

We learn that Wilbur Orr, recently of this city, now of the oil
districts of Pennsylvania, has lost, by death, his youngest boy, named
Hunter. Diphtheria was the disease.

Mr. L. B. Noyes informs that his son Frank, who has recently graduated
from State University, will soon enter the law office of Trudell and
Noyes of this city as a law student.

We regret to learn that Mrs. S. H. Waggoner who has been confined to the
house for several months past, is not in as favor able a condition as
for the past few weeks. The disease has taken a change for the worse,
which makes an early recovery very doubtful.

Sept. 14, 1878

** Correction

In noticing the death of Mr. Casson's children last week, the REPORTER
was led to make a most aggravating error, through being misinformed.
Their oldest child, a little girl, is alive and well, it being their
oldest boy that died while visiting in Iowa. See death notice elsewhere.

** Accident

On Tuesday, as a boy named Mike Cane was handling a revolver, and in the
act of removing the cartridge from one of the chambers, it was
accidentally discharged and the ball entered the palm of the hand,
followed up the arm and was removed by a physician who found it about
half way from the writs and elbow. 

A Tragedy.
 On Monday, of last week, a man named Michael Sagstatter, living in
Menasha, shot his wife with a carbine killing her instantly. He had
suspected her of being unfaithful to him, having reason to believe that
a colored barber was on too intimate terms with her, who furnished her
washing as an excuse for his visits. He watched them one day until
convinced that his suspicions were well founded. The whole affair ended
as above stated. Sagstatter is in jail and the barber left town just in
time to escape the tar and feathers, or worse. The sympathy of the
community is with Sagstatter who was a hard working man.

Sept. 28, 1878

A Sad Event

Another sad event has occurred this week, in the sudden death of Mrs.
Crosby, which occurred on Tuesday  after an illness of only three or
four days. Although in very robust health she had been able to attend to
the duties in the connection with a small retail business in which she
had engaged for the support of herself and four small children, after
the sudden death of her husband by drowning some two years ago. Mrs.
Crosby has had the warmest friendship of all who have the pleasure of
her acquaintance and her sudden demise has been a great shock throughout
a wide circle of friends in both town and country. It is indeed a sad
affair that leaves four small children without a father or mother to
guide and direct and but little of the world's means to smooth the way.
The funeral took place on Thursday morning, and was conducted by the
Masonic fraternity, of which her husband was a member, Rev. Mr. Dafter

A Long Life

There arrived in this city, one day last week, Mr. Thomas Tourtillott
Sr., father of Abel, Henry and Thomas Tourtillott, of this place, who
has attained the somewhat remarkable age of more than 92 years, having
been born in Penobscot County, Maine, on the 22nd day of April, 1786.
Although most of his life, and especially the earlier half of it was
spent amid the hardships of the early days of the Republic in a wild and
undeveloped part of the country, yet he has not only lived to this great
age, but to all appearances is good for many years yet, he being quiet
strong and vigorous in both body and mind. His memory is still good, his
hearing but little impaired, while all the other faculties of his mind
are remarkably well preserved.
  His early life was spent along the Pinobscot river, where he was
engaged in the pursuits of the life of a frontiersman of that day, such
as lumbering, rafting on the different streams, and was not a little
engaged in hunting wild animals, undergoing, at times, great hardships
of both hunger and exposure common, in that day. At one time, in company
with two companions, while on a trip into New Brunswick, traveled
through the wilderness for six days, with nothing to eat but a rabbit,
which was captured just as the party was about to give up from
exhaustion. They had lost their stock of provisions by being upset in
their canoe on the river.
He was a young man of 26 years when the war of 1812 broke out and was at
one time in the employ of the Government in piloting an expedition which
was engaged in caring a cargo of dry goods, which had been landed from
England in spite of the blockaded coast and in spite of the English who
guarded every harbor, by a round about way to New York, where they
arrived safely. During the hardships of this early life, which seemed
but to give him the nerve and frame which has made him equal to the
battle of years, he had many adventures and narrow escapes from violent
He has been married twice and has raised 14 children (7 by each wife)
all of whom lived to raise families of their own. We believe the oldest
(Able Tourtillot) is about 66 years old and lives here. The old
gentleman has had the pleasure of greeting two great great
grandchildren, the children of Mrs. Sam Orr his great grand child. Thus
five generations gathered under one roof. Truly a long life, which began
before Washington was President of the United States, and indeed, before
the United States existed as a government.

