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Flash From The Past - 1874

The Oconto Lumberman
January 10, 1874

Menominee item

The body of an unknown man was found hanging to a tree, a few miles north of the three mile house on Monday. Nothing to identify him has been discovered.

The marriage of Miss Milwaukee Smith is reported. She was the first white child born in Milwaukee, in 1835. If she had been born in this locality, she would have been married twenty years ago.

The Oconto Lumberman
January 17, 1874

$250.00 reward
Jail Delivery at Waupun

Sheriff’s, Marshall’s and constables throughout the state are notified that the notorious Pat Reggio, a one armed Italian desperado, broke out from Waupun Penitentiary on Wednesday night last. A reward of $250 is offered for his recapture.

Jan. 23, 1874

** Foot notes from the Early Settlers Party…………….
As Mr. Gilkey was an early settler he was enable to impart information
in regard to early times, that were new and novel to all.
After Mr. Gilkey closed his remarks, Mr. James Don Levy was called and
responded by giving his experience as an early settler. How he came here
in the year 1856 and found the place where this city now stands a
"howling  wilderness" and how he foresaw, in the distant future a noble
city, teaming with life and arrayed in regal splendor - just as we
behold Oconto today providing every pioneer would do his duty. 

**NARRROW ESCAPE. - Miss Stela Adams, daughter of Dr. Adams of this
city, one evening last week, let fall a lighted kerosene lamp, which
broke into atoms, enveloping her dress and the room in flames. With
great presence of mind Miss Adams extinguished the flames on her
garments, then ran upstairs, and got blankets, with which she smothered
the fire in the room. But for the strong nerve and presence of mind of
the young lady she would have been cremated and the building destroyed,
before assistance could have arrived.

The Oconto Lumberman
January 24, 1874

Death of Mrs. Mathews.

We are again called to record the death of another worthy citizen. On Wednesday morning at 7:30, Mrs. Lydia Mathews, wife of Ivory Mathews, departed this life after a brief and painful illness. The deceased was a native of Goolsborough, Maine, and at the time of her death was 35 years and six months of age. On Thursday afternoon the last religious rites took place at her late residence, conducted by Rev. Roberts of the M.E. Church, in the presence of a large number of mourning and afflicted friends, and the remains were followed to their last resting place by a sorrowing cortege of earnest sympathizers for the bereaved husband and afflicted little ones. She leaves three children – boys of the ages of 9, 5, and 2 ½ years. May He who tempers the wind for the shora lamb, watch the tender orphans, and console the grief stricken father.

Convicts re-captured

The three convicts – Kinroy, Raggio and Riley – who escaped from State Prison at Waupun, January 14th, were captured at Oshkosh about midnight Saturday, the 17th. They had traveled from Waupun, hiding during the day and traveling nights. The weather during the night was 12 degrees below zero, and the convicts were badly frozen when they arrived at Oshkosh. They had not entered a house or eaten a morsel during the journey, and had become so reckless that they allowed the police to capture them on their first arrival. Two hundred and fifty dollars reward has been offered for their capture.

The President of the Peshtigo Company 
Seduces a Married Women!

The case of Wm. Hilderbrand vs. Wm. B. Ogden came up for trial in the Supreme Court at Brooklyn, a few days since. On account of one of the witnesses for the defendant being absent, it was postponed until March. The defendant, Wm. B. Ogden, is the President and principal owner of the Peshtigo Company, and a man estimated to be worth $10,000,000. Wm. Hilderbrand and the defendant were formally in partnership in Chicago, in the fur business with the Indians. It is alleged that in 1867 Mr. Ogden seduced the wife of Hilderbrand, and desolated his domestic hearth. Subsequently, it is alleged, Wm. B. Ogden libeled the plaintiff, and finally settled by paying $25,000 in note, bonds and money. The lawyer, who acted between the two parties in the settlement, played false, and it is alleged returned the bonds to Ogden, by whom they are wrongfully held. The suit is to recover the property so converted, and the damages which amount to $50,000. If it should be found that the premium on the bonds has gone up during the past seven years, that is 1867, when it is alleged the property was converted, the amount may reach $70,000 or even more.

A long felt want.
A Suitable Place for Insane Persons

The want of a suitable place for the reception and proper care of insane persons; while the necessary examinations and documents are being made, has long been a source of trouble. The County Prison is most assuredly not a proper place, but as no other place has been provided the officers are compelled to discharge their duty and thrust the unfortunate into prison for safe keeping until orders are received to transfer them to the State Insane Asylum; which sometimes requires days and even weeks. The first floor of the Court House could be modeled into a suitable institution at a trifling cost. We call attention to this matter and hope the Supervisors will give it the consideration it deserves.

A Man named Ketchum, employed in one of the lumbering camps on the North Branch, was seriously injured by the breaking of the “binder” which he used for binding on a load of logs on Wednesday.

Peshtigo Items

The new buildings being put in place of those destroyed by the fire not long since, are rapidly being put in the shape and when rebuilt ill be better then ever before. Progress is the motto of the Company.

The Oconto Lumberman
January 31, 1874


Annie, daughter of William and Mary A. Luby, died on last Monday morning at 7:30, at the age of six years, five months and fifteen days. Scarcely had the sad tidings spread when general regret seemed to prevail the community, for the loss of someone “so beautiful, so good,” and tributes of sympathy commenced immediately to pour in for the afflicted parents.
On Wednesday at 2 o’clock, the sad rites of the Roman Catholic Church took place at St. Joseph’s Church in the presence of probably the largest concourse of citizens that have ever before assembled on such an occasion in this city.
The pall-bearers were Nellie Slating, Jennie Wright, Nellie Clark, Carrie Richard, Emma Mathews and Avis Pulford. Next came the parents and relations of the little one, and a cortege of over 60 double carriages.
At the grave yard the last imposing prayers for the dead were offered, and the little body was lowered to mother earth – to that bourn whence no traveler returns. Her young life passed, as the rose, bright and blooming, but faded in the short space of the morning. The parents have the entire sympathy of the community.

