Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1876

January 01, 1876

**ACCIDENTS - A Norwegian, who arrived in this country only a few months
ago, had his hands and feet frozen in the cold snap about three weeks ago.
He had taken a job of getting out cedar posts, and went to work before his
feet were quite well.  Last  week he hurt his foot in some way and was again
frozen to such a degree as to render amputation of the big toe necessary.
The operation was performed by Dr. O'KEEFE, who reports the man doing well
On the 23rd, Inst, Chris HENNING, a Norwegian in the employ of Mr. Rod
GILLET of Gillett town, while tending a knot-saw had the little finger of
his right hand split open from the root of the nail to the 2nd joint.  Dr.
O¹KEEFE dressed the wound and tried for some days to save the finger, 
which he thinks could have been done, had it been attended to in time.  The
Doctor found it necessary on last evening, the 29th Inst. to amputate the finger
and reports the patient doing well.

 researched by Richard LaBrosse

The steamer Union was sold on Tuesday of last week at Sheriff’s sale.  She was bid in by D.A. Demorest of New York for $ 2,000.

We are informed that Anson Eldred of Stiles is negotiating for the purchase of the England, Taylor & Co., Mill property in this city.

January 08, 1876

Mr. E. H. Percy’s new and fine residence on his farm in the town of Oconto is completed and occupied.  He has a very neat and pretty place.

We see that N. Richards has moved his meat market into the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. James Porter, barber, the first door south of the post office.

**ACCIDENT - As Frank ROTH, was loading the top log onto his sleigh in
Spies¹ Camp some 80 miles up river, on Thursday afternoon, it rolled of the
opposite side of the sleigh falling upon him and breaking his leg off
between the knee and hip.  He is now under the care of Dr. MORIARTY and is
as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances.

January 15, 1876

**Lost on the Ice.
     A man by the name of Nels DOLMAN who live on the Bay Shore not far
from Menekaunee, started from that village for his home a few days ago.  He was on skates and pushing before him a small sled loaded with provisions.  Near the evening of the same day it is supposed that he was seen on a field of
detached ice, since that time he has not been seen or heard from.  He must
be either drowned or frozen.

** A Cut Throat Affair.  A Would Be Suicide.
     Early on Wednesday morning Talbert ROUSE, who is known to all the
inhabitants of Oconto, as the "Fat man of Frenchtown" attempted to put an
end to his life by cutting his throat with a razor.  Mr. ROUSE has for some
time been subject to fits of despondency and insanity, and on Wednesday
morning in one of these fits he cut his throat from ear to ear.  Dr. BEEBE
was sent for and found the unfortunate man lying in a pool of blood.  He
immediately sent for Dr. O¹KEEF who arrived in a few  minutes, and they at
once commenced caring for thewould be suicide.  Fortunately the
accumulation of fat on ROUSE is so great that although the incision was fully two inches deep, he failed to reach the arteries.  The wound presented a most ghastly apprearance, extending from the left ear completely round to the right,
being fully from one to two inches in depth.
     Drs. O¹KEEF and BEEBE dressed and sewed up the wound and left the
patient comfortable.  Had any ordinary man made such an incision it must
have severed the arteries and windpipe without any hope of recovery.  We
learn from the doctors that they feel confident of saving ROUSE.

     We learn that an other man, whose name we did not learn, a few days
ago had his leg broken in Jacob Spies' camp, on this river.  This  the second
accident of the same nature that within a few days has happened in the same

   Since placing the above in type, we have learned that the man refered
to is a Bohemian, named James FENCEL.  His leg was broken between the ankle and the knee by a hand spike.  He was brought down to Oconto and Dr. O¹KEEF was called in.  He found both shin bones broken, and badly splintered, in fact so complete was the fracture that the leg could be doubled up.  Dr. O¹KEEF has a method of getting fractured limbs by which he dispenses with the use of the ordinary wooden splints substituting one of plaster Paris, which has the double advantage of keeping the broken parts perfectly immovable and enabling the patient to go about the house and out of doors. In the present instance the limb was set on Friday evening and on Monday FENCEL was about town on crutches.  The advantage of this method will be seen at once when it is noted that the the patient need not keep his bed for more than 24 hours, instead of lying on his back for months.

**One of Johathan¹s  College Trials.
My Dear Tom.
     The sad affliction recorded in the following obituary, was actually
laid upon me.  You can not imagine my feelings until you have been called
to pass through the same ordeal, (which, you will allow me to say, is not
likely soon to occur if we measure probabilities by the innocent and
feminine sweetness of your upper lip)  But the startling fact that you
might be compelled to part with such a treasur, will doubtless reconcile you in a measure, to the presimony of nature in her beatowments.  Yet you will
probably receive as truth what Queen Vic¹s poet Lorretta says: 

"It is better to have loved and lost 
Then never to have loved at all"

I have much to comfort me however in the sympathy of friends and
especially of my dear chum Tim Tickleum, I owe him a debt of eternal
gratitude, for the following pethetic.
 Departed this life on the thirteth day of November 1850,
after a precarious and scanty existance of only a few months ---my moustache.
Accompaning this effecting little missive was a short poem
which he composed himself.  I will say that, young as he is, no full
bearded poet, unless it should be myself, could have down better.  It is sentimental and pathetic and to these must be added a very rare quality in poems, --it is truthful to nature. He could not have bat the mark more squarely if he had been in my place.  He gives you my feelings exactly. Here is the immortal poem.
                    Long cherished pet and must we part?
                      Has fate decreed the honor?
                    Must thy destruction read my heart?
                       Has fate resistless power!
                    Child of my youth, in manhood¹s prime
                        I hope that thou wouldst shine
                    Upon my lip through coming times,
                        An ornament divine.
                     I cherished this boyish pride,
                        I smoothed thy fuzzy down
                     My warmest love I did divide
                        Twixt thee and Mollie Brown
                     But now adieu!  a last adieu!
                        I and my pet must part
                     Relentless barber, why will you
                        Thus wound and break my heart?
                     Away with your huge shears, away!
                         Don¹t touch my cherished child.
                     But no, he slashed it, lackaday!
                     My brain is running wild.
                  O barber, what a hardened wretch!
                     No innocence you space
                  You ought upon a rack to stretch
                      For my departed,--moustache

Oconto Lumberman
January 22, 1876

Insane Hospital.