Oct. 5, 1878

** Accident

Mrs. W. T. Ullman met with a painful accident on Monday. In company with
a number of other ladies she went up the river a few miles to gather
ferns, Mrs. Ullman driving her own horse. When in the vicinity of
Comstack's mill on their return home, a number of Indians with their
ponies loaded with numerous traps met, one of which crossing the road
just in advance of Mrs. Ullman's horse frightened that animal, so that
it turned square around and ran, the buggy coming into contact with
something threw her and Lillie Reinhart who was riding with her, out.
Mrs. Ullman became entangled in the lines, and as the horse ran she was
dragged several rods along the rough road before getting free. She
suffered some severe contusions on the head and shoulders and narrowly
escaped a much more serious fate. Lillie Reinhart suffered a sprained
ankle. The horse ran back as far as Percy's farm about two miles where
it was stopped comparatively uninjured. The buggy was pretty well used
up. The Indians appeared to feel pretty bad, over the catastrophe which
they had unintentionally caused, and did all in their power to put
things rights, showing undisguised solitude for the welfare of the
injured persons. At this writing (Friday) Mrs. Ullman is reported as
recovering rapidly, and will, no doubt, soon be as good as new. There
might be a moral attached to this, for the benefit of ladies who drive
so far from home unattended. We'll let them guess what it is.

Oct. 12, 1878

** Peshtigo Items'

***A Sad Occurrence

Last Saturday morning the sympathies of the people of the town were
aroused by the startling intelligence that a father and two children had
been burned to death, at the Harbor, early in the morning. The
unfortunate ones were, Mr. Desotell, a son - a deaf mute - and the baby.
Between four and five o'clock in the morning, a teamster living with the
family, arose and lighted a lamp, which he left on a table in the
kitchen, while he went to attend to his horses. While he was absent, in
some unknown way, the fire was started, and was well under way before it
was discovered. The members of the family were aroused and safely
removed except these two children who were still upstairs. The father
rushed up to attempt their rescue, but, overcome by the heat and smoke,
fell a victim to the flames. The three having met a common death were
laid away in common grave Sunday afternoon.
The house and nearly all the furniture were destroyed. About two hundred
dollars in money are also supposed to have been burned. The bereft, a
widow and several children, have found warm hearts, ready hands and
universal sympathy.

Oct. 19, 1878

We learn that a man named Joseph Lane, at one time a resident of this
city, but lately of Marinette, committed suicide at that place on
Tuesday night by taking arsenic. He had been drinking very hard and took
the poison in a fit of desperation. Several Drs. did all in their power
to save him, much against his will, but without avail. After about seven
hours of suffering, from spasms, he expired. Just before he died he
expressed a desire to live, but at first he cursed the doctors without

***Bear Killed
We learn that a large black bear was killed near Brookside last week by
J. I. Bovee. He (the bear, not Bovee) had been around trying to carry
off hogs and other domestic animals of the neighborhood, and at one
place tried to catch a women who went out to drive him away. She
objected to being hugged by the bear and by the timely arrival of a dog,
succeeded in getting away. We are told that Mr. B. put five balls from a
repeating rifle, into the animals head before he succumbed. It is
related that the women struck at the bear with an ax when the bear hit
it a tap with his paw which sent it on an excursion some distance away. 

***Shocking Affair

The township of Nahma, Delta County, near Escanaba, was the scene of a
murder about the 25th of last month, according to the Iron Post.
For many years a named Philemon Thompson, had lived in the vicinity of
Garden Creek, where he has raised a family. An Indian had also been
raised in the family. One of his sons, D. H. Thompson, had a daughter
about 15 years old, with the 'old man', her grandfather, had been having
criminal intimacy for some time, until it became evident that she could
not keep her situation longer a secret. Papers were issued for his
arrest, but he had disappeared. It appeared from the evidence, at the
trial of the Indian, Thomas Conklin and D. H. Thompson, who were
arrested upon Conklin complaining against the Indian, that the party
including one other beside the murdered man went out on a hunting tour.
After pitching tent, the party divided, the Indian and the 'old man'
going together and one of the party staying to cook. Shortley after they
left camp, the cook, named Conklin, ran up the bank, and saw the Indian
shoot the elder Thompson. The Indian claimed that Conklin helped hide
the body, thus implicating him. The three mentioned are held for further

Indian Payment

Indian Agent Bridgman, paid the Onieda Indians their annual payment
Thursday last week. The amount paid was $1,000. Being 68 cents to each
individual. This payment is guaranteed to them by a treaty made in 1794
and is to continue as long as the tribe exists. There has been an
increase in their number from 1,405 of last year to 1,470 this year. 