The White Murder Trial!

Prisoners Migeal King and Francis Lyons
Found not guilty.

Migeal King and Francis Lyons, lately tried at Menominee Circuit Court for the murder of Thomas White, at the American House, Cedarville, on the night of the 1st of last November, were acquitted by the jury after an absence of 15 minutes. The case occupied ten days.

The Oconto  Lumberman
February 7, 1874

Body Found A Quarter of a Cord of Wood and one 
Required to Thaw it.

A party of hunters from Oshkosh found the body of an elderly man near Loon Lake, near the head waters of the Oconto, last week. His death was probably caused by exposure. The body was frozen stiff in a sitting posture. A quarter of a cord of wood and a day and a half were required to thaw the remains before the undertaker could discharge his duty.


One hundred dollars is offered by L. Goodman, of Escanaba, for any information of the whereabouts of John Miller.  Miller is about 5 feet 6 inches in hight. Dark complexion, black eyes black mustache and round face. Miller jumped bail bond.

Menominee Items

John Kelly, the man who was lying at the Poor house so badly frozen, died on Tuesday evening.


A reward of $200 will be paid to any person or persons who will give information leading to the arrest of one Daniel Wilson, who absconded, on or about the 8th of July, 1873, with the funds in the treasury of Grant Township, Iosco Co., Michigan.
Said Daniel Wilson is about 5 feet 8 inches high; light blue eyes; sandy hair and whiskers; fair complexion; has lost two middle fingers of his left hand; stands erect; is unmarried; is a fluent and smooth talking man; is about 35 years of age, and weighs about 150 pounds. Address.
A.D. Shepley, Co. Sheriff,
Tawas City, Iosco Co., Mich.

A Shameful Affair

The Body of a Murdered Man Thrown into 
An OutHouse.

The Green Bay Advocate learns that by reason of some superstition, the body of a murdered man, Youkel, in the town of Eaton, was allowed to be buried in an out building for more than a week after his death. Last Thursday A. G. E. Holmes, Sup’t of the poor sent men out there and buried it.

The Oconto Lumberman
February 14, 1874

Found dead.

Alfred Jones while chopping alone in the woods some three miles from Negaunee, on Tuesday morning fell forward in a fit and was smothered by the snow before assistance came. Jones was a young man about 22 years of age.

Committed Suicide.

A Jew named Michael’s, at Egg Harbor, had some family difficulty of a serious nature and committed suicide by hanging a few days ago.


The Oconto Lumberman
February 28, 1874

Death of a noted Rough.

Ted Burns, a noted character of Oshkosh passed in his checks at a lumbering camp on the Embarrass river, in Shawano County last week. His brother, T. S. Burns of this city left for Shawano, Saturday morning to convey the remains to Oshkosh for interment.

On a Bender.
A Southsider Badly Injured By a Fall.

Wm. White, who had imbibed to freely in tangle-leg, found locomotion difficult, and in crossing Section Street Bridge last evening, not mindful of the broken railing at the west side, was precipitated twenty feet below on the ice, where he was found in a unconscious state by an employee at Orr’s mill. Medical aid was summoned and the injuries, though severe are not considered dangerous.

On Sunday last Mr. James O’Hare received the sad intelligence of the death of his aged mother at Appleton. Time will bring its sad tidings; and to the bereaved as in the present case, is the one consolation left, that the loved one has passed to a brighter and better place.

Oconto has sixty saloons and more are promised when the boys come down.

Peshtigo Items

James Olson, the person reported lost in the pineries in the vicinity of lake Noc-que-bay, has turned up at Menominee. He was in the woods four days and three nights without food or shelter.

Andrew Olsen, the man who was so terribly mutilated by the bursting of his gut while hunting near Peshtigo, is pronounced out of danger; but will probably suffer the loss of his left optic.

Oconto Lumberman
March 7, 1874
Insane People

The Laws Regarding Them

There seems to be a general misunderstanding about insane people. For the information of our readers we publish the following synopsis of the law:

    1. An information is filed with the County Judge, stating that A. B. is insane, needing care and             attention.
    2. The County Judge then issues his warrant ( not to confine him in the county jail – that law is virtually repealed) to the Sheriff to summon two physicians to proceed to examine him.
    3. Then the County Judge ascertains  if there is room at the Insane Hospital for his admission – each county being entitled to a quota of so many, and no more.
    4. The Physicians file their certificates with the Judge.
    5. If there is no room at the hospital the man is sent there under the care of the Sheriff, or his relatives if they request it.
    6. If there is not room for him at the Hospital, ( as by a law passed this winter), he is sent to the county poor house, provided his relations do not wish to take care of him, and if there is no county poor house in the county then to any county poor house that is willing to take him.

Query – for the Solons to answer: If there is no other county poor house willing to receive him must the County judge take him into his own family, or send him by rail to Chicago?

Justice Mitchell was called upon this week to listen to the mournful tale of a Miss Colgate who loved “not wisely but too well.” The judge furnished the lady with some necessary papers which were handed over to the mercies of the Sheriff therefore had a ride to Marionette, and returned with company.  The cause, complaint and answer, will all come off next week at the Judge’s office. Judge Mitchell has quite a commodious room.

