FROSTVILLE SCHOOL 1914-1915 - SURING - Standing back
row ( left to right ) Mildred Anderson Zieveis - d
of Maple Valley
County Road Z
County, Wisconsin

Frostville school that was built in 1904 of local
clay bricks. The addition in the rear of the photo was added in 1917.

Bruce Paulson

"A. C. Frost
standing on stump in front
of newly completed schoolhouse,
Frostville, Wisc., early 1880's"
Pacetti Collection

Oconto County Reporter
Standing back row ( left to right ) Mildred
Anderson Zieveis - deceased, Ruth Kurtz, Genevieve Senger, Celia
Arveson, Florence Thlelko Huss, Stella Hanson, Frances Nelessen -
deceased, Coletta Nelessen Nemoure, Ruth Arveson Mikkelson, Anna
Nelson, John Thielke, Jens Anderson (Jim) - deceased, Harold Koldrup -
deceased, Clement Huberty - deceased, William Champeau, Eugene Baily
Phillips -deceased, Ervin Mikkelson, Hugo Fisher, Louis Stix - deceased.
Standing next row - Adolph Fisher, Peter Huberty, Sidney Hanson, Vernon Hanson.
Next row seated - Clara Schaffer
Hanson, Emma Fisher, Linda Nelson Sorenson, Mary Nelessen Lindl, Ruby
Hougaard Sundell, Astrid Iverson, Esther Koldrup Genke, Hlldegard
Senger Redmond, Leah Kurtz, George Jorgenson, June Nelson - deceased,
Helga Thomson LaFleure, Alice Benz Cisar, Wesley Anderson - deceased,
Ruth Kurtz,
Genevieve Senger, Celia Arveson, Florence Thlelko Huss, Stella Hanson,
Frances Nelessen - deceased, Coletta Nelessen Nemoure, Ruth Arveson
Mikkelson, Anna Nelson, John Thielke, Jens Anderson (Jim) - deceased,
Harold Koldrup - deceased, Clement Huberty - deceased, William
Champeau, Eugene Baily Phillips -deceased, Ervin Mikkelson, Hugo
Fisher, Louis Stix, deceased.
Front row - Cecelia Dyer, Clara Nelessen (Sr. M, of St. Frances
Therese) - deceased, Blanche Thielke Broetzman, Clarence Thielke, Lydia
Nelson, Nadine Nelson - deceased, Victoria Champeau (Guenther), Ellen
Koldrup Stevens, Hilda Jorgenson, Lawrence Thielke, Chester Arveson,
Hobert Schaffer, Urban Huberty, Harold Phillips. Teacher - Minnie Van
Cleve - deceased.
Absent the day the picture was taken - Alma Huberty, Roy Champeau, Tom
Sylvester, Henry Sylvester, Maud Sylvester - deceased, Mable Anderson
Zieveis (Ziereis), Nelda Senger, Leona Hanson Otto, Fulton Fisher, No. 1 and
Fulton Fisher, No. 2, Anna Stix.
This was a school to be remembered. Only one teacher for eight grades
with a total enrollment of sixty four pupils. The teacher was respected
by the students.