NOVEMBER 2, 1878

A Bereavement

On Sunday morning last, about six o'clock, Capt. and Mrs. Henry W. Hart
met with a great affliction in the death of their youngest child, a
little girl of about 2 in a half years of age, at their residence in
Green Bay. The disease was scarlet fever, which it is thought was
communicated to the family by a friend visiting them from this city, as
it has appeared in no other family there. All four of their children
were taken about the same time, which has resulted in the death of the
youngest, and the next youngest is very seriously ill with scarcely a
hope of recovery. The others are convalescent. 
The death of the child occurring on Sunday morning, the Captain went to
the trouble and expense of sending his boat the steamer Welcome to
convey the members of the family and friends here, who might, wish to
go, to Green Bay to attend the funeral, but through some aggravating
misunderstanding occasioned by passing the order through two or three
persons, the errand of those in command of the boat was  not half
performed, and the family and friends remained in ignorance of the time
and place for the funeral, they  being informed the remains would be
brought here for burial, the following day. The boat returned as it
came, empty, and the funeral took place Monday with none of the family
or friends from here present, save Mrs. Edwin Hart who had gone there as
soon as the disease commenced its fatal work.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart have the sympathy of a large of friends and relatives
here in their affliction, although they were debarred from giving
evidence of it by their presence when they were no doubt sorely needed
and when common etiquette would dictate their attendance.

Nov. 16, 1878


The hand of Death has not yet been stayed in our midst. Last Saturday
Jake and Ida Lince buried their infant child, and on Sunday afternoon
occurred the death of our most estimable young men, Alfred Bellingham,
aged 16 years. From the fear of spreading the contagion (Scarlet Fever)
the burial was attended by but few. The funeral services have been
postponed until the family shall be able to attend them, there being
several other members in more or less critical condition. The bereaved
family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lynes had the misfortune to lose by death, on Tuesday
night, their oldest son, Edward, a lad of about 15 years. He had been
lying very low for some weeks. The disease at first was something like
scarlet fever. Upon apparently recovering from that he exposed himself
too soon, and a relapse succeeded which has terminated fatally. They
have the sympathy of their many friends in this affliction.

Miss Nora Newton until a few years since a resident of Oconto, and with
whom most of our people were intimately acquainted, was to have been
married at her home in Oshkosh, on Tuesday of this week, to a gentleman
named Edwin Hubbard. She is to move with her husband immediately to
Florida where his business, that of lumber manufacturer, is located.
Here many friends here will wish her much joy and happiness in her new

Nov. 23, 1878


It is reported that H. O. Fairchild, of Marinette, has a new daughter.
We suppose his wife has one too; we hope so at least for the credit of
the family. 

A Seducer Caught

Sheriff Conniff nabbed a man very neatly one day last week. He had
received a picture of a man wanted in Michigan, named Fredrick Drilling.
Happening to see a man at the depot who resembled the on in the picture,
the sheriff approached him with an offer to hire him for the woods. On
the way down town, he learned where he was from, and at his office
showed him the picture. The man seeing he was caught, recognized it as
his own and was jailed until the arrival of the sheriff of Lake Co.
Michigan, who departed with this man on Tuesday. The charge, on which he
was apprehended, was that of seduction, he having left some three
maidens behind, who wanted to be called by his name.

Dec. 14, 1878

** A woman in the east ward is going to have printed and posted up in
her hen house a notice to it's (the hen house) inhabitants, to the
effect that every mother's daughter of them that don't lay, at least one
egg a day hereafter will loose their heads. She has to do this or they
will impose on her. They are too lazy to lay.

Dec. 21, 1878


Mr. Roscoe W. Gilkey, while here learned the painful news of the death
of his youngest child at his home in Green Bay on Monday. It was brought
to this city by the afternoon freight Tuesday, for internment.

The scarlet fever claimed another victim last Sunday. Hiram Haines lost
a six year old daughter.