Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
Collected and posted by BILL
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    Quarterline School

6005 Quarter Line Road
Town of Gillett

Oconto County, Wisconsin

built 1907
(now a private residence)
Quarterline School   Gillett, Wisconsin
Front Row left - right
Kenneth Heckendorf, Walter Ruege, Wilber Jones, ? Rudy, ? Kitzman, Earl Jones, Sterling Rudy, ? Kitzman, Victor Heckendorf.
Middle Row left - right
? Kitzman, Charlotte Kitzman, Casey Jones, Melvin Ruege, Rodney Jenell, Bette Fredrick, Cora Jewel, Jeau Fredrick, Bette Rudy.
Back Row left - right
Harvey Jewel, Harold Heckendorf, Velds Kitzman, Fransis Gilbertson, Pearl Hall, Dolores Hall, Leonard Ruege, William Ruege.
Teacher: Brian Jones

contributed by: Beth Burk

Here is the photo of the class from Quarter Line School. 

The second attachment contains the names of those children that my mother could remember.  My mother was Bette Fredrick - she's in the second row, 6th girl from the left.  Mom's sister, Jean, is also in the second row, the second from the right.  If you can't read the full name of the teacher, his name was Bryan Jones. My mother passed away in 2005. 

Although I can't tell you exactly what year this was taken, I can tell you that my mother was born in 1926 and her sister, Jean, was born in 1929. Jean looks to be about 5 years old, which would make my mother 8 years old. (I'm assuming that kids started school at age 5.)  If that's the case, this picture would have been taken around 1934.

Beth Burk


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