Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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Flash From The Past - 1872

Feb. 3, 1872

** ACCIDENT. - Our friend, James McDonald, was recently quite severely
injured, and narrowly escaped the loss of life, by the busting of a gun
in his hands, while hunting, receiving a number of wounds about his face
and head, that will necessitate his remaining in doors for a number of
weeks. We regret the happening of this accident to him, as severs him
from the out of door life he enjoys so well in the midst of winter's
finest weather. We hope for his speedy recovery.

** Sometime during the present week, a young man, named Vick Soler,
while engaged in unloading logs from a sleigh up on the Peshtigo River,
with a hand spike, had his shoulder broken by the logs rolling upon the
hand spike before he could free himself from his position. He was
attended by Dr. Adams, of this city, who dressed and cared for his

** The past few weeks seem to have been more than ordinarily
characterized by the happening of accidents to the men engaged at work
in the woods, and the utmost caution needs to be exercised to avoid the
danger of life and limbs in the vicinity of constantly falling trees. We
hope the injuries of Mr. Soler may not prove of a dangerous character.

** Little Suamico
A sad accident occurred at Little Suamico last week Mr. J. Lucas'
logging camp, a short distance from Peter's Mill.
A young man from Watertown, by the name of Jerry Smith, was struck on
the head by a falling tree instantly killed. His friends were
telegraphed for and his sad crushed remains were taken to his former
home for internment.

Feb. 10, 1872

** BEATEN. - We are informed by J. Winslow, that Mr. McCarthy, foreman
in the Co.'s. Camp on the Peshtigo, banked 23 logs at a load, with one
horse, scaling a little over 5,000 feet. How's that Chancey? 

Fast driving will soon be prohibited in the city; our city fathers have
passed an ordinance prohibiting driving faster than six miles an hour.
Alderman Porter will have to hold up his fast colt while passing through
the streets.

** Logs still continue to go by our office in large quanities every day.

March 2,1872

** Old setters say this has been the best winter for lumbering purposes
of any within their recollection.

** All our business men are anticipating a lively time and good trade
generally, when the boys emerge from the pineries, which will be in a
few days.

June 22, 1872

** The good work of creating fine residences and business houses still
goes on in our young city, we are happy to say. Among the former are
residences of G.T. Poter and Warren Kelligan. Both are to be fine
residences and very pleasantly located. Among the business houses is the
fine new block of Don Levy's, just finished, and which now yields him a
revenue sufficient to pay for it's creation in three years.

August 8, 1872

** Next to the expulsion of the Jesuits, the subject most discussed in
Germany just now is the necessity of reducing the flow of emigration to
the United States. The vast increase of emigration, this year, seems to
have awakened the Government to the realization of its loss, and the one
is given to the semi-official and conservative press to raise the cry of
alarm. The Cross Gazette fills it's columns with doleful accounts from
various districts, where villages have been completely reduced by the
"American fever", and asks "why does not the state levy am emigration
tax! Let there be a tax of 50 thalers per head for every adult," In
similar strains a large number of journals are daily uttering their
grief over the prevailing emigration fever, and Bismarck's organ joins
in the complaint, though it lays the fault on emigration agents, who, it
says allure the credulous victim by fraud and deception, and bring woo
and ruin on families and entire communities. It particularly points the
window of scorn at a certain agent William L. Rowland, who a man of
attractive exterior and engaging matters, came from the United States
with a sort of power of attorney to engage emigrates for the unsettled
districts. "Look out for him," says the Nord Deutscho Zeitung; "he is
not a licensed agent of Germany, and should be denounced by all well
disposed parties whom he approaches with his deceptive offers." The
Vossische Zeitung reports that orders have been given to arrest all
individuals who persuade people to emigrate. All persons not supplied
with papers saying they are fully entitled to emigrate; that they have
left no indignant family behind, and that they are not liable to
military duty; shall be stopped at their expense at the shipping port.
It further cites a law, visiting an evasion of the military duty with a
penalty of 50 to 1,000 thalers, and imprisonment from one month to one

August 24, 1872

** By many of our citizens (when the iron horse reached Oconto) it was
supposed that the city proper would gradually work it's way up toward
the depot, and some of our citizens actually paid exhorbiant prices for
lots adjacent to said depot; but now that the Rail Road excitement has
died away the old routine of business is once more resumed, and all the
good substantial business houses are built as in other cities- some
distance from the depot. We might say that at the time think that the
old order of things and passed away, and the new era had begun. But we
would like to ask those speculators what profit they would take on their