Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1873

Feb. 1, 1873

** A man by the name of George H. Page, alias Thomas B. Morton,
attempted to murder his wife and mother-in-law at Pentwater, Mich. the
other day. He was formerly a resident of Oconto, but originally from
Portland, Me. Both the women were severely wounded. - Menominee Herald

This must be the same couple who lived in our city about two years ago.
Most of our readers will remember that one Thomas B. Morton executed
fine work in painting in this city, and that he and his wife did not
live very happy.

April 19, 1873

**  MR. WALTER PHILLIPPS has commenced the erection of a very commodious
barn on Oconto street in the rear of the city hotel. We understand the
barn is to be used as a Livery Stable. Mr. Phillipps informs us that he
will soon commence the erection of two brick stores on the vacant lots
east of Don Levy's block. We need more such enterprising men as Mr.
Phillipps in our city.

**  The Oshkosh Insane Hospital opens this week for a limited number of
patients, and will within a few days be ready to fill up it's maximum
capacity, which will be between 150 and 180.  From 75 to 100 of this
number will be taken from the Madison Hospital, and will be brought over
the week or next in a special train for that purpose.


May 10, 1873


Quite a serious stabbing occurred Thursday night between 9 and 10
o'clock on the sidewalk near Brunquest's store. It appears the a young
man by the name of James white and a comrade were taking a glass of beer
in a saloon, when another man by the name of Adam Kodleg came in and
insulted White and called him some very hard names, which White returned
with a blow, where upon he was pushed upon the side walk, where Kodleg
knocked him down either by a stab in the head or by striking him with a
club, and then he stabbed him 21 times in the head, back and hand, some
of them being quite severe cuts. Kodleg was then arrested and taken to
jail, and White conveyed home and had his wounds properly dress. He is
in a very critical state, but will probably recover. Kodleg is a very
quarrelsome fellow and should be placed where he will be powerless to do
no harm. Thursday afternoon a report was current that Kodling had hung
himself to the door of his cell. But unfortunately for the community,
the report was groundless. White is a fine looking and splendidly formed
young man, and has always had the reputation of being a quiet and
peaceable fellow.

May 17, 1873

** We noticed the other day a lady in tights in the upper part of our
city, and it was not a very good day for tights either.

Oconto sportsmen would do well to take a trip to Maple Valley. Bears are
plentiful there. The 11th inst. John Erixon had an encounter with "old
Bruin" and managed to kill him with an ax; so of course his bearship got
skinned. But there are still four of his followers to mourn his loss.

June 19, 1873

OBITUARY- A man named Frank Duane in the employ of the Stiles Co., was
accidentally shot and fatally wounded while he was removing his gun from
a canoe. 

** James McDougald had a valuable cow killed on the 4th by a tree
falling on her during the tornado.

July 26, 1873

** We see by the Fort Howard Herald that Mr. H. Perrigo was married
there last Saturday.

** Daniel Bread (Breed), Chief of the Oneida Nation, died at the reservation on
Monday morning last at the advanced age of 84 years.

** A little three year old son of Mr. Gray had a leg broken on day last
week by the falling off a pile of lumber upon which he was playing. Dr.
Adams attended him, and he is doing well.

October 11, 1873

** Sad Accident- A young man living at Pensaukee, met with a very
serious accident on Thursday afternoon of this week. While in the field
he noticed several partridges and went in the house for his gun, which
was hanging up against the wall at the time, he took it down and while
attempting to pull the ram rod from it's place the gun went off and he
received the whole charge in his left hand; horribly mutilating it and
blowing three of his fingers entirely away. After the accident he walked
over a mile for a horse and then road to this city on horseback for
surgical aid. The wound was dressed by Dr. Adams of this city.