Oconto City has eleven paupers with fair prospects of three more. The Council has closed the Poor house. Experience proves that it’s cheaper to pay the parties in monthly installments thereby cutting off the chance for speculation among the Alderman.

A special from Shawano says Frank Richard, a German, was arrested by the Sheriff on Wednesday, on a charge of incest with his daughter, a buxom lass 15 summers. The Shawanoites are in a state of excitement.

Oconto Lumberman
March 21, 1874

Fabian Trudell died yesterday, March 20th, at the residence of his son, in this city. He was born March 29th, 1794, and was therefore eighty years of age. He was married in Canada, and leaves three children living of a family of 16. The deceased came to this place in 1872, from Bailey’s Harbor where the years he held the office of keeper of the light house, at that point. He was sociable, kind and generous gentleman. Eighty summers of his life leave little hope for many more on this side of eternity, and his death of course was not expected. During the last months of his sickness his son, Oliver, watched over him with the tenderest final care neglecting no means that could provide by labor or money to render happy the fading days of his fathers life. The community heartly sympathizes with the young gentleman.

A small child, of the family of Mr. Crane, about 3 years old fell into a tub of hot scalding water on Tuesday afternoon, and was so injured that it died during the night.


The Oconto Lumberman
May 2, 1874

Killed On The Drive.

We regret to learn the sad news of the death of Mr. William Riley, so
well known to many of our citizens. He was employed on the South Branch
of the main river drive, and while engaged in breaking a rollaway on
Monday, was crushed by two logs passing over him. He was brought to the
First National Hotel in this city, where he received good medical care
but to no purpose, and after lingering four days, expired. Mr. Riley was
a young man of exemplary habits, good integrity, and loved and respected
by all who knew him. He leaves a large circle of warm friends to mourn
his untimely end.

Cut out before he was hardly in the prime of life, it must fall with a
crushing weight upon his relatives. His acquaintances in this place did
not realize when he left them a few weeks ago, that he would be
journeying to that undiscovered bourn from whence none ever return.


Topeka, Ks., April 27. - The old man arrested at salt lake and supposed
to be Bender, has been brought to this city, and has been viewed by
hundreds of curious people. There is not a doubt but he is the true
Bender. He is being held here until persons from the scene of the
butcheries can come here to identify him.

Oconto Times
May 6, 1874

THE funeral of Mr. William Riley, which took place last Sunday, was the largest one ever witnessed in this city. In the procession there were seventy-four carriages.

Since his arrival in Oconto some few years ago, in truth it may be said, he was an exemplary young man, sober, generous and affable by the citizens, irrespective of creed, on the day of his burial. In truth the procession was solemnly grand. He was a native of the State of New York but for years has resided in Dumbarton, Ontario, Co., Canada West. He leaves a loving mother, two sisters and five brothers to mourn his untimely end.

Our enterprising photographer over the way, G.W. Wilcox, photographed the funeral procession last Sunday. The sketch was taken from the steps of Funke’s Hotel and included the entire procession from that point down to the post office corner. He has printed quite a number of copies and has them for sale at his gallery in the rear of Don Levy’s block.

A MAN calling himself James Burns was arrested on Friday last for a murder committed in Colorado. He came here about two weeks before his arrest and went to work in L.M. Pierce’s shingle mill. He had been working there but a short time when a detective, dressed in a course suit of working clothes, fell in with him, who Burns took as an associate, and after associating a few evenings together the detective arrested him and took him to Colorado where there was a $1,000. Reward offered for his arrest.
MRS. Francenay, of Manitowoc, was struck on the head by Geo. Edwards recently, and died on Sunday from the effects of it. Edwards was arrested and lodged in jail to await his trial.
The Oconto Lumberman
May 16 1874


Information wanted of John O’Neill, who left Ireland about 20 years ago,
son of Charles and Mary O’Neill, maiden name Mary Smith, of the Townland
of Corologhan, Parish of Castletarrh, County Cavan, Ireland. He is
supposed to be in Wisconsin, and if he or one of his children should see
this they will confer a great favor by addressing his aunt,
Mrs. Bridget Keogan,
No. 471 Morgan Street,
I. A. copy Chicago, Ill.

Circuit Court Oconto County

Clarinda Garvey vs. James Garvey Judgment of Divorce.

Martin Heck vs. Martha Heck. Judgment of Divorce


The funeral of young William Riley, whose flower of life was so suddenly
nipped as it began to blossom into view, was one of the most imposing,
and most numerously attended perhaps ever witnessed in the city. The
corpse was born from the National Hotel to the Roman Catholic Church. It
was encased in a handsome rose-wood coffin richly decorated with silver
mountings. Arrived at the church the sad and solemn rites of the church,
of which he was a member, were performed by the Rev. Mr. Sweibach in the
presence of over 500 persons.

The cortege from the church attracted so much attention that Mr.
beverage was requested to photograph it on Section street and Mr. Wilcox
from the corner of Superior and Main. At the cemetery the last rights
were performed and the young man was laid by his friends in an untimely
grave, whom only a few days before was of blooming form and promising

“Oh fleet and transient life, Vane and inconsistent world, thus it
passes away. One generation passeth, and another generation cometh; and
this great inn is by turns evacuated and replenished by troops of
succeeding pilgrims.”