In the new appointment for the Northern Insane Hospital, Oconto County is represented:
Full No., 11 No, in Oshkosh and Madison 10; additional patients, the county is entitled to, 1/ We are rather of the opinion the statement is incorrect. From the year 1867 to the present, the following is the report of the County Judge, of Oconto county:


1867, Mrs. John Autel, Aug. 18, discharged
1868, Anne Anderson, May 25, died
1870, Neils Wedden, April 6, died
1871, Thomas McAlpine, Dec, 19, discharged
1873, George Pinkham, Oct 13, 
1874, S. H. Thomas, Jan. 23,
1874, Annie O’Neil, June 1, discharged
1874, Daniel Davis, July
1875, John Broder, May 23
1875, John Egan, Feb 23
1875, Mathias Hill, Jan.
1875, Roderick McDonald, Sept.

Patients from Peshtigo from whom no information has been received since admission, and probably may be discharged. Admitting the Peshtigo patients to yet be under care, we find that Oconto County has only six patients in the Insane Asylum, leaving us more privileges as to admission, than the new apportionment allows us.

February 05, 1876

SAD ACCIDENT - We are pained to learn of the occurance of a serious
accident to the pay train at the Jackson Mine Tunnel on the Peninsula Division of the C & N. W. R. R. by which the train was precepitated down an embarkment and Paymaster J.E. REYNOLDS and Road Master A.J. PEVIN were cruched to death by the safe.  Both men were old and valued employes of the company.

**Ice Harvest.
    Our townsman, Chauncey SIMONS has commenced his annual ice harvest.
The ice though not as thick as it is some winters, is very good, being twelve
or fourteen inches in thickness and very clear and transparent.  We apprehend
that there will be no trouble in securing a sufficient quantity of ice for
the city market during the next summer, certainly not if next summer is as
cool as the last one.

February 12, 1876

Now there is talk of a dancing school in town.  We propose a teacher be engaged who will teach the boys to dance over the potato fields while the girls dance around the kitchen.

Ex-city treasurer James O’Hare is again on our streets.  He looks just as natural as he did before he became a citizen of California.

Mayor O.F. Trudell of this city went to Madison Tuesday in the interest of the city for the purpose of securing a loan from the state to enable the city to build a respectable high school building.
CORRECTION. - Although we stated just what we were told, we were in error
when we stated that John STONE, who was run over by the cars in Oconto
Company¹s Lumber Yard last week was instantly killed.  The facts are that
though run over in the forenoon, he lived until about six o¹clock in the
evening suring which time he in his anguish, suffered more than a thousand
deaths.  Young STONE was a steady and industrious boy, and by his sudden
and terrible death an aged mother is deprived of her sons dependence and

**Funeral in Prospect.
   We don¹t know just when it is to come off.  But we think that we could
point out the place where the corpse will be found.  It is at the "Log
Slide" of the Orr mill, where the boys congregate daily and nightly in
large numbers, and on hand sleighs, barrel staves, and pieces of board, slide
down its steep incline on to the river.--This is very dangerous business, as a
slight mistake in guilding their sleighs would land them against one of the
two piles that stand near the lower end of the slide in which event it
would be scarcely possible for the occupant to escape without serious accident or perhaps death.

February 19, 1876

***ACCIDENTS. - On Friday of the last week, a young man employed in one of the lumber camps near Shawano, was struck in the abdomen by a sleigh.  He was taken to that place, where his wound was pronounced fatal.  He lingered until Tuesday evening when death put an end to his sufferings.  His parents conveyed his remains to their home at Neenah.

***ACCIDENTS. - Friday the 11th inst., an accident of a terrible character
occurred at one of Anson Eldreds lumbering camps on the North Branch of the
Oconto.  The scaler, named Garrett FARRELL was assisting a teamstr to
unload a load of logs, one being on each side of the sleigh, when the logs on the
scalers side suddenly rolled off and caught him between the load and the
logs already on the ice, crushing his head, and killing him instantly.

     A few days ago, a boy, by the name of Vesey, about 14 years age,
living about a mile below Stetsonville, Taylor Co. Wis, was shot and severely wounded.  He was out hunting with his brother, who we are informed is but little more than half witted, and in their hunt it seems that it became necessary for the first boy to climb a tree.  As he got a little way up the brother
undoubtedly thought he would have a little hunt, and raising the gun,
discharged the contents, which contained about fourteen buck shot, into his
brother¹s leg, shattering it badly.  The doctors extracted the buck shot,
set the limb, and at the present time the boy is getting along finely.

     On the same day there accured--an accident to Herman GRUNERT--as we understand it.  Scaling on the same landing--by which he was painfully
though not dangerously injured.  He was passing through a deep cut in the
road in which it was necessary for him to pass a load of logs, the cut was
very narrow, and the road very slippery, Herman was cought between the load
and bank and badly squeezed.  Two of his ribs were broken.

