by Larry Grady
(transcribed from news article below)
Four Town School District was organized at a meeting held at the Bahrke
home April 13, 1915. The first officers were John Rice, clerk; George
Brusev'tz, director, and Charles Benz, treasurer. They received a
salary of six, six and eleven dollars. The building was contracted to
be built by Julius Lemke for the sum of $1,805.00. The plot of ground
was leased for $2.00 from Ed. Reinhold. A fee of $2.00 was paid a
lawyer to establish the district which formerly had been part of
Claywood and Sunny Lawn. Much of the work was done by men of the
district with their labor donated and only material being paid for.
The name of Four Town was gotten
from the fact that the school district is made up of part of the town
of How, Gillett, Maple Valley and Underhill. The school building is in
the Northwest Corner of the Town of Gillett.
Many of the supplies were
purchased from Bocher Bros, of Gillett. The first heating plant was
purchased from the Hart Heating Co. for $100.00. This was replaced by a
modern oil burner in 1952 for a sum about five times that' of the old
heating plant.
The first teacher was Fannie
Statler who taught for $44.55 per
month. The second year she received a raise, her salary now was $47.62.
She stayed in the district and would board the train at Claywood and go
home from there.
In 1918 Ed Barke and Adolph
Edmarks took George Brusewitz and Charles Benz place on the school
board. Helen Sladkey and Edward Wynek were the next two teachers. The
school didn't have a large bell at this time so Mr. VVunek gave socials
and programs until he had enough money to buy a bell, but the bell
hadn't been installed before the close of the school year and he had to
come to visit school the following year so he'd have a chance to ring
the bell.
The following are some ol the
teachers that have taught at the Four Town School. Fannie Statler,
Helen Sladkey, Edward Yynek. Katheryn McHugh, Alice Meles, Ben Jensen,
Mabel Sorenson, Ellen Johnson, Marie Larson, Lilly Nielson, Otto
Neuman, Carmen Rice, Hugh Fisher, Margaret Otradovec, Elsie Schafrick.
Mrs. Robert Melchoir. Lionel Whiting, Mrs. Elva Belongia, Mrs. Esther
Pasterski, Mrs. Dolores Bucholz, Mrs. Kathleen Benz. Mrs. Victoria
Kamke. and Mrs. Mildred Buseman.
Following the original school
board members were: Fred Adams, Adolph Edmarks, Ed, Reinhold. Ed.
Bahrke, Otto Rusch, Fred Schneider, Gus Pardohn, Martin Smit, John
Bahrke. Mr. Rusch was treasurer for 30 years, that is from 1922 until
his death, then his wife finished his term of office.
The recent improvements to the school
besides the oil burner are the floors sanded and refinished in a light
varnish, movable seats and the building insulated. We have a very
modern looking room now.
The school may look the same to
a passerby, but many new, teaching devices are being used to teach the
children the so called 3 R's.