The Oconto Lumberman
May 23, 1874


On yesterday afternoon Moses, aged four years, son of David Charles, of
the water mill was drowned in the river at that point. He was missed by
his parents, and diligent search entered into for him. Some workmen, in
the vicinity, for hours dragged the river but in vain. The father at
last, frantic, determined to find his child. Satisfied that he was in
the river, he made alone, a more thorough search, and discovered the
dead body of his beautiful child on the water a short distance from his
home. The funeral will take place on tomorrow.

The little fellow was the pride of his parents and the cherished of all
who knew him. Besides being of the kindest habits, he possessed an
uncommon share of youthful beauty. We heartly sympathize with the
bereaved parents.


The bulkhead in Gardener’s dam, on the Upper Wolf river, Shawano county,
gave way last week, carrying off nine men, of whom four were killed and
the rest reached shore more or less bruised. The names of the killed are
Nathaniel Parks, Jerry Casey, Nicholes Notts and Charles Makaka.  The
men were on the dam attempting to raise the flood gates, when the
accident happened. The body of Casey has been recovered.

The Oconto Lumberman
May 30 1874


Painfully we are called upon today to record the death of an estimable
lady, Mrs. John Doyle. She departed this life at 3 o’clock this morning,
after a painful and lingering illness.

She was a native of Carlow, Ireland, and at her death was 40 years old.
She accompanied the Hubbel family from Milwaukee, some twenty-one years
ago. Shortly after Miss Kehoe and N. Redmond, were employed by David
Jones, at the mill known as the lower steam mill. Mr. R taking charge of
the rafts at the mouth of the river, and the deceased was in charge of
the Jones’ Boarding house.

In 1855 the parties married while yet in the employ of David Jones, and
by the honest industry, and earnest toil accumulated, a sufficient sum
to purchase a homestead at the point now known as the Redmond farm.

David Jones aided the young couple, and in a short time they secured for
themselves a comfortable home.

Mr. Redmond died in December 1869. In 1872 the deceased married John
Doyle, and up to her death continued, with her usual energy, to, add to
her earned wealth.

Her loss is mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral takes
place from her late residence, at about noon to-morrow. She will be
buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery.

The Oconto Lumberman
June 27, 1874


Deputy Marshal Guck did not Elope with Mrs. Robinson.

There is an idle rumor on our streets that deputy Marshal Guck has
eloped with Mrs. Robinson, late of this city. It is a mere fabrication,
as Mr. Guck sailed from New York for Scotland, before the lady left her
home at Dubuque; Talk is cheap.

A large circle of friends and acquaintances will regret to learn of the
sudden death of Mr. John Sutherland at Charles’ Hotel on Monday last.


Willie, the son of Gilbert morrow, was drowned while bathing in the
river, near Albert Richard’s Hotel on Saturday last. Through the
exertions of A.P. Call the body was found in a few hours after the
accident, and conveyed it to his father’s house, in Frenchtown. The
funeral took place on Sunday from the French Roman Catholic church, as
was largely attended by sympathizing friends. The little fellow was gone
to his repose and has been committed to the care of a wise Omnipotence,
waiting for the morning call to enter we hope, into eternity of

We learn that there is no apparent change in Mrs. O’Neil who was sent to
the Oshkosh Insane Assylum a few weeks since.
Hereafter the ordinance prohibiting bathing in the river between Spices
mill and Mrs. Nealy’s Hotel, between the hours of 6 a. m. and 8 p. m.
will be strictly enforced.
The Oconto Lumberman
July 4, 1874


An Ocontoite Commits Suicide down in Georgia

Camp Sycamore Grove, Great Southern R. R. near Jeffersonton, Camden Co.,

Monday, July 21st, 1874
Mr. Editor;
With the sounding of the Church Bell for the early morning prayers, this
quiet Sabbath morn, came the announcement that there was a “death in
Israel.” A stranger who had came to the village the day before had
committed suicide, curiosity was on tip toe to know who it was that had
disturbed the quietude of this peaceful hamlet, and the whisper ran from
one to another of the villagers with eyes askance and a thousand
inquiries as to who the stranger could be, who it was that was weary of
life’s burdens, and would seek this secluded corner away from all
strife, stir commotion and jostling of a crowded world, who it was that
tired of treading the paths of life alone perhaps, would shorten his
road and seek the company and companionship of these gone before, who it
was that would

“Lay him down to sleep,
And pray the Lord his soul to keep.”
Following the guide we are ushered into a lonely grove of evergreens,
magnolias, live oaks, Sweet bays, and scattered here and there the
familiar old sycamore, a crowd of southerners holding an inquest over
the stranger the Foreman Col. Duncan L. Clinch, of confederate fame.
From examination it was ascertained that the suicide was Samuel Dunham,
of Oconto, Wisconsin, that he had gone to the village store and bought
the day before two one ounce bottles of laudanum, and drunk the contents
of both. An empty chloroform bottle was found near; it is supposed that
he had inhaled it to make smooth the path of death, as the body lay in
perfect composure with arms fold across the breast seemingly to have
died without a struggle. I was told that he was perfectly rational to
all knowledge of those with whom he conversed, and spoke not a word of
his intentions when buying the laudanum other to say he was getting it
for another, and inquired what quantity one should take for a dose, and
if a certain quantity would kill a person, was polite and genteel in his
deportment and conversation and talked intelligently on several topics,
machinery saw mills & c., he seemed to be without money as none was
found upon his person, he had a pocketbook and some papers that
identified him. So secluded was the place where he choose to die that
non disturbed him until the coroner’s jury examined him, after they had
got through a good coffin was made, he placed in it and carried forth
through shade and sun, followed to the grave by the villagers sad, and
wondering at the vicissitudes of life, that a stranger would have left
his home, the home of his friends, and go to a land of strangers and
Lowered into the bossom of the warm South, the prayers of strangers
went up to God to graciously remember this man of his own image and
forgave his waywardness and make him one of the fold of the happy, in
that promised land where the weary cease from trouble.
After the burial service were gotten, through with, not the cold clods
rolled in upon the coffin, but the warm earth of a Southern soil, and
the sympathetic tear of strangers watered his grave, and now under the
genial rays of a warm southern people the stranger rests from earthly
ills. Death unto all is given so cheap.
There is nothing to pay for falling to sleep.
Save closing the eyes and ceasing to weep.
I. I. Thompson