February 26, 1876
researched by Richard LaBrosse

The masquerade ball given by the Turners of this city on the evening of February 22, was quite largely attended.  First ladies prize was awarded to Miss Dora Arnold; second, four seasons, represented by Mary Spies, Mary Baker, L. Rolock and T. Raisky; third, by Shedler’s ostler.  First gentlemens prize was won by Wm. Zipple as King Wiilliam.

On Monday afternoon about two, there occurred in this city a circumstance that perhaps has few parallels in the history of this or any other city.  At the time mentioned within three feet of the south east corner of H.M. Royce’s store, two determined Grangers actually bagged a full grown and large sized lynx.

Married—At the M.E. parsonage in Little River Feb. 22, 1876, by Rev. O.B. Clark, Mr. Hiram D. Cool of Brookside to Miss Adda DeLano of the same place.  At Brookside, Wis., by Squire Minnick, Mr. Nelson P. Chase to Miss Martha Ann Gossage Feb. 13, 1876.

March 04, 1876

***The Division of Oconto County

   We would say to the Oconto County papers, that they tell an unmitigated
falsehood, when they say that the movement to divide their county
originated with citizens of this county.  The petition was gotten up by residents of your county, and signed by all the inhabitants of the territory inwhich the
bill proposes to detach.   As far as merit is concerned, there is a great
deal in favor of the division, and not any against it; and if the
Legislature takes merit into consideration, they will certainly pass the
bill and give the citizens of that part of your county the asked for relief
which your county has so often refused them.-----Shawano Journal
    And we, speaking for one of the papers of Oconto county, would say to
the Editor of the Journal that an impartial review of the circumstances
attending the proposed division will certainly cause his ill natured, and
ill-advised charge of unmittigated falsehood , to re-act upon himself.
Even if our charge was false in fact, circumstances were extremely mitigating,
for they pointed and they still point, to the existance of the truth of our
charge, as unerringly as circumstances, in the absence of positive proof,
are competent to establish fact.-- What are the circumstances?  Simply
these, that less than thirty inhabitants, all told, of the western part of
the county, very few of whom are permanent residents, and most of whom are
keepers of "Half-way" houses and whiskey hells during the winter, and
hunters and fishermen during the summer, made application to the Oconto
County Board to give them a town organization, which, according to their
petition, should embrace many townships of territory.  It is the undoubted
right of the American citizen to petition for his rights, and to be heard
in his defence.  And the papers of the Oconto Co. did not oppose the
organization prayed for in the petition--nor would they oppose it now, did
not the sudden and extraordinary growth of the demand force upon us the
conviction that it is no longer a demand in the interests of the bonnafide
residents of the territory in question, but a diabolical and well concocted
plan to steal from theterritory of Oconto County an area larger than the
State of Rhode Island and the District of Columbia and attach it to Shawano
County.  It is no longer a petition for a new town organization, it is
taken from the County Board, and brought before the Legislature in the form of a bill to detach from Oconto, and attach to Shawano nearly one and a half
millions of acres.--  Said bill presented by Shawano¹s member of the
Assembly, backed up and "lobbied" for by a strong delegation of Shawano
Co's strongest men.  Surely the Editor of the Journal must be practicing on our
creduality, when in the face of these facts he can asks us to believe that
Shawano had nothing to do with originating this huge injustice, not only to
Oconto County, but to the persons who by this act would be transferred to
Shawano county.  Had Shawano county an object in sturing up this matter, or
an inducement to work for the consummation of the division of our
    Let us see, she is very anxious to secure a Railroad, and we don't blame
her, and to this end the county has once bonded itself for $100,000; the
project is so far a failure, but the county stands ready to execute its
bonds in like amount to another company, to secure a road.  The county is
heavily taxed and its orders are sadly depreciated in the market.  Under
these circumstances, would between 50, and 60 townships of valuable tax
paying territory be worth "reaching" for, we apprehend that it would, and,
knowing what we do of some of Shawanos leading men we are lothe to believe that they would be at all slow in reaching for it.  Now, we do not insist
that Shawano county is alone in this deviltry, we know that there are some
men who occupy exalted positions in certain legal institutions of the state
who are owners of numberous acres of Cranberry Marsh in the western portion of the county, who after due trial have found it extremely difficult to
reach their land with "top" buggies, and are therefore very anxious that
the dear public should construct some highways by which they may go a berrying with less discomfort to themselves.  We know that honest "Philetus" thought he saw something to reach for--but has since changed his mind.  We know that a certain delegate, chosen by the county Board to go to the Capitol to guard the county¹s interest, sold himself, body and soul to the division party.
     Finally, Mr. Journal, we know that this whole business was conceived
in iniquity, and born in sin, and that it will die at the hands of the law,
and we don¹t blame you for denying your complicity, but it is useless, the
evidence is strong against you.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

March 4, 1876

Tuesday morning between 12 and 1, the city was aroused by the fire alarm.  The old city Planing mill recently property of Mr. Lewis Newbauer was found to be on fire.  The fire had made such progress before being discovered that it was found impossible to stop or control.

Oconto County Reporter
March 11, 1876

Mr. W.W. Pease, one of our Bay shore fishermen, gave us a call on Tuesday of this week.  He informed us that the gill net fishing is over with for this winter in deep water and that the fishermen are bringing their nets farther in-shore preparing for the spring catch of Dora and Herring.

March 25, 1876

KILLED AT STILES.--On Thursday of this week Peter JARVEY was killed at one of Eldred¹s logging camps, one and a half miles above Stiles.  We learn
that he was loading a load of logs and becoming impatient, jumped on the load and threw his weight on the chain by which a log was being drawn up.  The team feeling the extra weight threw itself into its work with increased vigor.
JARVEY being unprepared for this lost his footing and was caught between
the side of the load and the ascending log and was crushed between them.  The deceased was a young man raised on the river, and was a brother to Mike JARVEY who was killed by the Cars in Fort Howard a few years ago.

