article contributed
from the 1953 news article below)
The first school in this district was an old log building located where
Clifford Frank now lives. The record available begin with the annual
meeting held in 1894. although it is known that a school existed many
years before that time. Nellie Watts was the teacher in 1894. and she
received $25.00 a month. School was held for 7 months, 4 months in the
Fall and 3 months in the Spring. Mr. Wm. Frank was the clerk and J. H.
Frank was treasurer. Their salary amounted to $9.00 per term. The board
paid 60c to 75c per cord for wood. The janitor was paid 10c per day.
In 1907 the present brick school building was built. A 24x40 ft. by
14 ft. high structure. It is located on the Southwest corner of SW NW
of Section 8, Township 28, Range 17. This lot was bought from Herman
Whildt for $11.50. Julius Lemke was paid $843.00 to furnish all
material (except brick) and build the building. The old log school
house was then sold to Wm. Stiei for $5.50.
After the year 1919, school was held for 9 months every year.
In 1916 the fountain was drilled by Koepsell & Seeman and is
still flowing today.
In 1951 the sum of $4.50 was paid per cord of wood. In 1902 an oil
burner was installed, and in 1953 the school was painted, and new
desks, recitation chairs, and other improvements were made. The
children living more than two miles are now being transported.
The present school board is Mrs. Clyde Schroeder, clerk, with a salary
of $40.00 a term. Clifford Frank, treasurer, $35.00, and Alfred Strei,
director receiving $35 a term.
Mr. Ray Gauthier. Suring, Rt. 2, is the teacher this year.