If Samuel Dunham has any friends they can correspond with Col. Clinch,
post office Waynesville, Georgia, who has his pocket book and papers.


On the 14th of April last Mrs. M. W. Coulter, accompanied by her little
son, left her home in Muskegon to visit friends in Kalamazoo. Upon
arriving in Kalamazoo, she was informed that her friends had removed,
and Mrs. Coulter was obliged to seek lodging at the Sheridan house,
Kalamazoo, leaving there on the following morning, since which time
nothing has been seen or heard of her. The lady is 27 yrs of age, though
appearing much younger, is of medium height, has light hair, and is
rather slim. The first joint of the first finger of the left hand is
disfigured by a felon. The boy is five years of age, fair complexion, is
bright and intelligent and readily answers to the name “Freddy,” Any
information concerning either of the above parties will be thankfully
received and liberally rewarded by M. W. Coulter, Grand Rapids,

The Oconto Lumberman
July 11, 1874

Dick Johnston, of the “bee tree” fame, has disposed of his farm in Maple
Valley to John Sheridan. Dick was the pioneer settler of Maple Valley,
and the people of that place have lost a true friend and enterprising

Whereas my wife Caroline Rodloff has left my bed and board without just
cause or provocation, I hereby warn all persons from harboring or
trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting.

Frederick Rodloff
Little Suamico, June 8th, 1874

The Oconto Lumberman
July 18, 1874

A man from Appleton named Spenster was in this city yesterday looking
for his son John who has been missing since the 12th of April. He is 11
years old light hair and blue eyes. Any information of his whereabouts
will thankfully received by his parents.

A brutal assault was committed yesterday afternoon near Dodge’s farm in
the town of Pensaukee upon the person of Peter Shoffer, by some unknown
rowdies. Mr. S. was so dangerously injured that medical aid was sent for
to this city. The villians beat a hasty retreat to Doyles and thence to

Yet Passing!!

Our columns have to record again today the death, after a painful
illness of one of our best citizens. William Schane, died on Saturday
afternoon, the 11th at his residence in Frenchtown.

The deceased was a Canadian by birth, and arrived in this city some 16
years ago. Since his arrival among us he engaged in the lumbering
business, and lately has been chiefly in the employ of Holt, Balcom &
Co., whose confidence he gained by a straightforward business life and
as zealous laborer for his employers interests. He married 13 years ago,
a Miss Ardwick, and leaves a widow and four children. He was interred on
Monday in the Roman Catholic burying ground. His funeral gave evidence
of the high estimation in which the deceased was held.
A large procession was formed at the house, the coffin being borne to
the church by six chief mourners. The procession was headed by the
officiating clergyman, censor and cross bearer. When the remains arrived
at the church, they were placed on a catafalque, and the last solemn
rites of the church of which he was a zealous member, were performed.
After the ceremonies the sad cortege repaired to the burial ground, and
all that was mortal of a good man consigned to a cold grave, amid the
weeping, the sobbing of fatherless babes, and the tears of a
sympathizing assemblage. His spirit has returned to his Maker, and no
doubt a happy immortality has been secured for it, by an honest
religious and blameless life,


P. Tracy, late of the Schooner Minnie Slausen, but more recently in the
lumber shoving business, was drowned on Wednesday night at the mouth of
the Oconto river.
A party of friends, of which he formed one, left the bridge about 11:00
o’clock, for their shanties at the mouth, and while on the downward trip
Tracy jumped overboard twice, and each time was hauled in by one the
crew. As the boat landed at the mouth, the unfortunate fellow seized an
oar and jumped for the third time over board. He was dragged by the
current under a raft, rendering assistance impossible.
Marshal Don Levy in the morning proceeded with grappling irons to the
place of the accident and up to this present writing the body has not
been recovered.
It is only three weeks since he left his vessel and hailed from
Milwaukee. Some time before he lived in Detroit. He leaves a wife in
Ogdensburg, New York.
The body was found this Saturday morning, floating outside the vessel
moored in the harbor, and upon the notification of the recovery, City
Marshal Don Levy procured a coffin, and repaired to the Pier, where the
remains were brought to, and conveyed them for Coroner’s Jury verdict
and burial to this city.

Sad Accident.

While the Steamer Union was landing at the pier on Tuesday, John
Shepherd, the fireman, came to his death in a very sudden manner.
The boat was blowing off steam at the time, and the noise thus made
prevented the orders of the Captain from being heard by the Engineer.
The fireman was passing the order, and while so engaged, had his head in
a side window of the boat, but protruding rather far. As the boat backed
to bring her gangway abreast of the warehouse door Shepherd’s head was
caught between a spile and the boat’s side and was literally crushed to
atoms. The body was conveyed to Green Bay, where the necessary
arrangements were made for its decent internment.