**There is Method in his Madness.
     For a week or more the people of our city have noticed a rough and
ragged tramp perambulating the streets.  It was noticed tht he was a very
industrious tramp, always on the move during the day, there is not a street
in the city but that he thoroughly surveyed.  At night he sometimes
occuppied a school house, sometimes a hay loft.  He found pretexts for
effecting his entrance to most of the residences in the city.  He began to
be very suspiciously regarded by our citizens, and was generally pronounced
crazy.  One day this week he found a man for whom he evinced a warm regard, and instantly pressed upon his acceptance a pair of substantial and highly polished "bracelets," and requested him to take a seat in a livery rig that
somehow happened to be handy just then.  And the two, in company with the
driver, sped swiftly away to the merry music of the gingling bells, in the
direction of Green Bay.  It is said that the "tramp" was from Canada and
that he was in quest of a man who is charged commission of murder some
years ago. 

**Gone to Reform School.
     Two of Oconto's fast young citizens on Wednesday started for Waukesha
to get some schooling at the State expense.  It will take about six years
for Mr. Napolion FISETTE to finish his education, and about eight years to
polish off Mr. Pope BIRD.
     It is hoped that when they return as men they will evidence the
possession of better principles than ever actuated them as boys.

April 01, 1876

**Another Arrest.
     Tuesday a despatch was put into the hands of under sheriff Mosher
requesting the arrest of a man who has for some time been in the employ of
W.B.Smith, this city.  The man it appears is a resident of or near New London Ohio, where he owns a farm.  Some Time ago a R.R. company without his consent, and contrary to his wishes, laid a track through his land.  In retaliation the man foreably entered the company¹s cars and removed there from and converted to his own use a considerable amount of property.  But the company entered an energetic protest against this proceeding, and the man became frightened and cast about him for knowledge of a community supposed to be made up entirely of honest men, in which a scoundrel would be comparatively safe by reason of his respectable surroundings. 
    Hearing of Oconto he cried "Eureka" and straightway hastened to our hospitable city.  But alas, by some--to him unknown agency his where abouts was made known to the officers at his former place of residence.  And the result was the forwarding of the request for his arrest and detention until the necessary papers could be procured for
his transfer to Ohio.

April 08, 1976

ATTEMPED SUICIDE. - A Mrs. ENGBURG living about two mile south of Pensaukee attempted suicide on Wednesday evening last by drinking a cup of lye.  It is supposed that she can not recover.  Domestic trouble is the probable cause.

**An Error Corrected.
The interment in our last issue of the decease of our townsman, Joseph
WHITEBREAD was somewhat premature.  We gave undue credit to a groundless rumor, from the fact that his death was daily expected.  His death took place, however, on Tuesday of this week, which statement we regret to say is correct. That another old settler is gone.

**A Mysterious Case.
     Early on Wednesday morning, a Gentleman of this city going towards the
School Section, when in the vicinity of Mr. Peter ESSEN's residence, was
beaconed a short distance from the road into the field by an Indian.  On
coming to the place indicated, he found another Indian lying on the ground
who, on examination he found to be quite dead though apparently life had
not long been extinct.  There were but slight indications of violence about
the body.  The Authorities of this city were notified, and an inquest held over
the remains by Justice MITCHELL.

April 15, 1876

 **Maple Valley
     The following are the returns from Maple Valley.  Supervisors--John
ERICSON, chairman,  Theodore CHRISTISON,  John KELLEY.  Clerk--John C. GILLIGAN.  Treasurer--Christian JOHNSON.  Assessor--Pat KELLEY.  Justices of the Peace--John C. GILLIGAN,  Mike PETERSON,  Pat KELLEY. Constable--Gustave YANTZ, John E. RASMUSSON.

April 22, 1876

The steamer Northwest will run between Sturgeon Bay and Green Bay the coming season, stopping at this point coming each way.  Her captain, Henry Hart, has refitted her for the seasons travel, adding much to her cabin facilities.

Wm. Van Able has just opened a new grocery store on Main Street opposite Funke’s Hotel.