The Oconto Lumberman
December 13, 1873

Mustered out

Another member of the first company furnished by Oconto for the service in the War of the Rebellion, has answered his last “Roll Call”.
For another member of that company, has the bulge surrounded “Tattoo,” and in obedience to the “Taps” his light has been pulled out.
The light of life, that for years had been “Flaring in the Socket,” is extinguished; the brave soldier that while in the service never shirked a duty, or knowingly disobeyed an order; never feared an enemy in the field, or feared a searching scruting of his record as a soldier; has received his final statement and discharge, and has gone to join that immense army whose term of service is Eternity.

How fast they are going! Little more that twelve years ago one hundred and one men were mustered into the Military Service of the United States, as Co. H 4th Wis. Vol’s. Where are they now?

Lanning, Brown, Heap, Dodge, Haskell, O’Leary, Carpenter, Andrews, Holms, Layman, Minnick, Malbett, Newmen, Otto, Perrique, Tourtilotte, Huliham, Poach, Millen, Kennedy, McDonough, Morrison, Banka, Gardner, Bills, Haffmon, McCabe, McIntire, Young, Moissell, Murphy, Manuel, Price, Ramsay, and Curry, have gone to return no more. Some sleeping in unknown graves in Virginia; some wrapped in their blankets, are shallowly buried beneath the Magnolias of Louisiana, some quietly resting under the Pines of Wisconsin. Comrades of Co. “H” does the thought ever occur to you, which among our number will be the next detailed to take up the solemn and solitary march to join the Army that has gone before?
Sad is the thought, that in a few years at most, the last one of us will stand upon the “Hether bank” of the “dark river” that separate the yous from the “other shore”. How much then it behooves us to see that, like provident soldiers, we are supplied with the proper amount of “Pontoons” in the form of duties done, on which we may cross the “Dark Flood” in safety and with triumph.

Daniel Curry enrolled his name with the “Oconto River Drivers” on the 16th of May 1861, and was with that Company mustered into the United States service at camp Utley Racine, July 9th 1861. He moved with the command to Baltimore, the relay-House, went with it through the Peninsula Campaign, from that to Fortress Monroe and Newport-News; from there to Ship Island, assisted at the capture of New Orleans  and it’s defences, was with it at Vicksburg and through the Red River Campaign, and shared it’s dangers for forty-two days and nights at Port Hudson. In fact was with it while it circumnavigated the Confederacy, with the exceptions of Texas and Arkansas. He was discharged at Morganza, La., in the fall of 1864 by reason of expiration of term of enlistment.
During Mr. Curry’s term of enlistment he was a good and true soldier, and enjoyed the full confidence of his officers and commanders. Though not an American, he, like many other foreign soldiers in our army, concientionusly believed, that he was fighting in the interest of humanity while fighting for the integrity of institutions that guaranteed all men the possession of “Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Mr. Curry had for years suffered with consumption, and much of the time was entirely unable to labor. He was not confined to his bed until the 12th ult. On the evening of the 15th ult. Though strong in will, the enfeabled body could not hold out no longer, and he quietly and peacefully passed away. On the 7th ult. His remains in the Catholic cemetery of Oconto. May Mother Earth rest lightly on him.
                                                                    Gillett Town, Wis.

Death of an old Citizen

John Tierman, an old and respected citizen of Fort Howard, died on the morning of the 12th inst., in the 72nd year of his age. He was in his younger days an English soldier, and performed duty in St. Helena at the death of Napoleon. In 1849 he came to Wisconsin, and in 1850 settled in Fort Howard. He was the builder of the first frame house in that place, and engaged at the time in shipbuilding and constructed the first steamboat for the Fox River.
His death has caused a feeling of sympathetic sorrow through the whole circle of acquaintances.

Narrow escape.

Two Men Rescued from the Jaws of Death.

Messrs. Ed. Daniels and John Spaulding came near being castaway on the ice last Tuesday. They went out in the morning on the ice near the mouth of the Bay, and while they were at work setting their nets the wind sprung up and the ice commenced to move out with them. They made their way down to Little Harbor, expecting to get ashore but found the ice had also parted from the shore. Fortunately they happened to see Mr. Geo. King, who at once went after a boat and had it brought around to the open water and rescued the involuntary and unwilling voyagers from their perilous position.