The Oconto Lumberman
August 1, 1874

Death of an Old Hermit

A man about 74 years of age named Phillip Rector, who for some time
past, has led a hermit life on the Wolf river, several miles from any
settlement, was found in his shanty nearly dead from exposure and
starvation. He was immediate cared for but died soon afterward. He said
he had relatives in Fon du Lac, but would not give their names or say
one word about himself.

The Oconto Lumberman
August 8, 1874

John Daily, who hails from Peshtigo, was found sleeping in an old
smokestack in fort Howard, being overcome with the effects of whiskey.
Justice Hunt held a confab with him, and requested $5 for city lodgings,
which was $4.60 more than said Daily had, and he went to the county jail
for three days.

After a lingering illness of many months, Rev. W. B. Hamblen of the Free
Baptist Church passed away quietly and peacefully into his eternal rest.
He died on the morning of August 6th.
Rev. Mr. Couch of the M.E. Church preached the funeral sermon at
Couillardville on Friday P.M.


The Oconto Lumberman
August 15, 1874

Shocking Accident

On Thursday afternoon of last week, another of those fearful accidents
from the careless use of kerosene oil, which it seems that no amount of
warning will prevent, occurred in this city. The victim was a girl
nearly eight years old, named Ida Kurtz, living on the corner of Webster
and Pine streets. The father was at work in Fort Howard and the mother
had gone out berrying, leaving the children at home. The child attempted
to light the fire in the kitchen stove, pouring kerosene oil on the
kindlings, and leaving the can on the stove hearth. The flame sprang
from the oil in the stove to that in the can, the can exploded and she
was enveloped in flames. A carpenter, Mr. Bauerfeint, at working on the
building, rushed to her rescue, and wrapped her up in a piece of carpet,
but her clothes were all burned off, she had inhaled flame, and her
flesh was terribly burned. She survived but a short time.

A young German named Albert Hawn, in the employ of Comstock & Simpson,
was killed while engaged about the edger. He was struck in the abdomen
by a board thrown from the saw, and expired within ten minutes after the
accident. His body was sent to his parents at Watertown for internment.

Who can read without emotion the story of the little girls in Green Bay.
The eldest was seven years of age, the youngest five. A drunken father
left them alone in their room for six days, with only a small loaf of
bread for food. When the children were found the eldest sister was
nearly dead, having refused to eat of the bread, so that her little
sister might not suffer. We hear a great deal of heroines. Does history
furnish an example equal to this?

Mr. James Conners bid his friends of this city farewell on Tuesday, and
left with his family for their new home at Stillwater Minnesota.

An Oshkosh woman had her foot cut off by a reaper day before yesterday.
The only remarkable thing about the occurrence was that it took two men
to carry the foot out in the back lot and bury it.

The Oconto Lumberman
August 22, 1874

Death of an Old Resident

On Thursday afternoon, after a lingering illness, which she bore with
Christian fortitude, and surrounded by many members of her family and
sympathizing friends. Mrs. Caroline Gilkey, departed this life at the
ripe age of 63 years. The lady was one of our old residents, and always
earned for herself an invaluable standing among her acquaintances. She
died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Links, where in her last
days she received all the kindness and care that faithful children could
procure for her, all of whom she had the happiness to know, before
bidding them a last farewell, were happily provided for. The funeral
will take place, on tomorrow, in the forenoon.


Manitowoc has been visited on the 20th with heavy thunder and vivid
lightening continuing with little intermission for fourteen hours,
resulting as far as heard from in the burning of two barns and the
killing of two young women named Murphey, in the southern part of the
county. The storm commenced about 1:00 am and lasted until 3:00 p.m.

The heavy rains of Friday has a great extent extinguishing the many
fires raging in the woods. The fire between this city and Pensaukee is
now totally extinguished.

A son of Israel came to grief this week in the honors of Justice Hart.
He was detected in stealing copper from the blacksmith shop of Holt &
Balcom and received a just reward, - 15 days as a boarder with jailor


The Oconto Lumberman
Sept. 12, 1874

(Previously printed) Whereas, my wife, Martha Ellman, has left my bed and board without just
cause and provocation, all persons are hereby forbidden to trust or
harbor her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.

Albert Ellman
Oconto, August 17th, 1874

The above which was published in the Times to prejudice and public
against me. That facts in the case are that on Monday evening the 20th
of August, my husband left me for parts unknown, without just cause or
provocation; but not before he beat and maltreated me in a most shameful
manner, turning me out of doors, upon the manner, turning me out of
doors, upon the cold charities of the world. He deprived me of my
clothing, leaving me destitute of a second dress or garment of any
This is a sad tale for a wife of seventeen to have to relate at the
expiation of a two months marriage with a man of 38 years. I am a
stranger in this city with the exception of my sisters family and I defy
any person to say ought against my character.

Martha Ellmann

Claude Trotter who was committed to jail some time since for
burglarizing Hall and Luby’s stores was released on bail yesterday.

The Oconto Lumberman
Sept. 26, 1874


Big Shell and a Party of Roughs Beat a Man and Leave Him for Dead!

A serious row took place on Sunday evening last at the west-end of the
Pier. A party of roughs entered the saloon of Larsmus Lorsen and with no
provocation assaulted and brutally mal-treated him.
He was found in a senseless condition some tow hours after the affray,
bleeding and terribly mangles. He did not receive medical aid until next
morning, and is now doing well. Such lawless deeds deserve general
condemnation and should receive the strictest punishment known to law.
These salbath orgies are becoming too numerous, and seem to pass

Aconemie Oshkosh, chief of the Menomonees, who killed a man in a drunken
frolic, in 1872, has been pardoned and gone home to his tribe. The
Indians celebrated his return with a great feast.