MARINETTE. SUICIDE. -- This community was startled Wednesday evening by the report that a woman had hung herself at Menakaune that afternoon.
Inquiries proved that the report was true.  The victim was Mrs. Anna J. OLSEN, wife of William OLSEN, a resident of Menakaune.  It appears that a boy of the deceased, while at school a few days before the sad event, had been accused of finding or stealing a handkerchief worth five dollars, the fact being that he found one worth a few cents only.  Some gossiping neighbors magnified this into a heinous crime, for which the whole family was to suffer punishment.  The deceased, who could not read in English or understand but little of it, was greatly affected by the matter,  and although assumed by her husband that no harm would be done them persistent in believing that they would be made to suffer for it.  It preyed on her
mind so much that her husband went to the school teacher, who assured him
that there was nothing in matter worthy or notice, but even this assurance
failed to satisfy Mrs. OLSON.
     On Tuesday afternoon some boys were around leaving bills for the Blitz
entertainment One of which was left at her house, and which she, unable to read, immediately construed into a warrant of arrest.  It was with difficulty
that her husband removed this impression.  Wednesday morning she saw a man going up town and told her husband that he was going up to get a warrant.  The husband left the house towards noon and did not return until three o¹clock in the afternoon, when he found the body of his wife in the wood-shed, suspended by a cord to the end of the rafters.  He called for help and cut the body down.  The unfortunate woman had taken a stool, stood upon it, tied the rope around her neck and kicked the stood down, but finding that her feet touched the ground must have drawn them up sufficiently to strangle herself.  Another rope was alongside of the one she used, which she evidently intended for her husband.
     Justice HOLGATE was notified and made arrangements to hold an inquest
on the body.
     From the testimony taken before the jury we give that of her husband,
which gives the fullest  particulars of the sad event.
     William OLSON, swon, says I am the husband of the deceased.  She was
48 years old; we were marrid 20 years ago this fall in Norway; we have had
three children; two of them are now alive; they both live here at home; the
girl is 17 and the boy is 9 years old.  I last saw my wife alive between 11
and 12 o¹clock this morning, when I left the house and went down town; I
came back at 3 o¹clock this afternoon; I left my wife alone; the boy was at
school, and the girl was at Marinettte; there was no one at home when I
came back; I staid in the house a short time, went out in the yard, saw my wife
was not there; then went to the wood shed; saw my wife there; went up and I
took hold of her arm and asked her to come into the house; she did not
speak, and looking up I saw the clothes line, and saw that she was hung;
she was standing up with her feet on the ground; there was a bench behind her; it was tipped over; I scarcely know what I did then, but went out in the
yeard and halloed and called Mr. Ole THOMPSON from his house, we then took her down and tried to bring her to, but she was quite dead; we untied the
rope; did not cut it.  She complained this morning of feeling unwell, but
not much; she was worried a good deal about it haing been said that the boy
had stolen a handkerchief worth $5; the boy had not done so; he had found a
small handkerchief worth 5 cents, and when the bill carrier left a bill at
the house the other day for a show at Marinette, she thought it was a
warrant as she could not read English, and that worried her a great deal.
     She saw a gentleman going towards Marinette yesterday morning; the
next day the hand bills came around; she said it was just as she thought it was
going to be; I told her it was no such thing; she said the she would depend
upon me, and I must depend upon her and we would both go together; that was this morning, and was the last words she ever spoke to me.  My dinner was on the table all ready for me when I came home; the tea was kind of lukewarm.

** The new bridge placed across the Pensaukee river last spring where the
Stiles and Green Bay road crosses it has been carried away by the jam of
longs and ice.  It has been secured in two parts a short distance below.

** Arm Broken
     On Thursday evening as some little boys were playing in the street
they got into a tussle, and during the melee one of them, Charley HANSEN, was thrown so that one of his arms was doubled under him in such a manner as to make a very bad break.  Bothe bones of the arm were broken at the wrist. Moral--Keep your boys off the street.

May 06, 1876

DEATH BY ACCIDENT. - On Friday morning of last week Mr. Micheal LOON of this city, employed by Messrs, Lynes, Sargent & Jennings, on the drive up the river, while engaged in driving the logs over the rapids, was thrown from
the log on which he was riding, into the river, and though he made heroic
efforts to save himself, the logs came down upon him with such force and
rapidity, striking him from every quarter, and probably injuring and
disabling him, that every effort was in vain, and he was drown.  Those who
are familiar with driving logs will understand the situation--The accident
occurred about 9 o¹clock in the morning, and the remains arrived in town
early Saturday morning, and were deposited in the Waterloo House.  His
brother and family, who we believe are his only relatives here, took charge
of the remains.  The Good Templars, one of whom he was, made immediate
preparation to attend the funeral which occurred on Sunday, in a body, and
did so, performing the last sad service for their departed brother in an
impressive manner.  The funeral service was held at the French Catholic
Church Sabbath afternoon, and was attended by a very large concourse of

Oconto County Reporter
13, 1876

A popular ballad in Oconto just now is “Little Low Log Cabin in the Lane.”

Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Richards gave a social party at their residence on Wednesday evening which was much enjoyed by those in attendance and is spoken of as being a very enjoyable affair.

The schooner Richard Mott, Capt. Soyer, carrying lumber for Holt & Balcom, cleared for Chicago on Monday on her second trip which we venture to say is in advance of anything afloat.

The teachers of the Douglas school, Misses Barlow and Beyer, have set a commendable example in the way of planting centennial trees.  They with the aid of their scholars have set out 25 splendid evergreen trees in and about the school grounds.

May 20, 1876

VIOLENT DEATH. -- A dispatch was received here on Wednesday evening stating that Mr. Louis TAGGART for several years a resident of this city and
recently employed by Thos McGOFF in the livery stable, was killed at
Worcester Wisconsin whither he had gone we believe to work in getting out
railroad ties.  The dispatch gave no particulars.  Mr. TAGGART was
generally known having been some time in the employ of Mr. H.L. BARLOW.  He had no relatives here we believe, his parents and other relatives we believe live in New Jersey.

FAIR PLAY--Oconto May 2d:--A little disturbance took place at a funeral, in
the Roman Catholic Cemetery last Sunday afternoon, that might have proven
disasterous in the extreme.  A man by the name of Frank LOON was drowned
last Friday; he was a member of the French Catholic Church, and also of the
I.O.G.T. Lodge.  The friends of the deceased consulted with the Rev. Father
VERMER of St. Peter¹s Church, and he reluctantly gave his consent to
officiate at the funeral, and granted the members of he lodge the privilege
of conducting their burial services at the grave.  The plans were duly
executed until after the arrival of the cortage at the grave.  After the
Priest had concluded his services, the members of the fraternity were just
on the verge of beginning theirs, when an officer that was standing near
the Priest under his direction, prevented them from proceeding.  They then
requested that a chant might be sung, but he like wise refused to grant
that request.  The brothers and sisters of the order, seeing that if they
persisted in carrying out their designs, trouble was inevitable, sorrowfully
relinquished their project, and wisely dispursed.

DROWNED AT MENOMINEE. -- On Sunday night last, four men in attempting to go from the shore to a vessel lying in the bay in a small boat, were all drowned.  The waves were running high at the time, and it seems that the men were not in a condition to manage the boat, having been drinking hard during the day.  The Journal gives the names of the men as follows, the last named being a sailor; the rest being residents of Menominee:  John VANDERLIN, Harry SHIVERS, Oliver LaCOMBE, and Louis KERNIG.

** We are happy to state that our legal friend Mr. J. McNARNEY has taken a
bath.  Although It was involuntary, it was in a good cause and none the
less refreshing, as much to his friends and lookers on as it was to himself.

June 17, 1876

**Attempted Suicide
     One of the demt mende living just outside of the city on the Pensaukee
road, having apparently become tired of the things of this life tried the
experiment of stepping down and out at her own dictation by taking about 10
grains of morphine, on Tuesday night.--
A Physician was called and succeeded in saving her life after a very narrow
escape from failure.  She is a woman about 25 years old, and the mother of
two children, one of whom is with her.  The only reason assigned for the
deed is a quarrel with some one having the semblance of a man.

**The Tornado
     One of the fiercest storms ever known in Northern Wisconsin visited
this county last Sunday afternoon.  As usual with such storms, its extreme
force was felt through only a narrow strip of the country--no more than
five miles wide, and this was divided up into narrow "streaks", from a few rods
to a half a mile wide, and all that happened to come within these pathways
had to meet its fury.  That fury was searching in the highest degree.  It
seemed as though the elements were trying to get at the "true inwardness"
of things and not hurt any body.  The hurricane traveled from southeast to
northwest and did the most damage in the town of Gillett and that vicinity.
Rodney GILLETT had one barn completely demolished and one unroofed.  Matt FINNEGAN's house and barn were blown down; the latter, a very substantial structure lost three tiers of timber all the way around and yet none of the family injured.  Thos. RIERDON's house and barn were torn down.  The house which was built of heaving hewn timbers, was blown down to within two legs of the ground, and some of the bedding blown full three miles away.  It
seems most remarkable that some of the family were not injured or killed.
Even the baby which was in the crib, was unhurt, though one of the rockers
was broken by falling debris.  A Mr. BRUSE's buildings were blown down.
Mr. Thos. JOHNSON's house was unroofed, and we learn that he was sleightly hurt. At the McDOUGALL farm, the Oconto Co.¹s barn was blown down, and though the barn was only about five rods from the house, the latter did not feel much of the force of the hurricane.  In one place, a table was blown across quite a large lake and landed against another man¹s barn which was also demolished.  The Oconto Co. had two young cattle killed and in some cases many trees had to be cut away to release some that were shut in by fallen trees.  The smoke stack of Gillet's mill was blown down.  Mr. John VOLK and wife who were returning from Gillett to the Falls in a buggy narrowly
escaped death.  A tree fell just in front of them killing their horse.  The
damage to green timber will be considerable.  Those who were so unfortuate
as to lose their homes, were aided by their neighbors who turned out
genrally and helped to rebuild and ere this they are rehoused.  The main
force of the storm did not touch this city, consequently no damage was done

October 14, 1876

     On Saturday night, of last week, Mr. Wm. PHILLIPS met with a narrow
escape from what might have been a violent death, at ELDRIDs mill.  He was
employed on the night tour.  The man who "dogs" the logs at the foot of the
slide where the logs are drawn up into the mill, having got wet went to
change his clothes, and Mr. PHILLIPS took his place.--Having got the logs
into position and driven the dogs into the logs, he took the other end of
the chain to hook it into the bull-chain which draws the logs up; before he
had completed it, the man in the mill, who operates without coming to see
that all was ready, as is customary at night, started up the chain,
catching three fingers of Mr. PHILLIPS in the hook and dragging him up, partly under and between the logs; his feet fast between, and his fingers being crushed
at the hook, it was not an enviable position.  Knowing that death was sure
if he did not get loose before he reached the bark hole at the top, the
logs spreading a little, he freed his feet and was then able to jerk loose from
the chain by jerking off the end of one finger.--Aside from bruises no
other damage was done.  He will soon be all right again.

**The Fire.
     About half past five, on Tuesday evening fire broke out in the hayloft
of Jacob DUNTON¹s  Livery Stable.  The wind was blowing almost  gale from
the northwest, and the flames spread almost as quick as thought over the
entire structure.  The alarm was given as soon as discovered, and the
engines were soon on hand.  It was evident from the first that Geo.
McCONNELL¹s house and saloor towards which the wind blew, must go, and so
rapidly did the flames spread, carried by the wind, that the contents of
the house were not entirely removed by the many who offered their services, ere
the whole was lapped up by the flames, and other buildings across the
street and the Millidge building a little to the south, where threatened.  But the
fire department which in the hurry seemed slow in getting up steam, now got
to work, and began playing upon the fire, and upon the other buildings in
danger among which were the REPORTER office, and the fire was stayed from
further damage.
     The roof of Mr. MILLIDGE's building took fire from the sparks, but was
promptly extinguished.  The wind blowing so strong carried the sparks to a
great distance and necessitated sharp vigilence on the part of property
owners in the vicinity.  Sparks were carried across the river, and the jail
and the Sheriff¹s residence took fire but were extinguished before any
damage was done.--The door of the Court House having been left open fire
caught in the shavings inside, but was discovered in time.
     Mr. DUNTON¹s horses all being out and plenty of help at hand his stock
of buggies cutters and harnesses, etc. were all saved save perhaps a single
harness or so, and a pair of bob-sleds.  His loss, aside from the building
and being thrown out of business, will not exceed a hundred dollars.  No
     Mr. McCONNELL¹s goods were mostly saved though in a rather mixed
condition.  And although he had insurance to the amount of $800, the fire
is quite a disaster to him.  He is thrown out of home and business in the
worse time of year, and his garden and fruit trees--improvements of a permanent
nature--were entirely destroyed.
     The fire department did good service and were on hand as soon as could
be expected considering the disadvantage they are placed in having no teams
of their own to depend on.  Engine No. 1 was working in about 15 minutes
after the alarm was given, and No. 2, having a greater distance to go, in
about 20 minutes.
     The little hand engine belonging to HOLT & BALCOM did some good work
before the other engines were in working order, and is credited with having
saved Mr. LAMPKEY's barn and probably his residence, joining the livery
stable.  Much credit is due our brave Firemen for their succesful efforts
in keeping the fire under control during such a fearful gale.