The Oconto Lumberman
Oct. 17, 1874


As Hunter Orr and John Lesperance were crusing through the woods about
one and a half miles South of the Ox-Bow road on the Oconto river, they
came on the skeleton of a man who evidently been hung as the rope was in
a noose around his neck, his coat and shoes can be seen at the store of
Hunter Orr & Co.


Whereas my wife, Matilda Challender, has left my bed and board, with out
just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all parties to trust her on
my account. Nicholas Challender.

Careless Driving --- Narrow Escape.

A teamster named Williams, and two young men from Stiles, whose names we
were unable to learn, were thrown from a lumber wagon by the rear end of
the vehicle coming into contact with a locomotive of the up bound
freight this morning, at the Main street crossing. Fortunately only one
of the party was seriously injured.

October 31, 1874

The German Lutheran church is completed and service will be held there tomorrow.

Mr. Charles Quirt has recently built a new house on his place; we found about 20 of his neighbors assisting him in clearing land, much interest is being manifested by all in improving their farms and husbanding their earnings.

**MYSTERIOUS. - In clearing away the rubble from where Mr. Mitchell's
barn was burned, it was impossible to find a buckle. Back-pad or harness
- which were of iron - on the premises. This is, certainly  very
conclusive that the harness must have been stolen before the building
was fired.

**MURDER. - On Monday afternoon a party of our citizens, consisting of
Hunter Orr, Wm. M. Underhill and Dr. Beebe, started out after the
remains of the man that Hunter Orr had discovered in the vicinity of the
Big Bend on Friday last. The remains, as we before stated was found 1 ½
miles southwest from the Big Bend of the Oconto River. Further
discoveries that this brings it about ½ miles west of Wm. Nason's place
between this city and Pensaukee. Upon examining the remains it was
ascertained that the rope was not more than 5 feet long with a noose at
each end and both them around the neck. It was also noticed that the
body or skeleton was not laying directly under any tree, but on the
contrary there were no trees within several feet of it's vicinity, as
both ends of the rope round it's neck, and the loop naturally formed by
doubling the rope was only two feet long, which would not admit of tying
to any limb of sufficient size and strength to hold such weight. Upon
examining the skeleton at the office of Dr. Beebe, where it was brought,
it was proven beyond a doubt that the man had meet with foul play, as
his shoulder blade had been broken, besides the fractured skull that we
spoke of in our last issue. And it was the opinion of all present that
the rope had been placed around the neck for the purpose of dragging the
body to the place where found, from the place it was murdered. Another
thing we had almost forgotten to state, was that no hat was found in the
vicinity of the body, which is another proof that it was drawn there, If
it was the case of suicide the hat would have been found as all the rest
of the clothing was unmolested. The question is, who was the man and who
was the murder.


**Last week we made the trip to the settlement in  Maple Valley and were
much pleased to note the improvements since our last visit to that
fertile township one year since. Between two and three years ago, George
Trecartain, Mr. Post, Lorenzo Lord and a few other preserving men
commenced felling the mighty forest and preparing for themselves future
homes. They were obliged to encounter many difficulties; none were men
of means; they were thirty miles from market, with no roads, no mills
and not even a Physician in their midst; but they were by no means
discouraged, or disheartened, but like true pioneers with strong arms
and determined will, they opened roads, built cabins, cleared a few
acres and commenced raising crops. Where three years ago all was a vast
wilderness, now, hundreds of acres are under cultivation, from which
large crops have been gathered the past season. There is no better soil
in the State of Wisconsin, nor any place in the America, we believe,
where vegetables yield more plentiful, or grow to a greater size than in
this most beautiful valley. 
We were permitted to visit the cellars of Mess's Post, Lord and Martain,
and found them well filled with every conceivable king of vegetables of
the finest quality and largest size. We also noticed many fine 
specimens of hogs and sheep; of the latter, Mr. Lord has some which he
assures us sheared 9 1/4  lb of wool each season.
We made call at the cabin of Mr. Simon Buttler, where we found three men
at work clearing and fencing land. Mr. Buttler has a beautiful tract of
land, a few acres of which he cultivated the past season.
The McMahon, Smith, Rabe, Johnson and other families are making extensive
improvements, and the day is not far distant when Maple valley will be
one of the richest and most productive towns in our State. 

Oconto County Reporter
November 7, 1874

Mr. J.S. Dolan, late of the Commercial House, has annexed a first class meat market to his grocery store in Wal Heath’s old stand.

The different soda fountains in town are now being stowed away.  The business don’t pay.

The fishing season bids fair to surpass any previous one for a number of years passed.  The catch until quite recently, has consisted principally of herring.  But now white fish, the pride and joy of a fishermans heart, are beginning to run in large quantities.

The Oconto Lumberman
Nov. 14, 1874

A Famine Within 15 miles of Oconto.

The Kewaunee Enterprise states, on the authority of Joseph Wery,
chairman of the town of Red River, that in consequence of the almost
total failure of the crops in that town, sixty-two families have applied
to the authorities for relief, and that the same condition of affairs,
to a greater or less degree, exists in Brussels, Gardner, Union, and
other towns of Door County.

Mr. John B. Salscheider died last Thursday about three o’clock, at his
residence in Duck Creek. Mr. Salscheider was an old and respected
citizen, and his loss will be regretted by many friends, among whom he
was extremely popular.