     On Friday morning of last week, the dwelling house of W.W. DeLANO at
Brookside Station caught fire and was burned to the ground.  Mr. DeLANO
being absent at the time and Mrs. DeLANO and family being alone until the
flames had made great headway, that little of the household furniture etc.
were saved.  The fire is supposed to have caught from a defective stove
pipe.  The house was insured for about $800.00 while the loss was about

     On Saturday of last week a shocking accident occurred to Rodney, a 16
years old son of Mr. Rodney RICE, living a short distance above the Falls.
It seems his brother had set a trap gun, a double barrelled one--one rifle,
and one shot-gun barrel.  The victim having it in his mind that the shot
barrel was loaded, in coming up to it saw it was not, and carelessly put
his foot on the line when the ball from the rifle barrel struck his leg a short
distance below the hip, shattering the bone of the limb in a fearful
manner.--The attending Surgeons, Drs. ALLEN and MORIARTY thought at one
time that amputation would be necessary, but now hope to save the limb.

October 21, 1876

     On the 24th day of September, Mr. G.J. TISDALE, a lawyer, who has been
a resident of this city about two years, and more or less prominent among
business men, also agent of the Sturgeion Bay Canal Company here took the
train south, having previously stated to his wife, a bride of about two
months, and to his brother-in-law, Mr. VANAVERY, who has charge of his
office in his absence, that he intended going to Madison, then to
Milwaukee, thence by boat to Washington Island, thence to Sturgeion Bay, and thence home, intending to return on the boat Oct. 5th.  The next morning, the
25th, he addressed a letter to his wife dated and post marked Chicago.  Stating
that he failed to make connection at the junction for Madison and bought an
excursion ticket with small extra expence direct for Chicago, and that he
intended starting the same evening for Madison.  Nothing has since been
heard from him.  He has not been to Madison, nor indeed any of the places
he contemplated visiting.  It is known that he had considerable money with him
on going away, and fears are entertained that he has been a victim of foul
play.  So far as known at the present writing, his business transactions
are "square" and if his disappearance from this community is voluntary and
premediated on his part it is yet to be proven.  Every effort so far, to
obtain a trace of him has proven fruitless.

October 28, 1876

ATTEMPED SUICIDE.  On Monday morning and old man by the name of McGIONE, living near Well¹s station about six miles from town, attemped to take his own life by cutting is throat with a razor.  No cause is known for the act
except he was out of is right mind as he is provided against want.  His
wound which was not fatal was dressed by Dr. O¹KEEF of this city.  He has
since said that he did not know what he was about.  Great age had probably
weakened his mind.

November 11, 1876

DEATH OF H.L. BARLOW. -- A private letter from a recent business partner of Mr. H.L. BARLOW recently of this city brings the sad intelligence that Mr.
BARLOW died on last Saturday, the 4th inst. at his residence in Neenah.
His remains were taken to Janesville and buried on Monday.  Mr. BARLOW was a resident of the city for quite a number of years, being at first in the
employ of the Oconto Company, and afterward engaged in the retail Hardware Business for about six years then disposing of his business, removed to Neenah where he has since resided.  He was most intimately known here among all classes who will most sincerely sympathize with his sorrow stricken family and relatives some of whom reside here.  Mr. BARLOW was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife at present quite ill, and three young children.

November 25, 1876

     One day early this week a young daughter of Mr. Mike O¹NEIL, of Little
River about 13 years of age, while playing at school was so unfortunate as
to have both bones of her left arm broken between the elbow and wrist.--It
seems she fell down where there was  a small hole in the ground, and some
other scholars, in their play, piled on top of her.  When this melee was
over it was found her arm was badly broken.  Dr. ALLEN was called and the
patient is doing will.  This story furnishes a valuable moral for some
other schools.

     Not many weeks ago, just as the shades of evening were gathering
about the earth, two ladies, while coming up Section St., and just this side of
Mr. G.T. PORTER¹s residence, were startled by hearing most horrible noises
coming from the direction of the few trees in Thos. MILLIDGE¹s vacant lot,
where that man was hung some time ago, which they were about to pass.  For
an instant they were petrified and stood as if rooted to the spot, thinking
of hob-gobblins, or that some raveous beast, which was about to set upon
and devour them, was lashing itself into a frenzy of rage and bloodthirstiness.
Above their fears, however, they were enable to make out the tones of what
once had been a human voice and the horrible truth forced itself upon them
that the sounds which reached their ears were the ravings of a maniac.  In
terror they fled the spot, and upon reaching home related what had
occurred, to their friends and neighbors.  A large party immediately
organized, and armed with guns pistols, pitchforks etc, proceeded in column
at once to the spot in order to effect the llunatic¹s capture.  The ground
was surrounded and grand rush was made, and the madman secured.  When lo!
It proved to be only a young man who went to the centennial, and seeing Booth
play Hamlet, suddenly took a foundness to stray away by himself, and recite
the works of Shakespere.

researched and contributed by Richard La Brosse

At Eldreds mill, Mr. Cowan, the superintendent, has Mr. Salcheider, the mill wright, employed with a large force of men busily engaged in overhauling the mill.  The work has been going on ever since the mill shut down, about a month ago, and is but little more than fairly begun.  The mill is being greatly enlarged and its capacity increased in almost every direction.

As announced last week, the dedication service, dedicating the Presbyterian church edifice to the service of God, and the installation of the Rev. R.C. Burdick as pastor, took place on last Sabbath, morning and evening.


December 09, 1876

Master Harry Wilson, for the past year a student in the city telegraph office with Mr. Malt, has passed the requisite examination, and has been duly installed manager of the office at DePere, for which place he took his departure on Thanksgiving day.

We are informed by Station Agent Mullen that the present prospects are very flattering for the erection of a new depot in this city.  The present structure is entirely inadequate for the business of the place, and its appearance is far from creditable to either the city or railroad company.

Deer hunting this fall has brought small returns.  The deer are said to be plentiful but difficult to get near them, because of there being no snow.

Lumbermen are still waiting and watching for snow.  We are less favored in this respect than any of our southern neighbors.  Deer hunting this fall has brought small returns.  The deer are said to be plentiful, but difficult to get near them because of their  being no snow.

We are informed by Station Agent Mullen that the present prospects are good for the erection of a new C. & N. W. Ry. In this city.

F. Deimer has just received a new and full stock of photograph frames, fancy brackets, pictures, etc., for the holiday trade.

The Oconto Companys planning mill is the only mill in operation, and will probably run all winter.

     On Sunday night a man by the name of Preston WILEY, in the employ of
Levi LINDSEY, on his way to this city, with a team, from the Waupee, put up
at the Falls.  While taking care of his team in the dark he went up into
the hay mow, and being ignorant of a large opening in the middle of the floor
where hay had been put up, walked off, falling to the floor below with
great force, striking across a wagon tongue, breaking one of his legs about
halfway between the knee and hip.  He was brought to this city very early
Monday morning, and was cared for by Dr. ALLEN.

     On Tuesday evening, as Mr. Wall PHILLIPS started to return from
Stiles,driving a spirited two horse team, hitched to a buggy, the king bolt gave
way suddenly letting the forward wheels out, and throwing Mr. PHILLIPS
headlong to the ground in the vicinity of the horses heels.  Striking on his
head on the frozen ground, and the team running at a breakneck pace with
the front wheels attached, was not the most pleasant position to be placed in.
Mr. PHILLIPS held on the lines like grim death and stopped the horses after
being dragged some three or four rods.  It was a narrow escape from death,
at least.  The injuries received was a bad blow on one eye nearly closing
it and the cords of the neck badly strained, which is however, preferable to a
broken neck, and a general banged up condition.--This will pass off in a
few days.

December 16, 1876

     A sad accident occurred last Wednesday evening at the Pensaukee
Planing Mill by one of the employes named John WARSCHKOW getting his right hand caught in one of the planers.  The hand was so terribly mangled that Dr. ALLEN, who was immediately summoned, found amputation at the wrist to be necessary.  The opperation was at once performed and the patient is now
progressing favorably.

December 23, 1876

KILLED BY THE CARS.  On Saturday morning of last week, as the southern
bound freight train neared Peshtigo, Brakeman Thomas BURKE, lost his footing and fell between the cars, and was instantly killed.  Five loaded iron ore cars and the caboose passing over his body, severing it nearly in two,
mutillating it in a most horrible manner.  The particulars of the sad
affair are as follows:  As the train neared the station, young BURKE and another brakeman, as was the custom, started out of the caboose; BURKE going forward and his companion stopping at the brake on the platform of the caboose.
The weather, it will be remembered, was very cold and rough, and the ore car being covered with ice and snow, were anything but safe.  It being before
daylight necessitated the carrying of a lantern.  The ill-fated young man
had passed on but a few moments when his partner looked up and failing to see the lantern knew that he must have fallen.  At that very moment he was
horrified to see the form of BURKE pass under the caboose on which he
The horror stricken employes of the train gathered up the remains of their
late companion and brought them to this city where the parents of the
unfortunate young man reside, his father being employed on the railroad in
the capacity of Section Boss.
     Young BURKE was 21 years of age and was well known, especially among
railroad men, was considered to be one of the most effective brakemen on
the route, and a general favorite.  Less than a year age he was married, and
lived at Marinette with his young wife whose side he had left but a short
time before the accident, and whose mind it is feared is seriously impaired
from the shock the accident caused.  The funeral occurred at the St.
Joseph¹s Catholic church in this city on Monday.

researched and contributed by Ricahrd La Brosse

H.C. Sweet of this city has purchased the stock and fixtures in the grocery and provision store formerly occupied by A.W. Pierce.

The new road running from this city to Maple Valley, by the way of Leighton, is now open, and all that is needed to make a good road of it is a snowfall.  Nearly nine tenths of the travel from the city to lumbering camps on the North Branch will go over this road as soon as there is snow enough.

The city council has closed a contract with the Burnham Bridge company of Cleveland, Ohio, for the construction of an iron bridge at the Section street crossing.  The bridge is to contain three spans, one of 75, one of 55, and one of 45 feet.