That Skeleton

There is now every reason to suppose that the skeleton found near
Nason’s Hotel de swamp-Angle some few weeks since are those of Julius
White, as his friends have received information that he never reached
his relatives in Minnesota.

Fatal Accident

Thursday night late as William McDowell was proceeding with a load of
supplies for logging purposes on the Little river, because of the
darkness of the night, and rough character of the road, his wagon was
overturned throwing him under the wheels, which passed over his head,
crushing his skull, and causing immediate death. One or two companions
escaped unhurt, and gave every attention to the injured man, whom they
immediately conveyed to his home.
A wife and six fatherless babes were left to mourn his untimely end.

Nov. 21, 1874

There is a suspicion that the skeleton of the supposed murdered man
found about two weeks ago, was that of Louis White, who lived in the
town of Oconto. He was married to a squaw. He left her about two years
ago, saying he was going to Minnesota, but has never been heard from again. 

Mr. Thomas Simons of the town of Oconto raised potatoes that will weigh over three pounds each and they averaged or 12 pounds to the hill.

Mr. Thomas Morrison has added a trimming and upholstering department to his carriage shop and is now prepared to do all work in this line at reasonable rate and in the most workmanlike manner.

James Porter has finished his new residence and expects to move into it this week.

Our old friend George Knapp has a well filled store on the south side where he is always to be found with a smiling countenance, ready to attend to the wants of his customers.

House warming—Mr. M.C. Beverage gave an opening entertainment at his new photograph gallery in Funk’s block on Monday evening, November 16.

Oconto County Reporter
November 28, 1874

Navigation has closed on the Oconto River.  Our tugs and the steamer Northwest have laid up and are preparing for a long and tedious winter.  No more vessels are expected to this port, therefore no more lumber will be shipped.

The steamer Northwest took into Green Bay lately 1060 packages of fish which weighed 88 tons.  This is the largest load of fish ever taken into that city at one time.

A pauper, known as “Whiskey Bill” died at the Richard House Saturday afternoon.

Wall Heath is sufficiently recovered to be able to walk about.  Mr. Heath has been confined to his home for a long time.

Ida Jones, the daughter of Robert A. Jones of this city, is dangerously ill with typhoid fever.

Fire—The dwelling house owned by P.T. Williams, Oconto, and in the rear of his store, occupied by Mrs. DesJarles, was consumed by fire about three Wednesday morning.  Loss was about $ 2,000 and insurance $ 1,300.  Mrs. DesJarles lost about $ 20 in money and $ 50 worth of goods.  The fire was caused by a defective chimney.

The Oconto Lumberman
Nov. 28, 1874

We learn that a man named Dow was shot near Peshtigo on Friday
afternoon. He had a trap gun set for deer and upon going out to examine
it he accidentally tripped and fell across the string, causing the
discharge of the gun. The entire contents of the piece lodged in the
unfortunate man’s breast. He was still alive at last accounts, but there
was no hope of his recovery.

J. Berry, aged 96, the oldest printer in the United States died on
Wednesday last in St. Louis. His first “take” was Washington Obituary.

(Quote from the Oconto County Reporter)
On Thursday afternoon our Devil on going up Main Street, picked up a
bundle of papers in front of the bank, which he supposed were used as a
bustle. He thinks the young lady has been trying to fix herself up a
little, as he has seen several others do when going by the windows of
the bank. It is composed of ledgers, Saturday Nights, Days doings,
Lumberman, and Police Gazettes. We could never before imagine what the
Lumberman was good for. But we admit that it can be made in this way to
serve a purpose.

(Reply from the Lumberman)
---Oconto Reporter
Keep on Mr. Reporter, use the Lumberman on the part you speak of, and in
a short time that special part will be better instructed then your

Oconto County Reporter
December 5, 1874

One of our Justices the other day received two pecks of onions as a marriage fee.

Mike O’Connor, better known to our citizens as Red-Handed-Mike, is doing Duluth.  The Duluth Herald in speaking of him says, “Mr. O’Connor is an agreeable gentleman, as easy and smooth in his manners as a lawyer.”

The Oconto Lumberman
Dec. 5 1874

George Merline, who has spent the summer in his German home, writes
from Baltimore that he will reach his, adopted one, Oconto, in short

The Oconto Lumberman
Dec. 12, 1874

That Skeleton Again.

A gentleman from Upper Pensaukee was in town this week, and expresses
his belief that the skeleton, lately found in the woods, a few miles
outside town might have been that person named McKnight who lived with
his family near that place. He was in this city last spring, and had in
his possession the proceeds of the sale of stock, and other products of
the farm, some $400. He was also accompanied by a dog, neither of which
have been heard from. He left this city on foot, for his home in Pensaukee.
He is reported as being given to intoxication. It seems that ordinary
diligence might throw some light on this dark deed, and the perpetuators
of it brought to justice, for murder will out.

Lumberman Killed

Nelson Perrigo, was killed this week in Tom Nelson’s camp by a falling
tree. Mr. Perrigo was an old settler.

The Oconto Lumberman
Dec. 19, 1874

And Yet that Skeleton

It Turns out to be Mcknight- The Remains of his Dog Found

Mr. Hunter Orr, who was one of the parties that discovered the skeleton
of a human being, in the woods near Hotel de Nason, called upon us this
week to state that a dog was also dead near the man’s remains, with
skull and foreleg broken.- evidence of course of brut force. Mr. Orr,
can give a description of the animal. We reiterate:-let the authorities
act and the criminal may be discovered. It is more then certain that
McKnight was the victim. His friends should see to the matter. We have
officers paid for the transaction of such business, and these officers
should not be sinecures.